note description : "Dialog for choosing where to put a new class" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_CREATE_CLASS_DIALOG inherit EB_DIALOG EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_WINDOW_MANAGER export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_VISION2_FACILITIES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_CLUSTER_MANAGER_OBSERVER export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EV_KEY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EV_DIALOG_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_LOCALE export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end create make_default feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_default (a_target: EB_HISTORY_OWNER; a_from_diagram: BOOLEAN) require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void local vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX buttons_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX identification_frame, properties_frame, parents_frame: EV_FRAME cluster_label, name_label, file_label, creation_label: EV_LABEL cancel_b: EV_BUTTON -- Button to discard the class bbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX sz: INTEGER l_window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW l_factory: EB_CONTEXT_MENU_FACTORY do target := a_target make_with_title (Interface_names.t_new_class) set_icon_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.new_class_icon) if not a_from_diagram then set_height (Layout_constants.dialog_unit_to_pixels (400)) set_width (Layout_constants.dialog_unit_to_pixels (300)) end -- Build the widgets create class_entry class_entry.change_actions.extend (agent update_file_entry) create file_entry create creation_entry.make_with_text ("make") l_window := window_manager.last_focused_development_window if l_window /= Void then l_factory := l_window.menus.context_menu_factory end create cluster_list.make_without_targets (l_factory) cluster_list.set_minimum_size (Cluster_list_minimum_width, Cluster_list_minimum_height) cluster_list.refresh create deferred_check.make_with_text (Interface_names.L_deferred) deferred_check.select_actions.extend (agent on_deferred) create expanded_check.make_with_text (Interface_names.L_expanded) expanded_check.select_actions.extend (agent on_expanded) create empty_check.make_with_text (Interface_names.L_not_empty) create creation_check.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_generate_creation) creation_check.select_actions.extend (agent on_creation_check) create parents_list.make (agent compute_group) parents_list.add_actions.extend (agent on_parent_add) parents_list.modify_actions.extend (agent on_parent_modify) -- Build the frames create properties_frame.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_general) create identification_frame.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_identification) create name_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_class_name ("")) name_label.align_text_left create cluster_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_cluster_colon) cluster_label.align_text_left create file_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_file_name) file_label.align_text_left create vb sz := name_label.width.max (file_label.width) name_label.set_minimum_width (sz) file_label.set_minimum_width (sz) create bbox extend_no_expand (bbox, name_label) bbox.extend (class_entry) extend_no_expand (vb, bbox) if not a_from_diagram then extend_no_expand (vb, cluster_label) vb.extend (cluster_list) end vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) identification_frame.extend (vb) create vb create bbox extend_no_expand (bbox, deferred_check) extend_no_expand (bbox, expanded_check) extend_no_expand (vb, bbox) create bbox create creation_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_creation) creation_label.align_text_left extend_no_expand (bbox, creation_check) bbox.extend (creation_entry) creation_entry.disable_sensitive extend_no_expand (vb, bbox) extend_no_expand (vb, empty_check) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) properties_frame.extend (vb) create parents_frame.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_parents) create vb vb.extend (parents_list) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) parents_frame.extend (vb) -- Build the buttons create create_button.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.b_create, agent create_new_class) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (create_button) create cancel_b.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.b_cancel, agent cancel) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (cancel_b) -- Build the button box create buttons_box buttons_box.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) buttons_box.extend (create {EV_CELL}) -- Expandable item extend_no_expand (buttons_box, create_button) extend_no_expand (buttons_box, cancel_b) -- Build the vertical layout create vb vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) vb.extend (identification_frame) vb.extend (properties_frame) vb.disable_item_expand (properties_frame) if not a_from_diagram then vb.extend (parents_frame) vb.disable_item_expand (parents_frame) end extend_no_expand (vb, buttons_box) -- Add the main container to the dialog. extend (vb) -- Setup the default buttons and show actions. set_default_cancel_button (cancel_b) set_default_push_button (create_button) show_actions.extend (agent on_show_actions) cancelled := False cluster_preset := False ensure target_set: target = a_target end feature -- Status Report cancelled: BOOLEAN -- Was `Current' closed by discarding the dialog -- (by clicking the Cancel button for example)? class_i: CLASS_I -- Created class cluster: CONF_CLUSTER -- Selected cluster path: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Selected subfolder path feature -- Status Settings set_stone_when_finished -- `Current' will send a stone when its execution is over. do set_stone := True end preset_cluster (a_cluster: CONF_CLUSTER) -- Assign `a_cluster' to `cluster'. require a_cluster_not_void: a_cluster /= Void do cluster := a_cluster path := "" cluster_preset := True ensure cluster_set: cluster = a_cluster cluster_preset_enabled: cluster_preset end feature -- Basic operations call_default -- Create a new dialog with a pre-computed class name. do set_default_class_name select_default_cluster show_modal end call_stone (a_stone: CLUSTER_STONE) -- Create a new dialog with `a_stone' as parent cluster. require a_stone_not_void: a_stone /= Void do set_default_class_name cluster_list.show_subfolder (, a_stone.path) show_modal end call (class_n: STRING) -- Create a new dialog with `class_n' as preset class name. require valid_args: class_n /= Void do set_class_name (class_n) select_default_cluster show_modal end feature {NONE} -- Basic operations set_default_class_name -- Set class name to the automatically computed one. local n: INTEGER do -- Advance class counter. n := new_class_counter.item + 1 new_class_counter.put (n) -- Set class name to the computed one. class_entry.set_text ("NEW_" + n.out) end set_class_name (n: STRING) -- Set class name to `n' in upper case. do class_entry.set_text (n.as_upper) end select_default_cluster -- Select default cluster in the cluster list. do if cluster /= Void then cluster_list.show_subfolder (cluster, path) elseif target.stone /= Void then cluster_list.show_stone (target.stone) end end show_modal -- Show a dialog modal to the target window. do show_modal_to_window (target.window) end render_class_template (a_dest_file_name: PATH) -- Renders a class name into a choose destination file -- -- `a_dest_file_name': The destination file to render the default class template file into. local l_wizard: SERVICE_CONSUMER [WIZARD_ENGINE_S] l_source_file: PATH l_user_file: detachable PATH l_params: STRING_TABLE [ANY] l_buffer: attached STRING_32 l_parents: EV_LIST l_creation_routine: detachable STRING_32 l_has_conforming_inheritance, l_has_non_conforming_inheritance: BOOLEAN retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then create l_wizard if attached l_wizard.service as l_wizard_service then l_source_file := eiffel_layout.templates_path.extended ("defaults") if not empty_check.is_selected then l_source_file := l_source_file.extended ("empty") else l_source_file := l_source_file.extended ("full") end l_source_file := l_source_file.appended (".e.tpl") -- Check for user priority file. l_user_file := eiffel_layout.user_priority_file_name (l_source_file, True) if l_user_file /= Void then -- The user has their own template file, use it. l_source_file := l_user_file end create l_params.make (10) -- Class name if attached class_name as n then l_params.force (n, class_name_symbol) end -- Note keyword if cluster.options.syntax.index = {CONF_OPTION}.syntax_index_obsolete then -- Use old syntax l_params.force ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.indexing_keyword, note_keyword_symbol) else -- Use new syntax l_params.force ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.note_keyword, note_keyword_symbol) end -- Year l_params.force ((create {DATE}.make_now).year, year_symbol) if (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_path (l_source_file)).exists then -- Only render if the file exists. create l_buffer.make (64) -- Class modifiers if deferred_check.is_selected then l_buffer.append ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.deferred_keyword) l_buffer.append_character (' ') elseif expanded_check.is_selected then l_buffer.append ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.expanded_keyword) l_buffer.append_character (' ') end l_params.force (l_buffer.twin, class_modifiers_symbol) -- Inheritance l_buffer.wipe_out l_parents := parents_list.list if not l_parents.is_empty then from l_parents.start until l_parents.after loop if l_parents.item.text.has_substring ("{NONE} ") then l_has_non_conforming_inheritance := True else l_has_conforming_inheritance := True end l_parents.forth end if l_has_conforming_inheritance then l_buffer.append ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.inherit_keyword) l_buffer.append_character ('%N') from l_parents.start until l_parents.after loop if not l_parents.item.text.has_substring ("{NONE} ") then l_buffer.append_character ('%T') l_buffer.append ( l_buffer.append ("%N%N") end l_parents.forth end end if l_has_non_conforming_inheritance then l_buffer.append ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.inherit_keyword) l_buffer.append (" {NONE}") l_buffer.append_character ('%N') from l_parents.start until l_parents.after loop if l_parents.item.text.has_substring ("{NONE} ") then l_buffer.append_character ('%T') l_buffer.append ( l_buffer.append ("%N%N") end l_parents.forth end end end l_params.force (l_buffer.twin, inherit_clause_symbol) -- Create l_buffer.wipe_out l_creation_routine := creation_entry.text if not deferred_check.is_selected and then creation_check.is_selected and then not l_creation_routine.is_empty then l_buffer.append ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.create_keyword) l_buffer.append ("%N%T") if expanded_check.is_selected and then not l_creation_routine.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("default_create") then -- Is expanded and the creation routine is not default_creation, so add it. l_buffer.append ("default_create,%N%T") end l_buffer.append (l_creation_routine) l_buffer.append ("%N%N") end l_params.force (l_buffer.twin, create_clause_symbol) -- Initialization l_buffer.wipe_out if not deferred_check.is_selected and then creation_check.is_selected and then not l_creation_routine.is_empty and then not l_creation_routine.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("default_create") then -- No need to add default_create for expanded classes. l_buffer.append ({EIFFEL_KEYWORD_CONSTANTS}.feature_keyword) l_buffer.append (" {NONE} -- Initialization%N%N%T") l_buffer.append (l_creation_routine) l_buffer.append ( "%N%T%T%T-- Initialization for `Current'.%N% %%T%Tdo%N%T%T%T%N% %%T%Tend%N%N") end l_params.force (l_buffer.twin, init_clause_symbol) -- Render the template using the defined parameters l_wizard_service.render_template_from_file_to_file (l_source_file, l_params, a_dest_file_name) else prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_cannot_read_file (, target.window, Void) l_wizard_service.render_template_to_file (default_class_template, l_params, a_dest_file_name) end end else prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_cannot_create_file (, target.window, Void) -- Not the best status name, refactor when converting to ESF. could_not_load_file := True end rescue retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Access change_cluster -- Set `cluster' to selected cluster from tree. local clu: EB_SORTED_CLUSTER f: EB_CLASSES_TREE_FOLDER_ITEM do if attached cluster_list.selected_item as c then if attached {EB_CLASSES_TREE_FOLDER_ITEM} c as l_folder then clu := f := l_folder elseif attached {EB_CLASSES_TREE_FOLDER_ITEM} c.parent as l_folder then clu := f := l_folder end if clu = Void or else not clu.is_cluster then aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_unknown_cluster_name, Current, Void) elseif not clu.is_writable then aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_read_only_cluster, Current, Void) else aok := True cluster := clu.actual_cluster check from_condition: attached f then end path := f.path end else aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (warning_messages.w_no_cluster_selected_for_class_creation, Current, Void) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation class_name: READABLE_STRING_32 -- Name of the class entered by the user. do Result := class_entry.text.as_upper ensure class_name_not_void: class_name /= Void end file_name: PATH -- File name of the class chosen by the user. local str: STRING_32 dotpos: INTEGER do str := file_entry.text str.right_adjust str.left_adjust -- str.count < 3 means there no extension to the file name. if str.is_empty or else str.count < 3 then update_file_entry create Result.make_from_string (file_entry.text) else if str [str.count] /= 'e' or else str [str.count - 1] /= '.' then dotpos := str.last_index_of ('.', str.count) - 1 if dotpos > 0 then str.keep_head (dotpos) end create Result.make_from_string (str + ".e") else create Result.make_from_string (str) end end end aok: BOOLEAN could_not_load_file: BOOLEAN -- Was there an error when attempting to create the class file? cluster_preset: BOOLEAN -- Was a target cluster set by `preset_cluster'? set_stone: BOOLEAN -- Should `Current' send a stone when its execution is over? target: EB_HISTORY_OWNER -- Associated target. create_new_class -- Create a new class local f_name: PATH file: RAW_FILE -- Windows specific base_name: PATH retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then aok := False change_cluster if aok then check_valid_class_name end if aok then check_class_not_exists end if aok and then creation_check.is_selected then check_valid_creation_procedure end if aok then f_name := cluster.location.build_path (path, "").extended_path (file_name) base_name := file_name create file.make_with_path (f_name) if file.exists then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_class_already_in_cluster (, target.window, Void) class_entry.set_focus elseif not file.is_creatable then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_cannot_create_file (, target.window, Void) else destroy render_class_template (f_name) if not could_not_load_file then -- Add new class to cluster, perform a quick compilation only if previous compilation was successful. manager.add_class_to_cluster (, cluster, path, class_name, manager.workbench.successful) class_i := manager.last_added_class if set_stone and class_i /= Void then target.set_stone (create {CLASSI_STONE}.make (class_i)) end end end end else -- We were rescued. class_entry.remove_text file_entry.remove_text if class_entry.is_displayed then class_entry.set_focus end end rescue retried := True retry end on_show_actions -- The dialog has just been shown, set it up. local curr_selected_item: EV_TREE_NODE do if cluster_list.is_displayed then --| Make sure the currently selected item is visible curr_selected_item := cluster_list.selected_item if curr_selected_item /= Void then cluster_list.ensure_item_visible (curr_selected_item) end end --| Make sure the text in the class entry is entirely visible --| and is selected. class_entry.set_focus class_entry.set_caret_position (1) class_entry.select_all end check_class_not_exists -- Check that class with name `class_name' does not exist in the universe. require current_state_is_valid: aok local l_classes: STRING_TABLE [CONF_CLASS] do l_classes := cluster.accessible_classes if l_classes.has_key (class_name) and then l_classes.found_item.is_valid then aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_class_already_exists (class_name), Current, Void) end end check_valid_class_name -- Check that name `class_name' is a valid class name. require current_state_is_valid: aok local cn: like class_name do cn := class_name aok := (create {EIFFEL_SYNTAX_CHECKER}).is_valid_class_name (cn) if not aok then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_invalid_class_name (cn), Current, Void) end end check_valid_creation_procedure -- Check that creation procedure name is valid require current_state_is_valid: aok creation_check_selected: creation_check.is_selected local fn: STRING_32 do fn := creation_entry.text aok := (create {EIFFEL_SYNTAX_CHECKER}).is_valid_feature_name_32 (fn) if not aok then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_invalid_feature_name (fn), Current, Void) end end update_file_entry -- Update the file name according to the class name. local str: STRING_32 do str := class_entry.text str.right_adjust str.left_adjust if str.is_empty then file_entry.remove_text else str.to_lower str.append (".e") file_entry.set_text (str) end end cancel -- User pressed `cancel_b'. do cancelled := True -- Rollback class counter. new_class_counter.put (new_class_counter.item - 1) -- Destroy underlying object. destroy ensure cancelled_set: cancelled end on_deferred -- User selected deferred => uncheck expanded. do if deferred_check.is_selected then expanded_check.disable_select if creation_check.is_selected then -- Disable text entry. creation_entry.disable_sensitive -- Disable surrounding box. creation_entry.parent.disable_sensitive end -- Deselect creation check box. creation_check.disable_select -- Disable creation check box. creation_check.disable_sensitive else -- Enable creation check box. creation_check.enable_sensitive -- Enable text field surrounding box. creation_entry.parent.enable_sensitive end end on_creation_check -- User selected or unselected the `creation procedure' check box. do if creation_check.is_selected then creation_entry.enable_sensitive else creation_entry.disable_sensitive end end on_expanded -- User selected expanded => uncheck deferred. do if expanded_check.is_selected then deferred_check.disable_select end end on_focus_in -- When the parents list has the focus, we disable the default push button. do if default_push_button /= Void then remove_default_push_button end end on_focus_out -- When the parents list loses the focus, we enable the default push button. do -- Need to check that the dialog is not destroyed as sometimes -- we get called while destroying the dialog. if not is_destroyed then set_default_push_button (create_button) end end on_parent_add local l_item: EV_LIST_ITEM l_inh_dlg: EB_INHERITANCE_DIALOG do if not is_destroyed then l_item := parents_list.list.last if l_item /= Void then create l_inh_dlg.make l_inh_dlg.set_child_type (Void) l_inh_dlg.set_parent_type (Void) l_inh_dlg.show_modal_to_window (Current) if l_inh_dlg.ok_clicked and then l_inh_dlg.valid_content then if l_inh_dlg.is_non_conforming then l_item.set_text ("{NONE} " + l_inh_dlg.type_selector.code) else l_item.set_text (l_inh_dlg.type_selector.code) end l_item.set_data (l_inh_dlg.code) else -- Remove item as it is not valid content l_item.parent.prune (l_item) end end end end on_parent_modify local l_item: EV_LIST_ITEM do if not is_destroyed then l_item := parents_list.list.selected_item end end compute_group: CONF_GROUP -- Compute group. do change_cluster Result := cluster end feature {NONE} -- Vision2 widgets create_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button to create the class cluster_list: EB_CLASSES_TREE -- List of all available clusters. class_entry: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field in which the user will type the name of the class file_entry: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field in which the user may type the file name of the class. creation_entry: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field in which the user may type the (main) creation procedure of the class. parents_list: EB_ADD_REMOVE_CLASS_LIST -- List in which the user enters the class parents. deferred_check: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check box which defines whether the class is deferred. expanded_check: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check box which defines whether the class is expanded. empty_check: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check box which defines whether the class is a dummy class (few features). creation_check: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check box which defines whether we should define a creation feature. feature {NONE} -- Constants Cluster_list_minimum_width: INTEGER -- Minimum width for the cluster list. do Result := Layout_constants.Dialog_unit_to_pixels (250) end Cluster_list_minimum_height: INTEGER -- Minimum height for the cluster list. do Result := Layout_constants.Dialog_unit_to_pixels (150) end new_class_counter: CELL [INTEGER] -- Number of classes being created so far. once create Result.put (0) ensure new_class_counter_not_void: new_class_counter /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Constants note_keyword_symbol: STRING = "NOTE_KEYWORD" class_name_symbol: STRING = "CLASS_NAME" class_modifiers_symbol: STRING = "CLASS_MODIFIERS" inherit_clause_symbol: STRING = "INHERIT_CLAUSE" create_clause_symbol: STRING = "CREATE_CLAUSE" init_clause_symbol: STRING = "INIT_CLAUSE" year_symbol: STRING = "YEAR" default_class_template: STRING = "class%N%T$CLASS_NAME%N%N-- Class template file not found in the installation!%N%Nend" invariant create_button_valid: create_button /= Void and then not create_button.is_destroyed cluster_list_valid: cluster_list /= Void and then not cluster_list.is_destroyed class_entry_valid: class_entry /= Void and then not class_entry.is_destroyed file_entry_valid: file_entry /= Void and then not file_entry.is_destroyed parents_list_valid: parents_list /= Void and then not parents_list.is_destroyed expanded_check_valid: expanded_check /= Void and then not expanded_check.is_destroyed empty_check_valid: empty_check /= Void and then not empty_check.is_destroyed deferred_check_valid: deferred_check /= Void and then not deferred_check.is_destroyed creation_check_valid: creation_check /= Void and then not creation_check.is_destroyed creation_entry_valid: creation_entry /= Void and then not creation_entry.is_destroyed creation_entry_parented: creation_entry.parent /= Void target_not_void: target /= Void cluster_implies_path: cluster /= Void implies path /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end