note description: "Initialize and check validity of convert clauses in instances of CLASS_C." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." FIXME: "Because the validity rules are not yet completely specified, I'm just generating % %errors of type VNCP with a simple error message. When they will be specified, the % %code will have to be updated and adjusted accordingly." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CONVERTIBILITY_CHECKER inherit COMPILER_EXPORTER SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER export {NONE} all end SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end SHARED_DEGREES export {NONE} all end EQUALITY_TESTER [DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] export {NONE} all redefine test end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER feature -- Initialization/Checking init_and_check_convert_tables ( a_class: CLASS_C; a_feat_tbl: FEATURE_TABLE; a_convertors: EIFFEL_LIST [CONVERT_FEAT_AS]) -- Initialize `convert_to' and `convert_from' of `a_class' using `a_convertors'. -- Performs also basic checking on `a_convertors'. -- Update `Error_handler' if any error is found. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_feat_tbl_not_void: a_feat_tbl /= Void matching_class_and_feat_tbl: a_class = a_feat_tbl.associated_class local l_feat: CONVERT_FEAT_AS l_type: TYPE_AS l_named_type: DEANCHORED_TYPE_A l_convert_to, l_convert_from: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] l_name_id: INTEGER l_processed: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] l_vtug: VTUG l_vncp: VNCP do -- Reset error flag has_error := False if a_convertors /= Void then -- Check it is valid to have a convert clause in Current. check_class_validity (a_class) -- Check convert clause content and initialize `a_class'. -- We simply iterate through all conversion feature mentionned -- and check their type, we stop checking as soon as an error is found. from l_convert_to := new_convert_table l_convert_from := new_convert_table create l_processed.make (10) a_convertors.start until a_convertors.after or has_error loop l_feat := a_convertors.item l_name_id := l_feat.feature_name.feature_name.name_id if l_processed.has (l_name_id) then -- Routine specified twice in Convert_clause. create l_vncp.make ("Routine specified twice in Convert_clause.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (l_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True else -- Mark current routine processed. l_processed.put (l_name_id) -- Check `l_feat' to ensure it is a valid feature from current -- class with a correct signature for a conversion routine. check_feature_basic_validity (a_class, a_feat_tbl, l_feat) if not has_error then -- Iterate through all specified type to ensure their correctness -- and that they match conversion routines specification. from l_feat.conversion_types.start until l_feat.conversion_types.after or has_error loop l_type := l_feat.conversion_types.item if attached {DEANCHORED_TYPE_A} type_a_generator.evaluate_type (l_type, a_class) as nt then l_named_type := nt else l_named_type := Void end if l_named_type = Void or else not l_named_type.is_full_named_type then -- Not a valid type. create l_vncp.make ("Invalid type: use of anchors.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (l_feat.conversion_types.item.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True else -- Check type has valid generics. if not l_named_type.good_generics then -- Wrong number of geneneric parameters in parent l_vtug := l_named_type.error_generics l_vtug.set_class (a_class) l_vtug.set_location (l_feat.conversion_types.item.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vtug) has_error := True else -- Check constrained genericity validity rule l_named_type.reset_constraint_error_list -- Check creation readyness because if we convert we need to create an object. -- Pass `Void' for context feature as we don't have one. l_named_type.check_constraints (a_class, Void, True) if not l_named_type.constraint_error_list.is_empty then create l_vncp.make ("Invalid generic type.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (l_feat.conversion_types.item.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True else l_named_type.check_for_obsolete_class (a_class, Void) -- We request that conversion type is attached only for the highest level -- of void safety. if a_class.lace_class.is_void_safe_call and then not l_named_type.is_attached then create l_vncp.make ("Type of conversion should always be attached.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (l_feat.conversion_types.item.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True else -- Check that specified routine argument or return -- type matches conversion type `l_named_type'. if attached a_feat_tbl.item_id (l_feat.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) as f then delayed_check_conversion_type (a_class, f, l_feat, l_named_type) end end if not has_error then -- Now we remove all attachment marks of `l_named_type' as this is the type -- on which we are going to do our lookups when checking for conversion. l_named_type := l_named_type.as_attachment_mark_free if l_feat.is_creation_procedure then if l_convert_from.has (l_named_type) then create l_vncp.make ("Conversion type already specified.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (l_feat.conversion_types.item.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True elseif l_named_type.is_formal then -- A formal never conforms to the types of `a_class' since -- otherwise we would have an infinite number of generic derivations l_convert_from.force (l_name_id, l_named_type) elseif l_named_type.conform_to (a_class, a_class.constraint_actual_type.as_attachment_mark_free) then -- The above check is not ideal. Instead we should use -- `l_named_type.conform_to_actual_type (a_class.actual_type)' -- which would check that if at some point we are checking against one of the formal -- of `a_class.actual_type' then we check that there is no conformance to the formal or to -- some of its constrained types in the case of a multiple constraint. if a_class.is_generic then Error_handler.insert_error (create {VYCP}.make (a_class, l_feat.feature_name, l_named_type, l_type.start_location, 3)) else Error_handler.insert_error (create {VYCP}.make (a_class, l_feat.feature_name, l_named_type, l_type.start_location, 2)) end has_error := True else l_convert_from.force (l_name_id, l_named_type) end else if l_convert_to.has (l_named_type) then create l_vncp.make ("Conversion type already specified.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (l_feat.conversion_types.item.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True elseif l_named_type.is_formal then l_convert_to.force (l_name_id, l_named_type) elseif a_class.constraint_actual_type.as_attachment_mark_free.conform_to (a_class, l_named_type) then -- The above check is not ideal. Instead we should use -- `a_class.actual_type.conform_to_actual_type (l_named_type)' -- which would check that if at some point we are checking against one of the formal -- of `a_class.actual_type' then we check that there is no conformance to the formal or to -- some of its constrained types in the case of a multiple constraint. if a_class.is_generic then Error_handler.insert_error (create {VYCQ}.make (a_class, l_feat.feature_name, l_named_type, l_type.start_location, 3)) else Error_handler.insert_error (create {VYCQ}.make (a_class, l_feat.feature_name, l_named_type, l_type.start_location, 2)) end has_error := True else l_convert_to.force (l_name_id, l_named_type) end end end end end end l_feat.conversion_types.forth end end end a_convertors.forth end end if not has_error then a_class.set_convert_to (l_convert_to) a_class.set_convert_from (l_convert_from) end ensure set: (not has_error and a_convertors /= Void) implies (a_class.convert_to /= Void or a_class.convert_from /= Void) end system_validity_checking (an_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C]) -- Check convertibility validity on all system. That is to say, check -- that there is only one way to convert from a type to another type. -- Note: Check is done on base class. Is this sufficient? require an_array_not_void: an_array /= Void local i, k, nb: INTEGER l_convertible_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] l_class, l_other_class: CLASS_C l_vncp: VNCP do -- Reset error flag has_error := False -- First extract classes that have a convert clause. from i := an_array.lower nb := an_array.upper create l_convertible_classes.make (30) until i > nb loop l_class := an_array.item (i) if l_class /= Void and then (l_class.convert_from /= Void or l_class.convert_to /= Void) then l_convertible_classes.extend (l_class) end i := i + 1 end -- Now check all convertible classes between themself to ensure that -- between two classes, there is no ambiguity when trying to convert from one -- to the other. from i := 1 nb := l_convertible_classes.count until i > nb loop l_class := l_convertible_classes.i_th (i) from k := i + 1 until k > nb loop l_other_class := l_convertible_classes.i_th (k) if is_conversion_ambiguous (l_class, l_other_class) or is_conversion_ambiguous (l_other_class, l_class) then create l_vncp.make ("Two classes convert to each other.") l_vncp.set_class (l_class) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end k := k + 1 end i := i + 1 end end check_conversion (a_context_class: CLASS_C; a_source_type, a_target_type: TYPE_A) -- In context of `a_context_class' check if `a_source_type' converts to `a_target_type'. -- If so set `last_conversion_check_successful' to True and set `last_conversion_info' -- with proper conversion information. require a_context_class_not_void: a_context_class /= Void a_source_type_not_void: a_source_type /= Void a_target_type_not_void: a_target_type /= Void local l_success: BOOLEAN l_source_class, l_target_class: CLASS_C l_convert_table: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] l_conversion_type: TYPE_A l_source_type, l_type: TYPE_A l_feat_name_id: INTEGER l_feat: FEATURE_I l_cl_type: CL_TYPE_A do -- Reset previous computation last_conversion_check_successful := False last_conversion_info := Void -- We do not allow conversion of the form `source.to_target' or -- `create target.make_from (source)' if `source' is not attached -- as otherwise this we would be breaking void safety. if a_source_type.is_attached or else not a_context_class.lace_class.is_void_safe_call then if a_target_type.has_associated_class then l_target_class := a_target_type.base_class l_convert_table := l_target_class.convert_from end if l_convert_table /= Void then -- In the `l_convert_table' we only store attachment free mark of the conversion type, -- thus we do not need it from `a_source_type'. l_source_type := a_source_type.as_attachment_mark_free from l_cl_type ?= a_target_type l_convert_table.start until l_convert_table.after or l_success loop l_type := l_source_type l_conversion_type := l_convert_table.key_for_iteration -- Evaluate conversion type in context of `a_target_type'. This is needed -- in the following case: -- class A [G] convert make_from ({G}) ... end -- a: A [X] -- x: X -- a := x -- Instantiating `G' in context of `A [X]' will give us `X' -- enabling us to convert from `X'. if l_cl_type /= Void then l_conversion_type := l_conversion_type.instantiated_in (l_cl_type) end -- if `l_conversion_type' is not expecting a frozen type, we can remove all the -- variance marks from the source type. This enables us to have a conversion -- routine only for `frozen' types. if not l_conversion_type.is_frozen then l_type := l_type.as_variant_free end -- In case there is a mismatch in attachment marks, or tuple vs. named tuple, -- the types can still be the same if they conform to each other. if l_type.same_as (l_conversion_type) or else (l_type.conform_to (a_context_class, l_conversion_type) and then l_conversion_type.conform_to (a_context_class, l_type)) then l_success := True l_feat_name_id := l_convert_table.item_for_iteration end l_convert_table.forth end if l_success then l_feat := l_target_class.feature_table.item_id (l_feat_name_id) check l_feat_not_void: l_feat /= Void has_creation_procedures: l_target_class.creators /= Void has_convert_creation_procedure: l_target_class.has_creator_of_name_id (l_feat.feature_name_id) end l_success := l_target_class.creator_of_name_id (l_feat.feature_name_id).valid_for ( a_context_class) if l_success then -- Because this conversion is performed by creating a new object, -- it is always attached. -- Attachment status of the target type is important in descendants -- that rely solely on conversion information. -- (See test#attach118.) create {FEATURE_CONVERSION_INFO} last_conversion_info. make_from (a_source_type, a_target_type.as_attached_in (a_context_class), l_target_class, l_feat) end end end if not l_success then if a_source_type.has_associated_class then l_source_class := a_source_type.base_class l_convert_table := l_source_class.convert_to else l_convert_table := Void end if l_convert_table /= Void then -- In the `l_convert_table' we only store attachment free mark of the conversion type, -- thus we do not need it from `a_target_type'. l_type := a_target_type.as_attachment_mark_free from l_cl_type ?= a_source_type l_convert_table.start until l_convert_table.after or l_success loop l_conversion_type := l_convert_table.key_for_iteration -- Evaluate conversion type in context of `a_target_type'. This is needed -- in the following case: -- class A [G] convert to_formal: {G} ... end -- a: A [X] -- x: X -- x := a -- Instantiating `G' in context of `A [X]' will give us `X' -- enabling us to convert from `X'. if l_cl_type /= Void then l_conversion_type := l_conversion_type.instantiated_in (l_cl_type) end -- if `l_type' is not expecting a frozen type, we can remove all the -- variance mark from source `l_conversion_type'. This enables -- us to have a conversion routine only to `frozen' types. if not l_type.is_frozen then l_conversion_type := l_conversion_type.as_variant_free end -- In case there is a mismatch in attachment marks, -- the types can still be the same if they conform to each other. if l_type.same_as (l_conversion_type) or else (l_type.conform_to (a_context_class, l_conversion_type) and then l_conversion_type.conform_to (a_context_class, l_type)) then l_success := True l_feat_name_id := l_convert_table.item_for_iteration end l_convert_table.forth end if l_success then l_feat := l_source_class.feature_table.item_id (l_feat_name_id) check l_feat_not_void: l_feat /= Void end l_success := l_feat.is_exported_for (a_context_class) if l_success then -- Restore attachment status of the target type -- to match attachment status of the conversion feature. -- Attachment status of the target type is important in descendants -- that rely solely on conversion information. -- In case of a formal generic parameter the attachment status -- of an actual generic parametershould be used, -- therefore the call to `{TYPE_A}.instantiated_in'. -- (See test#attach118.) if attached l_cl_type then l_conversion_type := l_feat.type.instantiated_in (l_cl_type) else l_conversion_type := l_feat.type end create {FEATURE_CONVERSION_INFO} last_conversion_info.make_to (a_source_type, a_target_type.to_other_attachment (l_conversion_type), l_source_class, l_feat) end end end end end last_conversion_check_successful := l_success end check_formal_conversion (a_context_class: CLASS_C; a_formal: FORMAL_A; a_target_type: TYPE_A) -- In context of `a_context_class' check if `a_formal' converts to `a_target_type'. -- If so set `last_conversion_check_successful' to True and set `last_conversion_info' -- with proper conversion information. require a_context_class_not_void: a_context_class /= Void context_class_has_generics: a_context_class.generics /= Void a_formal_not_void: a_formal /= Void valid_context_class: a_context_class.generics.count >= a_formal.position a_target_type_not_void: a_target_type /= Void local l_convert_ok, l_success: BOOLEAN l_constraint: TYPE_A l_constraints: TYPE_SET_A l_cl_type: CL_TYPE_A do if not attached {FORMAL_A} a_target_type then if not a_formal.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (a_context_class) then -- Multi constraint case, use TYPE_SET_A. -- (See test#scoop020 for cases when attachment and separateness statuses have to be taken into account.) l_constraints := a_context_class.constraints (a_formal.position).to_other_attachment (a_formal).to_other_separateness (a_formal) l_convert_ok := l_constraints.conform_to_type (a_context_class, a_target_type.to_type_set) else -- Single constraint, common case. -- (See test#scoop020 for cases when attachment and separateness statuses have to be taken into account.) l_constraint := a_context_class.constraint (a_formal.position).to_other_attachment (a_formal).to_other_separateness (a_formal).to_other_variant (a_formal) l_convert_ok := l_constraint.conform_to (a_context_class, a_target_type) end if l_convert_ok then -- Constraint conform to target, we allow conversion. -- It is a conversion and not a plain conformance because in case where -- the formal generic is expanded it becomes a conversion. create {FORMAL_CONVERSION_INFO} last_conversion_info.make (a_formal, a_target_type) l_success := True elseif System.il_generation then l_cl_type ?= a_target_type if l_cl_type /= Void and then l_cl_type.is_system_object_or_any then -- Reattachement of a formal to SYSTEM_OBJECT/ANY, we allow this. create {FORMAL_DOTNET_CONVERSION_INFO} last_conversion_info.make (a_formal, a_target_type) l_success := True end end end last_conversion_check_successful := l_success end feature -- Status report last_conversion_check_successful: BOOLEAN -- Was last call to `check_conversion' or `check_formal_conversion' successful? last_conversion_info: CONVERSION_INFO -- Information about last successful conversion checking feature {NONE} -- Implementation: initialization new_convert_table: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] -- Create new instance used to initialize `convert_to' or `convert_from' of CLASS_C -- where equality on keys is done using `same_as' from NAMED_TYPE_A. do create {HASH_TABLE_EX [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A]} Result.make_with_key_tester (10, Current) ensure new_convert_table_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: checking check_class_validity (a_class: CLASS_C) -- Check that `a_class' can have a convert clause. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void do -- No checking. A convert clause can appear in a deferred class. end check_feature_basic_validity ( a_class: CLASS_C; a_feat_tbl: FEATURE_TABLE; a_convert_feat: CONVERT_FEAT_AS) -- Check validity of feature represented by `a_convert_feat' in `a_feat_tbl'. -- Update `Error_handler' if any error is found. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_feat_tbl_not_void: a_feat_tbl /= Void matching_class_and_feat_tbl: a_class = a_feat_tbl.associated_class a_convert_feat_not_void: a_convert_feat /= Void local l_feat: FEATURE_I l_vncp: VNCP do a_feat_tbl.search_id (a_convert_feat.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) if a_feat_tbl.found then l_feat := a_feat_tbl.found_item if not l_feat.is_once or not l_feat.is_external then if a_convert_feat.is_creation_procedure then -- Check it is listed as part of creation procedures of current class. if attached a_class.creators as cs implies not cs.has (a_convert_feat.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) then -- Not a creation procedure. create l_vncp.make ("Not a creation procedure.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True else -- Check it only has one argument if l_feat.argument_count /= 1 then -- Not a valid creation procedure (too many or not enough -- arguments) create l_vncp.make ("Not just 1 argument.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end end else if not l_feat.has_return_value or l_feat.argument_count /= 0 then -- Not a function without argument create l_vncp.make ("Not a query without argument.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end end else -- Feature is not an Eiffel routine create l_vncp.make ("Should not be a once nor an external.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end else create l_vncp.make ("Routine not found: " + l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end end delayed_check_conversion_type ( a_class: CLASS_C; a_feat: FEATURE_I; a_convert_feat: CONVERT_FEAT_AS; a_type: DEANCHORED_TYPE_A) -- Possible delayed call to `check_conversion_type'. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void a_convert_feat_not_void: a_convert_feat /= Void a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void routine_valid: valid_signature (a_feat) do if a_feat.is_type_evaluation_delayed then degree_4.put_action (agent check_conversion_type (a_class, a_feat, a_convert_feat, a_type)) else check_conversion_type (a_class, a_feat, a_convert_feat, a_type) end end check_conversion_type ( a_class: CLASS_C; a_feat: FEATURE_I; a_convert_feat: CONVERT_FEAT_AS; a_type: DEANCHORED_TYPE_A) -- Check validity of `a_type' used to convert to or from using `a_convert_feat' routine -- so that it matches routine specified in `a_convert_feat', and that `a_type' does not -- conform to `a_class'. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void a_convert_feat_not_void: a_convert_feat /= Void a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void routine_valid: valid_signature (a_feat) local l_vncp: VNCP do -- Check conformance of `a_type' to signature of routine specified in -- `a_convert_feat'. -- FIXME: Manu 04/28/2003: we do not do yet apply convertibility to check -- for conversion type validity, only conformance if a_feat.has_return_value then if not a_feat.type.conform_to (a_class, a_type) then create l_vncp.make ("Return type does not conform to SOURCE.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end else if not a_type.conform_to (a_class, a_feat.arguments.i_th (1)) then create l_vncp.make ("SOURCE does not conform to argument type.") l_vncp.set_class (a_class) l_vncp.set_location (a_convert_feat.feature_name.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) has_error := True end end -- FIXME: Manu: 01/22/2004: If we say that we always take conformance over convertibility -- then we do not need this test -- -- Check non-conformance of `a_type' to `a_class'. -- if -- not has_error and then -- a_type.conform_to (a_class.constraint_actual_type) -- then -- create l_vncp.make ("SOURCE conforms to current class.") -- l_vncp.set_class (a_class) -- Error_handler.insert_error (l_vncp) -- has_error := True -- end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: status report is_conversion_ambiguous (a, b: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Does `a' convert to `b'? require a_not_void: a /= Void b_not_void: b /= Void local l_convert: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] l_type: DEANCHORED_TYPE_A do -- First check if there are no conversion to `b' from `a'. l_convert := a.convert_to if l_convert /= Void then from l_convert.start until l_convert.after or Result loop l_type := l_convert.key_for_iteration if l_type.has_associated_class then Result := l_type.base_class = b end l_convert.forth end end if Result then -- If conversion found, then check that there are no -- conversions from `a' in `b'. l_convert := b.convert_from Result := False if l_convert /= Void then from l_convert.start until l_convert.after or Result loop l_type := l_convert.key_for_iteration if l_type.has_associated_class then Result := l_type.base_class = a end l_convert.forth end end end end valid_signature (a_feat: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_feat' valid for a conversion routine. require a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void do if a_feat.has_return_value then Result := a_feat.argument_count = 0 else Result := (a_feat.is_routine and (not a_feat.is_once or not a_feat.is_external)) and then (a_feat.argument_count = 1) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: access has_error: BOOLEAN -- Did we find an error in last checking. test (u, v: DEANCHORED_TYPE_A): BOOLEAN -- Compare two instances `u' and `v' of NAMED_TYPE_A using `same_as'. do if v = Void then Result := u = Void elseif u /= Void then Result := u.same_as (v) end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end