note description: "Tool that displays the threads during a debugging session." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_THREADS_TOOL_PANEL inherit ES_DOCKABLE_TOOL_PANEL [EV_VERTICAL_BOX] redefine internal_recycle, on_before_initialize, show end ES_HELP_CONTEXT export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_DEBUGGER_MANAGER export {NONE} all end ES_DEBUGGING_UPDATE_ON_IDLE_TOOL_PANEL_I create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization on_before_initialize -- do create notes_on_threads.make (3) row_highlight_bg_color := Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_highlight_background_color set_row_highlight_bg_color_agent := agent set_row_highlight_bg_color Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_highlight_background_color_preference.change_actions.extend (set_row_highlight_bg_color_agent) end build_tool_interface (a_widget: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) -- local box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX g: like grid do box := a_widget box.set_padding ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.vertical_padding) create g grid := g g.enable_single_row_selection g.enable_border g.enable_tree g.set_column_count_to (4) g.column (col_id_index).set_title (debugger_names.t_id) g.column (col_name_index).set_title (debugger_names.t_name) g.column (col_priority_index).set_title (debugger_names.t_priority) g.column (col_note_index).set_title (debugger_names.t_note) g.pointer_double_press_item_actions.extend (agent on_item_double_clicked) g.set_auto_resizing_column (col_id_index, True) g.set_auto_resizing_column (col_name_index, True) g.build_delayed_cleaning g.enable_partial_dynamic_content g.set_dynamic_content_function (agent dynamic_content_item) box.extend (g) end feature -- Properties grid: ES_GRID -- Grid to display the threads feature -- Access: Help help_context_id: STRING_32 -- once Result := {STRING_32} "457B71DC-4609-DAC1-8458-CD9B64FD5945" end feature {NONE} -- Factory dynamic_content_item (c,r: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ITEM -- Computed item at `(c,r)' local l_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM do l_item := grid.item (c, r) if l_item = Void then compute_row (r) l_item := grid.item (c, r) end if l_item = Void then create Result else Result := l_item end end compute_row (r: INTEGER) -- Compute the row indexed by `r' -- to fulfil the dynamic behavior local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW g: like grid tid: like thread_id_from_row lab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM gedit: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS prio: INTEGER do g := grid if r <= g.row_count then l_row := grid.row (r) if has_scoop_processor and then attached thread_id_and_scoop_processor_id_from_row (l_row) as tu_tid_scp then tid := tu_tid_scp.tid create lab.make_with_text (tid.out) l_row.set_item (col_id_index, lab) if tid /= Default_pointer then l_status := debugger_manager.application_status if tid = l_status.active_thread_id then lab.set_font (active_thread_font) lab.set_tooltip (debugger_names.t_debuggees_active_thread) end if tid = l_status.current_thread_id then l_row.set_background_color (row_highlight_bg_color) if l_row.is_displayed then l_row.ensure_visible end end if notes_on_threads.has (tid) then create gedit.make_with_text (notes_on_threads.item (tid)) else create gedit end gedit.deactivate_actions.extend (agent update_notes_from_item (gedit)) l_row.set_item (col_note_index, gedit) end l_row.set_item (col_priority_index, create {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM}.make_with_text (tu_tid_scp.scp.out)) else tid := thread_id_from_row (l_row) if tid /= Default_pointer then l_status := debugger_manager.application_status create lab.make_with_text (tid.out) if tid = l_status.active_thread_id then lab.set_font (active_thread_font) lab.set_tooltip (debugger_names.t_debuggees_active_thread) end l_row.set_item (col_id_index, lab) if tid = l_status.current_thread_id then l_row.set_background_color (row_highlight_bg_color) if l_row.is_displayed then l_row.ensure_visible end end if attached l_status.thread_name (tid) as s then create lab.make_with_text (s) else create lab end l_row.set_item (col_name_index, lab) prio := l_status.thread_priority (tid) if prio > 0 then create lab.make_with_text (prio.out) else create lab end l_row.set_item (col_priority_index, lab) if notes_on_threads.has (tid) then create gedit.make_with_text (notes_on_threads.item (tid)) else create gedit end gedit.deactivate_actions.extend (agent update_notes_from_item (gedit)) l_row.set_item (col_note_index, gedit) end end end end create_widget: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Create a new container widget upon request. -- Note: You may build the tool elements here or in `build_tool_interface' do create Result end create_tool_bar_items: ARRAYED_LIST [SD_TOOL_BAR_ITEM] -- Retrieves a list of tool bar items to display at the top of the tool. do end feature -- Status setting selected_row: EV_GRID_ROW require single_row_selection_enabled: grid.is_single_row_selection_enabled do if grid.has_selected_row then Result := grid.selected_rows.first end end on_item_double_clicked (ax,ay,abut: INTEGER; gi:EV_GRID_ITEM) do if gi /= Void and then gi.parent /= Void then if attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM} gi as gedit then gedit.activate else on_row_double_clicked (gi.row) end end end on_row_double_clicked (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) local tid: like thread_id_from_row tu_tid_scp: like thread_id_and_scoop_processor_id_from_row do if a_row /= Void then if has_scoop_processor then tu_tid_scp := thread_id_and_scoop_processor_id_from_row (a_row) end if tu_tid_scp /= Void then tid := tu_tid_scp.tid else tid := thread_id_from_row (a_row) end if tid /= Default_pointer then set_callstack_thread (tid) end end end set_callstack_thread (tid: POINTER) do -- FIXME jfiat: check what happens if the application is not stopped ? if Debugger_manager.application_current_thread_id /= tid then Debugger_manager.change_current_thread_id (tid) end end refresh -- Class has changed in `development_window'. do end reset_tool do reset_update_on_idle if notes_on_threads /= Void then notes_on_threads.wipe_out end clean_threads_info end show -- do Precursor if grid.is_displayed and grid.is_sensitive then grid.set_focus end request_update end feature {NONE} -- Update on_update_when_application_is_executing (dbg_stopped: BOOLEAN) -- Update when debugging do request_clean_threads_info end on_update_when_application_is_not_executing -- Update when not debugging do request_clean_threads_info end real_update (dbg_was_stopped: BOOLEAN) -- Display current execution status. -- dbg_was_stopped is ignore if Application/Debugger is not running local l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS do if debugger_manager.application_is_executing then l_status := debugger_manager.application_status if dbg_was_stopped or l_status.break_on_assertion_violation_pending then l_status.update_on_stopped_state end refresh_threads_info end end feature {NONE} -- Memory management internal_recycle -- Recycle `Current', but leave `Current' in an unstable state, -- so that we know whether we're still referenced or not. do reset_tool Preferences.debug_tool_data.row_highlight_background_color_preference.change_actions.prune_all (set_row_highlight_bg_color_agent) Precursor end feature {NONE} -- Implementation has_scoop_processor: BOOLEAN -- Is there any SCOOP processor thread displayed? threads_expanded: BOOLEAN -- Is threads row expanded? scoop_processors_expanded: BOOLEAN -- Is SCOOP Processor row expanded? clean_threads_info do if attached grid as g then g.call_delayed_clean end end request_clean_threads_info do if attached grid as g then g.request_delayed_clean end end refresh_threads_info -- Refresh thread info according to debugger data require application_is_executing: debugger_manager.application_is_executing local g: like grid r: INTEGER row: EV_GRID_ROW lab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM tid: POINTER arr: LIST [POINTER] scp: ARRAY [POINTER] l_status: APPLICATION_STATUS i: INTEGER l_notes_on_threads: like notes_on_threads do g := grid clean_threads_info g.disable_tree l_status := debugger_manager.application_status if l_status /= Void and then l_status.is_stopped then arr := l_status.all_thread_ids.twin if arr /= Void and then not arr.is_empty then from l_notes_on_threads := notes_on_threads l_notes_on_threads.start until l_notes_on_threads.after loop tid := l_notes_on_threads.key_for_iteration if arr.has (tid) then l_notes_on_threads.forth elseif l_notes_on_threads.has (tid) then l_notes_on_threads.remove (tid) else l_notes_on_threads.forth end end scp := l_status.all_scoop_processor_thread_ids if scp = Void or else scp.is_empty then has_scoop_processor := False g.show_header else has_scoop_processor := True g.hide_header g.enable_tree -- Remove scoop processors from i := scp.lower until i > scp.upper loop arr.prune_all (scp [i]) check removed: not arr.has (scp [i]) end i := i + 1 end -- Add SCOOP processors r := g.row_count + 1 g.insert_new_row (r) row := g.row (r) create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_scoop_processors_title (scp.count)) lab.set_font (group_thread_font) row.set_item (1, lab) if scoop_processors_expanded then fill_with_scoop_processors (row, scp, l_status) row.expand else row.expand_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent fill_with_scoop_processors (row, scp, l_status)) row.ensure_expandable end row.expand_actions.extend (agent do scoop_processors_expanded := True end) row.collapse_actions.extend (agent do scoop_processors_expanded := False end) end if arr.count > 0 then if has_scoop_processor then r := g.row_count + 1 g.insert_new_row (r) row := g.row (r) create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_threads_title (arr.count)) lab.set_font (group_thread_font) row.set_item (1, lab) if threads_expanded then fill_with_threads (arr, row, True, l_status) if row.is_expandable then row.expand end else row.expand_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent fill_with_threads (arr, row, True, l_status)) row.ensure_expandable end row.expand_actions.extend (agent do threads_expanded := True end) row.collapse_actions.extend (agent do threads_expanded := False end) else --| no tree, flat grid fill_with_threads (arr, Void, False, l_status) end end else g.insert_new_row (1) create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_no_information_about_thread) g.set_item (1, 1, lab) end else g.insert_new_row (1) create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_no_information_when_not_stopped) g.set_item (1, 1, lab) end g.request_columns_auto_resizing end fill_with_threads (arr: LIST [POINTER]; a_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW; a_is_tree_enabled: BOOLEAN; a_appstatus: APPLICATION_STATUS) -- Add threads infos (from `arr') to the grid require a_appstatus_attached: a_appstatus /= Void and then a_appstatus.is_stopped arr_non_empty: arr /= Void and then not arr.is_empty local g: like grid r: INTEGER l_row: EV_GRID_ROW tid: POINTER lab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do g := grid if a_row /= Void then create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_name) lab.set_font (group_thread_font) a_row.set_item (col_name_index, lab) create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_priority) lab.set_font (group_thread_font) a_row.set_item (col_priority_index, lab) create lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_note) lab.set_font (group_thread_font) a_row.set_item (col_note_index, lab) end if a_is_tree_enabled and a_row /= Void then r := a_row.index + 1 g.insert_new_rows_parented (arr.count, r, a_row) else r := g.row_count + 1 g.insert_new_rows (arr.count, r) end across arr as a loop l_row := g.row (r) tid := a.item l_row.set_data (tid) if tid = a_appstatus.active_thread_id then ev_application.add_idle_action_kamikaze (agent (irow: EV_GRID_ROW) do if not irow.is_destroyed and then irow.parent /= Void and then irow.is_displayed then irow.ensure_visible end end(l_row)) end r := r + 1 end end fill_with_scoop_processors (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_scp: ARRAY [POINTER]; a_appstatus: APPLICATION_STATUS) require has_scoop_processor: has_scoop_processor a_appstatus_attached: a_appstatus /= Void and then a_appstatus.is_stopped a_row_attached: a_row /= Void and then a_row.parent /= Void a_scp_non_empty: a_scp /= Void and then not a_scp.is_empty local g: like grid l_tid: POINTER l_scp: NATURAL_16 j,sr: INTEGER l_lab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do g := grid -- create l_lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_name) -- l_lab.set_font (group_thread_font) -- a_row.set_item (col_name_index, l_lab) a_row.set_item (col_name_index, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) create l_lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_id) l_lab.set_font (group_thread_font) a_row.set_item (col_priority_index, l_lab) create l_lab.make_with_text (debugger_names.t_note) l_lab.set_font (group_thread_font) a_row.set_item (col_note_index, l_lab) from sr := a_row.index g.insert_new_rows_parented (a_scp.count, sr + 1, a_row) j := a_scp.lower until j > a_scp.upper loop l_tid := a_scp.item (j) l_scp := a_appstatus.scoop_processor_id (l_tid) sr := sr + 1 set_row_data (g.row (sr), l_tid, l_scp) j := j + 1 end end set_row_data (r: EV_GRID_ROW; tid: POINTER; scp: NATURAL_16) do r.set_data ([tid, scp]) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation note update_notes_from_item (gi: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM) -- Update note attached to thread local tid: like thread_id_from_row do if gi /= Void and then gi.parent /= Void and then gi.row /= Void then tid := thread_id_from_row (gi.row) --| for thread and scoop processor if tid /= Default_pointer then notes_on_threads.force (gi.text, tid) end end end notes_on_threads: HASH_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, POINTER] -- Notes attached to thread feature {NONE} -- Implementation, cosmetic thread_id_and_scoop_processor_id_from_row (r: EV_GRID_ROW): detachable TUPLE [tid: POINTER; scp: NATURAL_16] -- Thread id and SCOOP Processor id related to `r' do if has_scoop_processor and then attached r and then attached r.parent and then attached {like thread_id_and_scoop_processor_id_from_row} as tu then Result := tu end end thread_id_from_row (r: EV_GRID_ROW): POINTER -- Thread id related to `r' do if r.parent /= Void and then r /= Void then if attached {POINTER_REF} as tid then Result := tid.item elseif has_scoop_processor and then attached {like thread_id_and_scoop_processor_id_from_row} as tu then Result := tu.tid end end end set_row_highlight_bg_color_agent : PROCEDURE -- Store agent for `set_row_highlight_bg_color' so that it gets properly removed -- when recycling. set_row_highlight_bg_color (v: COLOR_PREFERENCE) -- set Background color for highlighted row. do row_highlight_bg_color := v.value end row_highlight_bg_color: EV_COLOR; -- Background color for highlighted row. group_thread_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) end active_thread_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) end feature {NONE} -- Constants col_id_index: INTEGER = 1 col_name_index: INTEGER = 2 col_priority_index: INTEGER = 3 col_note_index: INTEGER = 4 ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end