note description: "Stone representating a breakable point." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision $" class BREAKABLE_STONE inherit STONE redefine is_storable end EB_SHARED_DEBUGGER_MANAGER SHARED_BENCH_NAMES export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_GRAPHICAL_COMMANDS export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_MANAGERS export {NONE} all end create make, make_from_breakpoint feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (e_feature: E_FEATURE; break_index: INTEGER) require not_feature_i_void: e_feature /= Void valid_index: break_index > 0 do routine := e_feature index := break_index end -- make make_from_breakpoint (a_bp: BREAKPOINT) require bp_not_void: a_bp /= Void bp_valid: a_bp.location.is_valid do make (a_bp.location.routine, a_bp.location.breakable_line_number) end feature -- Properties routine: E_FEATURE -- Associated routine body_index: INTEGER -- Breakpoint index in `routine' do Result := routine.body_index end index: INTEGER -- Breakpoint index in `routine' feature -- Access to_tag_path: STRING_32 -- Tag path representation of Current. -- Group_name.class_name.feature_name.index local bpm: BREAKPOINTS_MANAGER bp: BREAKPOINT do bpm := breakpoints_manager if bpm.is_breakpoint_set (routine, index, False) then bp := bpm.user_breakpoint (routine, index) Result := bp.to_tag_path end end stone_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Cursor associated with Current stone during transport -- when widget at cursor position is compatible with Current stone do Result := Cursors.cur_Setstop end x_stone_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Cursor associated with Current stone during transport -- when widget at cursor position is not compatible with Current stone do Result := Cursors.cur_X_setstop end history_name: STRING_32 -- History name. do Result := locale.translation (e_break_point_in) Result.append_string (routine.name_32) end is_storable: BOOLEAN -- Breakpoint stones are not kept. do Result := False end stone_signature: STRING_32 -- Stone signature do Result := routine.feature_signature_32 end header: STRING_GENERAL -- Header's string. do create {STRING_32} Result.make_from_string_general ("Stop point in ") Result.append (routine.name_32) Result.append (" at line " + index.out) end feature -- Basic operations display_bkpt_menu -- Display a context menu associated with `bkpt', so that -- the user can enable/disable/remove it, or run to cursor. local menu: EV_MENU item: EV_MENU_ITEM cmi: EV_CHECK_MENU_ITEM bpm: BREAKPOINTS_MANAGER bp: BREAKPOINT do bpm := breakpoints_manager if attached bpm.breakpoint_location (routine, index, False) as loc then if bpm.is_user_breakpoint_set_at (loc) then bp := bpm.user_breakpoint_at (loc) end end create menu -- "Enable/Disable" if bp /= Void and then not bp.is_disabled then create item.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Disable_this_bkpt (index)) item.select_actions.extend (agent bpm.disable_user_breakpoint (routine, index)) if not bp.is_enabled then item.disable_sensitive end else create item.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Enable_this_bkpt (index)) item.select_actions.extend (agent bpm.enable_user_breakpoint (routine, index)) end item.select_actions.extend (agent bpm.notify_breakpoints_changes) menu.extend (item) if bp = Void then menu.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create item.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Set_conditional_breakpoint) item.select_actions.extend (agent edit_conditional_breakpoint) menu.extend (item) else -- "Edit" create item.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Edit_this_bkpt) item.select_actions.extend (agent open_breakpoint_dialog) menu.extend (item) menu.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create cmi.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Breakpoint_condition) if bp.has_condition then cmi.enable_select end cmi.select_actions.extend (agent edit_conditional_breakpoint) menu.extend (cmi) --| When hits breakpoint create cmi.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_When_hits) cmi.select_actions.extend (agent edit_when_hits_breakpoint) if bp.has_when_hits_action then cmi.enable_select end menu.extend (cmi) --| Hit count create cmi.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Hit_count_with_value (bp.hits_count)) cmi.select_actions.extend (agent edit_hit_count_breakpoint) if bp.has_hit_count_condition then cmi.enable_select end menu.extend (cmi) end --| Run to this point if attached {EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW} window_manager.last_focused_window as conv_dev then -- `conv_dev = Void' should never happen. menu.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) -- "Run to breakpoint" create item.make_with_text (Interface_names.m_Run_to_this_point) item.select_actions.extend (agent Eb_debugger_manager.set_debugging_window (conv_dev)) item.select_actions.extend (agent (Eb_debugger_manager.debug_run_cmd).process_breakable (Current)) menu.extend (item) end end feature -- operation on breakpoint last_dialogs: LINKED_LIST [ES_BREAKPOINT_DIALOG] -- Opened dialogs -- to avoid the dialog to be destroy on GC cycle. once create Result.make end new_breakpoint_dialog: ES_BREAKPOINT_DIALOG -- New breakpoint dialog. local l_last_dialogs: like last_dialogs l_dlg: ES_BREAKPOINT_DIALOG do --| Do not open two bp dialog for the same breakpoint location --| otherwise we'll end up with conflict if attached breakpoint_location as l_loc then from l_last_dialogs := last_dialogs l_last_dialogs.start until l_last_dialogs.after or Result /= Void loop l_dlg := l_last_dialogs.item if attached l_dlg.associated_breakpoint_location as bp_loc and then bp_loc ~ l_loc then Result := l_dlg end l_last_dialogs.forth end end if Result = Void then create Result.make Result.set_stone (Current) Result.set_is_modal (False) last_dialogs.extend (Result) breakpoints_manager.update_breakpoints_tags_provider Result.register_kamikaze_action (Result.hide_actions, agent last_dialogs.prune_all (Result)) end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end open_breakpoint_dialog -- Open a new breakpoint dialog for Current do new_breakpoint_dialog.show_on_active_window end edit_conditional_breakpoint -- Prompt the user for a condition and create a new breakpoint with that condition at coordinates (`f',`pos'). local dlg: like new_breakpoint_dialog do dlg := new_breakpoint_dialog dlg.show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent dlg.focus_condition_panel) dlg.show_on_active_window end edit_hit_count_breakpoint -- Open new breakpoint dialog and focus the hit_count panel local dlg: like new_breakpoint_dialog do dlg := new_breakpoint_dialog dlg.show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent dlg.focus_hit_count_panel) dlg.show_on_active_window end edit_when_hits_breakpoint -- Open new breakpoint dialog and focus the when_hits panel local dlg: like new_breakpoint_dialog do dlg := new_breakpoint_dialog dlg.show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent dlg.focus_when_hits_panel) dlg.show_on_active_window end feature -- state of breakpoint has_associated_user_breakpoint: BOOLEAN -- Has associated breakpoint? do Result := attached breakpoints_manager as bpm and then attached bpm.breakpoint_location (routine, index, False) as loc and then bpm.is_user_breakpoint_set_at (loc) end breakpoint_location: BREAKPOINT_LOCATION -- Associated BREAKPOINT_LOCATION local bpm: BREAKPOINTS_MANAGER do bpm := breakpoints_manager Result := bpm.breakpoint_location (routine, index, True) ensure Result_attached: Result /= Void end associated_user_breakpoint: detachable BREAKPOINT -- Associated BREAKPOINT if any local bpm: BREAKPOINTS_MANAGER loc: BREAKPOINT_LOCATION do bpm := breakpoints_manager loc := bpm.breakpoint_location (routine, index, False) if bpm.is_user_breakpoint_set_at (loc) then Result := bpm.user_breakpoint_at (loc) end ensure Result_attached_if_has_user_bp: has_associated_user_breakpoint implies Result /= Void end drop_bkpt (a_bp_stone: BREAKABLE_STONE) -- `a_bp' dropped on Current require a_bp_stone_attached: a_bp_stone /= Void do if associated_user_breakpoint = Void then if attached a_bp_stone.associated_user_breakpoint as dropped_bp and then dropped_bp.routine ~ routine then breakpoints_manager.move_breakpoint_to (dropped_bp, breakpoint_location) end else --| Can not drop user bp on existing user bp end end toggle_bkpt -- If the corresponding breakpoint was not set or disabled, enable it. -- If the corresponding breakpoint was already enabled, remove it do smart_toggle_bkpt (False) end smart_toggle_bkpt (is_disabling: BOOLEAN) -- If the corresponding breakpoint was not set or disabled, enable it. -- If the corresponding breakpoint was already enabled, -- remove it or disable it if `is_disabling' local bpm: BREAKPOINTS_MANAGER loc: BREAKPOINT_LOCATION bp: BREAKPOINT do bpm := breakpoints_manager loc := bpm.breakpoint_location (routine, index, True) if bpm.is_user_breakpoint_set_at (loc) then bp := bpm.user_breakpoint_at (loc) if bp.is_enabled then if is_disabling then bpm.disable_breakpoint (bp) else bpm.delete_breakpoint (bp) end else bp.enable end else bp := bpm.new_user_breakpoint (loc) bpm.add_breakpoint (bp) end bpm.notify_breakpoints_changes end feature {NONE} -- Internationalization e_break_point_in: STRING = "Breakpoint in " note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end