note description: "[ Instance of an Eiffel feature. For every inherited feature there is an instance of FEATURE_I with its final name, the class name where it is written, the body id of its content and the routine table ids to which the feature is attached. Attribute `type` is the real type of the feature in the class where it is inherited (or written), that means there is no more anchored type. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" version: "$Revision$" deferred class FEATURE_I inherit IDABLE SHARED_WORKBENCH SHARED_SERVER export {ANY} all end SHARED_INSTANTIATOR SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER SHARED_TYPES SHARED_TABLE SHARED_AST_CONTEXT SHARED_BYTE_CONTEXT rename context as byte_context end SHARED_PATTERN_TABLE SHARED_INST_CONTEXT SHARED_ID_TABLES export {ANY} Body_index_table, Original_body_index_table end SHARED_ARRAY_BYTE SHARED_EXEC_TABLE HASHABLE rename hash_code as feature_name_id end COMPILER_EXPORTER SHARED_NAMES_HEAP DEBUG_OUTPUT COMPARABLE undefine is_equal end SHARED_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end SHARED_IL_CASING export {NONE} all end SHARED_INLINE_AGENT_LOOKUP SHARED_ENCODING_CONVERTER INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER SHARED_DEGREES feature -- Access feature_name_32: STRING_32 -- Final name of feature. require feature_name_id_set: feature_name_id > 0 do Result := names_heap.item_32 (feature_name_id) ensure feature_name_not_void: Result /= Void feature_name_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end alias_names_32: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Alias name of feature (if any). do if attached alias_names as l_names then create Result.make (l_names.count) across l_names as ic loop Result.force (encoding_converter.utf8_to_utf32 (ic.item)) end end end assigner_name: STRING -- Associated assigner name (if any). do if assigner_name_id /= 0 then Result := names_heap.item (assigner_name_id) end end feature_name_id: INTEGER -- Id of `feature_name' in `Names_heap' table. alias_name_ids: detachable SPECIAL [INTEGER] -- Ids of `alias_names` in `names_heap` table. has_alias: BOOLEAN -- Has alias name? do Result := attached alias_name_ids as a and then a.count > 0 end has_alias_name_id (a_alias_name_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN local i, n: like alias_name_ids.index_of do if attached alias_name_ids as a then from i := a.lower n := a.upper until i > n or else Result loop Result := a [i] = a_alias_name_id i := i + 1 end end end assigner_name_id: INTEGER -- Id of `assigner_name' in `Names_heap' table do -- 0 (no assigner) by default ensure valid_result: Result /= 0 implies names_heap.valid_index (Result) end feature_id: INTEGER -- Feature id: first key in feature call hash table -- of a class: two features of different names have two -- different feature ids. written_in: INTEGER -- Class id where feature is written body_index: INTEGER -- Index of body id pattern_id: INTEGER -- Id of feature pattern rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET -- Routine table to which feature belongs to. export_status: EXPORT_I -- Export status of feature do Result := internal_export_status if Result = Void then if (feature_flags & is_export_status_none_mask) = is_export_status_none_mask then Result := export_none_status else Result := export_all_status end end ensure export_status_not_void: export_status /= Void end immediate_export_status: EXPORT_I -- Export status of the feature declaration without taking inheritance into account. -- Use with care: the function is slow when the feature is selectively exported. local f: like feature_flags do f := feature_flags if f & is_immediate_export_status_all_mask /= 0 then Result := export_all_status elseif f & is_immediate_export_status_none_mask /= 0 then Result := export_none_status else if written_in /= 0 and then attached written_class.ast.features as cs then -- Retrieve the export status from the AST. across cs as c until attached Result loop if attached c.item.features as fs then across fs as h until attached Result loop if attached h.item.feature_with_name (feature_name_id) then Result := export_status_generator.feature_clause_export_status (system, written_class, c.item) end end end end end if not attached Result then Result := export_none_status end end end origin_feature_id: INTEGER -- Feature ID of Current in associated CLASS_INTERFACE -- that defines it. -- Used for MSIL code generation only. origin_class_id: INTEGER -- Class ID of class defining Current in associated CLASS_INTERFACE -- that defines it. -- Used for MSIL code generation only. written_feature_id: INTEGER -- Feature ID of Current in associated CLASS_C of ID `access_in' -- that gives a body. -- Used for MSIL code generation only. frozen is_origin: BOOLEAN -- Is feature an origin? do Result := feature_flags & is_origin_mask = is_origin_mask end frozen has_replicated_ast: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have a replicated AST? do Result := feature_flags & has_replicated_ast_mask = has_replicated_ast_mask end frozen is_selected: BOOLEAN -- Is feature from a selected branch? do Result := feature_flags & is_selected_mask = is_selected_mask end frozen is_replicated_directly: BOOLEAN -- Is feature directly replicated in class it is created in? -- This flag is needed to distinguish between newly replicated features -- and inherited replicated features as currently the is no way of -- 'selecting' the feature_i object and keeping the 'access_in' value. do Result := feature_flags & is_replicated_directly_mask = is_replicated_directly_mask end frozen is_frozen: BOOLEAN -- Is feature frozen? do Result := feature_flags & is_frozen_mask = is_frozen_mask end frozen is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is feature with an empty body? do Result := feature_flags & is_empty_mask = is_empty_mask end frozen is_infix: BOOLEAN -- Is feature an infixed one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_infix_mask = is_infix_mask end frozen is_prefix: BOOLEAN -- Is feature a prefixed one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_prefix_mask = is_prefix_mask end frozen is_bracket: BOOLEAN -- Is feature a bracket one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_bracket_mask = is_bracket_mask end frozen is_parentheses: BOOLEAN -- Is feature a bracket one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_parentheses_mask = is_parentheses_mask end frozen is_binary: BOOLEAN -- Is feature a binary one? do Result := feature_flags & is_binary_mask = is_binary_mask end frozen is_unary: BOOLEAN -- Is feature an unary one? do Result := feature_flags & is_unary_mask = is_unary_mask end frozen has_convert_mark: BOOLEAN -- Does binary feature have a convert mark? do Result := feature_flags & has_convert_mark_mask = has_convert_mark_mask end frozen covariant_argument_checker_agent: PREDICATE [TYPE_A] -- Argument checker for `covariantly_redefined_features' once -- If all arguments are expanded or if they are a frozen class -- then it cannot be covariantly redefined Result := agent (v: TYPE_A): BOOLEAN do Result := v.is_expanded or (v.has_associated_class implies v.base_class.is_frozen) end end frozen covariantly_redefined_features (a_base_class: CLASS_C): HASH_TABLE [FEATURE_I, CLASS_C] -- Return all the covariantly redefined routines of Current require a_base_class_not_void: a_base_class /= Void conforming_class: a_base_class.conform_to (written_class) local l_descendants: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] l_feat: FEATURE_I l_rout_id: INTEGER l_covariant_features: like covariantly_redefined_features i: INTEGER do if argument_count > 0 then -- If all arguments are expanded or if they are a frozen class -- then it cannot be covariantly redefined l_descendants := a_base_class.direct_descendants i := l_descendants.count if i > 0 and then not arguments.for_all (covariant_argument_checker_agent) then from l_rout_id := rout_id_set.first until i = 0 loop if l_descendants [i].conform_to (a_base_class) then l_feat := l_descendants [i].feature_of_rout_id (l_rout_id) -- It could be Void in case of a non-conforming descendants. if is_covariant_to (l_feat) then if Result = Void then create Result.make (3) end Result.put (l_feat, l_descendants [i]) end l_covariant_features := l_feat.covariantly_redefined_features (l_descendants [i]) if l_covariant_features /= Void and then not l_covariant_features.is_empty then if Result = Void then create Result.make (3) end Result.merge (l_covariant_features) end end i := i - 1 end end end end frozen is_covariant_to (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' a covariant redefinition of Current? require other_not_void: other /= Void subset: other.rout_id_set.has (rout_id_set.first) local i: INTEGER do if other /= Current then from i := arguments.count until i = 0 or else Result loop -- This is not the best way to check for covariance since `is_equivalent' will -- return False on thing that are not covariantly redefined. Result := not arguments.i_th (i).conformance_type.is_safe_equivalent (other.arguments.i_th (i).conformance_type) i := i - 1 end end end has_formal: BOOLEAN -- Is formal type present in the feature signature at the top level? -- (Formals used as parameters of generic class types do not count.) local a: like arguments i, l_count: INTEGER do -- It is pretty important that we use `actual_type.is_formal' and not -- just `is_formal' because otherwise if you have `like x' and `x: G' -- then we would fail to detect that. if type.actual_type.is_formal then Result := True else a := arguments if a /= Void then from i := 1 l_count := a.count until i > l_count loop if a [i].actual_type.is_formal then Result := True i := l_count end i := i + 1 end end end end extension: EXTERNAL_EXT_I -- Encapsulation of the external extension do end external_name: STRING -- External name require external_name_id_set: external_name_id > 0 do Result := Names_heap.item (external_name_id) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void Result_not_empty: not Result.is_empty ascii_compatible: ∀ c: Result ¦ c ≤ '%/0x7F/' end external_name_id: INTEGER -- External name of feature if any generation. do Result := private_external_name_id if Result = 0 then Result := feature_name_id end end is_inline_agent: BOOLEAN -- is the feature an inline agent do Result := inline_agent_nr /= 0 end enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position: INTEGER -- The body id of the enclosing feature of an inline agent -- or the position of the creator in the once class. enclosing_feature: FEATURE_I -- Gives the (real) feature in which this features is defined. -- If the feature has no enclosing feature, a reference to itself is returned. local l_access_class: CLASS_C do if is_inline_agent then if is_replicated_directly then l_access_class := access_class else l_access_class := written_class; end Result := l_access_class.feature_of_body_index (enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position) if Result = Void then Result := l_access_class.invariant_feature end else Result := Current end ensure Result /= Void and not Result.is_inline_agent end inline_agent_nr: INTEGER -- the number of this inline agent in the enclosing feature supports_step_in: BOOLEAN -- Is it possible to step into this feature or set breakpoints in it? do Result := not (enclosing_feature.is_invariant or else is_fake_inline_agent) end creator_position: like enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position -- Position in the list of creation procedures. do Result := enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position end feature -- Modification set_is_hidden (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_hidden` to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, is_hidden_mask) ensure is_hidden = v end set_creator_position (p: like creator_position) -- Set position in the list of creation procedures to `p`. do enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position := p ensure creator_position = p end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Access feature_name: STRING -- Final name of feature. require feature_name_id_set: feature_name_id > 0 do Result := Names_heap.item (feature_name_id) ensure feature_name_not_void: Result /= Void feature_name_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end alias_names: detachable LIST [STRING] do if attached alias_name_ids as lst then create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} Result.make (lst.count) across lst as ic loop Result.force (names_heap.item ({OPERATOR_KIND}.name_id_of_alias_id (ic.item))) end end end feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Comparison of FEATURE_I based on their name. local l_name, l_other_name: like feature_name do l_name := feature_name l_other_name := other.feature_name if l_name = Void then Result := l_other_name /= Void else Result := l_other_name /= Void and then l_name < l_other_name end end is_same_alias (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Does current have the same alias as `other'? require other_not_void: other /= Void do Result := same_aliases (other) and then has_convert_mark = other.has_convert_mark end is_same_assigner (other: FEATURE_I; tbl: FEATURE_TABLE): BOOLEAN -- Does current have the same assigner command (if any) as `other'? require other_not_void: other /= Void tbl_not_void: tbl /= Void local assigner_command: FEATURE_I other_assigner_command: FEATURE_I do -- If either of the feature has no assigner command, we treat them as having -- the same assigner command if assigner_name_id = 0 or else other.assigner_name_id = 0 then Result := True else if written_in = system.current_class.class_id then assigner_command := tbl.item_id (assigner_name_id) else assigner_command := written_class.feature_named (assigner_name) end if attached assigner_command then assigner_command := tbl.feature_of_rout_id (assigner_command.rout_id_set.first) if other.written_in = system.current_class.class_id then other_assigner_command := tbl.item_id (other.assigner_name_id) else other_assigner_command := other.written_class.feature_named (other.assigner_name) end check other_assigner_command_not_void: other_assigner_command /= Void end other_assigner_command := tbl.feature_of_rout_id (other_assigner_command.rout_id_set.first) Result := assigner_command = other_assigner_command end end end feature -- Debugger access number_of_breakpoint_slots: INTEGER -- Number of breakpoint slots in feature (:::) -- It includes pre/postcondition (inner & herited) -- and rescue clause. -- --|--------------------------------------------------------- --| Note from Arnaud PICHERY [ ] | --|--------------------------------------------------------- --| If the feature inherits from one routine that has no | --| precondition, the precondition for this routine will | --| always be true and thus will not be generated by the | --| compiler. So, we do not count the preconditions if one | --| of the inherited routines has an empty precondition | --| clause. | --|--------------------------------------------------------- do if attached real_body as b and then attached {ROUTINE_AS} b.content as r then Result := r.number_of_breakpoint_slots end Result := Result.max (1) end first_breakpoint_slot_index: INTEGER -- Index of the first breakpoint-slot of the body -- Take into account inherited and inner assertions do if attached real_body as b and then attached {ROUTINE_AS} b.content as r and then attached {INTERNAL_AS} r.routine_body as i then if i.is_empty then --| in this case, the first bp of the body --| is the last breakable point Result := number_of_breakpoint_slots else Result := i.first_breakpoint_slot_index end end Result := Result.max (1) end feature -- Status is_precondition_free: BOOLEAN -- Is feature precondition-free? local a: ASSERT_ID_SET do a := assert_id_set if a = Void then -- The feature is immediate, check only immediate precondition. Result := not has_precondition elseif a.has_precondition then -- There are inherited features that are not precondition-free. if has_precondition and then -- Current feature has precondition, that might be True. attached body as fb and then attached fb.body as b and then attached {ROUTINE_AS} b.content as r and then attached {BOOL_AS} r.precondition.assertions.first.expr as v then -- The precondition has the first expression in the form of a boolean constant. -- If it is true, the feature is precondition-free Result := v.value end else -- There are inherited precondition-free precursors. Result := True end end is_type_evaluation_delayed: BOOLEAN -- Is evaluation of type information associated with this feature delayed? -- (Usually this happens for types that cannot be evaluated immediately -- because they require information from other classes that have no type -- information yet.) do Result := feature_flags & is_type_evaluation_delayed_mask /= 0 end to_melt_in (a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Has current feature to be melted in class `a_class' ? require good_argument: a_class /= Void do Result := a_class.class_id = written_in or else is_replicated_directly end to_generate_in (a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Has current feature to be generated in class `a_class' ? require good_argument: a_class /= Void do Result := a_class.class_id = written_in or else is_replicated_directly end frozen to_implement_in (a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Does Current feature need to be exposed in interface -- used for IL generation? require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void do Result := a_class.class_id = written_in or else is_replicated_directly end is_ghost: BOOLEAN -- Is this a ghost feature, i.e. the one that should not be generated? do Result := feature_flags & is_ghost_mask /= 0 end feature -- Setting set_feature_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `feature_id' do feature_id := i end set_body_index (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `body_index'. do body_index := i end set_pattern_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `pattern_id'. do pattern_id := i end frozen set_feature_name_id (a_id: INTEGER; a_alias_ids: like alias_name_ids) -- Assign `a_id` to `feature_name_id` and set `alias_name_ids` according to `a_alias_id`. require valid_id: Names_heap.valid_index (a_id) valid_alias_id: attached a_alias_ids implies ∀ i: a_alias_ids ¦ {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (i) do feature_name_id := a_id alias_name_ids := a_alias_ids ensure feature_name_id_set: feature_name_id = a_id a_alias_id_set: attached a_alias_ids implies ∀ i: a_alias_ids ¦ has_alias_name_id (i) end set_renamed_name_id (a_id: INTEGER; a_alias_id: like {RENAMING}.alias_name_id) -- Same as `set_feature_name_id` but redefined in `{EXTERNAL_I}`. require valid_id: Names_heap.valid_index (a_id) valid_alias_id: attached a_alias_id implies ∀ i: a_alias_id ¦ {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (i) do set_feature_name_id (a_id, a_alias_id) ensure feature_name_id_set: feature_name_id = a_id a_alias_id_set: attached a_alias_id implies ∀ i: a_alias_id ¦ has_alias_name_id (i) end set_written_in (a_class_id: like written_in) -- Assign `a_class_id' to `access_in'. require a_class_id_not_void: a_class_id > 0 do written_in := a_class_id ensure written_in_set: written_in = a_class_id end set_written_feature_id (a_feature_id: like written_feature_id) -- Assign `a_feature_id' to `written_feature_id'. require valid_feature_id: a_feature_id >= 0 do written_feature_id := a_feature_id ensure written_feature_id_set: written_feature_id = a_feature_id end set_origin_feature_id (a_feature_id: like origin_feature_id) -- Assign `a_feature_id' to `origin_feature_id'. require valid_feature_id: a_feature_id >= 0 do origin_feature_id := a_feature_id ensure origin_feature_id_set: origin_feature_id = a_feature_id end set_origin_class_id (a_class_id: like origin_class_id) -- Assign `a_class_id' to `origin_class_id'. require valid_feature_id: a_class_id >= 0 do origin_class_id := a_class_id ensure origin_class_id_set: origin_class_id = a_class_id end set_export_status (e: EXPORT_I) -- Assign `e' to `export_status'. -- See also: `set_immediate_export_status`. require e_not_void: e /= Void do -- Reset export status flags. feature_flags := feature_flags & is_export_status_none_mask.bit_not -- Update export status flags. if e.is_all then internal_export_status := Void elseif e.is_none then internal_export_status := Void feature_flags := feature_flags | is_export_status_none_mask else internal_export_status := e end ensure export_status_set: export_status.same_as (e) end set_immediate_export_status (e, i: EXPORT_I) -- Assign export status `e` to `export_status` and record immedate export status `i` of the feature (if possible). -- See also: `set_export_status`. do -- Reset immediate export status flags. feature_flags := feature_flags & (is_immediate_export_status_none_mask | is_immediate_export_status_all_mask).bit_not -- Update immediate export status flags. if i.is_all then feature_flags := feature_flags | is_immediate_export_status_all_mask elseif i.is_none then feature_flags := feature_flags | is_immediate_export_status_none_mask end set_export_status (e) ensure export_status_set: export_status.same_as (e) immediate_export_status_set: immediate_export_status.same_as (i) end frozen set_is_origin (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_origin'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_origin_mask) ensure is_origin_set: is_origin = b end frozen set_is_selected (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_selected'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_selected_mask) ensure is_selected_set: is_selected = b end frozen set_has_replicated_ast (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `has_replicated_ast'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, has_replicated_ast_mask) ensure has_replicated_ast_set: has_replicated_ast = b end frozen set_is_replicated_directly (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_replicated_directly'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_replicated_directly_mask) ensure is_replicated_directly_set: is_replicated_directly = b end frozen set_is_empty (b : BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_empty' to `b' do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_empty_mask) ensure is_empty_set: is_empty = b end frozen set_is_frozen (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_frozen'. --|Note: nothing to do with melted/frozen features do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_frozen_mask) ensure is_frozen_set: is_frozen = b end frozen set_is_infix (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_infix'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_infix_mask) ensure is_infix_set: is_infix = b end frozen set_is_prefix (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_prefix'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_prefix_mask) ensure is_prefix_set: is_prefix = b end frozen set_is_bracket (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_bracket'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_bracket_mask) ensure is_bracket_set: is_bracket = b end frozen set_is_parentheses (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_parentheses'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_parentheses_mask) ensure is_parentheses_set: is_parentheses = b end frozen set_is_binary (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_binary'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_binary_mask) ensure is_binary_set: is_binary = b end frozen set_is_unary (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_unary'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_unary_mask) ensure is_unary_set: is_unary = b end frozen set_has_convert_mark (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `has_convert_mark'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, has_convert_mark_mask) ensure has_convert_mark_set: has_convert_mark = b end frozen set_is_require_else (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_require_else'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_require_else_mask) ensure is_require_else_set: is_require_else = b end frozen set_is_ensure_then (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_ensure_then'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_ensure_then_mask) ensure is_ensure_then_set: is_ensure_then = b end frozen set_has_precondition (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `has_precondition'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, has_precondition_mask) ensure has_precondition_set: has_precondition = b end frozen set_has_postcondition (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `has_postcondition'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, has_postcondition_mask) ensure has_postcondition_set: has_postcondition = b end frozen set_has_false_postcondition (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `has_false_postcondition'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, has_false_postcondition_mask) ensure is_failing_set: has_false_postcondition = b end frozen set_is_fake_inline_agent (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_fake_inline_agent'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, is_fake_inline_agent_mask) ensure is_fake_inline_agent_set: is_fake_inline_agent = b end frozen set_has_rescue_clause (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `has_rescue_clause'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (b, has_rescue_clause_mask) ensure has_rescue_clause_set: has_rescue_clause = b end set_has_property (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_property' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_property_mask) ensure has_property_set: has_property = v end set_has_property_getter (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_property_getter' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_property_getter_mask) ensure has_property_getter_set: has_property_getter = v end set_has_property_setter (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_property_setter' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_property_setter_mask) ensure has_property_setter_set: has_property_setter = v end set_is_stable (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_stable' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, is_stable_mask) ensure is_stable_set: is_stable = v end set_has_immediate_class_postcondition (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_immediate_class_postcondition` to `v`. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_class_postcondition_mask) ensure has_immediate_class_postcondition_set: has_immediate_class_postcondition = v end set_has_immediate_non_object_call (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_immediate_non_object_call` to `v`. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_non_object_call_mask) ensure has_immediate_non_object_call_set: has_immediate_non_object_call = v end set_has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion` to `v`. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_non_object_call_in_assertion_mask) ensure has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion_set: has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion = v end set_has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion` to `v`. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, has_unqualified_call_in_assertion_mask) ensure has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion_set: has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion = v end set_is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack_mask) ensure is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack_set: is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack = v end set_rout_id_set (an_id_set: like rout_id_set) -- Assign `an_id_set' to `rout_id_set'. require an_id_set_not_void: an_id_set /= Void do rout_id_set := an_id_set ensure rout_id_set: rout_id_set = an_id_set end set_private_external_name_id (n_id: like private_external_name_id) -- Assign `n_id' to `private_external_name_id'. require valid_n: n_id > 0 do private_external_name_id := n_id ensure private_external_name_set: private_external_name_id = n_id end generation_class_id: INTEGER -- Id of class where feature has to be generated in do Result := written_in end duplicate: like Current -- Clone do Result := twin end duplicate_arguments -- Do a clone of arguments (for replication) do -- Do nothing end set_inline_agent (a_enclosing_body_id, a_inline_agent_nr: INTEGER) -- Define this feature as an inline agent require enclosing_body_id_valid: a_enclosing_body_id > 0 inline_agent_nr_valid: (is_fake_inline_agent implies a_inline_agent_nr = -1) and not is_fake_inline_agent implies a_inline_agent_nr > 0 do inline_agent_nr := a_inline_agent_nr enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position := a_enclosing_body_id end set_is_type_evaluation_delayed (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_type_evaluation_delayed' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, is_type_evaluation_delayed_mask) end set_is_ghost (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_ghost' to `v'. do feature_flags := feature_flags.set_bit_with_mask (v, is_ghost_mask) ensure is_ghost_set: is_ghost = v end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Setting set_feature_name (s: STRING) -- Assign `s' to `feature_name'. -- `set_renamed_name' is needed for C external -- routines that can't be renamed. require s_not_void: s /= Void s_not_empty: not s.is_empty local l_names_heap: like Names_heap do l_names_heap := Names_heap l_names_heap.put (s) feature_name_id := l_names_heap.found_item ensure feature_name_set: equal (feature_name, s) end feature -- Incrementality same_aliases (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Does `Current` and `other` have same aliases? do Result := other.alias_name_ids ~ alias_name_ids end equiv (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Incrementality test on instance of FEATURE_I during -- second pass. require good_argument: other /= Void do Result := written_in = other.written_in and then body_index = other.body_index and then rout_id_set.same_as (other.rout_id_set) and then is_origin = other.is_origin and then is_frozen = other.is_frozen and then is_deferred = other.is_deferred and then is_external = other.is_external and then export_status.same_as (other.export_status) and then same_signature (other) and then has_precondition = other.has_precondition and then has_postcondition = other.has_postcondition and then has_false_postcondition = other.has_false_postcondition and then has_immediate_class_postcondition = other.has_immediate_class_postcondition and then is_once = other.is_once and then is_process_relative = other.is_process_relative and then is_object_relative_once = other.is_object_relative_once and then enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position = other.enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position and then is_constant = other.is_constant and then is_stable = other.is_stable and then is_transient = other.is_transient and then same_aliases (other) and then has_convert_mark = other.has_convert_mark and then assigner_name_id = other.assigner_name_id and then has_property = other.has_property and then (has_property implies property_name.is_equal (other.property_name)) and then has_property_getter = other.has_property_getter and then has_property_setter = other.has_property_setter and then is_ghost = other.is_ghost and then (if attached assert_id_set as s then s.same_as (other.assert_id_set) else not attached other.assert_id_set end) -- Test whether emptiness of a default rescue feature has changed. and then (rout_id_set.first = System.default_rescue_rout_id implies is_empty = other.is_empty) -- Test whether emptiness of a default create feature has changed. and then (rout_id_set.first = System.default_create_rout_id implies is_empty = other.is_empty) end select_table_equiv (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Incrementality of select table require good_argument: other /= Void do Result := written_in = other.written_in and then rout_id_set.same_as (other.rout_id_set) and then is_origin = other.is_origin and then body_index = other.body_index and then type.is_safe_equivalent (other.type) end is_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is feature still valid? -- Incrementality: The types of arguments and/or result -- are still defined in system do Result := type.is_valid if Result and then has_arguments then Result := arguments.is_valid end end same_class_type (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Has `other' same resulting type than Current ? require good_argument: other /= Void same_names: other.feature_name_id = feature_name_id do Result := type.same_as (other.type) end same_interface (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Has `other' same interface than Current ? -- [Semantics for second pass is `old_feat.same_interface (new)'] require good_argument: other /= Void do Result := -- Still an attribute. is_attribute = other.is_attribute and then -- Same alias. same_aliases (other) and then has_convert_mark = other.has_convert_mark and then -- Same assigner procedure. assigner_name_id = other.assigner_name_id and then -- Same return type. type.same_as (other.type) and then -- Same arguments if any. argument_count = other.argument_count and then (argument_count /= 0 implies arguments.same_interface (other.arguments)) and then -- Still a once. is_once = other.is_once and then -- Still the same kind of once. is_process_or_thread_relative_once = other.is_process_or_thread_relative_once and then is_process_relative = other.is_process_relative and then is_object_relative_once = other.is_object_relative_once and then -- Of the same stability. is_stable = other.is_stable and then -- Of the same use of current object. is_class = other.is_class and then -- Of the same volatility. is_transient = other.is_transient and then -- Of the same ghost status. is_ghost = other.is_ghost end feature -- creation of default rescue clause create_default_rescue (def_resc_name_id: INTEGER) -- Create default_rescue clause if necessary require valid_feature_name_id : def_resc_name_id > 0 local my_body : like body do if not (is_attribute or is_constant or is_external or is_deferred) then my_body := body if my_body /= Void then my_body.create_default_rescue (def_resc_name_id) end end end feature -- Type id written_type (class_type: CLASS_TYPE): CLASS_TYPE -- Written type of feature in context of -- type `class_type'. require good_argument: class_type /= Void conformance: class_type.associated_class.conform_to (written_class) do Result := written_class.meta_type (class_type) end feature -- Conveniences assert_id_set: ASSERT_ID_SET -- Assertions to which procedure belongs to -- (To be redefined in PROCEDURE_I). do -- Do nothing end is_obsolete: BOOLEAN -- Is Current feature obsolete? do Result := obsolete_message /= Void end has_arguments: BOOLEAN -- Has current feature some formal arguments ? do Result := arguments /= Void end has_separate_arguments: BOOLEAN -- Has current feature some arguments of separate type? do if attached arguments as a then Result := across a as c some c.item.is_separate end end end is_replicated: BOOLEAN -- Is Current feature conceptually replicated? do -- Do nothing end is_routine: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a routine ? do -- Do nothing end is_function: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a function ? do -- Do nothing end is_type_feature: BOOLEAN -- Is current an instance of TYPE_FEATURE_I? do -- Do nothing end is_attribute: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature an attribute ? do -- Do nothing end is_constant: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a constant ? do -- Do nothing end is_once: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a once one ? do -- Do nothing end is_process_or_thread_relative_once: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a once per thread or per process feature? do Result := is_once and then not is_object_relative_once end is_thread_relative_once: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a once per object feature? do Result := is_process_or_thread_relative_once and not is_process_relative end is_object_relative_once: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a once per object feature? do -- Do nothing end is_once_creation (c: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is it a creation procedure in a once class `c`? do -- False by default. end is_do: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a do one ? do -- Do nothing end is_deferred: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a deferred one ? do -- Do nothing end is_unique: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a unique constant ? do -- Do nothing end is_external: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature an external one ? do -- Do nothing end has_return_value: BOOLEAN -- Does current return a value? do Result := is_constant or is_attribute or is_function ensure validity: Result implies (is_constant or is_attribute or is_function) end has_code: BOOLEAN -- Does the feature has its own or inherited code (in the form of assertions or body)? do -- False by default. end frozen is_il_external: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature an IL external one? do Result := attached {IL_EXTENSION_I} extension or else attached {CONSTANT_I} Current as c and then c.written_class.is_external ensure not_is_c_external: Result implies not is_c_external end frozen is_c_external: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a C external one? do Result := attached extension as e and then (not e.is_il and not e.is_built_in) ensure not_is_il_external: Result implies not is_il_external end is_process_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is feature process-wide (rather than thread-local)? -- (Usually applies to once routines.) do -- False by default end is_stable: BOOLEAN -- Is feature stable, i.e. cannot be a target of an assignment with void value? -- (Usually applies to queries.) do Result := feature_flags & is_stable_mask = is_stable_mask end is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack: BOOLEAN -- Is feature hidden in debugger call stack tool? do if attached written_class as cl and then cl.is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack then Result := True else Result := feature_flags & is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack_mask = is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack_mask end end is_transient: BOOLEAN -- Is feature transient, i.e. never stored in storables? -- (Usually applies to attributes.) do -- False by default end is_hidden: BOOLEAN -- Is attribute hidden for implementation purpose -- such as once per object's attributes. -- (Usually applies to attributes.) do -- False by default end has_non_object_call: BOOLEAN -- Is there a non-object call in the feature? -- See also: `has_immediate_non_object_call`, `has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion`. do Result := has_immediate_non_object_call or else attached assert_id_set as a and then a.has_non_object_call end has_immediate_non_object_call: BOOLEAN -- Is there a non-object call in the feature without taking inherited assertions into account? -- See also: `set_immediate_has_non_object_call`, `has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion`. do Result := feature_flags & has_non_object_call_mask /= 0 end has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion: BOOLEAN -- Is there a non-object call in the immediate routine precondition or postcondition? -- See also: `set_immediate_has_non_object_call_in_assertion`, `has_immediate_non_object_call`. do Result := feature_flags & has_non_object_call_in_assertion_mask /= 0 end has_unqualified_call_in_assertion: BOOLEAN -- Is there an unqualified call in the feature assertion? -- See also: `has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion`. do Result := has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion or else attached assert_id_set as a and then a.has_unqualified_call end has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion: BOOLEAN -- Is there an unqualfiied object call in the immediate routine precondition or postcondition? -- See also: `set_has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion`, `has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion`. do Result := feature_flags & has_unqualified_call_in_assertion_mask /= 0 end has_immediate_class_postcondition: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have an immediate class postcondition? -- (There could also be inherited class postconditions not reported by this query.) -- See also: `set_has_immediate_class_postcondition`, `has_class_postcondition`. do Result := feature_flags & has_class_postcondition_mask /= 0 end has_class_postcondition: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have a (immediate or inherited) class postcondition? -- See also: `has_immediate_class_postcondition`, `is_class`. do Result := has_immediate_class_postcondition or else attached assert_id_set as a and then a.has_class_postcondition or else attached extension as e and then e.is_static and then not has_unqualified_call_in_assertion end frozen is_class: BOOLEAN -- Is feature declared as a class one? -- See also: `has_class_postcondition`, `is_target_free`. do -- A feature is a class one if it has a class postcondition. Result := has_class_postcondition ensure true_if_has_immediate_class_postcondition: has_immediate_class_postcondition implies Result true_if_has_inherited_class_postcondition: attached assert_id_set as a and then a.has_class_postcondition implies Result true_if_safe_constant: is_constant and then not has_unqualified_call_in_assertion implies Result true_if_safe_static_external: attached extension as e and then e.is_static and not has_unqualified_call_in_assertion implies Result end is_target_free: BOOLEAN -- Does the feature depend on the target type of the call? -- (It can be a class feature, but depend on the target type.) -- See also: `is_class`. do -- IL externals have no unqualified calls if they do not need current object. Result := attached extension as e and then e.is_static and then not has_unqualified_call_in_assertion ensure true_if_safe_constant: is_constant and then not has_unqualified_call_in_assertion implies Result true_if_safe_static_external: attached extension as e and then e.is_static and not has_unqualified_call_in_assertion implies Result end frozen has_precondition: BOOLEAN -- Is feature declaring some preconditions ? do Result := feature_flags & has_precondition_mask = has_precondition_mask end frozen has_postcondition: BOOLEAN -- Is feature declaring some postconditions ? do Result := feature_flags & has_postcondition_mask = has_postcondition_mask end frozen has_false_postcondition: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have a false postcondition? do Result := feature_flags & has_false_postcondition_mask = has_false_postcondition_mask end frozen is_failing: BOOLEAN -- Does feature fail? -- (This usually happens when the feature or its ancestor version has a postcondition "false".) do Result := has_false_postcondition or else (attached assert_id_set as a and then a.has_false_postcondition) end has_printable_assertion: BOOLEAN -- Is feature declaring some pre or post conditions that can be output? do Result := has_postcondition or else has_precondition or else has_immediate_class_postcondition end has_combined_assertion: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have combined precondition or combined postcondition? do Result :=has_precondition or else has_postcondition or else attached assert_id_set as a and then (a.has_precondition or else a.has_postcondition) end frozen is_require_else: BOOLEAN -- Is precondition block of feature a redefined one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_require_else_mask = is_require_else_mask end frozen is_ensure_then: BOOLEAN -- Is postcondition block of feature a redefined one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_ensure_then_mask = is_ensure_then_mask end frozen is_fake_inline_agent: BOOLEAN -- Is postcondition block of feature a redefined one ? do Result := feature_flags & is_fake_inline_agent_mask = is_fake_inline_agent_mask end frozen has_rescue_clause: BOOLEAN -- Has rescue clause ? do Result := feature_flags & has_rescue_clause_mask = has_rescue_clause_mask end is_invariant: BOOLEAN -- Is this feature the invariant feature of its eiffel class ? do Result := False end can_be_encapsulated: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature a feature that can be encapsulated? -- Eg: attribute or constant. do end redefinable: BOOLEAN -- Is feature redefinable ? do Result := not is_frozen end undefinable: BOOLEAN -- Is feature undefinable ? do Result := redefinable end has_property: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have an associated property? do Result := feature_flags & has_property_mask = has_property_mask end has_property_getter: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have an associated property getter? do Result := feature_flags & has_property_getter_mask = has_property_getter_mask end has_property_setter: BOOLEAN -- Does feature have an associated property setter? do Result := feature_flags & has_property_setter_mask = has_property_setter_mask end type: TYPE_A -- Result type of feature do Result := void_type ensure type_not_void: Result /= Void end set_type (t: like type; a: like assigner_name_id) -- Assign `t' to `type' and `a' to `assigner_name_id'. require t_not_void: t /= Void valid_a: a /= 0 implies names_heap.valid_index (a) do -- Do nothing ensure type_set: type ~ t end arguments: FEAT_ARG -- Argument types do -- No arguments end set_arguments (args: like arguments) -- Assign `args' to arguments. do end set_assert_id_set (set: like assert_id_set) -- Assign `set' to assert_id_set. do -- Do nothing end argument_count: INTEGER -- Number of arguments of feature do if arguments /= Void then Result := arguments.count end end written_class: CLASS_C -- Class where feature is written in require good_written_in: written_in /= 0 do Result := System.class_of_id (written_in) ensure written_class_not_void: Result /= Void end access_class: CLASS_C -- Class where current feature can be accessed -- through its routine id. -- Useful for replication require access_in_positive: access_in > 0 do Result := System.class_of_id (access_in) ensure written_class_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report is_valid_case (c: CLASS_C; t: TYPE_A): BOOLEAN -- Does the feature accessed on a type with a base class `c` represent a case value compatible with an inspect expression of type `t`? do -- False by default. end feature -- Access: code generation case_value (c: CLASS_C; t: TYPE_A): INTERVAL_VAL_B -- A value of the feature accessed on a type of a base class `c` in a multi-branch construct for an expression of type `t`. require is_valid_case (c, t) do check from_precondition: False then end end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Conveniences property_name: STRING -- IL property name. do if byte_server.has (body_index) then Result := byte_server.item (body_index).property_name end if Result = Void or else Result.is_empty then -- Explicit property name is not specified Result := il_casing.pascal_casing (system.dotnet_naming_convention, feature_name, {IL_CASING_CONVERSION}.lower_case) end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end obsolete_message: STRING -- Obsolete message -- (Void if Current is not obsolete) do -- Do nothing end feature -- Export checking -- has_special_export: BOOLEAN is -- -- The export status is special, i.e. feature -- -- is not exported to all other classes. -- -- A call to this feature must be recorded specially -- -- in dependances for incrementality purpose: -- -- If hierarchy changes, call may be invalid. -- require -- has_export_status: export_status /= Void -- do -- Result := not export_status.is_all -- end is_exported_for (client: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is current feature exported to class `client' ? require good_argument: client /= Void has_export_status: export_status /= Void do Result := export_status.valid_for (client) if not Result then -- We need to check that `Current' is non-conformally inherited by `client'. if attached client.non_conforming_parents_classes as l_ncp_classes then Result := ∃ c: l_ncp_classes ¦ export_status.valid_for (c) end end end record_suppliers (feat_depend: FEATURE_DEPENDANCE) -- Record suppliers ids in `feat_depend' require good_arg: feat_depend /= Void local type_a: TYPE_A do -- Create the supplier set for the feature. if attached type as t then if t.has_associated_class then feat_depend.add_supplier (t.base_class) end t.update_dependance (feat_depend) end if attached arguments as a then across a as argument loop type_a := argument.item if type_a.has_associated_class then feat_depend.add_supplier (type_a.base_class) end end end end suppliers: TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [INTEGER] -- Class ids of all suppliers of feature local class_dependance: detachable CLASS_DEPENDANCE do class_dependance := depend_server.item (written_in) if class_dependance /= Void then -- We have a class dependence so we must have been successfully type checked -- from a previous compilation. Result := class_dependance.item (body_index).suppliers else -- We have not yet been typed checked so we return an empty set. create Result.make end end feature -- Check real_body: BODY_AS -- Body of feature local feat_as: FEATURE_AS l_enclosing_feature: FEATURE_I do if not is_inline_agent then feat_as := body if feat_as /= Void then Result := feat_as.body end else if not is_fake_inline_agent then l_enclosing_feature := enclosing_feature if l_enclosing_feature.is_invariant then Result := inline_agent_lookup.lookup_inline_agent_of_invariant ( inv_ast_server.item (written_in), inline_agent_nr) else Result := inline_agent_lookup.lookup_inline_agent_of_feature ( l_enclosing_feature.body, inline_agent_nr) end end end end body: FEATURE_AS -- Body of feature require not_is_inline_agent: not is_inline_agent local bid: INTEGER do bid := body_index if bid > 0 then -- We need to check this flag as it tells whether or not we really have replication. -- A typical case is {BILINEAR}.sequential_search does not get a new FEATURE_AS -- in BILINEAR and the its FEATURE_AS has to be found in LINEAR. if has_replicated_ast then Result := body_server.item (access_in, bid) else Result := body_server.item (written_in, bid) end end end -- Note: `require else' can be used even if feature has no -- precursor. There is no problem to raise an error in normal case, -- only case where we cannot do anything is when aliases are used -- and one name references a feature with a predecessor and not -- other one -- Used to be called from `type_check': -- -- check_assertions is -- -- Raise an error if "require else" or "ensure then" is used -- -- but feature has no ancestor -- do -- end feature -- IL code generation generate_il -- Generate IL code for current feature. local byte_code: BYTE_CODE do if not is_attribute and then not is_c_external and not is_il_external then byte_code := Byte_server.disk_item (body_index) byte_context.set_byte_code (byte_code) byte_context.set_current_feature (Current) byte_code.generate_il byte_context.clear_feature_data end end custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Custom attributes of Current if any. do if not is_attribute and not is_c_external and not is_il_external and then Byte_server.has (body_index) and then attached Byte_server.item (body_index) as byte_code then Result := byte_code.custom_attributes end end class_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Class custom attributes of Current if any. do if not is_attribute and then not is_external and then not is_il_external and then Byte_server.has (body_index) and then attached Byte_server.item (body_index) as byte_code then Result := byte_code.class_custom_attributes end end interface_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Interface custom attributes of Current if any. do if not is_attribute and then not is_external and then not is_il_external and then Byte_server.has (body_index) and then attached Byte_server.item (body_index) as byte_code then Result := byte_code.interface_custom_attributes end end property_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Custom attributes of Current if any. do if Byte_server.has (body_index) then Result := Byte_server.item (body_index).property_custom_attributes end end feature -- Byte code computation melt (a_class_type: CLASS_TYPE) -- Generate byte code for current feature -- [To be redefined in CONSTANT_I, ATTRIBUTE_I and in EXTERNAL_I]. require class_type_not_void: a_class_type /= Void local byte_code: BYTE_CODE l_byte_context: like byte_context melted_feature: MELT_FEATURE l_real_body_index: INTEGER do byte_code := Byte_server.disk_item (body_index) prepare_object_relative_once (byte_code) l_byte_context := byte_context l_byte_context.set_byte_code (byte_code) l_byte_context.set_current_feature (Current) l_real_body_index := real_body_index (a_class_type) Byte_array.clear byte_code.set_real_body_id (l_real_body_index) byte_code.make_byte_code (Byte_array) byte_context.clear_feature_data melted_feature := Byte_array.melted_feature melted_feature.set_real_body_id (l_real_body_index) if not System.freeze then Tmp_m_feature_server.put (melted_feature) end Execution_table.mark_melted (body_index, a_class_type) end feature -- Polymorphism new_poly_table (rout_id: INTEGER): POLY_TABLE [ENTRY] -- New polymorphic table require positive_rout_id: rout_id > 0 valid_rout_id: rout_id_set.has (rout_id) local seed: FEATURE_I do if not is_attribute or else not Routine_id_counter.is_attribute (rout_id) then -- This is a routine. -- The seed is a routine as well. create {ROUT_TABLE} Result.make (rout_id) else seed := system.seed_of_routine_id (rout_id) if seed.has_formal then -- This is an attribute with a seed of a formal generic type that may become expanded. create {GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE} Result.make (rout_id, True) elseif not seed.type.actual_type.is_expanded then -- This is an attribute with a seed of a non-expanded type that may require initialization. create {GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE} Result.make (rout_id, False) else -- This is an attribute with a seed that is not of a formal generic type. create {ATTR_TABLE [ATTR_ENTRY]} Result.make (rout_id) end end end new_entry (context_type: CLASS_TYPE; rout_id: INTEGER; is_class_deferred: BOOLEAN; class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): ENTRY -- New polymorphic unit for the version of routine ID `rout_id` in the context type `class_type` of the class of ID `class_id` -- that is deferred or not according to `is_class_deferred`. require rout_id_not_void: rout_id /= 0 rout_id_valid: rout_id_set.has (rout_id) local r: like new_rout_entry do if not is_attribute or else not Routine_id_counter.is_attribute (rout_id) then Result := new_rout_entry (context_type, is_class_deferred, class_id) elseif byte_context.workbench_mode or else has_formal then r := new_rout_entry (context_type, is_class_deferred, class_id) r.set_is_attribute Result := r else Result := new_attr_entry (context_type, is_class_deferred, class_id) end end rout_entry_type: ROUT_ENTRY -- A type to be returned by `new_rout_entry`. require false do check from_precondition: false then end ensure class false end new_rout_entry (t: CLASS_TYPE; d: BOOLEAN; c: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): like rout_entry_type -- New routine unit for a target type `t` of the class of ID `c` -- that is deferred according to `d`. require valid_class_id: system.has_existing_class_of_id (c) known_class: attached system.class_of_id (c) as compiled_class known_invariant: is_invariant implies compiled_class.invariant_feature.feature_id = feature_id known_feature: not is_invariant implies attached compiled_class.feature_of_feature_id (feature_id) consistent_target_type: t.associated_class.class_id = c consistent_deferred_status: compiled_class.is_deferred = d local access_class_id: like access_in access_type_id: INTEGER written_type_id: INTEGER entry_written_type: CLASS_TYPE do entry_written_type := written_class.meta_type (t) written_type_id := entry_written_type.type_id if has_replicated_ast then -- If AST has been replicated, then we must use `access_in' -- as this is the new written in value. access_class_id := access_in access_type_id := access_class.meta_type (t).type_id else access_class_id := written_in access_type_id := written_type_id end create Result.make (result_type_in (t), t.type_id, feature_id, is_deferred, body_index, pattern_table.c_pattern_id_in (pattern_id, entry_written_type), access_type_id, access_class_id, written_in, d, c) end new_attr_entry (t: CLASS_TYPE; d: BOOLEAN; c: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): ATTR_ENTRY -- New attribute unit for a target type `t` of the class of ID `c` -- that is deferred according to `d`. require is_attribute: is_attribute valid_class_id: system.has_existing_class_of_id (c) known_class: attached system.class_of_id (c) as compiled_class known_feature: attached compiled_class.feature_of_feature_id (feature_id) consistent_target_type: t.associated_class.class_id = c consistent_deferred_status: compiled_class.is_deferred = d do create Result.make (result_type_in (t), t.type_id, feature_id, d, c) end poly_equiv (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' equivalent to Current from polymorphic table -- implementation point of view ? require good_argument: other /= Void local is_attr: BOOLEAN do is_attr := is_attribute Result := other.is_attribute = is_attr and then type.actual_type.same_as (other.type.actual_type) if Result then if is_attr then Result := feature_id = other.feature_id else Result := written_in = other.written_in and then body_index = other.body_index and then pattern_id = other.pattern_id end end end feature -- Signature instantiation instantiated (parent_type: TYPE_A): FEATURE_I -- Instantiated signature in context of `parent_type'. require good_argument: parent_type /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER old_type, new_type: TYPE_A l_arguments: like arguments do Result := Current -- Instantiation of the type old_type := type new_type := old_type.instantiated_in (parent_type) if new_type /= old_type then Result := twin Result.set_type (new_type, assigner_name_id) end -- Use `Current' arguments. l_arguments := arguments -- Instantiation of the arguments from i := 1 if l_arguments /= Void then nb := l_arguments.count end until i > nb loop old_type := l_arguments.i_th (i) new_type := old_type.instantiated_in (parent_type) if old_type /= new_type then if Result.arguments = arguments then if Result = Current then Result := twin end Result.set_arguments (arguments.twin) l_arguments := Result.arguments end l_arguments.put_i_th (new_type, i) end i := i + 1 end end instantiation_in (descendant_type: TYPE_A): FEATURE_I -- Instantiated signature in context of `descendant_type'. require good_argument: descendant_type /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER old_type, new_type: TYPE_A l_arguments: like arguments l_written_in: like written_in do Result := Current l_written_in := written_in -- Instantiation of the type old_type := type new_type := old_type.instantiation_in (descendant_type, l_written_in) if new_type /= old_type then Result := twin Result.set_type (new_type, assigner_name_id) end l_arguments := arguments -- Instantiation of the arguments from i := 1 if l_arguments /= Void then nb := l_arguments.count end until i > nb loop old_type := l_arguments.i_th (i) new_type := old_type.instantiation_in (descendant_type, l_written_in) if new_type /= old_type then if Result.arguments = arguments then if Result = Current then Result := twin end Result.set_arguments (arguments.twin) l_arguments := Result.arguments end l_arguments.put_i_th (new_type, i) end i := i + 1 end end result_type_in (t: CLASS_TYPE): TYPE_A -- Result type adapted to the target type `t`. local base_type: CL_TYPE_A do Result := type if Result.is_like_current then -- We need to instantiate `like Current' in the context of `class_type' -- to fix eweasel test#exec035. -- Associated actual type is always attached. -- Use the basic version of the class type if available. base_type := t.basic_type if not attached base_type then -- Otherwise, use the regular version of the class type. base_type := t.type end Result := Result.instantiated_in (base_type.as_attached_in (t.associated_class)) end end feature -- Signature checking check_argument_names (feat_table: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Check argument names require argument_names_exists: arguments.argument_names /= Void written_in_class: written_in = feat_table.feat_tbl_id or else is_replicated_directly -- The feature must be written in the associated class -- of `feat_table'. local args: like arguments arg_id: INTEGER vreg: VREG vrfa: VRFA vpir: VPIR1 i, nb: INTEGER do from args := arguments i := 1 nb := args.count until i > nb loop arg_id := args.item_id (i) -- Searching to find after the current item another one -- with the same name. -- We do `i + 1' for the start index because we need to go -- one step further (+ 1) if args.argument_position_id (arg_id, i + 1) /= 0 then -- Two arguments with the same name. create vreg vreg.set_class (written_class) vreg.set_feature (Current) vreg.set_entity_name (Names_heap.item (arg_id)) if attached argument_ast (args.argument_position_id (arg_id, i + 1)) as location then vreg.set_location (location) end Error_handler.insert_error (vreg) end if feat_table.has_id (arg_id) then -- An argument name is a feature name of the feature table. create vrfa vrfa.set_class (written_class) vrfa.set_feature (Current) vrfa.set_other_feature (feat_table.found_item) if attached argument_ast (i) as location then vrfa.set_location (location) end Error_handler.insert_error (vrfa) end if context.is_name_used (arg_id) then -- An argument name is an argument name of an enclosing feature. create vpir vpir.set_entity_name (arg_id) vpir.set_class (written_class) vpir.set_feature (Current) if attached argument_ast (i) as location then vpir.set_location (location) end Error_handler.insert_error (vpir) end i := i + 1 end end delayed_check_types (t: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Same as `check_types' except that if one type of the feature signature cannot be evaluated rigth now, -- the corresponding action is recorded for future evaluation. require t_attached: attached t is_context_initialized_for_t: context.current_class = t.associated_class do do_check_types (t, True) if is_type_evaluation_delayed then tmp_feature_server.delay (Current) degree_4.put_action ( agent require is_context_initialized: attached system.current_class as sc and then attached sc.feature_table as sft and then context.current_class = sft.associated_class do if attached system.current_class as c and then attached c.feature_table as ft then check_types (ft) end end ) end end nested_check_types (c: CLASS_C) -- local old_current_class: CLASS_C do if is_type_evaluation_delayed and then not type_a_checker.is_delayed then -- Evaluate types now to get correct actual type (see test#valid284). old_current_class := context.current_class system.set_current_class (c) context.initialize (c, c.actual_type) -- Update feature type. check_types (c.feature_table) -- Restore context state. context.initialize (old_current_class, old_current_class.actual_type) system.set_current_class (old_current_class) end end check_types (feat_table: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Check type and arguments types. The objective is -- to deal with anchored types and genericity. All anchored -- types are interpreted here and generic parameter -- instantiated if possible. -- Make sure that `context' is already initialized for `feat_table' before calling. require feat_table_attached: attached feat_table is_context_initialized_for_feat_table: context.current_class = feat_table.associated_class do do_check_types (feat_table, False) end check_type_validity (a_context_class: CLASS_C) -- Check type validity. require context_class_not_void: a_context_class /= Void context_initialized: context.current_class = a_context_class and context.current_feature = Current local l_type: TYPE_A do if a_context_class.changed then -- Generic types tracking -- This needs to be called for all features update_instantiator2 (a_context_class) end if a_context_class.class_id = written_in then l_type := type -- We only need to check the features that are actually defined in the current class -- as inherited features should already have been checked. type_a_checker.init_with_feature_table ( Current, a_context_class.feature_table, error_handler) if not l_type.is_void then type_a_checker.check_type_validity (l_type, Void) end if arguments /= Void then -- Check types of arguments arguments.check_type_validity (a_context_class, Current, type_a_checker, False) end -- If an attribute is transient, then we cannot accept it if it is a formal type, -- a user defined expanded or an attached type. The first and last restrictions -- are definitely a language restriction, the other is a limitation in our -- implementation at the runtime level. if is_transient and then (l_type.is_formal or l_type.is_true_expanded or (not l_type.is_expanded and l_type.is_attached)) then error_handler.insert_error (create {VRVA}.make_invalid_type (Current, a_context_class, written_class, l_type)) end end -- For an inherited attributem we make sure that it is not inherited in a user defined -- expanded class as our runtime would not cope properly with that (i.e. it needs all -- attributes, not just a subset). if is_transient and then (a_context_class.is_expanded and not a_context_class.is_basic) then error_handler.insert_error (create {VRVA}.make_invalid_context (Current, a_context_class, written_class)) end end check_expanded (class_c: CLASS_C) -- Check expanded validity rules require class_c_not_void: class_c /= Void type /= Void local solved_type: TYPE_A vtec: VTEC do debug ("CHECK_EXPANDED") io.error.put_string ("Check expanded of ") io.error.put_string (feature_name) io.error.put_new_line end if class_c.class_id = written_in then -- Check validity of an expanded result type -- `set_type' has been called in `check_types' so -- the reverse assignment is valid. solved_type := type.actual_type if solved_type.has_expanded then if solved_type.expanded_deferred then create {VTEC1} vtec elseif not solved_type.valid_expanded_creation (class_c) then create {VTEC2} vtec elseif system.il_generation and then not solved_type.is_ancestor_valid then -- Expanded type cannot be based on a class with external ancestor. create {VTEC3} vtec end if vtec /= Void then -- Report error vtec.set_class (written_class) vtec.set_feature (Current) vtec.set_entity_name (feature_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vtec) end end if solved_type.has_generics then system.expanded_checker.check_actual_type (solved_type) end if arguments /= Void then arguments.check_expanded (class_c, Current) end end end delayed_check_signature (old_feature: FEATURE_I; tbl: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Possibly delayed call to `check_signature'. require old_feature_attached: attached old_feature tbl_attached: attached tbl do if is_type_evaluation_delayed or else old_feature.is_type_evaluation_delayed then degree_4.put_action ( agent (o: FEATURE_I; t: FEATURE_TABLE) do check_signature (o, t) end (old_feature, tbl) ) else check_signature (old_feature, tbl) end end check_signature (old_feature: FEATURE_I; tbl: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Check signature conformance beetween Current -- and inherited feature in `inherit_info' from which Current -- is a redefinition. require old_feature_not_void: old_feature /= Void tbl_not_void: tbl /= Void local old_type, new_type: TYPE_A i, arg_count: INTEGER old_arguments: like arguments current_class: CLASS_C vdrd51: VDRD51 vdrd52: VDRD52 vdrd53: VDRD53 vdrd6: VDRD6 vdrd7: VDRD7 ve02: VE02 l_vtug: VTUG do debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Check signature of ") io.error.put_string (feature_name) io.error.put_new_line end current_class := System.current_class -- Check if an attribute is redefined in an attribute -- of the same expandedness status if old_feature.is_attribute and then (not is_attribute or else old_feature.type.is_expanded /= type.is_expanded or else old_feature.type.is_reference /= type.is_reference) then create vdrd6 vdrd6.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (vdrd6) end -- Check if an effective feature is not redefined in a -- non-effective feature if (not old_feature.is_deferred) and then is_deferred then create vdrd7 vdrd7.set_class (current_class) vdrd7.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (vdrd7) end old_type := old_feature.type.actual_argument_type (special_arguments).actual_type -- `new_type' is the actual type of the redefinition already -- instantiated new_type := type.actual_type debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Types:%N") if old_type /= Void then io.error.put_string ("old type:%N") io.error.put_string (old_type.dump) io.error.put_new_line end if new_type /= Void then io.error.put_string ("new type:%N") io.error.put_string (new_type.dump) io.error.put_new_line else io.error.put_string ("New type: VOID%Ntype:") io.error.put_string (type.dump) io.error.put_new_line io.error.put_string (type.out) io.error.put_new_line end io.error.put_new_line end if not new_type.good_generics then l_vtug := new_type.error_generics l_vtug.set_class (current_class) l_vtug.set_feature (Current) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtug) elseif not new_type.conform_to (current_class, old_type) then create vdrd51 vdrd51.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (vdrd51) elseif is_attribute and then new_type.is_expanded /= old_type.is_expanded then create ve02 ve02.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (ve02) end -- Check the argument count if argument_count = old_feature.argument_count then -- Check the argument conformance from i := 1 arg_count := argument_count old_arguments := old_feature.arguments until i > arg_count loop old_type := old_arguments.i_th (i) old_type := old_type.actual_argument_type (special_arguments).actual_type new_type := arguments.i_th (i).actual_type debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Types:%N") if old_type /= Void then io.error.put_string ("old type:%N") io.error.put_string (old_type.dump) io.error.put_new_line end if new_type /= Void then io.error.put_string ("new type:%N") io.error.put_string (new_type.dump) io.error.put_new_line end io.error.put_new_line end if not new_type.good_generics then l_vtug := new_type.error_generics l_vtug.set_class (current_class) l_vtug.set_feature (Current) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtug) elseif not new_type.conform_to (current_class, old_type) then create vdrd53 vdrd53.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (vdrd53) end i := i + 1 end else create vdrd52 vdrd52.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (vdrd52) end -- Check aliases. if not is_same_alias (old_feature) then -- Report that aliases are not the same. Error_handler.insert_error (create {VDRD7_NEW}.make (system.current_class, Current, old_feature)) end -- Check assigner procedure. if not is_same_assigner (old_feature, tbl) then -- Report that assigner commands are not the same. Error_handler.insert_error (create {VDRD8_NEW}.make (system.current_class, Current, old_feature)) end -- Check type. if ((attached old_type.conformance_type.base_class as b and then b.is_once) or else (attached new_type.conformance_type.base_class as b and then b.is_once)) and then not new_type.same_as (old_type) then -- Report that feature types are not the same. Error_handler.insert_error (create {VDRD9_NEW}.make (system.current_class, Current, old_feature)) end end delayed_check_same_signature (old_feature: FEATURE_I; t: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Check that the signature of the current feature is the same as the signature of `old_feature' -- using the feature table `t'. require old_feature_attached: attached old_feature t_attached: attached t do if is_type_evaluation_delayed or else old_feature.is_type_evaluation_delayed then degree_4.put_action ( agent (f: FEATURE_I; ft: FEATURE_TABLE) do -- Evaluate signature of the old feature in the context of the new feature table. f.solve_types (ft) -- Check same signature for different features. check_same_signature (f) end (old_feature, t) ) else -- Evaluate signature of the old feature in the context of the new feature table. old_feature.solve_types (t) -- Check same signature for different features. check_same_signature (old_feature) end end check_same_signature (old_feature: FEATURE_I) -- Check signature equality beetween Current -- and inherited feature in `inherit_info' from which Current -- is a join. require good_argument: old_feature /= Void is_deferred old_feature.is_deferred local old_type, new_type: TYPE_A i, arg_count: INTEGER old_arguments: like arguments vdjr: VDJR vdjr1: VDJR1 vdjr2: VDJR2 do -- Check the result type conformance -- `old_type' is the instantiated inherited type in the -- context of the class where the join takes place: -- i.e the class relative to `access_in'. old_type := old_feature.type -- `new_type' is the actual type of the join already -- instantiated new_type := type if not new_type.is_safe_equivalent (old_type) then create vdjr1 vdjr1.init (old_feature, Current) vdjr1.set_type (new_type) vdjr1.set_old_type (old_type) Error_handler.insert_error (vdjr1) end -- Check the argument count if argument_count = old_feature.argument_count then -- Check the argument equality from i := 1 arg_count := argument_count old_arguments := old_feature.arguments until i > arg_count loop old_type := old_arguments.i_th (i) new_type := arguments.i_th (i) if not new_type.is_safe_equivalent (old_type) then create vdjr2 vdjr2.init (old_feature, Current) vdjr2.set_type (new_type) vdjr2.set_old_type (old_type) vdjr2.set_argument_number (i) Error_handler.insert_error (vdjr2) end i := i + 1 end else create vdjr vdjr.init (old_feature, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (vdjr) end -- Check aliases if not is_same_alias (old_feature) then -- Report that aliases are not the same Error_handler.insert_error (create {VDJR2_NEW}.make (system.current_class, Current, old_feature)) end end special_arguments: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] local i, nb: INTEGER do from fixme ("we should resolve argument types early on in `init_arg' from PROCEDURE_I") nb := argument_count create Result.make (nb) i := 1 nb := nb + 1 until i = nb loop Result.extend (arguments.i_th (i).actual_type) i := i + 1 end end has_same_il_signature (a_parent_type, a_written_type: CL_TYPE_A; old_feature: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Is current feature defined in `a_written_type' same as `old_feature' -- defined in `a_parent_type'? require a_parent_type_not_void: a_parent_type /= Void a_written_type_not_void: a_written_type /= Void old_feature_not_void: old_feature /= Void il_generation: System.il_generation local old_type, new_type: TYPE_A i, arg_count: INTEGER old_arguments: like arguments do old_type := old_feature.type old_type := old_type.actual_argument_type (special_arguments). instantiation_in (a_written_type, a_written_type.class_id).actual_type new_type := type.actual_type -- Check exact match of signature for IL generation. Result := old_type.same_as (new_type) -- Check the argument conformance from i := 1 arg_count := argument_count old_arguments := old_feature.arguments until i > arg_count loop old_type := old_arguments.i_th (i) old_type := old_type.actual_argument_type (special_arguments). instantiation_in (a_written_type, a_written_type.class_id).actual_type new_type := arguments.i_th (i).actual_type -- Check exact match of signature for IL generation. Result := Result and then old_type.same_as (new_type) i := i + 1 end end solve_types (feat_tbl: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Evaluates signature types in context of `feat_tbl'. -- | Take care of possible anchored types local l_solved_type: TYPE_A l_area: SPECIAL [TYPE_A] i, nb: INTEGER do type_a_checker.init_with_feature_table (Current, feat_tbl, error_handler) l_solved_type := type_a_checker.check_and_solved (type, Void) check l_solved_type_not_void: l_solved_type /= Void end set_type (l_solved_type, assigner_name_id) if attached arguments as a then from l_area := a.area nb := a.count until i = nb loop l_solved_type := type_a_checker.check_and_solved (l_area [i], Void) check l_solved_type_not_void: l_solved_type /= Void end l_area.put (l_solved_type, i) i := i + 1 end end end same_signature (other: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Has `other' same signature than Current ? require good_argument: other /= Void same_feature_names: feature_name_id = other.feature_name_id local i, nb: INTEGER do if type.is_safe_equivalent (other.type) then from nb := argument_count Result := nb = other.argument_count i := 1 until i > nb or else not Result loop Result := arguments.i_th (i).is_safe_equivalent (other.arguments.i_th (i)) i := i + 1 end end end argument_position (arg_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of argument `arg_id' in list of arguments -- of current feature. 0 if none or not found. require arg_id_not_void: arg_id >= 0 do if arguments /= Void then Result := arguments.argument_position_id (arg_id, 1) end end has_argument_name (arg_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Has current feature an argument named `arg_id" ? require arg_id_positive: arg_id > 0 do if arguments /= Void then Result := arguments.argument_position_id (arg_id, 1) /= 0 end end property_setter_in (class_type: CLASS_TYPE): FEATURE_I -- Find an associated property setter in `class_type'. require class_type_attached: class_type /= Void local f: FEATURE_I do if type.is_void then f := Current elseif assigner_name_id /= 0 then f := written_class.feature_table.item_id (assigner_name_id) else f := ancestor_property_setter_in (class_type.associated_class) end if f /= Void then Result := class_type.associated_class.feature_of_rout_id (f.rout_id_set.first) end ensure result_attached: (type.is_void or else assigner_name_id /= 0) implies Result /= Void end ancestor_property_setter_in (c: CLASS_C): FEATURE_I -- Find an property setter routine in some ancestor class of the class `c'. require c_not_void: c /= Void local parent_classes: FIXED_LIST [CLASS_C] parent_class: CLASS_C routine_id: INTEGER c_id: like origin_class_id f_id: like origin_feature_id do if type.is_void then Result := c.feature_of_rout_id (rout_id_set.first) elseif assigner_name_id /= 0 then Result := written_class.feature_table.item_id (assigner_name_id) else c_id := origin_class_id if c_id = 0 then c_id := written_in f_id := feature_id else f_id := origin_feature_id end routine_id := system.class_of_id (c_id).feature_of_feature_id (f_id).rout_id_set.first parent_classes := c.parents_classes if parent_classes /= Void then from parent_classes.start until parent_classes.after or else Result /= Void loop parent_class := parent_classes.item Result := parent_class.feature_of_rout_id (routine_id) if Result /= Void then Result := Result.ancestor_property_setter_in (parent_class) end parent_classes.forth end end end ensure result_attached: (type.is_void or else assigner_name_id /= 0) implies Result /= Void end delayed_check_assigner (feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Possibly delayed call to `check_assigner'. require feature_table_attached: attached feature_table has_assigner: assigner_name_id /= 0 local assigner: FEATURE_I do if feature_table.feat_tbl_id = written_in then assigner := feature_table.item_id (assigner_name_id) elseif attached written_class.feature_of_name_id (assigner_name_id) as a then assigner := feature_table.feature_of_rout_id (a.rout_id_set.first) end if attached assigner and then (is_type_evaluation_delayed or else assigner.is_type_evaluation_delayed) then degree_4.put_action (agent check_assigner (feature_table)) else check_assigner (feature_table) end end check_assigner (feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE) -- Check if associated assigner is valid. require feature_table_not_void: feature_table /= Void has_assigner: assigner_name_id /= 0 local assigner: FEATURE_I assigner_arguments: like arguments query_arguments: like arguments vfac: VFAC do if feature_table.feat_tbl_id = written_in then -- Lookup feature in `feature_table' as feature table in the current class is not set yet. assigner := feature_table.item_id (assigner_name_id) else assigner := feature_table.feature_of_rout_id (written_class.feature_named (assigner_name).rout_id_set.first) end if assigner = Void or else assigner.has_return_value then create {VFAC1} vfac.make (system.current_class, Current) elseif assigner.argument_count /= argument_count + 1 then create {VFAC2} vfac.make (system.current_class, Current) elseif -- Types may be differ for stable queries in their attachment status, so that an argument type is assignable to a query type. (is_stable and then not (assigner.arguments.first.actual_type.as_attachment_mark_free.same_as (type.actual_type.as_attachment_mark_free) and then assigner.arguments.first.actual_type.conform_to (system.current_class, type.actual_type))) or else -- Types should be the same for non-stable queries. (not is_stable and then not assigner.arguments.first.actual_type.is_safe_equivalent (type.actual_type)) then create {VFAC3} vfac.make (system.current_class, Current) elseif argument_count > 0 then assigner_arguments := assigner.arguments query_arguments := arguments from assigner_arguments.start -- Skip first argument assigner_arguments.forth query_arguments.start until assigner_arguments.after loop if not assigner_arguments.item.actual_type.same_as (query_arguments.item.actual_type) then create {VFAC4} vfac.make (system.current_class, Current) assigner_arguments.finish query_arguments.finish end assigner_arguments.forth query_arguments.forth end end if vfac /= Void then if assigner /= Void then vfac.set_assigner (assigner.api_feature (system.current_class.class_id)) end error_handler.insert_error (vfac) end end feature {NONE} -- Signature checking do_check_types (feat_table: FEATURE_TABLE; is_delayed: BOOLEAN) -- Check type and arguments types. The objective is -- to deal with anchored types and genericity. All anchored -- types are interpreted here and generic parameter -- instantiated if possible. `is_delayed' tells if type -- checking may be delayed because not all feature tables -- are computed. -- Make sure that `context' is already initialized for `feat_table' before calling. require feat_table_attached: attached feat_table is_context_initialized_for_feat_table: context.current_class = feat_table.associated_class local vffd5: VFFD5 vffd6: VFFD6 vffd7: VFFD7 l_class: CLASS_C l_error_level: NATURAL_32 is_immediate: BOOLEAN l_area: SPECIAL [TYPE_A] nb, i: INTEGER do l_class := feat_table.associated_class context.set_current_feature (Current) -- Process an actual type for the feature interpret -- anchored types. type_a_checker.init_with_feature_table (Current, feat_table, error_handler) type_a_checker.set_is_delayed (is_delayed) set_is_type_evaluation_delayed (False) l_error_level := error_handler.error_level if attached type_a_checker.check_and_solved (type, Void) as solved_type then set_type (solved_type, assigner_name_id) -- Instantitate the feature type in the context of the -- actual type of the class associated to `feat_table'. if (is_once and then not is_object_relative_once and not is_constant) and then not solved_type.is_standalone then -- A (non-object-relative) once function cannot have a type with formal generics -- and/or (flexible) anchors. create vffd7 vffd7.set_class (written_class) vffd7.set_feature_name (feature_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vffd7) end if is_once and then system.is_scoop and then is_process_relative and then not solved_type.is_void and then not solved_type.is_separate and then not solved_type.is_expanded then Error_handler.insert_error (create {VFFD8}.make (Current)) end if is_infix and then ((argument_count /= 1) or else (solved_type.is_void)) then -- Infixed features should have only one argument -- and must have a return type. create vffd6 vffd6.set_class (written_class) vffd6.set_feature_name (feature_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vffd6) end if is_prefix and then ((argument_count /= 0) or else (solved_type.is_void)) then -- Prefixed features shouldn't have any argument -- and must have a return type. create vffd5 vffd5.set_class (written_class) vffd5.set_feature_name (feature_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vffd5) end if l_class.class_id = written_in then is_immediate := True type_a_checker.check_type_validity (solved_type, Void) solved_type.check_for_obsolete_class (l_class, Current) end elseif is_delayed then set_is_type_evaluation_delayed (l_error_level = error_handler.error_level) end if attached arguments as a then -- Check types of arguments. from l_area := a.area nb := a.count until i = nb loop -- Process type of an argument. l_error_level := error_handler.error_level if attached type_a_checker.check_and_solved (l_area.item (i), Void) as t then l_area.put (t, i) if is_immediate then type_a_checker.check_type_validity (t, Void) t.check_for_obsolete_class (l_class, Current) end elseif is_delayed then set_is_type_evaluation_delayed (l_error_level = error_handler.error_level) end i := i + 1 end end end feature {NONE} -- AST evaluation argument_ast (n: INTEGER): detachable LEAF_AS -- AST node of an argument of number `n` if available, `Void` otherwise. do if attached match_list_server.item (written_in) as match_list and then attached real_body as body_ast and then attached body_ast.argument_index (n) as argument_index and then match_list.valid_index (argument_index) then Result := match_list [argument_index] end end feature -- Undefinition new_deferred_anchor: DEF_PROC_I -- Type anchor for `new_deferred'. do check False then end ensure used: False -- This feature is used only as an anchor. end new_deferred: like new_deferred_anchor -- New deferred feature for undefinition. require not is_deferred redefinable do create Result Result.set_type (type, assigner_name_id) Result.set_arguments (arguments) Result.set_written_in (written_in) Result.set_origin_feature_id (origin_feature_id) Result.set_origin_class_id (origin_class_id) Result.set_rout_id_set (rout_id_set) Result.set_assert_id_set (assert_id_set) Result.set_is_infix (is_infix) Result.set_is_prefix (is_prefix) Result.set_is_frozen (is_frozen) Result.set_feature_name_id (feature_name_id, alias_name_ids) Result.set_feature_id (feature_id) Result.set_pattern_id (pattern_id) Result.set_is_require_else (is_require_else) Result.set_is_ensure_then (is_ensure_then) Result.set_export_status (export_status) Result.set_body_index (body_index) Result.set_has_precondition (has_precondition) Result.set_has_postcondition (has_postcondition) Result.set_has_immediate_class_postcondition (has_immediate_class_postcondition) Result.set_has_false_postcondition (has_false_postcondition) Result.set_has_immediate_non_object_call (has_immediate_non_object_call) Result.set_has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion (has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion) Result.set_has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion (has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion) Result.set_is_bracket (is_bracket) Result.set_is_parentheses (is_parentheses) Result.set_is_binary (is_binary) Result.set_is_unary (is_unary) Result.set_has_convert_mark (has_convert_mark) Result.set_has_rescue_clause (has_rescue_clause) Result.set_is_type_evaluation_delayed (is_type_evaluation_delayed) Result.set_has_replicated_ast (has_replicated_ast) Result.set_is_ghost (is_ghost) ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void Result_is_deferred: Result.is_deferred end new_rout_id: INTEGER -- New routine id do Result := Routine_id_counter.next_rout_id end Routine_id_counter: ROUTINE_COUNTER -- Routine id counter once Result := System.routine_id_counter end feature -- Replication code_id: INTEGER -- Code id for inheritance analysis do Result := body_index end set_code_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to code_id. do -- Do nothing end set_access_in (i: INTEGER_32) -- Assign `i' to access_in do -- Do nothing end access_in: INTEGER -- Id of class where current feature can be accessed -- through its routine id -- Useful for replication do Result := written_in end replicated (in: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Replicated feature require in_not_void: in /= 0 deferred ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void access_in_set: Result.access_in = in end new_code_id: INTEGER -- New code id do Result := System.body_index_counter.next_id end selected: FEATURE_I -- Selected feature (used for duplicating inherited features by resetting replication and selection status require do_not_use_yet: False deferred ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void equivalent: Result.equiv (Current) end unselected (in: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Unselected feature require in_not_void: in /= 0 deferred ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end is_unselected: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature an unselected one ? do -- Do nothing end transfer_to (other: FEATURE_I) -- Transfer of datas from Current into `other'. require other_exists: other /= Void do other.set_export_status (export_status) other.set_feature_id (feature_id) other.set_feature_name_id (feature_name_id, alias_name_ids) other.set_written_feature_id (written_feature_id) other.set_origin_feature_id (origin_feature_id) other.set_origin_class_id (origin_class_id) other.set_pattern_id (pattern_id) other.set_rout_id_set (rout_id_set) other.set_written_in (written_in) --| IEK: As an minor optimization the flags below internally --| could be set simply with 'other.set_feature_flags (feature_flags)' --| It would also prevents bugs when adding another flag and it doesn't --| get accounted for in this routine. other.set_is_frozen (is_frozen) other.set_is_infix (is_infix) other.set_is_prefix (is_prefix) other.set_is_origin (is_origin) other.set_is_bracket (is_bracket) other.set_is_parentheses (is_parentheses) other.set_is_binary (is_binary) other.set_is_unary (is_unary) other.set_has_convert_mark (has_convert_mark) other.set_has_replicated_ast (has_replicated_ast) other.set_is_stable (is_stable) other.set_has_immediate_class_postcondition (has_immediate_class_postcondition) other.set_has_immediate_non_object_call (has_immediate_non_object_call) other.set_has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion (has_immediate_non_object_call_in_assertion) other.set_has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion (has_immediate_unqualified_call_in_assertion) other.set_is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack (is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack) other.set_body_index (body_index) other.set_is_type_evaluation_delayed (is_type_evaluation_delayed) other.set_is_ghost (is_ghost) end transfer_from (other: FEATURE_I) -- Transfer of datas from `other' into `Current'. require do_not_call: False -- Feature not ready yet. other_exists: other /= Void do -- `export_status' needs to be set via `set_export_status' set_export_status (other.export_status) --feature_id := other.feature_id feature_name_id := other.feature_name_id alias_name_ids := other.alias_name_ids written_feature_id := other.written_feature_id origin_feature_id := other.origin_feature_id origin_class_id := other.origin_class_id pattern_id := other.pattern_id rout_id_set := other.rout_id_set written_in := other.written_in body_index := other.body_index -- Set `feature_flags' directly from `other'. feature_flags := other.feature_flags end feature -- Genericity delayed_update_instantiator2 (a_class: CLASS_C) -- Possibly delayed call to `update_instantiator2' depending on the feature signature. require good_argument: a_class /= Void good_context: a_class.changed do if is_type_evaluation_delayed then degree_4.put_action (agent update_instantiator2 (a_class)) else update_instantiator2 (a_class) end end update_instantiator2 (a_class: CLASS_C) -- Look for generic/expanded types in result and arguments in order -- to update instantiator. require good_argument: a_class /= Void good_context: a_class.changed local i, arg_count: INTEGER do Instantiator.dispatch (type, a_class) from i := 1 arg_count := argument_count until i > arg_count loop Instantiator.dispatch (arguments.i_th (i), a_class) i := i + 1 end end feature -- Pattern pattern_type: TYPE_A -- Same as `type.meta_type` except once creation procedures. do Result := type.meta_type ensure definition: ¬ is_once_creation (access_class) ⇒ Result.same_as (type.meta_type) end frozen pattern: PATTERN -- Feature pattern do create Result.make (pattern_type, if argument_count > 0 then arguments.pattern_types.to_special else Void end) end delayed_process_pattern -- Process pattern of Current feature, possibly with a delay if its signature cannot be computed yet. do if is_type_evaluation_delayed then degree_4.put_action (agent process_pattern) else process_pattern end end process_pattern -- Process pattern of Current feature. local p: PATTERN_TABLE do p := Pattern_table p.insert_pattern_from_feature_i (Current) pattern_id := p.last_pattern_id end feature -- Dead code removal used: BOOLEAN -- Is feature used ? do -- In final mode dead code removal process is on. -- In workbench mode all features are considered used. Result := byte_context.workbench_mode or else System.is_used (Current) end feature -- Byte code access frozen access (access_type: TYPE_A; is_qualified: BOOLEAN; is_separate: BOOLEAN): ACCESS_B -- Byte code access for current feature require access_type_not_void: access_type /= Void do Result := access_for_feature (access_type, Void, is_qualified, is_separate, False) ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end frozen access_for_multi_constraint (access_type: TYPE_A; a_static_type: TYPE_A; is_qualified: BOOLEAN; is_separate: BOOLEAN): ACCESS_B -- Creates a byte code access for a multi constraint target. -- `a_static_type' is the type where the feature is from. -- It is NOT a static call that will be generated, but a dynamic one. It is only needed for W_bench. require access_type_not_void: access_type /= Void do Result := access (access_type, is_qualified, is_separate) check Result /= Void end Result.set_multi_constraint_static (a_static_type) ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end access_for_feature (access_type: TYPE_A; static_type: TYPE_A; is_qualified: BOOLEAN; is_separate: BOOLEAN; is_free: BOOLEAN): ACCESS_B -- Byte code access for current feature. Dynamic binding if -- `static_type' is Void, otherwise static binding on `static_type'. -- • `is_free` – Is it a non-object call? require access_type_not_void: access_type /= Void -- is_separate_meaningful: is_separate implies (is_qualified or is_creation) -- Creation calls are not marked as qualified. valid_is_instance_free_call: is_free implies (is_class or else system.absent_explicit_assertion) local is_in_op: BOOLEAN l_type: TYPE_A do if is_qualified then -- To fix eweasel test#term155 we remove all anchors from -- calls after the first dot in a call chain. l_type := access_type.context_free_type else l_type := access_type end is_in_op := written_in = System.function_class_id or else written_in = System.predicate_class_id or else written_in = System.procedure_class_id if is_in_op and then not is_separate then if feature_name_id = {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.call_name_id then create {AGENT_CALL_B} Result.make (Current, l_type, static_type, False) elseif feature_name_id = {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.item_name_id then create {AGENT_CALL_B} Result.make (Current, l_type, static_type, True) end end if Result = Void then if written_in = System.any_id then -- Feature written in ANY. create {ANY_FEATURE_B} Result.make (Current, l_type, static_type, is_free) else create {FEATURE_B} Result.make (Current, l_type, static_type, is_free) end end ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end direct_access_for_feature (access_type: TYPE_A; static_type: TYPE_A; is_qualified: BOOLEAN; is_separate: BOOLEAN; is_free: BOOLEAN): ACCESS_B -- Byte code access for this feature that is known to be called without any wrappers. -- Dynamic binding if `static_type` is Void, otherwise static binding on `static_type`. -- • `is_free` – Is it a non-object call? -- See also: `access_for_feature`. do Result := access_for_feature (access_type, static_type, is_qualified, is_separate, is_free) end feature {NONE} -- log file add_in_log (class_type: CLASS_TYPE; encoded_name: STRING) do System.used_features_log_file.add (class_type, feature_name, encoded_name) end feature -- C code generation generate (class_type: CLASS_TYPE; buffer, header_buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER) -- Generate feature written in `class_type' in `buffer'. require valid_buffer: buffer /= Void header_buffer_attached: header_buffer /= Void written_in_type: class_type.associated_class.class_id = generation_class_id or is_replicated not_deferred: not is_deferred local l_byte_code: BYTE_CODE tmp_body_index: INTEGER l_byte_context: like byte_context do if used then tmp_body_index := body_index l_byte_code := tmp_opt_byte_server.disk_item (tmp_body_index) if l_byte_code = Void then l_byte_code := byte_server.disk_item (tmp_body_index) end prepare_object_relative_once (l_byte_code) -- `generate' from BYTE_CODE will log the feature name -- and encoded name in `used_features_log_file' from SYSTEM_I generate_header (class_type, buffer) -- Generation of C code for an Eiffel feature written in -- the associated class of the current type. l_byte_context := byte_context if System.in_final_mode and then System.inlining_on then -- We need to set `{BYTE_CONTEXT}.byte_code', since it is used -- in `inlined_byte_code'. l_byte_context.set_byte_code (l_byte_code) l_byte_code := l_byte_code.inlined_byte_code end -- Generation of the C routine l_byte_context.set_byte_code (l_byte_code) l_byte_context.set_current_feature (Current) l_byte_code.analyze l_byte_code.set_real_body_id (real_body_index (class_type)) l_byte_code.generate l_byte_context.clear_feature_data else System.removed_log_file.add (class_type, feature_name) end end generate_header (a_type: CLASS_TYPE; buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER) -- Generate a header before body of feature require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void valid_buffer: buffer /= Void do buffer.put_string ("%N/* {") buffer.put_string ( buffer.put_two_character ('}', '.') buffer.put_string (feature_name) buffer.put_string (" */") end feature -- Object relative once prepare_object_relative_once (a_byte_code: BYTE_CODE) -- Prepare byte_code for object relative once if needed require a_byte_code_attached: a_byte_code /= Void do end feature -- Debug purpose trace -- Debug purpose do io.error.put_string ("feature name: ") io.error.put_string (feature_name) io.error.put_character (' ') rout_id_set.trace io.error.put_string (" {") io.error.put_string ("fid = ") io.error.put_integer (feature_id) io.error.put_string ("}"); io.error.put_string (" {") io.error.put_string ("body_index = ") io.error.put_integer (body_index) io.error.put_string ("}"); io.error.put_string (" {") io.error.put_string ("written in = ") io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_string ("}"); io.error.put_string (" {") io.error.put_string ("body_index = ") if body_index > 0 then io.error.put_integer (body_index) else io.error.put_integer (0) end io.error.put_new_line end feature -- Debugging is_debuggable: BOOLEAN local wc: CLASS_C do if not is_external and then not is_attribute and then not is_constant and then not is_deferred and then not is_unique then wc := written_class Result := not wc.is_basic and then wc.has_types end end real_body_index (class_type: CLASS_TYPE): INTEGER -- Real body id at compilation time for `class_type'. -- This id might be obsolete after supermelting this feature. --| In latter case, new real body index is kept --| in DEBUGGABLE objects. do Result := execution_table.real_body_index (body_index, class_type) end real_pattern_id (class_type: CLASS_TYPE): INTEGER -- Real pattern id at compilation time for `class_type'. -- This id might be obsolete after supermelting this feature. --| In latter case, new real body id is kept --| in DEBUGGABLE objects. do Result := execution_table.real_pattern_id (body_index, class_type) end feature -- Api creation e_feature: E_FEATURE do Result := api_feature (written_in) end api_feature (a_class_id: INTEGER): E_FEATURE -- API representation of Current require a_class_id_positive: a_class_id > 0 do Result := new_api_feature Result.set_written_feature_id (written_feature_id) Result.set_written_in (written_in) Result.set_associated_class_id (a_class_id) Result.set_body_index (body_index) Result.set_is_origin (is_origin) Result.set_export_status (export_status) Result.set_is_frozen (is_frozen) Result.set_is_infix (is_infix) Result.set_is_prefix (is_prefix) Result.set_rout_id_set (rout_id_set) Result.set_is_il_external (is_il_external) Result.set_ghost (is_ghost) if is_inline_agent then if attached {E_ROUTINE} Result as r then r.set_enclosing_body_id (enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position) r.set_inline_agent_nr (inline_agent_nr) else check correct_result: False end end end end feature {FEATURE_I} -- Feature flags is_frozen_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0001 is_origin_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0002 is_empty_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0004 is_infix_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0008 is_prefix_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0010 is_require_else_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0020 is_ensure_then_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0040 has_precondition_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0080 has_postcondition_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0100 is_bracket_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0200 is_binary_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0400 is_unary_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_0800 has_convert_mark_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_1000 has_property_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_2000 has_property_getter_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_4000 has_property_setter_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0000_8000 is_fake_inline_agent_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0001_0000 has_rescue_clause_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0002_0000 is_export_status_none_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0004_0000 has_function_origin_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0008_0000 -- Used in ATTRIBUTE_I has_replicated_ast_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0010_0000 has_body_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0020_0000 -- Used in ATTRIBUTE_I is_replicated_directly_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0040_0000 unused_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0080_0000 is_selected_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0100_0000 is_stable_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0200_0000 -- Used in ATTRIBUTE_I is_transient_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0400_0000 -- Used in ATTRIBUTE_I is_hidden_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0800_0000 -- Used in ATTRIBUTE_I is_type_evaluation_delayed_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x1000_0000 has_false_postcondition_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x2000_0000 is_hidden_in_debugger_call_stack_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x4000_0000 is_parentheses_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x8000_0000 has_class_postcondition_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0001_0000_0000 has_non_object_call_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0002_0000_0000 has_non_object_call_in_assertion_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0004_0000_0000 has_unqualified_call_in_assertion_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0008_0000_0000 is_ghost_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0010_0000_0000 is_immediate_export_status_none_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0020_0000_0000 is_immediate_export_status_all_mask: NATURAL_64 = 0x0040_0000_0000 -- Mask used for each feature property. feature {FEATURE_I} -- Implementation feature_flags: NATURAL_64 -- Property of Current feature, i.e. frozen, -- infix, origin, prefix, selected... new_api_feature: E_FEATURE -- API feature creation deferred ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end internal_export_status: like export_status -- Internal export status object. When it is ANY or NONE -- it is Void to save some space, what help us distinguish -- is the `is_export_status_none_mask'. export_all_status: EXPORT_ALL_I once create Result ensure export_all_status_not_void: Result /= Void end export_none_status: EXPORT_NONE_I once create Result ensure export_none_status_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {INHERIT_TABLE, FEATURE_I} -- Access private_external_name_id: INTEGER -- External name id of feature if any in IL generation. private_external_name: STRING -- External name of feature if any in IL generation. require valid_private_external_name_id: private_external_name_id > 0 do Result := Names_heap.item (private_external_name_id) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void Result_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end feature {NONE} -- Debug output debug_output: STRING -- Textual representation of current feature for debugging. do Result := feature_name if Result = Void then Result := "Name not yet assigned" end end invariant valid_enclosing_feature: is_inline_agent implies enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position > 0 valid_inline_agent_nr: is_inline_agent implies inline_agent_nr > 0 or is_fake_inline_agent valid_alias_ids: attached alias_name_ids as ids implies ∀ i: ids ¦ {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (i) note ca_ignore: "CA033", "CA033: very long class", "CA082", "CA082: missing redeclaration of `is_equal`" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2022, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end