note description: "represents written features. that is either a new feature, or a redefined/renamed/somehow changed feature." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class JVM_WRITTEN_FEATURE inherit JVM_FEATURE JVM_BYTE_CODE_EMITTOR redefine close end JVM_CONSTANTS JVM_NAME_CONVERTER create make feature {ANY} -- Initialsiation make (cp: CONSTANT_POOL) -- create feature -- `cp' is the constant pool of it's class require cp_not_void: cp /= Void do create parameter_type_names.make (1, 0) create parameter_jvm_type_ids.make (1, 0) return_type_name := "V" return_jvm_type_id := void_type set_constant_pool (cp) end feature {ANY} -- Access external_name: STRING -- JVM name of this feature. -- This is the ready to go string for the name entry in a -- CONSTANT_NameAndType entry in the constant pool. signature: STRING -- Signature of this feature (return type and parameter types) -- This is the ready to go string for the type entry in a -- CONSTANT_NameAndType entry in the constant pool. require signature_closed: is_signature_closed local i: INTEGER do if signature_cache = Void then if is_field then signature_cache := return_type_name else from i := parameter_type_names.lower signature_cache := "(" until i > parameter_type_names.upper loop signature_cache.append (parameter_type_names.item (i)) i := i + 1 end signature_cache.append (")") signature_cache.append (return_type_name) end end Result := signature_cache end feature {ANY} -- is_field: BOOLEAN -- `True' if this is a field -- `False' if this is a method is_static: BOOLEAN -- `True' if this is a static feature is_constructor: BOOLEAN -- `True' if this is a constructor -- Note: In Java constructors must not be called as regular features is_field_setter: BOOLEAN -- Is this feature a setter ? -- Note: Setters will not be real Java functions. This is -- only a placeholder, when we should make a call to such a -- feature we generate the bytecode to set the attribute instead. is_method: BOOLEAN -- is this a real method? -- Note: Attribute setters are not considerd to be methods -- since they will not be generated to real byte code. do Result := not is_field and not is_field_setter end written_feature: JVM_WRITTEN_FEATURE -- returns Current, since we are a written feature do Result := Current end field: JVM_WRITTEN_FEATURE -- in case this is a field setter, return the corresponding field -- works for static and non static field setters require is_field_setter: is_field_setter do check TODO: False end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void result_is_field: Result.is_field end feature {ANY} -- set_is_field (b: BOOLEAN) -- set `is_field' flag do is_field := b ensure is_field_set: is_field = b end set_is_static (b: BOOLEAN) -- set `is_static' flag do is_static := b ensure is_static_set: is_static = b end set_is_constructor (b: BOOLEAN) -- set `is_constructor' flag do is_constructor := b ensure is_constructor_set: is_constructor = b end set_is_field_setter (b: BOOLEAN) -- set `is_field_setter' flag do is_field_setter := b ensure is_field_setter_set: is_field_setter = b end set_external_name (n: STRING) -- set `external_name' of this feature require n_not_void: n /= Void n_not_empty: not n.is_empty do external_name := n ensure external_name_not_void: external_name /= Void external_name_set: external_name.is_equal (n) end set_parameters (s: STRING) -- Set parameters from a string. JVM Format -- Example: "I[Ljava/lang/String;" -- Note: do not wrapp string in "(" and ")" require s_not_void: s/= Void no_brackets1: s.occurrences (')') = 0 no_brackets2: s.occurrences ('(') = 0 no_dots: s.occurrences ('.') = 0 do parameter_type_names := jvm_type_descriptor_to_jvm_type_names (s) parameter_jvm_type_ids := jvm_type_descriptors_to_jvm_type_ids (s) end set_return_type_name (s: STRING) -- Set return type from string. JVM Format -- Example: "Ljava/lang/String;" require s_not_void: s /= Void no_brackets1: s.occurrences (')') = 0 no_brackets2: s.occurrences ('(') = 0 no_dots: s.occurrences ('.') = 0 do return_type_name := s return_jvm_type_id := jvm_type_descriptors_to_jvm_type_ids (s).item (1) end set_parameters_from_string_array (params: ARRAY [STRING]) -- Set parameters from array of strings in format of the -- Java external clause in Eiffel source code. require params_not_void: params /= Void do set_parameters (eiffel_external_parameter_names_to_jvm_parameters (params)) end set_return_type_from_string (s: STRING) -- Set return type from string. Format of Java external -- clause in Eiffel source code. require s_not_void: s /= Void do set_return_type_name (java_to_jvm_name (s)) end set_parameters_from_type_id_list (l: LINKED_LIST [PAIR [INTEGER, STRING]]) -- Set parameters from a list of pairs containing type ids -- plus names require l_not_void: l /= Void local s: STRING i: INTEGER do check not (type_id = 13 and feature_id = 8) end create s.make (20) from l.start create parameter_names.make (1, l.count) until loop i := i + 1 parameter_names.put (l.item.second, i) s.append_string (repository.item (l.item.first).qualified_name) l.forth end set_parameters (s) end set_return_type_by_id (a_type_id: INTEGER) -- Set return type from a type id require valid_id: repository.has_by_id (a_type_id) do set_return_type_name (repository.item (a_type_id).qualified_name) end emit (file: RAW_FILE) -- emmit the features byte code to a file -- in this class, this is only for attributes (fields) -- decendants will redefine it to fit their purposes. do header_bc.emit (file) attributes_count_bc.emit (file) end close do close_header close_attributes_count Precursor end is_signature_closed: BOOLEAN -- a written feature introduces another closed state -- that is first the signature is declared, the feature is -- completly open -- then the signature is closed. from that point on, the -- signature must not be changed anymore. the gain is, that -- now other components can access the signature. for -- example a method can refere to this feature in it's byte code. -- then after the signature is closed, before it can be -- emitted is has to be closed "using `close'" just like any -- other jvm byte code emitter too. close_signature -- close signature. see `is_signature_closed' for details. do is_signature_closed := True ensure signature_closed: is_signature_closed end feature {NONE} -- Implementation close_header local name_index: INTEGER type_index: INTEGER do constant_pool.put_utf8_constant (external_name) name_index := constant_pool.last_cpe_index constant_pool.put_utf8_constant (signature) type_index := constant_pool.last_cpe_index create header_bc.make_size (Int_16_size * 3) append_access_flag header_bc.append_uint_16_from_int (name_index) -- name index header_bc.append_uint_16_from_int (type_index) -- type index end append_access_flag local f: INTEGER do f := Acc_public if is_static then f := f.bit_or (Acc_static) end header_bc.append_uint_16_from_int (f) -- acess flags (TODO) end header_bc: JVM_BYTE_CODE attributes_count_bc: JVM_BYTE_CODE close_attributes_count do create attributes_count_bc.make_size (Int_16_size) attributes_count_bc.append_uint_16_from_int (0) -- Attributes count end feature {ANY} -- Basic Access return_class: JVM_CLASS -- gets you the eiffel type of the return type if present require signature_closed: is_signature_closed has_non_void_return_type: has_non_void_return_type local s: STRING do s := signature.twin if not is_field then check only_one_bracket: s.occurrences (')') = 1 index_of_not_0: s.index_of ('(', 1) /= 0 end -- remove parameters s.keep_tail (s.count - s.index_of (')', 1)) end -- now s contains only the return type check type_in_universe: repository.has_by_qualified_name (s) end Result := repository.item_by_qualified_name (s) end has_non_void_return_type: BOOLEAN -- tells wether the given feature has a non void return type require signature_closed: is_signature_closed do if is_field then Result := True else if signature.item (signature.count) /= 'V' then Result := True end end end feature return_type_name: STRING -- jvm type name of return type ("V" in case of procedures) return_jvm_type_id: INTEGER -- jvm type id of return type -- see JVM_CONSTANTS.*_type parameter_type_names: ARRAY [STRING] -- jvm type names of the method parameters parameter_jvm_type_ids: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- jvm type ids of the method parameters -- see JVM_CONSTANTS.*_type parameter_names: ARRAY [STRING] -- names of parameters. usefull for debugger meta data. -- may be void, some parameter names might be unkown. feature {NONE} signature_cache: STRING -- cache of signature invariant closed_implies_header_not_void: is_closed implies header_bc /= Void closed_implies_attributes_count_not_void: is_closed implies attributes_count_bc /= Void sig_closed_is_field_has_return_type: is_signature_closed and is_field implies has_non_void_return_type return_type_name_not_void: return_type_name /= Void return_jvm_type_id_valid: valid_jvm_type (return_jvm_type_id) parameter_type_names_not_void: parameter_type_names /= Void -- for all items `e' in `parameter_type_names' | valid_jvm_type (e) note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end