note description: "Tool that displays the call stack during a debugging session." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CALL_STACK_TOOL_PANEL inherit ES_DEBUGGER_DOCKABLE_STONABLE_TOOL_PANEL [EV_VERTICAL_BOX] redefine create_mini_tool_bar_items, on_before_initialize, on_after_initialized, internal_recycle, show, on_show end ES_HELP_CONTEXT export {NONE} all end APPLICATION_STATUS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT export {NONE} all end EV_KEY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION EB_SHARED_DEBUGGER_MANAGER EB_FILE_DIALOG_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end ES_SHARED_PROMPT_PROVIDER export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization on_before_initialize do create has_internal_callstack_hidden_notification end build_tool_interface (a_widget: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) -- Build all the tool's widgets. local box2: EV_VERTICAL_BOX t_label: EV_LABEL g: like stack_grid do --| UI structure create box2 box2.set_padding ({EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (3)) special_label_color := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).blue -- Stack grid create_stack_grid setup_stack_grid --| Replay control box create_box_replay_controls --| Thread box create_box_thread --| Stop cause (step completed ...) create box_stop_cause create t_label.make_with_text (" Status = ") t_label.align_text_left t_label.set_foreground_color (special_label_color) box_stop_cause.extend (t_label) box_stop_cause.disable_item_expand (t_label) box_stop_cause.set_foreground_color (special_label_color) create stop_cause stop_cause.align_text_left stop_cause.set_minimum_width (stop_cause.font.string_width (interface_names.l_explicit_exception_pending)) box_stop_cause.extend (stop_cause) --| Exception box create_box_exception --| Top box2 box2.extend (box_stop_cause) box2.disable_item_expand (box_stop_cause) box2.extend (box_thread) box2.disable_item_expand (box_thread) display_box_thread (False) box2.extend (box_exception) box2.disable_item_expand (box_exception) box2.extend (box_replay_controls) box2.disable_item_expand (box_replay_controls) a_widget.extend (box2) a_widget.disable_item_expand (box2) if Debugger_manager.application_is_executing then display_stop_cause (False) end exception.remove_text -- We set a minimum width to prevent the label from resizing the call stack. exception.set_minimum_width ({EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (40)) exception.set_foreground_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255, 0, 0)) exception.disable_edit --| Stack grid g := stack_grid --| Attach to Current dialog a_widget.extend (g) --| Call stack level selection mode update_call_stack_level_selection_mode (preferences.debug_tool_data.select_call_stack_level_on_double_click_preference) preferences.debug_tool_data.select_call_stack_level_on_double_click_preference.change_actions.extend (agent update_call_stack_level_selection_mode) --| Show/hide internal stack initialize_box_internal_callstack_control (a_widget) end update_call_stack_level_selection_mode (dbl_click_bpref: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE) -- Update call stack level selection mode when preference select_call_stack_level_on_double_click_preference -- changes. -- if true then use double click -- otherwise use single click require stack_grid_set: stack_grid /= Void local g: like stack_grid do g := stack_grid g.pointer_double_press_item_actions.wipe_out g.pointer_button_press_item_actions.wipe_out if dbl_click_bpref.value then g.pointer_double_press_item_actions.extend (agent on_grid_item_pointer_pressed) else g.pointer_button_press_item_actions.extend (agent on_grid_item_pointer_pressed) end end create_mini_tool_bar_items: ARRAYED_LIST [SD_TOOL_BAR_ITEM] -- Retrieves a list of tool bar items to display on the window title local cmd: EB_STANDARD_CMD togg: SD_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE_BUTTON p: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE do create Result.make (5) create togg.make Result.extend (togg) p := preferences.debugger_data.debugger_hidden_enabled_preference togg.set_tooltip (interface_names.tt_hide_internal_call_stack_elements) if p.value then togg.set_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.hidden_hide_in_callstack_icon_buffer) togg.enable_select else togg.set_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.hidden_show_in_callstack_icon_buffer) togg.disable_select end p.change_actions.extend (agent (i_p: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE; i_togg: SD_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE_BUTTON) do if i_p.value then if not i_togg.is_selected then i_togg.enable_select end else if i_togg.is_selected then i_togg.disable_select end end end(?, togg) ) togg.select_actions.extend (agent (i_p: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE; i_togg: SD_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE_BUTTON) do if i_togg.is_selected then if not i_p.value then i_togg.set_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.hidden_hide_in_callstack_icon_buffer) i_p.set_value (True) end else if i_p.value then i_togg.set_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.hidden_show_in_callstack_icon_buffer) i_p.set_value (False) end end end(p, togg) ) togg.select_actions.extend (agent filter_internal_callstack_elements) has_internal_callstack_hidden_notification.extend (agent (b: BOOLEAN; ia_togg: SD_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE_BUTTON) do if b then ia_togg.enable_sensitive else ia_togg.disable_sensitive end end (?, togg)) create save_call_stack_cmd.make save_call_stack_cmd.set_mini_pixmap (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.general_save_icon) save_call_stack_cmd.set_mini_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.general_save_icon_buffer) save_call_stack_cmd.set_tooltip (Interface_names.e_Save_call_stack) save_call_stack_cmd.add_agent (agent save_call_stack) Result.extend (save_call_stack_cmd.new_mini_sd_toolbar_item) create cmd.make cmd.set_mini_pixmap (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.general_copy_icon) cmd.set_mini_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.general_copy_icon_buffer) cmd.set_tooltip (Interface_names.e_Copy_call_stack_to_clipboard) cmd.add_agent (agent copy_call_stack_to_clipboard) Result.extend (cmd.new_mini_sd_toolbar_item) copy_call_stack_cmd := cmd create set_stack_depth_cmd.make set_stack_depth_cmd.set_mini_pixmap (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.debugger_callstack_depth_icon) set_stack_depth_cmd.set_mini_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.debugger_callstack_depth_icon_buffer) set_stack_depth_cmd.set_tooltip (Interface_names.e_Set_stack_depth) set_stack_depth_cmd.add_agent (agent open_stack_depth_dialog) set_stack_depth_cmd.enable_sensitive Result.extend (set_stack_depth_cmd.new_mini_sd_toolbar_item) if eb_debugger_manager.toggle_exec_replay_recording_mode_cmd /= Void then Result.extend (eb_debugger_manager.toggle_exec_replay_recording_mode_cmd.new_mini_sd_toolbar_item) end if eb_debugger_manager.toggle_exec_replay_mode_cmd /= Void then Result.extend (eb_debugger_manager.toggle_exec_replay_mode_cmd.new_mini_sd_toolbar_item) end end on_after_initialized -- Use to perform additional creation initializations, after the UI has been created. do Precursor {ES_DEBUGGER_DOCKABLE_STONABLE_TOOL_PANEL} activate_execution_replay_mode (False, 0) request_update end feature -- Access: Help help_context_id: STRING_32 -- once Result := {STRING_32} "8C3CD0FE-78AA-7EC6-F36A-2233A4E26755" end feature {NONE} -- Grid preferences grid_font: EV_FONT do Result := stack_grid.grid_font end setup_stack_grid require stack_grid_set: stack_grid /= Void do load_stack_grid_preferences end load_stack_grid_preferences require stack_grid_set: stack_grid /= Void do --| UI look row_highlight_bg_color := Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_highlight_background_color unsensitive_fg_color := Preferences.debug_tool_data.unsensitive_foreground_color row_replayable_bg_color := Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_replayable_background_color internal_bg_color := Preferences.debug_tool_data.internal_background_color if attached box_replay_controls as l_ctrls then l_ctrls.set_background_color (row_replayable_bg_color) l_ctrls.propagate_background_color end end feature {NONE} -- Grid factory new_grid_label_item (a_text: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do if a_text = Void then create Result else create Result.make_with_text (a_text) end setup_grid_label_item (Result) end new_grid_label_item_with_pixmaps_on_right (a_text: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): EV_GRID_PIXMAPS_ON_RIGHT_LABEL_ITEM do if a_text = Void then create Result else create Result.make_with_text (a_text) end setup_grid_label_item (Result) end setup_grid_label_item (glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM) do glab.set_font (grid_font) end feature {NONE} -- Factory create_stack_grid local g: like stack_grid do create g stack_grid := g g.enable_multiple_row_selection g.enable_partial_dynamic_content g.set_dynamic_content_function (agent compute_stack_grid_item) g.enable_border g.enable_resize_column (Feature_column_index) g.enable_resize_column (Position_column_index) ----| FIXME Jfiat: Use session to store/restore column widths g.set_column_count_to (4) g.column (Feature_column_index).set_title (Interface_names.t_Feature) g.column (Feature_column_index).set_width ({EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (120)) g.column (Position_column_index).set_title (" @") --Interface_names.t_Position) g.column (Position_column_index).set_width ({EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (20)) g.column (Dtype_column_index).set_title (Interface_names.t_Dynamic_type) g.column (Dtype_column_index).set_width ({EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (100)) g.column (Stype_column_index).set_title (Interface_names.t_Static_type) g.column (Stype_column_index).set_width ({EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (100)) --| Action/event on call stack grid g.drop_actions.extend (agent on_element_drop) g.key_press_actions.extend (agent key_pressed) g.set_item_pebble_function (agent on_grid_item_pebble_function) g.set_item_accept_cursor_function (agent on_grid_item_accept_cursor_function) --| Action/event on call stack grid (replay mode) g.row_expand_actions.extend (agent on_row_expanded) g.row_select_actions.extend (agent on_row_selected) g.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent on_row_deselected) --| Context menu handler g.set_configurable_target_menu_mode if attached develop_window as l_development_window then g.set_configurable_target_menu_handler (agent (l_development_window.menus.context_menu_factory).call_stack_menu) else check is_development_window: False end end -- Set scrolling preferences. g.set_mouse_wheel_scroll_size (preferences.editor_data.mouse_wheel_scroll_size) preferences.editor_data.mouse_wheel_scroll_size_preference.typed_change_actions.extend ( agent g.set_mouse_wheel_scroll_size ) g.set_mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page (preferences.editor_data.mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page) preferences.editor_data.mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page_preference.typed_change_actions.extend ( agent g.set_mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page ) g.set_scrolling_common_line_count (preferences.editor_data.scrolling_common_line_count) preferences.editor_data.scrolling_common_line_count_preference.typed_change_actions.extend ( agent g.set_scrolling_common_line_count ) --| Specific Grid's behavior g.build_delayed_cleaning end create_widget: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Create a new container widget upon request. -- Note: You may build the tool elements here or in `build_tool_interface' do Create Result end create_tool_bar_items: ARRAYED_LIST [SD_TOOL_BAR_ITEM] -- Retrieves a list of tool bar items to display at the top of the tool. do end initialize_box_internal_callstack_control (a_widget: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) local hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX cb: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Checkbox controlling to display or not the internal callstack element. p: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE do create hb hb.set_border_width (3) create cb.make_with_text (interface_names.t_hide_internal_call_stack_elements) if preferences.debugger_data.debugger_hidden_enabled then cb.enable_select else cb.disable_select end p := preferences.debugger_data.debugger_hidden_enabled_preference p.change_actions.extend (agent (ia_p: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE; ia_cb: EV_CHECK_BUTTON) do if ia_p.value then if not ia_cb.is_selected then ia_cb.enable_select end else if ia_cb.is_selected then ia_cb.disable_select end end end(?, cb) ) hb.extend (cb) cb.select_actions.extend (agent (i_p: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE; i_cb: EV_CHECK_BUTTON) do i_p.set_value (i_cb.is_selected) end(p, cb) ) cb.select_actions.extend (agent filter_internal_callstack_elements) a_widget.extend (hb) a_widget.disable_item_expand (hb) hb.hide has_internal_callstack_hidden_notification.extend (agent (b: BOOLEAN; ia_b: EV_BOX) do if b then else ia_b.hide end end(?, hb) ) end create_box_exception -- Build `box_exception' widget local tb_but: like exception_dialog_button tb_exception: SD_TOOL_BAR do create box_exception create exception box_exception.extend (exception) create tb_exception.make create tb_but.make exception_dialog_button := tb_but tb_but.disable_sensitive tb_but.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.debug_exception_dialog_icon) tb_but.set_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.debug_exception_dialog_icon_buffer) tb_but.set_tooltip (interface_names.l_open_exception_dialog_tooltip) tb_but.select_actions.extend (agent open_exception_dialog) tb_exception.extend (tb_but) tb_exception.compute_minimum_size box_exception.extend (tb_exception) box_exception.disable_item_expand (tb_exception) end create_box_thread -- Build `box_thread' widget local t_label: EV_LABEL do create box_thread create t_label.make_with_text (" Thread = ") t_label.align_text_left t_label.set_foreground_color (special_label_color) box_thread.extend (t_label) box_thread.disable_item_expand (t_label) create thread_id thread_id.align_text_left thread_id.set_foreground_color (special_label_color) thread_id.set_text ("..Unknown..") thread_id.set_minimum_height (20) thread_id.set_minimum_width (thread_id.font.string_width ("0x00000000") + 10) thread_id.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent bold_this_label (True, thread_id)) thread_id.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent bold_this_label (False, thread_id)) thread_id.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent select_call_stack_thread (thread_id, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) box_thread.extend (thread_id) create t_label.make_with_text (" -- Click to change. ") t_label.disable_sensitive t_label.align_text_right t_label.set_foreground_color (special_label_color) box_thread.extend (t_label) box_thread.disable_item_expand (t_label) end create_box_replay_controls -- Build `box_replay_controls' widget local tb: SD_TOOL_BAR but: SD_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON do create box_replay_controls create tb.make box_replay_controls.extend (tb) tb.extend (eb_debugger_manager.exec_replay_back_cmd.new_sd_toolbar_item (True)) tb.extend (eb_debugger_manager.exec_replay_forth_cmd.new_sd_toolbar_item (True)) tb.extend (eb_debugger_manager.exec_replay_left_cmd.new_sd_toolbar_item (True)) tb.extend (eb_debugger_manager.exec_replay_right_cmd.new_sd_toolbar_item (True)) create but.make but.set_text (interface_names.b_Exec_replay_to) but.set_tooltip (interface_names.t_Exec_replay_to) but.set_pixel_buffer (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.general_search_icon_buffer) but.select_actions.extend (agent replay_to_selected_row) tb.extend (but) replay_to_but := but replay_to_but.disable_sensitive create replay_controls_label box_replay_controls.extend (replay_controls_label) box_replay_controls.set_background_color (row_replayable_bg_color) box_replay_controls.propagate_background_color tb.compute_minimum_size box_replay_controls.hide end replay_to_but: SD_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON -- Replay to button feature {NONE} -- Internal Properties execution_replay_activated: BOOLEAN -- Is Execution replay activated ? execution_replay_level_limit: INTEGER -- Maximal level limit stack_data: ARRAY [detachable CALL_STACK_ELEMENT] -- Data associated to the `stack_grid' row's data arrowed_level: INTEGER -- Line number in the stack that has an arrow displayed. marked_level: INTEGER -- Line number in the stack that has an arrow marked. -- i.e: for replayed level cursor feature {NONE} -- Internal Widgets thread_id: EV_LABEL -- Thread Identifier stop_cause: EV_LABEL -- Why did the execution stop? (encountered breakpoint, raised exception,...) exception: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Exception application has encountered. exception_dialog_button: SD_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON -- Button to display exception dialog. stack_grid: ES_IDE_GRID -- Graphical representation of the execution stack. box_thread: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX -- Box display the thread information box_exception: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX -- Box display the exception information box_stop_cause: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX -- Box display the stop reason information box_replay_controls: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX -- Box display the execution replay controls (up, down...) replay_controls_label: EV_LABEL -- Label showing execution replay information feature {NONE} -- Commands save_call_stack_cmd: EB_STANDARD_CMD -- Command that saves the call stack to a file. copy_call_stack_cmd: EB_STANDARD_CMD -- Command that copy the call stack to the clipboard. set_stack_depth_cmd: EB_STANDARD_CMD -- Command that alters the displayed depth of the call stack. feature {ES_CALL_STACK_TOOL} -- UI access has_internal_callstack_hidden_notification: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE [BOOLEAN]] set_has_internal_callstack_hidden (b: BOOLEAN) do ([b]) end filter_internal_callstack_elements local l_hide: BOOLEAN r, n: INTEGER do l_hide := preferences.debugger_data.debugger_hidden_enabled if attached stack_grid as g then from r := 1 n := g.row_count until r > n loop if attached g.row (r) as l_row and then attached stack_from_row (l_row) as elt and then is_internal_call_stack_element (elt) then if l_row.is_show_requested then if l_hide then l_row.hide end else if not l_hide then end end end r := r + 1 end end end activate_execution_replay_mode (b: BOOLEAN; levlim: INTEGER) -- Enable or disable execution replay require is_initialized: is_initialized do execution_replay_activated := b execution_replay_level_limit := levlim if b then if not box_replay_controls.is_show_requested then end replay_to_but.enable_sensitive debug replay_controls_label.set_text ("LevelMax=" + levlim.out) end else debug replay_controls_label.remove_text end replay_to_but.disable_sensitive box_replay_controls.hide end if stack_grid /= Void then clean_stack_grid if execution_replay_activated then stack_grid.enable_tree else stack_grid.disable_tree end marked_level := 1 if debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped then populate_stack_grid (debugger_manager.application_status.current_call_stack) end end end set_execution_replay_level (lev: INTEGER; levlim: INTEGER; rep: REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT) -- Set the execution replay level to `lev' -- in the limits of `levlim' -- i.e: refresh the stack_grid using the adapted colors require app_is_stopped: debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped in_range: levlim > 0 implies lev <= levlim do if rep /= Void then replay_controls_label.set_text (rep.depth.out + ".(" + rep.replayed_break_index.out + "," + rep.replayed_break_nested_index.out + ")") else replay_controls_label.remove_text end replay_controls_label.refresh_now if stack_grid /= Void then stack_grid.remove_selection replay_to_but.disable_sensitive end marked_level := lev --| We need to remove replayed rows, --| since the replayed info might have changed remove_replayed_rows stack_grid.clear if lev > 0 then select_element_by_level (lev) else select_element_by_level (1) end end remove_replayed_rows -- Remove all rows related to replayed call local r: INTEGER do if execution_replay_activated and stack_grid.row_count > 0 then from r := 1 until r > stack_grid.row_count loop stack_grid.grid_remove_and_clear_subrows_from (stack_grid.row (r)) r := r + 1 end end end feature {NONE} -- Replay helpers replay_to_selected_row -- Replay to selected row require execution_replay_activated: execution_replay_activated local b: BOOLEAN lev: INTEGER l_id: STRING do if attached stack_grid.single_selected_row as l_row then if attached replayed_call_stack_element_from_row (l_row) as rcse then l_id := else lev := level_from_row (l_row) if lev > 0 then l_id := "-" + lev.out end end end if l_id /= Void then b := debugger_manager.application.replay_to_point (l_id) if b then eb_debugger_manager.update_execution_replay end end end feature -- Change refresh -- Refresh call stack do remove_replayed_rows stack_grid.clear end show -- Show tool do Precursor {ES_DEBUGGER_DOCKABLE_STONABLE_TOOL_PANEL} if attached stack_grid as g and then g.is_displayed and then g.is_sensitive then g.set_focus end request_update end feature {NONE} -- Even handlers on_show -- do Precursor end feature {NONE} -- Update on_update_when_application_is_executing (dbg_stopped: BOOLEAN) -- Update when debugging do request_clean_stack_grid display_stop_cause (dbg_stopped) refresh_threads_info end on_update_when_application_is_not_executing -- Update when not debugging do request_clean_stack_grid save_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive copy_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive display_stop_cause (False) display_box_thread (False) end real_update (dbg_was_stopped: BOOLEAN) -- Display current execution status. -- dbg_was_stopped is ignore if Application/Debugger is not running local l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS stack: EIFFEL_CALL_STACK do request_clean_stack_grid save_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive copy_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive if Debugger_manager.application_is_executing then l_status := Debugger_manager.application_status if dbg_was_stopped then l_status.update_on_stopped_state end display_stop_cause (dbg_was_stopped or l_status.break_on_assertion_violation_pending ) refresh_threads_info if l_status.is_stopped and (dbg_was_stopped or l_status.break_on_assertion_violation_pending) --| Quick fix To handle the ignore contract violation case then stack := l_status.current_call_stack populate_stack_grid (stack) if l_status.is_stopped and then stack /= Void and then not stack.is_empty then select_element_by_level (1) -- ??? end end end end feature {ES_CALL_STACK_TOOL} -- Memory management reset_tool -- Reset tool when debugging is terminated do reset_update_on_idle if is_initialized then exception.remove_text exception.remove_tooltip exception_dialog_button.disable_sensitive stop_cause.remove_text display_box_thread (False) save_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive copy_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive clean_stack_grid end end feature {NONE} -- Internal memory management internal_recycle -- Recycle `Current', but leave `Current' in an unstable state, -- so that we know whether we're still referenced or not. do reset_tool Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_highlight_background_color_preference.change_actions.prune_all (set_row_highlight_bg_color_agent) Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_replayable_background_color_preference.change_actions.prune_all (set_row_replayable_bg_color_agent) Preferences.debug_tool_data.unsensitive_foreground_color_preference.change_actions.prune_all (set_unsensitive_fg_color_agent) Preferences.debug_tool_data.internal_background_color_preference.change_actions.prune_all (set_row_internal_bg_color_agent) if attached has_internal_callstack_hidden_notification as notif then notif.wipe_out end Precursor {ES_DEBUGGER_DOCKABLE_STONABLE_TOOL_PANEL} end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Stop display_stop_cause (arg_is_stopped: BOOLEAN) -- Fill in the `stop_cause' label with a message describing the application status. -- arg_is_stopped is ignore if Application/Debugger is not running local m: STRING_32 do exception_dialog_button.disable_sensitive if not Debugger_manager.application_is_executing then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_System_launched) exception.remove_text exception.remove_tooltip elseif not arg_is_stopped then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_System_running) exception.remove_text exception.remove_tooltip else -- Application is stopped. create m.make (100) inspect Debugger_manager.application_status.reason when Pg_step then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Stepped) m.append (Interface_names.l_Stepped) when Pg_break then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Stop_point_reached) m.append (Interface_names.l_Stop_point_reached) when Pg_interrupt then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Execution_interrupted) m.append (Interface_names.l_Execution_interrupted) when Pg_overflow then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Possible_overflow) m.append (Interface_names.l_Possible_overflow) set_focus_if_visible when Pg_catcall then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_debugger_catcall_warning_message) m.append (Interface_names.l_debugger_catcall_warning_message) display_catcall_message set_focus_if_visible when Pg_raise then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Explicit_exception_pending) m.append (Interface_names.l_Explicit_exception_pending) m.append (": ") m.append (exception_short_description) display_exception set_focus_if_visible when Pg_viol then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Implicit_exception_pending) m.append (Interface_names.l_Implicit_exception_pending) m.append (": ") m.append (exception_short_description) display_exception set_focus_if_visible when Pg_update_breakpoint then stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Update_breakpoint) m.append (Interface_names.l_Update_breakpoint) else stop_cause.set_text (Interface_names.l_Unknown_status) m.append (Interface_names.l_Unknown_status) end Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.status_bar.display_message ( first_line_of (m) ) end end open_stack_depth_dialog -- Display a dialog that lets the user change the maximum depth of the call stack. local dlg: ES_CALL_STACK_DEPTH_DIALOG do create dlg.make_with_debugger (debugger_manager) dlg.set_is_modal (True) dlg.show_on_active_window end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Exceptions open_exception_dialog -- Open exception dialog to show the exception details local dlg: EB_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_DIALOG w: EV_WINDOW do w := Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window if debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped then create dlg.make if attached exception_value then dlg.set_exception (exception_value) elseif attached catcall_message as m then dlg.set_exception_text (m) end dlg.set_is_modal (True) dlg.show_on_active_window else prompts.show_error_prompt (interface_names.l_Only_available_for_stopped_application, w, Void) end end display_exception -- Fill in the `exception' label with a text describing the exception, if any. local m: STRING_32 do m := exception_short_description --| FIXME jfiat [2004/03/19] : NewFeature keep only first line of exception text for callstack_tool --| We'll enable this, once we have an exception window to display the full message exception.set_text (first_line_of (m)) exception.set_tooltip (m) exception_dialog_button.enable_sensitive end exception_value: EXCEPTION_DEBUG_VALUE -- Current exception value local l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS do l_status := Debugger_manager.application_status if l_status /= Void then if l_status.exception_occurred then Result := l_status.exception end end end fake_exception_value: EXCEPTION_DEBUG_VALUE -- Current exception value do Result := exception_value if Result = Void then create Result.make_fake ("No exception occurred") end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end exception_short_description: STRING_32 -- Text corresponding to the current exception. local e: like exception_value do e := exception_value if e = Void then e := fake_exception_value end Result := e.short_description end feature {NONE} -- Catcall warning access display_catcall_message -- Fill in the `exception' label with a text describing the catcall, if any. require reason_is_catcall: debugger_manager.application_status.reason_is_catcall local m: STRING_32 do m := catcall_message exception.set_text (m) exception.set_tooltip (m) exception_dialog_button.enable_sensitive end catcall_message: STRING_32 -- Catcall warning message require reason_is_catcall: debugger_manager.application_status.reason_is_catcall local rtcc: TUPLE [pos, expected_id, expected_annotations, actual_id, actual_annotations: INTEGER] l_fdtype: INTEGER l_max_type_id: INTEGER ct: CLASS_TYPE f: E_FEATURE argname: STRING_32 l_static_argtypename, argtypename: STRING_32 retried: BOOLEAN ecse: EIFFEL_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS do if not retried then l_status := debugger_manager.application_status rtcc := l_status.catcall_data create Result.make_from_string ("Catcall detected") if rtcc /= Void and then rtcc.pos > 0 then if l_status.has_valid_current_eiffel_call_stack_element then ecse := l_status.current_eiffel_call_stack_element if ecse /= Void then f := ecse.routine end end Result.append (" for ") --| Get info with compiler data if f /= Void then if attached f.arguments as args and then args.count >= rtcc.pos then if attached args.argument_names as argnames then argnames.start argnames.move (rtcc.pos - 1) argname := argnames.item end args.start args.move (rtcc.pos - 1) if attached args.item as typ then l_static_argtypename := end end end Result.append (" argument#") Result.append_integer (rtcc.pos) if argname /= Void then Result.append (" `") Result.append (argname) Result.append_character (''') end l_max_type_id := system.class_types.count Result.append (": expected ") ct := Void l_fdtype := rtcc.expected_id -- We do `l_fdtype - 1' because `rtcc' always contains the runtime type_id's + 1. if l_fdtype - 1 = {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.none_type then argtypename := "Void" elseif l_fdtype <= l_max_type_id then --| Try with compiler data ct := System.class_type_of_id (l_fdtype) if ct /= Void and then ct.associated_class /= Void then if not ct.is_generic then argtypename := ct.associated_class.name_in_upper end end end if argtypename = Void then --| Try with evaluation on app argtypename := debugger_manager.application.internal_type_name_of_type (l_fdtype - 1) --| -1: to convert to runtime type id end if argtypename = Void then if l_static_argtypename /= Void then argtypename := l_static_argtypename.twin else argtypename := "" end argtypename.append_string (" (type#") argtypename.append_integer (l_fdtype) argtypename.append_string (")") end Result.append (" ") Result.append (argtypename) argtypename := Void Result.append (" but got ") l_fdtype := rtcc.actual_id --| Try with compiler data -- We do `l_fdtype - 1' because `rtcc' always contains the runtime type_id's + 1. if l_fdtype - 1 = {SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.none_type then argtypename := "Void" elseif l_fdtype <= l_max_type_id then ct := System.class_type_of_id (l_fdtype) if ct /= Void and then ct.associated_class /= Void and then not ct.is_generic then argtypename := ct.associated_class.name_in_upper end end --| Try with evaluation on app if argtypename = Void then argtypename := debugger_manager.application.internal_type_name_of_type (l_fdtype - 1) --| -1: to convert to runtime type id end if argtypename /= Void then Result.append (argtypename) else Result.append ("type#") Result.append_integer (l_fdtype) end argtypename := Void end else create Result.make_from_string ("Catcall detected") end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void rescue retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: threads display_box_thread (b: BOOLEAN) -- Show or hide box related to available Thread ids do if box_thread /= Void then if b then else box_thread.hide end end end refresh_threads_info -- Refresh thread info according to debugger data require application_is_executing: debugger_manager.application_is_executing local ctid: POINTER s: APPLICATION_STATUS do s := Debugger_manager.application_status if s.all_thread_ids_count > 1 then ctid := s.current_thread_id thread_id.set_text (ctid.out) thread_id.set_data (ctid) display_box_thread (True) else display_box_thread (False) end end select_call_stack_thread (lab: EV_LABEL; x, y, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Select thread local m: EV_MENU mi: EV_MENU_ITEM tid: POINTER arr: LIST [POINTER] l_item_text, s: STRING l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS do l_status := Debugger_manager.application_status if l_status /= Void then if l_status.is_stopped then arr := l_status.all_thread_ids if arr /= Void and then not arr.is_empty then create m create mi.make_with_text_and_action ("Show threads panel", agent do if attached eb_debugger_manager.threads_tool as th then (True) end end) m.extend (mi) m.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) from arr.start until arr.after loop tid := arr.item l_item_text := tid.out s := l_status.thread_name (tid) if s /= Void then l_item_text.append_string (" - " + s) end create mi if tid = l_status.current_thread_id then mi.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_active_arrow_icon) end mi.set_text (l_item_text) mi.set_data (tid) mi.select_actions.extend (agent debugger_manager.change_current_thread_id (tid)) --| it will trigger `update' m.extend (mi) arr.forth end m.show_at (lab, 0, thread_id.height) else prompts.show_info_prompt ("Sorry no information available on Threads for now", Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window, Void) end else prompts.show_error_prompt (interface_names.l_Only_available_for_stopped_application, Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window, Void) end else prompts.show_error_prompt (interface_names.l_Only_available_for_stopped_application, Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window, Void) end end feature {NONE} -- Export call stack save_call_stack -- Saves the current call stack representation in a file. local fd: EB_FILE_SAVE_DIALOG standard_path: PATH f: RAW_FILE i: INTEGER do --| Get last path from the preferences. if attached preferences.debug_tool_data.last_saved_stack_path as p and then not p.is_empty then standard_path := p else --| The first time, start in the project directory. standard_path := Eiffel_project.project_directory.path end create fd.make_with_preference (preferences.dialog_data.last_saved_call_stack_directory_preference) set_dialog_filters_and_add_all (fd, {ARRAY [STRING_32]} <>) fd.set_start_path (standard_path) --| We try to find a file_name that does not exist. create f.make_with_path (standard_path.extended (Interface_names.default_stack_file_name + ".txt")) from i := 1 until not f.exists loop create f.make_with_path (standard_path.extended (Interface_names.default_stack_file_name + i.out + ".txt")) i := i + 1 end fd.set_full_file_path (f.path) fd.save_actions.extend (agent save_call_stack_to_file (fd)) fd.show_modal_to_window (Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window) end save_call_stack_to_file (fd: EV_FILE_DIALOG) -- Actually saves the call stack. require valid_dialog: fd /= Void local f: RAW_FILE fn: PATH l_prompt: ES_QUESTION_PROMPT retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped then --| We create a file (or open it). fn := fd.full_file_path create f.make_with_path (fn) if f.exists then create l_prompt.make_standard (interface_names.l_file_exits ( l_prompt.set_button_text (l_prompt.dialog_buttons.yes_button, interface_names.b_overwrite) l_prompt.set_button_text (l_prompt.dialog_buttons.no_button, interface_names.b_append) l_prompt.set_button_action (l_prompt.dialog_buttons.yes_button, agent save_call_stack_to_filename (fn, False)) l_prompt.set_button_action (l_prompt.dialog_buttons.no_button, agent save_call_stack_to_filename (fn, True)) (Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window) else save_call_stack_to_filename (fn, False) end else prompts.show_error_prompt (interface_names.l_only_available_for_stopped_application, Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window, Void) end else -- The file name was probably incorrect (not creatable). if fd /= Void then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_creatable (, Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window, Void) end end rescue retried := True retry end save_call_stack_to_filename (a_fn: PATH; is_append: BOOLEAN) -- Save call stack into file named `a_fn'. -- if the file already exists and `is_append' is True -- then append the stack in the same file local fn: FILE_WINDOW retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then --| We create a file (or open it). create fn.make_with_path (a_fn) if fn.exists and is_append then fn.open_append else fn.create_read_write end --| We generate the call stack. Eb_debugger_manager.text_formatter_visitor.append_stack (Debugger_manager.application_status.current_call_stack, fn) --| We put it in the file. if not fn.is_closed then fn.close end -- Save the path to the preferences. -- Encode it as UTF-8. preferences.debug_tool_data.last_saved_stack_path_preference.set_value (a_fn.parent) preferences.preferences.save_preference (preferences.debug_tool_data.last_saved_stack_path_preference) else -- The file name was probably incorrect (not creatable). prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_creatable (, Eb_debugger_manager.debugging_window.window, Void) end rescue retried := True retry end copy_call_stack_to_clipboard local l_output: YANK_STRING_WINDOW retried: BOOLEAN e: like exception_value s: STRING_32 do if not retried then if debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped then --| We generate the call stack. create s.make_empty if debugger_manager.application_status.exception_occurred then e := exception_value if e = Void then e := fake_exception_value end s.append (e.long_description) end create l_output.make; Eb_debugger_manager.text_formatter_visitor.append_stack (Debugger_manager.application_status.current_call_stack, l_output) if attached l_output.stored_output as t and then not t.is_empty then s.append_string (t) end ev_application.clipboard.set_text (s) l_output.reset_output else ev_application.clipboard.set_text ("") end else ev_application.clipboard.set_text ("") end rescue retried := True retry end copy_call_stack_selection_to_clipboard (a_without_value: BOOLEAN) -- Copy text representation of call stack selection to clipboard local l_output: YANK_STRING_WINDOW retried: BOOLEAN cse: CALL_STACK_ELEMENT s: STRING_32 levels: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] tf: DEBUGGER_TEXT_FORMATTER_VISITOR l_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [INTEGER] do if not retried then if debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped then --| We generate the call stack. create s.make_empty create l_output.make; if attached stack_grid.selected_rows as l_rows then from l_rows.start create levels.make (l_rows.count) until l_rows.after loop levels.force (level_from_row (l_rows.item)) l_rows.forth end create l_sorter.make (create {COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR [INTEGER]}) l_sorter.sort (levels) from levels.start tf := Eb_debugger_manager.text_formatter_visitor until levels.after loop cse := stack_data_at (levels.item) l_output.add_int (cse.level_in_stack) l_output.add_space tf.append_feature (cse, l_output) if not a_without_value then tf.append_arguments (cse, l_output) tf.append_locals (cse, l_output) end if attached l_output.stored_output as t and then not t.is_empty then t.replace_substring_all ("%N", "%N%T") if not a_without_value then s.append_string ("------") s.append_character ('%N') end s.append_string (t) s.append_character ('%N') end l_output.reset_output levels.forth end end ev_application.clipboard.set_text (s) l_output.reset_output else ev_application.clipboard.set_text ("") end else ev_application.clipboard.set_text ("") end rescue retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Disabled stack element is_internal_call_stack_element (e: CALL_STACK_ELEMENT): BOOLEAN -- Call stack element `e' should be hidden ? do if e.is_hidden then Result := True elseif e.is_eiffel_call_stack_element then Result := False else -- Do not show pure dotnet calls. Result := True end end feature {NONE} -- Stack grid implementation clean_stack_grid -- Clean the stack_grid do stack_grid.call_delayed_clean if attached stack_data as d then d.discard_items end ensure stack_grid_cleaned: stack_grid.row_count = 0 end request_clean_stack_grid -- Clean the stack_grid do stack_grid.request_delayed_clean end populate_stack_grid (stack: EIFFEL_CALL_STACK) -- Fill the satck_grid with `stack' data require application_stopped: debugger_manager.safe_application_is_stopped local g: ES_GRID row: EV_GRID_ROW l_tooltipable_grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM i: INTEGER l_has_hidden: BOOLEAN l_hide_internal: BOOLEAN do set_has_internal_callstack_hidden (False) clean_stack_grid g := stack_grid if stack /= Void and then not stack.is_empty then l_hide_internal := preferences.debugger_data.debugger_hidden_enabled save_call_stack_cmd.enable_sensitive copy_call_stack_cmd.enable_sensitive from stack.start create stack_data.make_filled (Void, 1, stack.count) g.insert_new_rows (stack.count, 1) i := 1 until stack.after loop row := stack_grid.row (i) stack_data[i] := stack.item row.set_data (i) if is_internal_call_stack_element (stack.item) then mark_row_as_internal (row) l_has_hidden := True if l_hide_internal then row.disable_select row.hide end end i := i + 1 stack.forth end set_has_internal_callstack_hidden (l_has_hidden) else save_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive copy_call_stack_cmd.disable_sensitive l_tooltipable_grid_row := g.grid_extended_new_row (g) glab := new_grid_label_item (Interface_messages.w_dbg_unable_to_get_call_stack_data) glab.set_tooltip (Interface_messages.w_dbg_double_click_to_refresh_call_stack) glab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_mini_error_icon) glab.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent (i_x, i_y, i_but: INTEGER; i_x_tilt, i_y_tilt, i_pressure: DOUBLE; i_screen_x, i_screen_y: INTEGER) do update end) l_tooltipable_grid_row.set_item (1, glab) end stack_grid.request_columns_auto_resizing end compute_stack_grid_item (c, r: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ITEM -- Computed grid item corresponding to `c,r'. local row: EV_GRID_ROW i,n: INTEGER do row := stack_grid.row (r) if c <= row.count then Result := row.item (c) end if Result = Void then if execution_replay_activated then compute_replayed_stack_grid_row (row) else compute_stack_grid_row (row) end --| fill_empty_cells of `row' n := stack_grid.column_count from i := 1 until i > n loop if row.item (i) = Void then row.set_item (i, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) end i := i + 1 end --| Now Result should not be Void Result := row.item (c) end if Result = Void then create Result end end compute_stack_grid_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Compute item for `a_row' require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local i, level: INTEGER cse: CALL_STACK_ELEMENT dc, oc: CLASS_C l_tooltip: STRING_32 l_nb_stack: INTEGER l_feature_name: STRING_32 l_is_melted: BOOLEAN l_has_rescue: BOOLEAN l_is_class_feature: BOOLEAN l_class_info: STRING l_orig_class_info: STRING_GENERAL l_same_name: BOOLEAN l_breakindex_info: STRING l_obj_address_info: STRING l_extra_info: READABLE_STRING_32 glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM glabp: EV_GRID_PIXMAPS_ON_RIGHT_LABEL_ITEM app_exec: APPLICATION_EXECUTION pixs: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_PIXMAP] do level := level_from_row (a_row) cse := stack_data_at (level) --| It can occur the cse is Void, in specific context (unable to get the call stack) if cse = Void then if a_row.item (1) = Void then glab := new_grid_label_item (Interface_messages.w_dbg_unable_to_get_call_stack_data) glab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_mini_error_icon) a_row.set_item (1, glab) end else create l_tooltip.make (10) --| Class name l_class_info := cse.class_name if l_class_info /= Void then l_tooltip.append ("{" + l_class_info + "}.") end --| Break Index l_breakindex_info := cse.break_index.out if cse.break_nested_index > 0 then l_breakindex_info.append_character ('+') l_breakindex_info.append_integer (cse.break_nested_index) end --| Routine name l_feature_name := cse.routine_name_for_display if l_feature_name /= Void then l_feature_name := l_feature_name.twin else create l_feature_name.make_empty end --| Decide later, if we want the "@bp-index" visible -- if l_feature_name /= Void then -- l_feature_name.append (" @" + l_breakindex_info.out) -- end l_tooltip.append (l_feature_name) --| Object address l_obj_address_info := cse.object_address.output if attached {EIFFEL_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT} cse as e_cse then --| Origin class dc := e_cse.dynamic_class oc := e_cse.written_class if oc /= Void then l_orig_class_info := oc.name_in_upper l_same_name := dc /= Void and then oc.same_type (dc) and then oc.is_equal (dc) if not l_same_name then l_tooltip.prepend_string (interface_names.l_from_class (l_orig_class_info)) end else l_orig_class_info := Interface_names.l_Same_class_name end --| Routine name l_has_rescue := e_cse.has_rescue if l_has_rescue then l_tooltip.append_string (interface_names.l_feature_has_rescue_clause) end l_is_melted := e_cse.is_melted if l_is_melted then l_tooltip.append_string (interface_names.l_compilation_equal_melted) end l_is_class_feature := e_cse.is_class_feature if l_is_class_feature then l_tooltip.append_string (interface_names.l_feature_is_class) end if attached {CALL_STACK_ELEMENT_DOTNET} e_cse as dotnet_cse and then attached dotnet_cse.dotnet_module_name as m then l_tooltip.append_string (interface_names.l_module_is (m)) end else --| It means, this is an EXTERNAL_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT l_orig_class_info := "" if attached {EXTERNAL_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT} cse as ext_cse then l_extra_info := end end check debugger_manager.application_is_executing end app_exec := Debugger_manager.application --| Tooltip addition l_nb_stack := app_exec.status.current_call_stack.count l_tooltip.prepend ((cse.level_in_stack).out + "/" + l_nb_stack.out + ": ") l_tooltip.append (interface_names.l_break_index_is (l_breakindex_info)) l_tooltip.append (interface_names.l_address_is (l_obj_address_info)) if l_extra_info /= Void then l_tooltip.append ("%N + ") l_tooltip.append (l_extra_info) end --| Fill columns if l_is_melted or l_has_rescue or l_is_class_feature then glabp := new_grid_label_item_with_pixmaps_on_right (l_feature_name) create pixs.make (3) if l_is_melted then pixs.force (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.callstack_is_melted_icon) end if l_is_class_feature then pixs.force (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.callstack_is_non_object_call_icon) end if l_has_rescue then pixs.force (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.callstack_has_rescue_icon) end i := 0 glabp.set_pixmaps_on_right_count (pixs.count) across pixs as ic loop i := i + 1 glabp.put_pixmap_on_right (ic.item, i) end glab := glabp else glab := new_grid_label_item (l_feature_name) end glab.set_tooltip (l_tooltip) a_row.set_item (Feature_column_index, glab) --| Position if cse.break_nested_index > 0 then glab := new_grid_label_item (cse.break_index.out + "+" + cse.break_nested_index.out) else glab := new_grid_label_item (cse.break_index.out) end a_row.set_item (Position_column_index, glab) --| Dynamic Type if l_class_info /= Void then glab := new_grid_label_item (l_class_info) glab.set_tooltip (l_class_info) else glab := new_grid_label_item ("Unable to retrieve type") check type_retrieved: False end end a_row.set_item (Dtype_column_index, glab) --| Origine Type glab := new_grid_label_item (l_orig_class_info) if l_same_name then glab.set_foreground_color (unsensitive_fg_color) end glab.set_tooltip (l_orig_class_info) a_row.set_item (Stype_column_index, glab) --| Set GUI behavior if level = app_exec.current_execution_stack_number then arrowed_level := level end if level = app_exec.current_execution_stack_number then arrowed_level := level end refresh_stack_grid_row (a_row, app_exec.current_execution_stack_number) end end refresh_stack_grid_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; current_level: INTEGER) -- Refresh row of stack_grid regarding the `current_level' information require a_row /= Void local l_grid_label: detachable EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM level: INTEGER ep: EV_PIXMAP do level := level_from_row (a_row) a_row.set_foreground_color (Void) a_row.set_background_color (Void) if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (Feature_column_index) as glab then l_grid_label := glab if level = current_level then glab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_active_arrow_icon) a_row.set_background_color (row_highlight_bg_color) else ep := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_empty_arrow_icon if is_eiffel_callstack_at (level) then glab.set_pixmap (ep) else glab.remove_pixmap glab.set_left_border (glab.left_border + glab.spacing + ep.width) a_row.set_foreground_color (unsensitive_fg_color) end end else a_row.clear end if attached stack_data_at (level) as cse and then is_internal_call_stack_element (cse) then mark_row_as_internal (a_row) end if execution_replay_activated then if level - 1 <= execution_replay_level_limit then a_row.ensure_expandable a_row.set_background_color (row_replayable_bg_color) end if level = marked_level then if l_grid_label /= Void then l_grid_label.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_marked_arrow_icon) end end end end compute_replayed_stack_grid_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Compute item for `a_row' when `execution_replay_activated' is True require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local rcse: REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT cse: REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT dc, oc: CLASS_C l_tooltip: STRING_32 l_nb_stack: INTEGER l_feature_name: STRING_32 rt_info_avail: BOOLEAN l_is_melted: BOOLEAN l_has_rescue: BOOLEAN l_class_info: STRING l_orig_class_info: STRING_GENERAL l_same_name: BOOLEAN l_breakindex_info: STRING featlab,glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM glabp: EV_GRID_PIXMAPS_ON_RIGHT_LABEL_ITEM app_exec: APPLICATION_EXECUTION l_text: STRING_32 do check debugger_manager.application_is_executing end app_exec := Debugger_manager.application rcse := app_exec.status.current_replayed_call cse := replayed_call_stack_element_from_row (a_row) if cse = Void then compute_stack_grid_row (a_row) if a_row.is_expandable and then rcse /= Void and then level_from_row (a_row) = level_associated_with (rcse) then a_row.expand end else if cse /= Void then create l_tooltip.make (10) --| Class name l_class_info := cse.class_name if l_class_info /= Void then l_tooltip.append ("{" + l_class_info + "}.") end --| Break Index l_breakindex_info := cse.break_index.out --| Routine name l_feature_name := cse.routine_name if l_feature_name /= Void then l_feature_name := l_feature_name.twin else create l_feature_name.make_empty end --| Decide later, if we want the "@bp-index" visible -- if l_feature_name /= Void then -- l_feature_name.append (" @" + l_breakindex_info.out) -- end l_tooltip.append (l_feature_name) --| Origin class dc := cse.dynamic_class oc := cse.written_class if oc /= Void then l_orig_class_info := oc.name_in_upper l_same_name := dc /= Void and then oc.same_type (dc) and then oc.is_equal (dc) if not l_same_name then l_tooltip.prepend_string (interface_names.l_from_class (l_orig_class_info)) end else l_orig_class_info := Interface_names.l_Same_class_name end rt_info_avail := cse.rt_information_available --| Routine name l_has_rescue := cse.has_rescue if l_has_rescue then l_tooltip.append_string (interface_names.l_feature_has_rescue_clause) end l_is_melted := cse.is_melted if l_is_melted then l_tooltip.append_string (interface_names.l_compilation_equal_melted) end --| Tooltip addition l_nb_stack := app_exec.status.current_call_stack.count l_tooltip.prepend (cse.remote_id + ": ") l_tooltip.append (interface_names.l_break_index_is (l_breakindex_info)) l_tooltip.prepend ( + "%N") --| Fill columns if l_is_melted or l_has_rescue then l_text := cse.break_index.out l_text.append (": ") l_text.append (l_feature_name) glabp := new_grid_label_item_with_pixmaps_on_right (l_text) glabp.set_pixmaps_on_right_count (2) if l_is_melted then glabp.put_pixmap_on_right (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.callstack_is_melted_icon, 1) end if l_has_rescue then glabp.put_pixmap_on_right (pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.callstack_has_rescue_icon, 2) end glab := glabp else if cse.break_nested_index > 0 then l_text := cse.break_index.out l_text.append (".") l_text.append (cse.break_nested_index.out) l_text.append (": ") l_text.append (l_feature_name) glab := new_grid_label_item (l_text) else l_text := cse.break_index.out l_text.append (": ") l_text.append (l_feature_name) glab := new_grid_label_item (l_text) end end if rt_info_avail then glab.set_font (fonts.highlighted_label_font) else glab.set_font (fonts.italic_label_font) end featlab := glab l_tooltip.append ("%NReplayed: (" + cse.replayed_break_index.out + ", " + cse.replayed_break_nested_index.out + ")") if cse.is_active_replayed then l_tooltip.append ("%NIsActive=True") end glab.set_tooltip (l_tooltip) a_row.set_item (Feature_column_index, glab) --| Position if cse.replayed_break_nested_index > 0 then glab := new_grid_label_item (cse.replayed_break_index.out + "." + cse.replayed_break_nested_index.out) else glab := new_grid_label_item (cse.replayed_break_index.out) end a_row.set_item (Position_column_index, glab) --| Dynamic type if l_class_info /= Void then glab := new_grid_label_item (l_class_info) glab.set_tooltip (l_class_info) else glab := new_grid_label_item ("Unable to retrieve type") check type_retrieved: False end end a_row.set_item (Dtype_column_index, glab) --| Original type glab := new_grid_label_item (l_orig_class_info) if l_same_name then glab.set_foreground_color (unsensitive_fg_color) end glab.set_tooltip (l_orig_class_info) a_row.set_item (Stype_column_index, glab) --| Set GUI behavior -- refresh_stack_grid_row (a_row, app_exec.current_execution_stack_number) if cse.rt_information_available then if rcse /= Void and then cse.depth = rcse.depth then featlab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_marked_arrow_icon) if a_row.is_expandable then a_row.expand end elseif level_associated_with (cse) = app_exec.current_execution_stack_number then featlab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_active_arrow_icon) end else if cse.is_active_replayed then featlab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_replayed_active_icon) else featlab.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.callstack_replayed_empty_icon) end end end end end mark_row_as_internal (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) local i,n: INTEGER do if attached internal_bg_color as bgcol then a_row.set_background_color (bgcol) from i := 1 n := a_row.count until i > n loop if attached a_row.item (i) as gi then gi.set_background_color (bgcol) end i := i + 1 end end end feature {NONE} -- Stone handlers on_stone_changed (a_old_stone: detachable like stone) -- Assign `a_stone' as new stone. do if attached {CALL_STACK_STONE} stone as st then arrowed_level := st.level_number stack_grid.clear end end on_element_drop (st: CALL_STACK_STONE) -- Change stack level to the one described by `st'. do Eb_debugger_manager.launch_stone (st) end feature {NONE} -- Grid Implementation replayed_call_stack_element_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): detachable REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT -- Call stack level related to `a_row'. require a_row /= Void do if attached {REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT} as res then Result := res end end replayed_call_stack_element_from_row_with_rt_info (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): detachable REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT -- Call stack level related to `a_row'. require a_row /= Void do Result := replayed_call_stack_element_from_row (a_row) if Result /= Void and then not Result.rt_information_available then if attached a_row.parent_row as p then Result := replayed_call_stack_element_from_row_with_rt_info (p) end end ensure Result_with_rt_info: Result /= Void implies Result.rt_information_available end stack_data_at (lev: INTEGER): detachable CALL_STACK_ELEMENT -- Stack data for level `lev' do if attached stack_data as l_data and then l_data.valid_index (lev) then Result := l_data [lev] end end is_eiffel_callstack_at (lev: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is stack data related to `lev' an Eiffel call stack ? do Result := attached stack_data_at (lev) as s and then s.is_eiffel_call_stack_element end level_associated_with (rep: REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT): INTEGER -- Level associated with replayed call stack require rep_not_void: rep /= Void do if rep.rt_information_available and rep.depth > 0 then Result := debugger_manager.application_status.current_call_stack.stack_depth - rep.depth + 1 end end stack_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): like stack_data_at -- Call stack associated with `a_row'. do Result := stack_data_at (level_from_row (a_row)) end level_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): INTEGER -- Call stack level related to `a_row'. require a_row /= Void do if attached {INTEGER} as lev then Result := lev end end row_for_level (a_level: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ROW -- Call stack row related to `a_level'. local row: EV_GRID_ROW g: EV_GRID r,n,l: INTEGER do g := stack_grid n := g.row_count if n > 0 then l := a_level from r := 1 until r > n or Result /= Void loop row := g.row (r) if row.parent_row = Void and then level_from_row (row) = l then Result := row end r := r + 1 end end end stone_for_grid_item (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM): detachable CALL_STACK_STONE -- Returns the call_stack_stone of row related to a_item local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW level: INTEGER do if a_item /= Void then l_row := a_item.row if l_row /= Void then level := level_from_row (l_row) if level > 0 then if attached {EIFFEL_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT} debugger_manager.application_status.current_call_stack.i_th (level) as elem and then elem.dynamic_class /= Void and then elem.dynamic_class.has_feature_table then if elem.routine /= Void then create Result.make (level) end end end end end end on_grid_item_pointer_pressed (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Action when mouse click on `stack_grid' local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_stone: STONE do if a_item /= Void then if a_button = 1 then if not ev_application.ctrl_pressed and not ev_application.shift_pressed and not ev_application.alt_pressed then l_row := a_item.row if l_row /= Void then select_element_by_row (l_row) end end elseif a_button = 3 then -- Right click if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then l_stone := stone_for_grid_item (a_item) if l_stone /= Void and then l_stone.is_valid then (create {EB_CONTROL_PICK_HANDLER}).launch_stone (l_stone) end end end end end on_grid_item_pebble_function (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM): CALL_STACK_STONE -- Returns the call_stack_stone of row related to a_item do if not ev_application.ctrl_pressed then Result := stone_for_grid_item (a_item) end end on_grid_item_accept_cursor_function (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM): EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Accept Cursor for grid item do Result := Cursors.cur_setstop end select_element_by_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Select element from `a_row' require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local st: FEATURE_STONE rst: REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_STONE l: INTEGER do if attached {INTEGER} level_from_row (a_row) as lev and then is_eiffel_callstack_at (lev) then select_element_by_level (lev) elseif attached replayed_call_stack_element_from_row (a_row) as rep then if rep.rt_information_available then l := level_associated_with (rep) if rep.replayed_break_index /= rep.break_index --| later take also into account nested index... then if attached rep.e_feature as rep_fe then create rst.make (rep_fe, [rep.replayed_break_index, rep.replayed_break_nested_index]) st := rst end end end if l = 0 then --| Change call stack element with the best stack possible if attached a_row.parent_row as pr and then attached replayed_call_stack_element_from_row (pr) as rep_par then if rep_par.rt_information_available then --| If parent has rt_information_available l := level_associated_with (rep_par) else --| Else find a parent replayed call with rt_information_available if attached replayed_call_stack_element_from_row_with_rt_info (pr) as rep2 then l := level_associated_with (rep2) end end if attached rep_par.e_feature as rep_par_fe then create rst.make (rep_par_fe, [rep.break_index, rep.break_nested_index]) st := rst end end --| And then switch to the associated feature if st = Void and attached rep.e_feature as fe then create st.make (fe) end end if is_eiffel_callstack_at (l) then select_element_by_level (l) end if st /= Void and then st.is_valid then eb_debugger_manager.launch_stone (st) end end end select_element_by_level (level: INTEGER) -- Set stone in the develpment window. require valid_level: level > 0 and level <= debugger_manager.application.number_of_stack_elements local st: CALL_STACK_STONE do create st.make (level) if st.is_valid then Eb_debugger_manager.launch_stone (st) end end key_pressed (a_key: EV_KEY) -- If `a_key' is enter, set the selected stack element as the new stone. local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do inspect a_key.code when Key_enter then l_row := stack_grid.single_selected_row if l_row /= Void then select_element_by_row (l_row) stack_grid.set_focus end when key_c, key_insert then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then copy_call_stack_selection_to_clipboard (ev_application.alt_pressed) end else end end on_row_selected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- `a_row' is selected do if execution_replay_activated then if stack_grid.selected_rows.count = 1 then replay_to_but.enable_sensitive else replay_to_but.disable_sensitive end end end on_row_deselected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- `a_row' is deselected do if execution_replay_activated then replay_to_but.disable_sensitive end end on_row_expanded (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- `a_row' is expanding require execution_replay_activated: execution_replay_activated local lev: INTEGER r: EV_GRID_ROW do if execution_replay_activated then if a_row /= Void and then a_row.parent /= Void and then a_row.subrow_count = 0 then lev := level_from_row (a_row) if lev > 0 then if attached debugger_manager.application.replay_callstack_details ((-lev).out, 1) as rcse then a_row.insert_subrows (1, a_row.subrow_count + 1) r := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) fill_replayed_call_stack (r, rcse) end elseif attached {REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT} as rcse2 then if rcse2.calls_count > 0 and then rcse2.calls = Void then if attached debugger_manager.application.replay_callstack_details (, 1) as rcse3 then rcse2.calls := rcse3.calls fill_replayed_call_stack (a_row, rcse2) end end end end stack_grid.request_columns_auto_resizing end end fill_replayed_call_stack (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; rcse: REPLAYED_CALL_STACK_ELEMENT) local r: EV_GRID_ROW i: INTEGER do if rcse /= Void then a_row.set_data (rcse) check a_row.subrow_count = 0 end if rcse.calls_count > 0 then if attached rcse.calls as subrcse then from i := subrcse.lower until i > subrcse.upper loop a_row.insert_subrows (1, a_row.subrow_count + 1) r := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) fill_replayed_call_stack (r, subrcse[i]) i := i + 1 end else a_row.ensure_expandable end end end end feature {NONE} -- Constants Feature_column_index: INTEGER = 1 -- Index of column for Feature name Position_column_index: INTEGER = 4 -- Index of column for Position information Dtype_column_index: INTEGER = 2 -- Index of column for Dynamic type Stype_column_index: INTEGER = 3 -- Index of column for Static type feature {NONE} -- Implementation, cosmetic set_focus_if_visible -- Set focus if visible do if attached content as l_content and then l_content.is_visible then l_content.set_focus end end first_line_of (m: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- keep the first line of the exception message -- the rest can be seen by double clicking on the widget local pos: INTEGER do Result := m pos := Result.index_of ('%N', 1) if pos > 0 then Result := Result.substring (1, pos -1) end pos := Result.index_of ('%R', 1) if pos > 0 then Result := Result.substring (1, pos -1) end ensure one_line: Result /= Void and then (not Result.has ('%R') and not Result.has ('%N')) end bold_this_label (is_bold: BOOLEAN; lab: EV_LABEL) -- Bold or unbold `lab' require lab_not_void: lab /= Void local f: EV_FONT do f := lab.font if is_bold then f.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) else f.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular) end lab.set_font (f) lab.refresh_now end set_row_highlight_bg_color_agent, set_row_replayable_bg_color_agent, set_row_internal_bg_color_agent, set_unsensitive_fg_color_agent: PROCEDURE [COLOR_PREFERENCE] -- agents associated with color assignment from preferences -- get properly removed when recycling. row_highlight_bg_color: EV_COLOR -- Background color for row highlighting row_replayable_bg_color: EV_COLOR -- Background color for row which can be replayed unsensitive_fg_color: EV_COLOR -- Foreground color for unsensitive row internal_bg_color: detachable EV_COLOR -- Background color for internal call stack element row -- (i.e: row related to non Eiffel call stack element or hidden) special_label_color: EV_COLOR -- label foreground color for special labels -- such as display stop, threads ... ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end