note description: "Address table indexed by class_id" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ADDRESS_TABLE inherit HASH_TABLE [HASH_TABLE [ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY, INTEGER], INTEGER] rename make as make_hash_table, has_key as has_table_of_class, item as table_of_class, cursor as ht_cursor export {ADDRESS_TABLE} all {ANY} merge, has_table_of_class, table_of_class, found_item end SHARED_CODE_FILES undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_TABLE undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_TMP_SERVER undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_DECLARATIONS undefine is_equal, copy end COMPILER_EXPORTER undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_GENERATION undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_TYPE_I undefine is_equal, copy end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER undefine is_equal, copy end create {SYSTEM_I} make create {ADDRESS_TABLE} make_hash_table feature -- Initialize make do make_hash_table (100) create dollar_id_counter end feature -- Access has_dollar_operator (class_id: INTEGER; feature_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the feature in the table? require class_id_valid: class_id > 0 feature_id_valid: feature_id > 0 do if has_table_of_class (class_id) and then found_item.has_key (feature_id) then Result := found_item.found_item.has_dollar_op end end class_has_dollar_operator (a_class_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does the class with class_id a_class_id has at least one dollar-operator ? local l_table_of_class: like table_of_class do l_table_of_class := table_of_class (a_class_id) if l_table_of_class /= Void then from l_table_of_class.start until Result or l_table_of_class.after loop if l_table_of_class.item_for_iteration.has_dollar_op then Result := True else l_table_of_class.forth end end end end has_agent (a_class_id, a_feature_id: INTEGER; a_is_target_closed: BOOLEAN; o_map: like empty_omap): BOOLEAN -- Is there an agent registered with the given parameters? do Result := has_table_of_class (a_class_id) if Result then Result := found_item.has_key (a_feature_id) if Result then Result := found_item.found_item.has (make_reordering (a_is_target_closed, o_map)) end end end is_lazy (a_class_id, a_feature_id: INTEGER; a_is_target_closed: BOOLEAN; a_omap: like empty_omap): BOOLEAN -- Is the agent with the given parameters lazy? Meaning that there is no ececil entry generated for it. require class_id_valid: a_class_id > 0 and then has_table_of_class (a_class_id) feature_id_valid: a_feature_id > 0 and then table_of_class (a_class_id).has (a_feature_id) has_reordering: table_of_class (a_class_id).item (a_feature_id).has (make_reordering (a_is_target_closed, a_omap)) do Result := table_of_class (a_class_id).item (a_feature_id).item (make_reordering (a_is_target_closed, a_omap)).frozen_age = new_frozen_age end id_of_dollar_feature (a_class_id, a_feature_id: INTEGER; a_class_type: CLASS_TYPE): INTEGER -- The dispatch_table id for the given feature require a_class_type_not_void: a_class_type /= Void dollar_feature_valid: has_table_of_class (a_class_id) and then found_item.has_key (a_feature_id) and then found_item.found_item.has_dollar_op and then found_item.found_item.dollar_ids.has (a_class_type.static_type_id) do Result := table_of_class (a_class_id).item (a_feature_id).dollar_ids.item (a_class_type.static_type_id) end update_ids -- Recalculates all the ids for the dollar_operator dispatch_table. There is no dispatch table for agents! local l_table_of_class: like table_of_class l_class: CLASS_C l_feature_id: INTEGER l_table_entry: ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY l_feature: FEATURE_I l_type_id: INTEGER do from start until after loop l_class := System.class_of_id (key_for_iteration) if l_class /= Void then from l_table_of_class := item_for_iteration l_table_of_class.start until l_table_of_class.after loop l_feature_id := l_table_of_class.key_for_iteration l_table_entry := l_table_of_class.item_for_iteration l_feature := l_class.feature_table.feature_of_feature_id (l_feature_id) if l_feature = Void and then l_class.is_eiffel_class_c then -- maybe its an inline agent l_feature := l_class.eiffel_class_c.inline_agent_of_id (l_feature_id) end if l_feature = Void then l_table_of_class.remove (l_feature_id) else if l_table_entry.has_dollar_op then across l_class.types as t loop l_type_id := t.item.static_type_id if not l_table_entry.dollar_ids.has (l_type_id) then l_table_entry.dollar_ids.put (, l_type_id) end end end from l_table_entry.start until l_table_entry.after loop l_table_entry.item_for_iteration.set_frozen_age (new_frozen_age) l_table_entry.forth end l_table_of_class.forth end end end forth end if new_frozen_age = 0 then new_frozen_age := 1 else new_frozen_age := 0 end end feature -- Register record_dollar_op (a_class_id, a_feature_id: INTEGER) -- Records a dollar op for the given feature in the address table require class_id_valid: a_class_id > 0 do if not has_dollar_operator (a_class_id, a_feature_id) then force_new_table_entry (a_class_id, a_feature_id).set_has_dollar_op System.request_freeze end ensure has_dollar_operator (a_class_id, a_feature_id) end record_agent ( a_class_id, a_feature_id: INTEGER; a_is_target_closed, a_is_inline_agent: BOOLEAN; a_open_map: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]) -- Records an agent with the reordering (defined by a_open_map) to the specified feature in the address_table require class_id_valid: a_class_id > 0 local l_table_entry: ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY l_omap: like empty_omap do l_table_entry := force_new_table_entry (a_class_id, a_feature_id) if a_is_inline_agent then -- An inline agent has only one reordering. We delete all the existing ones. l_table_entry.wipe_out end if a_open_map = Void then l_omap := empty_omap else l_omap := a_open_map end l_table_entry.force_reordering (a_is_target_closed, l_omap, new_frozen_age) ensure has_agent (a_class_id, a_feature_id, a_is_target_closed, a_open_map) end feature {NONE} -- Insert force_new_table_entry (a_class_id, a_feature_id: INTEGER): ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY -- Forces, that there is an address table entry for feature with id a_feature_id of the class with id a_class_id. local l_table_of_class: like table_of_class do if not has_table_of_class (a_class_id) then create l_table_of_class.make (1) put (l_table_of_class, a_class_id) else l_table_of_class := found_item end Result := l_table_of_class.item (a_feature_id) if not attached Result then create Result.make l_table_of_class.force (Result, a_feature_id) end ensure has_table_of_class (a_class_id) end feature -- Generation generate (final_mode: BOOLEAN) local class_id: INTEGER feature_id: INTEGER l_table_of_class: like table_of_class buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER address_file, cecil_file: INDENT_FILE l_class: CLASS_C l_feature: FEATURE_I table_entry: ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY l_reordering: FEATURE_REORDERING do buffer := Generation_buffer buffer.clear_all buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_rout_obj.h%"") buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("#include %"eaddress") buffer.put_string (Dot_h) buffer.put_character ('"') if final_mode then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("#include %"eoffsets.h%"") end buffer.start_c_specific_code from start until after loop class_id := key_for_iteration l_class := System.class_of_id (class_id) System.set_current_class (l_class) if l_class /= Void then if final_mode implies system.is_class_reachable (l_class) then l_table_of_class := item_for_iteration from l_table_of_class.start until l_table_of_class.after loop feature_id := l_table_of_class.key_for_iteration table_entry := l_table_of_class.item_for_iteration l_feature := l_class.feature_table.feature_of_feature_id (feature_id) if l_feature = Void and then l_class.is_eiffel_class_c then -- maybe its an inline agent l_feature := l_class.eiffel_class_c.inline_agent_of_id (feature_id) end if l_feature /= Void and then l_feature.is_attribute then l_feature := Void end if l_feature = Void then -- Remove invalid entry or feature which has been converted -- from a routine to an attribute. l_table_of_class.remove (feature_id) else -- The information whether a feature is used in final mode is accurate only for inline agents. -- For other features, a redeclaration may be used instead. if l_feature.is_inline_agent implies l_feature.used then -- Feature is not dead code removed if table_entry.has_dollar_op then generate_feature (l_class, l_feature, final_mode, buffer, False, False, Void, False) end from table_entry.start until table_entry.after loop l_reordering := table_entry.item_for_iteration if l_reordering.is_valid_for (l_feature) then l_reordering.set_frozen_age (new_frozen_age) generate_feature (l_class, l_feature, final_mode, buffer, True, l_reordering.is_target_closed, l_reordering.open_map, True) if final_mode then generate_feature (l_class, l_feature, final_mode, buffer, True, l_reordering.is_target_closed, l_reordering.open_map, False) end table_entry.forth else table_entry.forth table_entry.remove (l_reordering) end end end l_table_of_class.forth end end if l_table_of_class.is_empty then -- None of the features are valid remove (class_id) else forth end else forth end else -- Remove the invalid entry remove (class_id) end end create cecil_file.make_c_code_file (gen_file_name (final_mode, Ececil)); if final_mode then buffer.end_c_specific_code buffer.put_in_file (cecil_file) cecil_file.close else -- Generate the dispatch table in Workbench mode generate_dispatch_table (buffer) buffer.end_c_specific_code buffer.put_in_file (cecil_file) cecil_file.close end -- Generate the extern declarations buffer.clear_all buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"%N% %#include %"eif_rout_obj.h%"") buffer.start_c_specific_code Extern_declarations.generate (buffer) buffer.end_c_specific_code Extern_declarations.wipe_out if final_mode then create address_file.make_open_write (final_file_name ("eaddress", Dot_h, 1)) else create address_file.make_open_write (workbench_file_name ("eaddress", Dot_h, 1)) end buffer.put_in_file (address_file) address_file.close end calc_function_name (a_is_for_agent: BOOLEAN; a_feature_id, a_static_type_id: INTEGER; a_omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]; a_oargs_encapsulated: BOOLEAN): STRING do create Result.make (12) -- 12 covers most cases without the need for a resize. if a_is_for_agent then if a_oargs_encapsulated then Result.append ("_") else Result.append ("__") end end Result.append (Encoder.address_table_name (a_feature_id, a_static_type_id)) if a_omap /= Void then from a_omap.start until a_omap.after loop Result.extend ('_') Result.append (a_omap.item.out) a_omap.forth end end end feature -- Generation helpers solved_type (context_type: CLASS_TYPE; type_a: TYPE_A): TYPE_C -- Solved type associated with `context_type'. require context_type_not_void: context_type /= Void type_a_not_void: type_a /= Void do Result := type_a.instantiated_in (context_type.type).c_type ensure solved_type_not_void: Result /= Void end arg_types (context_type: CLASS_TYPE; args: FEAT_ARG; is_for_agent: BOOLEAN; seed: FEATURE_I): ARRAY [STRING] -- Generate declaration of the argument types. require arg_non_void: args /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER t: STRING l_eif_reference_str, l_eif_typed_value_str: STRING l_is_for_agent_and_workbench_mode: BOOLEAN do from i := 1 nb := args.count l_eif_reference_str := once "EIF_REFERENCE" l_is_for_agent_and_workbench_mode := is_for_agent and then system.byte_context.workbench_mode if l_is_for_agent_and_workbench_mode then l_eif_typed_value_str := once "EIF_TYPED_VALUE" end create Result.make_filled (l_eif_reference_str, 1, nb + 1) until i > nb loop if l_is_for_agent_and_workbench_mode then t := l_eif_typed_value_str elseif seed /= Void then t := seed.arguments.i_th (i).c_type.c_string else t := solved_type (context_type, args.i_th (i)).c_string end Result.put (t, i + 1) i := i + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Generation generate_dispatch_table (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER) -- Generates the dispatch table for the dollar operators require buffer_exists: buffer /= Void local l_table_of_class: like table_of_class l_table_entry: ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY l_feature_id: INTEGER l_dollar_ids: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] l_disp_tab: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [type_id, feature_id: INTEGER]] do create l_disp_tab.make_filled (dollar_id_counter.value) from start until after loop from l_table_of_class := item_for_iteration l_table_of_class.start until l_table_of_class.after loop l_table_entry := l_table_of_class.item_for_iteration l_feature_id := l_table_of_class.key_for_iteration if l_table_entry.has_dollar_op then from l_dollar_ids := l_table_entry.dollar_ids l_dollar_ids.start until l_dollar_ids.after loop l_disp_tab.put_i_th ([l_dollar_ids.key_for_iteration, l_feature_id], l_dollar_ids.item_for_iteration) l_dollar_ids.forth end end l_table_of_class.forth end forth end buffer.put_string ("%N%Nstatic fnptr feif_address_table[] = {%N(fnptr)0,%N") l_disp_tab.do_all (agent (l_buf: GENERATION_BUFFER; l_entry: TUPLE [static_type_id, feature_id: INTEGER]) do l_buf.put_string (once "(fnptr)") if l_entry /= Void then l_buf.put_string (calc_function_name (False, l_entry.feature_id, l_entry.static_type_id, Void, False)) else l_buf.put_string (once "0") end l_buf.put_string (once ",%N") end (buffer, ?)) buffer.put_string ("};%N%Nfnptr *egc_address_table_init = feif_address_table;%N%N") end arg_names (nb: INTEGER): ARRAY [STRING] -- Names of the arguments local i: INTEGER temp, l_arg: STRING do create Result.make_filled ({C_CONST}.current_name, 1, nb + 1) if nb > 0 then from i := 1 l_arg := {C_CONST}.arg until i > nb loop create temp.make (4) temp.append (l_arg) temp.append_integer (i) Result.put (temp, i + 1) i := i + 1 end end end generate_arg_list (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER; current_name: STRING; nb: INTEGER) -- Generate declaration of `n' arguments. local i: INTEGER l_arg_str: STRING do buffer.put_string (current_name) if nb > 0 then from i := 1 l_arg_str := ", arg" until i > nb loop buffer.put_string (l_arg_str) buffer.put_integer (i) i := i + 1 end end end generate_workbench_arg_list (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER; current_name: STRING; context_type: CLASS_TYPE; args: FEAT_ARG) -- Generate declaration of `n' arguments. local i: INTEGER n: INTEGER arg_type: TYPE_C do buffer.put_string (current_name) if args /= Void then from i := 1 n := args.count until i > n loop arg_type := solved_type (context_type, args.i_th (i)) buffer.put_string (", ((u [") buffer.put_integer (i - 1) buffer.put_string ("].") arg_type.generate_typed_tag (buffer) buffer.put_string ("), (u [") buffer.put_integer (i - 1) buffer.put_string ("].") arg_type.generate_typed_field (buffer) buffer.put_string (" = arg") buffer.put_integer (i) buffer.put_string ("), u [") buffer.put_integer (i - 1) buffer.put_string ("])") i := i + 1 end end end generate_feature (a_class: CLASS_C; a_feature: FEATURE_I; final_mode: BOOLEAN; buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER; is_for_agent, is_target_closed: BOOLEAN; omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]; a_oargs_encapsulated: BOOLEAN) -- Generate wrapper routine for `$f' if `is_for_agent' False. -- Generate wrapper routine for `agent f' if `is_for_agent' True. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void buffer_not_void: buffer /= Void local types: TYPE_LIST feature_id: INTEGER rout_id: INTEGER args: FEAT_ARG args_count: INTEGER has_arguments, is_function: BOOLEAN return_type: TYPE_A return_type_string: STRING agent_type_string: STRING c_return_type: TYPE_C feature_return_type: TYPE_C a_types: like arg_types agent_types: like arg_types function_name: STRING cursor: CURSOR l_current_name: STRING l_is_implemented: BOOLEAN l_type: CLASS_TYPE original_seed, seed: FEATURE_I reference_arg: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] reference_arg_count: INTEGER formal_arg: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] formal_arg_count: NATURAL_32 has_creation: BOOLEAN names: ARRAY [STRING] i, j: INTEGER l_tabbed_open_c_comment_str, l_space_str, l_close_c_comment_str: STRING l_arg_str: STRING do feature_id := a_feature.feature_id rout_id := a_feature.rout_id_set.first if is_for_agent and then not a_feature.is_inline_agent then seed := system.seed_of_routine_id (rout_id) if final_mode and not seed.has_formal then seed := Void else original_seed := seed end end if a_feature.has_arguments then has_arguments := True if seed /= Void then -- Mark all arguments that are on the positions of formal generics. from args := seed.arguments i := args.count create reference_arg.make_filled (False, 1, i) create formal_arg.make_filled (False, 1, i) until i <= 0 loop -- It is pretty important that we use `actual_type.is_formal' and not -- just `is_formal' because otherwise if you have `like x' and `x: G' -- then we would fail to detect that. if args.i_th (i).actual_type.is_formal then formal_arg.put (True, i) formal_arg_count := formal_arg_count + 1 end i := i - 1 end end args := a_feature.arguments args_count := args.count end return_type := a_feature.type is_function := a_feature.is_function if is_for_agent then if is_target_closed or omap.is_empty then l_current_name := "closed [1]." + reference_c_type.typed_field else if a_oargs_encapsulated then l_current_name := "open [1]." + reference_c_type.typed_field else l_current_name := "op_1" end end else l_current_name := "Current" end -- get class types and generate encapsulation for each of them from types := a_class.types types.start l_tabbed_open_c_comment_str := "%N%T/* " l_space_str := " " l_close_c_comment_str := " */" until types.after loop l_type := types.item cursor := types.cursor -- If the call is never polymorphic (it means the arguments are always the same) -- and we do not need to adapt the arguments. if final_mode and then (a_feature.is_inline_agent or else not is_polymorphic (a_feature, l_type)) then seed := Void else seed := original_seed end function_name := calc_function_name (is_for_agent, feature_id, l_type.static_type_id, omap, a_oargs_encapsulated) buffer.put_string (l_tabbed_open_c_comment_str) buffer.put_string (l_type.type.dump) buffer.put_string (l_space_str) buffer.put_string (a_feature.feature_name) buffer.put_string (l_close_c_comment_str) c_return_type := solved_type (l_type, return_type) return_type_string := c_return_type.c_string agent_type_string := return_type_string feature_return_type := c_return_type if not c_return_type.is_void then if is_for_agent and then not final_mode then return_type_string := "EIF_TYPED_VALUE" agent_type_string := return_type_string -- It is pretty important that we use `actual_type.is_formal' and not -- just `is_formal' because otherwise if you have `like x' and `x: G' -- then we would fail to detect that. elseif seed /= Void and then seed.type.actual_type.is_formal then feature_return_type := reference_c_type return_type_string := feature_return_type.c_string end end has_creation := False if seed /= Void and formal_arg_count > 0 then -- Figure out all the reference arguments that are not at the positions -- of formal generics. from reference_arg_count := 0 i := args_count until i <= 0 loop if solved_type (l_type, args.i_th (i)).is_reference then reference_arg.put (True, i) reference_arg_count := reference_arg_count + 1 else reference_arg.put (False, i) if formal_arg [i] then has_creation := True reference_arg_count := reference_arg_count + 1 end end i := i - 1 end end if has_arguments then a_types := arg_types (l_type, args, is_for_agent, seed) else a_types := <<"EIF_REFERENCE">> end if is_for_agent then if has_arguments then agent_types := arg_types (l_type, args, True, Void) else agent_types := a_types end generate_signature_for_agent (buffer, agent_types, a_types, agent_type_string, return_type_string, function_name, omap, a_oargs_encapsulated) else buffer.generate_function_signature (return_type_string, function_name, True, Void, arg_names (args_count), a_types) end buffer.generate_block_open if not final_mode and then args_count > 0 and then (is_for_agent implies not a_oargs_encapsulated) then -- Declare structure to be used for passing arguments. buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("EIF_TYPED_VALUE u [") buffer.put_integer (args_count) buffer.put_string ("];") end if is_for_agent then if final_mode and then has_creation then if is_function then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string (agent_type_string) buffer.put_string (" Result;") end from i := args_count until i <= 0 loop if formal_arg [i] and then not reference_arg [i] then -- A variable to keep a boxed value is required. buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("EIF_REFERENCE arg") buffer.put_integer (i) buffer.put_string (" = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0;") end i := i - 1 end buffer.put_gtcx buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("RTLD;") buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("RTLI (") buffer.put_integer (reference_arg_count + 1) buffer.put_string (");") buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_local_registration (0, l_current_name) from names := agent_arg_names (l_type, args, omap, a_oargs_encapsulated) i := args_count j := reference_arg_count until i <= 0 loop if reference_arg [i] then -- Mark for GC. buffer.put_local_registration (j, names [i + 1]); j := j - 1 elseif formal_arg [i] then -- Mark for GC. buffer.put_local_registration (j, "arg" + i.out); j := j - 1 end i := i - 1 end -- Now we validate the space made for `x' addresses. buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string (once "RTLIU(") buffer.put_integer (reference_arg_count + 1) buffer.put_two_character (')', ';') from i := args_count until i <= 0 loop if formal_arg [i] and then not reference_arg [i] and then attached {BASIC_A} args.i_th (i).adapted_in (l_type) as basic_i then -- Box expanded object. basic_i.metamorphose (create {NAMED_REGISTER}.make ("arg" + i.out, reference_c_type), create {NAMED_REGISTER}.make (names [i + 1], basic_i.c_type), buffer) buffer.put_character (';') end i := i - 1 end if final_mode and system.keep_assertions then -- We need to check the invariant in an agent call, thus `nstcall' needs to be set. buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("nstcall = 1;") end elseif not final_mode then -- We need to check invariant, so we need to prepare access to `nstcall' a per thread data. -- Here we do not set `nstcall' it is done automatically by the macro we call in -- workbench mode for calling routines. buffer.put_gtcx elseif system.keep_assertions then -- We need to check invariant, so we need to prepare access to `nstcall' a per thread data. buffer.put_gtcx buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("nstcall = 1;") end elseif not final_mode then -- We need to check invariant, so we need to prepare access to `nstcall' a per thread data. -- Here we do not set `nstcall' it is done automatically by the macro we call in -- workbench mode for calling routines. buffer.put_gtcx end buffer.put_new_line if is_function then if final_mode and then has_creation then buffer.put_string ("Result = ") else buffer.put_string ("return ") end -- It is pretty important that we use `actual_type.is_formal' and not -- just `is_formal' because otherwise if you have `like x' and `x: G' -- then we would fail to detect that. if final_mode and then seed /= Void and then seed.type.actual_type.is_formal and then not c_return_type.is_reference then buffer.put_character ('*') c_return_type.generate_access_cast (buffer) end end if final_mode and then not a_feature.is_inline_agent and then is_target_closed and then is_for_agent then buffer.put_string ("f_ptr (") if has_creation then buffer.put_string (l_current_name) from i := 1 l_arg_str := "arg" until i > args_count loop buffer.put_string ({C_CONST}.comma_space) if formal_arg [i] and then not reference_arg [i] then buffer.put_string (l_arg_str) buffer.put_integer (i) else buffer.put_string (names [i + 1]) end i := i + 1 end else generate_arg_list_for_rout (buffer, l_type, args, final_mode, omap, a_oargs_encapsulated) end elseif a_feature.is_inline_agent then buffer.put_character ('(') c_return_type.generate_function_cast (buffer, a_types, not final_mode) function_name := Encoder.feature_name (l_type.type_id, a_feature.body_index) buffer.put_string (function_name) buffer.put_string (")(") extern_declarations.add_routine_with_signature (return_type_string, function_name, a_types) check is_for_agent end generate_arg_list_for_rout (buffer, l_type, args, final_mode, omap, a_oargs_encapsulated) else if final_mode then l_is_implemented := generate_final_c_body (buffer, a_feature, l_current_name, feature_return_type, l_type, a_types) else l_is_implemented := True generate_workbench_c_body (buffer, a_feature, l_current_name, c_return_type, l_type, a_types) end if l_is_implemented then if final_mode and then has_creation then buffer.put_string (l_current_name) from i := 1 l_arg_str := "arg" until i > args_count loop buffer.put_string ({C_CONST}.comma_space) if formal_arg [i] and then not reference_arg [i] then buffer.put_string (l_arg_str) buffer.put_integer (i) else buffer.put_string (names [i + 1]) end i := i + 1 end elseif is_for_agent then generate_arg_list_for_rout (buffer, l_type, args, final_mode, omap, a_oargs_encapsulated) elseif final_mode then generate_arg_list (buffer, l_current_name, args_count) else generate_workbench_arg_list (buffer, l_current_name, l_type, args) end end end buffer.put_character (')') if not c_return_type.is_void and then not final_mode and then not is_for_agent then buffer.put_character ('.') c_return_type.generate_typed_field (buffer) end buffer.put_string (";") if final_mode and then has_creation then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("RTLE;") if is_function then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("return Result;") end end buffer.generate_block_close -- Separation for formatting buffer.put_new_line types.go_to (cursor) types.forth end end generate_final_c_body (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER; a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_current_name: STRING; c_return_type: TYPE_C; a_type: CLASS_TYPE; a_types: like arg_types): BOOLEAN local l_table_name, l_function_name: STRING l_rout_id: INTEGER do -- Routine is always implemented unless found otherwise. Result := True l_rout_id := a_feature.rout_id_set.first buffer.put_character ('(') if attached {ROUT_TABLE} tmp_poly_server.item (l_rout_id) as t implies t.is_deferred then -- A call to a non-exiting (deferred) or removed feature -- because no instance of the target type is ever created. -- The function behind RTNR macro takes only one argument. c_return_type.generate_function_cast (buffer, <<"EIF_REFERENCE">>, False) buffer.put_string ({C_CONST}.rtnr_close) buffer.put_two_character (' ', '(') buffer.put_string (a_current_name) Result := False elseif t.polymorphic_status_for_body (a_type.type, a_type) = 0 then l_table_name := Encoder.routine_table_name (l_rout_id) c_return_type.generate_function_cast (buffer, a_types, False) buffer.put_string (l_table_name) buffer.put_string ("[Dtype(") buffer.put_string (a_current_name) buffer.put_string (") - ") buffer.put_type_id (t.min_used) buffer.put_string ("])(") -- Remember extern declarations Extern_declarations.add_routine_table (l_table_name) -- Mark table used. Eiffel_table.mark_used (l_rout_id) else t.goto_implemented (a_type.type, a_type) if t.is_implemented then c_return_type.generate_function_cast (buffer, a_types, False) l_function_name := t.feature_name buffer.put_string (l_function_name) buffer.put_string (")(") extern_declarations.add_routine_with_signature (c_return_type.c_string, l_function_name, a_types) else -- A call to a non-exiting (deferred) or removed feature -- because no instance of the target type is ever created. -- The function behind RTNR macro takes only one argument. Result := False c_return_type.generate_function_cast (buffer, <<"EIF_REFERENCE">>, False) buffer.put_string ({C_CONST}.rtnr_close) buffer.put_two_character (' ', '(') buffer.put_string (a_current_name) end end end is_polymorphic (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_type: CLASS_TYPE): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_feature' polymorphic for type `a_type' for all its -- seeds? require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_feature_not_inline_agent: not a_feature.is_inline_agent a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void local l_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET i, nb: INTEGER do from l_rout_id_set := a_feature.rout_id_set i := l_rout_id_set.lower nb := l_rout_id_set.count until i > nb or Result loop if attached {ROUT_TABLE} tmp_poly_server.item (l_rout_id_set.item (i)) as t and then t.polymorphic_status_for_body (a_type.type, a_type) = 0 then Result := True end i := i + 1 end end generate_workbench_c_body (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER; a_feature: FEATURE_I; l_current_name: STRING; c_return_type: TYPE_C; a_type: CLASS_TYPE; a_types: like arg_types) local l_types: ARRAY [STRING] do buffer.put_character ('(') create l_types.make_filled ("EIF_TYPED_VALUE", 1, a_types.count) l_types [1] := a_types [1] c_return_type.generate_function_cast (buffer, l_types, True) buffer.put_string ("RTVF(") buffer.put_integer (a_feature.rout_id_set.first) buffer.put_string ({C_CONST}.comma_space) buffer.put_string_literal (a_feature.feature_name) buffer.put_string ({C_CONST}.comma_space) buffer.put_string (l_current_name) buffer.put_string ("))(") end generate_arg_list_for_rout (a_buf: GENERATION_BUFFER; a_type: CLASS_TYPE; a_args: FEAT_ARG; final_mode: BOOLEAN; a_omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]; a_oargs_encapsulated: BOOLEAN) -- Generate declaration of `n' arguments for routine objects. local n: INTEGER i, j, k, o: INTEGER sep: STRING arg_type: TYPE_C do if a_args = Void then n := 1 else n := a_args.count + 1 end from i := 1 j := 1 k := 1 a_omap.start if not a_omap.after then o := a_omap.item else o := {INTEGER}.max_value end sep := ", " until i > n loop if i > 1 then arg_type := solved_type (a_type, a_args.i_th (i - 1)) a_buf.put_string (sep) else arg_type := reference_c_type end if i = o then if a_oargs_encapsulated then a_buf.put_string ("open [") a_buf.put_string (k.out) a_buf.put_string ("]") if i <=1 or else final_mode then a_buf.put_character ('.') arg_type.generate_typed_field (a_buf) end k := k + 1 elseif i <=1 or else final_mode then a_buf.put_string ("op_") a_buf.put_string (o.out) else a_buf.put_string ("((u [") a_buf.put_integer (i - 2) a_buf.put_string ("].") arg_type.generate_typed_tag (a_buf) a_buf.put_string ("), (u [") a_buf.put_integer (i - 2) a_buf.put_string ("].") arg_type.generate_typed_field (a_buf) a_buf.put_string (" = ") a_buf.put_string ("op_") a_buf.put_string (o.out) a_buf.put_string ("), u [") a_buf.put_integer (i - 2) a_buf.put_string ("])") end a_omap.forth if not a_omap.after then o := a_omap.item else o := {INTEGER}.max_value end else a_buf.put_string ("closed [") a_buf.put_integer (j) a_buf.put_string ("]") if i <=1 or else final_mode then a_buf.put_character ('.') arg_type.generate_typed_field (a_buf) end j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end end agent_arg_names (a_type: CLASS_TYPE; a_args: FEAT_ARG; a_omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]; a_oargs_encapsulated: BOOLEAN): ARRAY [STRING] -- Generate declaration of `n' arguments for routine objects. local n: INTEGER i, j, k, o: INTEGER name: STRING arg_type: TYPE_C do if a_args = Void then n := 1 else n := a_args.count + 1 end create Result.make_filled ({C_CONST}.null, 1, n) from i := 1 j := 1 k := 1 a_omap.start if not a_omap.after then o := a_omap.item else o := {INTEGER}.max_value end until i > n loop if i = 1 then arg_type := reference_c_type else arg_type := solved_type (a_type, a_args.i_th (i - 1)) end if i = o then if a_oargs_encapsulated then name := "open [" name.append_integer (k) name.append_string ("].") name.append_string (arg_type.typed_field) k := k + 1 else name := "op_" name.append_integer (o) end a_omap.forth if not a_omap.after then o := a_omap.item else o := {INTEGER}.max_value end else name := "closed [" name.append_integer (j) name.append_string ("].") name.append_string (arg_type.typed_field) j := j + 1 end Result [i] := name i := i + 1 end end generate_signature_for_agent (a_buf: GENERATION_BUFFER; a_agent_types: like arg_types; a_types: like arg_types; a_agent_type, a_return_type, a_name: STRING; a_omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]; a_oargs_encapsulated: BOOLEAN) -- local l_arg_names, l_arg_types: ARRAY [STRING] i, o, l_arg_count: INTEGER do if a_oargs_encapsulated then l_arg_count := 3 else l_arg_count := 2 + a_omap.count end tmp_buffer.clear_all tmp_buffer.put_string (a_return_type) tmp_buffer.put_string ("(*f_ptr) (") tmp_buffer.put_string_array (a_types) tmp_buffer.put_string (")") create l_arg_names.make_filled (tmp_buffer.as_string, 1, l_arg_count) -- The name of the pointer is embedded in its type create l_arg_types.make_filled ("", 1, l_arg_count) l_arg_types.put ("EIF_TYPED_VALUE *", 2) l_arg_names.put ("closed", 2) if a_oargs_encapsulated then l_arg_types.put ("EIF_TYPED_VALUE *", 3) l_arg_names.put ("open", 3) else from a_omap.start i := 3 until a_omap.after loop o := a_omap.item l_arg_types.put (a_agent_types.item (o), i) l_arg_names.put ("op_" + o.out, i) i := i + 1 a_omap.forth end end a_buf.generate_function_signature (a_agent_type, a_name, True, Void, l_arg_names, l_arg_types) end tmp_buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER -- helper buffer for feature generation once create Result.make (1024) end feature make_reordering (a_is_target_closed: BOOLEAN; a_open_map: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]): FEATURE_REORDERING -- Creates a reordering with the given parameters local l_open_map: like empty_omap do if a_open_map = Void then l_open_map := empty_omap else l_open_map := a_open_map end if reordering = Void then create reordering.make (a_is_target_closed, l_open_map, new_frozen_age) else reordering.set_attributes (a_is_target_closed, l_open_map) reordering.set_frozen_age (new_frozen_age) end Result := reordering end feature {NONE} --implementation reordering: FEATURE_REORDERING; empty_omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] once create Result.make (0) end dollar_id_counter: COUNTER new_frozen_age: INTEGER; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end