note description: "Command in the object tool to define the default slice limits." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_OBJECTS_GRID_SLICES_CMD inherit ES_DBG_TOOLBARABLE_AND_MENUABLE_COMMAND redefine mini_pixmap, mini_pixel_buffer, new_mini_sd_toolbar_item end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES EB_SHARED_WINDOW_MANAGER export {NONE} all end EB_VISION2_FACILITIES export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization make (a_tool: like tool) -- Initialize `Current' and associate it with `tool'. do tool := a_tool end feature -- Access menu_name: STRING_GENERAL -- Menu name for `Current'. once Result := Interface_names.m_Set_slice_size end pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmaps representing the command. do --| No big pixmap is required for this command. end pixel_buffer: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER -- Pixel buffer representing the command. do --| No big pixmap is required for this command. end mini_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap representing the command for mini toolbars. do Result := pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.debugger_set_sizes_icon end mini_pixel_buffer: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER -- Pixmap representing the command for mini toolbars. do Result := pixmaps.mini_pixmaps.debugger_set_sizes_icon_buffer end tooltip: STRING_GENERAL -- Tooltip for the toolbar button. do Result := description end feature -- Status report tool: ES_OBJECTS_GRID_MANAGER -- Object tool `Current' is associated with. `Void' if not `for_tool'. name: STRING_GENERAL -- Name of the command. once Result := Interface_names.l_Set_slice_limits + {STRING_32} "New" end description: STRING_GENERAL -- Description of the command. once Result := Interface_names.l_Set_slice_limits_desc end feature -- Execution execute -- Change the default slice limits through a dialog box. do if attached eb_debugger_manager as dbg then get_slice_limits_on_global dbg.set_slices (slice_min, slice_max) dbg.set_displayed_string_size (displayed_string_size) if set_as_default_requested then set_as_default_requested := False preferences.debugger_data.min_slice_preference.set_value (dbg.min_slice) preferences.debugger_data.max_slice_preference.set_value (dbg.max_slice) preferences.debugger_data.default_displayed_string_size_preference.set_value (dbg.displayed_string_size) end debug ("debugger_interface") io.put_string ("Messages are displayed%N") end if refresh_tools_requested then refresh_tools_requested := False dbg.refresh_objects_grids end end end feature -- Basic operations new_mini_sd_toolbar_item: EB_SD_COMMAND_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON -- Create a new mini toolbar button for this command. do Result := Precursor Result.drop_actions.extend (agent drop_feature_on_object_stone) Result.drop_actions.extend (agent drop_object_stone) Result.drop_actions.set_veto_pebble_function (agent is_resizable) end is_resizable (st: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is the object represented by `st' droppable, i.e. SPECIAL? local obj_grid_item: like object_grid_line_for conv_obj: OBJECT_STONE do if attached {OBJECT_STONE} st as ost then conv_obj := ost elseif attached {FEATURE_ON_OBJECT_STONE} st as fost then conv_obj := fost.object_stone end if conv_obj /= Void then obj_grid_item := object_grid_line_for (conv_obj) Result := obj_grid_item /= Void and then obj_grid_item.object_is_special_value end end object_grid_line_for (ost: OBJECT_STONE): detachable ES_OBJECTS_GRID_OBJECT_LINE -- Object grid line related to `ost if any. local l_addr: DBG_ADDRESS do if ost /= Void then if attached ost.ev_item as l_item and then attached {ES_OBJECTS_GRID_OBJECT_LINE} as l_line then Result := l_line end if Result = Void then l_addr := ost.object_address if tool /= Void and l_addr /= Void then Result := tool.objects_grid_object_line (l_addr) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Properties slice_min: INTEGER -- Minimum index of displayed attributes in special objects. slice_max: INTEGER -- Maximum index of displayed attributes in special objects. displayed_string_size: INTEGER -- Size of string to be retrieved from the application -- when debugging refresh_tools_requested: BOOLEAN -- Tool's refreshing is requested. set_as_default_requested: BOOLEAN -- Set values as default ? -- (i.e: in preferences) feature {NONE} -- Implementation Cst_field_label_width: INTEGER = 70 Cst_border_width: INTEGER = 5 Cst_padding_width: INTEGER = 5 get_effective: BOOLEAN -- Did the user really enter new min/max values in the dialog box? -- Valid after each call to get_slice_limits. get_slice_limits_on_target (obj_grid_item: ES_OBJECTS_GRID_OBJECT_LINE) do get_slice_limits (False, obj_grid_item) end get_slice_limits_on_global do get_slice_limits (True, Void) end get_slice_limits (def: BOOLEAN; obj: ES_OBJECTS_GRID_OBJECT_LINE) -- Display a dialog box to enter new slice limits -- as default values if `def', -- as object specific values otherwise, -- and fill slice_min and slice_max accordingly. -- if not `def', either `address' or `dv' should be specified. require default_xor_specific: def /= (obj /= Void) local dial: EV_DIALOG label: EV_LABEL cb_disp_str_limit: EV_CHECK_BUTTON cb_refresh, cb_set_as_default: EV_CHECK_BUTTON tf_disp_str_size: EV_TEXT_FIELD tf_minf: EV_TEXT_FIELD tf_maxf: EV_TEXT_FIELD resetb, okb, cancelb: EV_BUTTON maincont: EV_VERTICAL_BOX vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX w: EV_WINDOW do -- Build the dialog. create dial dial.set_title (Interface_names.t_Slice_limits) dial.set_icon_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_dialog_icon) -- Build the dialog interface. -- Build containers. create maincont maincont.set_border_width (Cst_border_width) maincont.set_padding (Cst_padding_width) get_effective := False --| Get the current slices values --| and build widgets if def then --| Specific info for Global slices settings --| Warning messages (2 lines) create vbox create label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Slice_taken_into_account1) label.align_text_left vbox.extend (label) create label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Slice_taken_into_account2) label.align_text_left vbox.extend (label) extend_no_expand (maincont, vbox) --| Separator maincont.extend (create {EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR}) --| String display size create cb_disp_str_limit.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_no_limit) create tf_disp_str_size tf_disp_str_size.set_minimum_width (Cst_field_label_width) create hbox create label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Max_displayed_string_size) label.align_text_left hbox.extend (label) create vbox vbox.extend (cb_disp_str_limit) vbox.extend (tf_disp_str_size) extend_no_expand (hbox, vbox) extend_no_expand (maincont, hbox) --| Separator maincont.extend (create {EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR}) --| Set Value if attached debugger_manager as dbg then if dbg.displayed_string_size = -1 then tf_disp_str_size.set_text (preferences.debugger_data.default_displayed_string_size.out) cb_disp_str_limit.enable_select else tf_disp_str_size.set_text (dbg.displayed_string_size.out) cb_disp_str_limit.disable_select end end on_cb_disp_str_limit_cb (cb_disp_str_limit, tf_disp_str_size) cb_disp_str_limit.select_actions.extend (agent on_cb_disp_str_limit_cb (cb_disp_str_limit, tf_disp_str_size)) get_current_values else if obj /= Void then -- A special value is available, that's an easy one! debug ("debugger_interface") io.put_string ("Special_value found%N") io.put_string ("Capacity: " + obj.object_spec_count_and_capacity.spec_capacity.out + "%N") end slice_min := obj.object_spec_lower slice_max := obj.object_spec_count_and_capacity.spec_count - 1 --| FIXME jfiat: why not object_spec_upper ? else check shoud_not_occurred: False end end end if def then create cb_set_as_default.make_with_text (interface_names.l_set_as_default) cb_set_as_default.disable_select create cb_refresh.make_with_text (interface_names.l_refresh_tools) cb_refresh.enable_select end --| Text field for min/max box create tf_minf create tf_maxf tf_minf.return_actions.extend (agent tf_maxf.set_focus) tf_minf.return_actions.extend (agent tf_maxf.select_all) tf_maxf.return_actions.extend (agent check_and_get_limits_from_fields (cb_set_as_default, cb_disp_str_limit, tf_disp_str_size, tf_minf, tf_maxf, cb_refresh, dial)) if tf_disp_str_size /= Void then tf_disp_str_size.return_actions.extend (agent tf_minf.set_focus) end --| Set values update_fields (cb_disp_str_limit, tf_disp_str_size, tf_minf, tf_maxf) --| Buttons. create resetb.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_restore_defaults) resetb.select_actions.extend (agent restore_default_values) resetb.select_actions.extend (agent update_fields (cb_disp_str_limit, tf_disp_str_size, tf_minf, tf_maxf)) create okb.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_Ok) okb.select_actions.extend (agent check_and_get_limits_from_fields (cb_set_as_default, cb_disp_str_limit, tf_disp_str_size, tf_minf, tf_maxf, cb_refresh, dial)) create cancelb.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_Cancel) cancelb.select_actions.extend (agent dial.destroy) --| Slices box layout create vbox --| Slice Min box create hbox create label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Min_index) label.align_text_left hbox.extend (label) tf_minf.set_minimum_width (Cst_field_label_width) extend_no_expand (hbox, tf_minf) vbox.extend (hbox) --| Slice Max box create hbox create label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Max_index) label.align_text_left hbox.extend (label) tf_maxf.set_minimum_width (Cst_field_label_width) extend_no_expand (hbox, tf_maxf) vbox.extend (hbox) extend_no_expand (maincont, vbox) --| Separator maincont.extend (create {EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR}) --| Refresh current tool ? if cb_set_as_default /= Void or cb_refresh /= Void then if cb_set_as_default /= Void then create hbox hbox.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) extend_no_expand (hbox, cb_set_as_default) extend_no_expand (maincont, hbox) end if cb_refresh /= Void then create hbox hbox.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) extend_no_expand (hbox, cb_refresh) extend_no_expand (maincont, hbox) end maincont.extend (create {EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR}) end --| Buttons box create hbox hbox.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) hbox.extend (create {EV_CELL}) extend_button (hbox, resetb) hbox.extend (create {EV_CELL}) extend_button (hbox, okb) extend_button (hbox, cancelb) hbox.extend (create {EV_CELL}) extend_no_expand (maincont, hbox) dial.wipe_out dial.extend (maincont) dial.set_default_cancel_button (cancelb) -- Display the dialog. debug ("debugger_interface") io.put_string ("displaying the dialog%N") end w := tool.parent_window if w = Void then w := window_manager.last_focused_development_window.window end dial.show_modal_to_window (w) end on_cb_disp_str_limit_cb (cb_disp_str_limit: EV_CHECK_BUTTON; tf_disp_str_size: EV_TEXT_FIELD) require cb_disp_str_limit /= Void tf_disp_str_size /= Void do if cb_disp_str_limit.is_selected then tf_disp_str_size.disable_sensitive else tf_disp_str_size.enable_sensitive end end feature {ES_OBJECTS_GRID_LINE} -- Dropping action drop_feature_on_object_stone (st: FEATURE_ON_OBJECT_STONE) require st_not_void: st /= Void local objst: OBJECT_STONE do objst := st.object_stone if objst /= Void then drop_object_stone (objst) end end drop_object_stone (st: OBJECT_STONE) -- Change the slice limits for the object -- represented by `st' in the object tool managed objects. require st_not_void: st /= Void local obj_grid_item: like object_grid_line_for spec_count: INTEGER do debug ("debugger_interface") io.put_string ("dropped stone%N") end obj_grid_item := object_grid_line_for (st) if obj_grid_item /= Void and then obj_grid_item.object_is_special_value then debug ("debugger_interface") io.put_string ("Objects grid item found%N") io.put_string ("Capacity: " + obj_grid_item.object_spec_count_and_capacity.spec_capacity.out + "%N") end get_slice_limits_on_target (obj_grid_item) if get_effective then spec_count := obj_grid_item.object_spec_count_and_capacity.spec_count slice_min := slice_min.min (spec_count) slice_max := slice_max.min (spec_count) obj_grid_item.refresh_spec_items (slice_min, slice_max) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_set_limits (lower, upper: INTEGER; disp_str_size: INTEGER) -- Change limits to `lower, upper' values. local nmin, nmax: INTEGER do nmin := lower nmax := upper nmin := nmin.max (0) nmax := nmax.max (nmin) slice_min := nmin slice_max := nmax if disp_str_size = -1 or disp_str_size > 0 then displayed_string_size := disp_str_size end get_effective := True end get_current_values -- Get current values do if attached debugger_manager as dbg then slice_min := dbg.min_slice slice_max := dbg.max_slice displayed_string_size := dbg.displayed_string_size end end restore_default_values -- Restore default values do slice_min := preferences.debugger_data.min_slice slice_max := preferences.debugger_data.max_slice displayed_string_size := preferences.debugger_data.default_displayed_string_size end update_fields (cb_disp_str_limit: EV_CHECK_BUTTON; tf_disp_str_size: EV_TEXT_FIELD; tf_minf: EV_TEXT_FIELD; tf_maxf: EV_TEXT_FIELD) -- do if tf_disp_str_size /= Void then if displayed_string_size = -1 then tf_disp_str_size.set_text (preferences.debugger_data.default_displayed_string_size.out) cb_disp_str_limit.enable_select else tf_disp_str_size.set_text (displayed_string_size.out) cb_disp_str_limit.disable_select end end tf_minf.set_text (slice_min.out) tf_maxf.set_text (slice_max.out) end check_and_get_limits_from_fields (cb_set_as_default, cb_disp_str_limit: EV_CHECK_BUTTON; tf_disp_str_size: EV_TEXT_FIELD; tf_minf: EV_TEXT_FIELD; tf_maxf: EV_TEXT_FIELD; cb_refresh: EV_CHECK_BUTTON; dial: EV_DIALOG) -- Set `slice_min' and `slice_max' according to the values entered -- in `tf_minf' and `tf_maxf'. require tf_minf_not_void: tf_minf /= Void tf_maxf_not_void: tf_maxf /= Void local str1, str2, str3: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL i: INTEGER disp_size: INTEGER ok: BOOLEAN do ok := True if cb_disp_str_limit /= Void and then cb_disp_str_limit.is_selected then disp_size := - 1 elseif tf_disp_str_size /= Void then str1 := tf_disp_str_size.text if not str1.is_integer then tf_disp_str_size.select_all prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_an_integer, Void, Void) ok := False else i := str1.to_integer if i <= 0 then tf_disp_str_size.select_all prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_a_positive_integer, Void, Void) ok := False else disp_size := i end end end str2 := tf_minf.text if not str2.is_integer then tf_minf.select_all prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_an_integer, Void, Void) ok := False end str3 := tf_maxf.text if not str3.is_integer then tf_maxf.select_all prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_an_integer, Void, Void) ok := False end if ok then set_as_default_requested := cb_set_as_default /= Void and then cb_set_as_default.is_selected refresh_tools_requested := cb_refresh /= Void and then cb_refresh.is_selected internal_set_limits (str2.to_integer, str3.to_integer, disp_size) dial.destroy end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class ES_OBJECTS_GRID_SLICES_CMD