note description: "Special object responsible for generating IL byte code" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIL_GENERATOR inherit IL_GENERATOR SHARED_WORKBENCH SHARED_IL_CODE_GENERATOR SHARED_BYTE_CONTEXT SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER EXCEPTIONS export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER SHARED_COUNTER export {NONE} all end PROJECT_CONTEXT export {NONE} all end SYSTEM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all end CLI_EMITTER_SERVICE export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (deg_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT) -- Generate a COM+ assembly. do degree_output := deg_output is_finalizing := System.in_final_mode is_single_module := is_finalizing or else Compilation_modes.is_precompiling end feature -- Access compiled_classes_count: INTEGER -- Number of classes generated in IL. assembly_info: ASSEMBLY_INFO -- Info about currently generated assembly. is_finalizing: BOOLEAN -- Are we finalizing? is_single_module: BOOLEAN -- Are we only generate one module? feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Access root_class_routine: CLASS_C -- Class which defines body of creation routine. has_root_class: BOOLEAN -- Does current module has a root class specification? feature -- Generation generate -- Generate a .NET assembly local file_name: STRING_32 location: like {PROJECT_DIRECTORY}.path retried, is_assembly_loaded, is_error_available: BOOLEAN deletion_successful: BOOLEAN output_file: RAW_FILE l_last_error_msg: STRING l_public_key: MD_PUBLIC_KEY l_res: ARRAYED_LIST [CONF_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE] signing: MD_STRONG_NAME do if not retried then -- At this point the COM component should be properly instantiated. is_assembly_loaded := True -- Let's check that we can retrieve an error if any, we do not care -- about the value, we just want to make sure that the call does not -- raise any exception, if it does `is_error_available' will be -- False which will cause not to be used in case of an exception -- (See rescue clause below). l_last_error_msg := cil_generator.last_error is_error_available := True -- Compute name of generated file if any. create file_name.make ( + 1 + system.msil_generation_type.count) file_name.append_string_general ( file_name.append_character ('.') file_name.append (system.msil_generation_type) if is_finalizing then location := project_location.final_path else location := project_location.workbench_path end -- Set information about current assembly. create assembly_info.make ( if attached System.msil_version as l_msil_version and then not l_msil_version.is_empty then assembly_info.set_version (l_msil_version) end -- Sign assembly -- Object used for signing assemblies and computing Hash values. --| The signing part of `signing` is optional for NetCORE. signing := md_factory.strong_name (System.clr_runtime_version) -- And set a key if provided if attached System.msil_key_file_name as l_key_file_name and then l_key_file_name /= Void and then is_signing_enabled then if signing.exists then create l_public_key.make_from_file (l_key_file_name, signing) if not l_public_key.is_valid then l_public_key := Void -- Introduce error saying that public key cannot be read. Error_handler.insert_warning (create {VIIK}, end else l_public_key := Void end else l_public_key := Void end if l_public_key /= Void then assembly_info.set_public_key_token (l_public_key.public_key_token_string) end create output_file.make_with_path (location.extended (file_name)) if output_file.exists then output_file.delete end deletion_successful := True -- Set attributes of generated executable. if System.msil_generation_type.is_equal (dll_type) then cil_generator.set_dll elseif System.is_console_application then cil_generator.set_console_application else cil_generator.set_window_application end if not {PLATFORM}.is_64_bits or System.force_32bits then cil_generator.set_32bits end cil_generator.set_verifiability (System.il_verifiable) cil_generator.set_cls_compliant (System.cls_compliant) -- We add `9' because they are 9 types from ISE.Runtime -- we want to reuse. cil_generator.initialize_class_mappings (static_type_id_counter.count + 9) -- Identify all runtime types. cil_generator.set_runtime_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 1) cil_generator.set_class_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 2) cil_generator.set_generic_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 3) cil_generator.set_formal_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 4) cil_generator.set_none_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 5) cil_generator.set_basic_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 6) cil_generator.set_eiffel_type_info_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 7) cil_generator.set_generic_conformance_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 8) cil_generator.set_assertion_level_enum_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 9) cil_generator.set_tuple_type_id (static_type_id_counter.count + 10) cil_generator.start_assembly_generation (, file_name, l_public_key, location, assembly_info, is_debug_enabled and then (System.line_generation or not is_finalizing)) -- Split classes into modules prepare_classes (System.classes) -- Generate types metadata description and IL code generate_all_types (sorted_classes (System.classes), signing) if not is_single_module then -- Generate run-time helper. cil_generator.generate_runtime_helper end -- Generate entry point if necessary generate_entry_point -- Generate resources if any l_res := universe.conf_system.all_external_resource if not l_res.is_empty then cil_generator.generate_resources (l_res) end -- Finish code generation. cil_generator.end_assembly_generation (signing) -- Perform cleanup of underlying external objects cil_generator.cleanup else -- Perform cleanup of underlying external objects cil_generator.cleanup -- An error occurred, let's raise an Eiffel compilation -- error that will be caught by WORBENCH_I.recompile. Error_handler.raise_error end rescue if not retried then if Error_handler.has_error then elseif not is_assembly_loaded or not is_error_available then Error_handler.insert_error (create {VIGE}.make_com_error) else if deletion_successful then l_last_error_msg := cil_generator.last_error if l_last_error_msg = Void or else l_last_error_msg.is_empty then Error_handler.insert_error (create {VIGE}.make (Error_handler.exception_trace)) else Error_handler.insert_error (create {VIGE}.make (l_last_error_msg)) end else check file_name_not_void: file_name /= Void end Error_handler.insert_error (create {VIGE}.make_output_in_use (file_name)) end end retried := True retry end end deploy -- Copy local assemblies if needed to `Generation_directory/Assemblies' and -- copy configuration file to load local assemblies. local l_source_name: PATH l_target_name: like {PROJECT_DIRECTORY}.path l_assembly_location: like {PROJECT_DIRECTORY}.path l_has_local, retried: BOOLEAN l_precomp: REMOTE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY l_viop: VIOP l_use_optimized_precomp: BOOLEAN l_assemblies: STRING_TABLE [CONF_PHYSICAL_ASSEMBLY_INTERFACE] l_state: CONF_STATE vars: CIL_PROJECT_INFO l_assembly_references: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]] fut: FILE_UTILITIES do if not retried then -- Create the Assemblies directory if it does not already exist project_location.create_local_assemblies_directory (is_finalizing) if system.is_il_netcore then if is_finalizing then l_assembly_location := project_location.final_path else l_assembly_location := project_location.workbench_path end else l_assembly_location := assembly_location (is_finalizing) end -- Assembly references create l_assembly_references.make (0) if cil_generator.is_using_multi_assemblies then -- FIXME: find better source of generated assembly list. if fut.file_path_exists (l_assembly_location.extended ("lib" + + ".c")) then l_assembly_references.force (["lib" +, system.msil_version]) end if attached fut.file_names ( as lst then across lst as ic loop if attached ic.item as fn and then fn.starts_with ("assembly_") and then fn.ends_with_general (".dll") then fn.remove_tail (4) l_assembly_references.force ([fn, system.msil_version]) end end end end -- Copy referenced local assemblies l_state := universe.conf_state from l_assemblies := universe.conf_system.all_assemblies l_assemblies.start until l_assemblies.after loop if attached {CONF_PHYSICAL_ASSEMBLY} l_assemblies.item_for_iteration as l_as then if l_as.is_enabled (l_state) and then not l_as.is_in_gac then l_assembly_references.force ([l_as.assembly_name, l_as.assembly_version]) copy_to_local (l_as.location.build_path ({STRING_32} "", l_as.location.original_file), l_assembly_location, Void, True) l_has_local := True end else check is_physical_assembly: False end end l_assemblies.forth end -- Copy precompiled assemblies. if Workbench.Precompilation_directories /= Void and then not Workbench.Precompilation_directories.is_empty then from Workbench.Precompilation_directories.start project_location.create_local_assemblies_directory (is_finalizing) l_has_local := True until Workbench.Precompilation_directories.after loop l_precomp := Workbench.Precompilation_directories.item_for_iteration -- Copy assembly file -- Copy associated libXXX.dll file if any. l_use_optimized_precomp := l_precomp.is_precompile_finalized and system.msil_use_optimized_precompile if system.msil_use_optimized_precompile and not l_precomp.is_precompile_finalized then -- generate warning informing them they is no ompitzed precompiled library create l_viop.make ( error_handler.insert_warning (l_viop, end l_assembly_references.force ([l_precomp.system_name, Void]) copy_to_local (l_precomp.assembly_driver (l_use_optimized_precomp), l_assembly_location, Void, True) copy_to_local (l_precomp.assembly_helper_driver (l_use_optimized_precomp), l_assembly_location, Void, True) if not l_use_optimized_precomp or l_precomp.line_generation then copy_to_local (l_precomp.assembly_debug_info (l_use_optimized_precomp), l_assembly_location, Void, is_debug_enabled) end Workbench.Precompilation_directories.forth end end -- Copy configuration file to be able to load up local assembly. if l_has_local then if system.is_il_netcore then create vars.make_from_system (system) deploy_netcore_runtimeconfig_json_file (vars, l_assembly_location, + ".runtimeconfig.json") deploy_netcore_deps_json_file (vars, l_assembly_references, System, l_assembly_location, + ".deps.json") deploy_netcore_cs_wrapper_files (vars, System, l_assembly_location) else if is_finalizing then l_target_name := project_location.final_path else l_target_name := project_location.workbench_path end -- Compute name of configuration file: It is `' -- where `xxx' is either `exe' or `dll'. l_source_name := eiffel_layout.generation_templates_path.extended ("assembly_config.xml") copy_to_local (l_source_name, l_target_name, {STRING_32} "" + + "." + System.msil_generation_type + ".config", True) end end else -- An error occurred, let's raise an Eiffel compilation -- error that will be caught by WORBENCH_I.recompile. Error_handler.raise_error end rescue if not retried then retried := True Error_handler.insert_error (create {VIGE}.make ("Could not copy local assemblies.")) retry end end deploy_netcore_runtimeconfig_json_file (vars: CIL_PROJECT_INFO; a_target_directory: PATH; a_target_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING do s := "[ { "runtimeOptions": { "tfm": "${FRAMEWORK_MONIKER}", "framework": { "name": "${FRAMEWORK_NAME}", "version": "${FRAMEWORK_VERSION}" }, "additionalProbingPaths": [ "./Assemblies/" ] } } ]" s.replace_substring_all ("${FRAMEWORK_MONIKER}", to_json_string (vars.framework_moniker)) s.replace_substring_all ("${FRAMEWORK_NAME}", to_json_string (vars.framework_name)) s.replace_substring_all ("${FRAMEWORK_VERSION}", to_json_string (vars.framework_version)) create f.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended (a_target_filename)) f.open_write f.put_string (s) f.close end deploy_netcore_deps_json_file (vars: CIL_PROJECT_INFO; a_assembly_reference: LIST [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]]; a_system: SYSTEM_I; a_target_directory: PATH; a_target_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s, libs: STRING libs_runtime: STRING libs_deps: STRING v: STRING_8 l_start: BOOLEAN do s := "[ { "runtimeTarget": { "name": "${CLR_RUNTIME}", "signature": "" }, "compilationOptions": {}, "targets": { "${CLR_RUNTIME}": { "${SYSTEM_NAME}/${SYSTEM_VERSION}": { "runtime": { "${SYSTEM_NAME}.${SYSTEM_TYPE}": {} }, "dependencies": {${DEPENDENCY_LIBRARY} } }${LIBRARIES_RUNTIME} } }, "libraries": { "${SYSTEM_NAME}/${SYSTEM_VERSION}": { "type": "project", "serviceable": false, "sha512": "" }${LIBRARIES} } } ]" s.replace_substring_all ("${CLR_RUNTIME}", to_json_string (vars.clr_runtime)) s.replace_substring_all ("${SYSTEM_NAME}", to_json_string (vars.system_name)) s.replace_substring_all ("${SYSTEM_VERSION}", to_json_string (vars.system_version)) s.replace_substring_all ("${SYSTEM_TYPE}", to_json_string (vars.system_type)) -- FIXME: use the list of .Net assemblies, and generated assemblies to get versions and related information. if a_assembly_reference /= Void and then not a_assembly_reference.is_empty then create libs.make_empty create libs_runtime.make_empty create libs_deps.make_empty l_start := True -- FIXME -- maybe we only need to add the eiffelsoftware.runtime across a_assembly_reference as ic loop -- FIXME: maybe use proper JSON encoding, eventually the JSON library. v := to_json_string ( -- FIXME -- At the moment, we need to add all the dependencies. -- -- The required dependencies are EiffelSoftware Runtime and third party libraries. -- but we don't have a simple way to filter when an given assembly is not part -- of the NetCore. -- append_items (libs, libs_runtime, libs_deps, v, ic.item.version, l_start) l_start := False -- TODO double check but it seems we only need this one. -- if is_finalizing then -- if v.is_case_insensitive_equal ("eiffelsoftware.runtime") then -- append_items (libs, libs_runtime, libs_deps, v, ic.item.version, l_start) -- l_start := False -- end -- else -- if v.is_case_insensitive_equal ("eiffelsoftware.runtime") or else v.starts_with("assembly") then -- append_items (libs, libs_runtime, libs_deps, v, ic.item.version, l_start) -- l_start := False -- end -- end end end s.replace_substring_all ("${DEPENDENCY_LIBRARY}", libs_deps) s.replace_substring_all ("${LIBRARIES_RUNTIME}", libs_runtime) s.replace_substring_all ("${LIBRARIES}", libs) create f.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended (a_target_filename)) f.open_write f.put_string (s) f.close end deploy_netcore_cs_wrapper_files (vars: CIL_PROJECT_INFO; a_system: SYSTEM_I; a_target_directory: PATH) local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING do s := "[ ${SYSTEM_TYPE} ${FRAMEWORK_MONIKER} enable disable true true None ${SYSTEM_NAME}.${SYSTEM_TYPE} Eiffelsoftware.Runtime.dll ]" s.replace_substring_all ("${FRAMEWORK_MONIKER}", vars.framework_moniker) s.replace_substring_all ("${SYSTEM_NAME}", vars.system_name) s.replace_substring_all ("${SYSTEM_TYPE}", vars.system_type) create f.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended ({STRING_32} "wrap_" + vars.system_name + ".csproj")) f.open_write f.put_string (s) f.close s := "[ // At present, Eiffel.Net does not have a native solution similar to dotnet publish. // However, a workaround is available. We can wrap our generated assemblies in a C# project // and call the entry point generated by the Eiffel application. // This allows us to use the dotnet publish tool and its benefits until a native solution is developed. // // The dotnet publish command publishes a .NET application and its dependencies to a folder for deployment. // It compiles the application, reads its dependencies specified in the project file, and publishes the resulting files to a directory. // The output is ready for deployment to a hosting system for execution and is the only officially supported way to prepare the application for deployment. using EiffelSoftware.Runtime; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class wrap_${SYSTEM_NAME} { public static void Main() { MAIN.Main(); } } ]" s.replace_substring_all ("${SYSTEM_NAME}", vars.system_name) create f.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended ({STRING_32} "wrap_" + vars.system_name + ".cs")) f.open_write f.put_string (s) f.close end feature {NONE} -- Implementation append_items (libs, libs_runtime, libs_deps: STRING; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; l_start: BOOLEAN) -- Append libraries and runtime libraries to the JSON file. local libs_tpl, lib_deps_tpl, libs_runtime_tpl: STRING v, l_versioned_name: STRING_32 do lib_deps_tpl := " %"${LIB_NAME}%": %"${LIB_VERSION}%"" libs_runtime_tpl := " %"${LIB_NAME_VERSION}%": { %"runtime%": {%"${LIB_NAME}.dll%":{}} }" ---- FIXME -- at the moment the field serviceable and sha512 are using default values -- false and empty string to be checked. libs_tpl := " %"${LIB_NAME_VERSION}%": { %"type%": %"reference%", %"serviceable%": false, %"sha512%": %"%" }" libs.append (",%N") libs.append (libs_tpl) libs_runtime.append (",%N") libs_runtime.append (libs_runtime_tpl) if not l_start then libs_deps.append (",") end libs_deps.append ("%N") libs_deps.append (lib_deps_tpl) libs_runtime.replace_substring_all ("${LIB_NAME}", to_json_string (a_name)) libs_deps.replace_substring_all ("${LIB_NAME}", to_json_string (a_name)) if attached version as l_version then v := l_version else v := {STRING_32} "" -- Default? end create l_versioned_name.make_from_string_general (a_name) l_versioned_name.append_character ('/') l_versioned_name.append (v) libs_deps.replace_substring_all ("${LIB_VERSION}", to_json_string (v)) libs.replace_substring_all ("${LIB_NAME_VERSION}", to_json_string (l_versioned_name)) libs_runtime.replace_substring_all ("${LIB_NAME_VERSION}", to_json_string (l_versioned_name)) end feature {NONE} -- Type description generate_all_types (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]; a_signing: MD_STRONG_NAME) -- Generate all classes in compiled system. require valid_system: System.classes /= Void signing_not_void: a_signing /= Void do compute_root_class generate_class_interfaces (classes) if not is_single_module then degree_output.put_start_degree (1, compiled_classes_count) end from ordered_classes.start until ordered_classes.after loop cil_generator.start_module_generation (ordered_classes.key_for_iteration) generate_types (ordered_classes.item_for_iteration) cil_generator.end_module_generation (has_root_class, a_signing) ordered_classes.forth end if not is_single_module then degree_output.put_end_degree end end compute_root_class -- Initialize `root_class_routine' with CLASS_C instance that defines -- creation routine of current system. --| In most cases `System.root_type.associated_class' is equal to --| `root_class_routine', but when creation routine is inherited, this --| is not true. --| `root_class_routine' is used to find out which module needs to be --| marked in a special way so that debug information is properly generated. local l_feat: FEATURE_I l_root_class: CLASS_C do if System.root_type /= Void and then not System.root_creation_name.is_empty then l_root_class := System.root_type.base_class l_feat := l_root_class.feature_table.item (System.root_creation_name) root_class_routine := l_feat.written_class end end generate_types (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]) -- Generate all classes in compiled system. require valid_system: System.classes /= Void do has_root_class := False -- Generate set of types as they are known from Eiffel -- We simply define a basic correspondance between Eiffel -- and IDs used by the IL code generator in a topological -- order. But we first defines all interfaces and then -- the implementation if any. generate_class_mappings (classes, True) generate_class_mappings (classes, False) generate_class_attributes (classes) if is_single_module then -- Generate run-time helper. cil_generator.generate_runtime_helper end -- Generate only features description for each Eiffel class type -- with their IL code. generate_features_description (classes) generate_features_implementation (classes) generate_creation_classes (classes) end generate_class_interfaces (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]) -- Generate mapping between Eiffel and IL generator with `classes' sorted in -- topological order. require classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST cl_type: CLASS_TYPE l_class_counted: BOOLEAN do from i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper compiled_classes_count := 0 until i > nb loop if attached classes.item (i) as class_c then if not class_c.is_precompiled then class_c.set_il_name end types := class_c.types if not types.is_empty then from types.start l_class_counted := False until types.after loop cl_type := types.item -- Generate correspondance between Eiffel IDs and -- CIL information. cil_generator.generate_class_interfaces (cl_type, class_c) if cl_type.is_generated then cl_type.set_il_type_name if not l_class_counted and is_class_generated (class_c) then -- We only count what is needed to be counted, i.e. classes -- that are compiled or recompiled. compiled_classes_count := compiled_classes_count + 1 l_class_counted := True end end types.forth end if class_c.is_generic and then not class_c.is_external then -- Add all possible generic derivations of the same class -- where expanded parameters are replaced with reference ones -- to the list of interfaces a type conforms to. from types.start until types.after loop cl_type := types.item if attached {GEN_TYPE_A} cl_type.type as gen_type then gen_type.enumerate_interfaces ( agent (c: CLASS_TYPE; p: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_INTERFACE]) local ci: CLASS_INTERFACE do ci := c.class_interface if not p.has (ci) then p.extend (ci) end end (?, cl_type.class_interface.parents) ) else check is_gen_type_a: False end end types.forth end end else -- Step is needed as namespace of a precompiled class should be set. -- At the moment it is set withing `generate_class_mappings', but -- when a class does not have a generic derivation, `types' is empty -- and `generate_class_mappings' is not called. class_c.lace_class.set_actual_namespace end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end end generate_class_mappings (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]; for_interface: BOOLEAN) -- Generate mapping between Eiffel and IL generator with `classes' sorted in -- topological order. require classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST cl_type: CLASS_TYPE do from i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper until i > nb loop if attached classes.item (i) as class_c and then is_class_generated (class_c) and then class_c.has_types then has_root_class := has_root_class or else (root_class_routine /= Void and then class_c.lace_class = root_class_routine.lace_class) types := class_c.types -- Generate reference classes first, because their interface class -- may be required to generate expanded classes. from types.start until types.after loop cl_type := types.item -- Generate correspondance between Eiffel IDs and -- CIL information. if cl_type.is_generated and then not cl_type.is_expanded then cil_generator.set_current_module_with (cl_type) cil_generator.generate_class_mappings (cl_type, for_interface) end types.forth end from types.start until types.after loop cl_type := types.item -- Generate correspondance between Eiffel IDs and -- CIL information. if cl_type.is_generated and then cl_type.is_expanded then cil_generator.set_current_module_with (cl_type) cil_generator.generate_class_mappings (cl_type, for_interface) end types.forth end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end end generate_class_attributes (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]) -- Generate mapping between Eiffel and IL generator with `classes' sorted in -- topological order. require classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, j, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST cl_type: CLASS_TYPE l_class_processed: BOOLEAN do from i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper j := compiled_classes_count until i > nb or j = 0 loop if attached classes.item (i) as class_c and then is_class_generated (class_c) and then class_c.has_types then System.set_current_class (class_c) from types := class_c.types types.start l_class_processed := False until types.after loop -- Generate correspondance between Eiffel IDs and -- CIL information. cl_type := types.item if cl_type.is_generated then context.init (cl_type) cil_generator.set_current_module_with (cl_type) cil_generator.generate_class_attributes (cl_type) if not l_class_processed then j := j - 1 l_class_processed := True end end types.forth end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end end generate_features_description (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]) -- Generate mapping between Eiffel and IL generator with `classes' -- sorted in the topological order. require classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, j, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST cl_type: CLASS_TYPE l_class_processed: BOOLEAN do from i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper j := compiled_classes_count if is_single_module then if is_finalizing then degree_output.put_start_degree (-2, j) else degree_output.put_start_degree (1, j) end end until i > nb or j = 0 loop if attached classes.item (i) as class_c and then is_class_generated (class_c) and then class_c.has_types then from types := class_c.types types.start l_class_processed := False until types.after loop cl_type := types.item if cl_type.is_generated then context.init (cl_type) cil_generator.set_current_module_with (cl_type) if not l_class_processed then if is_single_module then if is_finalizing then degree_output.put_degree_minus_2 (class_c, j) else degree_output.put_degree_1 (class_c, j) end end System.set_current_class (class_c) l_class_processed := True j := j - 1 end -- Generate entity to represent current Eiffel interface class cil_generator.generate_il_features_description (class_c, cl_type) end types.forth end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end if is_single_module then degree_output.put_end_degree end end generate_features_implementation (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]) -- Generate mapping between Eiffel and IL generator with `classes' -- sorted in the topological order. require classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, j, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST l_class_processed: BOOLEAN cl_type: CLASS_TYPE put_degree: PROCEDURE [CLASS_C, INTEGER] do from i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper j := compiled_classes_count if not is_single_module then put_degree := agent degree_output.put_degree_1 elseif is_finalizing then put_degree := agent degree_output.put_degree_minus_3 degree_output.put_start_degree (-3, j) else put_degree := agent degree_output.put_degree_minus_1 degree_output.put_start_degree (-1, j) end until i > nb or j = 0 loop if attached classes.item (i) as class_c and then is_class_generated (class_c) and then class_c.has_types then from types := class_c.types types.start l_class_processed := False until types.after loop cl_type := types.item if cl_type.is_generated then context.init (cl_type) cil_generator.set_current_module_with (cl_type) if not l_class_processed then put_degree (class_c, j) System.set_current_class (class_c) l_class_processed := True j := j - 1 compiled_classes_count := compiled_classes_count - 1 end cl_type.set_assembly_info (assembly_info) -- Generate entity to represent current Eiffel implementation class cil_generator.generate_il_implementation (class_c, cl_type) end types.forth end if not class_c.is_precompiled and then not class_c.is_external then -- Because we need a context type to resolve the signatures -- of the once routines, we simply use one of the generic -- derivation for that. It is safe to do so, because we know -- that a once cannot rely on anchor or formals. check cl_type_not_void: cl_type /= Void same_class: class_c = cl_type.associated_class end cil_generator.generate_once_data (class_c, cl_type) class_c.set_assembly_info (assembly_info) end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end if is_single_module then degree_output.put_end_degree end end generate_creation_classes (classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]) -- Generate mapping between Eiffel and IL generator with `classes' -- sorted in the topological order. require classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST l_class_processed: BOOLEAN cl_type: CLASS_TYPE do from i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper until i > nb loop if attached classes.item (i) as class_c and then is_class_generated (class_c) and then class_c.has_types then System.set_current_class (class_c) from types := class_c.types types.start l_class_processed := False until types.after loop cl_type := types.item if cl_type.is_generated then context.init (cl_type) cil_generator.set_current_module_with (cl_type) -- Generate entity to represent current Eiffel implementation class cil_generator.generate_creation_procedures (class_c, cl_type) end types.forth end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end end generate_entry_point -- Generate call to creation routine from ROOT_CLASS local a_class: CLASS_C root_class_type: CLASS_TYPE root_feat: FEATURE_I l_decl_type: CL_TYPE_A do if System.msil_generation_type.same_string_general ("exe") and then not System.root_creation_name.is_empty then -- Update the root class info root_class_type := system.root_class_type (system.root_type) a_class := root_class_type.associated_class root_feat := a_class.feature_table.item (System.root_creation_name) l_decl_type := root_class_type.type.implemented_type (root_feat.written_in) context.init (root_class_type) cil_generator.define_entry_point ( root_class_type, l_decl_type.associated_class_type (root_class_type.type), root_feat.written_feature_id, root_feat.has_arguments) end end feature {NONE} -- Sort ordered_classes: HASH_TABLE [ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C], INTEGER] -- Classes sorted by their module appartenance. prepare_classes (system_classes: CLASS_C_SERVER) -- Initialize `ordered_classes' so that it is organized by modules -- and for each modules classes are sorted following their topological order. require system_classes_not_void: system_classes /= Void local l_classes: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C], INTEGER] l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] i, nb, l_packet, l_max_packet: INTEGER l_is_one_module: BOOLEAN do create l_classes.make (10) from i := 1 nb := system_classes.capacity l_is_one_module := is_single_module until i > nb loop if attached system_classes.item (i) as l_class then if l_is_one_module then l_packet := 1 else l_packet := l_class.class_id // System.msil_classes_per_module + 1 end (l_packet) if l_classes.found then l_list := l_classes.found_item else create l_list.make (10) l_classes.put (l_list, l_packet) end l_list.extend (l_class) if l_packet > l_max_packet then l_max_packet := l_packet end end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end create ordered_classes.make (l_max_packet) from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_list := l_classes.item_for_iteration l_packet := l_classes.key_for_iteration ordered_classes.put (sorted_array_from_list (l_list), l_packet) l_classes.forth end force_recompilation ensure ordered_classes_not_void: ordered_classes /= Void end force_recompilation -- Traverse `ordered_classes' and if a class has to be generated -- then for all classes belonging to the same entry in `ordered_classes' -- should be recompiled. local i, nb: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST l_added: BOOLEAN l_classes: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C] l_changed_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C]] do if not is_single_module then -- First pass, we collect all modules in which a class needs -- to be recompiled. from create l_changed_classes.make (ordered_classes.count) ordered_classes.start until ordered_classes.after loop l_classes := ordered_classes.item_for_iteration l_added := False from i := l_classes.lower nb := l_classes.upper until i > nb or l_added loop if attached l_classes.item (i) as l_class_c then types := l_class_c.types if not types.is_empty then from types.start until types.after or l_added loop if types.item.is_generated and is_class_generated (l_class_c) and not l_added then l_changed_classes.extend (l_classes) l_added := True end types.forth end end end i := i + 1 end ordered_classes.forth end -- Second pass. For each module containing a modified class, we mark -- the other classes of this module for a compilation. from l_changed_classes.start until l_changed_classes.after loop l_classes := l_changed_classes.item from i := l_classes.lower nb := l_classes.upper until i > nb loop -- If `l_class_c' is not marked to be generated, we force its addition -- so that it gets compiled. if attached l_classes.item (i) as l_class_c and then not is_class_generated (l_class_c) then System.degree_minus_1.insert_class (l_class_c) end i := i + 1 end l_changed_classes.forth end end end sorted_array_from_list (a_list: ARRAYED_LIST [detachable CLASS_C]): SORTABLE_ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C] -- Initialize a sorted array of CLASS_C from `a_list'. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER do from i := 1 nb := a_list.count create Result.make_filled (Void, i, nb) a_list.start until i > nb loop Result.put (a_list.item, i) a_list.forth i := i + 1 end Result.sort ensure sorted_array_from_list_not_void: Result /= Void end sorted_classes (system_classes: CLASS_C_SERVER): ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C] -- `system_classes' sorted following their topological -- order. require system_classes_not_void: system_classes /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER do from i := 1 nb := system_classes.capacity create Result.make_filled (Void, i, nb) until i > nb loop if attached system_classes.item (i) as class_c then Result.force (class_c, class_c.topological_id) end i := i + 1 variant nb - i + 1 end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void -- classes_sorted: Result.is_topologically_sorted end feature {NONE} -- File copying assembly_location (a_is_finalizing: BOOLEAN): PATH -- Location of `Assemblies' directory in W_code or F_code depending -- on compilation type `a_is_finalizing'. do if system.is_il_netcore then -- FIXME: until a solution to load assemblies from another folder, use current folder. [2023-06-23] if a_is_finalizing then Result := project_location.final_path else Result := project_location.workbench_path end else if a_is_finalizing then Result := project_location.final_assemblies_path else Result := project_location.workbench_assemblies_path end end end copy_to_local (a_source: PATH; a_target_directory: PATH; a_destination_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_report_missing_source: BOOLEAN) -- Copy `a_source' into `a_target_directory' directory under `a_destination_name' if specified, -- or under the same name as `a_source'. -- If `source` is missing report an error when `a_report_missing` is True. require a_source_not_void: a_source /= Void a_source_not_empty: not a_source.is_empty a_target_directory_not_void: a_target_directory /= Void a_target_directory_not_empty: not a_target_directory.is_empty a_destination_name_valid: a_destination_name /= Void implies not a_destination_name.is_empty local l_source, l_target: RAW_FILE l_vicf: VICF l_retried: BOOLEAN do if not l_retried then create l_source.make_with_path (a_source) if a_destination_name /= Void then create l_target.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended (a_destination_name)) else create l_target.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended_path (a_source.entry)) end -- Only copy the file if it is not already there or if the original -- file is more recent. if not l_target.exists or else < then if l_source.exists then l_source.open_read l_target.open_write l_source.copy_to (l_target) l_source.close l_target.close l_target.set_date ( elseif a_report_missing_source then -- Source does not exist, report the error. create l_vicf.make (, error_handler.insert_warning (l_vicf, end end else -- An exception occurred, report the error. if l_source /= Void and then not l_source.is_closed then l_source.close end if l_target /= Void and then not l_target.is_closed then l_target.close end if l_target /= Void then create l_vicf.make (, else create l_vicf.make (, "Target not yet computed") end error_handler.insert_warning (l_vicf, end rescue l_retried := True retry end copy_template_to_local (a_template_source: PATH; a_vars: STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; a_target_directory: PATH; a_destination_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Copy `a_template_source' into `a_target_directory' directory under `a_destination_name' if specified, -- or under the same name as `a_template_source'. require a_source_not_void: a_template_source /= Void a_source_not_empty: not a_template_source.is_empty a_target_directory_not_void: a_target_directory /= Void a_target_directory_not_empty: not a_target_directory.is_empty a_destination_name_valid: a_destination_name /= Void implies not a_destination_name.is_empty local tpl: STRING_8 l_source, l_target: RAW_FILE l_vicf: VICF l_retried: BOOLEAN k,v: STRING_8 do if not l_retried then create l_source.make_with_path (a_template_source) if a_destination_name /= Void then create l_target.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended (a_destination_name)) else create l_target.make_with_path (a_target_directory.extended_path (a_template_source.entry)) end -- Only copy the file if it is not already there or if the original -- file is more recent. if not l_target.exists or else < then if l_source.exists then create tpl.make (l_source.count) l_source.open_read from until l_source.end_of_file or l_source.exhausted loop l_source.read_stream (1024) tpl.append (l_source.last_string) end l_source.close across a_vars as ic loop k := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (ic.key) v := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (ic.item) tpl.replace_substring_all ("${"+ k + "}", v) end l_target.open_write l_target.put_string (tpl) l_target.close l_target.set_date ( else -- Source does not exist, report the error. create l_vicf.make (, error_handler.insert_warning (l_vicf, end end else -- An exception occurred, report the error. if l_source /= Void and then not l_source.is_closed then l_source.close end if l_target /= Void and then not l_target.is_closed then l_target.close end if l_target /= Void then create l_vicf.make (, else create l_vicf.make (, "Target not yet computed") end error_handler.insert_warning (l_vicf, end rescue l_retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Progression degree_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT -- Progression bar. degree_number: INTEGER = 1 -- Degree in which compilation is performed. dll_type: STRING = "dll" -- Type of generation is_class_generated (a_class: detachable CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_class' to be generated? do -- We force generation of basic classes even if only the reference version -- will be generated. Result := (a_class /= Void and then (a_class.is_basic and then not a_class.is_typed_pointer or not a_class.is_external)) and then (is_finalizing or else a_class.degree_minus_1_needed) ensure definition: Result implies a_class /= Void end feature -- JSON encoding to_json_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_8 -- JSON encoded string of `s`. do Result := (create {JSON_STRING}.make_from_string_general (s)).item ensure class end invariant system_exists: System /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end