note description : "About Dialog, displaying general information about EiffelStudio" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_ABOUT_DIALOG inherit EB_DIALOG SYSTEM_CONSTANTS undefine default_create, copy end EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EV_STOCK_COLORS rename implementation as stock_colors_imp export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_EIFFEL_EDITION export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end create make feature -- Initialization make local eiffel_image: EV_PIXMAP eiffel_image_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX eiffel_text_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX texts_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX button_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX hbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX version_label: EV_LABEL copyright_label: EV_LABEL registration_label: EV_TEXT info_label: EV_LABEL l_update_check_link, l_license_link: EV_HIGHLIGHT_LINK_LABEL hsep: EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR ok_button: EV_BUTTON white_cell: EV_CELL bg: EV_COLOR do default_create set_title (Interface_names.t_About) bg := Color_read_write -- Create controls. eiffel_image := Pixmaps.bm_About.twin eiffel_image.set_minimum_size (eiffel_image.width, eiffel_image.height) eiffel_image.set_background_color (bg) create eiffel_image_box eiffel_image_box.extend (eiffel_image) eiffel_image_box.disable_item_expand (eiffel_image) create white_cell white_cell.set_background_color (bg) eiffel_image_box.extend (white_cell) create info_label.make_with_text (t_info) info_label.align_text_left info_label.set_background_color (bg) create version_label.make_with_text (t_Version_info (False)) version_label.align_text_left version_label.set_background_color (bg) if {ES_GRAPHIC}.is_standard_edition then -- Check for update ... create l_update_check_link.make_with_text ("Check for update (channel: " + preferences.misc_data.update_channel + ")") l_update_check_link.select_actions.extend (agent check_for_update (l_update_check_link)) end create l_license_link.make_with_text (interface_names.l_read_license_text) l_license_link.select_actions.extend (agent do (create {EB_LICENSE_COMMAND}).execute end) create copyright_label.make_with_text (t_Copyright_info) copyright_label.align_text_left copyright_label.set_background_color (bg) create registration_label.make_with_text (registration_info) registration_label.set_background_color (bg) registration_label.disable_edit registration_label.set_minimum_height (100) create ok_button.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.b_Ok, agent destroy) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (ok_button) -- Box with text. create eiffel_text_box eiffel_text_box.set_background_color (bg) eiffel_text_box.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) eiffel_text_box.extend (version_label) eiffel_text_box.disable_item_expand (version_label) if l_update_check_link /= Void then eiffel_text_box.extend (l_update_check_link) eiffel_text_box.disable_item_expand (l_update_check_link) end eiffel_text_box.extend (copyright_label) eiffel_text_box.disable_item_expand (copyright_label) eiffel_text_box.extend (info_label) eiffel_text_box.disable_item_expand (info_label) eiffel_text_box.extend (l_license_link) eiffel_text_box.disable_item_expand (l_license_link) l_license_link.align_text_left l_license_link.set_background_color (eiffel_text_box.background_color) eiffel_text_box.extend (registration_label) -- Texts box create texts_box texts_box.set_background_color (bg) texts_box.extend (eiffel_text_box) -- Box with left image + text create hbox hbox.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) hbox.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) hbox.set_background_color (bg) hbox.extend (eiffel_image_box) hbox.disable_item_expand (eiffel_image_box) hbox.extend (texts_box) -- Box where the Ok button is create button_box button_box.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) button_box.extend (create {EV_CELL}) button_box.extend (ok_button) button_box.disable_item_expand (ok_button) -- Box with everything in it. create vbox vbox.extend (hbox) -- Expandable item create hsep vbox.extend (hsep) vbox.disable_item_expand (hsep) vbox.extend (button_box) vbox.disable_item_expand (button_box) extend (vbox) set_default_push_button (ok_button) set_default_cancel_button (ok_button) -- Show hidden debug menu eiffel_image.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent (i_x, i_y, i_button: INTEGER; i_x_tilt, i_y_tilt, i_pressure: DOUBLE; i_screen_x, i_screen_y: INTEGER; a_count: CELL [INTEGER]) do if a_count.item = 1 then if not preferences.development_window_data.estudio_dbg_menu_enabled_preference.value then preferences.development_window_data.estudio_dbg_menu_enabled_preference.set_value (True) end else a_count.replace (a_count.item - 1) end end(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,create {CELL [INTEGER]}.put (10)) ) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation check_for_update (a_link: EV_LINK_LABEL) local ch: ES_RELEASE_UPDATE_CHECKER l_pointer: like pointer_style do a_link.set_text ("Checking for update ...") a_link.refresh_now a_link.select_actions.pause l_pointer := pointer_style set_pointer_style (pixmaps.stock_pixmaps.busy_cursor) create ch.make (preferences.misc_data.update_channel, eiffel_layout.eiffel_platform, Compiler_version_number) ch.check_for_update (agent (a_rel: detachable ES_UPDATE_RELEASE; i_lnk: EV_LINK_LABEL) local m: NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_WITH_ACTIONS do if a_rel /= Void then if attached notification_s.service as s_notif then create m.make ({STRING_32} "Update is available: " + a_rel.filename, "version_check") m.register_action (agent (i_link: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local b: BOOLEAN do b := (create {ES_URI_LAUNCHER}).launch (i_link) end( , "Try it now!") s_notif.notify (m) end i_lnk.set_text ("An update is available: " + a_rel.full_version_number) i_lnk.select_actions.wipe_out i_lnk.select_actions.extend (agent (i_url: READABLE_STRING_8) local b: BOOLEAN do b := (create {ES_URI_LAUNCHER}).launch (i_url) end( else if attached notification_s.service as s_notif then s_notif.notify (create {NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE}.make ("The latest version is already installed.", "version_check")) end i_lnk.set_text ("Latest %"" + preferences.misc_data.update_channel + "%" version is installed") end i_lnk.select_actions.resume end(?, a_link) ) if l_pointer /= Void then set_pointer_style (l_pointer) end end registration_info: STRING_32 -- Clause in the about dialog concerning the license. local l_edition: READABLE_STRING_8 l_eiffel_edition: like eiffel_edition do create Result.make (50) Result.append ("Installation information") l_eiffel_edition := eiffel_edition if l_eiffel_edition /= Void then l_edition := l_eiffel_edition.edition_name else l_edition := {ES_IDE_SETTINGS}.edition_title end if not l_edition.is_whitespace then Result.append (" (" + l_edition + ")") end Result.append (":%N") Result.append ({STRING_32} "Version = ") Result.append (t_version_info (True)) Result.append_character ('%N') if l_eiffel_edition /= Void then if l_eiffel_edition.is_branded_edition and attached l_eiffel_edition.edition_title as l_title then Result.append ({STRING_32} "Edition: " + l_title) Result.append_character ('%N') end if attached l_eiffel_edition.edition_license_key as lic_key then Result.append ({STRING_32} "License key: " + lic_key) Result.append_character ('%N') end if attached l_eiffel_edition.edition_expiration as l_exp_date then Result.append ({STRING_32} "The license expires in " + l_eiffel_edition.number_of_remaining_days.out + " day(s) (" + date_time_local_representation (l_exp_date) + ").") Result.append_character ('%N') end end Result.append ("Monitor DPI = " + {EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.dpi.out + "%N") Result.append ("%N") Result.append (eiffel_layout.environment_info) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation local_time (dt: DATE_TIME): DATE_TIME do create Result.make_by_date_time (, dt.time) Result.add ((create {DATE_TIME}.make_now).relative_duration (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc)) end date_time_local_representation (dt: DATE_TIME): STRING do Result := local_time (dt).formatted_out ("yyyy-[0]mm-[0]dd [0]hh:[0]mi:[0]ss") Result.replace_substring_all (" ", "T") end feature {NONE} -- Constant strings t_version_info (a_full: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 once create Result.make (100) Result.append (Interface_names.t_Project) Result.append (" ") compiler_version_number.append_major (Result) Result.append (".") compiler_version_number.append_minor (Result) Result.append (" (") Result.append (Version_number) Result.append (")") if a_full and then Version_info /= Void and then not Version_info.is_empty then Result.append ("%N") Result.append (Version_info) end end t_Copyright_info: STRING local c_date: C_DATE once create c_date Result := "Copyright (C) 1985-" + c_date.year_now.out + " Interactive Software Engineering Inc.%N% %All rights reserved" end t_info: STRING once create Result.make (500) Result.append ("[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone: 805-685-1006 Fax: 805-685-6869 ]") Result.append_character ('%N') Result.append_character ('%N') Result.append ("[ Web Customer Support: Visit Eiffel on the Web: ]") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end