note description: "Dead code removal." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class REMOVER inherit FEAT_ITERATOR redefine make, mark_code_reachable end CLASS_RECORDER rename has as is_class_known, is_valid as is_valid_class_id end DEPENDENCE_RECORDER SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_TABLE create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make -- Initialization. local i: like {FORMAL_A}.position r: like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id do Precursor create dependencies.make (1000) create array_optimizer.make create inliner.make create polymorphic_calls.make (1000) create dead_monomorphic_calls.make (1000) create instance_dependencies.make (100) -- Mark all classes as dead and unreachable. -- Take into account that indexes in `{SPECIAL}` do not start at `1`. create live_classes.make_filled (False, system.classes.upper + (1 - {like live_classes}.lower)) create reachable_classes.make_filled (False, system.classes.upper + (1 - {like reachable_classes}.lower)) -- Retrieve derived types for classes. -- Take into account that indexes in `{SPECIAL}` do not start at `1`. create actual_generics.make_filled (Void, system.class_counter.count + (1 - {like actual_generics}.lower)) -- Register actual generics. -- Firstly, find out what generics have creation constraints, and allocate the corresponding structure. across system.classes as cs loop if attached cs.item as c and then c.is_valid and then attached c.generics as g then from i := g.count until i <= 0 loop -- Take into account only types with creation constraint. if attached g [i].creation_feature_list then allocate_actuals (i, g.count, c.class_id) end i := i - 1 end end end -- Secondly, register actual generics from standalone class types. -- Actual generics from filters are registered by `mark_class_reachable`. record_actual_generics (system.instantiator) -- Take into account only routines and attributes with bodies. from r := system.routine_id_counter.count create is_fresh.make_filled (False, r + (1 - {like is_fresh}.lower)) create is_routine.make_filled (False, r + (1 - {like is_routine}.lower)) until r <= 0 loop if system.routine_id_counter.is_attribute (r) implies attached tmp_poly_server.item (r) as t and then t.is_routine_table then is_fresh [r] := True is_routine [r] := True end r := r - 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Initialization allocate_actuals (p: like {FORMAL_A}.position; n: like {FORMAL_A}.position; c: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Allocate storage to store actuals for a class of ID `c` with `n` formal generics -- where `p` is a position of a creation-involved one. local actuals: like actual_generics.item actual: like actual_generics.item.item do actuals := actual_generics [c] if not attached actuals then create actuals.make_filled (Void, n) actual_generics [c] := actuals end actual := actuals [p - 1] if not attached actual then create actual.make (1) actuals [p - 1] := actual end end record_actual_generics (fs: FILTER_LIST) -- Record actual generics of class types found in `fs` in `actual_generics` -- if the corresponding formal generic has a creation constraint. local i: like {FORMAL_A}.position t: CL_TYPE_A do across fs as f loop t := f.item -- Take into account only types with creation constraint. if attached actual_generics [t.class_id] as actuals and then attached t.generics as g then -- Some actual generics are involved in creation, record them. from i := g.count until i <= 0 loop if attached actuals [i - 1] and then attached g [i].base_class as b and then not b.is_deferred then record_and_propagate_actual_generic (b, i, t.base_class) end i := i - 1 end end end end record_and_propagate_actual_generic (a: CLASS_C; p: like {FORMAL_A}.position; c: CLASS_C) -- Record that a formal of a class `c` at position `p` is used with an actual value `a` -- and propagate it (recursively) to derivations, instantiated by `c`. require not a.is_deferred attached c.generics as g g.valid_index (p) local j: like {FORMAL_A}.position f: CL_TYPE_A n: like actual_generics.item.item.count do n := actual_generics [c.class_id] [p - 1].count actual_generics [c.class_id] [p - 1].extend (a.class_id) -- Avoid recursion by testing that the new element has been added. if actual_generics [c.class_id] [p - 1].count /= n then across c.filters as fs loop f := fs.item -- Take into account only types with creation-involved generics. if attached actual_generics [f.class_id] as actuals and then attached f.generics as g then from j := g.count until j <= 0 loop -- Take into account only creation-involved generics. if attached actuals [j - 1] and then attached {FORMAL_A} g [j] as h and then h.position = p then record_and_propagate_actual_generic (a, j, f.base_class) end j := j - 1 end end end end ensure actual_generics [c.class_id] [p - 1].has (a.class_id) end feature -- Status report is_valid_class_id (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- do Result := system.has_class_of_id (class_id) and then system.has_existing_class_of_id (class_id) end is_valid_as_alive (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- do Result := attached system.class_of_id (class_id) as c and then not c.is_deferred end is_class_alive (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- Is class of ID `class_id` used to create an object? do check valid_index: live_classes.valid_index (class_id) end Result := live_classes [class_id] end is_class_reachable (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- Is class of ID `class_id` reachable during execution? -- E.g., are there live descendants of the class class with ID `class_id` or is the class used in a non-object call? do check valid_index: reachable_classes.valid_index (class_id) end Result := reachable_classes [class_id] end is_class_known (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- -- Is class of ID `class_id` alive or reachable? do Result := live_classes [class_id] or else reachable_classes [class_id] end is_valid_generic (position: like {FORMAL_A}.position; class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- do Result := attached system.class_of_id (class_id) as c and then attached c.generics as g and then g.valid_index (position) end feature {NONE} -- Status report is_fresh: SPECIAL [BOOLEAN] -- Flags telling if features with the routine ID corresponding to the index still have to be processed. -- The flags are indexed by routine IDs. is_routine: SPECIAL [BOOLEAN] -- Flags telling if features with the routine ID corresponding to the index are routines or attributes with bodies. -- The flags are indexed by routine IDs. feature -- Access parameter_instances (position: like {FORMAL_A}.position; class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): ARRAYED_LIST [like {CLASS_C}.class_id] -- do if attached actual_generics [class_id] as actuals then Result := actuals [position - 1] end end feature {NONE} -- Access actual_generics: SPECIAL [detachable SPECIAL [detachable ARRAYED_SET [like {CLASS_C}.class_id]]] -- IDs of classes of class types used as actual generics in derivations indexed by class ID. -- For example, if a class "X" has generic derivations "X [A, B]" and "X [A, C]" with generics used in creation, -- the item of `actual_generics` at ID of class "X" is "[[A], [B, C]]". feature -- Modification mark_class_alive (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Mark class of ID `class_id` as live, i.e. an instance of this class can be created by a running system. local i: like dead_monomorphic_calls.item.item b: like monomorphic_item_body_index do check valid_index: live_classes.valid_index (class_id) end if not live_classes [class_id] then -- Mark the class itself as alive. live_classes [class_id] := True live_classes_count := live_classes_count + 1 -- Mark the parents as reachable. mark_class_reachable (class_id) -- Mark expanded suppliers of attribute types as alive. if attached system.class_of_id (class_id) as c and then attached c.skeleton as s then across s as a loop if attached c.feature_of_feature_id (a.item.feature_id) as f and then attached f.type as t and then (t.is_basic implies not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive) and then t.is_expanded_creation_possible then dependence_generator.generate (t, {INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE_GENERATOR}.expanded_creation_kind, c) if attached dependence_generator.dependence as d then d.record_new_dependence (Current, Current) end end end end if attached dead_monomorphic_calls [class_id] as ms then -- There are previously dead feature calls on this class. -- They should be revived now. dead_monomorphic_calls.remove (class_id) across ms as m loop i := m.item b := monomorphic_item_body_index (i) -- It is possible that some calls for this class were registered as non-object ones or calls to precursors. -- Therefore, the test is required. if not reachable_code.item (b) then register_monomorphic_call (b, monomorphic_item_written_class_id (i), class_id) end end end end end mark_class_reachable (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Mark class of ID `class_id` as reachable, i.e. having live descendants or used in non-object calls. local c: CLASS_C do if not reachable_classes [class_id] then reachable_classes [class_id] := True c := system.class_of_id (class_id) if attached c.parents as ps then across ps as p loop mark_class_reachable (p.item.class_id) end end -- Add actual generics from the filters. if attached c.filters as fs then record_actual_generics (fs) end end ensure then is_marked: is_class_reachable (class_id) is_parent_marked: attached system.class_of_id (class_id).parents as ps implies across ps as p all reachable_classes [p.item.class_id] end end register_polymorphic (f: FEATURE_I; target_class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Register a polymorphic call to the feature `f` on the target of a type with a class with ID `target_class_id`. do dependencies.extend (create {DEPEND_UNIT}.make (target_class_id, f)) discharge_dependencies ensure dependencies.is_empty end register_monomorphic (f: FEATURE_I; target_class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Register a non-polymorphic call to the feature `f` -- on the target of a class with ID `target_class_id`. do dependencies.extend (create {DEPEND_UNIT}.make_with_level (target_class_id, f, {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_uniform_flag)) discharge_dependencies ensure dependencies.is_empty end mark_code_reachable (body_index: INTEGER) -- Mark feature body index `body_index` as potentially reachable during execution. do reachable_code [body_index] := True features := features + 1 if features = features_per_message then update_progress end end request_alive_clases (d: INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE) -- do instance_dependencies.put (d) end analyze -- Run the analysis after all feature calls were registered using -- `register_polymorphic` and `register_monomorphic`. local n: like live_classes_count m: like live_classes_count i: like instance_dependencies do -- Re-evaluate polymorhic calls until there are no new classes and no new instance dependencies. from i := instance_dependencies m := live_classes_count + i.count.as_natural_32 until n = m loop n := m -- Re-evaluate instance dependencies that rely on live classes. across i as d loop d.item.record (Current) end discharge_dependencies m := live_classes_count + i.count.as_natural_32 end ensure dependencies.is_empty end feature {NONE} -- Measurement live_classes_count: NATURAL_32 -- Number of alive classes. feature {NONE} -- Calls history polymorphic_key (routine_id: like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id; target_class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): NATURAL_64 -- A key to lookup in `polymorphic_calls` for a feature of routine ID `routine_id` -- called on a target class of ID `target_class_id`. do Result := (routine_id.as_natural_64 |<< 32) | target_class_id.as_natural_64 end polymorphic_calls: SEARCH_TABLE [NATURAL_64] -- A set of registered polymorphic calls. polymorphic_key_routine_id (key: like polymorphic_key): like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id -- A routine ID corresponding to the polymorphic call key `key`. do Result := (key |>> 32).as_integer_32 end polymorphic_key_target_class_id (key: like polymorphic_key): like {CLASS_C}.class_id -- A target class ID corresponding to the polymorphic call key `key`. do Result := key.as_integer_32 end dead_monomorphic_calls: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_SET [like monomorphic_item], like {CLASS_C}.class_id] -- Non-polymorphic calls that become reachanbe as soon as the corresponding class becomes alive. monomorphic_item (body_index: like {FEATURE_I}.body_index; written_class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): NATURAL_64 -- An item to store in `monomorphic_calls` for a feature with body index `body_index` -- written in a class of ID `written_class_id`. do Result := (body_index.as_natural_64 |<< 32) | written_class_id.as_natural_64 end monomorphic_item_body_index (item: like monomorphic_item): like {FEATURE_I}.body_index -- A body index corresponding to the monomorphic call item `item`. do Result := (item |>> 32).as_integer_32 end monomorphic_item_written_class_id (item: like monomorphic_item): like {CLASS_C}.class_id -- A written class ID corresponding to the monomorphic call item `item`. do Result := item.as_integer_32 end feature {NONE} -- Dependency propagation discharge_dependencies -- Process all dependencies registered in `control` until none left. local d: DEPEND_UNIT r: like {DEPEND_UNIT}.rout_id i: like {CLASS_C}.class_id b: like {FEATURE_I}.body_index do from until dependencies.is_empty loop d := dependencies.item dependencies.remove -- Check if the dependency is a routine. i := d.class_id if d.is_polymorphic then r := d.rout_id if not polymorphic_calls.has (polymorphic_key (r, i)) then register_polymorphic_call (r, i) end else b := d.body_index if not reachable_code [b] then register_monomorphic_call (b, d.written_in, i) end end end ensure dependencies.is_empty end register_monomorphic_call (body_index: like {FEATURE_I}.body_index; written_class_id, target_class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Register a non-polymorphic call to a feature with body index `body_index` written in a class with ID `written_class_id` -- on a target of a class with ID `target_class_id`. require not is_code_reachable (body_index) local d: DEPEND_UNIT r: like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id do mark_code_reachable (body_index) -- Process dependencies of the feature. if attached depend_server.item (written_class_id).item (body_index) as dependence then -- Register dependencies specified in `dependence`. if attached dependence.instance_suppliers as s then -- Mark classes that are used for creation or non-object calls. across s as i loop i.item.record_new_dependence (Current, Current) end end across dependence as f loop d := f.item if d.is_needed_for_dead_code_removal then r := d.rout_id if is_routine [r] and then if d.is_polymorphic then is_fresh [r] and then not polymorphic_calls.has (polymorphic_key (r, d.class_id)) else not reachable_code [d.body_index] end then dependencies.extend (d) end end end -- Array optimization array_optimizer.process (system.class_of_id (written_class_id), body_index, dependence) end ensure is_code_reachable (body_index) end register_polymorphic_call (routine_id: like {DEPEND_UNIT}.rout_id; target_class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id) -- Register a polymorphic call to a feature with routine ID `routine_id` -- on a target of a class with ID `target_class_id`. require is_new: not polymorphic_calls.has (polymorphic_key (routine_id, target_class_id)) local e: ROUT_ENTRY c: CLASS_C i: like {CLASS_C}.class_id m: like dead_monomorphic_calls.item k: like polymorphic_key b: like {FEATURE_I}.body_index do -- Iterate through all live entries of the corresponding routine table. if attached {ROUT_TABLE} tmp_poly_server.item (routine_id) as t then b := t.body_index if b = {ROUT_TABLE}.body_index_various then c := system.class_of_id (target_class_id) if system.rout_info_table [routine_id].origin = target_class_id then -- All entries are going to be registered, so the routine ID can be marked as processed. is_fresh [routine_id] := False end from t.start until t.after loop e := t.item i := e.class_id k := polymorphic_key (routine_id, i) if not polymorphic_calls.has (k) and then attached system.class_of_id (i) as d and then d.inherits_from (c) then -- Mark all calls on descendant targets as processed. polymorphic_calls.put (k) b := e.body_index if not reachable_code.item (b) then if live_classes [i] then -- The class is alive and the call has not been registered yet, do it now. register_monomorphic_call (b, e.written_in, i) else -- Remember that there is a call that is currently dead because the class is dead. -- It will be processed as soon as the class becomes alive. See `mark_class_alive`. m := dead_monomorphic_calls [i] if not attached m then create m.make (1) dead_monomorphic_calls [i] := m end m.extend (monomorphic_item (b, e.written_in)) end end end t.forth end elseif b = {ROUT_TABLE}.body_index_unknown or else reachable_code [b] then -- There are no entries with an effective body, or -- the body has been taken into account. -- Mark the routine as processed. is_fresh [routine_id] := False polymorphic_calls.put (polymorphic_key (routine_id, target_class_id)) else -- The routine has only one body that can be executed and it has not been reached yet. -- Record classes that can make this routine reachable. c := system.class_of_id (target_class_id) from t.start until t.after loop e := t.item i := e.class_id k := polymorphic_key (routine_id, i) if not polymorphic_calls.has (k) and then attached system.class_of_id (i) as d and then d.inherits_from (c) then -- Mark all calls on descendant targets as processed. polymorphic_calls.put (k) if live_classes [i] then -- The routine is going to be processed now, mark the routine ID as processed. is_fresh [routine_id] := False -- The class is alive and the call has not been registered yet, do it now. register_monomorphic_call (b, e.written_in, i) -- Stop traversal because there are no other routine bodies. t.finish else -- Remember that there is a call that is currently dead because the class is dead. -- It will be processed as soon as the class becomes alive. See `mark_class_alive`. m := dead_monomorphic_calls [i] if not attached m then create m.make (1) dead_monomorphic_calls [i] := m end m.extend (monomorphic_item (b, e.written_in)) end end t.forth end end elseif attached system.class_of_id (target_class_id) as t and then attached t.feature_of_rout_id (routine_id) as f then -- It must be an inline agent. -- There could be other ways to handle it, here it is assumed, the agent is always called. is_fresh [routine_id] := False polymorphic_calls.put (polymorphic_key (routine_id, target_class_id)) if not reachable_code.item (f.body_index) then register_monomorphic_call (f.body_index, f.written_in, target_class_id) end end ensure is_registered: polymorphic_calls.has (polymorphic_key (routine_id, target_class_id)) end Dependence_generator: INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE_GENERATOR -- A generator to compute instance dependencies for given creation or non-object call types. -- (export status {NONE}) once create Result end feature -- Array optimization record_array_descendants do array_optimizer.record_array_descendants end array_optimizer: ARRAY_OPTIMIZER feature {NONE} -- Access: classes live_classes: SPECIAL [BOOLEAN] -- Flags indicating whether a class is alive after dead code removal. reachable_classes: SPECIAL [BOOLEAN] -- Flags indicating whether a class or any of its descendants is alive after dead code removal. feature -- Inlining inliner: INLINER feature {NONE} -- Traversal dependencies: ARRAYED_QUEUE [DEPEND_UNIT] -- Dependencies to process. instance_dependencies: SEARCH_TABLE [INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE] -- Dependencies to be re-evaluated when a set of live classes changes. feature {NONE} -- Output features: INTEGER -- Number of features for the current dot features_per_message: INTEGER = 500 update_progress -- Update the message about dead code removal progress. do Degree_output.put_dead_code_removal_message (features, dependencies.count) features := 0 end feature -- Debugging dump_alive local i, j: INTEGER do io.put_string ("Used Table:%N") from i := 1 until i = reachable_code.count loop io.put_integer (i) io.put_string (" : ") io.put_boolean (reachable_code.item (i)) if reachable_code.item (i) then j := j + 1 end io.put_string ("%N") i := i + 1 end io.put_string ("END OF USED TABLE%N") io.put_string ("nb of body_index alive: ") io.put_integer (j) io.put_string ("%N") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end