note description : "A dialog box that allows the user to customize a toolbar% %Call `customize' each time a toolbar must be edited" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Xavier Rousselot" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_TOOLBAR_EDITOR_BOX inherit EB_DIALOG EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end create make feature -- Initialization make do make_with_title (Interface_names.t_Customize_toolbar_text) w_width := Layout_constants.dialog_unit_to_pixels(560) w_height := Layout_constants.dialog_unit_to_pixels(360) close_request_actions.wipe_out close_request_actions.extend (agent exit) prepare create final_toolbar.make (20) end prepare -- Initialize world. local list_container1: EV_VERTICAL_BOX list_container2: EV_VERTICAL_BOX central_button_container: EV_VERTICAL_BOX right_button_container: EV_VERTICAL_BOX main_container: EV_VERTICAL_BOX square_container: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX pool_label: EV_LABEL current_label: EV_LABEL combo_strings: ARRAY [STRING_GENERAL] text_combo_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX text_combo_label: EV_LABEL widget_minimum_width: INTEGER do -- Create the containers create list_container1 create list_container2 create central_button_container create right_button_container create square_container create main_container create pool_list.make (True) pool_list.drop_actions.extend (agent move_to_pool_list) pool_list.disable_multiple_selection pool_list.select_actions.extend (agent on_pool_select) pool_list.deselect_actions.extend (agent on_pool_deselect) create current_list.make (False) current_list.drop_actions.extend (agent move_to_current_list) current_list.disable_multiple_selection current_list.select_actions.extend (agent on_current_select) current_list.deselect_actions.extend (agent on_current_deselect) create combo_strings.make (1,3) combo_strings.put (Interface_names.l_Show_all_text, 1) combo_strings.put (Interface_names.l_Put_text_right_text, 2) combo_strings.put (Interface_names.l_No_text_text, 3) create text_combo.make_with_strings (combo_strings) create text_combo_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Toolbar_select_text_position) text_combo_label.align_text_right create text_combo_box text_combo_box.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) text_combo_box.extend (text_combo_label) text_combo_box.disable_item_expand (text_combo_label) text_combo_box.extend (text_combo) text_combo.disable_edit widget_minimum_width := text_combo_label.minimum_width text_combo_label.set_minimum_width (widget_minimum_width) create pool_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Available_buttons_text) pool_label.align_text_left create current_label.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_Displayed_buttons_text) current_label.align_text_left create add_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_Add_text) add_button.select_actions.extend (agent add_to_displayed) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (add_button) add_button.disable_sensitive create remove_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_Remove_text) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (remove_button) remove_button.select_actions.extend (agent remove_from_displayed) remove_button.disable_sensitive create up_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_Up_text) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (up_button) up_button.select_actions.extend (agent move_up) up_button.disable_sensitive create down_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_Down_text) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (down_button) down_button.select_actions.extend (agent move_down) down_button.disable_sensitive create ok_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_ok) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (ok_button) ok_button.select_actions.extend (agent generate_toolbar) ok_button.select_actions.extend (agent exit) create cancel_button.make_with_text (Interface_names.b_cancel) cancel_button.select_actions.extend (agent exit) Layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (cancel_button) list_container1.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) list_container1.extend (pool_label) list_container1.disable_item_expand (pool_label) list_container1.extend (pool_list) list_container2.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) list_container2.extend (current_label) list_container2.disable_item_expand (current_label) list_container2.extend (current_list) central_button_container.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) central_button_container.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) central_button_container.extend (create {EV_CELL}) central_button_container.extend (add_button) central_button_container.disable_item_expand (add_button) central_button_container.extend (remove_button) central_button_container.disable_item_expand (remove_button) central_button_container.extend (create {EV_CELL}) right_button_container.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) right_button_container.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) right_button_container.extend (ok_button) right_button_container.disable_item_expand (ok_button) right_button_container.extend (cancel_button) right_button_container.disable_item_expand (cancel_button) right_button_container.extend (create {EV_CELL}) right_button_container.extend (up_button) right_button_container.disable_item_expand (up_button) right_button_container.extend (down_button) right_button_container.disable_item_expand (down_button) square_container.extend (list_container1) square_container.extend (central_button_container) square_container.disable_item_expand (central_button_container) square_container.extend (list_container2) square_container.extend (right_button_container) square_container.disable_item_expand (right_button_container) main_container.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_padding_size) main_container.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) main_container.extend (square_container) main_container.extend (text_combo_box) main_container.disable_item_expand (text_combo_box) -- Add widgets to our window extend (main_container) set_default_cancel_button (cancel_button) set_default_push_button (ok_button) end customize_toolbar (a_parent: EV_WINDOW; text_displayed: BOOLEAN; text_important: BOOLEAN; toolbar: ARRAYED_LIST [EB_TOOLBARABLE]) -- Reload the dialog box with available buttons found in `toolbar' -- and set `is_text_displayed' to `text_displayed'. -- `toolbar' is a list of separators and commands that represents both -- * the current aspect of the toolbar -- * the pool of controls available do is_text_displayed := text_displayed is_text_important := text_important fill_lists (toolbar) if text_displayed then text_combo.first.enable_select elseif text_important then text_combo.start text_combo.forth text_combo.item.enable_select else text_combo.last.enable_select end -- if valid_data := False set_width (w_width) set_height (w_height) show_modal_to_window (a_parent) end feature -- Result valid_data: BOOLEAN -- Is the content of `is_text_displayed' and `final_toolbar' up-to-date? -- (which might not be the case if the user clicked Cancel) is_text_displayed: BOOLEAN -- Should text be printed next to toolbar buttons? is_text_important: BOOLEAN -- Should only important text be displayed? final_toolbar: ARRAYED_LIST [EB_TOOLBARABLE] -- list containing the buttons to be displayed and then the ones in the pool feature {NONE} -- Graphical interface pool_list: EB_CUSTOM_TOOLBAR_LIST -- EV_LIST -- list containing the whole pool of buttons (+ a separator at the beginning) current_list: EB_CUSTOM_TOOLBAR_LIST -- EV_LIST -- list containing the buttons and the separators to be displayed add_button: EV_BUTTON -- button labeled "Add" remove_button: EV_BUTTON -- button labeled "Remove" up_button: EV_BUTTON -- button labeled "Up" down_button: EV_BUTTON -- button labeled "Down" ok_button: EV_BUTTON -- button labeled "Ok" cancel_button: EV_BUTTON -- button labeled "Cancel" text_combo: EV_COMBO_BOX -- box to select whether text is displayed on the right of buttons -- or not. w_height: INTEGER -- current height of the window. -- -- Useful only because Vision2 currently does not remember the size -- of the window after a hide/show. w_width: INTEGER -- current width of the window. -- -- Useful only because Vision2 currently does not remember the size -- of the window after a hide/show. feature {NONE} -- Button actions generate_toolbar -- Generate a "toolbar" in `final_toolbar' from the user input -- and set `is_text_displayed'. local cur: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM do is_text_important := text_combo.text.is_equal (Interface_names.l_Put_text_right_text) is_text_displayed := text_combo.text.is_equal (Interface_names.l_Show_all_text) final_toolbar.wipe_out from current_list.start until current_list.after loop -- Copy the content of current_list to final_toolbar. cur := current_list.customizable_item if attached {EB_TOOLBARABLE_COMMAND} as cmd then cmd.enable_displayed final_toolbar.extend (cmd) else final_toolbar.extend ( end current_list.forth end from pool_list.start pool_list.forth -- To avoid copying the initial Separator. until pool_list.after loop -- Copy the content of pool_list to final_toolbar. cur := pool_list.customizable_item if attached {EB_TOOLBARABLE_COMMAND} as cmd then cmd.disable_displayed final_toolbar.extend (cmd) else final_toolbar.extend ( end pool_list.forth end valid_data := True end exit -- Hide the current window do w_width := width w_height := height destroy end add_to_displayed -- Move the currently selected button from the pool to the displayed buttons local sel: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM sel2: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM do sel := pool_list.customizable_selected_item if sel /= Void then if not sel.is_separator then pool_list.start pool_list.prune (sel) else create sel.make (create {EB_TOOLBARABLE_SEPARATOR}) set_up_events (sel) end -- if sel2 := current_list.customizable_selected_item if sel2 /= Void then current_list.start (sel2) current_list.put_right (sel) else current_list.put_front (sel) end -- if sel.enable_select end -- if end remove_from_displayed -- Move the currently selected button from the pool to the displayed buttons local sel: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM sel2: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM do sel := current_list.customizable_selected_item if sel /= Void then current_list.start current_list.prune (sel) if (not sel.is_separator) then sel2 := pool_list.customizable_selected_item if sel2 /= Void then pool_list.start (sel2) pool_list.put_right (sel) else pool_list.extend (sel) end -- if sel.enable_select end -- if end -- if end move_up -- Move the currently selected button one position up in `current_list' local sel: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM do moving := True sel := current_list.customizable_selected_item if sel /= Void then current_list.start (sel) if not current_list.isfirst then current_list.remove current_list.back current_list.put_left (sel) sel.enable_select end end moving := False end move_down -- Move the currently selected button one position down in `current_list' local sel: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM do moving := True sel := current_list.customizable_selected_item if sel /= Void then current_list.start (sel) if not current_list.islast then current_list.remove current_list.put_right (sel) sel.enable_select end end moving := False end feature {NONE} -- Actions performed by agents like graying buttons moving: BOOLEAN -- flag set when moving an item up or down to avoid graying buttons unnecessarily on_pool_select -- Called when the user clicks the pool list do if (not add_button.is_sensitive) then add_button.enable_sensitive end end on_pool_deselect -- Called when the user deselects an item of the pool list do if add_button.is_sensitive then add_button.disable_sensitive end end on_current_select -- Called when the user clicks the current list do if (not remove_button.is_sensitive) then remove_button.enable_sensitive up_button.enable_sensitive down_button.enable_sensitive end end on_current_deselect -- Called when the user deselects an item of the current list do if (not moving) and then remove_button.is_sensitive then remove_button.disable_sensitive up_button.disable_sensitive down_button.disable_sensitive end end move_to_pool_list (an_item: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM) do if an_item.parent /= Void then if not an_item.is_separator then an_item.parent.start an_item.parent.prune (an_item) pool_list.extend (an_item) elseif (not an_item.custom_parent.is_a_pool_list) then an_item.parent.start an_item.parent.prune (an_item) end end end move_to_current_list (an_item: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM) do if an_item.parent /= Void then if (not an_item.is_separator) or else (not an_item.custom_parent.is_a_pool_list) then an_item.parent.start an_item.parent.prune (an_item) current_list.extend (an_item) else current_list.extend (create {EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM}.make (create {EB_TOOLBARABLE_SEPARATOR})) set_up_events (an_item) end end end mouse_move (li: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM; xi, yi, b: INTEGER; xf, yf, p: DOUBLE; ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Move `li' to the other list. --| Assumption: `li' is selected. do if li.custom_parent = current_list then remove_from_displayed else add_to_displayed end end feature {NONE} -- Internal data set_up_events (it: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM) -- Set up the double_click actions and the drop actions of `it'. require valid_it: it /= Void do it.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent mouse_move (it, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) it.drop_actions.extend (agent drop2 (?, it)) end drop2 (src, dst: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM) -- `src' was dropped onto `dst'. -- Set up events for `src' if it is a newly created separator. (Eww how ugly...) do if src.is_separator and then src.custom_parent /= Void and then src.custom_parent.is_a_pool_list and then not dst.custom_parent.is_a_pool_list then -- `dst' must have added a new separator after itself. dst.parent.start (dst) dst.parent.forth if attached {EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM} dst.parent.item as conv_cust then set_up_events (conv_cust) end end end fill_lists (toolbar: ARRAYED_LIST[EB_TOOLBARABLE]) -- Fill in `pool_list' and `current_list' with the pool and the toolbar require toolbar_non_void: toolbar /= Void local n: EB_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM do pool_list.wipe_out current_list.wipe_out create n.make (create {EB_TOOLBARABLE_SEPARATOR}) n.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent mouse_move (n, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) pool_list.extend (n) from toolbar.start until toolbar.after loop create n.make (toolbar.item) set_up_events (n) if n.is_separator then current_list.extend (n) elseif attached {EB_TOOLBARABLE_COMMAND} toolbar.item as nc then if nc.is_displayed then current_list.extend (n) else pool_list.extend (n) end end toolbar.forth end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-20016, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end