note description: "[ A command that calls an external executable. `name', `index', `external_command' and `working_directory' are serialized by `resource' query. Each attribute is separated by `separator': '{'. The serialized string is written into .ini file later. In order to make it possible to have '{' in the attributes, a `escape_character' is used: '!'. When reading from .ini file, `parse_command' parses the stored string and set back to above attributes. Those '{' preceded by '!' are translated into '{' instead of being treated as separator. For example, an external command with name "copy unicode", with 1 as index, with "copy @{CALCULATOR} c:\work\中文文件夹" as the command and with empty working directory are stored as following: copy unicode{1{copy @!{CALCULATOR} c:\work\中文文件夹{ The `parse_command' routine segments it into a list when retrieving: - copy unicode - 1 - copy @{CALCULATOR} c:\work\中文文件夹 - [empty_string] ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Xavier Rousselot" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_EXTERNAL_COMMAND inherit EB_MENUABLE_COMMAND EB_SHARED_WINDOW_MANAGER export {NONE} all end SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_INTERFACE_TOOLS export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_MANAGERS SHARED_WORKBENCH EB_CONSTANTS create make, make_from_string, make_from_new_command_line, make_and_run_only feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (w: EV_WINDOW; a_editor: EB_EXTERNAL_COMMANDS_EDITOR) -- Initialize `Current'. -- Pop up a dialog modal to `w' to let the user initialize `Current' require valid_window: w /= Void not_void: attached a_editor do old_index := -1 editor := a_editor create_dialog -- Find first available index for new command. index := calculate_next_index index_field.set_value (index) dialog.show_modal_to_window (w) if is_valid then -- Automatically add `Current' to the list of commands. commands.put (Current, index) end enable_sensitive external_output_manager.synchronize_command_list (Current) end make_from_new_command_line (w: EV_WINDOW; cmd_line: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Use command line indicated by `cmd_line' to make a new -- external command object. require w_not_null: w /= Void cmd_line_not_null: cmd_line /= Void do old_index := -1 create_dialog -- Find first available index for new command. from index := 0 until index > 9 or commands.item (index) = Void loop index := index + 1 end index_field.set_value (index) command_field.set_text (cmd_line) dialog.show_modal_to_window (w) if is_valid then -- Automatically add `Current' to the list of commands. commands.put (Current, index) end enable_sensitive write_to_ini external_output_manager.synchronize_command_list (Current) end make_from_string (a_editor: like editor; a_command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create with `a_command' require command_not_void: a_command /= Void local tok: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_sections: like parse_command do editor := a_editor l_sections := parse_command (a_command) if l_sections.count = 4 then name := l_sections.i_th (1) tok := l_sections.i_th (2) if tok.is_integer then index := tok.to_integer else index := -1 end external_command := l_sections.i_th (3) create working_directory.make_from_string (l_sections.i_th (4)) end -- Check validity before inserting. if is_valid then commands.put (Current, index) enable_sensitive end end make_and_run_only (cmd: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; dir: detachable PATH) -- Create for running `cmd' in directory `dir'. -- Do not save external command and its working directory to preference. require cmd_not_void: cmd /= Void cmd_not_empty: not cmd.is_empty do set_command (cmd) set_working_directory (dir) execute end feature -- Basic operations write_to_ini -- Write `Current' external command to ini file. do if attached editor as e then e.ini_manager.generate_ini else check has_editor: False end end end feature {NONE} -- Command substitution show_warning_dialog (msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Show a warning dialog to display `msg'. do prompts.show_warning_prompt (msg, Void, Void) end feature -- Execution execute -- Launch the external command that is linked to `Current', if possible. local cl: STRING_32 od: PATH cmdexe: STRING_32 wd: detachable STRING_32 wpath: PATH args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] use_argument: BOOLEAN msg: STRING_32 ok: BOOLEAN l_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER l_replacer: EB_TEXT_REPLACER l_factory: EB_EXTERNAL_COMMAND_TEXT_FRAGMENT_FACTORY l_fragments: LINKED_LIST [EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT] u: UTF_CONVERTER do if external_launcher.launched and then not external_launcher.has_exited then show_warning_dialog (interface_names.e_external_command_is_running) else ok := True create cl.make (external_command.count + 20) if attached working_directory as wd_path then wd := else create wd.make_empty end cl.append_string_general (external_command) external_launcher.set_original_command_name (cl) -- Substitute placeholders in execute command `cl'. create l_factory -- The scanner convert UTF-8 to UTF-32 when done. create l_scanner.make (l_factory, create {YY_BUFFER}.make (u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (cl))) create l_replacer create l_fragments.make l_scanner.scan l_fragments.append (l_scanner.text_fragments) l_replacer.text_fragments.append (l_scanner.text_fragments) l_replacer.prepare_replacement cl := l_replacer.new_text (cl) -- Substitute placeholders in specified working directory `dir'. l_scanner.wipe_text_fragments l_scanner.reset l_scanner.set_input_buffer (create {YY_BUFFER}.make (wd)) l_scanner.scan l_fragments.append (l_scanner.text_fragments) l_replacer.text_fragments.wipe_out l_replacer.text_fragments.append (l_scanner.text_fragments) l_replacer.prepare_replacement wd := l_replacer.new_text (wd) if attached working_directory as wd_path and then not wd_path.is_empty then od := execution_environment.current_working_path execution_environment.change_working_path (wd_path) if execution_environment.return_code /= 0 then create msg.make (100) msg.append (interface_names.e_working_directory_invalid ( msg.append ("%N") msg.append (interface_names.e_external_command_not_launched) show_warning_dialog (msg) ok := False end execution_environment.change_working_path (od) end if ok then create wpath.make_from_string (wd) if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then cmdexe := Execution_environment.item ("COMSPEC") if cmdexe /= Void then -- This allows the use of `dir' etc. external_launcher.prepare_command_line (cmdexe + {STRING_32} " /c %"" + cl + {STRING_32} "%"", Void, wpath) use_argument := False else external_launcher.prepare_command_line (cl, Void, wpath) use_argument := False end else create args.make (2) args.extend ("-c") args.extend ({STRING_32} "%'%'" + cl + {STRING_32} "%'%'") external_launcher.prepare_command_line ({STRING_32} "/bin/sh", args, wpath) use_argument := True end external_launcher.set_hidden (True) external_launcher.finished_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent l_fragments.do_all (agent (a_fragment: EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT) do a_fragment.safe_dispose_after_replacement end)) external_launcher.launch (True, use_argument) end end end feature -- Properties menu_name: STRING_32 -- Representation of `Current' in menus. do create Result.make (name.count + 15) Result.append_string_general ("&") Result.append (index.out) Result.append_string_general (" ") Result.append_string_general (interface_names.escaped_string_for_menu_item (name)) end name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Name that the user gave to this command. index: INTEGER -- Index of `Current' in the global list of known external commands. external_command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Command line that is invoked when `Current' is executed. working_directory: detachable PATH -- Working director where the corresponding external command is invoked. feature -- Status setting edit_properties (w: EV_WINDOW) -- Pop up a dialog, modal to `w', that lets the user -- edit the properties of `Current' (menu name, called command and index) require w_not_void: w /= Void do create_dialog if name /= Void then name_field.set_text (name) end index_field.set_value (index) if external_command /= Void then command_field.set_text (external_command) end if attached working_directory as wd then working_directory_field.set_text ( end old_index := index dialog.show_modal_to_window (w) if is_valid then if old_index /= index then commands.put (Void, old_index) commands.put (Current, index) end end old_index := -1 write_to_ini external_output_manager.synchronize_command_list (Current) end setup_managed_shortcut (l_accelerators: ARRAY [EV_ACCELERATOR]) -- Setup `accelerator' and `managed_shortcut' require l_accelerators_not_void: l_accelerators /= Void local l_shortcut: SHORTCUT_PREFERENCE do if index <= 9 then l_shortcut := preferences.external_command_data.shortcuts.item ("shortcut_" + index.out) set_referred_shortcut (l_shortcut) set_accelerator (l_accelerators.item (index)) end end feature{ES_CONSOLE_TOOL_PANEL} -- Status setting set_command (cmd: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `external_command' with `cmd'. require cmd_not_void: cmd /= Void cmd_not_empty: not cmd.is_empty do external_command := cmd.twin ensure external_command_set: external_command.same_string (cmd) end set_working_directory (dir: detachable PATH) -- Set `working_directory' with `dir'. do working_directory := dir ensure working_directory_set: working_directory = dir end set_accelerator (accel: EV_ACCELERATOR) -- Set `accelerator' to `accel'. do accelerator := accel end feature -- Status report resource: STRING -- Save `Current's information to a string representation. -- In UTF-8 local l_result: STRING_32 u: UTF_CONVERTER do create l_result.make (menu_name.count + external_command.count + 10) l_result.append (escape (name)) l_result.append_character (separator) l_result.append (escape (index.out)) l_result.append_character (separator) l_result.append (escape (external_command)) -- Store `working_directory' to preference. l_result.append_character (separator) if attached working_directory as wd then l_result.append (escape ( end Result := u.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_result) ensure not_void: Result /= Void valid: valid_resource (Result) end valid_resource (r: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `r' a valid resource representation of an external command? -- `r' is in UTF-8. require not_void_resource: r /= Void local l_str: STRING_32 u: UTF_CONVERTER do l_str := u.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (r) Result := parse_command (l_str).count = 4 end is_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' a valid command? do Result := index >= 0 and name /= Void and external_command /= Void and then (not name.is_empty and not external_command.is_empty) end feature {NONE} -- Widgets dialog: EV_DIALOG -- Dialog that lets the user edit `Current's properties. name_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field where the user can enter `name'. index_field: EV_SPIN_BUTTON -- Text field where the user can enter `index'. command_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field where the user can enter `external_command'. working_directory_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field where the user can enter `working_directory' feature {NONE} -- Implementation separator: CHARACTER_32 = '{' -- Separator in resource representation. escape_character: CHARACTER_32 = '!' -- Escape character. "!{" represents `{' commands: HASH_TABLE [EB_EXTERNAL_COMMAND, INTEGER] -- Abstract representation of external commands. do Result := (create {EB_EXTERNAL_COMMANDS_EDITOR}.make).commands end dir_dlg: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG create_directory_dialog -- do create dir_dlg.make_with_title (interface_names.t_select_working_directory) dir_dlg.ok_actions.extend (agent on_directory_dialog_ok) dir_dlg.show_modal_to_window (dialog) end on_directory_dialog_ok local l_path: PATH do if dir_dlg /= Void then l_path := dir_dlg.path working_directory := l_path working_directory_field.set_text ( dir_dlg.destroy end end create_dialog -- Initialize `dialog' and all widgets. local hb, hb1: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX f: EV_FRAME okb, cb: EV_BUTTON nl, il, cl, wd: EV_LABEL sz: INTEGER dir_btn: EV_BUTTON do -- Create widgets. create dialog create okb.make_with_text (Interface_names.B_ok) create cb.make_with_text (Interface_names.B_cancel) create nl.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_name_colon) create il.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_index) create cl.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Command_line) create name_field create index_field.make_with_value_range (0 |..| 999) create command_field create hb1.default_create create working_directory_field create wd.make_with_text (interface_names.l_working_directory.as_string_32 + ": ") wd.align_text_left create dir_btn.default_create dir_btn.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_open_icon) dir_btn.select_actions.extend (agent create_directory_dialog) hb1.extend (working_directory_field) hb1.extend (dir_btn) hb1.disable_item_expand (dir_btn) -- Organize widgets. sz := nl.minimum_width.max (il.minimum_width) nl.set_minimum_width (sz) il.set_minimum_width (sz) create vb vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) create hb hb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) hb.extend (nl) hb.disable_item_expand (nl) hb.extend (name_field) vb.extend (hb) create hb hb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) hb.extend (il) hb.disable_item_expand (il) hb.extend (index_field) vb.extend (hb) vb.extend (cl) vb.extend (command_field) vb.extend (wd) vb.extend (hb1) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_etched_in) f.extend (vb) create hb hb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) hb.extend (okb) hb.disable_item_expand (okb) hb.extend (cb) hb.disable_item_expand (cb) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) create vb vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) vb.extend (f) vb.extend (hb) dialog.extend (vb) -- Set widget properties. nl.align_text_left il.align_text_left cl.align_text_left Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (okb) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (cb) dialog.set_title (Interface_names.t_External_command) dialog.set_icon_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.tool_external_commands_icon) dialog.set_maximum_height (dialog.minimum_height) dialog.set_default_push_button (okb) dialog.set_default_cancel_button (cb) -- Set up events. okb.select_actions.extend (agent on_ok) cb.select_actions.extend (agent destroy_dialog) -- Ensure that `name_field' gets focus when dialog is displayed dialog.show_actions.extend (agent name_field.set_focus) end on_ok -- User pressed OK in `dialog'. -- Try to update `Current's status. local ix: INTEGER do ix := index_field.value if name_field.text.is_empty or command_field.text.is_empty or ix < 0 then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Invalid_options, dialog, Void) else if commands.item (ix) /= Void and then commands.item (ix) /= Current then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Index_already_taken, dialog, Void) else name := name_field.text external_command := command_field.text create working_directory.make_from_string (working_directory_field.text) index := index_field.value destroy_dialog end end end destroy_dialog -- Destroy all widgets. do check dialog /= Void --| FIXME XR: We shouldn't be able to call destroy_dialog more than once, but it occurred... end if dialog /= Void then dialog.destroy end dialog := Void name_field := Void index_field := Void command_field := Void end old_index: INTEGER -- Index of `Current' before we edited its properties. calculate_next_index: INTEGER -- Calculate next minimum index local l_sort_arrary: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [INTEGER] l_commands: like commands l_stop: BOOLEAN do from create l_sort_arrary.make l_commands := commands l_commands.start until l_commands.after loop l_sort_arrary.extend (l_commands.key_for_iteration) l_commands.forth end from l_sort_arrary.start Result := 0 until l_sort_arrary.after or l_stop loop if Result /= l_sort_arrary.item then l_stop := True else Result := Result + 1 l_sort_arrary.forth end end end parse_command (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Parse the command from stored string local i, l_count: INTEGER l_str: STRING_32 l_item: CHARACTER_32 do from i := 1 create Result.make (4) create l_str.make (a_str.count) l_count := a_str.count until i > l_count loop l_item := a_str.item (i) if l_item = separator then if a_str.valid_index (i - 1) and then a_str.item (i - 1) = escape_character then l_str.put (separator, l_str.count) else Result.extend (l_str) create l_str.make (a_str.count) end else l_str.append_character (l_item) end i := i + 1 end Result.extend (l_str) end escape (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Escape the separater character do create Result.make_from_string_general (a_str) Result.replace_substring_all (create {STRING_32}.make_filled (Separator, 1), escaped_string) end escaped_string: STRING_32 -- Escaped string once create Result.make (2) Result.append_character (escape_character) Result.append_character (separator) end editor: EB_EXTERNAL_COMMANDS_EDITOR -- External commands edtitor ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EB_EXTERNAL_COMMAND