note description: "Interface for replaying a backup." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class REPLAY_BACKUP_WINDOW inherit ANY EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all end EV_LAYOUT_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_WINDOW_MANAGER export {NONE} all end SYSTEM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_COMPILATION_MODES export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make do build_preferences create backup_controller backup_controller.set_is_ignore_bad_libraries (ignore_bad_libraries_pref.value) build_interface end feature -- Access window: EV_TITLED_WINDOW -- Window holding the backup tool feature {REPLAY_BACKUP_WINDOW} -- Implementation: Access backup_controller: CONF_PARSER_CONTROLLER ignore_missing_library_check: EV_CHECK_BUTTON copy_ecf_file_check: EV_CHECK_BUTTON backup_path_text: EV_PATH_FIELD -- UI for `backup_path_pref'. counter: EV_SPIN_BUTTON -- Value for current iteration in reproducing the backup. reset_button, next_button: EV_BUTTON compilation_info_text: EV_TEXT -- Text of `compilation_info.txt'. files_output: EV_TEXT -- List all files being copied/removed. feature {NONE} -- Preferences ignore_bad_libraries_pref: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE -- Should we ignore missing libraries? backup_path_pref: PATH_PREFERENCE -- Path to BACKUP directory. compilation_counter_pref: INTEGER_PREFERENCE -- Index of compilation being done. copy_ecf_allowed: BOOLEAN -- Should we copy new ecf file over? -- Usually disabled when we have to modify the `config.ecf' file manually because -- something wrong with it. feature {NONE} -- Actions reset_preferences -- Reset preferences to their default value. do ignore_bad_libraries_pref.set_value (True) backup_path_pref.set_value (create {PATH}.make_empty) compilation_counter_pref.set_value (1) refresh_ui end perform_compilation -- Perform compilation for current iteration in backup directory. local l_text: STRING_32 l_dev: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW l_values: like extract_values do -- Take any development window, we simply use it to launch the compilation l_dev := window_manager.a_development_window -- Copy the files of `i-th' compilation to the 1 one which is used for compiling copy_files -- Launch the type of compilation specified in `compilation_info_text_representation'. check l_dev_not_void: l_dev /= Void end l_values := extract_values (counter.value, "Type") if not l_values.is_empty and l_values.count >= 1 then l_text := l_values.first if l_text.is_equal (compilation_modes.precompile_type) or l_text.is_equal (compilation_modes.precompile_finalize_type) then l_dev.precompilation_cmd.execute_and_wait elseif l_text.is_equal (compilation_modes.discover_type) then l_dev.discover_melt_cmd.execute_and_wait elseif l_text.is_equal (compilation_modes.freeze_type) then l_dev.freeze_project_cmd.execute_and_wait elseif l_text.is_equal (compilation_modes.finalize_type) then l_dev.finalize_project_cmd.execute_and_wait else l_dev.melt_project_cmd.execute_and_wait end else l_dev.melt_project_cmd.execute_and_wait end compilation_counter_pref.set_value (counter.value + 1) refresh_ui window.raise end load_text -- Load content of `compilation_info.txt' into `compilation_info_text'. do compilation_info_text.set_text (compilation_info_text_representation (counter.value)) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation build_preferences local l_manager: PREFERENCE_MANAGER l_pref_factory: BASIC_PREFERENCE_FACTORY do create l_pref_factory l_manager := preferences.preferences.new_manager ("BACKUP") ignore_bad_libraries_pref := l_pref_factory.new_boolean_preference_value (l_manager, "BACKUP.ignore_bad_libraries", True) ignore_bad_libraries_pref.set_hidden (True) backup_path_pref := l_pref_factory.new_path_preference_value (l_manager, "BACKUP.path", create {PATH}.make_empty) backup_path_pref.set_hidden (True) compilation_counter_pref := l_pref_factory.new_integer_preference_value (l_manager, "BACKUP.counter", 1) compilation_counter_pref.set_hidden (True) copy_ecf_allowed := True end build_interface local l_vbox1, l_vbox2: EV_VERTICAL_BOX l_frame: EV_FRAME l_hbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX l_label: EV_LABEL do create window.make_with_title ("Replay BACKUP") create l_frame.make_with_text ("Settings") create l_vbox1 l_vbox1.set_border_width (small_border_size) l_vbox1.set_padding_width (small_padding_size) create ignore_missing_library_check.make_with_text ("Ignoring missing libraries") ignore_missing_library_check.select_actions.extend (agent do backup_controller.set_is_ignore_bad_libraries (ignore_missing_library_check.is_selected) ignore_bad_libraries_pref.set_value (ignore_missing_library_check.is_selected) end) l_vbox1.extend (ignore_missing_library_check) l_vbox1.disable_item_expand (ignore_missing_library_check) create copy_ecf_file_check.make_with_text ("Copy new ecf file") copy_ecf_file_check.select_actions.extend (agent do copy_ecf_allowed := copy_ecf_file_check.is_selected end) l_vbox1.extend (copy_ecf_file_check) l_vbox1.disable_item_expand (copy_ecf_file_check) create backup_path_text.make_with_text_and_parent ("Path to BACKUP: ", window) l_vbox1.extend (backup_path_text) l_vbox1.disable_item_expand (backup_path_text) backup_path_text.field.change_actions.extend (agent do backup_path_pref.set_value (backup_path_text.file_path) load_text end) create l_hbox l_hbox.set_padding_width (small_padding_size) create l_label.make_with_text ("Current iteration: ") l_label.align_text_left l_hbox.extend (l_label) l_hbox.disable_item_expand (l_label) create counter.default_create counter.value_range.adapt (1 |..| 10000) counter.change_actions.extend (agent (v: INTEGER) do compilation_counter_pref.set_value (v) -- Update compile button to reflect the current iteration next_button.set_text ("Compile Step #" + compilation_counter_pref.value.out) load_text end) counter.return_actions.extend (agent do compilation_counter_pref.set_value (counter.value) load_text end) l_hbox.extend (counter) l_vbox1.extend (l_hbox) l_vbox1.disable_item_expand (l_hbox) create compilation_info_text compilation_info_text.disable_word_wrapping compilation_info_text.set_minimum_size (600, 150) l_vbox1.extend (compilation_info_text) l_vbox1.disable_item_expand (compilation_info_text) create l_label.make_with_text ("File activity: ") l_label.align_text_left l_vbox1.extend (l_label) l_vbox1.disable_item_expand (l_label) create files_output files_output.disable_word_wrapping files_output.set_minimum_size (600, 300) l_vbox1.extend (files_output) l_frame.extend (l_vbox1) create l_vbox2 l_vbox2.set_border_width (small_border_size) l_vbox2.set_padding_width (small_padding_size) l_vbox2.extend (l_frame) create l_hbox l_hbox.set_padding_width (default_padding_size) l_hbox.extend (create {EV_CELL}) create reset_button.make_with_text_and_action ("Reset", agent reset_preferences) set_default_width_for_button (reset_button) l_hbox.extend (reset_button) l_hbox.disable_item_expand (reset_button) create next_button.make_with_text_and_action ("Compile Step #000000", agent perform_compilation) l_hbox.extend (next_button) set_default_width_for_button (next_button) l_hbox.disable_item_expand (next_button) l_vbox2.extend (l_hbox) l_vbox2.disable_item_expand (l_hbox) window.extend (l_vbox2) window.close_request_actions.extend (agent window.hide) refresh_ui ensure window_set: window /= Void end refresh_ui -- do -- Ignore bad libraries. ignore_missing_library_check.select_actions.block if ignore_bad_libraries_pref.value then ignore_missing_library_check.enable_select else ignore_missing_library_check.disable_select end ignore_missing_library_check.select_actions.resume -- Always bad libraries. if copy_ecf_allowed then copy_ecf_file_check.enable_select else copy_ecf_file_check.disable_select end -- Backup path backup_path_text.field.change_actions.block backup_path_text.set_file_path (backup_path_pref.value) backup_path_text.field.change_actions.resume -- Compilation counter counter.change_actions.block counter.set_value (compilation_counter_pref.value) counter.change_actions.resume -- Update compile button to reflect the current iteration next_button.set_text ("Compile Step #" + compilation_counter_pref.value.out) load_text end backup_path (i: INTEGER): PATH -- Path to thr `i'-th compilation backup. require i_positive: i > 0 do Result := backup_path_text.file_path.extended ("COMP" + i.out) ensure backup_path_not_void: Result /= Void end compilation_info_text_representation (i: INTEGER): STRING_32 -- Text of `compilation_info.txt' file for `i'-th copmpilation. require i_positive: i > 0 local l_path: PATH l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do l_path := backup_path (i).extended (backup_info) create l_file.make_with_path (l_path) if l_file.exists and then l_file.is_readable then l_file.open_read if l_file.readable then l_file.read_stream (l_file.count) Result := l_file.last_string else Result := "Compilation failed and not information was stored." end l_file.close else Result := "File `" + + "' does not exist." end ensure compilation_info_text_representation_not_void: Result /= Void end extract_values (i: INTEGER; a_key: STRING): ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Extract values associated with `a_key' in `compilation_info.txt' for `i'-th compilation. require i_positive: i > 0 a_key_not_void: a_key /= Void local l_text, l_key, l_value: STRING_32 l_pos, l_end_pos: INTEGER do from l_pos := 1 l_key := a_key + ": " l_text := compilation_info_text_representation (i) create Result.make (1) until l_pos = 0 loop l_pos := l_text.substring_index (l_key, l_pos) if l_pos = 1 or else (l_pos > 1 and then l_text.item (l_pos - 1) = '%N') then -- A found key is valid either if it is the first character of `l_text', or if its -- previous character is a newline. l_end_pos := l_text.index_of ('%N', l_pos + 1) l_value := l_text.substring (l_pos + l_key.count, l_end_pos - 1) if not l_value.is_empty then Result.extend (l_value) end l_pos := l_end_pos elseif l_pos /= 0 then -- We found something, but that was not a key, we continue the search -- to the next occurrence. l_pos := l_pos + l_key.count end end ensure extract_values_not_void: Result /= Void end copy_files -- Copy files of `counter.value'-th' compilation over to COMP1. local l_comp_first, l_comp_last, l_file_name: PATH l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_removed_files: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] l_split: LIST [STRING_32] l_class_name, l_cluster_id: STRING_32 do l_comp_first := backup_path (1) l_comp_last := backup_path (counter.value) -- Only copy files if we are at the second compilation or greater. if not l_comp_first.is_equal (l_comp_last) then files_output.remove_text -- Removed files that have actually be removed physically from the system. l_removed_files := extract_values (counter.value, "OVERRIDE_REMOVED") l_removed_files.merge_right (extract_values (counter.value, "REMOVED")) if not l_removed_files.is_empty then files_output.append_text ("Removing:%N") across l_removed_files as f loop l_split := f.item.split (' ') if l_split.count = 3 then -- Compute class being removed l_class_name := l_split.i_th (1).as_lower l_cluster_id := l_split.i_th (2) -- Remove file from COMP1. l_file_name := l_comp_first.extended (l_cluster_id).extended (l_class_name).extended (l_class_name + dot_e) create l_file.make_with_path (l_file_name) if l_file.exists and then l_file.is_writable then files_output.append_text ({STRING_32} " " + + "%N") l_file.delete end end end files_output.append_text ("%N") end -- Copy new files. files_output.append_text ("Copying:%N") smart_recursive_copy (l_comp_last, l_comp_first) end end smart_recursive_copy (a_source, a_dest: PATH) -- Recursively copy files that have changed from `a_source' into `a_dest'. -- If `a_source' directory does not exist or if `a_dest' directory could -- not be created, do nothing. -- If we encounter a `ecf' file, we only copy it if its content has actually changed. require a_source_not_void: a_source /= Void a_dest_not_void: a_dest /= Void local l_source_name, l_dest_name: PATH l_source_file, l_dest_file: RAW_FILE l_dest_dir, l_source_dir: DIRECTORY l_ecf: STRING_32 l_copy_content: BOOLEAN do create l_source_dir.make_with_path (a_source) if l_source_dir.exists then create l_dest_dir.make_with_path (a_dest) create l_dest_file.make_with_path (a_dest) if not l_dest_dir.exists and then not l_dest_file.exists then -- Create destination if it does not exist. l_dest_dir.create_dir end from l_source_dir.open_read l_source_dir.start l_source_dir.readentry until l_source_dir.last_entry_32 = Void loop if not l_source_dir.last_entry_32.same_string ({STRING_32} ".") and not l_source_dir.last_entry_32.same_string ({STRING_32} "..") then l_source_name := a_source.extended (l_source_dir.last_entry_32) l_dest_name := a_dest.extended (l_source_dir.last_entry_32) create l_source_file.make_with_path (l_source_name) if l_source_file.exists and then l_source_file.is_directory then -- Recursive copy. smart_recursive_copy (l_source_name, l_dest_name) else create l_dest_file.make_with_path (l_dest_name) -- Check for ecf files. l_ecf := l_ecf.keep_tail (4) if l_ecf.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (".ecf") and then l_dest_file.exists then l_source_file.open_read l_source_file.read_stream (l_source_file.count) l_source_file.close l_dest_file.open_read l_dest_file.read_stream (l_dest_file.count) l_dest_file.close l_copy_content := not l_source_file.last_string.is_equal (l_dest_file.last_string) and copy_ecf_allowed else l_copy_content := True end if l_copy_content then l_source_file.open_read l_dest_file.open_write l_source_file.copy_to (l_dest_file) l_source_file.close l_dest_file.close files_output.append_text ({STRING_32} " " + + {STRING_32} "%N") end end end l_source_dir.readentry end end end invariant -- UI window_not_void: window /= Void ignore_missing_library_check_not_void: ignore_missing_library_check /= Void copy_ecf_file_check_not_void: copy_ecf_file_check /= Void backup_path_text_not_void: backup_path_text /= Void compilation_info_text_not_void: compilation_info_text /= Void counter_not_void: counter /= Void reset_button_not_void: reset_button /= Void next_button_not_void: next_button /= Void files_output_not_void: files_output /= Void ui_valid: not window.is_destroyed and not ignore_missing_library_check.is_destroyed and not copy_ecf_file_check.is_destroyed and not backup_path_text.is_destroyed and not compilation_info_text.is_destroyed and not counter.is_destroyed and not reset_button.is_destroyed and not next_button.is_destroyed and not files_output.is_destroyed -- Preferences backup_controller_not_void: backup_controller /= Void ignore_bad_libraries_pref_not_void: ignore_bad_libraries_pref /= Void backup_path_pref_not_void: backup_path_pref /= Void compilation_counter_pref_not_void: compilation_counter_pref /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end