note description: "A grid row in class browser" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EB_CLASS_BROWSER_GRID_ROW inherit EVS_GRID_ROW EB_SHARED_EDITOR_TOKEN_UTILITY EB_PIXMAPABLE_ITEM_PIXMAP_FACTORY export {NONE} all end QL_UTILITY QL_SHARED feature -- Access browser: EB_CLASS_BROWSER_GRID_VIEW [ANY] -- Broswer in which current row is displayed class_stone (a_class: CLASS_C): STONE -- Class stone for `a_class' require a_class_attached: a_class /= Void do create{CLASSC_STONE} Result.make (a_class) end feature_stone (a_feature: E_FEATURE): STONE -- Feature stone associated with Current item require a_feature_attached: a_feature /= Void do create{FEATURE_STONE} Result.make (a_feature) end cluster_stone (a_group: CONF_GROUP): STONE -- Cluster stone from `a_group' require a_group_attached: a_group /= Void do create{CLUSTER_STONE} Result.make (a_group) end ql_feature_comment (a_feature: QL_FEATURE): LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN] -- Editor token representation of comment of `a_feature' require a_feature_attached: a_feature /= Void do feature_comment_style.set_ql_feature (a_feature) Result := feature_comment_style.text ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Setting set_browser (a_browser: like browser) -- Set `browser' with `a_browser'. require a_browser_attached: a_browser /= Void do browser := a_browser ensure browser_set: browser = a_browser end feature -- Row expanding expand_parent_row_recursively (a_grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Expand parent rows of `a_grid_row' recursively. require a_grid_row_attached: a_grid_row /= Void a_grid_row_in_grid: a_grid_row.parent /= Void local l_grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW do l_grid_row := a_grid_row.parent_row if l_grid_row /= Void then if l_grid_row.is_expandable and then not l_grid_row.is_expanded then l_grid_row.expand end expand_parent_row_recursively (l_grid_row) end end feature -- General tooltip new_general_tooltip (a_item: EB_GRID_EDITOR_TOKEN_ITEM; a_veto_function: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN]): EB_EDITOR_TOKEN_TOOLTIP -- New general tooltip for `a_item'. -- `a_veto_function' is the function to decide if display of the tooltip should be vetoed. require a_item_attached: a_item /= Void a_veto_function_attached: a_veto_function /= Void do create Result.make (a_item.pointer_enter_actions, a_item.pointer_leave_actions, a_item.select_actions, agent a_item.is_destroyed) Result.veto_tooltip_display_functions.extend (a_veto_function) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end setup_general_tooltip (a_text_function: FUNCTION [LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]]; a_tooltip: EB_EDITOR_TOKEN_TOOLTIP) -- Set `a_tooltip' and `a_tooltip' will get its text from `a_text_function'. require a_text_function_attached: a_text_function /= Void a_tooltip_attached: a_tooltip /= Void local l_text: LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN] do l_text := a_text_function.item (Void) if l_text = Void then create {LINKED_LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]} l_text.make end a_tooltip.set_tooltip_text (l_text) initialize_editor_token_tooltip (a_tooltip) end feature{NONE} -- Implementation setup_feature_signature_item (a_item: EB_GRID_EDITOR_TOKEN_ITEM; a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_text_tokens: LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]; a_image: STRING_32; a_tooltip_veto_function: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN]; a_comment_agent: FUNCTION [LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]]) -- Setup `a_item' to display information `a_feature' in its full signature form whose text comes from `a_text_tokens'. -- `a_image' is the string used in grid search. -- `a_tooltip_veto_function' decides if tooltip display for `a_item' is vetoed. -- `a_comment_agent' returns comment for `a_feature'. require a_item_attached: a_item /= Void a_feature_attached: a_feature /= Void a_text_tokens_attached: a_text_tokens /= Void a_image_attached: a_image /= Void a_tooltip_veto_function_attached: a_tooltip_veto_function /= Void a_comment_agent_attached: a_comment_agent /= Void local l_tooltip: EB_EDITOR_TOKEN_TOOLTIP do a_item.set_pixmap (pixmap_from_e_feature (a_feature)) a_item.set_text_with_tokens (a_text_tokens) a_item.set_image (a_image) l_tooltip := new_general_tooltip (a_item, a_tooltip_veto_function) l_tooltip.before_display_actions.extend (agent setup_general_tooltip (a_comment_agent, l_tooltip)) a_item.set_general_tooltip (l_tooltip) end setup_class_item_with_short_signature (a_item: EB_GRID_EDITOR_TOKEN_ITEM; a_class_c: CLASS_C; a_text_tokens: LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]; a_image: STRING_32; a_tooltip_veto_function: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN]; a_full_signature_function: FUNCTION [LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]]) -- Setup `a_item' to display information about `a_class_c' in short generic form whose text comes from `a_text_tokens'. -- `a_image' is the string used in grid search. -- `a_tooltip_veto_function' is used to decide if tooltip display for `a_class_c' is vetoed. -- `a_full_signature_function' returns text of `a_class_c' in complete generic form. require a_item_attached: a_item /= Void a_class_c_attached: a_class_c /= Void a_text_tokens_attached: a_text_tokens /= Void a_image_attached: a_image /= Void a_tooltip_veto_function_attached: a_tooltip_veto_function /= Void a_full_signature_function_attached: a_full_signature_function /= Void local l_tooltip: EB_EDITOR_TOKEN_TOOLTIP do a_item.set_pixmap (pixmap_from_class_i (a_class_c.original_class)) a_item.set_text_with_tokens (a_text_tokens) a_item.set_image (a_image) if a_class_c.is_generic then l_tooltip := new_general_tooltip (a_item, a_tooltip_veto_function) l_tooltip.before_display_actions.extend (agent setup_general_tooltip (a_full_signature_function, l_tooltip)) a_item.set_general_tooltip (l_tooltip) else a_item.remove_general_tooltip end end should_class_tooltip_be_displayed (a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Should tooltip for `a_class' be display? require a_class_attached: a_class /= Void local l_generic_generator: QL_GENERIC_DOMAIN_GENERATOR do Result := browser.should_tooltip_be_displayed if Result then create l_generic_generator.make (generic_criterion_factory.criterion_with_name (query_language_names.ql_cri_has_constraint, []), True) Result := attached {QL_GENERIC_DOMAIN} query_class_item_from_class_c (a_class).wrapped_domain.new_domain (l_generic_generator) as l_generic_domain and then not l_generic_domain.is_empty end end invariant browser_attached: browser /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end