note description: "Various constants for C code generation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class C_CONST feature -- Various names used for registers during code generation. current_name: STRING = "Current" result_name: STRING = "Result" argument_name: STRING = "arg" workbench_argument_name: STRING = "argx" local_name: STRING = "loc" tmp_name: STRING = "t" void_name: STRING = "void" dtype_name: STRING = "dtype" dftype_name: STRING = "dftype" inlined_dtype_name: STRING = "inlined_dtype" inlined_dftype_name: STRING = "inlined_dftype" keys_name: STRING = "keys" where_name: STRING = "where" eif_optimize_return: STRING = "eif_optimize_return" nstcall: STRING = "nstcall" data: STRING = "data" error: STRING = "ERROR" define: STRING = "#define" undef: STRING = "#undef" undef_result: STRING = "#undef Result" undef_arg: STRING = "#undef arg" define_arg: STRING = "#define arg" eif_volatile: STRING = "EIF_VOLATILE" undef_eif_volatile: STRING = "#undef EIF_VOLATILE" define_eif_volatile: STRING = "#define EIF_VOLATILE" body_postfix: STRING = "_body" notreached_comment: STRING = "/* NOTREACHED */" space_equals_space: STRING = " = " space_or_space: STRING = " || " eif_reference__earg: STRING = "EIF_REFERENCE earg" eif_boolean__uarg: STRING = "EIF_BOOLEAN uarg" sarg: STRING = "sarg" earg: STRING = "earg" uarg: STRING = "uarg" arg: STRING = "arg" sloc: STRING = "sloc" ptr: STRING = "ptr" fnptr: STRING = "fnptr" saved_except: STRING = "saved_except" feature -- Skeleton starting_c_code: STRING = "%N%N#ifdef __cplusplus%Nextern %"C%" {%N#endif%N" ending_c_code: STRING = "%N%N#ifdef __cplusplus%N}%N#endif%N" comma_space: STRING = ", " feature -- Function definitions static: STRING = "static" stdcall: STRING = " __stdcall" rtil: STRING = "RT_IL" extern: STRING = "extern" function_cast: STRING = "FUNCTION_CAST" function_cast_type: STRING = "FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE" feature -- Run-time functions eif_attached_type: STRING = "eif_attached_type" eif_non_attached_type: STRING = "eif_non_attached_type" feature -- Macros rtlr: STRING = "RTLR" gtcx: STRING = "GTCX" rti64c: STRING = "RTI64C" rtu64c: STRING = "RTU64C" rtms_ex_h: STRING = "RTMS_EX_H" rtmis8_ex_h: STRING = "RTMIS8_EX_H" rtms32_ex_h: STRING = "RTMS32_EX_H" rtmis32_ex_h: STRING = "RTMIS32_EX_H" dtype: STRING = "Dtype" dftype: STRING = "Dftype" rtcv_open: STRING = "RTCV(" rtcw_open: STRING = "RTCW(" rtcw_arg: STRING = "RTCW(arg" rtcw_earg: STRING = "RTCW(earg" rtcw_loc: STRING = "RTCW(loc" open_rtna_open: STRING = "(RTNA(" rtnr_close: STRING = "RTNR)" rtar_open: STRING = "RTAR(" rtal: STRING = "RTAL" rtgc: STRING = "RTGC" rtrs: STRING = "RTRS" rteaa: STRING = "RTEAA" rtdbgeaa: STRING = "RTDBGEAA" rtev: STRING = "RTEV" rtdbgle: STRING = "RTDBGLE" rtee: STRING = "RTEE" rtle: STRING = "RTLE" rtme: STRING = "RTME" rtrr: STRING = "RTRR" rtpr: STRING = "RTPR" rtmd: STRING = "RTMD" rtxt: STRING = "RTXT" rtxp: STRING = "RTXP" rtex: STRING = "RTEX" rted: STRING = "RTED" rtlt: STRING = "RTLT" rtlp: STRING = "RTLP" rtbu: STRING = "RTBU" rtiv: STRING = "RTIV" rtvi: STRING = "RTVI" rtsa: STRING = "RTSA" rtsc: STRING = "RTSC" rtjb: STRING = "RTJB" rtck: STRING = "RTCK" rtcf: STRING = "RTCF" rtct: STRING = "RTCT" rtct0: STRING = "RTCT0" rtit: STRING = "RTIT" rtsn: STRING = "RTSN" rtda: STRING = "RTDA" rtdt: STRING = "RTDT" rtxd: STRING = "RTXD" rtld: STRING = "RTLD" rtlxd: STRING = "RTLXD" rtti: STRING = "RTTI" rtpi: STRING = "RTPI" rte_t: STRING = "RTE_T" rte_e: STRING = "RTE_E" rtlxe: STRING = "RTLXE" rtxs: STRING = "RTXS" rte_ee: STRING = "RTE_EE" rtwf: STRING = "RTWF" rtwpf: STRING = "RTWPF" rtvf: STRING = "RTVF" rtvpf: STRING = "RTVPF" rtwc: STRING = "RTWC" rtwpc: STRING = "RTWPC" rtcc: STRING = "RTCC" rteainv: STRING = "RTEAINV" rtlnrw: STRING = "RTLNRW" rtlnrf: STRING = "RTLNRF" rteok: STRING = "RTEOK" rtxe: STRING = "RTXE" rtrcl: STRING = "RTRCL" rtrb: STRING = "RTRB" rtre: STRING = "RTRE" rtrv: STRING = "RTRV" feature -- C constants opt_all: STRING = "OPT_ALL" opt_unnamed: STRING = "OPT_UNNAMED" ex_pre: STRING = "EX_PRE" ex_post: STRING = "EX_POST" ex_check: STRING = "EX_CHECK" ex_linv: STRING = "EX_LINV" ex_var: STRING = "EX_VAR" ex_cinv: STRING = "EX_CINV" ex_invc: STRING = "EX_INVC" feature -- Typing eif_object: STRING = "EIF_OBJECT" eif_reference: STRING = "EIF_REFERENCE" eif_typed_value: STRING = "EIF_TYPED_VALUE" eif_type_index: STRING = "EIF_TYPE_INDEX" eif_boolean: STRING = "EIF_BOOLEAN" eif_character_8: STRING = "EIF_CHARACTER_8" eif_character_32: STRING = "EIF_CHARACTER_32" eif_natural_8: STRING = "EIF_NATURAL_8" eif_natural_16: STRING = "EIF_NATURAL_16" eif_natural_32: STRING = "EIF_NATURAL_32" eif_natural_64: STRING = "EIF_NATURAL_64" eif_integer_8: STRING = "EIF_INTEGER_8" eif_integer_16: STRING = "EIF_INTEGER_16" eif_integer_32: STRING = "EIF_INTEGER_32" eif_integer_64: STRING = "EIF_INTEGER_64" eif_real_32: STRING = "EIF_REAL_32" eif_real_64: STRING = "EIF_REAL_64" eif_pointer: STRING = "EIF_POINTER" eif_true: STRING = "EIF_TRUE" eif_false: STRING = "EIF_FALSE" feature -- C language char: STRING = "char" char_star: STRING = "char *" int: STRING = "int" else_conditional: STRING = "else" if_conditional: STRING = "if" where: STRING = "where" sizeof: STRING = "sizeof" return: STRING = "return" null: STRING = "NULL" volatile: STRING = "volatile" ignore_value: STRING = "(void) " note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end