note description: "Access to a development window's collection of tools." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_SHELL_TOOLS inherit EB_RECYCLABLE redefine internal_detach_entities end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_window: like window) -- Initialize tool collection for a given development window. -- -- `a_window': Window to supply access to tool for. require a_window_attached: a_window /= Void not_a_window_is_recycled: not a_window.is_recycled do create internal_requested_tools.make (10) window := a_window ensure window_set: window = a_window end feature {NONE} -- Clean up internal_recycle -- Called to clean up resources of Current. local l_win: like window l_count, i: INTEGER do l_win := window if l_win /= Void and then l_win.docking_manager /= Void then l_win.docking_manager.close_all end -- Recycle all activated tools. across internal_requested_tools as l_tool loop l_count := l_tool.item.count from i := 1 until i > l_count loop (l_tool.item [i]).recycle i := i + 1 end end end internal_detach_entities -- Detaches objects from their container do internal_requested_tools := Void internal_all_tools := Void window := Void Precursor {EB_RECYCLABLE} ensure then internal_requested_tools_detached: internal_requested_tools = Void internal_all_tools_detached: internal_all_tools = Void window_detached: window = Void end clean_requested_tools -- Performs a clean up for `requested_tools' to remove any recycled tools from it. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable local l_requested_tools: like internal_requested_tools l_tools: ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] l_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] l_count, i: INTEGER l_remove_indexes: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_remove_keys: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [like requested_tools.key_for_iteration] l_new_tools: ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] l_index: INTEGER do l_requested_tools := internal_requested_tools -- Perform a clean up so the requested tools never returns any recycled tools. -- This way any request for a tool will always return an activated tool because -- the tool function will not find an activated and recycled tool, and therefore -- will create a new tool instance. across l_requested_tools as l_cursor loop -- Iterate through the tool types to examine the array of activated tools. l_remove_indexes := Void l_tools := l_cursor.item from i := 1; l_count := l_tools.count until i > l_count loop -- Examine each activated tool l_tool := l_tools.item (i) if l_tool.is_recycled then -- Tool has been recycled so it needs to be removed if l_remove_indexes = Void then create l_remove_indexes.make_default end l_remove_indexes.force_last (i) end i := i + 1 end if l_remove_indexes /= Void then -- Need to remove recycled items if l_remove_indexes.count = l_tools.count then -- All the tools are recycled so we just need remove the bucket instead of -- creating a new array, for the bucket, with no items. if l_remove_keys = Void then create l_remove_keys.make_default end l_remove_keys.force_last (l_cursor.key) else -- One or more tools have been recycled so we need to reorganize the tool array -- to remove unwanted, recycled tools. check l_count_unmodified: l_count = l_tools.count end create l_new_tools.make (1, l_count - l_remove_indexes.count) from i := 1 l_index := 1 until i > l_count loop if not l_remove_indexes.has (i) then l_tool := l_tools.item (i) -- Must set the correct edition l_tool.set_edition (l_index.to_natural_8) l_new_tools.put (l_tool, l_index) l_index := l_index + 1 end i := i + 1 end -- Set new tool array l_requested_tools.replace (l_new_tools, l_cursor.key) end end end if l_remove_keys /= Void then -- Remove buckets for a given key. from l_remove_keys.start until l_remove_keys.after loop l_requested_tools.remove (l_remove_keys.item_for_iteration) l_remove_keys.forth end end end feature -- Access window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW -- Development window where tools are hosted frozen all_tools: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] -- List of available first-edition tools, that can be used by Current. -- Note: If you need access to later editions please use `tool_edition'. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable local l_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]] do Result := internal_all_tools if Result = Void then l_cursor := tool_types.new_cursor create Result.make_default from l_cursor.start until l_cursor.after loop Result.append_last (tools (l_cursor.item)) l_cursor.forth end internal_all_tools := Result end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_items: not Result.has (Void) result_count_matches_tool_types: tool_types.count = Result.count result_consistent: Result = all_tools end frozen all_requested_tools: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] -- List of all tools requested and initialized. The resulting list may contain multiple editions of the same tool. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable local l_editions: ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] l_count, i: INTEGER do create Result.make (requested_tools.count) across requested_tools as l_cursor loop l_editions := l_cursor.item from i := 1 l_count := l_editions.count until i > l_count loop Result.force_last (l_editions [i]) i := i + 1 end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_items: not Result.has (Void) end feature {NONE} -- Access tool_types: DS_BILINEAR [TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]] -- List of predefined available tools in the EiffelStudio shell. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable local l_tools: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]] once create l_tools.make (28) -- Common tools l_tools.put_last ({ES_CLASS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_CONSOLE_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_DEPENDENCY_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_DIAGRAM_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_ERROR_LIST_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_FAVORITES_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_FEATURES_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_FEATURE_RELATION_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_GROUPS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_METRICS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_OUTPUTS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_PROPERTIES_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_SEARCH_REPORT_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_SEARCH_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_WINDOWS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_CONTRACT_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_INFORMATION_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_TESTING_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_TESTING_RESULTS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_WEB_BROWSER_TOOL}) -- ES Cloud tool l_tools.put_last ({ES_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_TOOL}) -- Source Control Management tool l_tools.put_last ({ES_SCM_TOOL}) -- Custom formatter tools -- FIXME: Custom formatter tools have been tricking to adapt for 6.1. Given the time-frame -- optimizations will be deferred for a later release, hopefully 6.2. --l_tools.put_last ({ES_CUSTOM_FORMATTER_TOOL}) -- Debugger tools l_tools.put_last ({ES_BREAKPOINTS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_THREADS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_CALL_STACK_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_WATCH_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_OBJECTS_TOOL}) l_tools.put_last ({ES_OBJECT_VIEWER_TOOL}) l_tools.set_equality_tester (create {AGENT_BASED_EQUALITY_TESTER [TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]]}.make (agent {TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]}.is_equal)) Result := l_tools ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_items: not Result.has (Void) end requested_tools: HASH_TABLE [ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]], READABLE_STRING_32] -- Table of requested, and therefore created, tools. do if not is_recycled then clean_requested_tools end Result := internal_requested_tools end feature -- Status reporting is_multiple_edition_tool (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]): BOOLEAN -- Determines if a tool support multiple editions -- -- `a_type': The type of tool requested. -- `Result': True if multiple editions are supported, False otherwise. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void local l_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] do -- Fetch first edition to determine if it supports multiple instances. l_tool := tool (a_type) if l_tool /= Void then Result := l_tool.is_multiple_edition end end feature {NONE} -- Helpers frozen internal: INTERNAL -- Shared access to an instance of {INTERNAL} once create Result ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Query dynamic_tool_type (a_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] -- Retrieves a type object dynamically from a string representation of the type. -- -- `a_type': A string representation of a type that implemented {ES_TOOL}. e.g. "MY_TOOL" => TYPE [MY_TOOL] -- `Result': A type object representing the string type passed in. local l_internal: like internal l_id: INTEGER do l_internal := internal if l_internal.is_valid_type_string (a_type) then l_id := l_internal.dynamic_type_from_string (a_type) if l_id > 0 then Result := {TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]} / l_internal.type_of_type (l_id) end end end frozen tool (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]): detachable ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] -- Retrieves an activate tool associated with a particular type if possible. -- Note: Requesting a tool descriptor that has not yet been instantiated will instatiate it before -- it is returned. -- -- `a_type': The type of tool requested. -- `Result': An activated tool corresponding to the supplied type if the tool is in the system, `Void` otherwise. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void do Result := tool_edition (a_type, 1) ensure not_result_is_recycled: attached Result implies not Result.is_recycled requested_tools_has_a_type: attached Result implies requested_tools.has (tool_id (a_type)) result_sited: attached Result implies Result.window = window end frozen tools (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]): DS_ARRAYED_LIST [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] -- Retrieves an activate all tools associated with a particular type. -- Note: Requesting a tool descriptor that has not yet been instantiated will instatiate it before -- it is returned. -- -- `a_type': The type of tool requested. -- `Result': A list of activated tools corresponding to the supplied type. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void local l_count, i: like editions_of_tool do create Result.make_default l_count := editions_of_tool (a_type, False) if l_count = 0 then -- No requests made yet, so we force the retrival of the first edition if attached tool (a_type) as t then Result.force_last (t) end else -- Iterate over the available editions. from i := {NATURAL_8} 1 until i > l_count loop if attached tool_edition (a_type, i) as t then Result.force_last (t) end i := i + 1 end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_items: not Result.has (Void) result_contains_valid_items: Result.for_all (agent (a_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]): BOOLEAN do Result := not a_tool.is_recycled and then a_tool.window = window and then requested_tools.has (tool_id_from_tool (a_tool)) end) end tool_edition (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_edition: NATURAL_8): detachable ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] -- Retrieves an activate edition of a tool associated with a particular type. -- Note: Requesting a tool descriptor that has not yet been instantiated will instatiate it before -- it is returned. -- -- `a_type': The type of tool requested. -- `a_edition': The edition number of the tool to retrieve, for multiple instance supported tool. -- `Result': An activated tool corresponding to the supplied type. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void a_type_is_multi_edition_tool: a_edition > 1 implies is_multiple_edition_tool (a_type) a_edition_positive: a_edition > 0 a_edition_small_enough: a_edition <= editions_of_tool (a_type, False) + 1 local l_tools: like internal_requested_tools l_id: like tool_id l_editions: ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] l_tool: like new_tool do l_tools := internal_requested_tools l_id := tool_id (a_type) if l_tools.has (l_id) then l_editions := l_tools.item (l_id) if a_edition > l_editions.count then l_tool := new_tool (a_type, a_edition) if attached l_tool then l_editions.grow (a_edition) l_editions.put (l_tool, a_edition) end end else l_tool := new_tool (a_type, 1) if attached l_tool then create l_editions.make_filled (l_tool, 1, 1) l_tools.force (l_editions, l_id) end end if attached l_editions and then l_editions.count >= a_edition then Result := l_editions.item (a_edition) end ensure not_result_is_recycled: attached Result implies not Result.is_recycled requested_tools_has_a_type: attached Result implies requested_tools.has (tool_id (a_type)) result_sited: attached Result implies Result.window = window end tool_next_available_edition (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_reuse: BOOLEAN): detachable ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] -- Retrieves the next available tool associated with a particular type. -- Note: Requesting a tool descriptor that has not yet been instantiated will instatiate it before -- it is returned. -- -- `a_type': The type of tool requested. -- `a_reuse': Attempts to reuse a uninitialized or closed tool instead of incrementing the number of tool. -- `Result': An activated tool corresponding to the supplied type. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void local l_editions: like editions_of_tool l_tools: ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] l_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] l_count, i: INTEGER do l_tool := tool_edition (a_type, 1) if attached l_tool and then not l_tool.is_visible then -- We reuse the first edition if it is not on the UI. Result := l_tool else l_editions := editions_of_tool (a_type, False) if a_reuse and then l_editions > 0 then -- Check if there are any unactivated tools, or tools not show. l_tools := requested_tools.item (tool_id (a_type)) from i := 1 l_count := l_tools.count until i > l_count or Result /= Void loop l_tool := l_tools [i] if not l_tool.is_recycled and then (not l_tool.is_tool_instantiated or else (not l_tool.panel.is_recycled and then not l_tool.panel.is_shown)) then Result := l_tool end i := i + 1 end end if Result = Void then Result := tool_edition (a_type, l_editions + 1) end end ensure not_result_is_recycled: attached Result implies not Result.is_recycled requested_tools_has_a_type: attached Result implies requested_tools.has (tool_id (a_type)) result_sited: attached Result implies Result.window = window --editions_of_tool_increment: not a_reuse implies editions_of_tool (a_type, False) = old editions_of_tool (a_type, False) + 1 end editions_of_tool (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_active: BOOLEAN): NATURAL_8 -- Retrieves the number of editions of a particular tool. -- -- `a_type': Tool type to retrieve the number of active editions for. -- `a_active': True to retrieve the number of "activated" (instantiated) tool instances; False for the available instances. -- `Result': A positive number of active tools or 0 to indicate the tool has not yet been requested. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void local l_tool_types: like requested_tools l_tools: ARRAY [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]] l_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] l_id: like tool_id l_count, i: INTEGER do l_tool_types := requested_tools l_id := tool_id (a_type) if l_tool_types.has (l_id) then l_tools := l_tool_types.item (l_id) end if l_tools /= Void then if a_active then -- Active instances only. from i := 1; l_count := l_tools.count until i > l_count loop l_tool := l_tools[i] if l_tool.is_tool_instantiated or else l_tool.is_visible then Result := Result + 1 end i := i + 1 end else -- All instances, active and not. Result := l_tools.count.to_natural_8 end end ensure -- Postcondition is far too complex to test when `a_active' is true. result_positive: (not a_active and requested_tools.has (tool_id (a_type))) implies Result > 0 end feature {NONE} -- Query tool_id (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]): READABLE_STRING_32 -- Retrieve tool identifier for a given type. -- -- `a_type': Tool type to retrieve a ID for. -- `Result': A string identifier identifying the tool type supplied. require a_type_attached: a_type /= Void do Result := a_type.name_32 ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_consistent: Result.is_equal (tool_id (a_type)) end tool_id_from_tool (a_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]): READABLE_STRING_32 -- Retrieve tool identifier for a given tool. -- -- `a_tool': Tool to retrieve a ID for. -- `Result': A string identifier identifying the tool type supplied. require a_tool_attached: a_tool /= Void do Result := tool_id (a_tool.generating_type) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_consistent: Result.is_equal (tool_id_from_tool (a_tool)) end feature -- Basic operation show_tool (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_activate: BOOLEAN) -- Forces the display of a tool associated with the given type. -- -- `a_type': Tool type to show an active tool for. -- `a_activate': True to set focus to the shown tool; False otherwise. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void do show_tool_edition (a_type, 1, a_activate) ensure tool_is_instatiated: attached tool (a_type) as t implies t.is_tool_instantiated tool_is_shown: attached tool (a_type) as t implies t.panel.is_visible end show_tool_edition (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_edition: NATURAL_8; a_activate: BOOLEAN) -- Forces the display of a tool edition associated with the given type. -- -- `a_type': Tool type to show an active tool for. -- `a_edition': The edition number of the tool to show, for multiple instance supported tool. -- `a_activate': True to set focus to the shown tool; False otherwise. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void a_type_is_multi_edition_tool: a_edition > 1 implies is_multiple_edition_tool (a_type) a_edition_positive: a_edition > 0 a_edition_small_enough: a_edition <= editions_of_tool (a_type, False) + 1 do if attached tool_edition (a_type, a_edition) as t then (a_activate) end ensure tool_is_instatiated: attached tool_edition (a_type, a_edition) as t implies t.is_tool_instantiated tool_is_shown: attached tool_edition (a_type, a_edition) as t implies t.panel.is_visible end show_tool_next_available_edition (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_reuse: BOOLEAN; a_activate: BOOLEAN) -- Forces the display of the next available tool associated with the given type. -- -- `a_type': The type of tool requested. -- `a_reuse': Attempts to reuse a uninitialized or closed tool instead of incrementing the number of tools. -- `a_activate': True to set focus to the shown tool; False otherwise. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void do if attached tool_next_available_edition (a_type, a_reuse)as t then (a_activate) end ensure tool_is_instatiated: attached (old tool_next_available_edition (a_type, a_reuse)) as t implies t.is_tool_instantiated tool_is_shown: attached (old tool_next_available_edition (a_type, a_reuse)) as t implies t.panel.is_visible end feature {ES_TOOL} -- Removal close_tool (a_tool: ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]) -- Performs clean up of tool and removes it from the cached heap of tools. -- Note: This should be called only by ES_TOOL! Calling it from elsewhere -- will only perform the recycling. -- -- `a_tool': Tool to close and clean up. require a_tool_attached: a_tool /= Void do if not a_tool.is_recycled and then not a_tool.is_hide_requested and then a_tool.is_recycled_on_close then a_tool.recycle a_tool.set_window (Void) if not is_recycled then clean_requested_tools end end ensure a_tool_is_recycled: a_tool.is_recycled or else not a_tool.is_recycled_on_close not_requested_tools: (a_tool.is_recycled or else a_tool.is_recycled_on_close) implies (not requested_tools.has (tool_id_from_tool (a_tool)) or not requested_tools.item (tool_id_from_tool (a_tool)).has (a_tool)) end feature {NONE} -- Factory new_tool (a_type: TYPE [ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]]; a_edition: NATURAL_8): detachable ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL] -- Creates and initializes a tool if possible. -- -- `a_type': Tool type to initialize a tool for. -- `a_edition': The edition number of the tool to create, for multiple instance supported tool. -- `Result': An new initialized tool corresponding to the supplied tool type, or `Void` if the tool cannot be created. require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable a_type_attached: a_type /= Void a_edition_positive: a_edition > 0 a_edition_small_enough: a_edition <= editions_of_tool (a_type, False) + 1 local type_id: like {INTERNAL}.generic_dynamic_type is_retried: BOOLEAN do if not is_retried then type_id := {INTERNAL}.generic_dynamic_type (a_type, 1) if not {INTERNAL}.type_of_type (type_id).is_deferred then Result := {ES_TOOL [EB_TOOL]} / {INTERNAL}.new_instance_of (type_id) check result_attached: Result /= Void result_is_multiple_edition: a_edition > 1 implies Result.is_multiple_edition end Result.set_edition (a_edition) Result.set_window (window) end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_sited: Result.window = window rescue is_retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Internal implementation cache internal_all_tools: detachable like all_tools -- Cached version of `all_tools' -- Note: Do not use directly! internal_requested_tools: detachable like requested_tools -- Mutable version of `requested_tools' -- Note: Functions wanting to add tools to `requested_tools' should use this attribute instead -- of `requested_tools'. All queries should use `requested_tools' and not this attribute! invariant window_attached: not is_recycled implies window /= Void not_window_is_recycled: not is_recycled implies not window.is_recycled internal_requested_tools_attached: not is_recycled implies internal_requested_tools /= Void internal_requested_tools_contains_attached_items: not is_recycled implies not internal_requested_tools.has_item (Void) ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end