note description: "Representation of a compiled class." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class CLASS_C inherit SHARED_COUNTER SHARED_AST_CONTEXT rename context as ast_context end SHARED_TYPEID_TABLE SHARED_CODE_FILES SHARED_BODY_ID SHARED_EIFFEL_PARSER HASHABLE SK_CONST COMPILER_EXPORTER COMPARABLE undefine is_equal end PROJECT_CONTEXT SHARED_WORKBENCH SHARED_DEGREES export {ANY} Degree_1 end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_SERVER export {ANY} all end SHARED_INSTANTIATOR SHARED_INST_CONTEXT SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER SHARED_RESCUE_STATUS SHARED_TEXT_ITEMS IDABLE rename id as class_id, set_id as set_class_id end SHARED_NAMES_HEAP export {NONE} all end DEBUG_OUTPUT export {NONE} all end SHARED_IL_CASING export {NONE} all end SHARED_TYPES export {NONE} all end SHARED_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end ABSTRACT_CLASS_C REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end SHARED_ENCODING_CONVERTER INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER SHARED_COMPILER_PROFILE feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (l: like original_class) -- Creation of Current class require good_argument: l /= Void do initialize (l) -- Creation of the syntactical supplier list create syntactical_suppliers.make (5) -- Creation of the syntactical client list create syntactical_clients.make (10) -- Filter list creation create filters.make -- Feature id counter creation create feature_id_counter -- Changed features list creation create changed_features.make (20) -- Propagator set creation create propagators.make internal_feature_table_file_id := -1 end feature -- Access is_eiffel_class_c: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' an EIFFEL_CLASS_C? do end is_external_class_c: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' an EXTERNAL_CLASS_C? do end is_valid_formal_position (a_formal_position: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_formal_position' a valid formal position for this class? -- -- `a_formal_position' is the position index which has to be checked. require is_generic: is_generic do Result := a_formal_position >= 1 and then a_formal_position <= generics.count ensure Result_set: Result = (a_formal_position >= 1 and then a_formal_position <= generics.count) end eiffel_class_c: EIFFEL_CLASS_C -- `Current' as `EIFFEL_CLASS_C'. require is_eiffel_class_c: is_eiffel_class_c do end external_class_c: EXTERNAL_CLASS_C -- `Current' as `EXTERNAL_CLASS_C'. require is_external_class_c: is_external_class_c do end syntactical_suppliers: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Syntactical suppliers of the class --| Useful for time-stamp syntactical_clients: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Syntactical clients of the class --| Useful for class removal changed2: BOOLEAN -- Has the compiler to apply the second pass to this class -- again, even if the class didn't textually changed -- (i.e `changed' is set to False) ? changed3: BOOLEAN -- Has the compiler to make a type check on the class ? -- At beginning of the third pass, if the class is marked -- `changed', the compiler produces byte code and type check -- the features marked `melted' and type check the others -- if the class is marked `changed3'. do Result := propagators.make_pass3 or need_type_check end changed3a : BOOLEAN -- Type check? need_type_check: BOOLEAN -- Does current needs a complete type check? -- If True, forces a complete type check in `pass3' on all features -- written in current class. changed4: BOOLEAN -- Has the class a new class type, or changed its generics? is_generic: BOOLEAN -- Is current class generic? do Result := generics /= Void ensure result_is_generic: Result implies (generics /= Void) end is_removable: BOOLEAN -- May current class be removed from system? do -- It should not be precompiled, nor already removed from system. Result := not is_precompiled and is_eiffel_class_c end is_in_system: BOOLEAN -- Is current class part of system (i.e. precompiled and used)? is_modifiable: BOOLEAN -- Is current class not part of a precompiled library? do Result := not is_precompiled end is_debuggable: BOOLEAN -- Is the class able to be debugged? -- (not if it doesn't have class types) local rescued: BOOLEAN do if rescued then Result := False else Result := has_types end rescue rescued := True retry end has_expanded: BOOLEAN -- Does the class use expanded ? is_used_as_expanded: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' used as an expanded class ? is_special: BOOLEAN -- Is class SPECIAL? do -- Do nothing end is_type: BOOLEAN -- Is class SPECIAL? do -- Do nothing end is_tuple: BOOLEAN -- Is class TUPLE? do end is_typed_pointer: BOOLEAN -- Is class TYPED_POINTER? do end is_native_array: BOOLEAN -- Is class a NATIVE_ARRAY class? do end conformance_table: PACKED_BOOLEANS -- Conformance table of the class: once a class has changed -- it must be reprocessed and the conformance table of the -- recursive descendants also. filters: FILTER_LIST -- ## FIXME 2.3 Patch: redefinition of equal in -- GEN_TYPE_A -- Filters associated to the class: useful for recalculating -- the type system: it is empty if the class is a non-generic -- one. feature_id_counter: COUNTER -- Counter of feature ids has_unique: BOOLEAN -- Does class have unique feature(s)? changed_features: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] -- Names of the changed features propagators: PASS3_CONTROL -- Set of class ids of the classes responsible for -- a type check of the current class creation_feature: FEATURE_I -- Creation feature for expanded types melted_set: SEARCH_TABLE [MELTED_INFO] -- Melting information list -- [Processed by the third pass.] skeleton: GENERIC_SKELETON -- Attributes skeleton changed: BOOLEAN -- Is the class syntactically changed ? do Result := original_class.changed end already_compiled: BOOLEAN -- Has the class already been compiled before the current -- compilation ? do Result := Ast_server.has (class_id) end assembly_info: ASSEMBLY_INFO -- Information about assembly in which current class is being generated storable_version: detachable STRING -- Version if specified for the current class used for storable to detect mismatches. has_creators: BOOLEAN -- Does current class have creators? do Result := attached creators end has_creator_named_with (a_feat: E_FEATURE): BOOLEAN -- Has creator with the same name as `a_feat'? require a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void do Result := has_creator_of_name_id (a_feat.name_id) end has_creator_of_name_id (a_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Has creator with the same name as `a_feat'? do Result := attached creators as cs and then cs.has (a_id) end creator_of_name_id (a_id: INTEGER): EXPORT_I -- Creator of name id `a_id' require has_creator_of_name_id: has_creator_of_name_id (a_id) do Result := creators.item (a_id) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Access creators: HASH_TABLE [EXPORT_I, like {FEATURE_I}.feature_name_id] -- Creation procedure export status and position in the list of creators indexed by feature name ID. feature -- Access: Convertibility convert_to: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] -- Set of feature name IDs indexed by type to which they convert to. convert_from: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, DEANCHORED_TYPE_A] -- Set of feature name IDs indexed by type to which they convert from. feature -- Access: CLI implementation class_interface: CLASS_INTERFACE -- CLI corresponding interface of Current class. feature -- Status report is_warning_enabled (a_warning: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_warning' set for Current? require a_warning_not_void: a_warning /= Void do Result := lace_class.options.is_warning_enabled (a_warning) end is_warning_reported_as_error (w: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Should warning `w` be reported as an error? require is_warning_enabled (w) or else w.same_string ({CONF_CONSTANTS}.w_obsolete_feature) do Result := lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error end obsolete_call_warning_index: like {CONF_OPTION}.warning_term_index_none -- Index of current value of an obsolete feature call warning. do Result := if lace_class.options.warning.index = {CONF_OPTION}.warning_index_none then {CONF_OPTION}.warning_term_index_none else lace_class.options.warning_obsolete_call.index end ensure {CONF_OPTION}.is_valid_warning_term_index (Result) end apply_msil_application_optimizations: BOOLEAN -- Should MSIL application optimizations be applied? do Result := False end has_external_ancestor_class: BOOLEAN -- Does current class have an external ancestor which is a class (not interface)? local p: like parents_classes parent_class: CLASS_C do p := parents_classes if p /= Void then from p.start until p.after loop parent_class := p.item if not parent_class.is_interface and then (parent_class.is_external or else parent_class.has_external_ancestor_class) then Result := True p.finish end p.forth end end end feature -- Action record_precompiled_class_in_system do end feature -- Conformance dependencies conf_dep_table: PACKED_BOOLEANS -- Table for quick lookup conf_dep_classes : LINKED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Classes which depend on Current's conformance -- to some other class. add_dep_class (a_class : CLASS_C) -- Add `a_class' to `conf_dep_classes' -- Do nothing if already there. require not_void : a_class /= Void local topid: INTEGER loc_list: LINKED_LIST [CLASS_C] loc_tab: PACKED_BOOLEANS do topid := a_class.topological_id if conf_dep_table = Void then create conf_dep_table.make (topid + 32) if conf_dep_classes /= Void then -- Topological ids have changed -- Recreate lookup table from loc_list := conf_dep_classes loc_tab := conf_dep_table loc_list.start until loc_list.after loop loc_tab.force (True, loc_list.item.topological_id) loc_list.forth end end end if conf_dep_classes = Void then create conf_dep_classes.make create conf_dep_table.make (topid + 32) end loc_list := conf_dep_classes loc_tab := conf_dep_table if topid > loc_tab.upper then -- Table needs resizing loc_tab.resize (topid + 32) end if not loc_tab.item (topid) then loc_list.extend (a_class) loc_list.finish loc_tab.put (True, topid) end ensure has_dep_class : has_dep_class (a_class) end remove_dep_class (a_class : CLASS_C) -- Remove `a_class' from `conf_dep_classes' require not_void : a_class /= Void has: has_dep_class (a_class) do conf_dep_classes.start conf_dep_classes.prune (a_class) conf_dep_table.put (False, a_class.topological_id) ensure removed : not has_dep_class (a_class) end has_dep_class (a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_class' in `conf_dep_classes'? require not_void : a_class /= Void local topid: INTEGER loc_tab: PACKED_BOOLEANS do topid := a_class.topological_id loc_tab := conf_dep_table Result := (loc_tab /= Void) and then (topid <= loc_tab.upper) and then loc_tab.item (topid) end reset_dep_classes -- Update `conf_dep_classes' with removed classes. local a_class: CLASS_C do if conf_dep_classes /= Void then from conf_dep_classes.start until conf_dep_classes.after loop a_class := conf_dep_classes.item if System.classes.item (a_class.class_id) = Void then -- Class has been removed and we should discard -- any previous dependency. conf_dep_classes.remove else conf_dep_classes.forth end end end end feature -- Building conformance table fill_conformance_table -- Fill the conformance table. All the class processed -- during second pass must see their conformance table -- processed/re-processed by this routine. require topological_id_processed: topological_id > 0 do if conformance_table = Void then create conformance_table.make (topological_id) else -- Resize the table after the topological sort conformance_table.clear_all conformance_table.resize (topological_id) end conf_dep_table := Void build_conformance_table_of (Current) end build_conformance_table_of (cl: CLASS_C) -- Build recursively the conformance table of class `cl. require good_argument: cl /= Void topological_id_processed: topological_id > 0 conformance: topological_id <= cl.topological_id local i: INTEGER do if not cl.conformance_table.item (topological_id) then -- The parent has not been inserted yet cl.conformance_table.put (True, topological_id) from i := conforming_parents_classes.count until i = 0 loop conforming_parents_classes [i].build_conformance_table_of (cl) i := i - 1 end end end feature -- Type checking check_instance_free_usage (c: AST_INSTANCE_FREE_CHECKER) -- Check if features declared as class ones as well as those used in instance-free calls -- are instance-free using instance-free checker `c`. require absent_explicit_assertion: system.absent_explicit_assertion system_defined: workbench.system_defined has_feature_table: has_feature_table not_precompiled: not is_precompiled do -- Nothing here. end feature -- Expanded rules validity check_expanded -- Check the expanded validity rule. -- Pass 2 must be done on all the classes -- (the creators must be up to date) local l_constraint_types: TYPE_SET_A l_actual_type: TYPE_A do debug ("CHECK_EXPANDED") io.error.put_string ("Checking expanded for: ") io.error.put_string (name) io.error.put_new_line end feature_table.check_expanded -- Check validity of all formal generic parameters instantiated -- as expanded types. if attached generic_features as fs then across fs as f loop f.item.check_expanded (Current) end Error_handler.checksum end if is_generic then from generics.start until generics.after loop if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} generics.item as l_formal_dec then l_constraint_types := l_formal_dec.constraint_types (Current) from l_constraint_types.start until l_constraint_types.after loop l_actual_type := l_constraint_types.item.type if l_actual_type.has_generics then System.expanded_checker.check_actual_type (l_actual_type) end l_constraint_types.forth end else check is_formal_constraint: False end end generics.forth end end end feature -- Access: object relative once create_object_relative_once_infos (n: INTEGER) -- Create a new `object_relative_once_infos' table. do create object_relative_once_infos.make (n) end reset_object_relative_once_infos -- Reset `object_relative_once_infos' to Void. do object_relative_once_infos := Void end object_relative_once_infos: detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO_TABLE -- List of info about object relative onces associated with Current. object_relative_once_dependances (a_body_index: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_DEPENDANCE -- feature dependances related to once per object associated with `a_body_index'. do if attached feature_of_body_index (a_body_index) as fi and then fi.is_object_relative_once and then attached object_relative_once_info_of_rout_id_set (fi.rout_id_set) as l_info then Result := l_info.dependances end end object_relative_once_attribute_with_body_index (a_body_index: INTEGER): detachable ATTRIBUTE_I -- Info about object relative once associated with Current and an item of `a_body_index'. require a_body_index_valid: a_body_index /= 0 do if attached object_relative_once_infos as l_infos then Result := l_infos.attribute_of_body_index (a_body_index) end end object_relative_once_info_of_rout_id_set (a_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET): detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO -- Info about object relative once associated with Current and an item of `a_rout_id_set'. require a_rout_id_set_not_void: a_rout_id_set /= Void do if attached object_relative_once_infos as l_infos then Result := l_infos.first_item_intersecting_with_rout_id_set (a_rout_id_set) end end object_relative_once_info (a_once_routine_id: INTEGER): detachable OBJECT_RELATIVE_ONCE_INFO -- Info about object relative once associated with Current and `a_once_routine_id'. do if attached object_relative_once_infos as l_infos then Result := l_infos.item_of_rout_id (a_once_routine_id) end end object_relative_once_attribute_of_feature_id (a_feature_id: INTEGER): detachable ATTRIBUTE_I -- Attribute associated with Current with feature_id `a_feature_id', if any. do if attached object_relative_once_infos as l_infos then Result := l_infos.attribute_of_feature_id (a_feature_id) end end object_relative_once_attribute_of_routine_id (a_routine_id: INTEGER): detachable ATTRIBUTE_I -- Attribute associated with Current with feature_id `a_routine_id', if any. do if attached object_relative_once_infos as l_infos then Result := l_infos.attribute_of_routine_id (a_routine_id) end end feature -- Third pass: byte code production and type check record_suppliers (feature_i: FEATURE_I; dependances: CLASS_DEPENDANCE) -- Record suppliers of `feature_i' and insert it in `dependances'. require feature_i_not_void: feature_i /= Void dependances_not_void: dependances /= Void local f_suppliers: FEATURE_DEPENDANCE body_index: INTEGER do body_index := feature_i.body_index -- If `body_index' is 0, it means that `feature_i' is declared -- in an external class. check written_in_external_class: body_index = 0 implies feature_i.written_class.is_true_external end if body_index /= 0 then if dependances.has (body_index) then dependances.remove (body_index) end create f_suppliers.make f_suppliers.set_feature_name_id (feature_i.feature_name_id) feature_i.record_suppliers (f_suppliers) dependances.put (f_suppliers, body_index) end ensure inserted: feature_i.body_index /= 0 implies dependances.has (feature_i.body_index) end update_suppliers (new_suppliers: like suppliers) -- Update the supplier list with `new_suppliers'. require good_argument: new_suppliers /= Void local local_suppliers: like suppliers supplier_clients: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] do from local_suppliers := suppliers local_suppliers.start until local_suppliers.after loop supplier_clients := local_suppliers.item.supplier.clients supplier_clients.start (Current) supplier_clients.remove local_suppliers.forth end from new_suppliers.start until new_suppliers.after loop new_suppliers.item.supplier.clients.extend (Current) new_suppliers.forth end set_suppliers (new_suppliers) end feature -- Generation pass4 -- Generation of C files for each type associated to the current -- class. --|Don't forget to modify also `generate_workbench_files' when modifying --|this function do end feature -- Setting set_assembly_info (a: like assembly_info) -- Set `assembly_info' with `a'. require a_not_void: a /= Void do assembly_info := a ensure assembly_info_set: assembly_info = a end feature -- Melting melt -- Melt changed features. require good_context: has_features_to_melt do end update_execution_table -- Update execution table. require good_context: has_features_to_melt do end has_features_to_melt: BOOLEAN -- Has the current class features to melt ? do end melt_all -- Melt all the features written in the class do end feature -- Skeleton processing init_process_skeleton (old_skeletons: ARRAY [SKELETON]) -- Fill `old_skeletons' with old skeleton of class types in `types'. require old_skeletons_not_void: old_skeletons /= Void has_skeleton: skeleton /= Void local class_type: CLASS_TYPE do from types.start until types.after loop class_type := types.item old_skeletons.force (class_type.skeleton, class_type.type_id) types.forth end end process_skeleton (old_skeletons: ARRAY [SKELETON]) -- Type skeleton processing: If skeleton of a class type changed, -- it must be re-processed and marked `is_changed'. require old_skeletons_not_void: old_skeletons /= Void has_skeleton: skeleton /= Void local class_type: CLASS_TYPE new_skeleton, old_skeleton: SKELETON class_types: SPECIAL [CLASS_TYPE] i: INTEGER n: INTEGER generic_class_type: CLASS_TYPE do from types.start until types.after loop class_type := types.item old_skeleton := class_type.skeleton new_skeleton := skeleton.instantiation_in (class_type) if old_skeleton = Void or else not new_skeleton.equiv (old_skeletons, old_skeleton) then class_type.set_is_changed (True) class_type.set_skeleton (new_skeleton) if class_type.is_expanded and old_skeleton /= Void then -- Force recompilation of all clients, as the layout of expanded -- have changed possibly making some of our generated code incorrect -- if the skeleton size have change. Note that we cannot query the size -- here in case of VLEC errors that will be find later in the -- compilation. from clients.start until clients.after loop clients.item.melt_all clients.forth end -- Recompile generic derivations that depend on `class_type' as -- `clients' does not include them. from class_types := system.class_types.area i := class_types.lower n := class_types.upper until i > n loop generic_class_type := class_types [i] if generic_class_type /= Void and then generic_class_type.type.has_actual (class_type.type) then debug ("to_implement") to_implement ("Recompilation could be done on a per-class-type rather than per-class basis.") end generic_class_type.associated_class.melt_all end i := i + 1 end end Degree_1.insert_class (Current) end types.forth end changed2 := False changed4 := False end feature {NONE} -- Class initialization similar_parents (a_old_parents, a_new_parents: EIFFEL_LIST [PARENT_AS]): TUPLE [previous_types_remain: BOOLEAN; parents_removed: BOOLEAN] -- First element of tuple: Does `a_new_parents' include all types used in -- `a_old_parents' and no type has been removed from `a_old_parents'. -- Second element of tuple: was a parent type of `a_old_parents' removed from -- `a_new_parents'. local i, o_count, j, l_count: INTEGER l_area, o_area: SPECIAL [PARENT_AS] l_parent_type, l_other_type: CLASS_TYPE_AS l_same_parent, l_removed_parent, l_found: BOOLEAN do if a_old_parents = Void then -- Parents may have changed, but none has been removed. Result := [a_new_parents = Void, False] elseif a_new_parents /= Void then l_area := a_new_parents.area o_area := a_old_parents.area l_count := a_new_parents.count - 1 o_count := a_old_parents.count - 1 -- Check if all types used in new parents clauses were also used in previous -- compilation (possibly in different order and with different number of -- occurrences) from check i_is_zero: i = 0 end l_same_parent := True until i > l_count or else not l_same_parent loop l_parent_type := l_area.item (i).type from j := 0 l_same_parent := False until j > o_count or else l_same_parent loop l_other_type := o_area.item (j).type l_same_parent := l_parent_type.same_type (l_other_type) and then l_parent_type.is_equivalent (l_other_type) j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end -- We need to check that all types of `a_old_parents' are present -- in `a_new_parents'. from check l_removed_parent_set: not l_removed_parent end i := 0 l_area := a_new_parents.area o_area := a_old_parents.area until i > o_count or else l_removed_parent loop l_parent_type := o_area.item (i).type from j := 0 l_found := False until j > l_count or else l_found loop l_other_type := l_area.item (j).type l_found := l_parent_type.same_type (l_other_type) and then l_parent_type.is_equivalent (l_other_type) j := j + 1 end l_removed_parent := not l_found i := i + 1 end Result := [l_same_parent and not l_removed_parent, l_removed_parent] else -- Case where all parents have been removed, clearly it is not -- the same and they have been removed. check status: a_old_parents /= Void and a_new_parents = Void end Result := [False, True] end end feature -- Class initialization init_class_interface -- Initialize `class_interface' accordingly to current class -- definition. require il_generation: System.il_generation do if class_interface = Void then create class_interface.make_with_class (Current) end end feature {NONE} -- Private access any_type: CL_TYPE_A -- Default parent type. once create Result.make (System.any_id) ensure any_type_not_void: Result /= Void end any_type_attached: CL_TYPE_A -- Default parent type when it is attached by default. once create Result.make (System.any_id) Result.set_is_attached ensure any_type_not_void: Result /= Void end any_parent: PARENT_C -- Default compiled parent. once create Result.make (create {ID_AS}.initialize_from_id (names_heap.any_name_id)) Result.set_parent_type (Any_type) ensure any_parent_not_void: Result /= Void end feature update_syntactical_relations (old_syntactical_suppliers: like syntactical_suppliers) -- Remove syntactical client/supplier relations and take -- care of possible removed classes. local a_class: CLASS_C supplier_clients: like syntactical_clients l_syntactical_suppliers: like syntactical_suppliers do -- Remove old syntactical supplier/client relations from old_syntactical_suppliers.start until loop a_class := old_syntactical_suppliers.item if a_class /= Current then supplier_clients := a_class.syntactical_clients supplier_clients.start supplier_clients.compare_references (Current) if not supplier_clients.after then supplier_clients.remove end end old_syntactical_suppliers.forth end -- Add new syntactical supplier/client relations from l_syntactical_suppliers := syntactical_suppliers l_syntactical_suppliers.start until loop a_class := l_syntactical_suppliers.item if a_class /= Current then supplier_clients := a_class.syntactical_clients supplier_clients.extend (Current) end l_syntactical_suppliers.forth end end remove_relations -- Remove client/supplier and parent/descendant relations -- of the current class. require parents_exists: parents_classes /= Void local local_suppliers: SUPPLIER_LIST clients_list: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] do remove_parent_relations from local_suppliers := suppliers local_suppliers.start until local_suppliers.after loop clients_list := local_suppliers.item.supplier.clients clients_list.start (Current) if not clients_list.after then clients_list.remove end local_suppliers.forth end local_suppliers.wipe_out end remove_parent_relations -- Remove parent/descendant relations of the Current class. require parents_exists: parents_classes /= Void local des: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] l_area: SPECIAL [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER c: CLASS_C l_parents_classes: like parents_classes do from l_parents_classes := parents_classes l_area := l_parents_classes.area nb := l_parents_classes.count until i = nb loop c := l_area.item (i) if c /= Void then des:= c.direct_descendants des.start (Current) if not des.after then des.remove end end i := i + 1 end end mark_class (marked_classes: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER]) -- Mark the class as used in the system -- and propagate to the suppliers. -- Used by remove_useless_classes in SYSTEM_I. local l_syntactical_suppliers: like syntactical_suppliers do if not marked_classes.has (class_id) then marked_classes.put (class_id) from l_syntactical_suppliers := syntactical_suppliers l_syntactical_suppliers.start until l_syntactical_suppliers.after loop l_syntactical_suppliers.item.mark_class (marked_classes) l_syntactical_suppliers.forth end end end check_generics -- Check validity formal generic parameter declaration. -- Validity rule VCFG (page 52) require generics_exists: is_generic do end check_generic_parameters -- Check validity formal generic parameter declaration. -- Validity rule VCFG1 (page 52) require generics_exists: is_generic do end check_creation_constraint_genericity -- Check validity of creation constraint genericity -- I.e. that the specified creation procedures does exist -- in the constraint class. require generics_exists: is_generic do end check_types_in_constraints -- Check validity of constraint genericity. require generics_exists: is_generic do end check_constraint_genericity -- Check validity of constraint genericity. require generics_exists: is_generic do end check_constraint_renaming -- Check validity of renaming. -- Requires feature tables!! do end feature -- Parent checking fill_parents (a_old_class_info, a_class_info: CLASS_INFO) -- Initialization of the parent types `parents': put -- the default parent HERE if needed. Calculates also the -- lists `descendants'. Since the routine `check_suppliers' -- has been called before, all the instances of CLASS_C -- corresponding to the parents of the current class are -- in the system (even if a parent is not already parsed). require need_new_parents: need_new_parents a_class_info_not_void: a_class_info /= Void local l_parents_as: EIFFEL_LIST [PARENT_AS] l_parents_classes: like parents_classes l_non_conforming_parents_as, l_conforming_parents_as: EIFFEL_LIST [PARENT_AS] l_has_non_conforming_parents, l_has_conforming_parents: BOOLEAN l_parent_c: PARENT_C l_parent_class: CLASS_C l_parent_as: PARENT_AS l_raw_type: CLASS_TYPE_AS l_any_id: INTEGER l_vhpr1: VHPR1 l_ve04: VE04 l_dummy_list: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] l_client: CLASS_C l_conforming_parents_tuple, l_non_conforming_parents_tuple: like similar_parents l_conforming_parents_count: INTEGER l_compiled_parent_generator: AST_PARENT_C_GENERATOR l_parent_type: CL_TYPE_A l_vtug: VTUG do -- Reset flag need_new_parents := False -- Initialize context Inst_context.set_group (group) l_parents_as := a_class_info.parents l_non_conforming_parents_as := a_class_info.non_conforming_parents l_conforming_parents_as := a_class_info.conforming_parents l_has_non_conforming_parents := l_non_conforming_parents_as /= Void and then not l_non_conforming_parents_as.is_empty l_has_conforming_parents := l_conforming_parents_as /= Void and then not l_conforming_parents_as.is_empty if l_has_conforming_parents then l_conforming_parents_count := l_conforming_parents_as.count end l_any_id := System.any_id if l_parents_as /= Void and then not l_parents_as.is_empty then check inheritance_clauses_correct: l_has_non_conforming_parents or l_has_conforming_parents -- If we have a parents_as list then we must have a non-empty parents list. end if class_id = l_any_id then -- Throw a VHPR1 error if ANY contains any custom inheritance clauses. create l_vhpr1 l_vhpr1.set_associated_class (Current) create l_dummy_list.make l_dummy_list.extend (class_id) l_vhpr1.set_involved_classes (l_dummy_list) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vhpr1) else -- VHPR3 checking and extract structure from parsing. from -- Reset any previous parent class storage. computed_parents := Void conforming_parents := Void non_conforming_parents := Void conforming_parents_classes := Void non_conforming_parents_classes := Void if l_has_conforming_parents then create conforming_parents_classes.make (l_conforming_parents_as.count) create conforming_parents.make (l_conforming_parents_as.count) if l_has_non_conforming_parents then create non_conforming_parents_classes.make (l_non_conforming_parents_as.count) create non_conforming_parents.make (l_non_conforming_parents_as.count) end else -- We must have non-conforming parents create non_conforming_parents_classes.make (l_non_conforming_parents_as.count) create non_conforming_parents.make (l_non_conforming_parents_as.count) -- We need to add class ANY as an ancestor as no conforming parents are syntactically specified. create conforming_parents_classes.make (1) create conforming_parents.make (1) create computed_parents.make (l_non_conforming_parents_as.count + 1) -- Add a descendant to class ANY System.any_class.compiled_class.add_descendant (Current) -- Insertion in `parents_classes' conforming_parents_classes.extend (System.any_class.compiled_class) -- Insertion in `parents' conforming_parents.extend (Any_type) -- Insertion in `computed_parents' computed_parents.extend (Any_parent) end if computed_parents = Void then -- If not already created by sole non-conforming inheritance, create the other parents lists. create computed_parents.make (l_parents_as.count) end create l_compiled_parent_generator l_parents_as.start until l_parents_as.after loop -- Evaluation of the parent type l_parent_as := l_parents_as.item l_raw_type := l_parent_as.type -- Create appropriate conforming or non-conforming compiled parent class. -- l_parents_as is a merging of conforming parents with non-conforming parents. -- If the conforming parents count is greater than the current index we know that -- we have to add a conforming PARENT_C, else a NON_CONFORMING_PARENT_C is added. l_parent_c := l_compiled_parent_generator.compiled_parent (system, Current, l_parent_as, l_parents_as.index > l_conforming_parents_count) l_parent_type := l_parent_c.parent_type -- Check if there is no anchor (has_like) and no bit symbol (is_class_valid) in the constraint type. if l_parent_type.has_like or not l_parent_type.is_class_valid then create l_ve04 l_ve04.set_class (Current) l_ve04.set_parent_type (l_raw_type) l_ve04.set_location (l_parent_as.start_location) Error_handler.insert_error (l_ve04) elseif not l_parent_type.good_generics then -- This addresses eweasel test#term146 where we assumed before at degree 4 -- they had the correct number of formal generics and thus performed conformance -- checking blindly. Now we check the error at the end of degree 5 to prevent -- this problem. l_vtug := l_parent_type.error_generics l_vtug.set_class (Current) l_vtug.set_location (l_parent_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtug) else computed_parents.extend (l_parent_c) l_parent_class := clickable_info.associated_eiffel_class (lace_class, l_parent_as.type).compiled_class -- Insertion of a new descendant for the parent class check parent_class_exists: l_parent_class /= Void -- This ensures that routine `check_suppliers' -- has been called before. end if l_parent_class = Current then -- We have a direct inheritance of the current class so we raise a VHPR1 -- This needs to be flagged here before Degree 4 -- otherwise valid descendent classes have incorrect meta information. create l_vhpr1 l_vhpr1.set_associated_class (Current) create l_dummy_list.make l_dummy_list.extend (class_id) l_vhpr1.set_involved_classes (l_dummy_list) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vhpr1) else l_parent_class.add_descendant (Current) end -- Use reference class type as a parent. if l_parent_type.is_expanded then l_parent_type := l_parent_type.reference_type end if l_parent_class.is_generic then -- Look for a derivation of the same class. from l_parents_classes := parents_classes l_parents_classes.start until l_parents_classes.after loop if l_parents_classes.item = l_parent_class and then not parents.i_th (l_parents_classes.index).same_as (l_parent_type) then -- Different generic derivations are used in Parent parts. error_handler.insert_error (create {VHPR5_ECMA}.make (Current, l_parent_type, Current, parents.i_th (l_parents_classes.index), Current, l_parent_as.start_location)) end l_parents_classes.forth end end -- Add parent class to either conforming or non-conforming inheritance list. if l_has_non_conforming_parents and then l_non_conforming_parents_as.has (l_parent_as) then non_conforming_parents_classes.extend (l_parent_class) non_conforming_parents.extend (l_parent_type) else conforming_parents_classes.extend (l_parent_class) conforming_parents.extend (l_parent_type) end end l_parents_as.forth end end elseif class_id /= l_any_id then -- Current class is not ANY and no parents are syntactically -- specified: ANY is the default parent for Eiffel classes. create conforming_parents_classes.make (1) create computed_parents.make (1) create conforming_parents.make (1) -- Wipe out any previous non-conforming parents as they are no longer valid. non_conforming_parents := Void non_conforming_parents_classes := Void -- Add a descendant to class ANY System.any_class.compiled_class.add_descendant (Current) -- Insertion in `parents_classes' conforming_parents_classes.extend (System.any_class.compiled_class) -- Insertion in `parents' conforming_parents.extend (Any_type) -- Insertion in `computed_parents' computed_parents.extend (Any_parent) else -- In case of the ancestor class to all classes, just create an empty -- parent structure. create conforming_parents_classes.make (0) create conforming_parents.make (0) create computed_parents.make (0) -- Wipe out any previous non-conforming parents as they are no longer valid. non_conforming_parents := Void non_conforming_parents_classes := Void end if a_old_class_info /= Void then l_conforming_parents_tuple := similar_parents (a_old_class_info.conforming_parents, l_conforming_parents_as) l_non_conforming_parents_tuple := similar_parents (a_old_class_info.non_conforming_parents, l_non_conforming_parents_as) if not l_conforming_parents_tuple.previous_types_remain or else not l_non_conforming_parents_tuple.previous_types_remain then -- Conformance tables incrementality as inheritance has changed set_changed (True) set_changed3a (True) System.set_update_sort (True) if l_conforming_parents_tuple.parents_removed or else l_non_conforming_parents_tuple.parents_removed then -- A parent has been removed: -- Take care of signature conformance for redefinion of -- f(p:PARENT) in f(c: CHILD). If CHILD does not inherit -- from PARENT anymore, the redefinition of f is not valid from syntactical_clients.start until syntactical_clients.after loop l_client := syntactical_clients.item l_client.set_changed2 (True) Degree_4.insert_new_class (l_client) syntactical_clients.forth end end end if not changed then -- If the class is not changed, it is marked `changed2' changed2 := True end else -- First compilation of the class -- Set `changed3a` to ensure the descendants are recompiled if something goes wrong at the first compilation. -- See test#valid255. set_changed (True) set_changed3a (True) System.set_update_sort (True) end ensure not_need_new_parents: not need_new_parents parents_not_void: parents /= Void parents_classes_not_void: parents_classes /= Void computed_parents_not_void: computed_parents /= Void end check_parents -- Check generical parents require parents_not_void: parents /= Void local vtcg4: VTCG4 vifi1: VIFI1 vifi2: VIFI2 parent_actual_type: CL_TYPE_A l_area: SPECIAL [CL_TYPE_A] i, nb: INTEGER l_parent_class: CLASS_C l_single_classes: LINKED_LIST [CLASS_C] l_old_is_single, l_has_external_parent: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL l_parents: like parents do l_error_level := error_handler.error_level -- Clear feature context ast_context.clear_feature_context from l_parents := parents l_area := l_parents.area nb := l_parents.count l_old_is_single := is_single has_external_main_parent := False until i = nb loop parent_actual_type := l_area.item (i) l_parent_class := parent_actual_type.base_class l_has_external_parent := l_parent_class.is_external and then not l_parent_class.is_interface and then not l_parent_class.is_basic if l_has_external_parent then has_external_main_parent := True end -- Class type is generated as single if it has an external parent -- or its parent is a single reference type (parent class may be single -- in case it is expanded, but parent type is always reference) if l_has_external_parent or else l_parent_class.is_single then if l_single_classes = Void then create l_single_classes.make end l_single_classes.extend (l_parent_class) l_single_classes.finish end check -- This has already been checked in `fill_parents'. valid_generics: parent_actual_type.good_generics end if parent_actual_type.generics /= Void then -- Check constrained genericity validity rule parent_actual_type.reset_constraint_error_list -- Check creation readyness because parents have to be creation ready. parent_actual_type.check_constraints (Current, Void, True) if parent_actual_type.constraint_error_list.count > 0 then create vtcg4 vtcg4.set_class (Current) vtcg4.set_error_list (parent_actual_type.constraint_error_list) vtcg4.set_parent_type (parent_actual_type) fixme ("Shouldn't we be able to provide a location?") error_handler.insert_error (vtcg4) else -- We need to check named tuple labels. This fixes eweasel test#tuple012. parent_actual_type.check_labels (Current, Void) end end if l_parent_class.is_frozen and then (l_parent_class.is_external or else i < if attached conforming_parents as p then p.count else 0 end) -- We cannot inherit frozen external classes or frozen conforming classes. then create vifi1.make (Current) vifi1.set_parent_class (l_parent_class) fixme ("Shouldn't we be able to provide a location?") error_handler.insert_error (vifi1) end i := i + 1 end if l_single_classes /= Void and then l_single_classes.count > 1 then -- Error we are trying to do multiple inheritance of classes -- that inherit from external classes or that are external classes. -- Error which occurs only during IL generation. create vifi2.make (Current) vifi2.set_parent_classes (l_single_classes) fixme ("Shouldn't we be able to provide a location?") error_handler.insert_error (vifi2) end if l_single_classes /= Void and then is_expanded then -- External classes are inherited by expanded class. check l_single_classes_not_empty: not l_single_classes.is_empty end fixme ("Shouldn't we be able to provide a location?") error_handler.insert_error (create {VIFI3}.make (Current, l_single_classes)) end -- Only classes that explicitely inherit from an external class only once -- are marked `single. set_is_single (l_single_classes /= Void and then l_single_classes.count = 1) if System.il_generation and then l_old_is_single /= is_single then -- Class has its `is_single' status changed. -- We have to reset its `types' so that they are recomputed and -- we have to remove existing types from `System.class_types' remove_types -- Force recompilation of all clients, as the code to create objects might have changed. ⟳ c: clients ¦ c.melt_all ⟲ end if error_handler.error_level /= l_error_level then Error_handler.raise_error end ensure parents_set: parents /= Void end remove_types -- Removes all types from system do -- Types are now invalid, we have to request a clean up -- any invalid instantiation. Do not move this inside the -- condition `has_types' as during incremental recompilation -- we may have removed the types, nevertheless we still need -- to clean the instantiator as temporary types, now invalid, -- may have been inserted during an incremental recompilation -- with errors (See eweasel test#incr331). system.instantiator.request_clean_up if has_types then -- Remove all the class types. from types.start until types.after loop System.remove_class_type (types.item) types.forth end types.wipe_out set_changed4 (True) end ensure types_empty: not has_types end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Supplier checking check_root_class_creators (a_creator: STRING; a_type: TYPE_A) -- Check creation procedures of root class -- -- Note: if `a_creator' is empty and default_create is a valid creation procedure in `Current', -- `a_creator' will get the propriate default creation name appended. require a_creator_not_void: a_creator /= Void a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void local l_creation_proc: FEATURE_I l_error: BOOLEAN l_vd27: VD27 l_feat_tbl: like feature_table do if attached creators as cs then l_feat_tbl := feature_table across cs as c loop if a_creator.same_string (names_heap.item (c.key)) then -- `creators.key_for_iteration' contains the creation_name l_creation_proc := l_feat_tbl.item_id (c.key) inspect l_creation_proc.argument_count when 0 then l_error := False when 1 then if attached l_creation_proc.arguments.first as l_arg_type then l_error := not array_of_string.conform_to (Current, l_arg_type.instantiation_in (a_type, class_id).actual_type) else check has_one_argument: False end l_error := True end else l_error := True end if l_error then -- Need duplication otherwise we would change the original FEATURE_I -- object while displaying the error. l_creation_proc := l_creation_proc.instantiation_in (a_type) Error_handler.insert_error (create {VSRP2}.make (Current, a_type, l_creation_proc)) end if not l_creation_proc.is_precondition_free then error_handler.insert_error (create {VSRP3}.make (Current, a_type, l_creation_proc.instantiation_in (a_type))) end end end end if not a_creator.is_empty and creators = Void then -- Check default create if not default_create_feature.feature_name.is_equal (a_creator) then create l_vd27 l_vd27.set_creation_routine (a_creator) l_vd27.set_root_class (Current) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vd27) end elseif not a_creator.is_empty and not creators.has (names_heap.id_of (a_creator)) then create l_vd27 l_vd27.set_creation_routine (a_creator) l_vd27.set_root_class (Current) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vd27) elseif a_creator.is_empty then if allows_default_creation then -- Redefine creation procedure a_creator.append (default_create_feature.feature_name) else create l_vd27 l_vd27.set_creation_routine ("") l_vd27.set_root_class (Current) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vd27) end end Error_handler.checksum end Array_of_string: GEN_TYPE_A -- Type ARRAY [STRING] which is the expected type for creation procedure -- of the root class when it expects an argument. local array_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] string_type: CL_TYPE_A once create string_type.make (System.string_8_id) -- Type is frozen as otherwise if a creation procedure had the following signature -- make (a: ARRAY [STRING_8 .. STRING_8]) -- the compiler would reject the code. string_type.set_frozen_mark string_type.set_attached_mark create array_generics.make (1) array_generics.extend (string_type) create Result.make (System.array_id, array_generics) -- Type of this is frozen. Result.set_frozen_mark Result.set_attached_mark ensure array_of_string_not_void: Result /= Void result_is_attached: Result.is_attached result_has_generic: Result.generics.count = 1 result_g_is_attached: Result.generics.first.is_attached end feature -- Order relation for inheritance and topological sort simple_conform_to (other: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' an ancestor of Current? require good_argument: other /= Void local otopid: INTEGER do otopid := other.topological_id Result := otopid <= topological_id -- A parent has necessarily a class id -- less or equal than the one of the heir class and then conformance_table.item (otopid) -- Check conformance table end inherits_from (other: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' a conforming/non-conforming ancestor of `Current'? -- Returns True if `other' is `Current'. require good_argument: other /= Void do Result := simple_conform_to (other) if not Result then -- Loop through all ancestors to check non-conforming parents. Result := inherits_from_internal (other) end end conform_to (other: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' a conforming ancestor of Current ? require good_argument: other /= Void local dep_class: CLASS_C otopid: INTEGER do Result := True if Current /= other then otopid := other.topological_id Result := otopid <= topological_id -- A parent has necessarily a class id -- less or equal than the one of the heir class and then conformance_table.item (otopid) -- Check conformance table if Result and then (not is_class_none) and then (not other.is_class_any) then dep_class := System.current_class if dep_class /= Void and then dep_class /= Current then add_dep_class (dep_class) end end end end valid_creation_procedure_32 (fn: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Is `fn' a valid creation procedure ? require good_argument: fn /= Void do Result := valid_creation_procedure (encoding_converter.utf32_to_utf8 (fn)) end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Order relation for inheritance and topological sort valid_creation_procedure (fn: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `fn' a valid creation procedure ? require good_argument: fn /= Void do if attached creators as c then Result := c.has (names_heap.id_of (fn)) elseif attached default_create_feature as f then Result := fn.is_equal (f.feature_name) end end feature -- Propagation recompile_syntactical_clients -- Order relation on classes local class_i: CLASS_I l_syntactical_clients: like syntactical_clients do from l_syntactical_clients := syntactical_clients l_syntactical_clients.start until l_syntactical_clients.after loop class_i := l_syntactical_clients.item.original_class debug ("REMOVE_CLASS") io.error.put_string ("Propagation to client: ") io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_new_line end -- Can only recompile a class if it is valid. -- This fixes eweasel test#fixed119 and test#fixed120 -- when running with assertions. if class_i.is_valid then workbench.add_class_to_recompile (class_i) class_i.set_changed (True) end l_syntactical_clients.forth end end feature -- Qualified suppliers: access qualified_suppliers: LIST [QUALIFIED_SUPPLIER] -- List of suppliers this class depends on. -- Used during recompilation at degree 4. feature {DEGREE_4} -- Qualified suppliers: modification set_qualified_suppliers (q: like qualified_suppliers) -- Set `qualified_suppliers' to `q'. do qualified_suppliers := q ensure qualified_suppliers_set: qualified_suppliers = q end feature -- Status Settings set_changed (b: BOOLEAN) -- Mark the associated lace class changed. do original_class.set_changed (b) ensure changed_set: changed = b end set_changed2 (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `changed2'. do changed2 := b ensure changed2_set: changed2 = b end set_changed3a (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `changed3a'. do changed3a := b ensure changed3a_set: changed3a = b end set_need_type_check (b: like need_type_check) -- Assign `b' to `need_type_check'. do need_type_check := b ensure need_type_check_set: need_type_check = b end set_changed4 (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `changed4'. do changed4 := b ensure changed4_set: changed4 = b end set_has_unique -- Set `has_unique' to `True`. do has_unique := True ensure has_unique_set: has_unique end set_has_expanded -- Set `has_expanded' to `True`. do has_expanded := True ensure has_expanded_set: has_expanded end set_is_in_system (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_in_system' to `v'. require not_precompiling: not Compilation_modes.is_precompiling do is_in_system := v ensure is_in_system_set: is_in_system = v end set_is_used_as_expanded do is_used_as_expanded := True ensure is_used_as_expanded_set: is_used_as_expanded end set_invariant_feature (f: INVARIANT_FEAT_I) -- Set `invariant_feature' with `f'. do invariant_feature := f ensure invariant_feature_set: invariant_feature = f end set_skeleton (s: GENERIC_SKELETON) -- Assign `s' to `skeleton'. do skeleton := s ensure skeleton_set: skeleton = s end set_convert_to (c: like convert_to) -- Assign `c' to `convert_to'. do convert_to := c ensure convert_to_set: convert_to = c end set_convert_from (c: like convert_from) -- Assign `c' to `convert_from'. do convert_from := c ensure convert_from_set: convert_from = c end set_creators (c: like creators) -- Assign `c' to `creators'. do creators := c ensure creators_set: creators = c end set_visible_table_size (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `visible_table_size'. require i_positive: i >= 0 do visible_table_size := i ensure visible_table_size_set: visible_table_size = i end set_is_single (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_single' with `v'. do is_single := v ensure is_single_set: is_single = v end set_storable_version (v: like storable_version) -- Set `storable_version' with `v'. do storable_version := v ensure storable_version_set: storable_version = v end feature -- Convenience features add_descendant (c: CLASS_C) -- Insert class `c' into the descendant list. require good_argument: c /= Void local desc: like direct_descendants do desc := direct_descendants if not desc.has (c) then desc.extend (c) end ensure inserted: direct_descendants.has (c) end external_name: STRING -- External name. local l_vis: TUPLE [class_renamed: READABLE_STRING_32; features: STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_32]] u: UTF_CONVERTER do l_vis := lace_class.visible if l_vis /= Void then -- Compile keeps its internal data in UTF-8. Result := u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_vis.class_renamed) else Result := name end ensure external_name_not_void: Result /= Void external_name_in_upper: Result.as_upper.is_equal (Result) end assertion_level: ASSERTION_I -- Assertion level of the class. do if System.in_final_mode then -- In final mode we do not generate assertions -- if the dead code remover is on. if not System.keep_assertions then create Result else Result := lace_class.assertion_level end else Result := lace_class.assertion_level end ensure assertion_level_not_void: Result /= Void end trace_level: OPTION_I -- Trace level of the class. do Result := lace_class.trace_level end profile_level: OPTION_I -- Profile level of the class. do Result := lace_class.profile_level end optimize_level: OPTIMIZE_I -- Optimization level. do Result := lace_class.optimize_level end debug_level: DEBUG_I -- Debug level. do Result := lace_class.debug_level end visible_level: VISIBLE_I -- Visible level. do Result := lace_class.visible_level end is_full_class_checking: BOOLEAN -- Do we perform a flat checking on the class, i.e. checking -- inherited routines in the context of the descendant class? do Result := lace_class.is_full_class_checking or else not lace_class.is_void_unsafe end is_catcall_detection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Do we perform catcall detection on all feature calls? do Result := lace_class.is_catcall_safe end feature -- Actual class type constraint_actual_type: CL_TYPE_A -- Actual type of class where all formals are replaced by their constraint if possible, -- and if not ANY. obsolete "[ Although it is used in 2 places at the time of this writing ({CLASS_TYPE} sorting and {CONVERTIBILITY_CHECKER} conformance), it should not be used otherwise as it does not support multiple constraint. ]" local i, count: INTEGER actual_generic: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do if generics = Void then Result := actual_type else from i := 1 count := generics.count create actual_generic.make (count) create {GEN_TYPE_A} Result.make (class_id, actual_generic) until i > count loop actual_generic.extend (single_constraint (i)) i := i + 1 end end ensure constraint_actual_type_not_void: Result /= Void end actual_type: CL_TYPE_A -- Actual type of the class feature {EXTERNAL_CLASS_C} -- Initialization initialize_actual_type -- Initialize `actual_type'. local a: CL_TYPE_A t: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do if not attached generics as g then create {CL_TYPE_A} a.make (class_id) else create t.make (g.count) across g as c loop t.extend (type_a_generator.evaluate_type (c.item.formal, Current)) end a := create_generic_type (t) end -- Associated actual type is always attached in a Void-safe class. actual_type := a.as_normally_attached (Current) end create_generic_type (g: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]): GEN_TYPE_A -- Create generic type with actual generics `g' for the current class. require g_attached: attached g do create {GEN_TYPE_A} Result.make (class_id, g) ensure result_attached: attached Result end feature {TYPE_AS, AST_TYPE_A_GENERATOR, AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR} -- Actual class type partial_actual_type (gen: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; a: CLASS_TYPE_AS; c: CLASS_C): CL_TYPE_A -- Actual type of current depending on context `c' in which it is declared as `a'. -- That is to say, it could have generics `gen' but not be a generic class. local formal_count: INTEGER actual_count: INTEGER tuple_parameter_number: INTEGER wrapped_actuals: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] new_actuals: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] tuple_actual: TUPLE_TYPE_A expected_generics_count: INTEGER do -- Do tuple parameter unfolding if necessary. if attached generics as formal_generics then formal_count := formal_generics.count end if attached gen then actual_count := gen.count new_actuals := gen end if attached new_actuals then create {GEN_TYPE_A} Result.make (class_id, new_actuals) else create Result.make (class_id) end if c.lace_class.is_obsolete_routine_type then -- Adapt actual generic parameters in routine types if necessary. if class_id = system.routine_class_id or class_id = system.procedure_class_id or class_id = system.predicate_class_id then expected_generics_count := 2 elseif class_id = system.function_class_id then expected_generics_count := 3 end if expected_generics_count = 0 or else not attached new_actuals then -- Non-routine class, skip it. elseif actual_count /= expected_generics_count then -- Incorrect number of actual generics. system.error_handler.insert_error (create {VTUG2_SYNTAX}.make (Result, c, a.first_token (Void))) elseif not (new_actuals [2].is_formal or new_actuals [2].is_like or new_actuals [2].is_none) and then not new_actuals [2].is_tuple then -- Incorrect type of the second actual generic parameter. -- It's still possible to miss an error when an obsolete type declaration used formal generics or anchored types, -- but this is ignored. system.error_handler.insert_error (create {VTCG_SYNTAX}.make (Result, c, a.first_token (Void))) else -- Remove first actual parameter. new_actuals.start new_actuals.remove -- Update number of actual parameters. actual_count := actual_count - 1 end end if actual_count /= formal_count and formal_count > 0 then -- Check if exactly one of the formal generic parameters is of a tuple type. tuple_parameter_number := tuple_parameter_index if tuple_parameter_number > 0 then -- The list of actual parameters may be adapted to the list of formal parameters. if actual_count > formal_count then check arithmetics: attached new_actuals then end -- Additional actual parameters may be converted to a tuple type. create wrapped_actuals.make (actual_count - formal_count + 1) from new_actuals.go_i_th (tuple_parameter_number) until wrapped_actuals.count = actual_count - formal_count + 1 loop wrapped_actuals.extend (new_actuals.item) new_actuals.forth end -- Avoid changing original list of arguments. create new_actuals.make_from_iterable (new_actuals) -- Replace extra arguments with a tuple. create tuple_actual.make (system.tuple_id, wrapped_actuals) if not lace_class.is_void_unsafe then -- Do not set any marks for non-void safe code. tuple_actual.set_is_attached end new_actuals.put_i_th (tuple_actual, tuple_parameter_number) -- Remove extra arguments. from new_actuals.go_i_th (tuple_parameter_number) until actual_count = formal_count loop new_actuals.remove_right -- Adjust number of actual arguments. actual_count := actual_count - 1 variant actual_count_formal_count_difference: actual_count - formal_count end -- Use a type with an updated number of actual generic parameters. create {GEN_TYPE_A} Result.make (class_id, new_actuals) elseif actual_count + 1 = formal_count then -- Avoid changing original list of arguments. if attached new_actuals then new_actuals := new_actuals.twin else create new_actuals.make (1) end -- Add an empty tuple. create wrapped_actuals.make (0) new_actuals.go_i_th (tuple_parameter_number) create tuple_actual.make (system.tuple_id, wrapped_actuals) if not lace_class.is_void_unsafe then -- Do not set any marks for non-void safe code. tuple_actual.set_is_attached end new_actuals.put_left (tuple_actual) -- Adjust number of actual arguments. actual_count := formal_count -- Use a type with an updated number of actual generic parameters. create {GEN_TYPE_A} Result.make (class_id, new_actuals) end end end if a.is_expanded then Result.set_expanded_mark end if is_expanded then Result.set_expanded_class_mark end if is_once then Result.set_once_class_mark end ensure actual_type_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Tuple paramter unfolding tuple_parameter_index: INTEGER -- Index of a formal parameter constrained to a tuple type or 0 if there is none or several such parameters. local i: INTEGER do if attached generics as g then from i := g.count until i <= 0 loop if is_tuple_constrained (i, Void) then if Result = 0 then -- One tuple parameter is found. Result := i else -- There is more than one tuple parameters. Result := 0 -- Exit loop. i := 1 end end i := i - 1 variant countdown: i end end end is_tuple_constrained (f: INTEGER; g: detachable ARRAYED_STACK [INTEGER]): BOOLEAN -- Is a formal generic `f' constrained by a tuple type given that generics `g' are not directly constrained by a tuple type? local processed: ARRAYED_STACK [INTEGER] do if attached generics [f].constraints as cs then across cs as c loop if attached c.item.type as t then if attached {CLASS_TYPE_AS} t as ct then -- Check if a class type is a tuple type. Result := attached universe.class_named (, group) as ci and then ci.is_compiled and then attached ci.compiled_class as cc and then cc.is_tuple elseif attached {FORMAL_AS} t as ft then -- Extend a set of processed formal generic types with the current one. if attached g then processed := g else create processed.make (1) end processed.extend (f) -- Check if the other formal generic has not been processed and is constrained to tuple. Result := not processed.has (ft.position) and then is_tuple_constrained (ft.position, processed) -- Remove the current formal generic from the set of processed formal generic types. processed.remove end end end end end feature -- Incrementality insert_changed_feature (feature_name_id: INTEGER) -- Insert feature `feature_name_id' in `changed_features'. require good_argument: feature_name_id > 0 do debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("CLASS_C: ") io.error.put_string (name) io.error.put_string ("%NChanged_feature: ") io.error.put_string (Names_heap.item (feature_name_id)) io.error.put_new_line end changed_features.put (feature_name_id) end constraint (i: INTEGER): TYPE_A -- `i`-th constraint of the class. require generics_exists: is_generic valid_index: generics.valid_index (i) not_is_multi_constraint: not generics.i_th (i).has_multi_constraints do if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} generics.i_th (i) as l_formal_dec then Result := l_formal_dec.constraint_type (Current).type else check is_formal_constraint: False end end ensure constraint_not_void: Result /= Void end constraint_if_possible (i: INTEGER): TYPE_A -- `i`-th constraint of the class. require generics_exists: is_generic valid_index: generics.valid_index (i) not_is_multi_constraint: not generics.i_th (i).has_multi_constraints local l_result: detachable RENAMED_TYPE_A do if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} generics.i_th (i) as l_formal_dec then l_result := l_formal_dec.constraint_type_if_possible (Current) if l_result /= Void then Result := l_result.type end else check is_formal_constraint: False end end end constraints (i: INTEGER): TYPE_SET_A -- `i`-th constraint set of the class. require generics_exists: is_generic valid_index: generics.valid_index (i) do -- Fixme: Should we store computation of `constraint_types'? if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} generics.i_th (i) as l_formal_dec then Result := l_formal_dec.constraint_types (Current) else check is_formal_constraint: False end end ensure constraint_not_void: Result /= Void end single_constraint (i: INTEGER): TYPE_A -- Evaluation of the constraint if it is just one type, -- otherwise ANY. -- This is used only by `constraint_actual_type' for sorting -- TYPE_A's instances in a TYPE_LIST. require generics_exists: is_generic valid_index: generics.valid_index (i) local l_type_set: TYPE_SET_A do l_type_set := constrained_types (i) if l_type_set.count = 1 then -- Simply take the constraint. Result := l_type_set.first.type else -- It is a multiple constraint, we simply assume ANY. Result := any_type end ensure constraint_not_void: Result /= Void end constraints_if_possible (i: INTEGER): TYPE_SET_A -- I-th constraint set of the class require generics_exists: is_generic valid_index: generics.valid_index (i) do -- Fixme: Should we store computation of `constraint_types_if_possible'? if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} generics.i_th (i) as l_formal_dec then Result := l_formal_dec.constraint_types_if_possible (Current) else check is_formal_constraint: False end end ensure constraint_not_void: Result /= Void end constrained_type (a_formal_position: INTEGER): TYPE_A -- Constraint of Current. -- -- `a_formal_position' is the position of the formal whose constraint is returned. -- Warning: Result is cached, do not modify it. require is_generic: is_generic valid_formal_position: is_valid_formal_position (a_formal_position) not_multi_constraint: not generics [a_formal_position].is_multi_constrained (generics) local l_recursion_break: SPECIAL [BOOLEAN] l_break: BOOLEAN l_formal_type_position: INTEGER do Result := constrained_type_cache [a_formal_position - 1] if Result = Void then create l_recursion_break.make_filled (False, generics.count + 1) from Result := constraint (a_formal_position) until not Result.is_formal or l_break loop if attached {FORMAL_A} Result as l_formal_type then l_formal_type_position := l_formal_type.position check valid_formal_position: is_valid_formal_position (l_formal_type_position) end l_break := l_recursion_break [l_formal_type_position] l_recursion_break [l_formal_type_position] := True Result := constraint (l_formal_type_position) else check is_formal_type: False end end end if l_break then Result := any_type end constrained_type_cache [a_formal_position - 1] := Result end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void Result_is_named_but_not_formal: (Result.is_none or Result.is_named_type) and not Result.is_formal end constrained_types (a_formal_position: INTEGER): TYPE_SET_A -- Constrained types of Current. -- -- `a_context_class' is the context class where the formal occurs in. --| It is a list of class types which constraint the current Formal. -- Warning: Result is cached, do not modify it. require valid_formal_position: is_valid_formal_position (a_formal_position) do if attached constrained_types_cache [a_formal_position - 1] as r then Result := r else Result := constraints (a_formal_position).constraining_types (Current) constrained_types_cache [a_formal_position - 1] := Result end ensure Result_not_void_and_not_empty: Result /= Void and not Result.is_empty end update_instantiator1 -- Ensure that parents classes have a proper generic derivation -- matching needs of current class which has syntactically -- been changed. require is_syntactically_changed: changed parents_not_void: parents /= Void local parent_type, l_expanded_parent_type: CL_TYPE_A l_area: SPECIAL [CL_TYPE_A] i, nb: INTEGER l_parents: like parents l_instantiator: like instantiator do from l_parents := parents l_area := l_parents.area nb := l_parents.count l_instantiator := instantiator until i = nb loop parent_type := l_area.item (i) if parent_type.base_class.is_expanded then -- Original parent type is expanded so we have to make sure that the expanded version -- of the parent type gets added to the list of available types. l_expanded_parent_type := parent_type.duplicate l_expanded_parent_type.set_expanded_mark l_instantiator.dispatch (l_expanded_parent_type, Current) end l_instantiator.dispatch (parent_type, Current) i := i + 1 end -- Ensure all constraint types are registered -- as they are expected to be registered at code generation time (see test#term185). if attached generics as l then from i := l.count until i <= 0 loop across constrained_types (i).types as l_renamed_type loop instantiator.dispatch (l_renamed_type.item.type, Current) end i := i - 1 end end end init_types -- Standard initialization of attribute `types' for non -- generic classes. require no_generic: not is_generic local data: CL_TYPE_A do data := actual_type register_type (data).do_nothing instantiator.dispatch (data, Current) if (data.is_expanded and not data.is_external) or data.is_basic then -- Process reference counterpart. data := data.reference_type register_type (data).do_nothing instantiator.dispatch (data, Current) end end update_types (data: CL_TYPE_A) -- Update `types' with `data'. require good_argument: data /= Void consistency: data.base_class = Current good_context: not data.is_formal local new_class_type: CLASS_TYPE l_parents_classes: like parents_classes do if not derivations.has_derivation (class_id, data) then -- The recursive update is done only once derivations.insert_derivation (class_id, data) new_class_type := register_type (data) if (data.is_expanded and not data.is_external) or data.is_basic then -- Process reference counterpart. update_types (data.reference_type) end -- Propagation along the filters since we have a new type update_filter_types (new_class_type) if new_class_type.is_expanded then -- Propagate to all parent filters to ensure that -- all the required class types are registered -- for generating this expanded class type from l_parents_classes := parents_classes l_parents_classes.start until l_parents_classes.after loop l_parents_classes.item.update_filter_anchored_types (new_class_type) l_parents_classes.forth end end end end feature {NONE} -- Incrementality derivations: DERIVATIONS once Result := instantiator.derivations ensure derivations_not_void: Result /= Void end register_type (data: CL_TYPE_A): CLASS_TYPE -- Ensure that `data' has an associated class type by creating -- a new class type descriptor if it is not already created; -- return the associated class type. require data_not_void: data /= Void do if data.generics /= Void then -- Register this generic type and other required types. if attached {GEN_TYPE_A} data as g then Result := register_generic_type (g, g.generics.count) else check data_is_gen_type_a: False end end elseif types.has_type (Void, data) then Result := types.found_item else -- Found a new type for the class Result := register_new_type (data) end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void data_is_registered: types.has_type (Void, data) end register_new_type (data: CL_TYPE_A): CLASS_TYPE -- Register new type `data' and return the corresponding descriptor. require data_attached: data /= Void data_is_new: not types.has_type (Void, data) do debug ("GENERICITY") io.error.put_string ("new type%N") end Result := new_type (data) -- If the $ operator is used in the class, -- an encapsulation of the feature must be generated if System.address_table.class_has_dollar_operator (class_id) then System.request_freeze end -- Mark the class `changed4' because there is a new type changed4 := True Degree_2.insert_new_class (Current) -- Insertion of the new class type types.extend (Result) System.insert_class_type (Result) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void data_is_registered: types.has_type (Void, data) end register_generic_type (data: GEN_TYPE_A; n: INTEGER): CLASS_TYPE -- Ensure that `data' has an associated class type by creating -- a new class type descriptor if it is not already created; -- return the associated class type. Register all the types -- required by this type for code generation. local g: GEN_TYPE_A t: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] p: TYPE_A i: INTEGER do if types.has_type (Void, data) then Result := types.found_item else -- Found a new type for the class Result := register_new_type (data) if attached {GEN_TYPE_A} Result.type as r then -- TODO: see GEN_TYPE_A.enumerate_interfaces if not attached {NATIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_A} r and then system.is_precompiled then -- Register all types where expanded parameters are replaced with reference ones. t := r.generics from i := n until i <= 0 loop p := t [i] if p.is_expanded then g := r.duplicate if attached {CL_TYPE_A} p as c then g.generics [i] := c.reference_type register_generic_type (g, i - 1).do_nothing update_types (g) else check is_cl_type_a: False end end end i := i - 1 end end else check is_gen_type_a: False end end end end new_type (data: CL_TYPE_A): CLASS_TYPE -- New class type for current class do create Result.make (data) if already_compiled then -- Melt all the code written in the associated class of the new class type melt_all end ensure new_type_not_void: Result /= Void end update_filter_types (new_class_type: CLASS_TYPE) -- Update all types associated with `filters' using `new_class_type'. require new_class_type_not_void: new_class_type /= Void filters_not_void: filters /= Void local class_filters: like filters filter: CL_TYPE_A class_filters_cursor: INTEGER do class_filters := filters from class_filters.start until class_filters.after loop -- We need to store cursor position because when you -- have an expanded class used as a reference or vice versa -- and that this class has some `like Current' then -- we are going to traverse recursively the `filters' list. class_filters_cursor := class_filters.cursor -- Instantiation of the filter with `data' but only if it is not a formal -- since in that case there is nothing to propagate. filter := class_filters.item_for_iteration.adapted_in (new_class_type) if not filter.is_formal then filter.base_class.update_types (filter) end class_filters.go_to (class_filters_cursor) class_filters.forth end end feature {CLASS_C} -- Incrementality update_filter_anchored_types (new_class_type: CLASS_TYPE) -- Update all anchored types associated with `filters' using `new_class_type'. require new_class_type_not_void: new_class_type /= Void new_class_type_is_expanded: new_class_type.is_expanded filters_not_void: filters /= Void conformance: new_class_type.associated_class.inherits_from (Current) local class_filters: like filters class_filters_cursor: INTEGER base_type: CL_TYPE_A do -- Use the basic type of the supplied class type for instantiation if available. base_type := new_class_type.basic_type if not attached base_type then -- Otherwise, use the regular type of the supplied class type. base_type := new_class_type.type end class_filters := filters from class_filters.start until class_filters.after loop -- We need to store cursor position because when you -- have an expanded class used as a reference or vice versa -- and that this class has some `like Current' then -- we are going to traverse recursively the `filters' list. class_filters_cursor := class_filters.cursor -- Instantiation of the filter with `new_class_type'. if attached {CL_TYPE_A} class_filters.item_for_iteration.instantiation_in (base_type, class_id) as filter and then not filter.has_formal_generic then check has_associated_class: filter.has_associated_class end filter.base_class.update_types (filter) end class_filters.go_to (class_filters_cursor) class_filters.forth end end feature -- Meta-type meta_type (class_type: CLASS_TYPE): CLASS_TYPE -- Associated class type of Current class in the context -- of descendant type `class_type'. require good_argument: class_type /= Void conformance: class_type.associated_class.inherits_from (Current) local actual_class_type, written_actual_type: CL_TYPE_A do if class_type.type.class_id = class_id then -- Use supplied `class_type' to preserve expandedness status, generic parameters, etc. Result := class_type elseif generics = Void then -- No instantiation for non-generic class Result := types.first else -- FIXME: Manu 2007/09/13: This way of finding the class type in descendant -- is clearly not the best way as it is slow since we are creating a new TYPE_A -- instance just to find its associated type id. The better way would be to -- iterate through the generics of Current and find a CLASS_TYPE instances. -- See eweasel test#valid045 to see the slowness. actual_class_type := class_type.associated_class.actual_type -- General instantiation of the actual class type where -- the feature is written in the context of the actual -- type of the base class of `class_type'. if attached {CL_TYPE_A} actual_type.instantiation_in (actual_class_type, class_id) as l_cl_type_a then written_actual_type := l_cl_type_a if written_actual_type.is_expanded then -- Ancestors are always reference types. written_actual_type := written_actual_type.reference_type end -- Ask for the meta-type Result := written_actual_type.associated_class_type (class_type.type) else check is_cl_type_a: False end end end ensure meta_type_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Validity class check_validity -- Special classes validity check. local l_feature: FEATURE_I do if System.any_class = original_class then -- We are checking ANY. l_feature := feature_table.item_id (names_heap.Internal_correct_mismatch_name_id) if l_feature = Void or else not l_feature.is_routine or l_feature.argument_count > 0 then error_handler.insert_warning ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ANY must have a procedure `internal_correct_mismatch' with no arguments for recoverable storable to work properly", Current), original_class.options.is_warning_as_error) end l_feature := feature_table.item_id (names_heap.is_equal_name_id) if l_feature = Void or else l_feature.argument_count /= 1 or else not l_feature.arguments.i_th (1).is_like_current or else not l_feature.arguments.i_th (1).actual_argument_type (l_feature.arguments).is_reference or else not l_feature.type.is_boolean then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ANY must have a boolean query `is_equal' with 1 argument of the type `like Current' or of a reference type", Current)) end l_feature := feature_table.item_id (names_heap.twin_name_id) if l_feature = Void or else not l_feature.is_routine or else l_feature.argument_count > 0 or else l_feature.type.is_expanded then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ANY must have a function `twin' with no arguments", Current)) end l_feature := feature_table.item_id (names_heap.copy_name_id) if l_feature = Void or else l_feature.argument_count /= 1 or else not l_feature.arguments.i_th (1).is_like_current or else not l_feature.arguments.i_th (1).actual_argument_type (l_feature.arguments).is_reference or else not l_feature.type.is_void then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ANY must have a procedure `copy' with 1 argument of the type `like Current' or of a reference type", Current)) end elseif system.routine_class = original_class then if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_rout_disp_name_id) as l_feat then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ROUTINE must have a procedure `set_rout_disp'.", Current)) else if system.il_generation then if l_feat.argument_count /= 4 then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ROUTINE must have a procedure `set_rout_disp' with 4 arguments.", Current)) end else if l_feat.argument_count /= 10 then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ROUTINE must have a procedure `set_rout_disp' with 10 arguments.", Current)) end end end if not system.il_generation and then not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_rout_disp_final_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ROUTINE must have a procedure `set_rout_disp_final'.", Current)) end elseif system.ise_exception_manager_class = original_class then if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.last_exception_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a query `last_exception'.", Current)) end if not system.il_generation then if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_last_exception_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a procedure `set_last_exception'.", Current)) end if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_exception_data_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a procedure `set_exception_data'.", Current)) end if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.is_code_ignored_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a query `is_code_ignored'.", Current)) end if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.once_raise_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a procedure `once_raise'.", Current)) end if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.init_exception_manager_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a procedure `init_exception_manager'.", Current)) end if not attached feature_of_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.free_preallocated_trace_name_id) then error_handler.insert_error ( create {SPECIAL_ERROR}.make ("Class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER must have a procedure `free_preallocated_trace'.", Current)) end end end end feature -- default_rescue routine default_rescue_feature: FEATURE_I -- The version of `default_rescue' from ANY. -- Void if ANY has not been compiled yet or -- does not possess the feature. require has_feature_table: has_feature_table any_class_compiled: System.any_class /= Void do Result := feature_table.feature_of_rout_id (System.default_rescue_rout_id) end feature -- default_create routine default_create_feature : FEATURE_I -- The version of `default_create' from ANY. -- Void if ANY has not been compiled yet or -- does not posess the feature or class is deferred. require has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := feature_table.feature_of_rout_id (System.default_create_rout_id) end allows_default_creation : BOOLEAN -- Can an instance of this class be -- created with 'default_create'? require has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := -- Answer is NO if class is deferred not is_deferred and then -- Answer is NO if the class has no "default_create". attached default_create_feature as f and then (attached creators as cs implies cs.has (f.feature_name_id)) end feature -- Dead code removal mark_visible_class (remover: REMOVER) -- Mark class as visible for dead code removal. require visible_level.has_visible do if is_deferred then remover.mark_class_reachable (class_id) else remover.mark_class_alive (class_id) end end mark_visible_features (remover: REMOVER) -- Mark features as visible for dead code removal. require visible_level.has_visible do visible_level.mark_visible (remover, feature_table) end has_visible: BOOLEAN -- Has the class some visible features? do Result := visible_level.has_visible end visible_table_size: INTEGER -- Size of hash table for visible features of Current class. feature -- Cecil generate_cecil (generated_wrappers: SEARCH_TABLE [STRING]) -- Generate cecil table for a class having visible features. require has_visible: has_visible generated_wrappers_attached: generated_wrappers /= Void do -- Reset hash-table size which will be computed during -- generation. set_visible_table_size (0) visible_level.generate_cecil_table (Current, generated_wrappers) end feature -- Invariant feature has_invariant: BOOLEAN -- Has the current class an invariant clause? do Result := invariant_feature /= Void end feature -- Process the creation feature process_creation_feature -- Assign `default_create' creation procedure (if applicable) to -- `creation_feature'. require has_feature_table: has_feature_table do if allows_default_creation then creation_feature := default_create_feature else creation_feature := Void end end insert_changed_assertion (a_feature: FEATURE_I) -- Insert `a_feature' in the melted set. do add_feature_to_melted_set (a_feature) Degree_1.insert_class (Current) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation add_feature_to_melted_set (f: FEATURE_I) local melt_set: like melted_set melted_info: MELTED_INFO do melt_set := melted_set if melt_set = Void then create melt_set.make (melted_set_chunk) melted_set := melt_set end if f = invariant_feature then create {INV_MELTED_INFO} melted_info.make (f, Current) else create {FEAT_MELTED_INFO} melted_info.make (f, Current) end melt_set.force (melted_info) end Melted_set_chunk: INTEGER = 20 -- Size of `melted_set' which contains melted features. feature -- Initialization initialize (l: like original_class) -- Initialization of Current. require good_argument: l /= Void do original_class := l l.set_compiled_class (Current) -- Set `is_class_any' and `is_class_none' --| FIXME IEK Perhaps a 'NONE_B' and 'ANY_B' where these were redefinable functions would be better. is_class_any := name.is_equal (once "ANY") is_class_none := name.is_equal (once "NONE") -- Creation of the descendant list create suppliers.make (2) -- Creation of the client list create clients.make (2) -- Types list creation create types.make (1) end feature -- Properties original_class: CLASS_I -- Original lace class. -- -- See `lace_class' for example. lace_class: like original_class -- Lace class (takes overriding into account). -- -- e.g. Class in cluster c1 and in override o1 -- -- c1.compiled_class = Current -- o1.compiled_class = Void -- Current.lace_class = o1 -- Current.original_class = c1 do Result := original_class.actual_class end main_parent: CLASS_C -- Parent of current class which has most features. number_of_features: INTEGER -- Number of features in current class including inherited one. parents_classes: FIXED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Parent classes. local l_non_conforming_parents_classes: like non_conforming_parents_classes l_conforming_parents_classes: like conforming_parents_classes do Result := conforming_parents_classes l_non_conforming_parents_classes := non_conforming_parents_classes if Result /= Void then if l_non_conforming_parents_classes /= Void then -- We cannot just append `l_non_conforming_parents_classes' to a clone -- of Result, because its size is fixed and cannot be increased. l_conforming_parents_classes := Result create Result.make (l_conforming_parents_classes.count + l_non_conforming_parents_classes.count) Result.append (l_conforming_parents_classes) Result.append (l_non_conforming_parents_classes) end else Result := l_non_conforming_parents_classes end end conforming_parents_classes: FIXED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Conforming parent classes. non_conforming_parents_classes: FIXED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Non-conforming parent classes. need_new_parents: BOOLEAN -- Does Current need to recompute `parents' and `computed_parents'? number_of_ancestors: INTEGER -- Number of direct and indirect ancestor of Current. If repeated inheritance -- parents are counted twice. do if conforming_parents /= Void then Result := conforming_parents.count from conforming_parents.start until conforming_parents.after loop Result := Result + conforming_parents.item.base_class.number_of_ancestors conforming_parents.forth end end if non_conforming_parents /= Void then Result := Result + non_conforming_parents.count from non_conforming_parents.start until non_conforming_parents.after loop Result := Result + non_conforming_parents.item.base_class.number_of_ancestors non_conforming_parents.forth end end end parents: FIXED_LIST [CL_TYPE_A] -- Parent class types -- List containing both conforming and non-conforming parent class types of `Current'. local c: like conforming_parents do Result := conforming_parents if not attached Result then Result := non_conforming_parents elseif attached non_conforming_parents as n then -- We cannot just append `n` to a clone of `Result` -- because its size is fixed and cannot be increased. c := Result create Result.make (c.count + n.count) Result.append (c) Result.append (n) end end conforming_parents: FIXED_LIST [CL_TYPE_A] -- Conforming parent class types. non_conforming_parents: FIXED_LIST [CL_TYPE_A] -- Non-conforming parent class types. computed_parents: PARENT_LIST -- Computed version of parent clauses. has_descendants: BOOLEAN -- Does current class have a direct descendant? do Result := not attached direct_descendants_internal as l_desc or else l_desc.is_empty end direct_descendants: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Direct descendants of the current class do if direct_descendants_internal = Void then create direct_descendants_internal.make (2) end Result := direct_descendants_internal end direct_descendants_internal: like direct_descendants -- One per object storage for direct descendants. leaf_descendants: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- List of all descendants of Current that are just leafs. -- That is to say if you have C inherits B which inherits A. -- Then the leaf descendants of A is C, the leaf descendants of B is C, -- and C has no leaf descendants. local l_processed: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C] do if attached direct_descendants_internal as l_descendants then create l_processed.make (l_descendants.count) compute_leaf_descendants (l_processed, l_descendants) from create Result.make (l_processed.count) l_processed.start until l_processed.after loop Result.extend (l_processed.item_for_iteration) l_processed.forth end else create Result.make (0) end end compute_leaf_descendants (a_result: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C]; a_descendants: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C]) -- Add to `a_result' all classes of `a_descendants' that do no have descendants. do from a_descendants.start until a_descendants.after loop if attached a_descendants.item.direct_descendants_internal as l_descendants and then not l_descendants.is_empty then compute_leaf_descendants (a_result, l_descendants) elseif not a_result.has (a_descendants.item) then a_result.put (a_descendants.item) end a_descendants.forth end end clients: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] -- Clients of the class. suppliers: SUPPLIER_LIST -- Suppliers of the class in terms of calls -- [Useful for incremental type check]. generics: EIFFEL_LIST [FORMAL_DEC_AS] -- Formal generical parameters. generic_features: HASH_TABLE [TYPE_FEATURE_I, INTEGER] -- Collect all possible generic derivations inherited or current. -- Indexed by `rout_id' of formal generic parameter. -- Updated during `pass2' of INHERIT_TABLE. anchored_features: HASH_TABLE [TYPE_FEATURE_I, INTEGER] -- Collect all features that are used for creating or doing an assignment -- attempt in current or in an inherited class. -- Indexed by `rout_id' of feature on which anchor is done. -- Updated before each IL code generation. type_set: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] -- Set of routine IDs used for anchored type in current class. -- It does not take into accounts inherited one. update_anchors_needed: BOOLEAN -- Whenever a new anchor is added to the system, we need to make sure to call `update_anchors'. set_update_anchors_needed (v: like update_anchors_needed) -- Set `update_anchors_needed' with `v'. do update_anchors_needed := v ensure update_anchors_needed_set: update_anchors_needed = v end topological_id: INTEGER -- Unique number for a class. Could change during a topological -- sort on classes. is_deferred: BOOLEAN -- Is class deferred? is_interface: BOOLEAN -- Is class an interface for IL code generation? is_expanded: BOOLEAN -- Is class expanded? is_once: BOOLEAN -- Is class once? is_enum: BOOLEAN -- Is class an IL enum type? -- Useful to perform call optimization on enum type in FEATURE_B. is_basic: BOOLEAN -- Is class basic? do end is_single: BOOLEAN -- Is class generated as a single entity in IL code generation. has_external_main_parent: BOOLEAN -- Is one non-external parent class generated as a single IL type? is_frozen: BOOLEAN -- Is class frozen, ie we cannot inherit from it? is_optimized_as_frozen: BOOLEAN -- Although class might not be marked `is_frozen' we may want to consider it as frozen -- for the code generation. do Result := is_frozen or apply_msil_application_optimizations end is_external: BOOLEAN -- Is class an external one? -- If yes, we do not generate it. is_true_external: BOOLEAN -- Is class an instance of EXTERNAL_CLASS_C? -- If yes, we do not generate it. do end is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack: BOOLEAN -- Is class's features hidden in debugger call stack tool? obsolete_message_32: STRING_32 -- Obsolete message. -- (Void if Current is not obsolete) do if attached obsolete_message as l_m then Result := encoding_converter.utf8_to_utf32 (l_m) end end custom_attributes, class_custom_attributes, interface_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Associated custom attributes if any. assembly_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Associated custom attributes for assembly if any. name: STRING -- Class name. do Result := end external_class_name: STRING -- External class name. do if private_external_name /= Void then Result := private_external_name else Result := name end end constraint_classes (a_formal_dec: FORMAL_DEC_AS) : ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C] -- Computed constraint classes for every formal of the current class. -- Only class types are put into this cache so every item in the cache is error free. -- All other positions are void especially those of formals. require a_formal_dec_not_void: a_formal_dec /= Void valid_formal: a_formal_dec.position <= generics.count local l_cache: like constraint_cache l_formal_cache: like formal_constraint_cache l_pos: INTEGER l_default_array: detachable like constraint_renaming do -- Check if `constraint_cache' has been created. l_cache := constraint_cache if l_cache = Void then create l_cache.make_filled (Void, generics.count) constraint_cache := l_cache end -- Check if an entry for `a_formal_dec' was created. l_pos := a_formal_dec.position - 1 l_formal_cache := l_cache.item (l_pos) if l_formal_cache /= Void then Result := l_formal_cache.constraint_classes -- Check if it is Void (case where `constraint_renaming' -- was already called for `a_formal_dec'). if Result = Void then create Result.make_filled (Void, 1, a_formal_dec.constraints.count) l_formal_cache.constraint_classes := Result end else -- Insert `a_formal_dec'. create Result.make_filled (Void, 1, a_formal_dec.constraints.count) l_cache.put ([Result, l_default_array], l_pos) end ensure constraint_classes_not_void: Result /= Void end constraint_renaming (a_formal_dec: FORMAL_DEC_AS): ARRAY [detachable RENAMING_A] -- Computed renamings for every formal of the current class. -- Only sane renamings are put into this cache so every item in the cache is error free. -- All other positions are void especially those of formal constraints as they are not allowed to have renamings. require a_formal_dec_not_void: a_formal_dec /= Void local l_cache: like constraint_cache l_formal_cache: like formal_constraint_cache l_pos: INTEGER l_default_array: detachable like constraint_classes do -- Check if `constraint_cache' has been created. l_cache := constraint_cache if l_cache = Void then create l_cache.make_filled (Void, generics.count) constraint_cache := l_cache end -- Check if an entry for `a_formal_dec' was created. l_pos := a_formal_dec.position - 1 l_formal_cache := l_cache.item (l_pos) if l_formal_cache /= Void then Result := l_formal_cache.constraint_renaming -- Check if it is Void (case where `constraint_classes' -- was already called for `a_formal_dec'). if Result = Void then create Result.make_filled (Void, 1, a_formal_dec.constraints.count) l_formal_cache.constraint_renaming := Result end else -- Insert `a_formal_dec'. create Result.make_filled (Void, 1, a_formal_dec.constraints.count) l_cache.put ([l_default_array, Result], l_pos) end ensure constraint_renaming_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Properties text: detachable STRING_8 -- Class text. do Result := lace_class.text end feature -- Access: Encoding encoding: detachable ENCODING -- Encoding detected when reading `text'. do Result := lace_class.encoding end bom: detachable STRING -- Bom of the encoding detected when reading `text'. do Result := end obsolete_message: STRING -- Obsolete message. -- (Void if Current is not obsolete) feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Properties constraint_cache: SPECIAL [detachable like formal_constraint_cache] -- To store computed information about generic constraints of Current. formal_constraint_cache: TUPLE [ constraint_classes: detachable ARRAY [CLASS_C]; constraint_renaming: detachable ARRAY [RENAMING_A]] -- For easy type checking of `constraint_cache'. do end constrained_type_cache: SPECIAL [detachable TYPE_A] -- Constraining type for each given formal, if there exists one. constrained_types_cache: SPECIAL [detachable TYPE_SET_A] -- Constraining types for each given formal. --| In case someone requests a type set for a single constraint this is just fine. --| That is why we have two caches. feature -- IL code generation il_data_name: STRING -- IL class name of class data. require not_is_external: not is_external local namespace: STRING class_name: STRING use_dotnet_naming: BOOLEAN do if is_precompiled then namespace := precompiled_namespace class_name := precompiled_class_name use_dotnet_naming := is_dotnet_naming else namespace := original_class.actual_namespace class_name := name.as_lower use_dotnet_naming := System.dotnet_naming_convention end Result := il_casing.type_name (namespace, data_prefix, class_name, use_dotnet_naming) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end set_il_name -- Store basic information that will help us reconstruct -- a complete name. require not_is_precompiled: not is_precompiled do is_dotnet_naming := System.dotnet_naming_convention precompiled_namespace := original_class.actual_namespace.twin precompiled_class_name := il_casing.type_name (Void, Void, name.as_lower, is_dotnet_naming) end is_dotnet_naming: BOOLEAN -- Is current class being generated using dotnet naming convention? feature {NONE} -- IL code generation precompiled_namespace: STRING -- Namespace of this class when it is precompiled. precompiled_class_name: STRING -- Name of this class when it is precompiled. data_prefix: STRING = "Data" -- Prefix in a name of class data. feature -- status hash_code: INTEGER -- Hash code value corresponds to `class_id'. do Result := class_id end feature {CLASS_I} -- Settings set_original_class (cl: like original_class) -- Assign `cl' to `lace_class'. require cl_not_void: cl /= Void cl_different_from_current_lace_class: cl /= original_class do original_class := cl initialize_actual_type ensure original_class_set: original_class = cl end feature -- Access has_multi_constraints (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does i-th generic parameter have multiple constraints? require has_generics: generics /= Void do if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} generics.i_th (i) as l_formal_dec then Result := l_formal_dec.has_multi_constraints else check is_formal_constraint: False end end end is_fully_deferred: BOOLEAN -- Are parents of current class either ANY or a fully deferred class? -- Does current class contain only deferred features? require has_feature_table: has_feature_table parents_classes_not_void: parents_classes /= Void local feat: FEATURE_I feat_tbl: FEATURE_TABLE written_in: INTEGER par: like parents_classes do Result := True -- FIXME: Manu 1/21/2002: Test below is not the most correct one. if class_id > 1 then Result := is_deferred if Result then from par := parents_classes par.start until par.after or else not Result loop Result := Result and then par.item.is_fully_deferred par.forth end if Result then from written_in := class_id feat_tbl := feature_table feat_tbl.start until feat_tbl.after or else not Result loop feat := feat_tbl.item_for_iteration if feat.written_in = written_in then Result := Result and then feat.is_deferred end feat_tbl.forth end end end end end name_in_upper: STRING -- Class name in upper case. do Result := name ensure name_in_upper_not_void: Result /= Void end ast: CLASS_AS -- Associated AST structure. do if Tmp_ast_server.has (class_id) then Result := Tmp_ast_server.item (class_id) elseif Ast_server.has (class_id) then Result := Ast_server.item (class_id) end ensure non_void_result_if: has_ast implies Result /= Void end invariant_ast: INVARIANT_AS -- Associated invariant AST structure. do if invariant_feature /= Void then Result := Inv_ast_server.item (class_id) end end has_types: BOOLEAN -- Are there any generic instantiations of Current -- in the system or is Current a non generic class? do Result := (types /= Void) and then (not types.is_empty) end is_obsolete: BOOLEAN -- Is Current feature obsolete? do Result := obsolete_message /= Void end frozen feature_with_name_id (a_feature_name_id: INTEGER): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose internal name is `n'. require valid_a_feature_name_id: a_feature_name_id > 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table local f: FEATURE_I do f := feature_of_name_id (a_feature_name_id) if f /= Void then Result := f.api_feature (class_id) end end frozen feature_with_id (a_feature_id: ID_AS): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose internal name is `n'. require valid_a_feature_id: a_feature_id /= Void has_feature_table: has_feature_table local f: FEATURE_I do f := feature_of_name_id (a_feature_id.name_id) if f /= Void then Result := f.api_feature (class_id) end end frozen feature_with_name_32 (n: STRING_32): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose internal name is `n'. require valid_n: n /= Void has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := feature_with_name (encoding_converter.utf32_to_utf8 (n)) end frozen feature_with_rout_id (rout_id: INTEGER): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose routine id `rout_id'. require valid_rout_id: rout_id /= 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table local feat: FEATURE_I do feat := feature_of_rout_id (rout_id) if feat /= Void then Result := feat.api_feature (class_id) end end frozen feature_with_rout_id_set (rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET): E_FEATURE -- Feature with routine ID in `rout_id_set'. require rout_id_set_not_void: rout_id_set /= Void has_feature_table: has_feature_table local feat: FEATURE_I do feat := feature_of_rout_id_set (rout_id_set) if feat /= Void then Result := feat.api_feature (class_id) end end frozen feature_with_body_index (a_body_index: INTEGER): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose body index is `a_body_index'. require a_body_index_non_negative: a_body_index >= 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table local l_feat: FEATURE_I do l_feat := feature_of_body_index (a_body_index) if l_feat /= Void then Result := l_feat.api_feature (class_id) end end frozen feature_with_feature_id (a_feature_id: INTEGER): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose feature id `a_feature_id. require feature_id_non_negative: a_feature_id >= 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table local l_feat: FEATURE_I do l_feat := feature_of_feature_id (a_feature_id) if l_feat /= Void then Result := l_feat.api_feature (class_id) end end feature_of_body_index (a_body_index: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Feature whose body index is `a_body_index'. require a_body_index_non_negative: a_body_index >= 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := feature_table.feature_of_body_index (a_body_index) end feature_of_rout_id (a_routine_id: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Feature whose routine_id is `a_routine_id'. -- Look into `feature_table', `generic_features' and -- `anchored_features'. require rout_id_valid: a_routine_id > 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table local l_cursor: CURSOR l_anch: like anchored_features l_gen: like generic_features do Result := feature_table.feature_of_rout_id (a_routine_id) if Result = Void then l_anch := anchored_features if l_anch /= Void then from l_cursor := l_anch.cursor l_anch.start until l_anch.after or Result /= Void loop if l_anch.item_for_iteration.rout_id_set.has (a_routine_id) then Result := l_anch.item_for_iteration end l_anch.forth end l_anch.go_to (l_cursor) end l_gen := generic_features if Result = Void and l_gen /= Void then from l_cursor := l_gen.cursor l_gen.start until l_gen.after or Result /= Void loop if l_gen.item_for_iteration.rout_id_set.has (a_routine_id) then Result := l_gen.item_for_iteration end l_gen.forth end l_gen.go_to (l_cursor) end -- Check the invariant now. if Result = Void and (invariant_feature /= Void and then invariant_feature.rout_id_set.has (a_routine_id)) then Result := invariant_feature end if Result = Void then Result := object_relative_once_attribute_of_routine_id (a_routine_id) end end end feature_of_rout_id_set (rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET): FEATURE_I -- Feature with routine ID in `rout_id_set'. require rout_id_set_not_void: rout_id_set /= Void has_feature_table: has_feature_table local i, nb: INTEGER do from i := 1 nb := rout_id_set.count until i > nb or Result /= Void loop Result := feature_of_rout_id (rout_id_set.item (i)) i := i + 1 end end feature_of_feature_id (a_feature_id: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Feature whose feature_id is `a_feature_id'. -- Look into `feature_table', `generic_features' and -- `anchored_features'. require a_feature_id_positive: a_feature_id > 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table local l_cursor: CURSOR l_anch: like anchored_features l_gen: like generic_features do Result := feature_table.feature_of_feature_id (a_feature_id) if Result = Void then l_anch := anchored_features if l_anch /= Void then from l_cursor := l_anch.cursor l_anch.start until l_anch.after or Result /= Void loop if l_anch.item_for_iteration.feature_id = a_feature_id then Result := l_anch.item_for_iteration end l_anch.forth end l_anch.go_to (l_cursor) end l_gen := generic_features if Result = Void and l_gen /= Void then from l_cursor := l_gen.cursor l_gen.start until l_gen.after or Result /= Void loop if l_gen.item_for_iteration.feature_id = a_feature_id then Result := l_gen.item_for_iteration end l_gen.forth end l_gen.go_to (l_cursor) end if Result = Void then Result := object_relative_once_attribute_of_feature_id (a_feature_id) end end end feature_of_name_id (a_name_id: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_I -- Feature with name corresponding to `a_name_id'. require a_name_id: a_name_id > 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := feature_table.item_id (a_name_id) end feature_of_alias_id (a_alias_name_id: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_I -- Feature with alias name corresponding to `a_alias_name_id'. -- Note that a mangled alias name is expected, so that unary and binary plus operator names are different. require a_alias_name_id: a_alias_name_id > 0 has_feature_table: has_feature_table {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (a_alias_name_id) {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_fixed_alias_id (a_alias_name_id) do Result := feature_table.item_alias_id (a_alias_name_id) end api_feature_table: E_FEATURE_TABLE -- Feature table for current class --| Can be Void when `feature_table' has not yet --| been computed (for example, error at degree 5). do if feature_table /= Void then Result := feature_table.api_table end end once_routines: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [E_FEATURE] -- List of once features (functions and procedures). -- Be sure to handle correctly object relative once ! local f_table: FEATURE_TABLE feat: FEATURE_I cid: INTEGER do cid := class_id create Result.make f_table := feature_table from f_table.start until f_table.after loop feat := f_table.item_for_iteration if feat.is_once then Result.put_front (feat.api_feature (cid)) end f_table.forth end Result.sort ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void result_sorted: Result.sorted end constant_features: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [E_CONSTANT] -- List of constant features. local f_table: FEATURE_TABLE feat: FEATURE_I cid: INTEGER do cid := class_id create Result.make f_table := feature_table from f_table.start until f_table.after loop feat := f_table.item_for_iteration if feat.is_constant then if attached {E_CONSTANT} feat.api_feature (cid) as e_cst then Result.put_front (e_cst) else check invalid_constant_feature: False end end end f_table.forth end Result.sort ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void result_sorted: Result.sorted end is_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is the current class valid? -- (After a compilation Current may become -- invalid) do Result := class_id > 0 and then lace_class.is_valid and then class_id <= System.classes.array_count and then System.class_of_id (class_id) = Current end written_in_features: LIST [E_FEATURE] -- List of features defined in current class. require has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := feature_table.written_in_features ensure non_void_Result: Result /= Void end is_class_any: BOOLEAN -- Is it class ANY? is_class_none: BOOLEAN -- Is it class NONE? feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Access frozen feature_with_name (n: STRING): E_FEATURE -- Feature whose internal name is `n' require valid_n: n /= Void has_feature_table: has_feature_table local l_id: INTEGER do l_id := names_heap.id_of (n) if l_id > 0 then Result := feature_with_name_id (l_id) end end feature -- Precompilation Access is_precompiled: BOOLEAN -- Is class precompiled? do Result := System.class_counter.is_precompiled (class_id) end feature -- Server Access has_ast: BOOLEAN -- Does Current class have an AST structure? do Result := Ast_server.has (class_id) or else Tmp_ast_server.has (class_id) end group: CONF_GROUP -- Cluster to which the class belongs to. do Result := ensure group_not_void: Result /= Void end file_name: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- File name of the class. do Result := end file_is_readable: BOOLEAN -- Is file with `file_name' readable? local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create f.make_with_name (file_name) Result := f.exists and f.is_readable end feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Order relation on classes. do Result := topological_id < other.topological_id end feature -- Output class_signature: STRING -- Signature of class. local old_group: CONF_GROUP gens: like generics do create Result.make (50) Result.append (name) gens := generics if gens /= Void then old_group := Inst_context.set_group (group) Result.append (" [") from gens.start until gens.after loop Result.append (gens.item.constraint_string) gens.forth if not gens.after then Result.append (", ") end end Inst_context.set_group (old_group) Result.append ("]") end ensure class_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end append_header (a_text_formatter: TEXT_FORMATTER) -- Append class header to `a_text_formatter'. do if is_expanded then a_text_formatter.process_keyword_text (ti_Expanded_keyword, Void) a_text_formatter.add_space elseif is_deferred then a_text_formatter.process_keyword_text (ti_Deferred_keyword, Void) a_text_formatter.add_space end if is_once then a_text_formatter.process_keyword_text (ti_once_keyword, Void) a_text_formatter.add_space end a_text_formatter.process_keyword_text (ti_Class_keyword, Void) a_text_formatter.add_new_line a_text_formatter.add_indent append_signature (a_text_formatter, False) a_text_formatter.add_new_line end append_signature (a_text_formatter: TEXT_FORMATTER; a_with_deferred_symbol: BOOLEAN) -- Append the signature of current class in `a_text_formatter'. If `a_with_deferred_symbol' -- then add a `*' to the class name. require non_void_st: a_text_formatter /= Void do append_signature_internal (a_text_formatter, a_with_deferred_symbol, False) end append_short_signature (a_text_formatter: TEXT_FORMATTER; a_with_deferred_symbol: BOOLEAN) -- Append short signature of current class in `a_text_formatter'. -- Short signature is to use "..." to replace constrained generic type, so -- class {HASH_TABLE [G, H -> HASHABLE]} becomes {HASH_TABLE [G, H -> ...]}. -- Short signature is used to save some display space. -- If `a_with_deferred_symbol' then add a `*' to the class name. require non_void_st: a_text_formatter /= Void do append_signature_internal (a_text_formatter, a_with_deferred_symbol, True) end append_name (a_text_formatter: TEXT_FORMATTER) -- Append the name ot the current class in `a_text_formatter'. require non_void_st: a_text_formatter /= Void do a_text_formatter.add_class (lace_class) end feature {COMPILER_EXPORTER} -- Setting set_main_parent (cl: like main_parent) -- Assign `cl' to `main_parent'. require cl_not_void: cl /= Void il_generation: System.il_generation do main_parent := cl ensure main_parent_set: main_parent = cl end set_number_of_features (n: like number_of_features) -- Assign `n' to `number_of_features'. do number_of_features := n ensure number_of_features_set: number_of_features = n end set_topological_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `topological_id'. do topological_id := i ensure topological_id_set: topological_id = i end set_is_deferred (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_deferred'. do is_deferred := b ensure is_deferred_set: is_deferred = b end set_is_expanded (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_expanded'. do is_expanded := b ensure is_expanded_set: is_expanded = b end set_is_once (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b` to `is_once`. do is_once := b ensure is_once_set: is_once = b end set_is_enum (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_enum'. require il_generation: System.il_generation do is_enum := b ensure is_enum_set: is_enum = b end set_suppliers (s: like suppliers) -- Assign `s' to `suppliers'. do suppliers := s ensure suppliers_set: suppliers = s end set_generics (g: like generics) -- Assign `g' to `generics'. do generics := g if g /= Void then create constrained_type_cache.make_filled (Void, g.count) create constrained_types_cache.make_filled (Void, g.count) end ensure generics_set: generics = g end set_encoding_and_bom (a_encoding: like ENCODING; a_bom: like bom) -- Set `encoding' with `a_encoding'. -- Set `bom' with `a_bom'. do lace_class.set_encoding_and_bom (a_encoding, a_bom) end set_is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack' with `v'. do is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack := v ensure is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack_set: is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack = v end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Setting set_obsolete_message (m: like obsolete_message) -- Set `obsolete_message' to `m'. do obsolete_message := m ensure obsolete_message_set: obsolete_message = m end feature -- Genericity invalidate_caches_related_to_generics -- Invalidates the cache which stores computed renamings. do constraint_cache := Void ensure constraint_cache_void: constraint_cache = Void end formal_at_position (n: INTEGER): TYPE_FEATURE_I -- Find first TYPE_FEATURE_I in `generic_features' that -- matches position `n'. require has_formal: is_generic generic_features_computed: generic_features /= Void do across generic_features as g until attached Result loop if attached {FORMAL_A} g.item.type as l_formal and then l_formal.position = n and then (not l_formal.has_detachable_mark and not l_formal.has_attached_mark) then Result := g.item end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end formal_rout_id_set_at_position (n: INTEGER): ROUT_ID_SET -- Find set of routine IDs matchine `n'-th formal of Current. require has_formal: is_generic generic_features_computed: generic_features /= Void do across generic_features as g from create Result.make loop if attached {FORMAL_A} g.item.type as l_formal and then l_formal.position = n and then (not l_formal.has_detachable_mark and not l_formal.has_attached_mark) then Result.merge (g.item.rout_id_set) end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end update_generic_features -- Update `generic_features' with information of Current. require parents_not_void: parents /= Void local l_parents: like parents l_formal, l_parent_formal: TYPE_FEATURE_I l_generic_features, l_old: like generic_features l_inherited_formals: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] l_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET i, nb: INTEGER l_formal_dec: FORMAL_DEC_AS l_formals: SPECIAL [detachable TYPE_FEATURE_I] l_formal_type: FORMAL_A do -- Clean previously stored information. l_old := generic_features if l_old /= Void and is_generic then -- We prepare a fast lookup table so that -- no new routine IDs are assigned to formal generic -- parameters of a class which introduce them if the class -- is processed at degree 4 and nothing really changed. -- Fixes eweasel test#incrXXX. create l_formals.make_filled (Void, generics.count + 1) from l_old.start until l_old.after loop -- We check that the previous formal was written in the Current class and that -- it is still makes sense. A case where it does not make sense is when the Current -- class has less generics than before. if attached {FORMAL_A} l_old.item_for_iteration.type as l_item_formal_type and then ( not l_item_formal_type.has_attached_mark and not l_item_formal_type.has_detachable_mark and l_old.item_for_iteration.origin_class_id = class_id and l_formals.valid_index (l_item_formal_type.position) ) then check not_inserted: l_formals.item (l_item_formal_type.position) = Void end l_formals.put (l_old.item_for_iteration, l_item_formal_type.position) end l_old.forth end end generic_features := Void -- Collect all information about parent formal generic parameters. from l_parents := parents l_parents.start until l_parents.after loop l_generic_features := l_parents.item.base_class.generic_features if l_generic_features /= Void then from l_generic_features.start until l_generic_features.after loop -- Extract parent generic parameter and perform instantiation -- in current class. l_parent_formal := l_generic_features.item_for_iteration l_formal := l_parent_formal.duplicate l_formal.set_type (l_formal.type.instantiated_in (l_parents.item), 0) l_formal.set_is_origin (False) if l_old /= Void and then l_old.has (l_formal.rout_id_set.first) then l_formal.set_feature_id (l_old.item (l_formal.rout_id_set.first).feature_id) else l_formal.set_feature_id ( end l_formal.set_origin_feature_id (l_parent_formal.origin_feature_id) if not l_formal.type.same_as (l_parent_formal.type) then -- If there is an implicit type change of the formal -- generic parameter, then we need to generate -- a new body for specifying the new type of the formal -- generic parameter. l_formal.set_written_in (class_id) end -- We recompute the proper pattern. l_formal.process_pattern extend_generic_features (l_formal) l_generic_features.forth end end l_parents.forth end l_generic_features := generic_features if is_generic then create l_inherited_formals.make (generics.count) if l_generic_features = Void then create l_generic_features.make (generics.count) generic_features := l_generic_features else from l_generic_features.start until l_generic_features.after loop l_formal := l_generic_features.item_for_iteration if l_formal.is_formal then if attached {FORMAL_A} l_formal.type as l_item_formal_type then if not l_item_formal_type.has_attached_mark and not l_item_formal_type.has_detachable_mark then l_inherited_formals.put (l_item_formal_type.position) end else check is_formal_a: False end end end l_generic_features.forth end end from i := 1 nb := generics.count until i > nb loop if not l_inherited_formals.has (i) then l_formal_dec := generics.i_th (i) create l_formal_type.make (l_formal_dec.is_reference, l_formal_dec.is_expanded, i) create l_formal l_formal.set_feature_name ("_" + name + "_Formal#" + i.out) l_formal.set_type (l_formal_type, 0) l_formal.set_written_in (class_id) l_formal.set_origin_class_id (class_id) if l_formals /= Void and then l_formals.item (i) /= Void then -- Reuse existing TYPE_FEATURE_I information for routine IDs and feature ID. l_rout_id_set := l_formals.item (i).rout_id_set l_formal.set_feature_id (l_formals.item (i).feature_id) else create l_rout_id_set.make l_rout_id_set.put (l_formal.new_rout_id) l_formal.set_feature_id ( -- Insertion into the system routine info table. system.rout_info_table.put (l_rout_id_set.first, Current) end l_formal.set_rout_id_set (l_rout_id_set) l_formal.set_is_origin (True) l_formal.set_position (i) l_formal.set_origin_feature_id (l_formal.feature_id) l_formal.process_pattern l_generic_features.put (l_formal, l_rout_id_set.first) end i := i + 1 end else -- FIXME: Manu 01/02/2002. Add assertion that shows -- that all TYPE_FEATURE_I.type of `l_generic_features' -- are not instances of FORMAL_I. end debug ("FORMAL_GENERIC") if l_generic_features /= Void then print ("%NFor class " + name + ": " + l_generic_features.count.out) print (" local + inherited generic parameters%N") end end end feature {NONE} -- Genericity extend_generic_features (an_item: TYPE_FEATURE_I) -- Insert `an_item' in `generic_features'. If `generic_features' -- is not yet created, creates it. require an_item_not_void: an_item /= Void local l_generic_features: like generic_features l_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET l_rout_id, i, nb: INTEGER g1, g2: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do l_generic_features := generic_features if l_generic_features = Void then create l_generic_features.make (5) generic_features := l_generic_features end from l_rout_id_set := an_item.rout_id_set i := 1 nb := l_rout_id_set.count until i > nb loop l_rout_id := l_rout_id_set.item (i) if not attached l_generic_features [l_rout_id] as other_actual then l_generic_features.put (an_item, l_rout_id) elseif not other_actual.same_signature (an_item) then -- Two ancestors are different generic derivations of the same class. if attached system.class_of_id (an_item.origin_class_id) as c and then attached c.generics as g then create g1.make_from_array (create {ARRAY [TYPE_A]}.make_filled (create {UNKNOWN_TYPE_A}, 1, g.count)) g2 := g1.twin g1 [an_item.position] := an_item.type g2 [an_item.position] := other_actual.type error_handler.insert_error (create {VHPR5_ECMA}.make (Current, create {GEN_TYPE_A}.make (an_item.origin_class_id, g1), an_item.written_class, create {GEN_TYPE_A}.make (an_item.origin_class_id, g2), other_actual.written_class, Void)) end end i := i + 1 end end feature -- Anchored types update_anchors -- Update `anchored_features' with information of Current. require il_generation: System.il_generation local l_feat_tbl: like feature_table l_anchor, l_previous_anchor: TYPE_FEATURE_I l_anchored_features, l_old: like anchored_features l_inherited_features: like anchored_features l_parents: like parents_classes l_feat: FEATURE_I l_rout_id: INTEGER l_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET l_type_set: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] l_select: SELECT_TABLE l_type: TYPE_A l_anchor_name: STRING_32 u: UTF_CONVERTER do -- Get all inherited anchored features. from create l_inherited_features.make (0) l_parents := parents_classes l_parents.start until l_parents.after loop l_old := l_parents.item.anchored_features if l_old /= Void then l_inherited_features.merge (l_old) end l_parents.forth end -- Initialize `l_type_set' from l_feat_tbl := feature_table l_type_set := type_set l_feat_tbl.start until l_feat_tbl.after loop l_feat := l_feat_tbl.item_for_iteration if l_feat.is_attribute then l_type := l_feat.type.actual_type if l_type.is_formal or l_type.has_generics then if l_type_set = Void then create l_type_set.make (5) end l_type_set.put (l_feat.rout_id_set.first) end end l_feat_tbl.forth end -- Create `anchored_features' if needed and fill it with inherited -- anchors. from l_old := anchored_features create l_anchored_features.make (10) l_select := feature_table.select_table l_select.start until l_select.after loop l_rout_id := l_select.key_for_iteration if (l_type_set /= Void and then l_type_set.has (l_rout_id)) or l_inherited_features.has (l_rout_id) then l_feat := l_select.item_for_iteration create l_anchor l_anchor.set_type (l_feat.type.actual_type, 0) l_anchor.set_written_in (class_id) create l_rout_id_set.make l_rout_id_set.put (l_rout_id) l_anchor.set_rout_id_set (l_rout_id_set) if l_old /= Void and then l_old.has (l_rout_id) then l_anchor.set_feature_id (l_old.item (l_rout_id).feature_id) else l_anchor.set_feature_id ( end if l_inherited_features.has (l_rout_id) then l_previous_anchor := l_inherited_features.item (l_rout_id) l_anchor.set_origin_class_id (l_previous_anchor.origin_class_id) l_anchor.set_origin_feature_id (l_previous_anchor.origin_feature_id) l_anchor.set_feature_name_id (l_previous_anchor.feature_name_id, Void) l_anchor.set_is_origin (False) else l_anchor.set_is_origin (True) l_anchor.set_origin_class_id (class_id) l_anchor.set_origin_feature_id (l_anchor.feature_id) l_anchor_name := {STRING_32} "_" + + "_type_" + l_rout_id.out l_anchor.set_feature_name (u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_anchor_name)) -- Insertion into the system routine info table. system.rout_info_table.put (l_rout_id, Current) end l_anchored_features.put (l_anchor, l_rout_id) end l_select.forth end debug ("ANCHORED_FEATURES") if l_anchored_features /= Void then print ("%NFor class " + name + ": " + l_anchored_features.count.out) print (" local + inherited generic parameters%N") end end anchored_features := l_anchored_features -- Since we changed current, we need to change the descendants as well if the -- set of features was modified. if update_anchors_needed and then attached direct_descendants_internal as l_descendants then across l_descendants as d loop d.item.set_update_anchors_needed (True) end end update_anchors_needed := False end extend_type_set (r_id: INTEGER) -- Extend `type_set' with `r_id'. If `type_set' is -- not yet created, creates it. require valid_routine_id: r_id > 0 il_generation: System.il_generation local l_type_set: like type_set do l_type_set := type_set if l_type_set = Void then create l_type_set.make (10) type_set := l_type_set end l_type_set.force (r_id) update_anchors_needed := True ensure inserted: type_set.has (r_id) end feature -- Implementation invariant_feature: INVARIANT_FEAT_I -- Invariant feature types: TYPE_LIST -- Meta-class types associated to the class: it contains -- only one type if the class is not generic feature_named_32 (n: STRING_32): FEATURE_I -- Feature whose internal name is `n' require n_not_void: n /= Void do Result := feature_named (encoding_converter.utf32_to_utf8 (n)) end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Querry feature_named (n: READABLE_STRING_8): FEATURE_I -- Feature whose internal name is `n' require n_not_void: n /= Void do if not n.is_empty and then has_feature_table then if feature_table.is_mangled_alias_name (n) then -- Lookup for alias feature Result := feature_table.alias_item (n) else -- Lookup for identifier feature Result := feature_table.item (n) end end end feature -- Implementation set_current_feature_table (a_tbl: like feature_table) do current_feature_table := a_tbl ensure current_feature_table_set: current_feature_table = a_tbl end set_previous_feature_table (a_tbl: like feature_table) do previous_feature_table := a_tbl ensure previous_feature_table_set: previous_feature_table = a_tbl end previous_feature_table, current_feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE -- Compiler feature table require has_feature_table: has_feature_table do Result := current_feature_table if Result = Void then Result := previous_feature_table end ensure valid_result: Result /= Void end has_feature_table: BOOLEAN -- Has Current a feature table do Result := current_feature_table /= Void or previous_feature_table /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation private_external_name: STRING -- Store class alias name clause value. private_base_file_name: STRING -- Base file name used in code generation. feature {DEGREE_5} -- Degree 5 add_to_degree_5 -- Add current class to Degree 5. do degree_5_needed := True ensure added: degree_5_needed end remove_from_degree_5 -- Remove current class from Degree 5. do degree_5_needed := False parsing_needed := False ensure removed: not degree_5_needed end degree_5_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- processed in Degree 5? parsing_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- parsed during Degree 5? set_parsing_needed (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `parsing_needed' to `b'. do parsing_needed := b ensure parsing_needed_set: parsing_needed = b end feature {DEGREE_4, NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_A, TYPE_A_CHECKER} -- Degree 4 add_to_degree_4 -- Add current class to Degree 4. do degree_4_needed := True ensure added: degree_4_needed end remove_from_degree_4 -- Remove current class from Degree 4. do degree_4_needed := False degree_4_processed := False expanded_modified := False deferred_modified := False once_modified := False supplier_status_modified := False ensure removed: not degree_4_needed end expanded_modified: BOOLEAN -- Has the expanded status of current -- class been modified? supplier_status_modified: BOOLEAN -- Has the status of a supplier changed? set_degree_4_processed -- Set `degree_4_processed' to True. do degree_4_processed := True ensure degree_4_processed_set: degree_4_processed end unset_degree_4_processed -- Set `degree_4_processed' to `False'. do degree_4_processed := False ensure degree_4_processed_set: not degree_4_processed end set_expanded_modified -- Set `expanded_modifed' to True. do expanded_modified := True ensure expanded_modified_set: expanded_modified end set_deferred_modified -- Set `deferred_modified' to True. do deferred_modified := True ensure deferred_modified_set: deferred_modified end set_once_modified -- Set `once_modified` to `True`. do once_modified := True ensure once_modified end set_supplier_status_modified -- Set `supplier_status_modified' to True. do supplier_status_modified := True ensure supplier_status_modified_set: supplier_status_modified end feature {DEGREE_4, NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_A, TYPE_A_CHECKER, AST_CONTEXT} -- Degree 4 degree_4_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- processed in Degree 4? degree_4_processed: BOOLEAN -- Has current class been processed in -- first pass of Degree 4? feature {DEGREE_4, INHERIT_TABLE} -- Degree 4 deferred_modified: BOOLEAN -- Has the deferred status of current -- class been modified? once_modified: BOOLEAN -- Has once status of the class been modified? feature {DEGREE_4, DEGREE_3} -- Used by degree 4 and 3 to compute new assertions assert_prop_list: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- List of routine ids to be propagated set_assertion_prop_list (l: like assert_prop_list) -- Set `assert_prop_list' to `l'. do assert_prop_list := l ensure assert_prop_list_set: assert_prop_list = l end feature {DEGREE_4, ORIGIN_TABLE, AST_FEATURE_REPLICATION_GENERATOR, CLASS_C} -- Used by degree 4 for replication propagation replicated_features_list: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- List of routine ids that are replicated in `Current'. set_replicated_features_list (l: like replicated_features_list) -- Set `replicated_featurs_list' to `l'. do replicated_features_list := l ensure replicated_features_list_set: replicated_features_list = l end feature {CLASS_C, DEGREE_4} -- Degree 3 and 4 recompilation recompile_descendants_with_replication (is_degree_4_required: BOOLEAN) -- Recompile descendants that replicate features of class `c', including expanded classes. do recompile_descendants_with_condition ( agent (c: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN do -- `c' either replicates features or is expanded. Result := c.replicated_features_list /= Void or else c.is_expanded debug ("to_implement") to_implement ("[ Use ancestor class `c' and feature to optimize whether replicated feature is from there originally. ]") end debug ("fixme") fixme ("[ If expanded class types are supported, they need to be recompiled as well even if the base class is reference. ]") end end (?), is_degree_4_required, Current ) end feature {CLASS_C} -- Degree 3 and 4 recompilation recompile_descendants_with_condition (condition: PREDICATE [CLASS_C]; is_degree_4_required: BOOLEAN; c: CLASS_C) -- Mark all descendants of class `c' that match `condition' for complete recompilation, -- including degree 4 when `is_degree_4 = True'. require condition_attached: attached condition c_attached: attached c do if c /= Current and then condition.item ([c]) then -- The current class is a descendant of `c' and meets the condition. -- Mark it for recompilation. debug ("to_implement") to_implement ("[ Use ancestor class `c' and feature to optimize whether replicated feature is from there originally. ]") end debug ("fixme") fixme ("[ If expanded class types are supported, they need to be recompiled as well even if the base class is reference. ]") end if not lace_class.changed then lace_class.set_changed (True) end if is_degree_4_required then degree_4.insert_new_class (Current) end degree_3.insert_new_class (Current) degree_2.insert_new_class (Current) -- Make sure that the class ast gets correctly saved so that any newly replicated -- features get correctly stored in the compiler servers. tmp_ast_server.put (ast) end -- We need to check if any descendents are replicating features of `a_class' during an incremental compilation. if attached direct_descendants_internal as d then -- Process all descendants recursively. d.do_all (agent {CLASS_C}.recompile_descendants_with_condition (condition, is_degree_4_required, c)) end end regenerate_descendants -- Mark all descendants of the current class for code generation. do recompile_descendants_with_condition (agent (c: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN do Result := True end, False, Current) end feature {DEGREE_3} -- Degree 3 add_to_degree_3 -- Add current class to Degree 3. -- Set `finalization_needed' to True require not_a_true_external_class: not is_true_external do degree_3_needed := True finalization_needed := True ensure added: degree_3_needed finalization_needed_set: finalization_needed end remove_from_degree_3 -- Remove current class from Degree 3. do degree_3_needed := False ensure removed: not degree_3_needed end degree_3_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- processed in Degree 3? feature {DEGREE_2} -- Degree 2 add_to_degree_2 -- Add current class to Degree 2. require not_a_true_external_class: not is_true_external do degree_2_needed := True ensure added: degree_2_needed end remove_from_degree_2 -- Remove current class from Degree 2. do degree_2_needed := False ensure removed: not degree_2_needed end degree_2_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- processed in Degree 2? feature {DEGREE_1} -- Degree 1 add_to_degree_1 -- Add current class to Degree 1. require not_a_true_external_class: not is_true_external do degree_1_needed := True ensure added: degree_1_needed end remove_from_degree_1 -- Remove current class from Degree 1. do degree_1_needed := False ensure removed: not degree_1_needed end degree_1_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- processed in Degree 1? feature {DEGREE_MINUS_1, IL_GENERATOR} -- Degree -1 add_to_degree_minus_1 -- Add current class to Degree -1. require not_a_true_external_class: not is_true_external do degree_minus_1_needed := True ensure added: degree_minus_1_needed end remove_from_degree_minus_1 -- Remove current class from Degree -1. do degree_minus_1_needed := False ensure removed: not degree_minus_1_needed end degree_minus_1_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be -- processed in Degree -1? feature -- Degree -2/-3 finalization_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does current class need to be processed for -- finalization? set_finalization_needed (v: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `finalization_needed' with `v'. do finalization_needed := v ensure finalization_needed_set: finalization_needed = v end feature -- output debug_output: STRING -- Generate a nice representation of Current to be seen -- in debugger. local l_name: STRING do l_name := name create Result.make (l_name.count + 6) Result.append_integer (class_id) Result.append_character (':') Result.append_character (' ') Result.append (l_name) end feature {CLASS_C} -- Implementation inherits_from_internal (other: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' a conforming/non-conforming ancestor of `Current'? require good_argument: other /= Void local l_parent_classes: like parents_classes i, l_count: INTEGER do Result := other = Current l_parent_classes := parents_classes if l_parent_classes /= Void and then not l_parent_classes.is_empty then from i := 1 l_count := l_parent_classes.count until Result or else i > l_count loop Result := l_parent_classes [i].inherits_from_internal (other) i := i + 1 end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_feature_table_file_id: INTEGER -- Number added at end of C file corresponding to generated -- feature table. Initialized by default to -1. append_signature_internal (a_text_formatter: TEXT_FORMATTER; a_with_deferred_symbol: BOOLEAN; a_short: BOOLEAN) -- Append the signature of current class in `a_text_formatter'. If `a_with_deferred_symbol' -- then add a `*' to the class name. -- If `a_short', use "..." to replace constrained generic type. require non_void_st: a_text_formatter /= Void local old_group: CONF_GROUP gens: like generics do append_name (a_text_formatter) if a_with_deferred_symbol and is_deferred then a_text_formatter.add_char ('*') end gens := generics if gens /= Void then old_group := Inst_context.set_group (group) a_text_formatter.add_space a_text_formatter.process_symbol_text (ti_L_bracket) from gens.start until gens.after loop if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} gens.item as l_formal_dec then l_formal_dec.append_signature (a_text_formatter, a_short, Current) else check is_formal_constraint: False end end gens.forth if not gens.after then a_text_formatter.process_symbol_text (ti_Comma) a_text_formatter.add_space end end a_text_formatter.process_symbol_text (ti_R_bracket) Inst_context.set_group (old_group) end end invariant -- Default invariants common to all kind of generation. lace_class_exists: lace_class /= Void descendants_exists: direct_descendants /= Void suppliers_exisis: suppliers /= Void clients_exists: clients /= Void config_class_connection: original_class.compiled_class = Current -- Invariants IL versus normal generation. anchored_features_void_in_non_il_generation: not System.il_generation implies anchored_features = Void -- True after proper initialization of Current instance. -- has_ast: has_ast note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end