note description: "Internal representation of a system." class SYSTEM_I inherit BASIC_SYSTEM_I CLASS_ID_VALIDATOR rename has as has_existing_class_of_id, is_valid as has_class_of_id end SYSTEM_SERVER rename make as server_make end SYSTEM_OPTIONS SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION SYSTEM_DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM_EXPORT SHARED_EXPANDED_CHECKER SHARED_TYPEID_TABLE SHARED_TABLE SHARED_CODE_FILES SHARED_GENERATOR SHARED_GENERATION SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER export {ANY} Error_handler end SHARED_TIME SHARED_CECIL SHARED_BYTE_CONTEXT rename context as byte_context export {ANY} byte_context end SHARED_ARRAY_BYTE SHARED_DECLARATIONS SHARED_DEGREES SHARED_RESCUE_STATUS COMPILER_EXPORTER SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_CONFIGURE_RESOURCES SHARED_OVERRIDDEN_METADATA_CACHE_PATH KL_SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end CONF_ACCESS SHARED_EIFFEL_PARSER export {NONE} all end SHARED_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end SHARED_STATEFUL_VISITOR export {NONE} all end SHARED_COMPILER_PROFILE INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create the system. do set_compilation_id (1) -- Use names heap created from parser library. names := Workbench.names_heap -- Set up working environment to use current as SYSTEM_I instance. Workbench.set_system (Current) -- Creation of all the servers. server_make -- Creation of the system hash table create class_types.make_filled (Void, 1, System_chunk) create new_classes.make -- Creation of a topological sorter create sorter.make -- Counter creation create routine_id_counter.make create class_counter.make create static_type_id_counter.make create body_index_counter.make create feature_as_counter.make create type_id_counter create feature_counter.make -- Routine table controler creation create history_control.make create instantiator.make -- External table creation create externals.make (10) -- Pattern table creation create pattern_table.make create separate_patterns.make -- Freeze control sets creation create degree_minus_1.make -- Body index table creation create body_index_table.make_filled (0, 0, System_chunk) create original_body_index_table.make_empty -- Run-time table creation create execution_table.make create rout_info_table.make (500) create optimization_tables.make (300) -- Address table create address_table.make -- Real removed classes create real_removed_classes.make (10) -- create root lists -- -- Note: for now all root lists are initialized with a capacity of 2, one for the root class -- obtained from the configuration and one for the testing root class create root_creators.make (2) create explicit_roots.make -- Create test system create test_system end feature -- Counters routine_id_counter: ROUTINE_COUNTER -- Counter for routine ids feature_counter: COMPILER_COUNTER -- Counter for FEATURE_I objects. class_counter: CLASS_COUNTER -- Counter of classes static_type_id_counter: TYPE_COUNTER -- Counter of instances of CLASS_TYPE body_index_counter: BODY_INDEX_COUNTER -- Body index counter feature_as_counter: COMPILER_COUNTER -- Counter of instances of FEATURE_AS init_counters -- Initialize various counters when using a precompiled library. do -- Current compilation_id is just the one retrieved from the -- precompiled library we are using plus one. set_compilation_id (compilation_id + 1) -- We just get Current from a precompiled library, -- we need to increment the current counters with their -- respective precompiled offset for current compilation. body_index_counter.append (body_index_counter) class_counter.append (class_counter) feature_as_counter.append (feature_as_counter) routine_id_counter.append (routine_id_counter) static_type_id_counter.append (static_type_id_counter) server_controler.file_counter.append (server_controler.file_counter) end feature -- Properties is_rebuild: BOOLEAN -- Do we have to do a full rebuild (because some classes could not be found). is_using_new_special: BOOLEAN -- Are we using the new SPECIAL implementation, i.e. with -- `make_empty' as creation procedure? do Result := not compiler_profile.is_compatible_mode end is_using_new_generating_type: BOOLEAN -- Are we using the new signature of `{ANY}.generating_type' which -- returns an instance of TYPE [like Current]? do Result := not compiler_profile.is_compatible_mode end rout_info_table: ROUT_INFO_TABLE -- Global routine info table -- rout_id --> (origin/offset) sorter: CLASS_SORTER -- Topological sorter on classes type_id_counter: COUNTER -- Counter of valid instances of CLASS_TYPE class_types: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_TYPE] -- Array of class types indexed by their `type_id' skeleton_table: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- Table where all the offsets/sizes generated in finalized mode are stored. -- It is then used to generate a header file that has a mapping between macros and the -- actual macro for computing the object size. This is to avoid having to generate -- `Dot_x' files in finalized mode. pattern_table: PATTERN_TABLE -- Pattern table separate_patterns: SEPARATE_PATTERNS -- Patterns for separate feature calls address_table: ADDRESS_TABLE -- Generate encapsulation of function pointers ($ operator) successful: BOOLEAN -- Was the last recompilation successful? has_warning: BOOLEAN -- Were there warnings during last compilation? is_config_changed: BOOLEAN -- Has configuration file changed? has_potential_class_name_mismatch: BOOLEAN -- Did we find a file in which there is a class name whose name is different -- than its file name? has_been_changed: BOOLEAN -- Did last recompilation changed data of compiler? has_compilation_started: BOOLEAN -- Has compilation part after processing configuration started? freeze: BOOLEAN -- Has the system to be frozen again ? do Result := (not Lace.compile_all_classes or else compilation_modes.is_precompiling or else il_generation) and then (is_freeze_requested or else Compilation_modes.is_freezing) end freezing_occurred: BOOLEAN -- Did a freezing of the system occur ? history_control: HISTORY_CONTROL -- Routine table controler -- Only used for final mode code generation. instantiator: INSTANTIATOR -- Tool to process the generic derivations externals: EXTERNALS -- Table of external names currently used by the system executable_directory: STRING -- Directory for the executable file c_directory: STRING -- Directory for the generated c files object_directory: STRING -- Directory for the object files first_compilation: BOOLEAN -- Is it the first compilation of the system -- Used by the time check compilation_straight: BOOLEAN -- Is the first compilation of the system straight? -- IE: Without any incrementality (ie: Compilation from scratch without errors, etc) project_creation_time: INTEGER -- Time of creation of current project. marked_precompiled_classes: BOOLEAN -- Is it the first compilation of the system -- using a precompiled library? new_class: BOOLEAN -- Has a new class been inserted in the universe ? -- It is different from moved because new_class is set -- even if the class is not used new_classes: LINKED_LIST [CLASS_I] -- New classes in the system -- Used during the time check removed_classes: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C] -- List of removed classes from system. -- Filled during degree 6, processed after degree 5 real_removed_classes: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_I] -- List of removed classes form configuration system. -- ie. classes that have been removed from disk. missing_classes: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [CLASS_C, LOCATION_AS]], INTEGER] -- Table indexed by missing classnames where elements are -- classes referencing the missing classname. unref_classes_snapshot: like unref_classes -- Snapshot of `unref_classes' do Result := unref_classes.twin end missing_classes_warning: like missing_classes -- Table indexed by missing classnames for which we only generate a -- warning where elements are classes referencing the missing classname. moved: BOOLEAN -- Has the system potentially moved in terms of classes ? -- [Each time a new class is inserted/removed in/from the system -- a topological sort has to be done.] update_sort: BOOLEAN -- Has the conformance table to be updated ? -- [A class id has changed beetween two recompilation.] max_class_id: INTEGER -- Greater class id: computed by class CLASS_SORTER min_type_id: INTEGER = 1 -- Value from which to start the dynamic type_id numbering -- for newly created class types degree_minus_1: DEGREE_MINUS_1 -- List of class ids for which a source C compilation is needed -- when freezing is_conformance_table_melted: BOOLEAN -- Is the conformance table melted ? melted_parent_table: CHARACTER_ARRAY -- Byte array representation of the melted parent -- table. --| Once melted, it is kept in memory so it won't be re-processed --| each time body_index_table: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Body index table --| Correspondance of generic body index and generic body --| id. original_body_index_table: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Original body index table. -- | Since during second pass, correpondaces between body indexes -- | and body ids are changing, the second class must use a -- | duplicated one in order to compair versions of a same -- | feature. execution_table: EXECUTION_TABLE -- Execution table remover: REMOVER -- Dead code removal control keep_assertions: BOOLEAN -- Are the assertions kept in final mode? current_class: CLASS_C -- Current processed class makefile_generator: MAKEFILE_GENERATOR -- Makefile generator. array_make_name: STRING -- Name of the C routine corresponding to the -- make routine of ARRAY[ANY]. Needed for the -- "strip" functionality. -- Having an attribute is a temporary solution. -- There is a problem when ARRAY[ANY] is precompiled -- and a new generic derivation is introduced later on -- (the name will change, and not be compatible with the -- content of the precompiled object file). The patch -- consists of saving the name the very first time it -- is computed. set_array_make_name (a_name: STRING) -- Set `name' to `array_make_name'. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void do array_make_name := a_name.twin end tuple_make_name: STRING -- Name of the C routine corresponding to the -- make routine of TUPLE. See also comment above. optimization_tables: SEARCH_TABLE [OPTIMIZE_UNIT] -- Tables keeping track of flags for loop optimization -- Based on the body_index of a feature names: NAMES_HEAP -- Fast lookup for stored name, to avoid name duplication in memory. is_precompile_finalized: BOOLEAN -- has precompiled library compilation been finalized? init -- System initialization require new_target: universe.new_target /= Void local local_workbench: WORKBENCH_I do rebuild_configuration first_compilation := True local_workbench := Workbench -- add -- At the very beginning of a session, even class ANY is -- not compiled. So we must say to the workbench to compile -- classes ANY, DOUBLE... ARRAY -- It is very important that these classes were protected. if il_generation then local_workbench.change_class (system_object_class) local_workbench.change_class (system_value_type_class) end local_workbench.change_class (any_class) local_workbench.change_class (special_class) local_workbench.change_class (pointer_class) local_workbench.change_class (array_class) local_workbench.change_class (tuple_class) local_workbench.change_class (routine_class) local_workbench.change_class (procedure_class) local_workbench.change_class (function_class) local_workbench.change_class (predicate_class) local_workbench.change_class (typed_pointer_class) local_workbench.change_class (type_class) if rt_extension_class /= Void then local_workbench.change_class (rt_extension_class) end if il_generation then local_workbench.change_class (native_array_class) local_workbench.change_class (system_string_class) local_workbench.change_class (system_type_class) local_workbench.change_class (arguments_class) end local_workbench.change_class (string_8_class) local_workbench.change_class (string_32_class) local_workbench.change_class (immutable_string_8_class) local_workbench.change_class (immutable_string_32_class) local_workbench.change_class (real_64_class) local_workbench.change_class (real_32_class) local_workbench.change_class (natural_8_class) local_workbench.change_class (natural_16_class) local_workbench.change_class (natural_32_class) local_workbench.change_class (natural_64_class) local_workbench.change_class (integer_8_class) local_workbench.change_class (integer_16_class) local_workbench.change_class (integer_32_class) local_workbench.change_class (integer_64_class) local_workbench.change_class (character_8_class) local_workbench.change_class (character_32_class) local_workbench.change_class (boolean_class) -- Exception manager local_workbench.change_class (ise_exception_manager_class) if exception_class /= Void then local_workbench.change_class (exception_class) end protected_classes_level := boolean_class.compiled_class.class_id -- The root class is not protected root_creators.do_all ( agent (l_root: SYSTEM_ROOT; l_wkbench: WORKBENCH_I) do l_wkbench.change_class (l_root.root_class) end (?, local_workbench)) end mark_only_used_precompiled_classes -- Mark `is_in_system' flag of all 18 basic classes which -- are part of a precompiled library of EiffelBase. require not_is_precompiling: not Compilation_modes.is_precompiling do marked_precompiled_classes := True if il_generation then system_object_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system system_value_type_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system end any_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system real_64_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system real_32_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system natural_8_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system natural_16_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system natural_32_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system natural_64_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system integer_8_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system integer_16_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system integer_32_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system integer_64_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system boolean_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system character_8_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system character_32_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system string_8_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system string_32_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system immutable_string_8_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system immutable_string_32_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system special_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system pointer_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system array_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system tuple_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system routine_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system procedure_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system function_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system predicate_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system typed_pointer_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system type_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system if rt_extension_class /= Void and then rt_extension_class.is_compiled then rt_extension_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system end -- Exception manager ise_exception_manager_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system if exception_class /= Void and then exception_class.is_compiled then exception_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system end if il_generation then native_array_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system system_string_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system arguments_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system system_type_class.compiled_class.record_precompiled_class_in_system end -- The root class could be part of the precompiled library, so -- we need to make sure that its `is_in_system' flag is set. root_creators.do_all ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT) local cl: CLASS_C do cl := a_root.class_type.base_class if cl.original_class.is_compiled and then cl.is_precompiled then cl.record_precompiled_class_in_system end end) end add_unref_class (a_class: CLASS_I) -- Add `a_class' to list of non-referenced classes -- that needs to be compiled. -- Force a recompilation of `a_class' for next -- compilation of system. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void do -- Force a recompilation of the system. set_melt unref_classes.extend (a_class) ensure unref_classes_updated: unref_classes.has (a_class) melt_forced: private_melt end remove_unref_class (a_class: CLASS_I) -- Remove `a_class' from list of non-referenced classes. -- Force a recompilation for next compilation of system -- to take into account the change. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void do -- Force a recompilation of the system. set_melt unref_classes.prune_all (a_class) ensure unref_classes_updated: not unref_classes.has (a_class) melt_forced: private_melt end protected_classes_level: INTEGER -- Useful for remove_useless_classes -- Protected classes are ANY, DOUBLE, REAL, -- INTEGER, BOOLEAN, CHARACTER, ARRAY, BIT, POINTER, STRING, -- TUPLE, ROUTINE, PROCEDURE, FUNCTION insert_new_class (a_class: CLASS_C) -- Add new class `c' to the system. require good_argument: a_class /= Void local new_id: INTEGER do new_id := class_counter.next_id -- Give a compiled class a frozen id a_class.set_class_id (new_id) debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("%TInserting class ") io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_integer (new_id) io.error.put_new_line end -- Give a class id to class `c' which maybe changed -- during the topological sort of a recompilation. a_class.set_topological_id (new_id) -- Insert the class classes.put (a_class, new_id) -- Update control flags of the topological sort moved := True -- Update the freeze control list: the class can have no -- features written in it (like ANY) and then not be -- included in Degree 1 after the Degree 4 and so -- not been generated. (we need a source file even if the -- class is empty in terms of features written in it.). Degree_1.insert_class (a_class) ensure class_id_set: a_class.class_id /= 0 end record_new_class_i (a_class: CLASS_I) -- Record a new CLASS_I -- Used during the time check and the genericity check after pass1 do new_class := True new_classes.put_front (a_class) end remove_class (a_class: CLASS_C) -- Remove class `a_class' from the system even if -- it has syntactical_clients. require good_argument: a_class /= Void do if a_class.is_removable then if removed_classes = Void then create removed_classes.make (10) end removed_classes.put (a_class) Degree_5.remove_class (a_class) end end record_potential_vtct_error (a_class: CLASS_C; a_name: ID_AS) -- Record missing class name `a_name' in `a_class'. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void local locations: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [CLASS_C, LOCATION_AS]] name_id: INTEGER do if missing_classes = Void then create missing_classes.make (5) end name_id := a_name.name_id (name_id) if missing_classes.found then locations := missing_classes.found_item else create locations.make (1) missing_classes.put (locations, name_id) end locations.extend ([a_class, a_name]) end record_potential_vtcm_warning (a_class: CLASS_C; a_name: ID_AS) -- Record missing class name `a_name' in `a_class'. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void local locations: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [CLASS_C, LOCATION_AS]] name_id: INTEGER do if missing_classes_warning = Void then create missing_classes_warning.make (5) end name_id := a_name.name_id (name_id) if missing_classes_warning.found then locations := missing_classes_warning.found_item else create locations.make (1) missing_classes_warning.put (locations, name_id) end locations.extend ([a_class, a_name]) end report_vtct_errors -- Report any remaining VTCT errors at the end of degree 5 local l_name: STRING l_class: CLASS_C locations: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [c: CLASS_C; l: LOCATION_AS]] location: TUPLE [c: CLASS_C; l: LOCATION_AS] l_has_error: BOOLEAN l_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [VTCT] l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [VTCT] do if attached missing_classes as l_missing_classes then from -- `l_list' is used to display errors in alphabetical order -- This is mostly interesting for eweasel as the compiler does -- not always give you the same order depending on the way -- classes are written. create l_list.make (l_missing_classes.count) l_missing_classes.start until l_missing_classes.after loop locations := l_missing_classes.item_for_iteration l_name := names.item (l_missing_classes.key_for_iteration) from locations.start until locations.after loop location := locations.item_for_iteration l_class := location.c -- At this stage classes have not yet been removed, so we simply -- look into `removed_classes'. if l_class.original_class.is_compiled and not (removed_classes /= Void and then removed_classes.has (l_class)) then check same_compiled_class: l_class.original_class.compiled_class = l_class end -- If class is still compiled then we should report the error. l_list.extend (create {VTCT}.make (l_name, location.l, l_class)) -- But since it is an invalid class, then we need to force -- a compilation again to check for the VTCT error again. workbench.add_class_to_recompile (l_class.original_class) l_class.set_changed (True) l_has_error := True end locations.forth end l_missing_classes.forth end missing_classes := Void if l_has_error then create l_sorter.make (create {AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [VTCT]}.make (agent {VTCT}.less_than)) l_sorter.sort (l_list) from l_list.start until l_list.after loop Error_handler.insert_error (l_list.item_for_iteration) l_list.forth end -- Cannot go on here Error_handler.raise_error end end end report_vtcm_warnings -- Report any remaining VTCM warnings at the end of degree 5 local l_name: STRING l_class: CLASS_C locations: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [c: CLASS_C; l: LOCATION_AS]] location: TUPLE [c: CLASS_C; l: LOCATION_AS] l_has_error: BOOLEAN l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [VTCM] do if missing_classes_warning /= Void then from -- `l_list' is used to display errors in alphabetical order -- This is mostly interesting for eweasel as the compiler does -- not always give you the same order depending on the way -- classes are written. create l_list.make (missing_classes_warning.count) missing_classes_warning.start until missing_classes_warning.after loop locations := missing_classes_warning.item_for_iteration l_name := names.item (missing_classes_warning.key_for_iteration) from locations.start until locations.after loop location := locations.item_for_iteration l_class := location.c -- At this stage classes have not yet been removed, so we simply -- look into `removed_classes'. if l_class.original_class.is_compiled and not (removed_classes /= Void and then removed_classes.has (l_class)) then check same_compiled_class: l_class.original_class.compiled_class = l_class end -- If class is still compiled then we should report the error. l_list.extend (create {VTCM}.make (l_name, location.l, l_class)) l_has_error := True end locations.forth end missing_classes_warning.forth end missing_classes_warning := Void if l_has_error then (create {QUICK_SORTER [VTCM]}.make (create {AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [VTCM]}.make (agent {VTCM}.less_than))).sort (l_list) across l_list as w loop error_handler.insert_warning (w.item, w.item.associated_class.is_warning_reported_as_error (w_export_class_missing)) end end end end has_class_of_id (id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `id' a valid class ID? do Result := classes.valid_index (id) end has_existing_class_of_id (class_id: like {CLASS_C}.class_id): BOOLEAN -- Is class of ID `id` in the system? do Result := attached classes [class_id] end class_of_id (id: INTEGER): CLASS_C -- Class of id `id' require id_not_void: id /= 0 is_valid_class_id: has_class_of_id (id) do Result := classes.item (id) debug ("CLASS_OF_ID") io.error.put_string ("Class of id ") io.error.put_integer (id) io.error.put_string (": ") if Result /= Void then io.error.put_string ( end io.error.put_new_line end end class_type_of_id (a_type_id: INTEGER): CLASS_TYPE -- Class type of type id `a_type_id'. require index_small_enough: class_types.valid_index (a_type_id) do Result := class_types.item (a_type_id) ensure valid_class_type: Result /= Void implies Result.type_id = a_type_id end class_type_of_static_type_id (id: INTEGER): CLASS_TYPE -- Class type of static type id `id'. local cts: ARRAY [CLASS_TYPE] i: INTEGER do cts := class_types from i := cts.lower until i > cts.upper or Result /= Void loop Result := cts [i] if Result /= Void and then Result.static_type_id /= id then Result := Void end i := i + 1 end end insert_class_type (class_type: CLASS_TYPE) -- Insert `class_type' in `class_types'. require good_argument: class_type /= Void index_big_enough: class_type.type_id > 0 no_class_type_present: class_types.valid_index (class_type.type_id) implies class_types.item (class_type.type_id) = Void local a_type_id: INTEGER do a_type_id := class_type.type_id if a_type_id > class_types.count then class_types.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 1, a_type_id + System_chunk) end class_types.put (class_type, a_type_id) end remove_class_type (class_type: CLASS_TYPE) -- Remove `class_type' from `class_types' and associated -- generated files if any. require good_argument: class_type /= Void index_big_enough: class_type.type_id > 0 do class_types.put (Void, class_type.type_id) class_type.remove_c_generated_files end rebuild_configuration -- Build or rebuild the configuration information local l_vis_build: CONF_BUILD_VISITOR l_classes: SEARCH_TABLE [CONF_CLASS] l_conf_class: CONF_CLASS l_class_i: CLASS_I l_errors, l_warnings: LIST [CONF_ERROR] vd80: VD80 l_target: CONF_TARGET l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE d1, d2: DATE_TIME l_factory: CONF_COMP_FACTORY l_state: CONF_STATE w: ARRAYED_LIST [ERROR] do debug ("timing") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end if equal (universe.new_target, or else universe.new_target = Void then lace.force_new_target -- Remove previously reported configuration warnings. from w := error_handler.warning_list w.start until w.after loop if attached {VD01} w.item or else attached {VD80} w.item or else attached {VD81} w.item then w.remove else w.forth end end lace.recompile end create l_factory l_target := universe.new_target check l_target_not_void: l_target /= Void end -- We need to check that there is a root, otherwise compiler -- would crash later in `update_root_class'. See eweasel test#incr380. if l_target.root = Void then Error_handler.insert_error (create {VD25}.make ( Error_handler.raise_error else -- Check for testing library in current config test_system.check_for_testing_configuration (l_target) -- Use target's settings for compilation. -- This should be done before any class options are set (test#config049), -- but only once per compilation so that updated options are not -- used for capability checks. lace.update_capabilities -- let the configuration system build "everything" l_state := universe.conf_state_from_target (l_target) if /= Void then create l_vis_build.make_build_from_old (l_state, l_target,, if il_generation then metadata_cache_path else {STRING_32} "" end, if il_generation then clr_runtime_version else {STRING_32} "" end, l_factory.new_location_from_path (, l_target), l_factory) else create l_vis_build.make_build (l_state, l_target, if il_generation then metadata_cache_path else {STRING_32} "" end, if il_generation then clr_runtime_version else {STRING_32} "" end, l_factory.new_location_from_path (, l_target), l_factory) end if has_potential_class_name_mismatch then has_potential_class_name_mismatch := False l_vis_build.set_is_full_class_name_analyzis (True) else has_potential_class_name_mismatch := True l_vis_build.set_is_full_class_name_analyzis (False) end -- set observers l_vis_build.consume_assembly_observer.extend (agent degree_output.put_consume_assemblies) l_vis_build.process_group_observer.extend (agent degree_output.put_process_group) l_vis_build.process_directory.extend (agent degree_output.put_degree_6) l_target.process (l_vis_build) if l_vis_build.is_error then from l_errors := l_vis_build.last_errors l_errors.start until l_errors.after loop Error_handler.insert_error (create {VD71}.make (l_errors.item)) l_errors.forth end set_is_force_rebuild (True) Error_handler.raise_error end l_warnings := l_vis_build.last_warnings from l_warnings.start until l_warnings.after loop create vd80 vd80.set_warning (l_warnings.item) error_handler.insert_warning (vd80, l_target.options.is_warning_as_error) l_warnings.forth end -- modified classes l_classes := l_vis_build.modified_classes create new_classes.make from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_conf_class := l_classes.item_for_iteration -- FIXME: Patrickr 03/14/2006 for now the compiler can't deal with changed -- external or precompiled classes if not l_conf_class.is_class_assembly then l_class_i ?= l_conf_class check l_class_i_not_void: l_class_i /= Void end if not l_class_i.compiled_class.is_precompiled then workbench.change_class (l_class_i) if l_conf_class.is_renamed then l_class_i.compiled_class.recompile_syntactical_clients end end end l_classes.forth end -- added classes l_classes := l_vis_build.added_classes from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_conf_class := l_classes.item_for_iteration l_class_i ?= l_conf_class check class_i: l_class_i /= Void end -- add visible classes if l_conf_class.is_always_compile then workbench.change_class (l_class_i) end record_new_class_i (l_class_i) l_classes.forth end -- removed classes if automatic_backup then create l_file.make_with_path (workbench.backup_info_file_name) l_file.open_append end l_classes := l_vis_build.removed_classes from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_class_i ?= l_classes.item_for_iteration check class_i: l_class_i /= Void class_compiled: l_class_i.is_compiled end l_class_i.compiled_class.recompile_syntactical_clients if automatic_backup then l_file.put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "REMOVED: " + + " " + + " " + + "%N") end remove_class (l_class_i.compiled_class) real_removed_classes.force (l_class_i) l_classes.forth end if automatic_backup then -- Process classes that are not in the override. l_classes := l_vis_build.removed_classes_from_override from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_class_i ?= l_classes.item_for_iteration l_file.put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "OVERRIDE_REMOVED: " + + " " + + " " + + "%N") l_classes.forth end l_file.close end -- partly removed classes recheck_partly_removed (l_vis_build.partly_removed_classes) debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree 6 rebuild duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end -- everything with the configuration system went ok, move new_target to target universe.new_target_to_target -- Try to reconnect removed classes with new classes revive_moved_classes -- check the universe if we don't use a precompile universe.check_universe -- update/check root class update_root_class -- if enabled, check system wide uniqueness of class names if l_target.setting_enforce_unique_class_names then check_unique_class_names end (Void) set_is_force_rebuild (False) end rescue -- An exception occur during system analysis, we should force a rebuild -- at next compilation. This addresses bug#12911. set_is_force_rebuild (True) end rebuild_configuration_actions: attached ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE] -- Rebuild configuration actions hooks. once create Result end check_unique_class_names -- Check if all the classes in the system have unique names. local l_table: HASH_TABLE [CLASS_I, STRING] l_classes: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_I] l_class: CLASS_I l_name: STRING do from l_classes := universe.all_classes create l_table.make (l_classes.count) l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_class := l_classes.item_for_iteration l_name := if not l_class.config_class.does_override then if not l_table.has_key (l_name) then l_table.force (l_class, l_name) else set_is_force_rebuild (True) error_handler.insert_error (create {VD87}.make (l_table.found_item, l_class)) error_handler.checksum end end l_classes.forth end end recheck_partly_removed (a_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [conf_class: CONF_CLASS; system: CONF_SYSTEM]]) -- Recheck clients of classes that have been removed from one place but still exists in another. require a_classes_not_void: a_classes /= Void local l_class_i: CLASS_I l_system: CONF_SYSTEM l_clients: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] l_client: CLASS_C do from a_classes.start until a_classes.after loop l_system := a_classes.item.system l_class_i ?= a_classes.item.conf_class check correct_class: l_class_i /= Void and then l_class_i.is_compiled end from l_clients := l_class_i.compiled_class.syntactical_clients l_clients.start until l_clients.after loop l_client := l_clients.item if = l_system then workbench.add_class_to_recompile (l_client.original_class) l_client.set_changed (True) end l_clients.forth end a_classes.forth end end init_recompilation -- Initialization before a recompilation. local l_vis_modified: CONF_MODIFIED_VISITOR l_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CONF_CLASS] l_class: CLASS_I l_vis_check: CONF_CHECKER_VISITOR l_errors: LIST [CONF_ERROR] vd80: VD80 do degree_output.put_start_degree (6, 1) -- reset the compiler side removed classes and readd the configuration side removed classes removed_classes := Void from real_removed_classes.start until real_removed_classes.after loop l_class := real_removed_classes.item_for_iteration check class_compiled: l_class.is_compiled end remove_class (l_class.compiled_class) real_removed_classes.forth end -- Mark classes to be recompiled. if any_class = Void or else not any_class.is_compiled then -- First compilation. set_rebuild (True) init compilation_straight := True else compilation_straight := False reset_cached_class_i_options -- Reset any existing class info. if is_rebuild or is_force_rebuild then -- Full rebuild rebuild_configuration else -- Let the configuration system check for compiled classes that have been modified. create l_vis_modified.make (universe.conf_state) l_vis_modified.process_group_observer.extend (agent degree_output.put_process_group) (l_vis_modified) if not l_vis_modified.is_error and then not l_vis_modified.is_force_rebuild then from l_classes := l_vis_modified.modified_classes l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_class ?= l_classes.item check class_i: l_class /= Void end workbench.change_class (l_class) l_classes.forth end update_root_class else rebuild_configuration set_rebuild (True) end end -- If root_class is not compiled (i.e. root class has -- changed since last compilaton), insert it in the -- changed_classes. root_creators.do_all ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT) do if not a_root.root_class.is_compiled then workbench.change_class (a_root.root_class) end end) end -- check configuration and add warnings create l_vis_check.make (universe.conf_state) (l_vis_check) if l_vis_check.is_error then from l_errors := l_vis_check.last_errors l_errors.start until l_errors.after loop create vd80 vd80.set_warning (l_errors.item) Error_handler.insert_warning (vd80, l_errors.forth end end if Lace.compile_all_classes or (Compilation_modes.is_precompiling and root_creators.there_exists ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT): BOOLEAN do Result := a_root.root_class = any_class end)) then Workbench.change_all_new_classes end -- If status of compilation is successful, copy -- a duplication of the body index table in -- `origin_body_index_table' and re-initialize the -- melted set of feature tables. if successful then -- Important Note -- There are other references in the system to "THE" -- Original Body Index table (Namely through onces) -- We CANNOT do a simple assignment of twin. We need -- to ensure that the object remains the same troughout -- a session. If you want to change it, think thoroughly -- before! (Dino, that's an allusion to you, -- FRED) original_body_index_table.copy (body_index_table) Degree_1.wipe_out end -- Update capability settings used during compilation. lace.update_capability_root end feature -- Modification set_dead_code (v: like {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_all) -- Set `dead_code` to `v`. do dead_code := v if v = {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none then remover := Void end ensure dead_code_set: dead_code = v remover_set: v = {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none implies not attached remover end feature -- Final code geneation has_trampoline (e: ROUT_ENTRY; p: like {ROUT_ENTRY}.pattern_id; r: like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id): BOOLEAN -- Is there a trampoline for a routine entry `e` with the pattern of ID `p` -- associated with a routine ID `r`. do if attached trampoline_table [r] as s then Result := s.has (e.type_id.as_natural_64 |<< 32 + p.as_natural_64) end end request_trampoline (e, c: ROUT_ENTRY; r: like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id) -- Request generation of a trampoline for a routine entry `e` -- called in the context identified by `c` associated with a routine ID `r`. require e.pattern_id /= c.pattern_id local s: like trampoline_table.item do s := trampoline_table [r] if not attached s then create s.make (1) trampoline_table [r] := s end s.extend (e.type_id.as_natural_64 |<< 32 + c.pattern_id.as_natural_64) ensure has_trampoline (e, c.pattern_id, r) end remove_trampoline (e: ROUT_ENTRY; p: like {ROUT_ENTRY}.pattern_id; t: ROUT_TABLE) -- Remove the trampoline for a routine entry `e` with the pattern of ID `p` -- associated with a routine table `t`. require has_trampoline (e, p, t.rout_id) do if attached trampoline_table [t.rout_id] as s then s.prune (e.type_id.as_natural_64 |<< 32 + p.as_natural_64) if s.is_empty then trampoline_table.remove (t.rout_id) end end ensure not has_trampoline (e, p, t.rout_id) end feature {NONE} -- Final code geneation trampoline_table: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_SET [NATURAL_64], like {ROUT_TABLE}.rout_id] -- Trampolines to be generated, indexed by routine ID, -- with sets of values built from pairs of type IDs and context pattern IDs. once create Result.make (0) end feature -- ANY.default_rescue routine id default_rescue_rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of default rescue from ANY. -- Return 0 if ANY has not been compiled or -- does not have a feature named `default_rescue'. local feature_i: FEATURE_I do Result := internal_default_rescue_rout_id if Result < 0 then Result := 0 if any_class /= Void and then any_class.compiled_class /= Void then feature_i := any_class.compiled_class. feature_table.item_id (names.default_rescue_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end internal_default_rescue_rout_id := Result end end feature -- ANY.default_create routine id default_create_rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of default create from ANY. -- Return 0 if ANY has not been compiled or -- does not have a feature named `default_create'. local feature_i: FEATURE_I do Result := internal_default_create_rout_id if Result < 0 then Result := 0 if any_class /= Void and then any_class.compiled_class /= Void then feature_i := any_class.compiled_class. feature_table.item_id (names.default_create_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end internal_default_create_rout_id := Result end end feature -- ANY.is_equal_rout_id routine id is_equal_rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of is_equal create from ANY. -- Return 0 if ANY has not been compiled or -- does not have a feature named `is_equal'. local feature_i: FEATURE_I do Result := internal_is_equal_rout_id if Result < 0 then Result := 0 if any_class /= Void and then any_class.compiled_class /= Void then feature_i := any_class.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id (names.is_equal_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end internal_is_equal_rout_id := Result end end feature -- SPECIAL.make routine id special_make_rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of `make' from SPECIAL. -- Return 0 if SPECIAL has not been compiled or does not have a feature named `make'. local feature_i: FEATURE_I do Result := internal_special_make_rout_id if Result < 0 then Result := 0 if special_class /= Void and then special_class.compiled_class /= Void then feature_i := special_class.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end internal_special_make_rout_id := Result end end special_make_empty_rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of `make_empty' from SPECIAL. -- Return 0 if SPECIAL has not been compiled or does not have a feature named `make_empty'. local feature_i: FEATURE_I do Result := internal_special_make_empty_rout_id if Result < 0 then Result := 0 if special_class /= Void and then special_class.compiled_class /= Void then feature_i := special_class.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_empty_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end internal_special_make_empty_rout_id := Result end end special_make_filled_rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of `make_filled' from SPECIAL. -- Return 0 if SPECIAL has not been compiled or -- does not have a feature named `make_filled'. local feature_i: FEATURE_I do Result := internal_special_make_filled_rout_id if Result < 0 then Result := 0 if special_class /= Void and then special_class.compiled_class /= Void then feature_i := special_class.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_filled_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end internal_special_make_filled_rout_id := Result end end feature -- Routine IDS update reset_routine_ids -- Reset internal data that needs to be recomputed -- at each recompilation in case it might changed during -- a recompilation. It happens if at the first compilation -- you do, there is an error, then those IDs from the routines -- of ANY/SPECIAL will definitely be changed do internal_default_rescue_rout_id := -1 internal_default_create_rout_id := -1 internal_is_equal_rout_id := -1 internal_special_make_rout_id := - 1 internal_special_make_empty_rout_id := - 1 internal_special_make_filled_rout_id := - 1 end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: predefined routine IDs internal_default_rescue_rout_id: INTEGER -- Once per compilation value of routine id of `default_rescue_id' from ANY. internal_default_create_rout_id: INTEGER -- Once per compilation value of routine id of `default_create' from ANY. internal_is_equal_rout_id: INTEGER -- Once per compilation value of routine id of `default_create' from ANY. internal_special_make_rout_id: INTEGER -- Once per compilation value of routine id of `make' from SPECIAL. internal_special_make_empty_rout_id: INTEGER -- Once per compilation value of routine id of `make' from SPECIAL. internal_special_make_filled_rout_id: INTEGER -- Once per compilation value of routine id of `make_filled' from SPECIAL. feature -- Feature declaration seed_of_routine_id (routine_id: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- Seed with the given `routine_id' require valid_routine_id: routine_id > 0 and then routine_id_counter.is_feature_routine_id (routine_id) -- and `routine_id' is used do Result := class_of_id (rout_info_table.item (routine_id).origin).feature_of_rout_id (routine_id) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Recompilation set_rebuild (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_rebuild'. do is_rebuild := b ensure is_rebuild_set: is_rebuild = b end force_rebuild -- Force a rebuild do set_is_force_rebuild (True) end set_config_changed (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_config_changed'. do is_config_changed := b end reset_has_compilation_started -- Reset `has_compilation_started'. do has_compilation_started := False end reset_has_potential_class_name_mismatch -- Reset `has_potential_class_name_mismatch'. do has_potential_class_name_mismatch := False ensure has_potential_class_name_mismatch_set: not has_potential_class_name_mismatch end set_has_potential_class_name_mismatch -- Set `has_potential_class_name_mismatch'. do has_potential_class_name_mismatch := True ensure has_potential_class_name_mismatch_set: has_potential_class_name_mismatch end recompile (is_for_finalization, a_syntax_analysis, a_system_check, a_generate_code: BOOLEAN) -- Incremetal recompilation of the system. require no_error: not Error_handler.has_error do freezing_occurred := False If System.uses_precompiled then -- Validate the precompilation. (create {PRECOMP_R}).check_version_number end has_been_changed := is_config_changed lace.check_shared_library_definition_stamp do_recompilation (is_for_finalization, a_syntax_analysis, a_system_check, a_generate_code) successful := True has_warning := error_handler.has_warning rescue if Rescue_status.is_error_exception then successful := False has_warning := error_handler.has_warning end end revive_moved_classes -- Try to revive classes that have been removed and added (= moved). local l_cli: CLASS_I l_clc: CLASS_C l_class_i_found: BOOLEAN do if new_classes /= Void and removed_classes /= Void then from removed_classes.start until removed_classes.after loop l_clc := removed_classes.item_for_iteration l_class_i_found := False from new_classes.start until l_class_i_found or new_classes.after loop l_cli := new_classes.item if ( then removed_classes.remove (l_clc) real_removed_classes.remove (l_clc.original_class) l_cli.reset_class_c_information (l_clc) new_classes.remove workbench.change_class (l_cli) l_class_i_found := True else new_classes.forth end end removed_classes.forth end end end recheck_missing_classes -- Recheck the classes that produced a missing class error and wipe out the list of missing classes. local locations: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [c: CLASS_C; l: LOCATION_AS]] l_cl: CLASS_C do if missing_classes /= Void then from missing_classes.start until missing_classes.after loop locations := missing_classes.item_for_iteration from locations.start until locations.after loop l_cl := locations.item_for_iteration.c if removed_classes = Void or else not removed_classes.has (l_cl) then workbench.add_class_to_recompile (l_cl.original_class) l_cl.set_changed (True) end locations.forth end missing_classes.forth end missing_classes := Void end ensure missing_classes_void: missing_classes = Void end do_recompilation (is_for_finalization, a_syntax_analysis, a_system_check, a_generate_code: BOOLEAN) -- Incremental recompilation of the system. require valid_options: (a_generate_code implies a_system_check) and then (a_system_check implies a_syntax_analysis) local d1, d2: DATE_TIME l_needs_code_generation: BOOLEAN l_new_unref_classes_added_to_system, l_old_moved, l_compiled_classes_added, l_compiled_classes_removed, l_missing_classes_added_to_system: BOOLEAN do debug ("timing") -- Enable time accounting to get some precise GC statistics. (create {MEMORY}).enable_time_accounting end -- create new backup subdir if automatic_backup then workbench.create_backup_directory end -- Set ISE_DOTNET_FRAMEWORK environment variable if il_generation then (create {IL_ENVIRONMENT}.make (clr_runtime_version)).register_environment_variable end -- Recompilation initialization init_recompilation if Compilation_modes.is_precompiling and then il_generation then -- For a precompiled library we require a freeze in non-IL -- code generation. is_freeze_requested := True end if first_compilation then project_creation_time := current_time end -- Set the generation mode in workbench mode byte_context.set_workbench_mode -- The time checker just checks if there is a possible -- conflict for the suppliers of a class, i.e. a new class -- has been introduced and can create a conflict if not first_compilation or else has_compilation_started then Time_checker.check_suppliers_of_unchanged_classes end -- The `new_classes' list is not used after the time -- check. If it was successful, the list can be wiped out. new_classes.wipe_out -- Syntax analysis: This maybe add new classes to -- the system (degree 5) if a_syntax_analysis and then ( first_compilation or else freeze or else private_melt or else new_class or else not Degree_5.is_empty or else not Degree_4.is_empty or else not Degree_3.is_empty or else not Degree_2.is_empty) then -- We compiled something we need to save project file. has_been_changed := True has_compilation_started := True -- Check if missing classes need to be recompiled back in to the system. l_old_moved := moved moved := False recheck_missing_classes l_missing_classes_added_to_system := moved -- Force new unref'd classes are added to the system. -- Record if any unref classes are added to the system. moved := False force_unref_classes_in_to_system l_new_unref_classes_added_to_system := moved -- Perform parsing of Eiffel code debug ("timing") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end -- Temporarily reset `moved' to see if classes are added/removed by the system in degree 5. moved := False process_degree_5 l_compiled_classes_added := moved -- Reset `moved' back to its correct value. moved := l_compiled_classes_added or l_new_unref_classes_added_to_system or l_missing_classes_added_to_system or l_old_moved debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree 5 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("%Tnew_class = ") io.error.put_boolean (new_class) io.error.put_new_line end if a_system_check then -- Check generic validity on old classes -- generic parameters cannot be new classes if not first_compilation and then new_class then check_generics -- The association name <==> supplier has been done in pass1 -- so even if the compilation fails after this point, the -- check must not be done again if no classes are introduced -- before the recompilation end new_class := False if not Compilation_modes.is_precompiling and not Lace.compile_all_classes then current_class := Void -- Remove useless classes i.e classes without -- syntactical clients remove_useless_classes end -- Let's report VTCT errors for classes not found at degree 5 -- It cannot be done at degree 5 (see eweasel test incr233 for why). report_vtct_errors report_vtcm_warnings -- Fill parents. process_post_degree_5 -- Let's get rid of the classes that have been really removed. -- This has to be performed at all times even if no explicit code generation takes place -- as classes may be manipulated outside of EiffelStudio in addition to adding a new class -- to the system, the configuration system will record this change permanently meaning -- that it has to be handled immediately otherwise the change is lost to the next compilation. l_old_moved := moved moved := False process_removed_classes l_compiled_classes_removed := moved moved := l_compiled_classes_removed or l_old_moved real_removed_classes.wipe_out -- Set whether code generation is needed. This is either explicitly -- via `a_generate_code', or whether the previous compilation was unsuccessful, -- whether a class in the system has moved or a missing class is added to the system. -- If the previous compilation was not successful and we have a Degree-4 only compilation then -- we must force code generation as the erroneous code in question may reference the newly -- added class, if this happens and we don't not force code generation then there is a -- mismatch in class ids and a crash occurs in the client code where the error originates. -- See bug#18115. -- If classes have changed/moved outside of EiffelStudio, ie: manually via shell or via repository update -- we need to make sure that a code generation always occurs otherwise potential changes in the ecf will be lost -- as the configuration system does not undo changes if an error occurs during a degree-4 only compilation. l_needs_code_generation := not successful or else a_generate_code or else (l_compiled_classes_added or l_compiled_classes_removed or l_missing_classes_added_to_system) debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("%Tmoved = ") io.error.put_boolean (moved) io.error.put_string ("%N%Tupdate_sort = ") io.error.put_boolean (update_sort) io.error.put_new_line end -- Topological sort and building of the conformance -- table (if new classes have been added by first pass) update_sort := update_sort or else moved if update_sort then -- Sort sorter.sort -- Check sum error Error_handler.checksum -- Re-sort the list of classes because the topological -- sort modified the topological ids. classes.sort if not first_compilation then -- Conformance table only needs to be reset upon incremental compilation. reset_conformance_table end build_conformance_table -- Clear the topo sorter sorter.clear reset_melted_conformance_table end -- Inheritance analysis: `Degree_4' is sorted by class -- topological ids so the parent come first the heirs after. process_degree_4 debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree 4 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end -- Compute the root type compute_root_type if not marked_precompiled_classes and then not Compilation_modes.is_precompiling and then uses_precompiled then mark_only_used_precompiled_classes end -- Remove any classes which have previously been added by {TEST_SYSTEM_I} -- and are not needed for testing. -- We only do this if code generation is needed to avoid side effects if l_needs_code_generation and then test_system.is_testing_enabled then -- We only remove classes from the system during a full compilation otherwise -- the system may become invalid if the compiler servers are manipulated without -- being stored to disk, which is only the case during code generation. test_system.remove_unused_classes -- If classes have been removed, we have to clean up our types. if instantiator.is_clean_up_requested then instantiator.clean_all end end end -- if a_system_check if l_needs_code_generation then -- Byte code production and type checking process_degree_3 -- Reset built in processor so that any referenced CLASS_AS object is garbage collected. built_in_processor.reset_all debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree 3 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end if not Compilation_modes.is_precompiling and not Lace.compile_all_classes then is_freeze_requested := is_freeze_requested or else not externals.is_equivalent end -- Process the type system process_type_system -- Process the skeleton of classes process_skeleton -- Reset `disposable_descendants' since they can have changed --| Note: That is important to recompute it, especially if --| someone removed an inheritance link to DISPOSABLE. reset_disposable_descendants -- Process the C pattern table pattern_table.process debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("After degreee 3 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end -- Melt the changed features melt debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree 2 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end -- Finalize a successful compilation finish_compilation (l_needs_code_generation) debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Server storing duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end -- Produce the update file if not il_generation and then not freeze and then not lace.compile_all_classes then Degree_output.put_melting_changes_message -- Create a non-empty melted file make_update (False) debug ("VERBOSE") io.error.put_string ("Saving melted.eif%N") end debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Melted file generation duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end end else compute_root_type finish_compilation (False) end -- if a_generate_code if System.il_generation then -- Ensure unicity of names check_full_class_name_unicity end if not il_generation and then freeze and then not is_for_finalization then Degree_output.put_freezing_message freeze_system is_freeze_requested := False debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree -1 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics end end if il_generation and then (private_melt or else not degree_minus_1.is_empty) and not il_quick_finalization then generate_il debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree 1 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics end Degree_minus_1.wipe_out end else compute_root_type end -- if a_syntax_analysis reset_cached_class_i_options private_melt := False first_compilation := False il_quick_finalization := False if l_needs_code_generation then display_catcall_statistics end end reset_cached_class_i_options -- Reset any previously cached class_i options. local l_vis_all: CONF_ALL_CLASSES_VISITOR l_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CONF_CLASS] do create l_vis_all.make (l_vis_all) if not l_vis_all.is_error then from l_classes := l_vis_all.classes l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop if attached {CLASS_I} l_classes.item as l_class_i then l_class_i.reset_options end l_classes.forth end end end force_unref_classes_in_to_system -- Unref classes analyzis: This may add new classes to system. local l_class_i: CLASS_I l_unref_classes: like unref_classes l_workbench: like workbench do -- Force unref classes to be compiled with Current system. from l_unref_classes := unref_classes l_workbench := workbench l_unref_classes.start until l_unref_classes.after loop l_class_i := l_unref_classes.item -- remove class if it has become invalid if not l_class_i.is_valid then l_unref_classes.remove else if l_class_i.compiled_class = Void then if l_class_i.config_class.does_override then l_class_i ?= l_class_i.config_class.overrides.first l_unref_classes.remove l_unref_classes.force (l_class_i) end l_workbench.change_class (l_class_i) end l_unref_classes.forth end end end process_degree_5 -- Process Degree 5. -- Syntax analysis: This may add new classes to system. do -- Launch syntax analyzis of modified/added classes to system. Degree_5.execute end process_post_degree_5 -- Processing done after main degree 5. -- Check and updates parent structure. It has to be done after -- reporting all VTCT errors. do degree_5.post_degree_5_execute end process_degree_4 -- Process Degree 4. -- Inheritance analysis: `Degree_4' is sorted by class -- topological ids so parents come first heirs after. do Degree_4.execute end process_degree_3 -- Process Degree 3. -- Byte code production and type checking. do in_pass3 := True Degree_3.execute in_pass3 := False rescue in_pass3 := False end process_degree_2 -- Process Degree 2. -- Melt features (write feature byte code on disk). do Degree_2.execute end process_degree_1 -- Process Degree 1. -- Melt the feature tables. -- Open first the file for writing on disk melted feature -- tables. do Degree_1.execute end process_degree_minus_1 -- Process Degree -1. -- Freeze system: generate C files. do Degree_minus_1.execute end check_generics -- Check generic validity on old classes -- generic parameters cannot be new classes local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C do debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Check generics%N") end class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void and then a_class.generics /= Void and then -- If the class is changed then `pass1' has been -- done successfully on the class not a_class.changed then a_class.check_generic_parameters end i := i + 1 end Error_handler.checksum end process_removed_classes -- Remove classes that disappeared after a recompilation. do if removed_classes /= Void then from removed_classes.start until removed_classes.after loop if removed_classes.key_for_iteration.is_removable then internal_remove_class (removed_classes.key_for_iteration, 0) instantiator.request_clean_up end removed_classes.forth end removed_classes := Void end end remove_useless_classes -- Add useless classes to `removed_classes'. local a_class: CLASS_C class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER marked_classes: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] do -- First mark all the classes that can be reached -- from the root class create marked_classes.make (System_chunk) -- Mark all root classes root_creators.do_all ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT; st: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER]) do a_root.root_class.compiled_class.mark_class (st) end (?, marked_classes)) if il_generation then system_object_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) system_value_type_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) end any_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) real_64_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) real_32_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) natural_8_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) natural_16_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) natural_32_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) natural_64_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) integer_8_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) integer_16_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) integer_32_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) integer_64_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) boolean_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) character_8_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) character_32_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) string_8_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) string_32_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) immutable_string_8_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) immutable_string_32_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) special_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) pointer_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) array_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) tuple_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) routine_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) procedure_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) function_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) predicate_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) typed_pointer_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) type_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) ise_exception_manager_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) if exception_class /= Void and then exception_class.is_compiled then exception_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) end if rt_extension_class /= Void and then rt_extension_class.is_compiled then rt_extension_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) end if il_generation then native_array_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) system_string_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) arguments_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) system_type_class.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) end -- Now mark all classes reachable from `unref_classes'. from unref_classes.start until unref_classes.after loop if unref_classes.item.is_valid then check unref_class_compiled: unref_classes.item.compiled_class /= Void end unref_classes.item.compiled_class.mark_class (marked_classes) end unref_classes.forth end -- Now mark all classes reachable from visible classes. from class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void and then a_class.lace_class.config_class.is_always_compile and then not marked_classes.has (a_class.class_id) then a_class.mark_class (marked_classes) end i := i + 1 end -- Mark classes possibly needed for testing if test_system.is_testing_enabled then test_system.mark_suppliers (marked_classes) end -- Remove all the classes that cannot be reached if they are -- not protected from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void and then not marked_classes.has (a_class.class_id) then debug ("REMOVE_CLASS") io.error.put_string ("Remove useless classes: ") io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_new_line end -- Recursively remove `a_class' from system. remove_class (a_class) end i := i + 1 end Error_handler.checksum end reset_conformance_table -- Reset all conformance tables. local a_class: CLASS_C class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER do class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array [i] if a_class /= Void then a_class.reset_dep_classes end i := i + 1 end end build_conformance_table -- Build the conformance table local a_class: CLASS_C class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER do class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array [i] if a_class /= Void then a_class.fill_conformance_table end i := i + 1 end end process_type_system -- Compute the type system do -- ANY needs to be processed first so that it has static type -- of 1. if not any_class.compiled_class.has_types then any_class.compiled_class.init_types end -- Processing of root class if any to make it easy to find -- it in generated C code root_creators.do_all ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT) do instantiator.dispatch (a_root.class_type, a_root.class_type.base_class) end) -- Initialize types of non-generic classes which haven't been initialized yet. Degree_2.initialize_non_generic_types -- Compute the types. instantiator.process end process_conformance_table_for_type (set_or_reset_action: PROCEDURE [CLASS_TYPE]) -- Build the conformance table require set_or_reset_action_not_void: set_or_reset_action /= Void class_types_not_void: class_types /= Void local l_types: ARRAY [CLASS_TYPE] i, nb: INTEGER do from l_types := class_types i := l_types.lower nb := l_types.upper until i > nb loop if attached l_types [i] as class_type then set_or_reset_action (class_type) end i := i + 1 end end process_skeleton -- Type skeleton processing: If skeleton of a class type changed, -- it must be re-processed and marked `is_changed'. do Degree_2.process_skeleton -- Check expanded client relation. check_expanded -- Check sum error. Error_handler.checksum end check_vtec local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C do class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void and then (a_class.has_expanded or else a_class.is_used_as_expanded) then set_current_class (a_class) a_class.check_expanded end i := i + 1 end end check_expanded -- Check expanded client relation do Degree_2.check_expanded (has_expanded) end melt -- Melt the changed features and feature and -- descriptor tables in the system. require no_error: not Error_handler.has_error do -- Purge all byte code to disk as some byte code modification -- is required at generation time and we do not want it to persist -- to disk. Byte_server.take_control (Tmp_byte_server) Inv_byte_server.take_control (Tmp_inv_byte_server) -- Melt features -- Open the file for writing on disk feature byte code process_degree_2 -- The execution table are now updated. if not il_generation and then not freeze and then not lace.compile_all_classes then -- Melt the feature tables -- Open first the file for writing on disk melted feature -- tables process_degree_1 end -- Transfer classes of Degree 1 into Degree -1 so that -- next time we will freeze, all the melted classes will -- be in `Degree_minus_1'. Degree_1.transfer_to (Degree_minus_1) -- Compress execution table. execution_table.melt end make_update (empty: BOOLEAN) -- Produce the update file resulting of the consecutive -- melting process. It can be `empty' (if the system has -- been frozen. local file_pointer: POINTER melted_file: RAW_FILE l_name: STRING_32 l_ba: BYTE_ARRAY cs: CURSOR l_root: SYSTEM_ROOT l_root_cl: CLASS_C l_root_ft: detachable FEATURE_I l_root_rout_id: INTEGER do debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Updating name.eif%N") end -- Find the correct melted name when there is no freeze -- -- When there is no precompiled library, we need to use the `name'. -- When there is one, we need to check if a freeze/finalize occurred during -- the life cycle of the project, this can be detected by checking that -- `melted_file_name' from WORKBENCH_I has not been reset. if workbench.melted_file_name /= Void then l_name := Workbench.melted_file_name else l_name := name end create melted_file.make_with_path (project_location.workbench_path.extended (l_name + ".melted")) melted_file.open_write -- There is something to update melted_file.put_boolean (not empty) if not empty then file_pointer := melted_file.file_pointer -- Write whether or not we use IEEE arithmetic or not melted_file.put_boolean (total_order_on_reals) -- Write the number of dynamic types now available write_int (file_pointer, type_id_counter.value) -- Write the number of classes now available write_int (file_pointer, class_counter.count) -- Write the number of original routine bodies write_int (file_pointer, body_index_counter.count) -- Write the profiler status if then write_int (file_pointer, 3) else write_int (file_pointer, 0) end make_update_feature_tables (melted_file) -- Open the file for reading byte code for melted feature -- Update the execution table Execution_table.make_update (melted_file) make_parent_table_byte_code (melted_file) make_option_table (melted_file) make_rout_info_table (melted_file) make_update_descriptors (melted_file) -- End mark write_int (file_pointer, -1) -- Update the root class info -- First write number of root procedures to file write_int (file_pointer, root_creators.count) from cs := root_creators.cursor root_creators.start until root_creators.after loop l_root := root_creators.item_for_iteration l_root_cl := l_root.class_type.base_class l_root_ft := l_root_cl.feature_table.item (l_root.procedure_name) if l_root_ft /= Void then l_root_rout_id := l_root_ft.rout_id_set.first write_int (file_pointer, + l_root_ft.feature_name.count + 1) melted_file.put_string ( melted_file.put_character ('.') melted_file.put_string (l_root_ft.feature_name.as_lower) else write_int (file_pointer, 0) l_root_rout_id := -1 end write_int (file_pointer, l_root_rout_id) -- Generate type ID for ANY write_int (file_pointer, any_class.compiled_class.types.first.type_id - 1) -- Generate data to create the root full dynamic type ID. create l_ba.make byte_context.init (root_class_type (l_root.class_type)) l_root.class_type.make_full_type_byte_code (l_ba, byte_context.context_class_type.type) -- Write number of bytes in byte array. (melted_file) if l_root_ft /= Void and then l_root_ft.has_arguments then write_int (file_pointer, 1) else write_int (file_pointer, 0) end root_creators.forth end root_creators.go_to (cs) end melted_file.close end make_update_feature_tables (file: RAW_FILE) -- Write the byte code for feature tables to be updated -- into `file'. require file_not_void: file /= Void file_open_write: file.is_open_write do Degree_minus_1.make_update_feature_tables (file) end make_update_descriptors (file: RAW_FILE) -- Write melted descriptors into `file'. require file_not_void: file /= Void file_open_write: file.is_open_write do from M_desc_server.start until M_desc_server.after loop M_desc_server.item (M_desc_server.key_for_iteration).store (file) M_desc_server.forth end end reset_melted_conformance_table -- Forget the `melted_conformance_table', i.e. a new -- class or class type has been added to the system. do -- Mark the conformance table melted is_conformance_table_melted := True -- Trigger the recompuation of the conformance table -- byte code melted_parent_table := Void end make_parent_table_byte_code (file: RAW_FILE) -- Generates parent tables byte code in `file'. local i, nb: INTEGER to_append: CHARACTER_ARRAY do Byte_array.clear if is_conformance_table_melted then if melted_parent_table = Void then -- Compute `melted_parent_table'. Byte_array.append ('%/001/') from i := 1 nb := Type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type then -- Classes could be removed class_type.make_parent_table_byte_code (Byte_array) end i := i + 1 end -- End mark Byte_array.append_short_integer (-1) create_cecil_tables cecil_class_table.make_byte_code (Byte_array) melted_parent_table := Byte_array.character_array end to_append := melted_parent_table else Byte_array.append ('%U') to_append := Byte_array.character_array end -- Put the parent table in `file'. (file) end make_option_table (file: RAW_FILE) -- Generate byte code for the option table. require file_not_void: file /= Void file_is_open_write: file.is_open_write local i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C do Byte_array.clear from i := min_type_id nb := Type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type then -- Classes could be removed Byte_array.append_short_integer (class_type.type_id - 1) a_class := class_type.associated_class a_class.assertion_level.make_byte_code (Byte_array) a_class.debug_level.make_byte_code (Byte_array) a_class.trace_level.make_byte_code (Byte_array) a_class.profile_level.make_byte_code (Byte_array) end i := i + 1 end -- End mark Byte_array.append_short_integer (-1) -- Put the byte code description of the option table -- in update file (file) end make_rout_info_table (file: RAW_FILE) -- Generate byte code for the routine info table -- and store it in `file'. do (file) end finish_compilation (a_code_generation: BOOLEAN) -- Finish a successful recompilation and update the -- compilation files. local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER l_class: CLASS_C l_eiffel_class: EIFFEL_CLASS_C do -- Reinitialization of control flags of the topological -- sort. update_sort := False moved := False -- Reset the classes as unchanged class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop l_class := class_array.item (i) if l_class /= Void then if a_code_generation then l_class.set_changed (False) l_class.set_changed2 (False) l_class.set_changed3a (False) l_class.set_need_type_check (False) -- FIXME: changed4, changed5, changed6 l_class.changed_features.clear_all l_class.propagators.wipe_out l_eiffel_class ?= l_class if l_eiffel_class /= Void then l_eiffel_class.set_new_byte_code_needed (False) end end if l_class.current_feature_table /= Void then l_class.set_previous_feature_table (l_class.current_feature_table) l_class.set_current_feature_table (Void) end end i := i + 1 end -- Update servers Tmp_ast_server.finalize Ast_server.take_control (Tmp_ast_server) -- It is important to do `feature_server' after the AST server -- because before processing them all the AST are in memory -- and {FEATURE_SERVER}.take_control may increase the overall memory usage. -- Therefore freeing some memory via the the AST server first -- would most likely not cause a memory increase here. feature_server.take_control (tmp_feature_server) feature_table_cache.wipe_out Depend_server.take_control (Tmp_depend_server) creation_server.take_control (tmp_creation_server) M_feat_tbl_server.take_control (Tmp_m_feat_tbl_server) M_feature_server.take_control (Tmp_m_feature_server) M_desc_server.take_control (Tmp_m_desc_server) -- No need to do `Byte_server' and `Inv_byte_server' because -- it is done in `melt'. See comment in `melt' for rationale. --Byte_server.take_control (Tmp_byte_server) --Inv_byte_server.take_control (Tmp_inv_byte_server) end feature -- IL code generation generate_il -- Generate IL code require il_generation: il_generation local il_generator: CIL_GENERATOR old_dead_code: like dead_code do create il_generator.make (Degree_output) if is_il_netcore then -- Force IL emitter for .net core projects ;(create {CLI_EMITTER_SERVICE}).force_using_il_emitter end il_generator.generate if (in_final_mode or freeze) and then externals.count > 0 then externals.freeze freezing_occurred := True old_dead_code := dead_code set_dead_code ({CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none) if in_final_mode then create {FINAL_MAKER} makefile_generator.make else create {WBENCH_MAKER} makefile_generator.make end open_log_files externals.generate_il (makefile_generator) close_log_files set_dead_code (old_dead_code) if not in_final_mode then is_freeze_requested := False end end il_generator.deploy end feature {NONE} -- IL generation check_full_class_name_unicity -- Ensure that two classes or more in system do not have -- same IL full name, i.e. namespace + class name. require il_generation: System.il_generation classes_not_void: classes /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER l_table: HASH_TABLE [CLASS_C, STRING] l_conflicts: HASH_TABLE [SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C], STRING] l_list: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C] l_class: CLASS_C l_name: STRING l_vifc: VIFC l_types: TYPE_LIST do -- Process done in two passes. First we collect all names -- and we collect conflicting one in `l_conflicts'. -- Once this is done, we process `l_conflicts' to create -- the associated VIFC error. from create l_table.make (classes.count) create l_conflicts.make (10) i := classes.lower nb := classes.upper until i > nb loop l_class := classes.item (i) if l_class /= Void then -- We now process each generic derivation in each class, -- as it might be possible that we will have a class -- called A_INT32 and a class A [INTEGER] which resolves -- to the same type and we don't want that to happen. from l_types := l_class.types l_types.start until l_types.after loop if l_types.item.is_generated then -- Compute full type name. We do not need to check the -- `full_il_implementation_type_name' as there is no way -- that an Eiffel class can have a `.' in its name. l_name := l_types.item.full_il_type_name if cls_compliant then -- CLS compliant prevent to have two types -- with full name that only differs by case. l_name := l_name.as_lower end if not l_types.item.is_external and then not l_types.item.is_basic then if l_table.has (l_name) then -- This name has already been inserted, we -- record it in `l_conflicts' to report an error later. -- This need not to be done for external class types. if l_conflicts.has (l_name) then -- An error has already been processed on this type, -- get list of classes involved to add current `l_class'. l_list := l_conflicts.item (l_name) else -- No error on `l_name', we create a new list. create l_list.make (2) l_conflicts.put (l_list, l_name) end -- Add classes involved in error. l_list.force (l_class) l_list.force (l_table.item (l_name)) else -- Mark `l_class' as being processed. l_table.put (l_class, l_name) end end end l_types.forth end end i := i + 1 end -- Process `l_conflicts' and generate errors if any. from l_conflicts.start until l_conflicts.after loop create l_vifc.make (l_conflicts.item_for_iteration, l_conflicts.key_for_iteration) Error_handler.insert_error (l_vifc) l_conflicts.forth end Error_handler.checksum end feature -- Freeezing freeze_system -- Workbench C code generation. require root_types_compiled: are_root_classes_compiled do Eiffel_project.terminate_c_compilation freezing_occurred := True -- We are freezing our project, we need to reset `melted_file_name' -- to use `name'. Workbench.set_melted_file_name (Void) if Compilation_modes.is_precompiling then create {PRECOMP_MAKER} makefile_generator.make else create {WBENCH_MAKER} makefile_generator.make end address_table.update_ids debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Clear the melted code servers%N") end -- Clear the melted byte code servers m_feat_tbl_server.clear m_feature_server.clear debug ("ACTIVITY") io.error.put_string ("Shake%N") end -- Compress execution table. if not first_compilation then execution_table.freeze end -- Freeze the external table. externals.freeze -- Generation of the descriptor tables process_degree_minus_1 m_desc_server.clear generate_main_eiffel_files end generate_main_eiffel_files -- Generate the "e*.c" files. local deg_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT t: AUXILIARY_FILES degree_message: STRING do create t.make (Current, byte_context) degree_message := "Generating Auxiliary Files" deg_output := Degree_output deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 10, 10) generate_cecil deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 9, 10) generate_skeletons generate_expanded_structures deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 8, 10) generate_parent_tables is_conformance_table_melted := False melted_parent_table := Void deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 7, 10) t.generate_plug deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 6, 10) t.generate_dynamic_lib_file deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 5, 10) generate_init_file deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 4, 10) generate_option_file (True) address_table.generate (False) deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 3, 10) generate_rout_info_table deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 2, 10) generate_pattern_table deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 1, 10) execution_table.generate deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 0, 10) t.generate_make_file -- Create an empty update file ("melted.eif") make_update (True) end feature -- Final mode generation in_final_mode: BOOLEAN -- Generation of Final code ? do Result := byte_context.final_mode end finalize_system (keep_assert: BOOLEAN) -- Finalized generation. require root_classes_compiled: are_root_classes_compiled local old_dead_code: like dead_code old_exception_stack_managed: BOOLEAN old_inlining_on, old_array_optimization_on: BOOLEAN deg_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT retried: BOOLEAN d1, d2: DATE_TIME l_type_id_mapping: ARRAY [INTEGER] l_old_type_id_counter: INTEGER do eiffel_project.terminate_c_compilation if not retried and then is_finalization_needed then trampoline_table.wipe_out create skeleton_table.make (400) if not il_generation then internal_retrieved_finalized_type_mapping := Void create l_type_id_mapping.make_filled (0, 0, static_type_id_counter.count) l_old_type_id_counter := type_id_counter.value process_dynamic_types (False, l_type_id_mapping, 0) end -- Reset `disposable_descendants' since they can have changed --| Note: That is important to recompute it, as this is a once --| which is not stored in the project file, therefore if we --| do a finalization where no classes have been modified it --| will be empty (because recomputed only in `do_recompilation --| if some classes have been modified) unless we force its recomputation. reset_disposable_descendants debug ("timing") create d1.make_now end -- Set the generation mode in final mode byte_context.set_final_mode if il_generation then create l_type_id_mapping.make_filled (0, 0, static_type_id_counter.count) process_optimized_single_types (False, l_type_id_mapping) end keep_assertions := keep_assert set_is_precompile_finalized (is_precompiled) if il_generation then -- Build binding tables for CLASS_TYPE instances. This is -- needed for proper processing of computation of `is_polymorphic' -- on polymorphic table and computation of expanded descendants. process_conformance_table_for_type (agent {CLASS_TYPE}.build_binding_table) byte_context.clear_system_data byte_context.compute_expanded_descendants generate_il byte_context.clear_system_data debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree -2/-3 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end else -- Set `Server_control' to remove right away extra unused -- files (especially done for the TMP_POLY_SERVER). Server_controler.set_remove_right_away (True) -- Initialize `TMP_POLY_SERVER' and `TMP_OPT_BYTE_SERVER' Tmp_poly_server.make Tmp_opt_byte_server.make -- Save the value of `remover_off' -- and `exception_stack_managed' old_dead_code := dead_code old_exception_stack_managed := exception_stack_managed old_inlining_on := inlining_on old_array_optimization_on := array_optimization_on -- Should dead code be removed? if old_dead_code /= {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none and then keep_assertions then set_dead_code ({CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none) end if not exception_stack_managed then exception_stack_managed := keep_assertions end -- Inlining is disabled when dead code removal is off or when checking -- for catcalls. inlining_on := inlining_on and dead_code /= {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none and not check_for_catcall_at_runtime array_optimization_on := array_optimization_on and dead_code /= {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none byte_context.clear_system_data process_degree_minus_2 debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree -2 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end address_table.update_ids -- Dead code removal. is_class_type_alive_storage.make (class_types.count) is_class_type_reachable_storage.make (class_types.count) if dead_code = {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none then across class_types as t loop is_class_type_alive_storage [t.target_index] := attached t.item as class_type and then is_type_reachable (class_type.type) end is_class_type_reachable_storage.copy (is_class_type_alive_storage) else deg_output := Degree_output deg_output.put_start_dead_code_removal_message remove_dead_code debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Dead code removal duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics create d1.make_now end deg_output.put_end_dead_code_removal_message end tmp_opt_byte_server.flush -- Build binding tables for CLASS_TYPE instances. This is -- needed for proper processing of computation of `is_polymorphic' -- on polymorphic table and computation of expanded descendants. process_conformance_table_for_type (agent {CLASS_TYPE}.build_binding_table) -- Generation of C files associated to the classes of -- the system. Eiffel_table.start_degree_minus_3 (History_control.max_rout_id) byte_context.compute_expanded_descendants process_degree_minus_3 debug ("timing") create d2.make_now print ("Degree -3 duration: ") print (d2.relative_duration (d1).fine_seconds_count) print ("%N") print_memory_statistics end generate_main_finalized_eiffel_files -- Clean Eiffel table and other system-wide tables Eiffel_table.wipe_out byte_context.clear_system_data Tmp_poly_server.clear Tmp_opt_byte_server.clear -- Clean binding tables for CLASS_TYPE instances. We don't need -- to store them on disk as they are recomputed at each finalization. process_conformance_table_for_type (agent {CLASS_TYPE}.reset_binding_table) is_class_type_alive_storage.make (0) is_class_type_reachable_storage.make (0) remover := Void -- Set `Server_control' not to remove right away extra unused -- files (especially done for the TMP_POLY_SERVER, but since we -- are back now to a normal compilation we should not remove the -- useless files). Server_controler.set_remove_right_away (False) -- Restore previous value set_dead_code (old_dead_code) exception_stack_managed := old_exception_stack_managed inlining_on := old_inlining_on array_optimization_on := old_array_optimization_on end -- Clean `finalization_needed' tag from all CLASS_C clean_finalization_tag if l_type_id_mapping /= Void then if il_generation then process_optimized_single_types (True, l_type_id_mapping) else if then store_finalized_type_mapping (l_type_id_mapping) end process_dynamic_types (True, l_type_id_mapping, l_old_type_id_counter) end end skeleton_table := Void private_finalize := False end rescue -- Clean the servers if the finalization is aborted Tmp_poly_server.flush Tmp_poly_server.clear Tmp_opt_byte_server.flush Tmp_opt_byte_server.clear Eiffel_table.wipe_out History_control.wipe_out successful := False has_warning := error_handler.has_warning -- Restore previous value. set_dead_code (old_dead_code) exception_stack_managed := old_exception_stack_managed inlining_on := old_inlining_on array_optimization_on := old_array_optimization_on skeleton_table := Void remover := Void -- Clean binding tables for CLASS_TYPE instances. We don't need -- to store them on disk as they are recomputed at each finalization. process_conformance_table_for_type (agent {CLASS_TYPE}.reset_binding_table) -- Reset `class_types' if l_type_id_mapping /= Void then if il_generation then process_optimized_single_types (True, l_type_id_mapping) else process_dynamic_types (True, l_type_id_mapping, l_old_type_id_counter) end end if rescue_status.is_error_exception then retried := True if not compilation_modes.is_precompiling then compilation_modes.reset_modes end rescue_status.set_is_error_exception (False) error_handler.trace set_current_class (Void) retry end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_remove_class (a_class: CLASS_C; a_depth: INTEGER) -- Remove class `a_class' from the system even if -- it has syntactical_clients. require good_argument: a_class /= Void valid_depth: a_depth >= 0 a_class_is_removable: a_class.is_removable local supplier: CLASS_C supplier_clients: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] related_classes: LINKED_SET [CLASS_C] finished: BOOLEAN id: INTEGER types: TYPE_LIST do id := a_class.class_id if system.class_of_id (id) /= Void then -- Force a recompilation set_melt -- Remove class from `unref_classes' if it is referenced. -- It is only done if class is directly removed. Removing -- `a_class' does not remove any subclasses from `unref_classes', -- so that they are recompiled back if a_depth = 0 then unref_classes.prune_all (a_class.original_class) end check attached a_class.eiffel_class_c as l_eif_class then l_eif_class.remove_c_generated_files end -- Update control flags of the topological sort moved := True -- Remove type check relations if a_class.parents /= Void then a_class.remove_relations end -- Remove externals defined in current removed class externals.remove (id) -- Remove class `a_class' from the lists of changed classes Degree_5.remove_class (a_class) Degree_4.remove_class (a_class) Degree_3.remove_class (a_class) Degree_2.remove_class (a_class) -- Mark the class to remove uncompiled a_class.original_class.reset_compiled_class -- Remove its types from types := a_class.types types.start until types.after loop class_types.put (Void, types.item.type_id) types.forth end -- Remove if from the servers Inv_byte_server.remove (id) Ast_server.remove (id) Inv_ast_server.remove (id) Depend_server.remove (id) creation_server.remove (id) M_desc_server.remove (id) Tmp_inv_byte_server.remove (id) Tmp_ast_server.remove (id) Tmp_depend_server.remove (id) tmp_creation_server.remove (id) Tmp_m_desc_server.remove (id) Degree_1.remove_class (a_class) Degree_minus_1.remove_class (a_class) classes.remove (id) -- Create linked_set of classes that depends on current class. -- We use `syntactical_suppliers', `syntactical_clients' and `clients'. from a_class.syntactical_suppliers.start a_class.syntactical_clients.start a_class.clients.start create related_classes.make until finished loop finished := True if not a_class.syntactical_suppliers.after then supplier := a_class.syntactical_suppliers.item related_classes.extend (supplier) supplier.suppliers.remove_class (a_class) a_class.syntactical_suppliers.forth finished := False end if not a_class.syntactical_clients.after then supplier := a_class.syntactical_clients.item related_classes.extend (supplier) supplier.suppliers.remove_class (a_class) a_class.syntactical_clients.forth finished := False end if not a_class.clients.after then supplier := a_class.clients.item related_classes.extend (supplier) supplier.suppliers.remove_class (a_class) a_class.clients.forth finished := False end end -- Remove supplier/clients syntactical relations of `a_class' -- and remove classes recursively if needed. from related_classes.start until related_classes.after loop supplier := related_classes.item -- Remove from `syntactical_clients' supplier_clients := supplier.syntactical_clients supplier_clients.start supplier_clients.compare_references (a_class) if not supplier_clients.after then supplier_clients.remove end if supplier.has_dep_class (a_class) then -- Remove the dependecies recursively. -- (See test#incr381 that fails of the removal is not done recursively.) remove_dependencies (supplier, a_class) end if supplier_clients.is_empty and then -- The root class is not removed -- true only if the root class has changed and -- was a client for a removed class not is_compiled_root_class (supplier) and then -- Cannot propagate for a protected class supplier.class_id > protected_classes_level and then -- A recursion may occur when removing a cluster class_of_id (supplier.class_id) /= Void and then -- removable supplier.is_removable then -- Recursively remove class. internal_remove_class (supplier, a_depth + 1) end related_classes.forth end end end remove_dependencies (supplier, dependant: CLASS_C) require has_dependency: supplier.has_dep_class (dependant) do supplier.remove_dep_class (dependant) if attached supplier.conforming_parents_classes as cs then across cs as c loop if c.item.has_dep_class (dependant) then remove_dependencies (c.item, dependant) end end end if attached supplier.non_conforming_parents_classes as cs then across cs as c loop if c.item.has_dep_class (dependant) then remove_dependencies (c.item, dependant) end end end ensure has_no_dependency: not supplier.has_dep_class (dependant) end feature {NONE} -- Finalization implementation is_finalization_needed: BOOLEAN -- Has system not yet be finalized or has system -- changed since last finalization. local a_class: CLASS_C j, nb: INTEGER class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] do Result := private_finalize if not Result then class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from j := 1 until Result or j > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (j) -- Since a class can be removed, test if `a_class' -- is not Void. Result := a_class /= Void and then ((not a_class.is_precompiled or a_class.is_in_system) and a_class.finalization_needed) j := j + 1 end end end clean_finalization_tag -- Reset all CLASS_C.finalization_needed to False. local a_class: CLASS_C j, nb: INTEGER class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] do class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from j := 1 until j > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (j) -- Since a class can be removed, test if `a_class' -- is not Void. if a_class /= Void and then (not a_class.is_precompiled or a_class.is_in_system) then a_class.set_finalization_needed (False) end j := j + 1 end end process_degree_minus_2 -- Process Degree -2. local a_class: CLASS_C i, j, nb: INTEGER deg_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] do i := classes.count deg_output := Degree_output deg_output.put_start_degree (-2, i) class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from j := 1 until j > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (j) -- Since a class can be removed, test if `a_class' -- is not Void. if a_class /= Void then if not a_class.is_precompiled or else a_class.is_in_system then deg_output.put_degree_minus_2 (a_class, i) a_class.eiffel_class_c.process_polymorphism History_control.check_overload end i := i - 1 end j := j + 1 end History_control.transfer tmp_poly_server.flush deg_output.put_end_degree end process_degree_minus_3 -- Process Degree -3. -- Generation of C files associated to the classes of -- the system. local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C j: INTEGER deg_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT do Eiffel_project.delete_generation_directory (project_location.final_path, Void, Void) -- No agent create {FINAL_MAKER} makefile_generator.make open_log_files j := classes.count deg_output := Degree_output deg_output.put_start_degree (-3, j) class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count -- Comment out the line below to quickly debug generation bug in finalized mode: -- universe.class_named ("TEST", from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) -- Since a class can be removed, test if `a_class' is not Void. if a_class /= Void then if not a_class.is_precompiled or else a_class.is_in_system then deg_output.put_degree_minus_3 (a_class, j) current_class := a_class a_class.pass4 end j := j - 1 end i := i + 1 end deg_output.put_end_degree close_log_files end feature -- Dead code removal is_basic_class_alive: BOOLEAN = True -- Is basic class included in the system? is_string_class_alive: BOOLEAN = True -- Are string classes for manifest strings included in the system? is_array_class_alive: BOOLEAN = True -- Is array class included in the system? is_tuple_class_alive: BOOLEAN = True -- Is tuple class included in the system? remove_dead_code -- Dead code removal local visible_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] r: like remover do -- Note: To have dead code removal working when assertions are enabled -- we need to perform two things: -- 1 - record all invariants -- 2 - record all inherited assertions of a routine. -- We currently can do `1' but not `2'. create r.make remover := r -- Mark classes that are known by the run-time. if is_basic_class_alive then r.mark_class_alive (boolean_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (character_8_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (character_32_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (integer_8_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (integer_16_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (integer_32_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (integer_64_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (natural_8_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (natural_16_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (natural_32_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (natural_64_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (pointer_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (real_32_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (real_64_class.compiled_class.class_id) r.mark_class_alive (typed_pointer_class.compiled_class.class_id) end if is_string_class_alive then r.mark_class_alive (string_8_id) r.mark_class_alive (string_32_id) r.mark_class_alive (immutable_string_8_id) r.mark_class_alive (immutable_string_32_id) end if is_array_class_alive then r.mark_class_alive (array_id) end if is_tuple_class_alive then r.mark_class_alive (tuple_id) end r.mark_class_alive (exception_class_id) r.mark_class_alive (ise_exception_manager_class_id) if array_optimization_on then r.record_array_descendants end if dead_code = {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_feature then -- Mark all classes as alive. across classes as cc loop if attached cc.item as c and then c.is_valid and then (c.is_precompiled implies c.is_in_system) then if c.is_deferred then r.mark_class_reachable (c.class_id) else r.mark_class_alive (c.class_id) end end end end -- It is more efficient to mark classes before marking features. create visible_classes.make (0) across classes as cc loop if attached cc.item as c and then (c.is_precompiled implies c.is_in_system) and then c.visible_level.has_visible then c.mark_visible_class (r) visible_classes.extend (c) end end -- First, inspection of the Eiffel code root_creators.do_all ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT) local f: FEATURE_I c: CLASS_C do if not a_root.procedure_name.is_empty and not a_root.is_explicit then check valid_root: a_root.is_class_type_set end c := a_root.class_type.base_class -- An object of a root class is created automatically. remover.mark_class_alive (c.class_id) f := c.feature_table.item (a_root.procedure_name) if f.argument_count > 0 then -- Arguments are created automatically. remover.mark_class_alive (array_id) remover.mark_class_alive (string_8_id) end remover.register_monomorphic (f, c.class_id) end end) register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.dispose_name_id, disposable_class) register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.copy_name_id, any_class) register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.is_equal_name_id, any_class) across visible_classes as c loop c.item.mark_visible_features (remover) end if has_expanded then across class_types as cc loop if attached cc.item as c then c.mark_creation_routine (remover) end end end -- Protection of `make' from ARRAY. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.Make_name_id, array_class) -- Protection of `to_array' from SPECIAL. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.to_array_name_id, special_class) -- Protection of feature `make' of class STRING. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.Make_name_id, string_8_class) -- Protection of feature `make' of class STRING_32. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.Make_name_id, string_32_class) -- Protection of feature `make_from_c_byte_array' of class IMMUTABLE_STRING_8. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_from_c_byte_array_name_id, immutable_string_8_class) -- Protection of feature `make_from_c_byte_array' of class IMMUTABLE_STRING_32. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.make_from_c_byte_array_name_id, immutable_string_32_class) -- Protection of ROUTINE class features. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_rout_disp_final_name_id, routine_class) -- Protection of ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER class features. register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.last_exception_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_last_exception_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_exception_data_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.is_code_ignored_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.once_raise_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.init_exception_manager_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) register_monomorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.free_preallocated_trace_name_id, ise_exception_manager_class) -- Protection of feature `internal_correct_mismatch' of ANY. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.Internal_correct_mismatch_name_id, any_class) -- Protection of feature `twin' of ANY. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.twin_name_id, any_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference BOOLEAN'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, boolean_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference CHARACTER'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, character_8_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference WIDE_CHARACTER'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, character_32_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference POINTER'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, pointer_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference TYPED_POINTER_ [G]'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, typed_pointer_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference REAL'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, real_32_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference DOUBLE'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, real_64_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference NATURAL_8'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, natural_8_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference NATURAL_16'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, natural_16_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference NATURAL_32'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, natural_32_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference NATURAL_64'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, natural_64_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference INTEGER_8'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, integer_8_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference INTEGER_16'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, integer_16_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference INTEGER_32'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, integer_32_class) -- Protection of feature `set_item' of `reference INTEGER_64'. register_polymorphic ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.set_item_name_id, integer_64_class) r.analyze debug ("DEAD_CODE") r.dump_alive end across class_types as t loop if attached t.item as class_type and then is_type_reachable (class_type.type) then is_class_type_alive_storage [t.target_index] := r.is_class_alive (class_type.type.class_id) is_class_type_reachable_storage [t.target_index] := r.is_class_reachable (class_type.type.class_id) else is_class_type_alive_storage [t.target_index] := False is_class_type_reachable_storage [t.target_index] := False end end end register_monomorphic (n: INTEGER; i: detachable CLASS_I) -- Register a non-polymorphic call to a feature of name `n` on a target of class `i`. do if attached i and then attached i.compiled_class as c and then attached c.feature_table.item_id (n) as f then remover.register_monomorphic (f, c.class_id) end end register_polymorphic (n: INTEGER; i: detachable CLASS_I) -- Register a polymorphic call to a feature of name `n` on a target of a type with a base class `i`. do if attached i and then attached i.compiled_class as c and then attached c.feature_table.item_id (n) as f then remover.register_polymorphic (f, c.class_id) end end is_used (f: FEATURE_I): BOOLEAN -- Is feature `f' used in the system ? require good_argument: f /= Void do Result := attached remover as r implies r.is_code_reachable (f.body_index) end is_class_reachable (c: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Are features of the class `c` potentially reachable during execution? -- E.g., are there live decendants (including the class itself) or is the class used in a non-object call? require in_final_mode do Result := if attached remover as r then -- Use reachability information from the remover. r.is_class_reachable (c.class_id) else -- Use general information about class usage. c.is_precompiled implies c.is_in_system end end is_class_type_alive (i: like {CLASS_TYPE}.type_id): BOOLEAN -- Is class type of ID `i` alive (i.e., an object of that type can be created) when executing the system? require in_final_mode class_types.valid_index (i) do Result := is_class_type_alive_storage [i] end is_class_type_reachable (i: like {CLASS_TYPE}.type_id): BOOLEAN -- Is class type of ID `i` reachable (i.e., code of that type could be executed) when executing the system? require in_final_mode class_types.valid_index (i) do Result := is_class_type_reachable_storage [i] end feature {NONE} -- Generation is_type_reachable (t: TYPE_A): BOOLEAN -- Is type `t` built using only reachable classes? require in_final_mode do Result := attached t.base_class as c implies (c.is_precompiled implies c.is_in_system) and then (attached t.generics as gs implies across gs as g all is_type_reachable (g.item) end) end is_class_type_alive_storage: BOOL_STRING -- Storage for precomputed values of `is_class_type_alive`. require in_final_mode once create Result.make (0) end is_class_type_reachable_storage: BOOL_STRING -- Storage for precomputed values of `is_class_type_reachable`. require in_final_mode once create Result.make (0) end feature -- Generation generate_main_finalized_eiffel_files -- Generation of all the tables needed by the finalized -- Eiffel executable. local deg_output: DEGREE_OUTPUT t: AUXILIARY_FILES degree_message: STRING do create t.make (Current, byte_context) degree_message := "Generating Auxiliary Files" deg_output := Degree_output -- Address table deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 10, 10) address_table.generate (True) -- Generation of the reference number table deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 9, 10) generate_reference_table -- Cecil structures generation deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 8, 10) generate_cecil -- Generation of the skeletons deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 7, 10) generate_skeletons generate_expanded_structures -- Generation of the parent table deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 6, 10) generate_parent_tables -- Generate plug with run-time. -- Has to be done before `generate_routine_table' because -- this is were we mark `used' the attribute table of `lower' and -- `area' used with `array_optimization'. deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 5, 10) t.generate_plug -- Routine table generation deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 4, 10) generate_routine_table -- Generate edynlib with run-time. deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 3, 10) t.generate_dynamic_lib_file -- Generate init file deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 2, 10) generate_init_file -- Generate option file if keep_assertions then generate_option_file (False) end -- Generate stubs to perform separate calls. separate_patterns.generate -- Generation of type size table deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 1, 10) generate_size_table -- Generate makefile deg_output.put_degree_output (degree_message, 0, 10) t.generate_make_file end store_finalized_type_mapping (a_backup: ARRAY [INTEGER]) -- Store the mapping between workbench `type_id' and the finalized one. -- This mapping is needed for the profiler wizard when displaying finalized result. require in_final_mode a_backup_not_void: a_backup /= Void a_backup_valid: a_backup.lower >= 0 and a_backup.upper <= static_type_id_counter.count local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] a_class: CLASS_C types: TYPE_LIST i, nb: INTEGER l_new_old_mapping: ARRAY [INTEGER] l_writer: SED_MEDIUM_READER_WRITER l_facility: SED_STORABLE_FACILITIES l_mapping_file: RAW_FILE do -- Build mapping between the new IDs and the old ones. from class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count create l_new_old_mapping.make_filled (0, a_backup.lower, a_backup.upper) i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void then from types := a_class.types types.start until types.after loop l_new_old_mapping [types.item.type_id] := a_backup [types.item.static_type_id] types.forth end end i := i + 1 end create l_mapping_file.make_with_path (project_location.final_path.extended (finalized_type_mapping)) l_mapping_file.open_write create l_writer.make (l_mapping_file) l_writer.set_for_writing create l_facility (l_new_old_mapping, l_writer) l_mapping_file.close end internal_retrieved_finalized_type_mapping: like retrieved_finalized_type_mapping -- Storage for `retrieved_finalized_type_mapping'. retrieved_finalized_type_mapping: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Mapping between finalized type IDs and the workbench one if present. Void otherwise. local l_file: RAW_FILE l_facility: SED_STORABLE_FACILITIES l_reader: SED_MEDIUM_READER_WRITER retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then Result := internal_retrieved_finalized_type_mapping if Result = Void then create l_file.make_with_path (project_location.final_path.extended (finalized_type_mapping)) if l_file.exists then l_file.open_read create l_reader.make (l_file) l_reader.set_for_reading create l_facility Result ?= l_facility.retrieved (l_reader, True) l_file.close internal_retrieved_finalized_type_mapping := Result end end end rescue retried := True retry end process_dynamic_types (is_restoring: BOOLEAN; a_backup: ARRAY [INTEGER]; a_type_id_counter_value: INTEGER) -- Processing of the dynamic types. -- This is only needed when finalizing because this is where it is important -- to have `type_id' sorted in topological order. This solves eweasel test#exec256. require is_finalizing: compilation_modes.is_finalizing a_backup_not_void: a_backup /= Void a_backup_valid_for_restoring: is_restoring implies (a_backup.lower >= 0 and a_backup.upper <= static_type_id_counter.count) valid_counter_value: is_restoring implies a_type_id_counter_value > 0 local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] class_list: ARRAY [detachable CLASS_C] a_class: CLASS_C types: TYPE_LIST i, nb: INTEGER l_class_is_finalized: BOOLEAN do if is_restoring then -- Restore modified types. from class_types.clear_all class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void then from types := a_class.types types.start until types.after loop reset_type_id (types.item, a_backup [types.item.static_type_id]) types.forth end end i := i + 1 end type_id_counter.set_value (a_type_id_counter_value) else -- We simply take types in their topological order from CLASS_C.topological_id -- and then traverse the list and reset the dynamic type id. -- Sort the class_list by type id in `class_list'. create class_list.make_filled (Void, 1, max_class_id) class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void then class_list.put (a_class, a_class.topological_id) end i := i + 1 end -- Iteration on `class_list' in order to compute new type id's from nb := max_class_id class_types.clear_all type_id_counter.set_value (0) i := 1 until i > nb loop -- Types of the class a_class := class_list.item (i) -- The following check is needed as `class_list' can contain Void items after Degree 4 -- when {TEST_SYSTEM_I} removed unused classes. if a_class /= Void then types := a_class.types l_class_is_finalized := not a_class.is_precompiled or else a_class.is_in_system -- If an expanded type is in a precompiled library, then there will always -- be a generic derivation for TYPE [my_expanded_class] due to the presence -- of `generating_type: TYPE [detachable like Current]' in ANY. Even if the -- expanded class is not really used in the system, we need to compile it in -- so that we can generate the generic derivation of `{TYPE}' that includes it. -- This solves many eweasel tests such as test#time002 when -- UTF_CONVERTER expanded class was added to EiffelBase. l_class_is_finalized := l_class_is_finalized or else a_class.is_expanded -- The following line is a hack so that `types.sort' works. current_class := a_class types.sort (a_class) from types.start until types.after loop a_backup [types.item.static_type_id] := types.item.type_id if l_class_is_finalized then -- Only update `type_id' for types of classes which are really -- part of the system for a finalization. Classes that are not -- part of the system are not in `class_types' anymore and this -- is why we don't bother updating their `type_id'. It will be -- properly restored when `is_restoring' is True. reset_type_id (types.item, end types.forth end end i := i + 1 end end end process_optimized_single_types (is_restoring: BOOLEAN; a_backup: ARRAY [INTEGER]) -- Modifies the implementation ids of all class marked as now being single genereation types. -- -- The purpose of this routine is to temporarly set an applicable type's implementation id to -- a static id. This is require for finalizing and optimizing .NET types, where non-single types -- may be generated a single types during finalization. require is_finalizing: compilation_modes.is_finalizing il_generation: il_generation a_backup_not_void: a_backup /= Void a_backup_valid_for_restoring: is_restoring implies (a_backup.lower >= 0 and a_backup.upper <= static_type_id_counter.count) local i, l_count: INTEGER l_types: like class_types do l_types := class_types l_count := l_types.count if is_restoring then from i := 1 until i = l_count loop if attached l_types [i] as class_type and then not class_type.is_precompiled and then not class_type.is_external and then class_type.is_generated_as_single_type then class_type.set_implementation_id (a_backup [i]) end i := i + 1 end else from i := 1 until i = l_count loop if attached l_types [i] as class_type and then not class_type.is_precompiled and then not class_type.is_external and then class_type.is_generated_as_single_type then a_backup.put (class_type.implementation_id, i) -- Set implementation id to static id for .NET types that have been marked a single. class_type.set_implementation_id (class_type.static_type_id) end i := i + 1 end end end reset_type_id (class_type: CLASS_TYPE; an_id: INTEGER) -- Assign a new dynamic type id to `class_type'. require class_type_not_void: class_type /= Void an_id_positive: an_id > 0 do class_type.set_type_id (an_id) -- Update `class_types' insert_class_type (class_type) end generate_routine_table -- Generate routine and attribute tables. require in_final_mode: byte_context.final_mode local table: POLY_TABLE [ENTRY] i, nb: INTEGER used, used_for_routines, used_for_types: PACKED_BOOLEANS l_buf: like generation_buffer l_header_buf: like header_generation_buffer l_table_name: STRING l_poly_file: INDENT_FILE l_rout_ids: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_tmp_poly_server: like tmp_poly_server l_encoder: like encoder l_processed: HASH_TABLE [BOOLEAN, INTEGER] l_done: BOOLEAN trampoline_code: NATURAL_64 do l_buf := generation_buffer l_header_buf := header_generation_buffer l_tmp_poly_server := tmp_poly_server l_encoder := encoder -- Generate tables and their initialization routines. attr_generator.init (l_buf) rout_generator.init (l_header_buf) rout_generator.reset_counter used := Eiffel_table.used used_for_types := Eiffel_table.used_for_types used_for_routines := Eiffel_table.used_for_routines -- Iterate until no more tables are marked used. -- This solves test#anchor040 where during `table.write_for_type' -- new routine IDs are marked alive. from create l_processed.make (used.count) until l_done loop from l_done := True i := used.lower nb := used.upper until i > nb loop if used.item (i) and not l_processed.item (i) then table := l_tmp_poly_server.item (i) if used_for_routines.valid_index (i) and then used_for_routines.item (i) then table.write end if used_for_types.valid_index (i) and then used_for_types.item (i) then table.write_for_type end l_processed.put (True, i) l_done := False end i := i + 1 end end generate_initialization_table generate_expanded_creation_table generate_dispose_table generate_copy_table generate_is_equal_table attr_generator.finish rout_generator.finish trampoline_generator.init (l_buf) across trampoline_table.twin as t loop if attached {ROUT_TABLE} l_tmp_poly_server.item (t.key) as r then across t.item.twin as s loop trampoline_code := s.item r.generate_trampoline ((trampoline_code |>> 32).as_integer_32, (trampoline_code & 0xFFFFFFFF).as_integer_32, trampoline_generator) end end end trampoline_generator.finish -- Call initialization routines for all tables used in system. l_buf.clear_all l_header_buf.clear_all l_header_buf.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") l_header_buf.start_c_specific_code -- Initialize tables for routines. l_buf.put_new_line l_buf.put_string ("void egc_routine_tables_init (void)") l_buf.generate_block_open -- Allocate `egc_routines_types', `egc_routines_gen_types' and `egc_routiness_offset'. l_buf.put_new_line l_buf.put_string ("egc_routines_types = (EIF_TYPE_INDEX **) eif_malloc (sizeof(EIF_TYPE_INDEX *) * ") l_buf.put_integer (routine_id_counter.count + 1) l_buf.put_string (");") l_buf.put_new_line l_buf.put_string ("egc_routines_gen_types = (EIF_TYPE_INDEX ***) eif_malloc (sizeof(EIF_TYPE_INDEX **) * ") l_buf.put_integer (routine_id_counter.count + 1) l_buf.put_string (");") l_buf.put_new_line l_buf.put_string ("egc_routines_offset = (int *) eif_malloc (sizeof(int) * ") l_buf.put_integer (routine_id_counter.count + 1) l_buf.put_string (");") l_buf.put_new_line from i := used.lower nb := used.upper until i > nb loop if used.item (i) then table := l_tmp_poly_server.item (i) if used_for_routines.valid_index (i) and then used_for_routines.item (i) then table.generate_initialization (l_buf, l_header_buf) end if used_for_types.valid_index (i) and then used_for_types.item (i) then l_table_name := l_encoder.type_table_name (i) -- Declare initialization routine for table l_header_buf.put_new_line l_header_buf.put_string ("extern void ") l_header_buf.put_string (l_table_name) l_header_buf.put_string ("_init(void);") -- Call the routine l_buf.put_new_line l_buf.put_string (l_table_name) l_buf.put_string ("_init();") end end i := i + 1 end -- Generate initialization for special tables. from create l_rout_ids.make (4) l_rout_ids.extend (routine_id_counter.dispose_rout_id) l_rout_ids.extend (routine_id_counter.copy_rout_id) l_rout_ids.extend (routine_id_counter.is_equal_rout_id) l_rout_ids.extend (routine_id_counter.initialization_rout_id) l_rout_ids.extend (routine_id_counter.creation_rout_id) l_rout_ids.start until l_rout_ids.after loop l_table_name := l_encoder.routine_table_name (l_rout_ids.item) -- Declare initialization routine for table l_header_buf.put_new_line l_header_buf.put_string ("extern void ") l_header_buf.put_string (l_table_name) l_header_buf.put_string ("_init(void);") -- Call the routine l_buf.put_new_line l_buf.put_string (l_table_name) l_buf.put_string ("_init();") l_rout_ids.forth end l_buf.generate_block_close l_buf.end_c_specific_code create l_poly_file.make_c_code_file (final_file_name (epoly, dot_c, 1)) l_header_buf.put_in_file (l_poly_file) l_buf.put_in_file (l_poly_file) l_poly_file.close end extend_skeleton_table (a_macro_name, a_macro_definition: STRING) -- Add `a_macro_name' and `a_macro_definition' into `skeleton_table'. require in_final_mode: in_final_mode a_macro_name_not_void: a_macro_name /= Void a_macro_definition_not_void: a_macro_definition /= Void skeleton_table_not_void: skeleton_table /= Void do skeleton_table.put (a_macro_name, a_macro_definition) ensure inserted: skeleton_table.has (a_macro_definition) and then skeleton_table.item (a_macro_definition).is_equal (a_macro_name) end generate_size_table -- Generate the size table. require final_mode: in_final_mode local i, nb: INTEGER class_type: CLASS_TYPE size_file: INDENT_FILE buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER l_skeleton_table: like skeleton_table do from -- Clear buffer for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all i := 1 nb := type_id_counter.value buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"%N% %%Nlong egc_fsize_init[] = {%N") until i > nb loop class_type := class_types.item (i) check class_type_not_void: class_type /= Void end class_type.skeleton.generate_size (buffer, False) buffer.put_character (',') if class_type.type /= Void then buffer.put_string (" /* " + class_type.type.dump + " */") else buffer.put_string (" /* " + class_type.associated_class.name_in_upper + " */") end buffer.put_character ('%N') i := i + 1 end buffer.put_string ("};%N") create size_file.make_c_code_file (x_gen_file_name (in_final_mode, Esize)) buffer.put_in_file (size_file) size_file.close -- Generate the mapping between macros and the actual computation of the size. from -- Clear buffer for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all buffer.put_string ("#ifndef _eoffsets_h_%N#define _eoffsets_h_") buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_new_line l_skeleton_table := skeleton_table l_skeleton_table.start until l_skeleton_table.after loop buffer.put_string ("#define ") buffer.put_string (l_skeleton_table.item_for_iteration) buffer.put_character (' ') buffer.put_string (l_skeleton_table.key_for_iteration) buffer.put_new_line l_skeleton_table.forth end buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("#endif%N") create size_file.make_c_code_file (x_gen_file_name (in_final_mode, Eoffsets)) buffer.put_in_file (size_file) size_file.close end generate_reference_table -- Generate the table of reference number per type. require in_final_mode local i, nb: INTEGER class_type: CLASS_TYPE skeleton: SKELETON reference_file: INDENT_FILE buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER do from -- Clear buffer for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all i := 1 nb := type_id_counter.value buffer.put_string ("%Nlong egc_fnbref_init[] = {%N") until i > nb loop class_type := class_types.item (i) if class_type /= Void then skeleton := class_type.skeleton buffer.put_integer (skeleton.nb_reference + skeleton.nb_expanded) else buffer.put_integer (0) end buffer.put_string (",%N") i := i + 1 end buffer.put_string ("%N};%N") create reference_file.make_c_code_file (final_file_name (eref, dot_c, 1)); buffer.put_in_file (reference_file) reference_file.close end generate_parent_tables -- Generates parent tables. local i, nb, cid: INTEGER cl_type: CLASS_TYPE parents_file: INDENT_FILE final_mode: BOOLEAN max_id: INTEGER used_ids: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER do -- Clear buffer for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all final_mode := byte_context.final_mode buffer.put_string ("[ #include "eif_eiffel.h" ]") buffer.start_c_specific_code from i := 1 max_id := 0 nb := Type_id_counter.value create used_ids.make_filled (False, 0, nb) until i > nb loop cl_type := class_types.item (i) if cl_type /= Void then cl_type.generate_parent_table (buffer, final_mode) cid := cl_type.type.generated_id (final_mode, Void) used_ids.force (True, cid) if cid > max_id then max_id := cid end end i := i + 1 end buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("int egc_partab_size_init = ") buffer.put_integer (max_id) buffer.put_string ("[ ; struct eif_par_types *egc_partab_init[] = { ]") from i := 0 until i > max_id loop if used_ids.item (i) then buffer.put_string ("&par") buffer.put_integer (i) else buffer.put_string ("NULL") end buffer.put_string (",%N") i := i + 1 end buffer.put_string ("NULL};") buffer.end_c_specific_code create parents_file.make_c_code_file (gen_file_name (final_mode, Eparents)); buffer.put_in_file (parents_file) parents_file.close end generate_skeletons -- Generate skeletons of class types. local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C final_mode: BOOLEAN types: TYPE_LIST skeleton_file: INDENT_FILE buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER do final_mode := byte_context.final_mode -- Since generated file `eskelet.[cx]' can be very big -- every 500K we write onto disk. create skeleton_file.make_c_code_file (x_gen_file_name (final_mode, Eskelet)); buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") if not final_mode then -- Hash table extern declaration in workbench mode buffer.start_c_specific_code class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if attached a_class and then a_class.has_visible then buffer.put_string ("extern const char *cl") buffer.put_integer (a_class.class_id) buffer.put_string ("[];%N") from types := a_class.types types.start until types.after loop buffer.put_string ("extern const uint32 cr") buffer.put_integer (types.item.type_id) buffer.put_string ("[];%N") types.forth end end i := i + 1 end buffer.put_new_line else buffer.start_c_specific_code end -- Generates the skeleton data used to fill skeleton. from nb := Type_id_counter.value i := 1 until i > nb loop buffer.flush_buffer (skeleton_file) -- Classes could be removed if attached class_types [i] as class_type then class_type.generate_skeleton1 (buffer) end i := i + 1 end -- Generate skeleton. buffer.put_string ("const struct cnode egc_fsystem_init[] = {") from i := 1 until i > nb loop buffer.flush_buffer (skeleton_file) if attached class_types [i] as class_type then if final_mode then if not class_type.associated_class.is_precompiled or else class_type.associated_class.is_in_system then class_type.generate_skeleton2 (buffer) else -- Type not inserted in system because it was coming -- from a precompiled library. buffer.put_string ("%N{0L, 0L,%"INVALID_TYPE%",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(uint16)0L,NULL,NULL}") end else class_type.generate_skeleton2 (buffer) end else if final_mode then buffer.put_string ("%N{0L, 0L,%"INVALID_TYPE%",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,(uint16)0L,NULL,NULL}") else buffer.put_string ("%N{%N0L,%N0L,%N%"INVALID_TYPE%",%NNULL,%NNULL,%N% %NULL,%NNULL,%N(uint16) 0L,%NNULL,%N0L,%N0L,%N% %(int32) 0L,%N% %{(int32) 0, (int) 0, NULL, NULL}, NULL}") end end buffer.put_character (',') i := i + 1 end buffer.put_string ("};%N") buffer.end_c_specific_code -- Generate skeleton buffer.put_in_file (skeleton_file) skeleton_file.close -- Generates the attribute names outside of `eskelet.c' because it slows -- down the Visual Studio C++ 2005 compiler on 64-bit. create skeleton_file.make_c_code_file (gen_file_name (final_mode, Enames)); buffer.clear_all buffer.start_c_specific_code buffer.put_new_line from nb := Type_id_counter.value i := 1 until i > nb loop buffer.flush_buffer (skeleton_file) -- Classes could be removed if attached class_types [i] as class_type then class_type.generate_attribute_names (buffer) end i := i + 1 end buffer.end_c_specific_code buffer.put_in_file (skeleton_file) skeleton_file.close end generate_expanded_structures -- Generate structures for expanded class types local i, nb: INTEGER cl_type: CLASS_TYPE structure_file: INDENT_FILE buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER final_mode: BOOLEAN do final_mode := in_final_mode create structure_file.make_c_code_file (if final_mode then final_file_name (estructure, Dot_x, 1) else workbench_file_name (estructure, Dot_h, 1) end) buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all buffer.put_string ("#ifndef _estructure_h_%N#define _estructure_h_%N%N") buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") buffer.start_c_specific_code from nb := Type_id_counter.value i := 1 until i > nb loop cl_type := class_types.item (i) -- Classes could be removed if cl_type /= Void then cl_type.generate_expanded_structure_definition (buffer) end i := i + 1 end buffer.end_c_specific_code -- Close header file protection buffer.put_string ("#endif%N") -- Generate file to disk buffer.put_in_file (structure_file) structure_file.close end generate_cecil -- Generate Cecil structures local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C final_mode: BOOLEAN temp: STRING subdir: DIRECTORY dir_name: PATH cecil_file, header_file: INDENT_FILE buffer, header_buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER l_has_visible: BOOLEAN generated_wrappers: SEARCH_TABLE [STRING] do -- Clear buffers for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all header_buffer := header_generation_buffer header_buffer.clear_all final_mode := byte_context.final_mode buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") buffer.put_string ("%N#include %"eif_cecil.h%"") if final_mode then buffer.put_string ("%N#include %"ececil.h%"") end buffer.start_c_specific_code create generated_wrappers.make (10) class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void and then a_class.has_visible then l_has_visible := True set_current_class (a_class) a_class.generate_cecil (generated_wrappers) end i := i + 1 end if final_mode then -- Extern declarations for previous file header_buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") header_buffer.start_c_specific_code Extern_declarations.generate (header_buffer) header_buffer.end_c_specific_code Extern_declarations.wipe_out -- Generation in file (we need to create the subdirectory create temp.make (2) temp.append_character (System_object_prefix) temp.append_integer (1) dir_name := project_location.final_path.extended (temp) create subdir.make_with_path (dir_name) if not subdir.exists then subdir.create_dir end create header_file.make_open_write (dir_name.extended ("ececil.h")) header_buffer.put_in_file (header_file) header_file.close if not l_has_visible then buffer.put_string ("%Nstruct ctable egc_ce_rname_init[") buffer.put_integer (Type_id_counter.value) buffer.put_three_character (']', ';', '%N') else buffer.put_string ("%Nstruct ctable egc_ce_rname_init[] = {%N") from i := 1 nb := Type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type and then class_type.associated_class.has_visible then class_type.generate_cecil (buffer) else buffer.put_string (once "%N{(int32) 0, (int) 0, (char **) 0, (char *) 0}") end buffer.put_character (',') i := i + 1 end buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_three_character ('}', ';', '%N') end end create_cecil_tables cecil_class_table.generate buffer.end_c_specific_code create cecil_file.make_c_code_file (gen_file_name (final_mode, Evisib)); buffer.put_in_file (cecil_file) cecil_file.close end create_cecil_tables -- Prepare cecil tables. local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C do class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count cecil_class_table.init (classes.count) from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void then cecil_class_table.put (a_class, a_class.external_name) end i := i + 1 end end generate_initialization_table -- Generate table of initialization routines for composite objects. require in_final_mode local rout_table: ROUT_TABLE rout_entry: ROUT_ENTRY i, nb: INTEGER l_void: VOID_A l_c_pattern_id: INTEGER l_arg_types: SPECIAL [TYPE_C] do if attached remover as r then -- Ensure that initialization routines are marked `used'. r.mark_code_reachable (body_index_counter.initialization_body_index) end i := 1 nb := Type_id_counter.value if i <= nb then -- Fetch the C pattern ID of the initialization routine. create l_arg_types.make_empty (2) l_arg_types.extend (create {REFERENCE_I}) l_arg_types.extend (create {REFERENCE_I}) l_c_pattern_id := pattern_table.c_pattern_id (create {C_PATTERN}.make (create {VOID_I}, l_arg_types)) from create rout_table.make (routine_id_counter.initialization_rout_id) create l_void rout_table.create_block (nb) until i > nb loop if attached class_types.item (i) as class_type and then class_type.has_creation_routine then create rout_entry.make (l_void, i, 0, False, body_index_counter.initialization_body_index, l_c_pattern_id, i, class_type.associated_class.class_id, class_type.associated_class.class_id, False, class_type.associated_class.class_id) rout_table.extend (rout_entry) end i := i + 1 end rout_table.sort end rout_table.generate_full (routine_id_counter.initialization_rout_id, header_generation_buffer) end generate_expanded_creation_table -- Generate table of creation procedures for all expanded objects. local rout_table: ROUT_TABLE rout_entry: ROUT_ENTRY i, nb: INTEGER l_class: CLASS_C do from create rout_table.make (routine_id_counter.creation_rout_id) i := 1 nb := Type_id_counter.value rout_table.create_block (nb) until i > nb loop if attached class_types.item (i) as class_type then l_class := class_type.associated_class if l_class.is_used_as_expanded and then attached l_class.creation_feature as f and then (f.is_external or else not f.is_empty) then rout_entry := l_class.creation_feature.new_rout_entry (class_type, l_class.is_deferred, l_class.class_id) rout_table.extend (rout_entry) end end i := i + 1 end rout_table.sort rout_table.generate_full (routine_id_counter.creation_rout_id, header_generation_buffer) end feature -- Dispose routine disposable_dispose_id: INTEGER -- Dispose routine id from class DISPOSABLE. -- Return 0 if the DISPOSABLE class has not been compiled. --! (Assumed DISPOSABLE must have a dispose routine --! called "dispose" - DINOV). local feature_i: FEATURE_I once if disposable_class /= Void and disposable_class.is_compiled then feature_i := disposable_class.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id (names.dispose_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end end object_finalize_id: INTEGER -- System.Object `Finalize routine id from class SYSTEM_OBJECT. local feature_i: FEATURE_I once if system_object_class /= Void and system_object_class.is_compiled then feature_i := system_object_class.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id (names.finalize_name_id) if feature_i /= Void then Result := feature_i.rout_id_set.first end end end disposable_descendants: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C] -- DISPOSABLE descendants. once create Result.make (50) end reset_disposable_descendants -- Recompute `disposable_descendants' since some classes -- may not inherit from DISPOSABLE anymore. do -- Delete previous information disposable_descendants.clear_all -- Recompute it if DISPOSABLE is in system. if disposable_class /= Void and disposable_class.is_compiled then formulate_mem_descendants (disposable_class.compiled_class, disposable_descendants) end end formulate_mem_descendants (c: CLASS_C; desc: SEARCH_TABLE [CLASS_C]) -- Formulate descendants of class DISPOSABLE. local descendants: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] d: CLASS_C do from descendants := c.direct_descendants descendants.start until descendants.after loop d := descendants.item desc.put (d) formulate_mem_descendants (d, desc) descendants.forth end end generate_dispose_table -- Generate dispose table local entry: ROUT_TABLE do if disposable_class /= Void and then disposable_class.is_compiled then -- Get the polymorphic table corresponding to the `dispose' routine -- from DISPOSABLE. entry ?= Eiffel_table.poly_table (disposable_dispose_id) end if entry = Void then -- Create an empty table needed as runtime expect this table -- to exist. create entry.make (routine_id_counter.dispose_rout_id) end -- We are using `header_generation_buffer' for the generation -- because this is used for routine tables (look at -- `generate_routine_table'). -- We are using `routine_id_counter.dispose_rout_id' and not -- `disposable_dispose_id' to generate the table, because we are not -- generating a standard polymorphic table and so, we cannot reuse the -- one which could have been generated if there was any polymorphic -- call on `dispose'. entry.generate_full (routine_id_counter.dispose_rout_id, header_generation_buffer) end feature -- Copy routine any_copy_id: INTEGER -- Copy routine id from class ANY. -- Return 0 if the ANY class has not been compiled -- or has no copy routine. once if attached any_class as c and then c.is_compiled and then attached c.compiled_class.feature_table.item_id (names.copy_name_id) as f then Result := f.rout_id_set.first end end generate_copy_table -- Generate copy table. local entry: ROUT_TABLE do if any_class /= Void and then any_class.is_compiled then -- Get the polymorphic table corresponding to the `copy' routine from ANY. entry ?= Eiffel_table.poly_table (any_copy_id) end if entry = Void then -- Create an empty table needed as runtime expect this table -- to exist. create entry.make (routine_id_counter.copy_rout_id) end -- We are using `header_generation_buffer' for the generation -- because this is used for routine tables (look at -- `generate_routine_table'). -- We are using `routine_id_counter.copy_rout_id' and not -- `any_copy_id' to generate the table, because we are not -- generating a standard polymorphic table and so, we cannot reuse the -- one which could have been generated if there was any polymorphic -- call on `copy'. entry.generate_full (routine_id_counter.copy_rout_id, header_generation_buffer) end generate_is_equal_table -- Generate is_equal table. local entry: ROUT_TABLE do if any_class /= Void and then any_class.is_compiled then -- Get the polymorphic table corresponding to the `is_equal' routine from ANY. entry ?= Eiffel_table.poly_table (is_equal_rout_id) end if entry = Void then -- Create an empty table needed as runtime expect this table -- to exist. create entry.make (routine_id_counter.is_equal_rout_id) end -- We are using `header_generation_buffer' for the generation -- because this is used for routine tables (look at -- `generate_routine_table'). -- We are using `routine_id_counter.is_equal_rout_id' and not -- `is_equal_rout_id' to generate the table, because we are not -- generating a standard polymorphic table and so, we cannot reuse the -- one which could have been generated if there was any polymorphic -- call on `is_equal'. entry.generate_full (routine_id_counter.is_equal_rout_id, header_generation_buffer) end feature -- Pattern table generation generate_pattern_table -- Generate pattern table. do pattern_table.generate end generate_init_file -- Generation of the main file local final_mode: BOOLEAN i, nb: INTEGER initialization_file: INDENT_FILE buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER l_empty_array: ARRAY [STRING_8] l_encoder: like encoder cs: CURSOR l_root: SYSTEM_ROOT l_root_cl: CLASS_C l_root_ft: FEATURE_I l_root_type: CLASS_TYPE l_root_rout_table: ROUT_TABLE l_root_rout_cname, l_root_caller: STRING l_root_callers: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do -- Clear buffer for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all l_encoder := encoder final_mode := byte_context.final_mode create l_empty_array.make_empty buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"") buffer.start_c_specific_code if final_mode then from cs := root_creators.cursor root_creators.start create l_root_callers.make (root_creators.count) until root_creators.after loop l_root := root_creators.item_for_iteration -- In a final systems explicit roots are no longer present if not l_root.procedure_name.is_empty and not l_root.is_explicit then l_root_type := root_class_type (l_root.class_type) l_root_cl := l_root_type.associated_class l_root_ft := l_root_cl.feature_table.item (l_root.procedure_name) l_root_rout_table ?= eiffel_table.poly_table (l_root_ft.rout_id_set.first) l_root_rout_table.goto_implemented (l_root_type.type, l_root_type) check implemented: l_root_rout_table.is_implemented end l_root_rout_cname := l_root_rout_table.feature_name.string if l_root_ft.has_arguments then buffer.generate_extern_declaration ("void", l_root_rout_cname, <<"EIF_REFERENCE", "EIF_REFERENCE">>) else buffer.generate_extern_declaration ("void", l_root_rout_cname, <<"EIF_REFERENCE">>) end l_root_caller := l_root_rout_cname.string l_root_caller.append ("(root_obj") if l_root_ft.has_arguments then l_root_caller.append (", eif_arg_array()") end l_root_caller.append (");") l_root_callers.force (l_root_caller) end root_creators.forth end root_creators.go_to (cs) end buffer.generate_function_signature ("void", "emain", True, buffer, <<"argc", "argv">>, <<"int", "EIF_NATIVE_CHAR **">>) buffer.generate_block_open buffer.put_gtcx buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("root_obj = RTLNSMART(") buffer.put_string ("egc_rcdt[egc_ridx]") buffer.put_string (");") if not final_mode then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("if (egc_rt_extension_dt != INVALID_DTYPE) {") buffer.indent buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("rt_extension_obj = RTLNSMART(") buffer.put_string ("egc_rt_extension_dt") buffer.put_string (");") buffer.exdent buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("};") end if final_mode then check callers_attached: l_root_callers /= Void end if keep_assertions then -- Always set `nstcall' to 0 to fix eweasel test#exec289. buffer.put_string ("nstcall = 0;") buffer.put_new_line end buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("switch (egc_ridx)") buffer.generate_block_open buffer.put_new_line from l_root_callers.start i := 0 until l_root_callers.after loop buffer.put_string ("case ") buffer.put_integer (i) buffer.put_string (":%N") buffer.indent buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string (l_root_callers.item_for_iteration) buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("break;") buffer.exdent i := i + 1 l_root_callers.forth end buffer.generate_block_close -- REPLACE else buffer.put_new_line_only buffer.put_string ( "{ if (egc_rcrid[egc_ridx] != -1) { if (egc_rcarg[egc_ridx]) { EIF_TYPED_VALUE u_args; u_args.type = SK_REF; u_args.it_r = eif_arg_array(); (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_TYPED_VALUE)) RTWF(egc_rcrid[egc_ridx], Dtype(root_obj)))(root_obj, u_args); } else { (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(egc_rcrid[egc_ridx], Dtype(root_obj)))(root_obj); } } }" ) end if is_scoop then -- Wait for SCOOP Processor redundancy. buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("RTS_WPR") end buffer.generate_block_close -- Generation of egc_einit_init() and egc_tabinit_init(). Only for workbench -- mode. if not final_mode then -- Separation for formatting buffer.put_new_line -- Prototypes buffer.generate_extern_declaration ("void", "egc_tabinit_init", l_empty_array) from i := 1 nb := type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type then buffer.generate_extern_declaration (once "void", l_encoder.init_name (class_type.static_type_id), l_empty_array) end i := i + 1 end -- Separation for formatting buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("void egc_tabinit_init(void)") buffer.generate_block_open from i := 1 nb := type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string (l_encoder.init_name (class_type.static_type_id)) buffer.put_string (once "();") end i := i + 1 end buffer.generate_block_close -- Separation for formatting buffer.put_new_line buffer.generate_function_signature ("void", "egc_einit_init", True, buffer, l_empty_array, l_empty_array) buffer.generate_block_open -- Set C variable `ccount'. buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("ccount = ") buffer.put_integer (class_counter.count) buffer.put_character (';') -- Set maximum routine body index buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("eif_nb_org_routines = ") buffer.put_integer (body_index_counter.count) buffer.put_character (';') -- Set the frozen level buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("eif_nb_features = ") buffer.put_integer (execution_table.nb_frozen_features) buffer.put_character (';') buffer.generate_block_close end -- Separation for formatting buffer.put_new_line -- Module initialization routine 'egc_system_mod_init_init' -- Declarations from i := 1 nb := type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type and then (not (final_mode and then makefile_generator.empty_class_types.has (class_type.static_type_id)) and then (class_type.is_precompiled implies class_type.associated_class.is_in_system) or else not (final_mode or else makefile_generator.empty_class_types.has (class_type.static_type_id))) then buffer.generate_extern_declaration (once "void", l_encoder.module_init_name (class_type.static_type_id), l_empty_array) end i := i + 1 end -- Declare once data fields byte_context.generate_once_data_definition (buffer) -- Separation for formatting buffer.put_new_line -- Module initialization buffer.generate_function_signature ( "void", "egc_system_mod_init_init", True, buffer, l_empty_array, l_empty_array) buffer.generate_block_open -- Set egc_type_of_gc = 25 * egc_platform_level + egc_compiler_tag buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("egc_type_of_gc = 123174;") if final_mode and then not byte_context.is_static_system_data_safe then -- Set maximum routine body index buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("eif_nb_org_routines = ") buffer.put_integer (body_index_counter.count) buffer.put_character (';') end from i := 1 nb := type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop if attached class_types [i] as class_type and then (not (final_mode and then makefile_generator.empty_class_types.has (class_type.static_type_id)) and then (class_type.is_precompiled implies class_type.associated_class.is_in_system) or else not (final_mode or else makefile_generator.empty_class_types.has (class_type.static_type_id))) then buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string (Encoder.module_init_name (class_type.static_type_id)) buffer.put_string (once "();") end i := i + 1 end byte_context.generate_system_once_data_initialization (buffer) buffer.generate_block_close byte_context.generate_once_manifest_string_declaration (buffer) buffer.end_c_specific_code create initialization_file.make_c_code_file (gen_file_name (final_mode, Einit)) buffer.put_in_file (initialization_file) initialization_file.close end feature -- Workbench routine info table file generation generate_rout_info_table local buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER rout_info_file: INDENT_FILE do if not byte_context.final_mode then -- Clear buffer for current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all rout_info_table.generate (buffer) create rout_info_file.make_c_code_file (workbench_file_name (Ecall, dot_c, 1)); buffer.put_in_file (rout_info_file) rout_info_file.close end end feature --option file generation generate_option_file (is_workbench_mode: BOOLEAN) -- Generate compialtion option file local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C class_type: CLASS_TYPE option_file: INDENT_FILE buffer: GENERATION_BUFFER do -- Clear buffer for Current generation buffer := generation_buffer buffer.clear_all buffer.put_string ("#include %"eif_eiffel.h%"%N% %#include %"eif_option.h%"") buffer.start_c_specific_code -- First debug keys class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop if attached class_array.item (i) as c then c.debug_level.generate_keys (buffer, c.class_id) end i := i + 1 end -- Then option C array buffer.put_new_line buffer.put_string ("struct eif_opt egc_foption_init[] = {%N") from i := 1 nb := Type_id_counter.value until i > nb loop class_type := class_types.item (i) buffer.put_character ('{') if class_type /= Void then -- Classes could be removed a_class := class_type.associated_class a_class.assertion_level.generate (buffer) buffer.put_string (", ") a_class.trace_level.generate (buffer) buffer.put_string (", ") a_class.profile_level.generate (buffer) buffer.put_string (", ") a_class.debug_level.generate (buffer, a_class.class_id) else buffer.put_string ("(int16) 0, (int16) 0, (int16) 0, {(int16) 0, (int16) 0, (char **) 0}") end buffer.put_string ("},%N") i := i + 1 end buffer.put_string ("};") buffer.end_c_specific_code create option_file.make_c_code_file (if is_workbench_mode then workbench_file_name (Eoption, dot_c, 1) else final_file_name (Eoption, dot_c, 1) end) buffer.put_in_file (option_file) option_file.close end feature set_current_class (a_class: detachable CLASS_C) do current_class := a_class end in_pass3: BOOLEAN -- Is Degree 3 the current Degree? System_chunk: INTEGER = 500 feature -- Conveniences reset_external_clause -- Reset the external clause -- Incrementality of the generated makefile do c_file_names := Void end reset_loaded_precompiled_properties -- Resets all loaded precompiled properties that interfer -- with a projects properties do is_precompiled := False has_precompiled_preobj := False cls_compliant := False dotnet_naming_convention := False internal_msil_classes_per_module := 0 end set_executable_directory (d: STRING) -- Assign `d' to `executable_directory'. do executable_directory := d end set_c_directory (d: STRING) -- Assign `d' to `c_directory'. do c_directory := d end set_object_directory (d: STRING) -- Assign `d' to `object_directory'. do object_directory := d end reset_generate_clause -- Reset the generate clause -- Incrementality of the generated makefile do executable_directory := Void c_directory := Void object_directory := Void end set_update_sort (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `update_sort'. do update_sort := b end set_max_class_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `max_class_id'. do max_class_id := i end set_is_precompile_finalized (b: like is_precompile_finalized) -- Assign `b' to `is_finalized' do is_precompile_finalized := b ensure is_precompile_finalized_set: is_precompile_finalized = b end feature -- Access: Root creators root_creators: ARRAYED_LIST [SYSTEM_ROOT] -- Available root creation procedures -- -- Note: this is a first step to support multiple root creation procedures. Currently the root -- procedure defined in the config will be the first item in `root_creators'. That way -- existing code relying on a single root will continue to work. -- Additional root creation procedures can be added through `add_explicit_root'. root_type: TYPE_A -- do Result := root_creators.first.class_type end root_creation_name: STRING do Result := root_creators.first.procedure_name ensure root_creation_name_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Access: Testing test_system: TEST_SYSTEM_I -- System containing testing properties of current system feature {NONE} -- Access: Root creators explicit_roots: LINKED_LIST [TUPLE [cluster_name: STRING_32; class_name: STRING; feature_name: STRING]] -- Root creation procedures added internally. -- -- cluster_name: Cluster name in which root class is located -- class_name: Class name in which creation procedure is defined -- feature_name: Name of creation procedure feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER, TEST_SYSTEM_I} -- Status report: Root creators is_explicit_root (a_class_name, a_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Has an explicit root been added for given class and feature name. -- -- `a_class_name': Class name in which creation procedure is defined -- `a_feature_name': Feature name of creation procedure -- `Result': True if explicit root exists for class and feature name, False otherwise. do Result := explicit_roots.there_exists ( agent (a_tuple: TUPLE [clst: STRING_32; clss: STRING; ft: STRING]; a_cl, a_ft: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN do Result := a_tuple.clss.same_string (a_cl) and a_tuple.ft.same_string (a_ft) end (?, a_class_name, a_feature_name)) end feature -- Query: Root creators root_class_type (a_root_type: TYPE_A): CLASS_TYPE -- CLASS_TYPE of root type require root_type_exists: root_creators.there_exists ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT; a_type: TYPE_A): BOOLEAN do Result := a_root.class_type = a_type end (?, a_root_type)) do check -- Should be ensured by semantic analysis. class_type_exists: a_root_type.has_associated_class_type (system.any_class.compiled_class.types.first.type) end Result := a_root_type.associated_class_type (system.any_class.compiled_class.types.first.type) end is_root_class (a_class: CLASS_I): BOOLEAN -- Is class used as root class? -- -- `a_class': Class for which we want to determine whether it is a root class. -- `Result': True if class is used a root class, False otherwise. do Result := root_creators.there_exists ( agent (a_root: SYSTEM_ROOT; a_cl: CLASS_I): BOOLEAN do Result := a_root.root_class = a_cl end (?, a_class)) end is_compiled_root_class (a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is compiled class used as root class? -- -- `a_class': Class for which we want to determine whether it is a root class. -- `Result': True if class is used a root class, False otherwise. do Result := is_root_class (a_class.original_class) end are_root_classes_compiled: BOOLEAN -- Are all root classes in `root_creators' compiled? do Result := root_creators.for_all ( agent (l_root: SYSTEM_ROOT): BOOLEAN do if l_root.is_class_type_set then Result := l_root.class_type.base_class.original_class.is_compiled end end) end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER, TEST_SYSTEM_I} -- Element change: Root creators add_explicit_root (a_cluster_name: STRING_32; a_class_name, a_feature_name: STRING_8) -- Add an explicit root class require a_class_name_not_empty: a_class_name /= Void and then not a_class_name.is_empty a_feature_name_not_void: a_feature_name /= Void local l_tpl: TUPLE [clst: STRING_32; clss: STRING; ft: STRING] l_added: BOOLEAN do from explicit_roots.start until explicit_roots.after or l_added loop l_tpl := explicit_roots.item_for_iteration if l_tpl.clss.same_string (a_class_name) and l_tpl.ft.same_string (a_feature_name) then l_added := True end explicit_roots.forth end if not l_added then explicit_roots.force ([a_cluster_name, a_class_name, a_feature_name]) end ensure added: is_explicit_root (a_class_name, a_feature_name) end remove_explicit_root (a_class_name, a_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Remove an explicit root class local l_tpl: TUPLE [clst: STRING_32; clss: STRING; ft: STRING] do from explicit_roots.start until explicit_roots.after loop l_tpl := explicit_roots.item_for_iteration if l_tpl.clss.same_string (a_class_name) and l_tpl.ft.same_string (a_feature_name) then explicit_roots.remove else explicit_roots.forth end end ensure removed: not is_explicit_root (a_class_name,a_feature_name) end feature {NONE} -- Element change: Root creators update_root_class -- Refill root creator list. require universe_not_void: universe /= Void target_not_void: /= Void root_not_void: /= Void local l_root: CONF_ROOT l_root_type_name: STRING l_tpl: TUPLE [clst: STRING_32; clss: STRING; ft: STRING] l_feat: STRING u: UTF_CONVERTER do root_creators.wipe_out -- update root class/feature l_root := -- Compiler keeps its internal data in UTF-8. l_root_type_name := u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_root.class_type_name.as_upper) if attached l_root.feature_name as l_feat_name then l_feat := u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_root.feature_name) else create l_feat.make_empty end add_root_feature (l_root.cluster_name, l_root_type_name, l_feat, False) from explicit_roots.start until explicit_roots.after loop l_tpl := explicit_roots.item_for_iteration add_root_feature (l_tpl.clst, l_tpl.clss, l_tpl.ft, True) explicit_roots.forth end ensure root_creators_added: not root_creators.is_empty end add_root_feature (a_cluster_name: detachable STRING_32; a_class_name, a_feature_name: STRING; a_explicit: BOOLEAN) -- Add root creation procedure for given class and feature name. -- -- `a_cluster_name': Name of cluster in which class is located (can be Void). -- `a_class_name': Name of class in which creation procedure is declared. -- `a_feature_name': Name of creation procedure (if Eempty, it will be replaced with the name -- of the default create feature of the corresponding class. -- `a_explicit': True if root is read from `explicit_root', False if it represents CONF_ROOT. require universe_not_void: universe /= Void target_not_void: /= Void a_class_name_not_void: a_class_name /= Void a_class_name_in_upper: a_class_name.is_equal (a_class_name.as_upper) a_feature_name_not_void: a_feature_name /= Void local l_classes_i: LIST [CLASS_I] l_group: CONF_GROUP vd19: VD19 vd20: VD20 vd29: VD29 l_type_as: detachable CLASS_TYPE_AS l_system_root: SYSTEM_ROOT l_class: detachable CLASS_I do type_parser.parse_from_string_32 ("type " + a_class_name, Void) l_type_as ?= type_parser.type_node if l_type_as = Void then -- Error: syntactically not a valid type -- should already be captured by the config system check false end else if a_cluster_name = Void then l_classes_i := universe.classes_with_name ( -- remove overriding classes from l_classes_i.start until l_classes_i.after loop if l_classes_i.item.config_class.does_override then l_classes_i.remove else l_classes_i.forth end end if l_classes_i.is_empty then create vd20 vd20.set_class_name (a_class_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vd20) Error_handler.raise_error elseif l_classes_i.count > 1 then create vd29 vd29.set_cluster ( vd29.set_second_cluster_name ( vd29.set_root_class_name (a_class_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vd29) Error_handler.raise_error else l_group := end else l_group := (a_cluster_name) if l_group = Void then create vd19 vd19.set_root_cluster_name (a_cluster_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vd19) Error_handler.raise_error else -- do a class_named because this checks for VSCN errors l_class := universe.class_named (, l_group) if l_class = Void or else l_group.classes.item ( /= l_class.config_class then create vd20 vd20.set_class_name (a_class_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vd20) Error_handler.raise_error end end end l_class ?= l_group.classes.item ( if l_class = Void then create vd20 vd20.set_class_name (a_class_name) Error_handler.insert_error (vd20) Error_handler.raise_error else create l_system_root.make_with_class (l_class, a_feature_name) l_system_root.set_class_type_as (l_type_as) if a_explicit then l_system_root.set_explicit end root_creators.force (l_system_root) if not l_class.is_compiled then Workbench.change_class (l_class) end end end end compute_root_type -- Computes the root type local l_root: SYSTEM_ROOT l_vsrt1: VSRT1 l_vsrt2: VSRT2 l_vsrt3: VSRT3 l_vsrt4: VSRT4 l_vd20: VD20 cs: CURSOR l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do from cs := root_creators.cursor root_creators.start until root_creators.after loop l_root := root_creators.item_for_iteration l_error_level := error_handler.error_level if not l_root.root_class.is_compiled then -- Class is not part of the system. create l_vd20 l_vd20.set_class_name ( Error_handler.insert_error (l_vd20) else if not attached {CL_TYPE_A} type_a_generator.evaluate_type (l_root.class_type_as, l_root.root_class.compiled_class) as l_type then -- Throw an error: type is not valid. -- Throw an error: type is not valid. create l_vsrt2 l_vsrt2.set_root_type_as (l_root.class_type_as) l_vsrt2.set_group_name ( Error_handler.insert_error (l_vsrt2) elseif l_type.is_loose then create l_vsrt1 l_vsrt1.set_root_type (l_type) error_handler.insert_error (l_vsrt1) elseif l_type.base_class.is_deferred then create l_vsrt3 l_vsrt3.set_root_type (l_type) error_handler.insert_error (l_vsrt3) elseif not l_type.good_generics then create l_vsrt4 l_vsrt4.set_root_type (l_type) error_handler.insert_error (l_vsrt4) else if attached {GEN_TYPE_A} l_type as l_gen_type then -- Check constrained genericity validity rule l_gen_type.reset_constraint_error_list -- Check creation readiness because root type have to be creation ready. -- This is done in the context of ANY and not of `l_type.associated_class' -- as otherwise we could accept `TEST [G]' if done in the context of the -- generic class declared as `class TEST [G]'. l_gen_type.check_constraints (any_class.compiled_class, Void, True) if l_gen_type.constraint_error_list /= Void and then not l_gen_type.constraint_error_list.is_empty then create l_vsrt4 l_vsrt4.set_root_type (l_gen_type) l_vsrt4.set_any_class (any_class.compiled_class) l_vsrt4.set_error_list (l_gen_type.constraint_error_list) error_handler.insert_error (l_vsrt4) else -- We need to check named tuple labels. This fixes eweasel test#tuple012. l_type.check_labels (l_type.base_class, Void) end end if error_handler.error_level = l_error_level then l_root.set_class_type (l_type) if not Compilation_modes.is_precompiling and not Lace.compile_all_classes then -- `root_class_c' cannot be used here as `root_type.associated_class' might be changed l_root.class_type.base_class.check_root_class_creators (l_root.procedure_name, l_root.class_type) end end end end root_creators.forth end root_creators.go_to (cs) Error_handler.checksum ensure root_type_computed: root_creators.for_all (agent {SYSTEM_ROOT}.is_class_type_set) end feature -- Precompilation save_precompilation_info -- Save usefull values for inclusion of -- precompiled code. do is_precompiled := True uses_precompiled := True Universe.mark_precompiled end feature -- Log files used_features_log_file: USED_FEAT_LOG_FILE -- File where the names (Eiffel and encoded) of the used features -- are generated removed_log_file: REMOVED_FEAT_LOG_FILE -- File where the names of the removed features are generated open_log_files do if in_final_mode then -- removed_log_file is used only in final mode create removed_log_file.make_with_path (project_location.final_path.extended (removed_log_file_name)) -- Translat files create used_features_log_file.make_with_path (project_location.final_path.extended (translation_log_file_name)) -- Files are open using the `write' mode removed_log_file.open_write used_features_log_file.open_write else -- Translat files create used_features_log_file.make_with_path (project_location.workbench_path.extended (translation_log_file_name)) -- File is open using the `append' mode -- (refreezing) used_features_log_file.open_append end end close_log_files do used_features_log_file.close used_features_log_file := Void if in_final_mode then removed_log_file.close removed_log_file := Void end end feature -- Debug purpose trace local class_array: ARRAY [CLASS_C] i, nb: INTEGER a_class: CLASS_C do class_array := classes nb := class_counter.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop a_class := class_array.item (i) if a_class /= Void then -- Do nothing. Specific debug -- code can be inserted here. end i := i + 1 end end feature -- Statistics statistics: TUPLE [ total: INTEGER; conformance_violation: INTEGER; export_violation: INTEGER; covariant_violation: INTEGER; compiler_limitation: INTEGER; covariant_generic: INTEGER; is_equal_feat: INTEGER; any_features: INTEGER; like_current_feature: INTEGER; other: INTEGER] -- Statistics of catcalls in system once Result := [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] end update_statistics (a_cat_call: CAT_CALL_WARNING) -- Update statistics with catcall of current warning local l_feature_name: INTEGER do := + 1 if a_cat_call.target_type /= Void and a_cat_call.source_type /= Void then statistics.conformance_violation := statistics.conformance_violation + 1 elseif not a_cat_call.export_status_violations.is_empty then statistics.export_violation := statistics.export_violation + 1 else check has_error: a_cat_call.compiler_limitation_type /= Void or not a_cat_call.covariant_argument_violations.is_empty or a_cat_call.has_covariant_generic end statistics.covariant_violation := statistics.covariant_violation + 1 if a_cat_call.compiler_limitation_type /= Void then statistics.compiler_limitation := statistics.compiler_limitation + 1 elseif a_cat_call.has_covariant_generic then statistics.covariant_generic := statistics.covariant_generic + 1 else l_feature_name := a_cat_call.called_feature.name_id if a_cat_call.called_feature.rout_id_set.has (system.is_equal_rout_id) then statistics.is_equal_feat := statistics.is_equal_feat + 1 elseif a_cat_call.called_feature.written_in = system.any_id and then (l_feature_name = names.equal_name_id or l_feature_name = names.standard_equal_name_id or l_feature_name = names.deep_equal_name_id or l_feature_name = names.standard_is_equal_name_id or l_feature_name = names.is_deep_equal_name_id or l_feature_name = names.copy_name_id or l_feature_name = names.standard_copy_name_id or l_feature_name = names.deep_copy_name_id) then statistics.any_features := statistics.any_features + 1 elseif a_cat_call.called_feature.arguments /= Void and then a_cat_call.called_feature.arguments.there_exists ( agent (a_type: TYPE_A): BOOLEAN do Result := a_type.is_like_current end) then statistics.like_current_feature := statistics.like_current_feature + 1 else statistics.other := statistics.other + 1 end end end end display_catcall_statistics local l_str: STRING do -- To be used for global statistics on the project. debug ("catcall") if > 0 then create l_str.make (1024) l_str.append ("Catcall statistics: " + l_str.append (" (export: " + statistics.export_violation.out) l_str.append ("; conformance: " + statistics.conformance_violation.out) l_str.append ("; covariant: " + statistics.covariant_violation.out + ")%N") l_str.append ("%Tcompiler-limitation: " + statistics.compiler_limitation.out + "%N") l_str.append ("%Tcovariant-generic: " + statistics.covariant_generic.out + "%N") l_str.append ("%Tis_equal: " + statistics.is_equal_feat.out + "%N") l_str.append ("%Tany-features: " + statistics.any_features.out + "%N") l_str.append ("%Tlike-current-features: " + statistics.like_current_feature.out + "%N") l_str.append ("%Tother: " + statistics.other.out) l_str.append ("%N") error_handler.insert_warning (create {CAT_CALL_SUMMARY_WARNING}.make (l_str), False) end end end conformance_checks: TUPLE [nb, like_target, same: INTEGER] -- once Result := [{INTEGER} 0, {INTEGER} 0, {INTEGER} 0] end print_memory_statistics -- Print memory statistics on standard output. local l_mem: MEMORY l_mem_info: MEM_INFO l_full_gc_info, l_part_gc_info: GC_INFO do create l_mem l_mem_info := l_mem.memory_statistics ({MEM_CONST}.eiffel_memory) print ("Total memory is " + + "%N") print ("Used memory is " + (l_mem_info.used + l_mem_info.overhead).out + "%N") print ("Free memory is " + + "%N") l_full_gc_info := l_mem.gc_statistics ({MEM_CONST}.full_collector) print ("GC full cycle is " + l_full_gc_info.cycle_count.out + "%N") print ("GC full cycle is " + l_full_gc_info.cpu_time_average.out + "%N") l_part_gc_info := l_mem.gc_statistics ({MEM_CONST}.incremental_collector) print ("GC incremental cycle is " + l_part_gc_info.cycle_count.out + "%N") print ("GC incremental cycle is " + l_part_gc_info.cpu_time_average.out + "%N") print ("CPU time " + l_part_gc_info.cpu_total_time.out + "%N") print ("Kernel time " + l_part_gc_info.sys_total_time.out + "%N") print ("Full Collection period " + l_mem.collection_period.out + "%N") print ("GC percentage time " + (100 * (((l_full_gc_info.cycle_count * l_full_gc_info.cpu_time_average) + (l_part_gc_info.cycle_count * l_part_gc_info.cpu_time_average)) / l_part_gc_info.cpu_total_time)).out + "%N%N") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_is_force_rebuild (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_force_rebuild'. do is_force_rebuild := b ensure is_force_rebuild_set: is_force_rebuild = b end is_force_rebuild: BOOLEAN -- Is a rebuild of the configuration system forced? feature {NONE} -- External features write_int (f: POINTER; v: INTEGER) external "C" end current_time: INTEGER -- Elapsed time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), -- measured in seconds. do Result := c_time (default_pointer) end c_time (p: POINTER): INTEGER -- Elapsed time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), -- measured in seconds. -- If `p /= default_pointer' result will be stored in memory pointed -- by `p'. external "C signature (time_t *): EIF_INTEGER use " alias "time" end invariant attached remover implies dead_code /= {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.dead_code_index_none attached remover implies in_final_mode note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end