note description: "Compiled class SPECIAL" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SPECIAL_B inherit EIFFEL_CLASS_C redefine check_validity, new_type, is_special end SPECIAL_CONST create make feature -- Validity check_validity -- Check validity of class SPECIAL local special_error: SPECIAL_ERROR feat_table: FEATURE_TABLE item_feature, put_feature, make_feature, to_array_feature: FEATURE_I do -- Check if class has one formal generic parameter if generics = Void or else generics.count /= 1 or else not is_frozen then create special_error.make (special_case_1, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end feat_table := feature_table -- Check if class has a feature `make (INTEGER)' or `make_empty (INTEGER)'. if system.is_using_new_special then make_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_empty_name_id) if make_feature = Void or else make_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not make_feature.same_signature (make_empty_signature) or else not has_creation_routine (make_feature) then create special_error.make (special_case_3, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end else make_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_name_id) if make_feature = Void or else make_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not make_feature.same_signature (make_signature) or else not has_creation_routine (make_feature) then create special_error.make (special_case_2, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end end -- Check if class has a feature `make_filled (G#1, INTEGER)' make_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_filled_name_id) if make_feature = Void or else make_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not make_feature.same_signature (make_filled_signature) or else not has_creation_routine (make_feature) then create special_error.make (special_case_4, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end -- Check if class has a feature item (INTEGER): G#1 item_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.item_name_id) if item_feature = Void or else item_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not item_feature.same_signature (item_signature) then create special_error.make (special_case_5, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end -- Check if class has a feature put (G#1, INTEGER) put_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.put_name_id) if put_feature = Void or else put_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not put_feature.same_signature (put_signature) then create special_error.make (special_case_6, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end -- Check if class has a feature to_array: ARRAY [G#1] to_array_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.to_array_name_id) if to_array_feature = Void or else to_array_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not to_array_feature.same_signature (to_array_signature) then create special_error.make (special_case_7, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end if system.il_generation then if not attached feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.internal_native_array_name_id) as l_feat or else not l_feat.is_attribute or else not l_feat.type.actual_type.same_as (native_array_type) then create special_error.make (special_case_8, Current) error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end if system.is_using_new_special then -- Check if class has a feature extend (G#1, INTEGER) put_feature := feat_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.extend_name_id) if put_feature = Void or else put_feature.written_in /= class_id or else not put_feature.same_signature (extend_signature) then create special_error.make (special_case_9, Current) Error_handler.insert_error (special_error) end end end end feature -- Typing new_type (data: CL_TYPE_A): SPECIAL_CLASS_TYPE -- New class type for class SPECIAL local l_data: GEN_TYPE_A do l_data ?= data check l_data_not_void: l_data /= Void end create Result.make (l_data) -- Unlike the parent version, each time a new SPECIAL derivation -- is added we need to freeze so that we call the right version of -- `put' and `item'. system.request_freeze if already_compiled then -- Melt all the code written in the associated class of the new class type melt_all end end feature -- Status report is_special: BOOLEAN = True -- Is class SPECIAL? feature -- Code generation generate_dynamic_types (buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER) -- Generate dynamic types of type classes available in the system local class_type: CLASS_TYPE gen_type: GEN_TYPE_A gen_param: TYPE_A int_i: INTEGER_A nat_i: NATURAL_A dtype, char_dtype, uint8_dtype, uint16_dtype, uint32_dtype, uint64_dtype, int8_dtype, int16_dtype, int32_dtype, int64_dtype, wchar_dtype, real32_dtype, real64_dtype, pointer_dtype, boolean_dtype, ref_dtype: NATURAL_16 do from char_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype wchar_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype uint8_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype uint16_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype uint32_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype uint64_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype int8_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype int16_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype int32_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype int64_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype real32_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype real64_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype boolean_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype pointer_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype ref_dtype := {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.invalid_dtype types.start until types.after loop class_type := types.item check valid_type: class_type.type_id > 0 and class_type.type_id <= {NATURAL_16}.max_value end dtype := (class_type.type_id - 1).as_natural_16 gen_type ?= class_type.type gen_param := gen_type.generics.first if gen_param.is_character then if gen_param.is_character_32 then wchar_dtype := dtype else char_dtype := dtype end elseif gen_param.is_natural then nat_i ?= gen_param inspect nat_i.size when 8 then uint8_dtype := dtype when 16 then uint16_dtype := dtype when 32 then uint32_dtype := dtype when 64 then uint64_dtype := dtype end elseif gen_param.is_integer then int_i ?= gen_param inspect int_i.size when 8 then int8_dtype := dtype when 16 then int16_dtype := dtype when 32 then int32_dtype := dtype when 64 then int64_dtype := dtype end elseif gen_param.is_real_32 then real32_dtype := dtype elseif gen_param.is_real_64 then real64_dtype := dtype elseif gen_param.is_boolean then boolean_dtype := dtype elseif gen_param.is_pointer or gen_param.is_typed_pointer then pointer_dtype := dtype elseif not gen_param.is_expanded then ref_dtype := dtype end types.forth end buffer.put_string ("%N%Tegc_sp_char = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (char_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_wchar = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (wchar_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_bool = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (boolean_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_uint8 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (uint8_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_uint16 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (uint16_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_uint32 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (uint32_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_uint64 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (uint64_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_int8 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (int8_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_int16 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (int16_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_int32 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (int32_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_int64 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (int64_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_real32 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (real32_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_real64 = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (real64_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_pointer = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (pointer_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N%Tegc_sp_ref = ") buffer.put_hex_natural_16 (ref_dtype) buffer.put_string (";%N") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation has_creation_routine (a_feature: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Check that `a_feature' is indeed a creation procedure. require a_feature_attached: a_feature /= Void do Result := attached creators as cs and then across cs as c some c.key = a_feature.feature_name_id end end make_signature: DYN_PROC_I -- Required signature for feature `make' of class SPECIAL local args: FEAT_ARG do create args.make (1) args.extend (Integer_type) create Result Result.set_arguments (args) Result.set_feature_name_id (Names_heap.make_name_id, Void) ensure item_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end make_empty_signature: DYN_PROC_I -- Required signature for feature `make_empty' of class NATIVE_ARRAY. local args: FEAT_ARG do create args.make (1) args.extend (Integer_type) create Result Result.set_arguments (args) Result.set_feature_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_empty_name_id, Void) end make_filled_signature: DYN_PROC_I -- Required signature for feature `make_filled' of class SPECIAL local args: FEAT_ARG do create args.make (2) args.extend (actual_type.generics [1]) args.extend (Integer_type) create Result Result.set_arguments (args) Result.set_feature_name_id (Names_heap.make_filled_name_id, Void) ensure put_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end item_signature: DYN_FUNC_I -- Required signature for feature `item' of class SPECIAL local args: FEAT_ARG do create args.make (1) args.extend (Integer_type) create Result Result.set_arguments (args) Result.set_type (actual_type.generics [1], 0) Result.set_feature_name_id (Names_heap.item_name_id, Void) ensure item_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end to_array_signature: DYN_FUNC_I -- Required signature for feature `to_array' of class SPECIAL local l_gen_type: GEN_TYPE_A l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do create Result create l_generics.make (1) l_generics.extend (actual_type.generics.first) create l_gen_type.make (system.array_id, l_generics) if not lace_class.is_void_unsafe then l_gen_type.set_is_attached end Result.set_type (l_gen_type, 0) Result.set_feature_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.to_array_name_id, Void) ensure to_array_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end native_array_type: NATIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_A -- Type of `NATIVE_ARRAY'. local l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do create l_generics.make (1) l_generics.extend (actual_type.generics.first) create Result.make (system.native_array_id, l_generics) if not lace_class.is_void_unsafe then Result.set_is_attached end ensure to_array_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end put_signature: DYN_PROC_I -- Required signature for feature `put' of class SPECIAL local args: FEAT_ARG do create args.make (2) args.extend (actual_type.generics [1]) args.extend (Integer_type) create Result Result.set_arguments (args) Result.set_feature_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.put_name_id, Void) ensure put_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end extend_signature: DYN_PROC_I -- Required signature for feature `extend' of class SPECIAL local args: FEAT_ARG do create args.make (1) args.extend (actual_type.generics [1]) create Result Result.set_arguments (args) Result.set_feature_name_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.extend_name_id, Void) ensure put_signature_not_void: Result /= Void end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end