note description: "Dialog to allow the user to choose a cluster or create one." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Xavier Rousselot" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_CREATE_CLUSTER_DIALOG inherit EB_DIALOG COMPILER_EXPORTER export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_WINDOW_MANAGER export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_VISION2_FACILITIES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_CLUSTER_MANAGER_OBSERVER export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EV_KEY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end CONF_ACCESS undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_LOCALE undefine default_create, copy end create make_default feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_default (a_target: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW; a_is_test_cluster_forced: like is_test_cluster_forced) -- Create the dialog and link it to a given development window (for modality). require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void local vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX buttons_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX cancel_b: EV_BUTTON name_frame: EV_FRAME cluster_frame: EV_FRAME name_label: EV_LABEL path_label: EV_LABEL wid: INTEGER hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX do target := a_target make_with_title (Interface_names.t_New_cluster) set_icon_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.new_cluster_icon) set_height (Layout_constants.dialog_unit_to_pixels (400)) -- Build the widgets create cluster_entry create folder_entry create cluster_list.make_without_targets (a_target.menus.context_menu_factory) create recursive_box.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_All) create tests_cluster_box.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_tests_cluster) create name_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.L_cluster_name) create path_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Path) -- Build the buttons create browse_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.B_browse) browse_button.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_open_icon) create create_button.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.b_Create, agent create_new_cluster) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (create_button) create cancel_b.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.b_Cancel, agent destroy) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (cancel_b) -- Build the frames create name_frame.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Cluster_options) create cluster_frame.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Parent_cluster) -- Setup the agents browse_button.select_actions.extend (agent start_browsing) -- Organize the options wid := name_label.minimum_width.max (path_label.minimum_width) create vb vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) name_label.set_minimum_width (wid) --path_label.set_minimum_width (wid) create hb hb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) extend_no_expand (hb, name_label) hb.extend (cluster_entry) vb.extend (hb) create hb hb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) extend_no_expand (hb, path_label) hb.extend (folder_entry) extend_no_expand (hb, browse_button) vb.extend (hb) create hb hb.extend (recursive_box) vb.extend (hb) create hb hb.extend (tests_cluster_box) vb.extend (hb) name_frame.extend (vb) -- Build the list create vb vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) cluster_list.set_minimum_size (Cluster_list_minimum_width, Cluster_list_minimum_height) cluster_list.select_actions.extend (agent check_for_tests_cluster) cluster_list.refresh vb.extend (cluster_list) cluster_frame.extend (vb) -- Build the button box create buttons_box buttons_box.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) buttons_box.extend (create {EV_CELL}) -- Expandable item extend_no_expand (buttons_box, create_button) extend_no_expand (buttons_box, cancel_b) -- Build the vertical layout (Class name, File name, cluster, buttons) create vb vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) extend_no_expand (vb, name_frame) vb.extend (cluster_frame) -- Expandable item extend_no_expand (vb, buttons_box) -- Add the main container to the dialog. extend (vb) -- Setup the default buttons and show actions. set_default_cancel_button (cancel_b) set_default_push_button (create_button) is_test_cluster_forced := a_is_test_cluster_forced if is_test_cluster_forced then tests_cluster_box.enable_select tests_cluster_box.disable_sensitive end ensure target_set: target = a_target end feature -- Basic operations call_default -- Display dialog and create a random cluster name. do if is_test_cluster_forced then default_cluster_name := "tests" else default_cluster_name := "new_cluster_" + new_cluster_counter.item.out new_cluster_counter.put (new_cluster_counter.item + 1) end is_default_cluster_name_set := True internal_call (default_cluster_name) end call_stone (a_stone: CLUSTER_STONE) -- Display dialog give `a_stone' as default place. require a_stone_not_void: a_stone /= Void do if is_test_cluster_forced then default_cluster_name := "tests" else default_cluster_name := "new_cluster_" + new_cluster_counter.item.out new_cluster_counter.put (new_cluster_counter.item + 1) end is_default_cluster_name_set := True cluster_list.show_stone (a_stone) cluster_entry.set_text (default_cluster_name) show_modal_to_window (target.window) end call (cluster_n: STRING) -- Display the dialog. -- Give `cluster_n' as the default cluster name in it. require valid_args: cluster_n /= Void do is_default_cluster_name_set := False default_cluster_name := Void call (cluster_n) end feature {NONE} -- Status report is_test_cluster_forced: BOOLEAN -- Is user forced to create a test cluster? feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_call (cluster_n: STRING) -- Display the dialog. -- Give `cluster_n' as the default cluster name in it. require valid_args: cluster_n /= Void do if attached target.stone as st then cluster_list.show_stone (st) end cluster_entry.set_text (cluster_n.as_lower) show_modal_to_window (target.window) end new_cluster_counter: CELL [INTEGER] -- Counter for how many clusters have been created in current session. once create Result.put (1) ensure new_cluster_counter_not_void: Result /= Void end default_cluster_name: STRING -- Initial value for cluster name is_default_cluster_name_set: BOOLEAN -- Is default_cluster_name set? group: CONF_GROUP -- Group where to put newly created cluster. path: STRING_32 -- Selected subfolder path to put newly created cluster. is_top_level: BOOLEAN -- Create a new top level cluster. chosen_dir: PATH -- The path to the created cluster. original_path: PATH -- The path with environment variables. cluster_name: STRING_32 -- Name of the cluster entered by the user, in lower case. do Result := cluster_entry.text.as_lower ensure cluster_name_not_void: Result /= Void end aok: BOOLEAN -- Is the current state valid? tests_cluster_was_selected: BOOLEAN -- Was `tests_cluster_box' before selecting a test cluster been selected? change_parent_group -- Set `group' to selected cluster/library from tree. local l_folder: EB_CLASSES_TREE_FOLDER_ITEM clu: EB_SORTED_CLUSTER do is_top_level := False if cluster_list.selected_item /= Void then if attached {EB_CLASSES_TREE_HEADER_ITEM} cluster_list.selected_item as l_hdr then aok := True is_top_level := True else l_folder := {EB_CLASSES_TREE_FOLDER_ITEM} / cluster_list.selected_item if l_folder = Void then l_folder := {EB_CLASSES_TREE_FOLDER_ITEM} / cluster_list.selected_item.parent end if l_folder /= Void then clu := end if clu = Void or else not (clu.is_cluster or clu.is_library) then aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_unknown_cluster_name, Current, Void) elseif clu.actual_group.is_readonly then aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Cannot_add_to_library_cluster (, Current, Void) else aok := True group := clu.actual_group path := l_folder.path end end else aok := True is_top_level := True end ensure ok_implies_set: aok implies is_top_level or (group /= Void and then (group.is_cluster or group.is_library)) end create_new_cluster -- Create new cluster local dir: DIRECTORY test_file: RAW_FILE base_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL in_recursive: BOOLEAN do aok := True if aok then check_valid_cluster_name end if aok then check not cluster_entry.text.is_empty -- The name wouldn't be valid otherwise. end base_name := cluster_name aok := Eiffel_universe.group_of_name (base_name) = Void if not aok then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_cluster_name_already_exists (base_name), target.window, Void) end end if aok then change_parent_group end if aok then check_valid_cluster_path end if aok then if not is_top_level then check group_not_void: group /= Void end if group.is_cluster then in_recursive := attached {CONF_CLUSTER} group as l_clu and then l_clu.is_recursive if group.is_test_cluster and not tests_cluster_box.is_selected then prompts.show_error_prompt (warning_messages.w_cannot_create_cluster_in_tests_cluster, Current, Void) aok := False end end end if aok and not in_recursive then if is_top_level then aok := not else aok := not end if not aok then prompts.show_error_prompt (warning_messages.w_configuration_not_up_to_date_need_recompile, Current, Void) end end if aok then create dir.make_with_path (chosen_dir) create test_file.make_with_path (chosen_dir) if test_file.exists and then not dir.exists then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Not_a_directory (, Current, Void) elseif not dir.exists then create_directory (dir) if aok then -- if we are in a recursive cluster we don't need to do anything except refreshing if in_recursive then manager.refresh else real_create_cluster (base_name) end else prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_Cannot_create_directory (, Current, Void) end else -- if we are in a recursive cluster we don't need to do anything except refreshing if in_recursive then if not ( then -- Case: Add Cluster inside a recursive cluster, but with a location out the parent recursive cluster. real_create_cluster (base_name) else manager.refresh end else real_create_cluster (base_name) end end destroy end end end real_create_cluster (name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Really create the cluster. -- `name': name of the new cluster. require valid_params: name /= Void and then not name.is_empty and name.as_lower.is_equal (name) local l_is_tests_cluster: BOOLEAN do l_is_tests_cluster := tests_cluster_box.is_selected if is_top_level then manager.add_cluster (name, Void, original_path, l_is_tests_cluster) else manager.add_cluster (name, group, original_path, l_is_tests_cluster) end manager.last_added_cluster.set_recursive (recursive_box.is_selected) end create_directory (dir: DIRECTORY) -- Physically create the directory `dir'. require valid_state: aok local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then dir.create_dir end aok := not retried rescue retried := True retry end check_valid_cluster_name -- Check that name `cluster_name' is a valid cluster name. -- Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed. require current_state_is_valid: aok local cn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do cn := cluster_name aok := not cn.is_empty and then (create {EIFFEL_SYNTAX_CHECKER}).is_valid_group_name (cn) if not aok then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_invalid_cluster_name (cn), Current, Void) end end check_valid_cluster_path -- Check, via `aok', that the path entered is a valid one, and is not already used. -- Set `chosen_dir' and `ace_path' accordingly. require valid_state: aok local cp: PATH icp: PATH l_loc: CONF_DIRECTORY_LOCATION -- l_cp_name: STRING_32 do create cp.make_from_string (folder_entry.text) -- top level clusters need a path if is_top_level and cp.is_empty then aok := False prompts.show_error_prompt (warning_messages.w_cluster_path_not_valid, target.window, Void) elseif cp.is_empty or (cluster_name) then -- Either no path were set, or same as the cluster_name, so let's consider it is subfolder. chosen_dir := group.location.build_path (path, "").extended (cluster_name) original_path := chosen_dir else -- l_cp_name := create l_loc.make (, if not is_top_level and then group.is_cluster then if not path.is_empty then -- Case: add new folder into sub folder or recursive cluster l_loc.set_parent (create {CONF_DIRECTORY_LOCATION}.make ({STRING_32} "$|" + group.location.build_path (path, "").name, else l_loc.set_parent (group.location) end end icp := l_loc.evaluated_directory aok := Eiffel_universe.cluster_of_location (icp).is_empty if not aok then prompts.show_error_prompt (Warning_messages.w_cluster_path_already_exists (, target.window, Void) else chosen_dir := icp original_path := cp end end ensure aok implies (chosen_dir /= Void and original_path /= Void) end check_for_tests_cluster -- Check if selected cluster in `cluster_list' is a test cluster. If so, disable sensitivity of -- `tests_cluster_box' and make it selected by default. If no test cluster is selected and -- sensitivity is still disabled, restore state of box before disabling it. local l_sensitive: BOOLEAN do if not is_test_cluster_forced then change_parent_group l_sensitive := True if aok and not is_top_level then l_sensitive := not group.is_test_cluster end if l_sensitive then if not tests_cluster_box.is_sensitive then tests_cluster_box.enable_sensitive if not tests_cluster_was_selected then tests_cluster_box.disable_select end end else if tests_cluster_box.is_sensitive then tests_cluster_was_selected := tests_cluster_box.is_selected tests_cluster_box.enable_select tests_cluster_box.disable_sensitive end end end end last_browsed_directory: PATH -- What was the last browsed directory when searching for a folder? do Result := preferences.development_window_data.last_browsed_cluster_directory end target: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW -- Associated target. feature {NONE} -- Graphic interface start_browsing -- The user wants to browse to find a folder. -- Pop up a browse dialog. local bd: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG l_dir_text: STRING_32 l_path: PATH do create bd bd.ok_actions.extend (agent set_path (bd)) l_dir_text := folder_entry.text if not l_dir_text.is_empty then l_dir_text := (create {ENV_INTERP}).interpreted_string_32 (l_dir_text) create l_path.make_from_string (l_dir_text) if not (create {DIRECTORY}.make_with_path (l_path)).exists then l_path := Void end end if l_path = Void or else l_path.is_empty then l_path := last_browsed_directory end if l_path /= Void and then not l_path.is_empty and then (create {DIRECTORY}.make_with_path (l_path)).exists then bd.set_start_path (l_path) end bd.show_modal_to_window (Current) end set_path (bd: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG) -- Initialize the cluster path with the directory selected in `bd'. local dir: PATH do dir := bd.path folder_entry.set_text ( preferences.development_window_data.last_browsed_cluster_directory_preference.set_value (dir) if (attached dir.entry as l_dir_entry and is_default_cluster_name_set) and then (cluster_name.is_equal (default_cluster_name) or cluster_name.is_empty) then cluster_entry.change_actions.block cluster_entry.set_text ( cluster_entry.change_actions.resume end end feature {NONE} -- Vision2 widgets cluster_entry: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field in which the user will type the name of the new cluster folder_entry: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Text field in which the user will type the folder name of the new cluster browse_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button that lets the user browse to give a directory. recursive_box: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check box that sets whether the cluster is recursive or not. tests_cluster_box: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check box that determines whether the cluster should be a test cluster or not create_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button to create the class cluster_list: EB_CLASSES_TREE -- List of all available clusters. feature {NONE} -- Constants Cluster_list_minimum_width: INTEGER -- Minimum width for the cluster list. do Result := Layout_constants.Dialog_unit_to_pixels (250) end Cluster_list_minimum_height: INTEGER -- Minimum height for the cluster list. do Result := Layout_constants.Dialog_unit_to_pixels (100) end invariant recursive_box_valid: recursive_box /= Void and then not recursive_box.is_destroyed browse_button_valid: browse_button /= Void and then not browse_button.is_destroyed cluster_entry_valid: cluster_entry /= Void and then not cluster_entry.is_destroyed cluster_list_valid: cluster_list /= Void and then not cluster_list.is_destroyed create_button_valid: create_button /= Void and then not create_button.is_destroyed folder_entry_valid: folder_entry /= Void and then not folder_entry.is_destroyed default_cluster_name_not_void: is_default_cluster_name_set implies default_cluster_name /= Void target_not_void: target /= Void group_implies_path: group /= Void implies path /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2022, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end