note description : "Dialog to handle exception handling ..." status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_DIALOG inherit ES_DIALOG ES_SHARED_PROMPT_PROVIDER export {NONE} all end SHARED_DEBUGGER_MANAGER export {NONE} all end DEBUGGER_COMPILER_UTILITIES export {NONE} all end create make convert dialog: {EV_DIALOG} feature {NONE} -- User interface initialization build_dialog_interface (a_container: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) -- Builds the dialog's user interface. -- -- `a_container': The dialog's container where the user interface elements should be extended local f: EV_FRAME hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX do --| Checkbox frame create f create vb vb.set_padding ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.vertical_padding) vb.set_border_width ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.frame_border) create disable_catcall_console_warning_checkbox.make_with_text (interface_names.b_Disable_catcall_console_warnings) extend_non_expandable_to (vb, disable_catcall_console_warning_checkbox) create disable_catcall_debugger_warning_checkbox.make_with_text (interface_names.b_Disable_catcall_debugger_warnings) extend_non_expandable_to (vb, disable_catcall_debugger_warning_checkbox) create hb hb.set_padding ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.horizontal_padding) create handling_checkbox.make_with_text (interface_names.b_Filter_exceptions_question) create button_ignore_external_exception.make_with_text (interface_names.b_Ignore_external_exception) button_ignore_external_exception.select_actions.extend (agent ignore_external_exception) button_ignore_external_exception.disable_sensitive extend_non_expandable_to (hb, handling_checkbox) extend_expandable_to (hb, create {EV_CELL}) extend_non_expandable_to (hb, button_ignore_external_exception) extend_non_expandable_to (vb, hb) f.extend (vb) extend_non_expandable_to (a_container, f) --| Main frame create main_frame create grid grid.hide_header grid.set_minimum_size (150, 250) grid.set_column_count_to (2) grid.enable_single_row_selection grid.column (1).set_title ("Action") grid.column (2).set_title ("Name") grid.column (1).set_width (60) grid.column (2).set_width (400) grid.enable_last_column_use_all_width grid.row_select_actions.extend (agent row_selected) grid.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent row_deselected) grid.key_press_actions.extend (agent (akey: EV_KEY) do if akey.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_delete then on_del end end) create hb hb.set_padding ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.horizontal_padding) extend_non_expandable_to (hb, create {EV_LABEL}.make_with_text ("Pattern")) create tf_pattern extend_expandable_to (hb, tf_pattern) create button_add.make_with_text ("Add") create button_del.make_with_text ("Remove") extend_non_expandable_to (hb, button_add) extend_non_expandable_to (hb, button_del) create vb vb.set_padding ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.vertical_padding) vb.set_border_width ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.frame_border) extend_expandable_to (vb, grid) extend_non_expandable_to (vb, hb) main_frame.extend (vb) extend_expandable_to (a_container, main_frame) button_add.select_actions.extend (agent on_add) button_del.select_actions.extend (agent on_del) handling_checkbox.select_actions.extend (agent on_handling_changed) button_close := dialog_window_buttons.item (dialog_buttons.cancel_button) set_button_text (dialog_buttons.ok_button, interface_names.b_ok) set_button_text (dialog_buttons.cancel_button, interface_names.b_cancel) set_button_action_before_close (dialog_buttons.ok_button, agent on_apply) set_button_action_before_close (dialog_buttons.cancel_button, agent on_close) end feature -- Properties grid: ES_GRID -- Associated grid exception_handler: DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER -- Associated exception handler feature -- Widgets button_close: EV_BUTTON -- Dialog's button for Close. disable_catcall_console_warning_checkbox: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Button to ignore catcall console warning. disable_catcall_debugger_warning_checkbox: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Button to ignore catcall debugger warning. button_ignore_external_exception: EV_BUTTON -- Button to ignore external exception. button_add, button_del: EV_BUTTON handling_checkbox: EV_CHECK_BUTTON tf_pattern: EV_TEXT_FIELD main_frame: EV_FRAME feature -- Change set_handler (eh: DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER) -- Set Associated exception handler require eh_not_void: eh /= Void do exception_handler := eh update end update -- Update grid require exception_handler_not_void: exception_handler /= Void local lst: detachable LIST [STRING] eh: DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER l_sorter: SORTER [STRING] do eh := exception_handler grid.wipe_out grid.set_row_count_to (0) lst := descendants_type_names (exception_class_c) if lst = Void then create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} lst.make (0) lst.compare_objects end across eh.enabled_handled_exceptions_by_name as e loop if attached e.item as elt then lst.prune_all ( add_row_from_data (elt) end end across eh.disabled_handled_exceptions_by_name as e loop if attached e.item as elt and then not lst.has ( then lst.force ( end end create {QUICK_SORTER [STRING]} l_sorter.make (create {COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR [STRING]}) l_sorter.sort (lst) across lst as c loop add_row_from_data ([{DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_disabled , c.item]) end if exception_handler.enabled then handling_checkbox.enable_select else handling_checkbox.disable_select end if exception_handler.catcall_console_warning_disabled then disable_catcall_console_warning_checkbox.enable_select else disable_catcall_console_warning_checkbox.disable_select end if exception_handler.catcall_debugger_warning_disabled then disable_catcall_debugger_warning_checkbox.enable_select else disable_catcall_debugger_warning_checkbox.disable_select end end add_row_from_data (elt: TUPLE [role: INTEGER; name: STRING]) -- Row associated to `elt'. require elt /= Void local role: INTEGER pat: STRING row: EV_GRID_ROW cell_lab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM cell_combo: EV_GRID_COMBO_ITEM do pat := role := elt.role grid.insert_new_row (grid.row_count + 1) row := grid.row (grid.row_count) row.set_data (pat) create cell_combo cell_combo.set_item_strings (Status_id) cell_combo.set_text (Status_id[role]) cell_combo.activate_actions.extend (agent activate_combo (cell_combo, ?)) cell_combo.deactivate_actions.extend (agent refresh_row (row, Void)) cell_combo.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent (c: EV_GRID_COMBO_ITEM; x, y, button: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: REAL_64; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER_32) do c.activate end (cell_combo, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) row.set_item (1, cell_combo) create cell_lab.make_with_text (pat) row.set_item (2, cell_lab) cell_lab.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent (arow: EV_GRID_ROW; x, y, button: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: REAL_64; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER_32) local r: INTEGER do if arow /= Void and then arow.parent /= Void then r := role_pattern_from_row (arow).role if r = {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_continue then r := {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_stop else r := {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_continue end set_role_on_row (r, arow) end end (row, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ) refresh_row (row, elt) end set_role_on_row (r: INTEGER; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Set role `r' on row `a_row' do if attached a_row and then attached a_row.parent and then attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as lab then lab.set_text (Status_id[r]) refresh_row (a_row, Void) end end refresh_row (a_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW; a_details: like role_pattern_from_row) -- Refresh `a_row' local t: like role_pattern_from_row do if a_row /= Void and then a_row.parent /= Void then t := a_details if t = Void then t := role_pattern_from_row (a_row) end if attached t and then attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as item then if attached Status_pixmaps [t.role] as p then item.set_pixmap (p) else item.remove_pixmap end end end end activate_combo (ci: EV_GRID_COMBO_ITEM; a_dlg: EV_POPUP_WINDOW) -- Activate combo grid item `ci' local t: like {EV_COMBO_BOX}.text cbox: detachable EV_COMBO_BOX found: BOOLEAN do cbox := ci.combo_box if cbox /= Void then t := ci.text cbox.disable_edit from cbox.start until cbox.after or found loop if cbox.item.text.same_string (t) then found := True cbox.item.enable_select end cbox.forth end end end Status_id: ARRAY [STRING] -- Potential status ids once create Result.make_filled ("Disabled", {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_disabled, {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_stop) --| already added during creation. -- Result.put ("Disabled", {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_disabled) Result.put ("Ignore", {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_continue) Result.put ("Catch", {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_stop) end Status_pixmaps: ARRAY [detachable EV_PIXMAP] -- Potential status ids pixmap once create Result.make_filled (Void, {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_disabled, {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_stop) Result.put (Void, {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_disabled) Result.put (stock_pixmaps.debug_run_icon, {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_continue) Result.put (stock_pixmaps.debug_pause_icon, {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.Role_stop) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation row_selected (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do selected_row := r selected_data := if attached {like selected_data} as s then s else Void end tf_pattern.set_text (selected_data) end row_deselected (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do selected_row := Void selected_data := Void end selected_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW selected_data: detachable STRING apply_changes local r: INTEGER t: like role_pattern_from_row do exception_handler.wipe_out if grid.row_count > 1 then from r := 1 until r > grid.row_count loop t := role_pattern_from_row (grid.row (r)) inspect t.role when {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_stop then exception_handler.catch_exception_by_name (t.pattern) when {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_continue then exception_handler.ignore_exception_by_name (t.pattern) else -- case: {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_disabled exception_handler.disable_exception_by_name (t.pattern) end r := r + 1 end end if handling_checkbox.is_selected then exception_handler.enable_exception_handling else exception_handler.disable_exception_handling end debugger_manager.set_catcall_detection_mode (not disable_catcall_console_warning_checkbox.is_selected, not disable_catcall_debugger_warning_checkbox.is_selected) end role_pattern_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): TUPLE [role: INTEGER; pattern: STRING] -- Role,Pattern contained by `a_row' if any require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local l_st: like {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM}.text l_pat: STRING r: INTEGER do if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as cell then l_st := cell.text if l_st.same_string_general (status_id [{DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_stop]) then r := {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_stop elseif l_st.same_string_general (status_id [{DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_continue]) then r := {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_continue elseif l_st.same_string_general (status_id [{DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_disabled]) then r := {DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_disabled end end if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (2) as cell and then attached cell.text as t and then t.is_valid_as_string_8 then l_pat := t.to_string_8 end Result := [r, l_pat] end feature {NONE} -- events ignore_external_exception -- Ignore external exceptions local lst: detachable LIST [STRING] t: like role_pattern_from_row r: INTEGER do lst := exception_handler.external_exception_names if lst /= Void then from r := 1 until r > grid.row_count loop t := role_pattern_from_row (grid.row (r)) if lst.has (t.pattern) then set_role_on_row ({DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_continue, grid.row (r)) lst.prune_all (t.pattern) end r := r + 1 end across lst as c loop add_row_from_data ([{DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_continue, c.item]) end end end on_del local r: INTEGER do if selected_row /= Void and selected_data /= Void and then selected_data.same_string_general (tf_pattern.text) then r := selected_row.index grid.remove_row (r) if grid.row_count > 0 then if r <= grid.row_count then grid.select_row (r) else grid.select_row (grid.row_count) end end end end on_add do add_row_from_data ([{DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER}.role_disabled, tf_pattern.text.to_string_8]) end on_apply -- Called by `select_actions' of `ok_button'. do apply_changes end on_close -- Called by `select_actions' of `cancel_button'. do end on_handling_changed -- Handling data changed do if handling_checkbox.is_selected then main_frame.enable_sensitive grid.set_default_colors button_ignore_external_exception.enable_sensitive else main_frame.disable_sensitive grid.set_background_color ((create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).Color_read_only) grid.set_foreground_color ((create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).Color_3d_shadow ) button_ignore_external_exception.disable_sensitive end end feature {NONE} -- Helpers extend_non_expandable_to (b: EV_BOX; w: EV_WIDGET) -- Extend `w' to `b', and disable expand do extend_to (b, w, False) end extend_expandable_to (b: EV_BOX; w: EV_WIDGET) -- Extend `w' to `b', and disable expand do extend_to (b, w, True) end extend_to (b: EV_BOX; w: EV_WIDGET; is_expandable: BOOLEAN) -- Extend `w' to `b', and keep expand enabled (default) do b.extend (w) if not is_expandable then b.disable_item_expand (w) end end feature -- Access icon: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER -- The dialog's icon do Result := stock_pixmaps.general_dialog_icon_buffer end title: STRING_32 -- The dialog's title do Result := interface_names.m_dbg_exception_handler end buttons: DS_SET [INTEGER] -- Set of button id's for dialog -- Note: Use {ES_DIALOG_BUTTONS} or `dialog_buttons' to determine the id's correspondance. once Result := dialog_buttons.ok_cancel_buttons end default_button: INTEGER -- The dialog's default action button once Result := dialog_buttons.cancel_button end default_cancel_button: INTEGER -- The dialog's default cancel button once Result := dialog_buttons.cancel_button end default_confirm_button: INTEGER -- The dialog's default confirm button once Result := dialog_buttons.ok_button end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end