note description: "[ Class for a feature table: it is basically a hash table of entries the real feature name available in the corresponding classes, and of items the feature id corresponding to the names (id of instance of FEATURE_I). ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class FEATURE_TABLE inherit IDABLE rename id as feat_tbl_id, set_id as set_feat_tbl_id undefine is_equal, copy end PREFIX_INFIX_NAMES export {NONE} all {ANY} is_mangled_alias_name undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_WORKBENCH undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_TABLE undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_BODY_ID undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_ARRAY_BYTE undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_SERVER undefine is_equal, copy end COMPILER_EXPORTER undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_NAMES_HEAP export {NONE} all undefine is_equal, copy end HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] rename has as has_id, has_key as has_key_id, make as internal_table_make, search as search_id, item_for_iteration as internal_table_item_for_iteration, key_for_iteration as internal_table_key_for_iteration, put as internal_table_put, replace as internal_table_replace, remove as internal_table_remove, force as internal_table_force, item as internal_table_item, found_item as internal_table_found_item, start as internal_table_start, after as internal_table_after, forth as internal_table_forth export {NONE} clear_all, wipe_out, extend redefine cursor, valid_cursor, go_to end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_ENCODING_CONVERTER undefine is_equal, copy end SHARED_DEGREES undefine is_equal, copy end create make create {FEATURE_TABLE} internal_table_make feature {NONE} -- Creation make (n: INTEGER) do internal_table_make (n) create alias_table.make (0) end feature -- Access feature_id_table: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Table of feature_name ID indexed by their feature ID. body_index_table: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Table of feature_name ID indexed by their body_index. select_table: SELECT_TABLE -- Table of features sorted by their routine ID. overloaded_names: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER], INTEGER] -- Hash_table of overloaded features. It is Void by default in a non external class. -- The key corresponds to overloaded feature name id, and for each entry it gives a -- list of associated resolved feature name id. (e.g. for `put' you will possibly -- find `put_integer', `put_double',...) associated_class: CLASS_C -- Associated class require feat_tbl_id /= 0 do Result := System.class_of_id (feat_tbl_id) end item_alias_id (i: like {OPERATOR_KIND}.alias_id): FEATURE_I -- Feature with alias name id `i', if present; Void otherwise require {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (i) {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_fixed_alias_id (i) local l_id: INTEGER do l_id := alias_table.item (lookup_alias_id (i)) if l_id > 0 then Result := system.feature_server.item (l_id) end end search_id_under_renaming (a_feature_name_id: INTEGER; a_renaming: RENAMING_A) -- Search `a_name_id' in the current feature table but apply `a_renaming' first. require a_renaing_not_void: a_renaming /= Void do search_id (a_renaming.renamed (a_feature_name_id)) end features: COMPUTED_FEATURE_TABLE -- Linear representation of all features of `feature_table'. require computed: is_computed local l_id: INTEGER l_server: FEATURE_SERVER do Result := feature_table if Result = Void then Result := feature_table_cache.item_id (feat_tbl_id) if Result = Void then from -- Create Result filled with at least `count' items. create Result.make (count) Result.set_id (feat_tbl_id) l_server := system.feature_server internal_table_start until internal_table_after loop l_id := internal_table_item_for_iteration if l_id > 0 then Result.extend (l_server.item (l_id)) end internal_table_forth end feature_table_cache.force (Result) end end ensure features_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation alias_table: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Table of features indexed by their alias names feature_table: COMPUTED_FEATURE_TABLE -- List of features used for quickly traversing Current without -- retrieving each FEATURE_I objects on demand. -- Note: `feature_table' should be Void when storing a project -- as otherwise we would be storing all the FEATURE_I objects. feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_features: COMPUTED_FEATURE_TABLE -- Linear representation of all features of `feature_table'. require computed: is_computed do Result := feature_table if Result = Void then Result := features feature_table := Result end ensure features_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- HASH_TABLE like feature item_id (an_id: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Item of name ID `an_id' require an_id_positive: an_id > 0 local l_id: INTEGER do l_id := internal_table_item (an_id) if l_id > 0 then Result := system.feature_server.item (l_id) end end found_item: FEATURE_I -- local l_id: INTEGER do l_id := internal_table_found_item if l_id > 0 then Result := system.feature_server.item (l_id) end end put (new: FEATURE_I; key: INTEGER; new_is_aliased: BOOLEAN) local alias_name_id: INTEGER do if not new_is_aliased then -- If the feature is not aliased then we generate -- a new id. new.set_id (system.feature_counter.next_id) end tmp_feature_server.put (new, new_is_aliased) internal_table_put (, key) if not found then if new.is_attribute then -- We are adding a new attribute so we update the attribute count. attribute_count := attribute_count + 1 elseif new.is_object_relative_once then once_per_object_count := once_per_object_count + 1 end end -- Update alias table if attached new.alias_name_ids as lst then across lst as ic until alias_table.conflict -- FIXME: check if there is any risk to stop at first conflict? [2019-09-25] loop alias_name_id := ic.item check is_alias_id (alias_name_id) is_fixed_alias_id (alias_name_id) end alias_table.put (, lookup_alias_id (alias_name_id)) if alias_table.conflict then conflicting_alias := alias_name_id end end end end replace (new: FEATURE_I; key: INTEGER) do if item_id (key) /= new then remove (key) put (new, key, False) end end item_for_iteration: FEATURE_I local l_id: INTEGER l_feat_tbl: like feature_table do l_feat_tbl := feature_table if l_feat_tbl /= Void then Result := l_feat_tbl.item_for_iteration else l_id := internal_table_item_for_iteration if l_id > 0 then Result := system.feature_server.item (l_id) end end end cursor: CURSOR -- do if attached feature_table as l_feat_tbl then Result := l_feat_tbl.cursor else Result := Precursor end end valid_cursor (c: CURSOR): BOOLEAN -- do if attached feature_table as l_feat_tbl then Result := l_feat_tbl.valid_cursor (c) else Result := Precursor (c) end end go_to (c: CURSOR) -- do if attached feature_table as l_feat_tbl then l_feat_tbl.go_to (c) else Precursor (c) end end feature {NONE} -- HASH_TABLE like features remove (key: INTEGER) local old_feature: FEATURE_I l_id: INTEGER alias_name_id: INTEGER do old_feature := item_id (key) if old_feature /= Void then -- Remove feature from temporary feature server if old_feature.is_attribute then attribute_count := attribute_count - 1 elseif old_feature.is_object_relative_once then once_per_object_count := once_per_object_count - 1 end l_id := if l_id > 0 and then not tmp_feature_server.aliased_features.has (l_id) then -- We do not want aliased features to be removed from disk. tmp_feature_server.remove (l_id) end -- Remove old alias name if attached old_feature.alias_name_ids as lst then across lst as ic loop alias_name_id := ic.item check is_alias_id (alias_name_id) is_fixed_alias_id (alias_name_id) end alias_table.remove (lookup_alias_id (alias_name_id)) end end end internal_table_remove (key) end feature -- Access: compatibility overloaded_items (an_id: INTEGER): LIST [FEATURE_I] -- List of features matching overloaded name `s'. require an_id_valid: an_id >= 0 has_overloaded_an_id: has_overloaded (an_id) local l_names: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do l_names := overloaded_names.item (an_id) create {ARRAYED_LIST [FEATURE_I]} Result.make (l_names.count) from l_names.start until l_names.after loop Result.extend (item_id (l_names.item)) l_names.forth end ensure overloaded_items_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Access: compatibility item (s: READABLE_STRING_8): FEATURE_I -- Item of name `s'. require s_not_void: s /= Void s_not_empty: not s.is_empty local id: INTEGER do id := Names_heap.id_of (s) if id > 0 then Result := item_id (id) end end has (s: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Has item of name `s'. require s_not_void: s /= Void s_not_empty: not s.is_empty do Result := has_id (Names_heap.id_of (s)) end search (s: STRING) -- Search for `s'. require s_not_void: s /= Void s_not_empty: not s.is_empty do search_id (Names_heap.id_of (s)) end alias_item (alias_name: READABLE_STRING_8): FEATURE_I -- Feature with given `alias_name' if any require alias_name_not_void: alias_name /= Void local id: INTEGER do id := names_heap.id_of (alias_name) if id > 0 then Result := item_alias_id (id) end end feature -- Query has_feature_named (a_feat: E_FEATURE): BOOLEAN -- Has feature named `a_feat'? do Result := has ( end feature_named (a_feat: E_FEATURE): FEATURE_I -- Feature named the same with `a_feat'. require has_feature: has_feature_named (a_feat) do Result := item ( end feature -- Traversal start -- Start iteration do if feature_table /= Void then feature_table.start else -- Load all the features in memory. It makes sense, since -- the traversal will need to go through all the items. internal_features.start end end after: BOOLEAN -- Are we off? do if feature_table /= Void then Result := feature_table.after else Result := internal_table_after end if Result and then is_flushed then feature_table := Void end end forth -- Are we off? do if feature_table /= Void then feature_table.forth else internal_table_forth end end feature -- Status report has_overloaded (a_feature_name_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does Current have `a_feature_name' as being an overloaded routine? do if a_feature_name_id > 0 and then overloaded_names /= Void and then associated_class.is_true_external then Result := overloaded_names.has (a_feature_name_id) end end is_alias_conflict: BOOLEAN -- Did last operation cause a conflict on alias name? do Result := alias_table.conflict end conflicting_alias: INTEGER require is_alias_conflict: is_alias_conflict attribute end is_computed: BOOLEAN -- Is Current properly computed? I.e. went through degree 4? is_flushed: BOOLEAN -- Find out if we can discard `feature_table' during a traversal -- that is to say we are sure it was stored to disk. attribute_count: INTEGER -- Number of attributes held within `Current'. --| Used for optimizing skeleton creation and generic seed update. once_per_object_count: INTEGER -- Number of once per object held within `Current'. --| Used for optimizing skeleton creation and generic seed update. feature -- Settings set_overloaded_names (o: like overloaded_names) -- Assign `o' to `overloaded_names'. do overloaded_names := o ensure overloaded_names_set: overloaded_names = o end set_computed -- Mark `is_computed' to True. This is useful in the -- case of an empty feature table. do is_computed := True create feature_id_table.make_empty create body_index_table.make (0) create feature_table.make (0) feature_table.set_id (feat_tbl_id) create select_table.make (0, Current) end feature -- Comparison equiv (other: like Current; pass2_ctrl: PASS2_CONTROL): BOOLEAN -- Incrementality test on feature table in second pass. -- We must know if a feature table has possibly changed, -- for recompiling descendants of a changed class. Note that -- those descendants are perhaps not explicitly touched -- syntaxically. require good_argument: other /= Void is_computed: is_computed other_is_computed: other.is_computed local f1, f2: FEATURE_I c: CLASS_C is_freeze_requested: BOOLEAN do c := system.class_of_id (feat_tbl_id) if other.is_empty then Result := False if not system.is_freeze_requested and then c.has_visible then -- Ensure the system is frozen for CECIL. system.request_freeze end else is_freeze_requested := system.is_freeze_requested from start Result := True until after loop f1 := item_for_iteration f2 := other.item_id (f1.feature_name_id) if f2 = Void then -- Old feature is not in Current feature table, this -- is not equivalent Result := False if not is_freeze_requested and then c.visible_level.is_visible (f1, feat_tbl_id) then -- Remove references to the old feature in CECIL data. system.request_freeze is_freeze_requested := True end else check f1.feature_name_id = f2.feature_name_id end if f1.equiv (f2) then f1.set_code_id (f2.code_id) else debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("%Tfeature ") io.error.put_string (f2.feature_name) io.error.put_string (" is not equiv.%N") end if f1.is_external and then attached {EXTERNAL_I} f1 as ext_i then -- `f1' and `f2' can be "not equiv" because of the -- export status. We need to freeze only if the -- information specific to EXTERNAL_I is not equiv if not is_freeze_requested and then (f1.is_type_evaluation_delayed or else f2.is_type_evaluation_delayed or else not ext_i.freezing_equiv (f2)) then -- The external definition has changed System.request_freeze is_freeze_requested := True end end Result := False -- One day, I changed `f2' by `f1' and the eweasel test#incr139 was broken, -- so I guess this is why we have to use `f2'. pass2_ctrl.propagators.extend (create {DEPEND_UNIT}.make (feat_tbl_id, f2)) if not is_freeze_requested and then c.visible_level.is_visible (f1, feat_tbl_id) then -- Regenerate C code for visible feature so that it can be accessed via CECIL. system.request_freeze is_freeze_requested := True end end end forth end if Result then Result := select_table.equiv (other.select_table, c) debug ("ACTIVITY") if not Result then io.error.put_string ("%TOrigin table is not equivalent%N") end end end end end fill_pass2_control (pass_control: PASS2_CONTROL; other: like Current) -- Process the interface changes between the new feature table -- `other' and the current one. local old_feature_i, new_feature_i: FEATURE_I propagators, melted_propagators: TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [DEPEND_UNIT] removed_features: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] depend_unit: DEPEND_UNIT propagate_feature: BOOLEAN same_interface, has_same_type: BOOLEAN is_anchor_changed: BOOLEAN do -- Iteration on the features of the current feature -- table. from propagators := pass_control.propagators melted_propagators := pass_control.melted_propagators removed_features := pass_control.removed_features start until after loop -- Old feature old_feature_i := item_for_iteration -- New feature new_feature_i := other.item_id (old_feature_i.feature_name_id) if new_feature_i = Void then is_anchor_changed := True else has_same_type := True same_interface := old_feature_i.same_interface (new_feature_i) if not same_interface then -- Check whether it was in the address table if it is an attribute if old_feature_i.is_attribute and then System.address_table.has_dollar_operator (old_feature_i.written_in, old_feature_i.feature_id) then -- Force a re-freeze in order -- to get a correct 'ececil.c' System.request_freeze end has_same_type := old_feature_i.same_class_type (new_feature_i) is_anchor_changed := not has_same_type end end -- First condition, `other' must have the feature -- name. Second condition, `old_feature_i' and -- `new_feature_i' must have the same interface -- Finally, they must have the same `is_deferred' value if not ( (new_feature_i /= Void and then same_interface and then old_feature_i.export_status.equiv (new_feature_i.export_status) and then old_feature_i.is_deferred = new_feature_i.is_deferred) -- or else -- We don't want to trigger a third pass -- on a client of the associated class -- changed of interface between two -- recompilations -- FIXME -- In fact, we want to propagate in this case -- but only to the descendants -- A TEMPORARY solution is to do the propagation anyway -- --------- -- old_feature_i.export_status.is_none) ) then propagate_feature := True is_anchor_changed := is_anchor_changed or else not old_feature_i.export_status.equiv (new_feature_i.export_status) end if (old_feature_i.written_in = feat_tbl_id or else old_feature_i.is_replicated_directly) and then old_feature_i.is_c_external then -- Previous feature generated for current class. debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Remove external: ") io.error.put_string (old_feature_i.feature_name) io.error.put_new_line end -- Delete one occurrence of an external feature. Freeze is taken -- care by EXTERNALS.is_equivalent queried by SYSTEM_I. if attached {EXTERNAL_I} old_feature_i as external_i then pass_control.remove_external (external_i) else check old_is_external_i: False end end end if old_feature_i.written_in = feat_tbl_id or else old_feature_i.is_replicated_directly then -- Previous feature had a body_index generated for current class. if new_feature_i = Void or else (new_feature_i.written_in /= feat_tbl_id and then not new_feature_i.is_replicated_directly) or else (new_feature_i.body_index /= old_feature_i.body_index) then -- A feature written in the associated class disapearred, -- or was moved in the inheritance hierarchy, -- or had a different body_index. debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Removed feature: ") io.error.put_string (old_feature_i.feature_name) io.error.put_new_line end removed_features.put (old_feature_i.body_index) propagate_feature := True is_anchor_changed := True end end if feat_tbl_id /= 0 then -- Bug fix: moving a class around can create problems: -- class test1 t: TEST2 end; class test2 inherit t1 end -- class test2 moved from one cluster to another if propagate_feature then debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("%Tfeature ") io.error.put_string (old_feature_i.feature_name) io.error.put_string (" is propagated to clients%N") end create depend_unit.make_no_dead_code (feat_tbl_id, old_feature_i.rout_id_set.first) propagators.put (depend_unit) propagate_feature := False end if new_feature_i /= Void and then (old_feature_i.is_attribute /= new_feature_i.is_attribute or else not has_same_type) then -- Detect an attribute changed into a function. if depend_unit = Void then create depend_unit.make_no_dead_code (feat_tbl_id, old_feature_i.rout_id_set.first) end debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Melted propagators: ") io.error.put_string (old_feature_i.feature_name) io.error.put_new_line end melted_propagators.put (depend_unit) end end if is_anchor_changed then -- Mark anchor clients for recompilation. degree_4.touch_feature_type (old_feature_i, associated_class) end depend_unit := Void forth end end propagate_assertions (assert_list: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER]) -- Propagate features to Pass 4 using the routine ids -- in `assert_list'. local stop: BOOLEAN do from start until after loop if item_for_iteration.written_in = feat_tbl_id and then not item_for_iteration.is_deferred then from assert_list.start stop := False until assert_list.after or else stop loop if item_for_iteration.rout_id_set.has (assert_list.item) then stop := True debug ("ASSERTION") io.put_string ("inserting feature for pass 4:%N") io.put_string (item_for_iteration.feature_name) io.put_new_line end associated_class.insert_changed_assertion (item_for_iteration) end assert_list.forth end end forth end end compute_lookup_tables -- Build `select_table', `feature_id_table' and `body_index_table'. local l_feat: FEATURE_I nb: INTEGER l_feature_server: FEATURE_SERVER do from nb := count l_feature_server := system.feature_server create feature_table.make (nb) feature_table.set_id (feat_tbl_id) create select_table.make (nb, Current) create feature_id_table.make_filled (0, 1, nb) create body_index_table.make (nb) internal_table_start until internal_table_after loop -- Retrieve feature from current routine id of `Current'. check l_id_positive: internal_table_item_for_iteration > 0 end l_feat := l_feature_server.item (internal_table_item_for_iteration) feature_id_table.force (l_feat.feature_name_id, l_feat.feature_id) body_index_table.put (l_feat.feature_name_id, l_feat.body_index) select_table.add_feature (l_feat) feature_table.extend (l_feat) internal_table_forth end is_computed := True ensure is_computed: is_computed end check_expanded -- Check the expanded validity rules local class_c: CLASS_C do class_c := associated_class from start until after loop item_for_iteration.check_expanded (class_c) forth end Error_handler.checksum end feature_of_feature_id (i: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Feature of feature_id id equal to `i'. require is_computed: is_computed local l_id: INTEGER do if feature_id_table.valid_index (i) then l_id := feature_id_table.item (i) end if l_id > 0 then Result := item_id (l_id) end end feature_of_body_index (i: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Feature of body id equal to `i'. require is_computed: is_computed local l_id: INTEGER do l_id := body_index_table.item (i) if l_id > 0 then Result := item_id (l_id) end end feature_of_rout_id (rout_id: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Feature with routine ID `rout_id'. require valid_rout_id: rout_id > 0 is_computed: is_computed do Result := select_table.item (rout_id) end feature_of_rout_id_set (rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET): FEATURE_I -- Feature with routine ID `rout_id'. require rout_id_set_not_void: rout_id_set /= Void is_computed: is_computed local i, nb: INTEGER l_select_table: like select_table do from i := 1 nb := rout_id_set.count l_select_table := select_table until i > nb or Result /= Void loop Result := l_select_table.item (rout_id_set.item (i)) i := i + 1 end end update_instantiator2 -- Look for generic types in the result and arguments of -- the features assuming that the associated class is -- syntactically changed require associated_class.changed local a_class: CLASS_C do from start a_class := associated_class until after loop item_for_iteration.delayed_update_instantiator2 (a_class) forth end end skeleton: GENERIC_SKELETON -- Skeleton of the associated class local l_associated_class: like associated_class l_written_class: CLASS_C fi, feature_i: FEATURE_I desc: ATTR_DESC l_opo_counter, l_opo_count: INTEGER l_attribute_counter, l_attribute_count: INTEGER opo_info_table, old_opo_info_table: detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO_TABLE l_ancestors_once_infos: detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO_TABLE l_ancestor_once_info: detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO l_infos_cursor: INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR [detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO] n: INTEGER opo_info: OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO opo_reused: BOOLEAN do l_associated_class := associated_class check l_associated_class_attached: l_associated_class /= Void end l_attribute_count := attribute_count l_opo_count := once_per_object_count --| Once per object entries if attached l_associated_class.parents_classes as l_ancestors then from l_ancestors.start n := 0 until l_ancestors.after loop if attached l_ancestors.item.object_relative_once_infos as a then n := n + a.count end l_ancestors.forth end if n > 0 then create l_ancestors_once_infos.make (n) from l_ancestors.start until l_ancestors.after loop if attached l_ancestors.item.object_relative_once_infos as a then l_ancestors_once_infos.merge (a) end l_ancestors.forth end end end if l_attribute_count + l_opo_count + n > 0 then create Result.make (l_attribute_count + l_opo_count.max (n) * 3) else Result := empty_skeleton end opo_info_table := l_associated_class.object_relative_once_infos if opo_info_table /= Void then old_opo_info_table := opo_info_table l_associated_class.reset_object_relative_once_infos opo_info_table := Void end if l_opo_count > 0 then l_associated_class.create_object_relative_once_infos (l_opo_count) opo_info_table := l_associated_class.object_relative_once_infos -- Fresh empty table from start until l_opo_counter = l_opo_count or after loop feature_i := item_for_iteration if feature_i.is_object_relative_once then -- Increase attribute counter so we only iterate the number of once per object available l_opo_counter := l_opo_counter + 1 if attached {ONCE_PROC_I} feature_i as l_once_i then check once_is_object_relative: l_once_i.is_object_relative end l_written_class := l_once_i.written_class l_ancestor_once_info := Void if l_ancestors_once_infos /= Void then l_ancestor_once_info := l_ancestors_once_infos.first_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (l_once_i.rout_id_set) if l_ancestor_once_info /= Void then l_ancestors_once_infos.update_items_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (l_once_i.rout_id_set, l_once_i) end --| there could be more than one, but the first one should be the closest. end if l_ancestor_once_info /= Void and then l_written_class = l_ancestor_once_info.written_class then --| Inherited once per object without any redefinition and so on --| but we need to adapt it to resolve type in ATTR_DESC ... just in case. check inherited_once: l_written_class /= l_associated_class end --| Keep ancestor's entries if attached l_ancestors_once_infos.items_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (l_once_i.rout_id_set) as lst then from lst.start until lst.after loop opo_info := Void opo_reused := False if old_opo_info_table /= Void then opo_info := old_opo_info_table.first_item_with_same_rout_id_set (l_once_i.rout_id_set) if opo_info /= Void then old_opo_info_table.remove_items_with_same_rout_id_set (lst.item.rout_id_set) end end if opo_info /= Void then -- we need to clean previous extra attributes opo_info.reuse (l_once_i) opo_reused := opo_info.is_set else create opo_info.make (l_once_i) check is_not_set: not opo_info.is_set end end opo_info_table.add_after_last_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (opo_info, opo_info.rout_id_set) add_object_relative_once_to_skeleton (Result, l_associated_class, l_once_i, opo_info, opo_reused, lst.item) lst.forth end l_ancestors_once_infos.remove_items_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (l_once_i.rout_id_set) end else opo_info := Void opo_reused := False --| Incremental info (from previous compilation) --| take care of: --| class A feature foo: FOO once ("OBJECT") ... end => 3 attribs --| class B inherit A redefine foo end => 3+(3) attribs --| class C inherit B redefine foo end => 3+(3+3) attribs --| class TEST inherit C ... => (3+3+3) attribs instanciated in TEST if old_opo_info_table /= Void then opo_info := old_opo_info_table.first_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (l_once_i.rout_id_set) if opo_info /= Void then old_opo_info_table.remove_items_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (opo_info.rout_id_set) end end if opo_info /= Void then -- we need to clean previous extra attributes opo_info.reuse (l_once_i) opo_reused := opo_info.is_set else create opo_info.make (l_once_i) check is_not_set: not opo_info.is_set end end opo_info_table.add_or_replace_first_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (opo_info, l_once_i.rout_id_set) if l_ancestor_once_info /= Void and then l_written_class /= l_associated_class then --| remove the process entries --| and then re-add all unprocess entries if any l_ancestors_once_infos.remove_items_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (opo_info.rout_id_set) end if not opo_reused and then l_written_class /= associated_class and then l_ancestor_once_info = Void then --| Reuse ancestor's routine ids. l_ancestor_once_info := l_written_class.object_relative_once_info_of_rout_id_set (opo_info.rout_id_set) check l_ancestor_once_info_attached: l_ancestor_once_info /= Void end end add_object_relative_once_to_skeleton (Result, l_associated_class, l_once_i, opo_info, opo_reused, l_ancestor_once_info) end end end if l_opo_counter < l_opo_count then -- If we have reached the attribute count then we don't need to do -- an unnecessary forth forth end end end if l_ancestors_once_infos /= Void and then l_ancestors_once_infos.count > 0 then if opo_info_table = Void then l_associated_class.create_object_relative_once_infos (l_ancestors_once_infos.count) opo_info_table := l_associated_class.object_relative_once_infos end debug ("once_per_object") print ("FEATURE_TABLE.skeleton <" + l_associated_class.name_in_upper + ">: ancestors o.p.o count = " + l_ancestors_once_infos.count.out + "%N") end from l_infos_cursor := l_ancestors_once_infos.new_cursor until l_infos_cursor.after loop l_ancestor_once_info := l_infos_cursor.item feature_i := l_ancestor_once_info.routine if feature_i /= Void then fi := Void if feature_i.has_return_value then fi := l_associated_class.feature_of_rout_id_set (feature_i.rout_id_set) check associated_feature_exists: fi /= Void end if fi /= feature_i then l_ancestor_once_info := l_ancestor_once_info.updated_with (fi) end end opo_info := Void opo_reused := False if old_opo_info_table /= Void then opo_info := old_opo_info_table.first_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (feature_i.rout_id_set) if opo_info /= Void then old_opo_info_table.remove_items_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (opo_info.rout_id_set) end end if opo_info /= Void then -- we need to clean previous extra attributes opo_info.reuse (feature_i) opo_reused := opo_info.is_set else create opo_info.make (feature_i) check is_not_set: not opo_info.is_set end end if fi /= Void and fi /= feature_i then opo_info.init_return_info (fi) end opo_info_table.add_after_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (opo_info, opo_info.rout_id_set) add_object_relative_once_to_skeleton (Result, l_associated_class, feature_i, opo_info, opo_reused, l_ancestor_once_info) end l_infos_cursor.forth end end if old_opo_info_table /= Void and then old_opo_info_table.count > 0 then from l_infos_cursor := old_opo_info_table.new_cursor until l_infos_cursor.after loop opo_info := l_infos_cursor.item opo_info.clean l_infos_cursor.forth end end debug ("once_per_object") opo_info_table := l_associated_class.object_relative_once_infos if opo_info_table /= Void then print ("FEATURE_TABLE.skeleton <" + l_associated_class.name_in_upper + ">: total count = " + opo_info_table.count.out + "%N%N") end end --| Attribute entries if l_attribute_count > 0 then from start until l_attribute_counter = l_attribute_count loop feature_i := item_for_iteration if feature_i.is_attribute then -- Increase attribute counter so we only iterate the number of attributes available l_attribute_counter := l_attribute_counter + 1 if attached {IL_EXTENSION_I} feature_i.extension as l_ext implies l_ext.type /= {SHARED_IL_CONSTANTS}.static_field_type then -- We do not take IL static fields, only attributes of a class. desc := feature_i.type.description desc.set_feature_id (feature_i.feature_id) desc.set_attribute_name_id (feature_i.feature_name_id) desc.set_rout_id (feature_i.rout_id_set.first) desc.set_is_transient (feature_i.is_transient) Result.extend (desc) end end if l_attribute_counter < l_attribute_count then -- If we have reached the attribute count then we don't need to do -- an unnecessary forth forth end end end ensure empty_skeleton_empty: empty_skeleton.is_empty end add_object_relative_once_to_skeleton ( a_skeleton: like skeleton; a_associated_class: CLASS_C; a_fi: FEATURE_I opo_info: OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO; opo_reused: BOOLEAN; a_ancestor_once_info: detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO ) local desc: ATTR_DESC l_is_redefined: BOOLEAN do l_is_redefined := a_ancestor_once_info /= Void and a_fi.written_class = a_associated_class --| called? if not opo_reused then opo_info.set_called_feature_id ( if a_ancestor_once_info /= Void and not l_is_redefined then opo_info.set_called_routine_id (a_ancestor_once_info.called_routine_id) opo_info.set_called_body_index (a_ancestor_once_info.called_body_index) else opo_info.set_called_routine_id (a_associated_class.routine_id_counter.next_attr_id) opo_info.set_called_body_index (system.body_index_counter.next_id) end opo_info.create_called_name_id opo_info.get_called_attr_desc else desc := opo_info.called_attr_desc if desc = Void then opo_info.get_called_attr_desc end end desc := opo_info.called_attr_desc if a_ancestor_once_info = Void or l_is_redefined then system.rout_info_table.put (desc.rout_id, a_associated_class) end a_skeleton.extend (desc) --| Exception? if not opo_reused then opo_info.set_exception_feature_id ( if a_ancestor_once_info /= Void and not l_is_redefined then opo_info.set_exception_routine_id (a_ancestor_once_info.exception_routine_id) opo_info.set_exception_body_index (a_ancestor_once_info.exception_body_index) else opo_info.set_exception_routine_id (a_associated_class.routine_id_counter.next_attr_id) opo_info.set_exception_body_index (system.body_index_counter.next_id) end opo_info.create_exception_name_id opo_info.get_exception_attr_desc else desc := opo_info.exception_attr_desc if desc = Void then opo_info.get_exception_attr_desc end end desc := opo_info.exception_attr_desc if a_ancestor_once_info = Void or l_is_redefined then system.rout_info_table.put (desc.rout_id, a_associated_class) end a_skeleton.extend (desc) --| Result? if opo_info.has_result then if not opo_reused then opo_info.set_result_feature_id ( if a_ancestor_once_info /= Void and not l_is_redefined then opo_info.set_result_routine_id (a_ancestor_once_info.result_routine_id) opo_info.set_result_body_index (a_ancestor_once_info.result_body_index) else opo_info.set_result_routine_id (a_associated_class.routine_id_counter.next_attr_id) opo_info.set_result_body_index (system.body_index_counter.next_id) end opo_info.create_result_name_id opo_info.get_result_attr_desc else desc := opo_info.result_attr_desc if desc = Void then opo_info.get_result_attr_desc end end desc := opo_info.result_attr_desc if a_ancestor_once_info = Void or l_is_redefined then system.rout_info_table.put (desc.rout_id, a_associated_class) end a_skeleton.extend (desc) end opo_info.update debug ("ONCE_PER_OBJECT") opo_info.debug_output_info (a_fi, "from " + a_associated_class.name_in_upper + "<" + a_associated_class.class_id.out +">") end end empty_skeleton: GENERIC_SKELETON -- Empty skeleton once create Result.make (0) end generate (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER) -- Generate routine id array in `buffer'. require good_argument: buffer /= Void local tab: ARRAY [FEATURE_I] feat: FEATURE_I i, nb: INTEGER do tab := routine_id_array nb := tab.upper buffer.put_string ("int32 ra") buffer.put_integer (feat_tbl_id) buffer.put_string ("[") -- Print number of static array initializers. buffer.put_integer (nb + 1) buffer.put_string ("] = {") from i := 0 until i > nb loop feat := tab.item (i) if feat = Void then buffer.put_integer (0) else buffer.put_integer (feat.rout_id_set.first) end if i < nb then buffer.put_character (',') end i := i + 1 end buffer.put_string ("};%N") end routine_id_array: ARRAY [FEATURE_I] -- Routine id array local feature_i: FEATURE_I l_feature_table: HASH_TABLE [FEATURE_I, INTEGER] do create Result.make (0, associated_class.feature_id_counter.value) from start until after loop feature_i := item_for_iteration Result.put (feature_i, feature_i.feature_id) forth end if attached {EIFFEL_CLASS_C} associated_class as eiffel_class and then eiffel_class.has_inline_agents then from l_feature_table := eiffel_class.inline_agent_table l_feature_table.start until l_feature_table.after loop feature_i := l_feature_table.item_for_iteration Result.put (feature_i, feature_i.feature_id) l_feature_table.forth end end l_feature_table := associated_class.generic_features if l_feature_table /= Void then from l_feature_table.start until l_feature_table.after loop feature_i := l_feature_table.item_for_iteration Result.put (feature_i, feature_i.feature_id) l_feature_table.forth end end if attached associated_class.object_relative_once_infos as l_once_infos and then attached l_once_infos.new_cursor as c then from c.start until c.after loop if attached c.item as l_once_info then Result.put (l_once_info.called_attribute_i, l_once_info.called_feature_id) Result.put (l_once_info.exception_attribute_i, l_once_info.exception_feature_id) if l_once_info.has_result then Result.put (l_once_info.result_attribute_i, l_once_info.result_feature_id) end end c.forth end end end replicated_features: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [FEATURE_I], INTEGER] -- Replicated features for Current feature table -- hashed on body_index local list: ARRAYED_LIST [FEATURE_I] feat: FEATURE_I do create Result.make (10) from start until after loop feat := item_for_iteration if feat.is_replicated and then feat.is_unselected then list := Result.item (feat.body_index) if list = Void then create list.make (1) Result.put (list, feat.body_index) end list.extend (feat) end forth end end feature -- Case stuff has_introduced_new_externals: BOOLEAN -- Has `associated_class' introduced new externals? --| Looks for externals features that are "written in" --| `associated_class' local feat: FEATURE_I do from start until Result or else after loop feat := item_for_iteration Result := feat.is_external and then feat.written_in = feat_tbl_id forth end end feature -- API api_table: E_FEATURE_TABLE -- API table of features local c_id: INTEGER feat: FEATURE_I do from create Result.make (count) if object_comparison then Result.compare_objects else Result.compare_references end c_id := feat_tbl_id Result.set_class_id (c_id) start until after loop feat := item_for_iteration if feat /= Void then Result.put (feat.api_feature (c_id), feat.feature_name) end forth end end written_in_features: LIST [E_FEATURE] -- List of features defined in current class local c_id: like feat_tbl_id list: LINKED_LIST [E_FEATURE] do from c_id := feat_tbl_id create list.make start until after loop if c_id = item_for_iteration.written_in then list.put_front (item_for_iteration.api_feature (c_id)) end forth end Result := list end feature -- Server storing cleanup_for_saving -- Removes reference to `feature_table' so that saving is not clobbered with data -- which is temporary. do feature_table := Void end flush local l_old_item: like feature_table l_cache: like feature_table_cache do l_cache := feature_table_cache l_old_item := l_cache.item_id (feat_tbl_id) if l_old_item = Void then -- No previous item of id `feat_tbl_id' l_cache.force (feature_table) else -- There is a previous item of id `feat_tbl_id', so we -- update the cache with new item. l_cache.change_last_item (feature_table) end feature_table := Void is_flushed := True tmp_feature_server.flush end feature -- Code generation descriptors (c: CLASS_C): DESC_LIST -- Descriptors of class types associated -- with class `c' require c_not_void: c /= Void local l_feature_i: FEATURE_I l_table: COMPUTED_FEATURE_TABLE l_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET i, j, nb, l_count: INTEGER l_inline_agent_table: HASH_TABLE [FEATURE_I, INTEGER_32] l_area: SPECIAL [FEATURE_I] l_features: HASH_TABLE [FEATURE_I, INTEGER_32] l_once_info: OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO do create Result.make (c) if attached c.invariant_feature as f then Result.put_invariant (f) end from l_table := features l_area := l_table.area l_count := l_table.count until i = l_count loop l_feature_i := l_area [i] l_id_set := l_feature_i.rout_id_set Result.put (l_id_set.first, l_feature_i) nb := l_id_set.count if nb > 1 then from j := 2 until j > nb loop Result.put (l_id_set.item (j), l_feature_i) j := j + 1 end end i := i + 1 end if attached {EIFFEL_CLASS_C} c as eiffel_class and then eiffel_class.has_inline_agents then from l_inline_agent_table := eiffel_class.inline_agent_table l_inline_agent_table.start until l_inline_agent_table.after loop l_feature_i := l_inline_agent_table.item_for_iteration Result.put (l_feature_i.rout_id_set.first, l_feature_i) l_inline_agent_table.forth end end -- Added entries for the generic features, holding the data for -- current and inherited formal generic parameters. l_features := c.generic_features if l_features /= Void then from l_features.start until l_features.after loop l_feature_i := l_features.item_for_iteration Result.put (l_feature_i.rout_id_set.first, l_feature_i) l_features.forth end end -- Added entries for the object relative onces. -- for current and inherited onces per object. if attached c.object_relative_once_infos as l_once_infos and then attached l_once_infos.new_cursor as l_once_infos_cursor then from l_once_infos_cursor.start until l_once_infos_cursor.after loop l_once_info := l_once_infos_cursor.item Result.put (l_once_info.called_routine_id, l_once_info.called_attribute_i) Result.put (l_once_info.exception_routine_id, l_once_info.exception_attribute_i) if l_once_info.has_result then Result.put (l_once_info.result_routine_id, l_once_info.result_attribute_i) end l_once_infos_cursor.forth end end end invariant alias_table_not_void: alias_table /= Void valid_alias_table_keys: ∀ a: alias_table ¦ is_lookup_alias_id (@ a.key ) body_index_table_not_void: is_computed implies body_index_table /= Void feature_id_table_not_void: is_computed implies feature_id_table /= Void select_table_not_void: is_computed implies select_table /= Void related_select_table: is_computed implies select_table.feature_table = Current note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end