note description: "To compile non-compiled resources and add them in a specific IL module." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class IL_RESOURCE_GENERATOR inherit ANY SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_module: like module; a_resources: like resources) -- Initialize current instance with `a_module' where `a_resources' will -- be generated into. require a_module_not_void: a_module /= Void a_resources_not_void: a_resources /= Void do module := a_module resources := a_resources ensure module_set: module = a_module resources_set: resources = a_resources end feature -- Generation generate -- Generate `resources' in `module'. Compile `resources' items if necessary. local l_name: STRING_32 l_new_name: PATH nb: INTEGER l_not_is_resource_generated: BOOLEAN l_res: CONF_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE l_res_added: SEARCH_TABLE [STRING_32] l_loc: CONF_FILE_LOCATION l_fn: STRING_32 do from last_resource_offset := 0 resources.start until resources.after loop create l_res_added.make (10) l_res := resources.item if l_res.is_enabled (universe.conf_state) then create l_loc.make (l_res.location, l_name := l_fn := l_loc.original_file if l_fn.is_case_insensitive_equal (l_loc.evaluated_file) then -- Ensure the resource name case is preserved l_name.keep_head (l_name.count - l_fn.count) l_name.append_string_general (l_fn) end if not l_res_added.has (l_name) then l_res_added.force (l_name) nb := l_name.count l_not_is_resource_generated := ((nb > 5) and l_name.substring (nb - 4, nb).as_lower.is_equal (".resx")) or ((nb > 4) and l_name.substring (nb - 3, nb).as_lower.is_equal (".txt")) if l_not_is_resource_generated then l_new_name := new_compiled_resource_file_name (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_name)) generate_resource (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_name), l_new_name, if is_file_readable (l_new_name) then l_name := resource_name (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_name), True) l_name.append_character ('.') l_name.append_string_general (resources_extension) define_resource (module, l_new_name, l_name) else Error_handler.insert_warning (create {VIRC}.make_failed (l_name), end else if is_file_readable (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_name)) then -- It is either a compiled resource or another type of files, -- we simply embed them in the generated assembly. define_resource (module, create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_name), resource_name (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_name), False)) else error_handler.insert_warning (create {VIRC}.make_resource_file_not_found (l_name), end end end end resources.forth end end feature -- Access module: IL_MODULE -- PE file in which `resources' will be generated. resources: LIST [CONF_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE] -- List of resources. last_resource_offset: INTEGER -- Offset for current inserted resource in `define_resource'. feature {NONE} -- Implementation generate_resource (a_resource, a_target: PATH; is_warning_as_error: BOOLEAN) -- Generate a compiled resource in `a_target' using `a_resource' as resource file. -- Report an error instead of a warning if `is_warning_as_error` is set to `True`. require a_resource_not_void: a_resource /= Void a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void local -- l_env: IL_ENVIRONMENT -- l_rc: PATH -- l_cmd: READABLE_STRING_32 -- --l_launch: WEL_PROCESS_LAUNCHER -- l_dir: detachable PATH -- l_virc: VIRC do to_implement ("TODO replace code WEL_PROCESS_LAUNCHER") -- create l_env.make (System.clr_runtime_version) -- l_rc := l_env.resource_compiler -- if l_rc /= Void then -- if is_file_readable (l_rc) then -- if not is_file_readable (a_resource) then -- create l_virc.make_resource_file_not_found ( -- else -- create l_launch -- l_cmd := + " %"" + + "%" %"" + + "%"" -- if attached a_resource.parent as l_parent then -- l_dir := l_parent -- else -- create l_dir.make_current -- end -- l_launch.launch (l_cmd,, Void) -- if l_launch.last_process_result /= 0 then -- create l_virc.make_failed ( -- end -- end -- else -- create l_virc.make_rc_not_found ( -- end -- else -- create l_virc.make_rc_not_present -- end -- if l_virc /= Void then -- Error_handler.insert_warning (l_virc, is_warning_as_error) -- end end resource_name (a_resource: PATH; remove_extension: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 -- Extract name of `a_resource' file without its extension if `remove_extension'. require a_resource_not_void: a_resource /= Void local dot_pos, nb: INTEGER do Result := nb := Result.count if remove_extension then dot_pos := Result.last_index_of ('.', nb) if dot_pos = 0 then dot_pos := nb else dot_pos := dot_pos - 1 end else dot_pos := nb end Result := Result.substring (1, dot_pos) ensure resource_name_not_void: Result /= Void end new_compiled_resource_file_name (a_resource: PATH): PATH -- Using `a_resource' generates a PATH in which output of compiling resource file -- `a_resource' will be generated. require a_resource_not_void: a_resource /= Void do if System.in_final_mode then Result := System.project_location.final_path else Result := System.project_location.workbench_path end Result := Result.extended (resource_name (a_resource, True) + "." + resources_extension) ensure new_compiled_resource_file_name_not_void: Result /= Void end define_resource (a_module: IL_MODULE; a_file: PATH; a_name: STRING_32) -- Add resource file `a_file' with name `a_name' to `a_module'. require a_module_not_void: a_module /= Void a_file_not_void: a_file /= Void a_file_exists: is_file_readable (a_file) a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void local l_token: INTEGER l_resources: CLI_RESOURCES l_data: MANAGED_POINTER l_platform: PLATFORM l_raw_file: RAW_FILE do -- Get resources of `a_module' if already initialized, -- otherwise create a new one. if a_module.resources /= Void then l_resources := a_module.resources else create l_resources.make a_module.set_resources (l_resources) end -- Read content of `a_file' and add it to the list of known resources -- of `a_module'. create l_raw_file.make_with_path (a_file) l_raw_file.open_read -- Before putting the resource data in `l_data', we need to insert -- the number of bytes in the first 4 bytes of `l_data' so that -- we know exactly how long is the current resource entry. create l_platform create l_data.make (l_raw_file.count + l_platform.integer_32_bytes) l_data.put_integer_32_le (l_raw_file.count, 0) l_raw_file.read_to_managed_pointer (l_data, l_platform.integer_32_bytes, l_raw_file.count) l_raw_file.close l_resources.extend (l_data) -- Add entry in manifest resource table of current module. l_token := a_module.md_emit.define_manifest_resource ( create {CLI_STRING}.make (a_name), 0, last_resource_offset, {MD_RESOURCE_FLAGS}.Public) last_resource_offset := last_resource_offset + l_data.count ensure inserted: a_module.resources /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: constants resources_extension: STRING = "resources" -- Compiled resources extension. is_file_readable (a_filename: PATH): BOOLEAN -- Is file `a_filename' readable? require a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void local l_file: RAW_FILE do if not a_filename.is_empty then create l_file.make_with_path (a_filename) Result := l_file.exists and then l_file.is_readable end end invariant module_not_void: module /= Void resources_not_void: resources /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end