note description: "[ Makefile generation control. The generated Makefile.SH is to be run through /bin/sh to get properly instantiated for a given platform. A partial linking of `Packet_number' files is done, as needed to avoid kernel internal argument space overflow. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class MAKEFILE_GENERATOR inherit SHARED_CODE_FILES SHARED_COUNTER SHARED_GENERATOR SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_BATCH_NAMES SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER SHARED_CONFIGURE_RESOURCES COMPILER_EXPORTER feature -- Attributes object_baskets: ARRAY [LINKED_LIST [STRING]] -- The entire set of class object files we have -- to make. It contains: -- * C code for classes -- * C code for descriptors -- * C code for feature tables system_baskets: ARRAY [LINKED_LIST [STRING]] -- The entire set of system object files we have -- to make is generated in the first entry. The -- other entries contain the polymorphic routine -- and attribute tables. cecil_rt_basket: LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Run-time object files to be put in the Cecil -- archive empty_class_types: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] -- Set of all the class types that have no used -- features (final mode), i.e. the C file would -- be empty. partial_system_objects: INTEGER -- Number of partial object files needed -- for system object files Packet_number: INTEGER -- Maximum number of files in a single linking phase in Workbench mode. once Result := configure_resources.get_integer ({SHARED_CONFIGURE_RESOURCES}.r_workbench_c_basket_limit, 33) end Final_packet_number: INTEGER -- Maximum number of files in a single linking phase in Final mode. once Result := configure_resources.get_integer ({SHARED_CONFIGURE_RESOURCES}.r_finalized_c_basket_limit, 50) end System_packet_number: INTEGER = 20 -- Maximum number of files in a single linking phase feature -- Initialization make -- Creation do create cecil_rt_basket.make create empty_class_types.make (50) end init_objects_baskets -- Create objects baskets. local basket_nb, i: INTEGER system_basket_nb: INTEGER basket: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do if System.in_final_mode then basket_nb := 1 + System.static_type_id_counter.count // Final_packet_number system_basket_nb := (Rout_generator.file_counter - 1) // System_packet_number + 2 else basket_nb := 1 + System.static_type_id_counter.current_count // Packet_number system_basket_nb := 1 end create object_baskets.make_filled (create {LINKED_LIST [STRING]}.make, 1, basket_nb) from i := 2 until i > basket_nb loop create basket.make object_baskets.put (basket, i) i := i + 1 end create system_baskets.make_filled (create {LINKED_LIST [STRING]}.make, 1, system_basket_nb) from i := 2 until i > system_basket_nb loop create basket.make system_baskets.put (basket, i) i := i + 1 end end clear -- Forget the lists do object_baskets := Void system_baskets := Void cecil_rt_basket := Void empty_class_types := Void end feature run_time: STRING -- Run time with which the application must be linked deferred end system_name: STRING -- Name of executable do Result := end feature -- Object basket managment add_specific_objects -- Add objects specific to Current compilation mode. deferred end add_eiffel_objects -- Insert objects files in basket. deferred end add_in_primary_system_basket (base_name: STRING) local object_name: STRING string_list: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do create object_name.make (0) object_name.append (base_name) object_name.append (".o") string_list := system_baskets.item (1) string_list.extend (object_name) string_list.forth end add_in_system_basket (base_name: STRING; basket_number: INTEGER) local object_name: STRING string_list: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do create object_name.make (0) object_name.append (base_name) object_name.append (".o") string_list := system_baskets.item (basket_number) string_list.extend (object_name) string_list.forth end add_common_objects -- Add common objects file do add_in_primary_system_basket (Eplug) add_in_primary_system_basket (Eskelet) add_in_primary_system_basket (Enames) add_in_primary_system_basket (Evisib) add_in_primary_system_basket (Ececil) add_in_primary_system_basket (Einit) add_in_primary_system_basket (Eparents) end feature -- Cecil add_cecil_objects deferred end generate_cecil do -- Cecil run-time macro generate_macro ("RCECIL", cecil_rt_basket) -- Cecil library prodcution rule make_file.put_string ("STATIC_CECIL = lib") make_file.put_string (system_name) make_file.put_string (".a%N") make_file.put_string ("cecil: $(STATIC_CECIL)%N") make_file.put_string ("$(STATIC_CECIL): ") make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string ("$(OBJECTS) %N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(AR) x ") make_file.put_string ("$(EIFLIB)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("%T$(AR) cr ") make_file.put_string ("$(STATIC_CECIL)") make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string ("$(OBJECTS) $(PRECOMP_OBJECTS) $(RCECIL)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("%T$(RANLIB) ") make_file.put_string ("$(STATIC_CECIL)%N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(RM) $(RCECIL) ") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line -- SHARED_CECIL make_file.put_string ("SHARED_CECIL = lib") make_file.put_string (system_name) make_file.put_string ("$(SHARED_SUFFIX)%N") make_file.put_string ("dynamic_cecil: $(SHARED_CECIL) %N") make_file.put_string ("SHARED_CECIL_OBJECT = $(OBJECTS) ") make_file.put_character (continuation) make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("%T%T") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/emain.o") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("SHAREDFLAGS = $(LDSHAREDFLAGS) $(SHARED_CECIL) %N"); make_file.put_string ("$(SHARED_CECIL): $(SHARED_CECIL_OBJECT) %N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(RM) $(SHARED_CECIL) %N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(SHAREDLINK) $(SHAREDFLAGS) $(SHARED_CECIL_OBJECT) $(PRECOMP_OBJECTS) $(EXTERNALS) $(EIFLIB) $(SHAREDLIBS) %N") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end feature -- Generate Dynamic Library generate_dynamic_lib local egc_dynlib_file: STRING do -- Generate the line concerning edynlib.o and egc_dynlib.o egc_dynlib_file := "egc_dynlib.template" -- Generate SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB... make_file.put_string ("%Ndynlib: $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB) ") -- Generate "E1/egc_dynlib.o" make_file.put_string ("%N") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/egc_dynlib.o: Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/Makefile") make_file.put_string ("%N%T$(CP) %"$(EIFTEMPLATES)/") make_file.put_string (egc_dynlib_file) make_file.put_string ("%" ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/egc_dynlib.c") make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(MAKE) egc_dynlib.o") make_file.put_string (" ; cd ..") -- Generate "E1/edynlib.o" make_file.put_string ("%N") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/edynlib.o: Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/edynlib.c ") make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(MAKE) edynlib.o") make_file.put_string (" ; cd ..%N") -- Continue the declaration for the SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB make_file.put_string ("%NSYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB_OBJ = $(OBJECTS) ") make_file.put_character (continuation) make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("%T%T") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/edynlib.o ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/egc_dynlib.o ") make_file.put_string ("%NDYNLIBSHAREDFLAGS = $(LDSHAREDFLAGS) $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB) %N"); make_file.put_string ("$(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB): $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB_OBJ) %N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(RM) $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB) %N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(SHAREDLINK) $(DYNLIBSHAREDFLAGS) $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB_OBJ) $(PRECOMP_OBJECTS) $(EXTERNALS) $(EIFLIB) $(SHAREDLIBS) %N") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end feature -- Actual generation make_file: INDENT_FILE -- File in which we are going to generate the Makefile. generate -- Generate make files do init_objects_baskets -- Insert all the class objects in the baskets. add_eiffel_objects -- Add objects specific to Current compilation mode add_specific_objects -- Add objects common to all compilation modes. add_common_objects add_cecil_objects -- Generate makefile in subdirectories. generate_sub_makefiles (C_prefix, object_baskets) generate_sub_makefiles (system_object_prefix, system_baskets) make_file := make_f (system.in_final_mode) -- Generate main /bin/sh preamble generate_preamble -- Customize main Makefile macros generate_customization (False) -- How to produce a .o from a .c file generate_compilation_rule -- Generate subdir names generate_subdir_names -- Generate external objects generate_externals -- Generate executable generate_executable -- Generate Cecil rules generate_cecil -- Generate Dynamic Lib rules generate_dynamic_lib -- Generate cleaning rules generate_main_cleaning -- End production generate_ending make_file.close -- Cleanup cleanup_generated_makefiles (C_prefix, object_baskets) cleanup_generated_makefiles (system_object_prefix, system_baskets) object_baskets := Void system_baskets := Void cecil_rt_basket.wipe_out end generate_il (has_il_cpp: BOOLEAN) -- Generate make files local basket: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do create system_baskets.make_empty create basket.make basket.extend ( + ".o") object_baskets := <> make_file := make_f (system.in_final_mode) -- Generate main /bin/sh preamble generate_preamble -- Customize main Makefile macros generate_customization (has_il_cpp) -- How to produce a .o from a .c file generate_compilation_rule -- Generate subdir names generate_subdir_names -- Generate external objects generate_externals -- Generate executable generate_il_dll -- Generate cleaning rules generate_main_cleaning -- End production generate_ending make_file.close object_baskets := Void system_baskets := Void cecil_rt_basket.wipe_out end feature -- Sub makefile generation generate_sub_makefiles (sub_dir: CHARACTER; baskets: ARRAY [LINKED_LIST [STRING]]) -- Generate makefile in subdirectories. require baskets_not_void: baskets /= Void local old_makefile: like make_file nb, i: INTEGER f_name: like full_file_name basket: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do old_makefile := make_file from nb := baskets.count i := 1 until i > nb loop basket := baskets.item (i) if basket /= Void and then not basket.is_empty then f_name := full_file_name (system.in_final_mode, packet_name (sub_dir, i), Makefile_sh, Void) create make_file.make_open_write (f_name) -- Generate main /bin/sh preamble generate_sub_preamble (packet_name (sub_dir, i)) -- Customize main Makefile macros generate_customization (False) -- How to produce a .o from a .c file generate_compilation_rule -- Generate object list. generate_macro ("OBJECTS", basket) -- Generate partial object. make_file.put_string ("all: ") if sub_dir = system_object_prefix and i = 1 then -- For E1 directory, we do not use the large .o file, just the small ones. make_file.put_string ("$(OBJECTS)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line else make_file.put_character (sub_dir) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (i) make_file.put_string (".o") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line generate_partial_objects_linking (sub_dir, i) end -- Generate cleaning rules generate_sub_cleaning -- End production. generate_ending make_file.close end i := i + 1 end make_file := old_makefile rescue if f_name /= Void then error_handler.insert_error (create {C_COMPILER_ERROR}.make (messages.w_not_creatable ( error_handler.raise_error end end cleanup_generated_makefiles (sub_dir: CHARACTER; baskets: ARRAY [LINKED_LIST [STRING]]) -- Remove directory when associated baskets is empty. require baskets_not_void: baskets /= Void local nb, i: INTEGER f_name: PATH basket: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do from nb := baskets.count i := 1 until i > nb loop basket := baskets.item (i) if basket /= Void and then basket.is_empty then if system.in_final_mode then f_name := project_location.final_path else f_name := project_location.workbench_path end safe_recursive_delete (f_name.extended (packet_name (sub_dir, i))) end i := i + 1 end end feature -- Generation, Header generate_compilation_rule -- Generates the .c -> .o compilation rule deferred end generate_specific_defines -- Generate specific "-D" flags. -- Do nothing by default. do end generate_preamble -- Generate leading part (directions to /bin/sh) do make_file.put_string ("case $CONFIG in%N'')%N") make_file.put_string ("% %%Tif test ! -f; then%N% %%T%T(echo %"Can't find"; exit 1)%N% %%Tfi 2>/dev/null%N% %%T. ./ %%T;;%N% %esac%N") make_file.put_string ("% %case %"$O%" in%N% %*/*) cd `expr X$0 : 'X\(.*\)/'` ;;%N% %esac%N") make_file.put_string ("% %echo %"Preparing C compilation%"%N% %$spitshell >Makefile </dev/null%N% %%T. ../ %%T;;%N% %esac%N") make_file.put_string ("% %case %"$O%" in%N% %*/*) cd `expr X$0 : 'X\(.*\)/'` ;;%N% %esac%N") make_file.put_string ("% %echo %"Compiling C code in " + a_directory + "%"%N% %$spitshell >Makefile <>Makefile <<'!NO!SUBS!'%N") end feature {NONE} -- Generation, Header generate_cflags (name: STRING; option: STRING) -- Generate CFLAGS of name `name` with specific options `option` in the format -- "name = ... (mt)option ...". require valid_name: name.same_string ("CFLAGS") or name.same_string ("CPPFLAGS") valid_option: option.same_string ("ccflags") or option.same_string ("cppflags") consistent_name_and_option: name.same_string ("CFLAGS") implies option.same_string ("ccflags") do make_file.put_string (name) make_file.put_string (if System.in_final_mode then " = $optimize " else " = $wkoptimize " end) if System.il_generation then make_file.put_string ("$il_flags ") end make_file.put_string (if System.has_multithreaded then "$mt" else "$" end) make_file.put_string (option) make_file.put_string (" $large ") if System.has_dynamic_runtime then make_file.put_string ("$shared_flags ") end if not System.uses_ise_gc_runtime then make_file.put_string ("-DNO_ISE_GC ") end if not System.check_for_void_target then -- Disable check for Void target. make_file.put_string ("-DEIF_NO_RTCV ") end if not system.total_order_on_reals then make_file.put_string ("-DEIF_IEEE_BEHAVIOR ") end generate_specific_defines make_file.put_string ("-I%"$rt_include%" ") make_file.put_string ("-I. %H$(INCLUDE_PATH)%N") end feature -- Generation, Object list(s) generate_macro (mname: STRING; basket: LINKED_LIST [STRING]) -- Generate a bunch of objects to be put in macro `mname' local size: INTEGER file_name: STRING do make_file.put_string (mname) make_file.put_string (" = ") across basket as b from size := mname.count + 3 loop file_name := b.item size := size + file_name.count + 1 if size > 78 then make_file.put_character (Continuation) make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_character ('%T') size := 8 + file_name.count + 1 end make_file.put_string (file_name) make_file.put_character (' ') end make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end feature -- Generation, External archives and object files. generate_externals -- Generate declaration fo the external variable local l_has_items: BOOLEAN l_prefix: STRING do -- Every item is placed on a new line. l_prefix := " " + continuation.out + "%N%T" -- Add the object files. if attached universe.conf_system.all_external_object as e then generate_external_section ("EXTERNALS", e, False, l_prefix, False, True) l_has_items := True end -- Add the libraries. if attached universe.conf_system.all_external_library as e then generate_external_section ("EXTERNALS", e, False, l_prefix, l_has_items, True) l_has_items := True end -- Add the linker flags. if attached universe.conf_system.all_external_linker_flag as e then generate_external_section ("EXTERNALS", e, False, l_prefix, l_has_items, False) l_has_items := True end if l_has_items then -- Add empty line. make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end end generate_include_path -- Generate declaration fo the include_paths local l_has_items: BOOLEAN do -- Add the include paths. if attached universe.conf_system.all_external_include as e then generate_external_section ("INCLUDE_PATH", e, True, " -I", False, True) l_has_items := True end -- Add the C flags. if attached universe.conf_system.all_external_cflag as e then generate_external_section ("INCLUDE_PATH", e, False, " ", l_has_items, False) l_has_items := True end if l_has_items then -- Add new line. make_file.put_new_line end end generate_makefile_names do -- Add the makefiles. if attached universe.conf_system.all_external_make as e then generate_external_section ("EXTERNAL_MAKEFILES", e, False, " ", False, True) make_file.put_new_line end end feature {NONE} -- Generate externals generate_external_section (a_name: STRING; a_data: ARRAYED_LIST [CONF_EXTERNAL]; a_is_mask_dollar: BOOLEAN; a_prefix: STRING; a_is_generated, a_is_path: BOOLEAN) -- Generate a section `a_name' with data `a_data' representing paths if `a_is_path', -- masking dollar sign if `a_is_mask_dollar' and prefixing each item with `a_prefix'. -- Prepend data by name if `not a_is_generated'. require a_name_attached: attached a_name a_data_attached: attached a_data a_prefix_attached: attached a_prefix local l_added_items: SEARCH_TABLE [STRING_32] l_path: STRING_32 l_state: CONF_STATE u: UTF_CONVERTER do if not a_is_generated then make_file.put_string (a_name) make_file.put_string (" = ") end create l_added_items.make (10) l_state := universe.conf_state across a_data as c loop if c.item.is_enabled (l_state) then l_path := c.item.location if a_is_path then -- Protect paths. safe_external_path (l_path) else -- Preserve options. l_path.left_adjust l_path.right_adjust end if a_is_mask_dollar then -- Mask all remaining '$'. l_path.replace_substring_all ({STRING_32} "$", {STRING_32} "\$") -- Correct double masking if '$' were already masked. l_path.replace_substring_all ({STRING_32} "\\$", {STRING_32} "\$") end -- Don't add the same items multiple times. if not l_added_items.has (l_path) then l_added_items.force (l_path) make_file.put_string (a_prefix) make_file.put_string (u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_path)) end end end end feature -- Generation (Linking rules) generate_il_dll -- Generate rules to produce DLL for IL code generation. --| So far this is a IL (.net) specific code generation. local l_is_for_windows: BOOLEAN do make_file.put_string ("all: $(IL_SYSTEM)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("OBJECTS= $(IL_OBJECTS)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("PRECOMP_OBJECTS= ") generate_precompile_objects make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line -- Continue the declaration for the IL_SYSTEM if system.platform /= 0 then l_is_for_windows := (system.platform = {SYSTEM_I}.pf_windows) else l_is_for_windows := {PLATFORM}.is_windows end if l_is_for_windows then make_file.put_string ("$il_system_compilation_line") make_file.put_new_line else -- FIXME: find a way to avoid checking for the current machine's platform [2023-09-08] -- TODO: for now, no resource support for Eiffel netcore. --IL_SYSTEM_DLL is needed on non Windows platforms -- to rename .so file into .dll make_file.put_string ("IL_SYSTEM_DLL = lib") make_file.put_string (system_name) make_file.put_string (".dll%N") make_file.put_string ("[ $(IL_SYSTEM): $(OBJECTS) $(RM) $(IL_SYSTEM) $(SHAREDLINK) $(LDSHAREDFLAGS) $(IL_SYSTEM) $(IL_OBJECTS) $(EXTERNALS) $(EIFLIB) $(SHAREDLIBS) $(CP) $(IL_SYSTEM) $(IL_SYSTEM_DLL) $(RM) $(OBJECTS) echo Success > completed.eif ]") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end make_file.put_new_line end generate_executable -- Generate rules to produce executable do make_file.put_string ("all: ") make_file.put_string (system_name) -- At this stage `update' on `Eiffel_dynamic_lib' was called by AUXILIARY_FILES.generate_dynamic_lib -- and therefore `is_content_valid' is still meaningful. if Eiffel_dynamic_lib /= Void and then Eiffel_dynamic_lib.is_content_valid and then not Eiffel_dynamic_lib.is_empty then make_file.put_string (" $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB)") end make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line generate_partial_objects_dependencies generate_partial_system_objects_dependencies generate_simple_executable end generate_simple_executable -- Generate rule to produce simple executable, linked in -- with `run_time' archive. do make_file.put_string ("OBJECTS= ") generate_objects_macros make_file.put_character (' ') generate_system_objects_macros make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("PRECOMP_OBJECTS= ") generate_precompile_objects make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string (system_name) make_file.put_string (": ") make_file.put_string ("$(OBJECTS) ") make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/emain.o Makefile%N%T$(RM) ") make_file.put_string (system_name) make_file.put_new_line if not universe.conf_system.all_external_make.is_empty then make_file.put_string ("%T$(COMMAND_MAKEFILE) $(EXTERNAL_MAKEFILES)%N") end if System.has_cpp_externals then make_file.put_string ("%T$(CPP") else make_file.put_string ("%T$(CC") end make_file.put_string (") -o ") make_file.put_string (system_name) make_file.put_string ("% % $(C") if System.has_cpp_externals then make_file.put_string ("PP") end make_file.put_string ("FLAGS) $(CCLDFLAGS) ") make_file.put_string (" $(OBJECTS) ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/emain.o ") make_file.put_character (Continuation) make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_string ("%T%T$(PRECOMP_OBJECTS) $(EXTERNALS) $(EIFLIB) $(LIBS)%N") generate_additional_rules make_file.put_new_line end generate_additional_rules do end generate_precompile_objects do end generate_system_objects_macros -- Generate the system object macros -- (dependencies for final executable). local l_baskets: like system_baskets do if system_baskets.count > 1 then -- System object files. l_baskets := system_baskets.subarray (system_baskets.lower + 1, system_baskets.upper) generate_basket_objects (l_baskets, system_object_prefix) end -- Generate `system_baskets [1]' now. -- It is needed because on some platforms (e.g SGI) Eobj1.o is too big -- to be linked. across system_baskets [1] as b loop make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_string (b.item) end end generate_objects_macros -- Generate the object macros (dependencies for final executable) do -- Class object files. generate_basket_objects (object_baskets, C_prefix) end generate_subdir_names -- Generate the subdirectories' names. local i, nb: INTEGER not_first: BOOLEAN do make_file.put_string ("SUBDIRS = ") if not_first then make_file.put_character (' ') not_first := False end -- Class object files. from nb := object_baskets.count i := 1 until i > nb loop if not object_baskets.item (i).is_empty then if not_first then make_file.put_character (' ') else not_first := True end make_file.put_string (packet_name (C_prefix, i)) end i := i + 1 end from nb := system_baskets.count i := 1 until i > nb loop if not system_baskets.item (i).is_empty then make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, i)) end i := i + 1 end make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end generate_partial_objects_linking (dir_prefix: CHARACTER; index: INTEGER) -- Generate rules to produce partial linking and the -- final executable linked in with `run_time'. do make_file.put_character (dir_prefix) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (index) make_file.put_string (".o: $(OBJECTS) Makefile") make_file.put_new_line -- The following is not portable (if people want to use -- their own linker). -- FIXME make_file.put_string ("%T$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r -o ") make_file.put_character (dir_prefix) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (index) make_file.put_string (".o $(OBJECTS)") make_file.put_string ("%N%T$(RM) $(OBJECTS)") make_file.put_string ("%N%T$(CREATE_TEST)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end generate_partial_system_objects_dependencies -- Depencies to update partial system objects in subdirectories. local i, nb: INTEGER emain_file: STRING do emain_file := "emain.template" -- Generate the dependence rule for E1/Makefile make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/Makefile: ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/Makefile.SH") make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(SHELL) Makefile.SH%N%N") -- Generate the dependence rule for E1/emain.o make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/emain.o: Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/Makefile") make_file.put_string ("%N%T$(CP) %"$(EIFTEMPLATES)/") make_file.put_string (emain_file) make_file.put_character ('"') make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_character ('"') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/emain.c%"") make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(MAKE) emain.o%N%N") if System.in_final_mode then -- Generate dependence rule for E1/estructure.h in final mode make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.h: ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.x") make_file.new_line make_file.put_string ("%T$(X2C) ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.x ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.h") make_file.new_line make_file.new_line -- Generate dependence rule for E1/eoffsets.h in final mode make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.h: ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.x") make_file.new_line make_file.put_string ("%T$(X2C) ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.x ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.h") make_file.new_line make_file.new_line end across system_baskets [1] as b loop make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_string (b.item) make_file.put_string (": Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.h") if system.in_final_mode then make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.h") end make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(MAKE) ") make_file.put_string (b.item) make_file.put_string ("%N%N") end from i := 2 nb := system_baskets.count until i > nb loop make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, i)) make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_character (system_object_prefix) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (i) make_file.put_string (".o: Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.h") if system.in_final_mode then make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.h") end make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, i)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(START_TEST) $(SHELL) Makefile.SH ; $(MAKE) ") make_file.put_character (system_object_prefix) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (i) make_file.put_string (".o $(END_TEST)%N%N") i := i + 1 end end generate_partial_objects_dependencies -- Depencies to update partial objects in subdirectories. local i, nb: INTEGER do -- Class object files. from nb := object_baskets.count i := 1 until i > nb loop if not object_baskets.item (i).is_empty then make_file.put_string (packet_name (C_prefix, i)) make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_character (C_prefix) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (i) make_file.put_string (".o: Makefile ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/estructure.h") if system.in_final_mode then make_file.put_character (' ') make_file.put_string (packet_name (system_object_prefix, 1)) make_file.put_string ("/eoffsets.h") end make_file.put_string ("%N%Tcd ") make_file.put_string (packet_name (C_prefix, i)) make_file.put_string (" ; $(START_TEST) $(SHELL) Makefile.SH ; $(MAKE) $(END_TEST)") make_file.put_new_line make_file.put_new_line end i := i + 1 end end feature -- Cleaning rules generate_main_cleaning -- Generate "make clean" and "make clobber" in the main Makefile. do make_file.put_string ("clean: sub_clean local_clean%N") make_file.put_string ("clobber: sub_clobber local_clobber%N%N") make_file.put_string ("local_clean::%N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(RM) core finished *.o *.so *.a%N%N") make_file.put_string ("local_clobber:: local_clean%N%T") make_file.put_string ("$(RM) Makefile finish_freezing%N") make_file.put_string ("%Nsub_clean::%N") make_file.put_string ("%Tfor i in $(SUBDIRS); \%N") make_file.put_string ("%Tdo \%N%T%Tif [ -r $$i") make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_string ("Makefile ]; then \%N%T%T%T") make_file.put_string ("(cd $$i ; $(MAKE) clean); \") make_file.put_string ("%N%T%Tfi; \%N%Tdone%N%N") make_file.put_string ("sub_clobber::%N") make_file.put_string ("%Tfor i in $(SUBDIRS); \%N") make_file.put_string ("%Tdo \%N%T%Tif [ -r $$i") make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_string ("Makefile ]; then \%N%T%T%T") make_file.put_string ("(cd $$i ; $(MAKE) clobber); \") make_file.put_string ("%N%T%Tfi; \%N%Tdone%N%N") end generate_sub_cleaning -- Generate "make clean" and "make clobber" in the sub directories. do make_file.put_string ("clean: local_clean%N") make_file.put_string ("clobber: local_clobber%N%N") make_file.put_string ("local_clean::%N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(RM) core finished *.o%N%N") make_file.put_string ("local_clobber:: local_clean%N") make_file.put_string ("%T$(RM) Makefile%N%N") end feature -- Generation, Tail generate_ending -- Ends Makefile wrapping scheme do make_file.put_string ("% %!NO!SUBS!%N% %chmod 644 Makefile%N% %$eunicefix Makefile%N") end feature -- Removal of empty classes record_empty_class_type (a_class_type: INTEGER) -- add `a_class_type' to the set of class types that -- are not generated do empty_class_types.put (a_class_type) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation generate_basket_objects (baskets: ARRAY [LINKED_LIST [STRING]]; dir_prefix: CHARACTER) -- Generate the object macros in `baskets'. require baskets_not_void: baskets /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER not_first: BOOLEAN do from i := baskets.upper nb := baskets.lower until i < nb loop if not baskets.item (i).is_empty then if not_first then make_file.put_character (' ') else not_first := True end make_file.put_string (packet_name (dir_prefix, i)) make_file.put_character ('/') make_file.put_character (dir_prefix) make_file.put_string ("obj") make_file.put_integer (i) make_file.put_string (".o") end i := i - 1 end end safe_recursive_delete (a_dir: PATH) -- Delete `a_dir' content. require a_dir_not_void: a_dir /= Void a_dir_not_empty: not a_dir.is_empty local retried: BOOLEAN l_dir: DIRECTORY do if not retried then create l_dir.make_with_path (a_dir) if l_dir.exists then l_dir.recursive_delete end end rescue retried := True retry end safe_external_path (a_path: STRING_32) -- Add double quotes around `a_path' if necessary. require a_path_not_void: a_path /= Void a_path_not_empty: not a_path.is_empty do a_path.left_adjust a_path.right_adjust -- Add the double quotes around path so that -- it will work in case the path has white spaces. -- Do it if no double quotes are already present. if a_path.item (1) /= '"' then a_path.prepend_character ('"') end if a_path.item (a_path.count) /= '"' then a_path.append_character ('"') end end feature {NONE} -- Constants lib_location: STRING -- Location of run-time library files. once if System.uses_ise_gc_runtime then Result := "$rt_lib/" else Result := "\$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib-" Result.append (System.external_runtime) Result.append_character ('/') end ensure lib_location_not_void: Result /= Void end boehm_library: STRING -- Addition library if boehm is selected do if not system.uses_ise_gc_runtime and then system.external_runtime.is_case_insensitive_equal ("boehm") then Result := " %"\$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib-boehm/" Result.append ("$prefix") Result.append ("$boehmgclib") Result.append ("$suffix%"") else Result := "" end ensure boehm_library_not_void: Result /= Void boehm_library_has_space_if_not_empty: not Result.is_empty implies Result.item (1) = ' ' end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end