note description: "Main abstract class for Graphic mode in EiffelStudio." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class ES_ABSTRACT_GRAPHIC inherit EB_SHARED_INTERFACE_TOOLS SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE export {NONE} all end SHARED_ES_CLOUD_SERVICE export {NONE} all end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION export {NONE} all end ES_ARGUMENTS EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all end EXCEPTIONS export {NONE} all end SHARED_CONFIGURE_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SYSTEM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_FORMAT_INFO export {NONE} all end SHARED_EIFFEL_EDITION EIFFEL_EDITION PREFERENCES_VERSIONS feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do set_eiffel_edition (Current) end initialize_services -- Initializes graphical services. do if attached (create {SERVICE_CONSUMER [SERVICE_CONTAINER_S]}).service as s then service_initializer.add_core_services (s) end -- Initialize prompts. set_prompts (create {EB_PROMPT_PROVIDER}) end compiler_initialization -- Various initialization of the compiler local l_compiler_setting: SETTABLE_COMPILER_OBJECTS l_layout: ES_EIFFEL_LAYOUT pref_strs: PREFERENCE_CONSTANTS new_resources: TTY_RESOURCES preference_access: PREFERENCES l_studio_preferences: EB_PREFERENCES do -- Check that environment variables -- are properly set. check not_is_eiffel_layout_defined: is_eiffel_layout_defined implies eiffel_layout.generating_type ~ {ES_EIFFEL_LAYOUT} end create l_layout set_eiffel_layout (l_layout) l_layout.check_environment_variable create l_compiler_setting l_compiler_setting.set_command_executor (create {EB_COMMAND_EXECUTOR}) --| Initialization of the run-time, so that at the end of a store/retrieve --| operation (like retrieving or storing the project, creating the CASEGEN --| directory, generating the profile information, ...) the run-time is initialized --| back to the values which permits the compiler to access correctly the EIFGEN --| directory ;(create {INIT_SERVERS}.make).do_nothing -- Initialization of compiler resources create new_resources.initialize --| Initialization of global resources. create pref_strs -- Initialize pixmaps pref_strs.Pixmaps_extension_cell.put ("png") pref_strs.Pixmaps_path_cell.put (eiffel_layout.bitmaps_path.extended ("png")) if not new_resources.error_occurred then -- One has to quit there. end -- Initialization of compiler resources. create preference_access.make_with_defaults_and_location_and_version ( <>, eiffel_layout.eiffel_preferences, version_2_0) create l_studio_preferences.make (preference_access, True, True) l_compiler_setting.set_preferences (l_studio_preferences) -- Create and setup the output manager / Error displayer set_external_output_manager (create {EB_EXTERNAL_OUTPUT_MANAGER}) -- Set the error display for graphical output eiffel_project.set_error_displayer (create_error_displayer) -- Create and setup the degree output window. if not preferences.development_window_data.graphical_output_disabled then Eiffel_project.set_degree_output (create {ES_GRAPHICAL_DEGREE_OUTPUT}) end -- Create and setup the recent projects manager set_recent_projects_manager (create {EB_RECENT_PROJECTS_MANAGER}.make) -- Formatting includes breakpoints set_is_with_breakable -- Initialize compiler encoding converter. ;(create {SHARED_ENCODING_CONVERTER}).set_encoding_converter (create {EC_ENCODING_CONVERTER}.make) -- Install code analyzer processor for obsolete calls. ;(create {CA_CODE_ANALYZER}.make).install_obsolete_call_processor ensure eiffel_layout_not_void: eiffel_layout /= Void end initialize_cloud -- Initialization for the account system. local ctlr: ES_CLOUD_CONTROLLER do create ctlr.make if attached ctlr.es_cloud_s.service as s then s.register_observer (ctlr) s.set_eiffel_edition (Current) end end initialize_debugger -- Various initialization of the debugger do (create {EB_DEBUGGER_MANAGER}.make).register end initialize_notifications do -- Add global notifications if needed here. -- if attached notification_s.service as l_notif_service then -- -- end end feature -- Edition access edition_name: STRING deferred end is_standard_edition: BOOLEAN -- Is Standard edition? do Result := edition_name.is_whitespace end is_enterprise_edition: BOOLEAN -- Is Enterprise edition? do Result := edition_name.is_case_insensitive_equal ("enterprise") end is_branded_edition: BOOLEAN do Result := not (is_standard_edition or is_enterprise_edition) end feature {NONE} -- Access service_initializer: SERVICE_INITIALIZER -- Initializer used to register all services. local t: like {REFLECTOR}.dynamic_type_from_string once t := {REFLECTOR}.dynamic_type_from_string ("ES_SERVICE_INITIALIZER_EXTENSION") if t >= 0 and then not {REFLECTOR}.type_of_type (t).is_deferred and then attached {ES_SERVICE_INITIALIZER} {REFLECTOR}.new_instance_of (t) as e then Result := e else create {ES_SERVICE_INITIALIZER} Result end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation (preparation of all widgets) prepare (an_app: EV_APPLICATION) -- Build graphical compiler require an_app_not_void: an_app /= Void do initialize_services compiler_initialization initialize_cloud initialize_debugger initialize_notifications -- Create a development window window_manager.create_window -- Initialize the configuration pixmaps ;(create {CONF_GUI_INTERFACE_CONSTANTS}).set_pixmaps (pixmaps.configuration_pixmaps) -- Initialize external command manager incoming_command_manager_cell.put (create {ES_INCOMING_COMMAND_MANAGER}.make (create {ES_COMMAND_RECEIVER_CALLBACKS}.make)) -- Retrive EIS storage when project loaded. -- Put front in case the background visitor has been started in prior agents. eiffel_project.manager.load_agents.put_front (agent eis_manager.retrieve_storage) -- Save EIS storage when project is closed. eiffel_project.manager.close_agents.extend (agent eis_manager.save_storage) launch_interface end launch_interface do if preferences.dialog_data.show_first_launching_dialog then display_first_launching_dialog (agent display_launching_page) else display_launching_page end end feature {NONE} -- Welcome dialog display_launching_page do if is_standard_edition and preferences.dialog_data.show_update_manager_dialog then display_version_updater_check (agent display_startup_page) else display_startup_page end end display_version_updater_check (cb: PROCEDURE) local up_checker: ES_RELEASE_UPDATE_CHECKER do if is_eiffel_layout_defined then create up_checker.make (preferences.misc_data.update_channel, eiffel_layout.eiffel_platform, Compiler_version_number) up_checker.async_check_for_update (agent (a_rel: detachable ES_UPDATE_RELEASE) local m: NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_WITH_ACTIONS do if a_rel /= Void then if attached notification_s.service as s_notif then create m.make ({STRING_32} "Update is available: " + a_rel.filename, "version_check") m.register_action (agent (i_link: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local b: BOOLEAN do b := (create {ES_URI_LAUNCHER}).launch (i_link) end( , "Try it now!") s_notif.notify (m) end ev_application.add_idle_action_kamikaze (agent display_update_manager_dialog (a_rel, Void)) end end(?) ) (Void) else (Void) end end display_startup_page local pg: ES_STARTUP_PAGE first_window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW win: EV_WINDOW do first_window := window_manager.last_created_window check first_window_not_void: first_window /= Void end win := first_window.window pg := (create {ES_STARTUP_PAGE_FACTORY}).startup_page (Current) pg.set_quit_action (agent do (create {EB_EXIT_APPLICATION_COMMAND}).execute_with_confirmation (False) end) pg.set_next_action (agent load_interface) pg.dialog.set_size (first_window.scaled_size (300), first_window.scaled_size (100)) pg.dialog.show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent (i_dlg: EV_DIALOG; i_win: EV_WINDOW) do i_dlg.set_position ( i_win.x_position + (i_win.width - i_dlg.width) // 2, i_win.y_position + (i_win.height - i_dlg.height) // 2 ) end(pg.dialog, win) ) pg.start (win) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: interface loading load_interface -- Start interface according to arguments. local project_index: INTEGER do -- Account manager -- FIXME: find better place. across window_manager.development_windows as ic loop if attached ic.item.show_cloud_account_cmd as l_cmd then l_cmd.refresh end end -- If some more arguments were specified, it means that we either asked to retrieve -- an existing project, or to create one. project_index := index_of_word_option ("config") if project_index /= 0 and argument_count >= project_index + 1 and then attached argument (project_index + 1) as l_config_pathname then load_project_file (l_config_pathname) else -- Show starting dialog, if enabled in prefs. display_starting_dialog_if_enabled end end load_project_file (a_config_pathname: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Load project file from path `a_config_pathname`. require non_blank_config_pathname: a_config_pathname /= Void and then not a_config_pathname.is_whitespace local path_index: INTEGER target_index: INTEGER l_config: PATH l_project_path: detachable PATH l_target: detachable STRING_32 l_loader: EB_GRAPHICAL_PROJECT_LOADER do -- A project was specified. create l_config.make_from_string (a_config_pathname) path_index := index_of_word_option ("project_path") if path_index /= 0 and argument_count >= path_index + 1 then create l_project_path.make_from_string (argument (path_index + 1)) end target_index := index_of_word_option ("target") if target_index /= 0 and argument_count >= target_index + 1 then l_target := argument (target_index + 1) end check window_manager.last_created_window /= Void end create l_loader.make (window_manager.last_created_window.window) if path_index /= 0 then l_loader.set_is_project_location_requested (False) end debug ("to_implement") (create {REFACTORING_HELPER}).to_implement ("Handle (multiple) -config_option values and pass them to project loader.") end -- TODO: why not using the absolute pate? -- l_loader.open_project_file (l_config.absolute_path.canonical_path, l_target, l_project_path, index_of_word_option ("clean") /= 0, Void) l_loader.open_project_file (l_config, l_target, l_project_path, index_of_word_option ("clean") /= 0, Void) if not l_loader.has_error and then not l_loader.is_compilation_requested then if index_of_word_option ("melt") /= 0 then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.melt_project (False) elseif index_of_word_option ("freeze") /= 0 then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.freeze_project (False) elseif index_of_word_option ("finalize") /= 0 then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.finalize_project (False) elseif index_of_word_option ("precompile") /= 0 then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.precompile_project (False) end end end display_starting_dialog_if_enabled -- Display starting dialog, if pref `show_starting_dialog` is enabled. do if preferences.dialog_data.show_starting_dialog then display_starting_dialog end end display_starting_dialog -- Show the starting dialog letting the user choose where -- his project is (or will be). local project_dialog: EB_STARTING_DIALOG first_window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW do first_window := window_manager.last_created_window check first_window_not_void: first_window /= Void end create project_dialog.make_default project_dialog.show_modal_to_window (first_window.window) end display_first_launching_dialog (cb: detachable PROCEDURE [TUPLE]) -- Show the starting dialog , when EiffelStudio is launched for the first time -- And call `cb` when dialog is closed (cancelled or not). local dlg: ES_FIRST_LAUNCHING_DIALOG first_window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW do if is_eiffel_layout_defined and then eiffel_layout.installed_version_names.count > 1 then first_window := window_manager.last_created_window check first_window_not_void: first_window /= Void end create dlg.make (eiffel_layout.version_name) if cb /= Void then dlg.next_actions.extend (cb) end dlg.show_on_active_window elseif cb /= Void then (Void) end end display_update_manager_dialog (a_release: ES_UPDATE_RELEASE; cb: detachable PROCEDURE [TUPLE]) -- Show the starting dialog letting the user choose where -- his project is (or will be). -- And call `cb` when dialog is closed (cancelled or not). local dlg: ES_UPDATE_MANAGER_DIALOG first_window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW do if is_eiffel_layout_defined and then eiffel_layout.installed_version_names.count > 1 then first_window := window_manager.last_created_window check first_window_not_void: first_window /= Void end create dlg.make (a_release) if cb /= Void then dlg.next_actions.extend (cb) end dlg.show_on_active_window elseif cb /= Void then (Void) end end feature {NONE} -- Exception handling handle_exception (a_exception: EXCEPTION) -- Handle the exception `a_exception' do -- Attempt to salvage any open files try_to_save_files -- Attempts to store session data try_to_save_session_data -- Raise exception dialog clean_exit (a_exception.trace) end parent_for_dialog: EV_WINDOW -- Retrieve or create a parent for `show_modal_to_window' local dev_window: EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW do dev_window := Window_manager.last_focused_development_window if dev_window /= Void then Result := dev_window.window else create Result end end try_to_save_files -- In case of a crash, try to make a backup of all edited files. local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if window_manager.has_modified_windows then prompts.show_error_prompt (warning_messages.w_crashed, parent_for_dialog, Void) window_manager.backup_all if window_manager.not_backuped = 0 then prompts.show_info_prompt (warning_messages.w_backup_succeeded, parent_for_dialog, Void) else prompts.show_warning_prompt (warning_messages.w_backup_partial (window_manager.not_backuped), parent_for_dialog, Void) end end else prompts.show_error_prompt (warning_messages.w_backup_failed, parent_for_dialog, Void) end rescue retried := True retry end try_to_save_session_data -- In case of a crash, try to store the session data. local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if attached (create {SERVICE_CONSUMER [SESSION_MANAGER_S]}).service as s and then s.is_interface_usable then -- Stores all session data. s.store_all end else prompts.show_error_prompt (interface_messages.e_save_session_data_failed, parent_for_dialog, Void) end rescue retried := True retry end clean_exit (trace: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Perform clean quit of $EiffelGraphicalCompiler$ local l_dialog: ES_EXCEPTION_DIALOG do create l_dialog.make l_dialog.set_trace (trace) (parent_for_dialog) l_dialog.recycle end feature {NONE} -- Factory create_error_displayer: ERROR_DISPLAYER -- Create a new error displayer, used to display error information in the graphical environment require window_manager_attached: window_manager /= Void do create {ES_ERROR_DISPLAYER} Result.make (window_manager) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end invariant unique_edition: is_standard_edition xor is_enterprise_edition xor is_branded_edition valid_branded_edition: is_branded_edition implies not edition_name.is_whitespace note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2024, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end