note description: "Status bar of development windows." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Xavier Rousselot" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW_STATUS_BAR inherit EB_STATUS_BAR EB_RECYCLABLE EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT export {NONE} all end SHARED_DEBUGGER_MANAGER export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES DEBUGGER_MANAGER_OBSERVER export {NONE} all redefine on_application_exited, on_application_launched, on_application_resumed, on_application_stopped end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION EB_SHARED_INTERFACE_TOOLS SHARED_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. local mg: EB_PROJECT_MANAGER dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER do -- Build all widgets. --copy_icons build_interface dbg := debugger_manager attach_to_debugger (dbg) -- Update the status. mg := eiffel_project.manager if mg.is_created then on_project_created (dbg) if has_modified_classes then on_project_edited end end if mg.is_project_loaded then on_project_loaded (dbg) else on_project_closed (dbg) end -- Handle events. load_agent := agent on_project_loaded (dbg) create_agent := agent on_project_created (dbg) close_agent := agent on_project_closed (dbg) compile_start_agent := agent on_project_compiles compile_stop_agent := agent on_project_compiled mg.create_agents.extend (create_agent) mg.close_agents.extend (close_agent) mg.load_agents.extend (load_agent) mg.compile_start_agents.extend (compile_start_agent) mg.compile_stop_agents.extend (compile_stop_agent) compiling_icon_index := 1 running_icon_index := 1 if attached notification_s.service as l_notif_service then create notification_manager.make (Current) l_notif_service.register_observer (notification_manager) end end build_interface -- Build all widgets and organize them. local vp: EV_VIEWPORT f: EV_FRAME cel: EV_CELL l_icon_size: INTEGER do l_icon_size := {EV_MONITOR_DPI_DETECTOR_IMP}.scaled_size (16) -- Create all widgets. create widget create label black_color := label.foreground_color red_color := preferences.editor_data.error_text_color create progress_bar create project_label create coordinate_label create compilation_icon.make_with_size (l_icon_size, l_icon_size) create debugger_cell create debugger_icon.make_with_size (l_icon_size, l_icon_size) create edition_icon.make_with_size (l_icon_size, l_icon_size) create notifications_icon.make_with_size (l_icon_size, l_icon_size) -- Set widget properties. project_label.align_text_center label.align_text_left -- 4 characters for the line number, 4 for the column number. -- It should be nine with the separator, but it looks too wide then. coordinate_label.set_minimum_width (coordinate_label.font.width * 8) coordinate_label.align_text_center project_label.set_tooltip (Interface_names.e_Project_name) coordinate_label.set_tooltip (Interface_names.e_Cursor_position) debugger_icon.clear notifications_icon.clear create vp vp.extend (label) vp.set_offset (-1, -(l_icon_size - label.height) // 2) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) f.extend (vp) widget.extend (f) create f f.set_minimum_width (100) f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) f.extend (progress_bar) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) f.extend (project_label) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) f.extend (coordinate_label) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) create cel cel.extend (edition_icon) -- 16: Size of the icons. cel.set_minimum_width (l_icon_size) cel.set_minimum_height (l_icon_size) f.extend (cel) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) create cel cel.extend (compilation_icon) -- We cannot set the minimum width on the frame directly because -- the width of the frame includes its border. cel.set_minimum_width (l_icon_size) f.extend (cel) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) create debugger_cell debugger_cell.extend (debugger_icon) debugger_cell.set_minimum_width (l_icon_size) f.extend (debugger_cell) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) if attached notification_s.service as l_notif_service then create f f.set_style ({EV_FRAME_CONSTANTS}.Ev_frame_lowered) create cel notifications_cell := cel cel.extend (notifications_icon) cel.set_minimum_width (l_icon_size) f.extend (cel) widget.extend (f) widget.disable_item_expand (f) end -- Initialize timers. create running_timer.make_with_interval (0) running_timer.actions.extend (agent update_running_icon) create compiling_timer.make_with_interval (0) compiling_timer.actions.extend (agent update_compiling_icon) end feature -- Status setting reset -- Reset status bar. do display_message ("") display_progress_value (0) end display_message (mess: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Display `mess'. do label.set_foreground_color (black_color) label.set_text (mess) label.refresh_now end display_error_message (mess: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Display error message `mess'. do label.set_foreground_color (red_color) label.set_text (mess) label.refresh_now end reset_progress_bar_with_range (a_range: INTEGER_INTERVAL) -- Reset `progress_bar' to use range `a_range'. require a_range_not_void: a_range /= Void do progress_bar.reset_with_range (a_range) end display_progress_value (a_value: INTEGER) -- Display `a_value' in `progress_bar'. do progress_bar.set_value (a_value) end remove_cursor_position -- Do not display any position for the editor cursor. do set_cursor_position (0, 0, 0) coordinate_label.disable_sensitive end set_cursor_position (l, c, v: INTEGER) -- Display a new editor coordinate. require valid_pos: l >= 0 and c >= 0 local s: STRING do create s.make (10) s.append (l.out) s.append_character (':') s.append (c.out) --| FIXME IEK Uncomment when {TEXT_CURSOR}.x_in_visible_characters --| is fixed to update with keyboard navigation. -- if v > c then -- s.append_character ('-') -- s.append (v.out) -- end coordinate_label.set_text (s) coordinate_label.enable_sensitive end on_project_edited -- The project has just been edited. local p: EV_PIXMAP do p := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.view_editor_icon edition_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) edition_icon.clear edition_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, p) edition_icon.set_tooltip (Interface_names.E_edited) end feature {NONE} -- Status setting internal_recycle -- Remove references to `Current', which becomes no longer usable. local mg: EB_PROJECT_MANAGER do Debugger_manager.remove_observer (Current) unattach_from_debugger mg := Eiffel_project.manager mg.create_agents.prune_all (create_agent) mg.load_agents.prune_all (load_agent) mg.close_agents.prune_all (close_agent) mg.compile_start_agents.prune_all (compile_start_agent) mg.compile_stop_agents.prune_all (compile_stop_agent) end feature -- Status report message: STRING_32 -- Return the currently displayed message. do Result := label.text end feature -- Access widget: EV_STATUS_BAR -- Widget representing `Current'. notification_manager: detachable ES_NOTIFICATION_MANAGER feature -- Access current_progress_value: INTEGER -- Current value display by `progress_bar'. do Result := progress_bar.value end current_project_name: STRING_32 -- Current project name local l_name, l_target_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if eiffel_project.initialized then l_target_name := eiffel_ace.lace.target_name if eiffel_project.system_defined then l_name := else l_name := end end if l_name /= Void then if l_name.same_string (l_target_name) then create Result.make_from_string_general (l_name) else create Result.make (l_name.count + 1 + l_target_name.count) Result.append_string_general (l_name) Result.append_character (':') Result.append_string_general (l_target_name) end else Result := interface_names.l_no_project end ensure current_project_name_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {EIFFEL_WORLD, EB_WINDOW_MANAGER, EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW, EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW_DIRECTOR} -- Access label: EV_LABEL -- Label where messages are displayed. -- Directly accessible. progress_bar: EB_PERCENT_PROGRESS_BAR -- Progress bar where completion status is displayed feature {NONE} -- Implementation: widgets red_color, black_color: EV_COLOR -- Color for text of `label'. project_label: EV_LABEL -- Label that gives the name of the current project. coordinate_label: EV_LABEL -- Label that gives the current position in the editor. compilation_icon: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that represents the current compilation status. debugger_icon: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that represents the current debugger status. edition_icon: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that represents the current edition status of the project. debugger_cell: EV_CELL -- Cell that contains the `debugger_icon`. feature {ES_NOTIFICATION_MANAGER} -- Implementation: widgets notifications_icon: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that represents the notification messages. notifications_cell: EV_CELL -- Cell that contains the `notifications_icon`. feature {NONE} -- Implementation: event handling on_application_launched (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The application has just been launched by the debugger. do on_application_resumed (dbg) end on_application_resumed (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The application has been resumed by the debugger. do if debugger_cell.is_empty then debugger_cell.extend (debugger_icon) end debugger_icon.set_tooltip (Interface_names.E_running) if use_animated_icons then update_running_icon running_timer.set_interval (300) else debugger_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) debugger_icon.clear debugger_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.run_animation_anim.item (1)) end end on_application_stopped (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The application has just stopped (paused). local p: EV_PIXMAP do running_timer.set_interval (0) p := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.debug_pause_icon debugger_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) debugger_icon.clear debugger_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, p) debugger_icon.set_tooltip (Interface_names.E_paused) if debugger_cell.is_empty then debugger_cell.extend (debugger_icon) end end on_application_exited (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The application has just terminated (dead). do running_timer.set_interval (0) debugger_cell.prune_all (debugger_icon) end on_project_created (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The project has been created. do set_project_name (current_project_name) on_project_updated on_application_exited (dbg) end on_project_loaded (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The project has been loaded. do if not is_recycled then set_project_name (current_project_name) if has_modified_classes then on_project_edited else on_project_updated end if dbg.application_is_executing then if dbg.application_is_stopped then on_application_stopped (dbg) else on_application_launched (dbg) end else on_application_exited (dbg) end if not eiffel_project.workbench.is_compiling then on_project_compiled (eiffel_project.workbench.compilation_status) end end end on_project_closed (dbg: DEBUGGER_MANAGER) -- The project has been closed. do set_project_name (interface_names.l_no_project) compilation_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) compilation_icon.clear compilation_icon.remove_tooltip edition_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) edition_icon.clear edition_icon.remove_tooltip --| This is probably redundant... on_application_exited (dbg) end on_project_compiles -- The project starts to compile. do compilation_icon.set_tooltip (Interface_names.E_compiling) if use_animated_icons then update_compiling_icon compiling_timer.set_interval (300) else compilation_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) compilation_icon.clear compilation_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.compile_animation_1_icon) end if has_modified_classes then on_project_edited end end on_project_compiled (s: like {WORKBENCH_I}.compilation_status) -- The project has finished compiling. require {WORKBENCH_I}.is_compilation_status (s) local p: EV_PIXMAP do set_project_name (current_project_name) compiling_timer.set_interval (0) inspect s when {WORKBENCH_I}.compilation_status_without_complaint then p := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.compile_success_icon compilation_icon.set_tooltip (interface_names.e_compilation_succeeded) on_project_updated when {WORKBENCH_I}.compilation_status_with_warning then p := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.compile_warning_icon compilation_icon.set_tooltip (interface_names.e_compilation_succeeded_with_warning) on_project_updated else p := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.compile_error_icon compilation_icon.set_tooltip (interface_names.e_compilation_failed) end compilation_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) compilation_icon.clear compilation_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, p) end on_project_updated -- The project has just been updated (the exe corresponds to the class texts). local p: EV_PIXMAP do p := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.view_unmodified_icon edition_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) edition_icon.clear edition_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, p) edition_icon.set_tooltip (Interface_names.E_up_to_date) end close_agent: PROCEDURE -- Agent called when the project is closed. load_agent: PROCEDURE -- Agent called when the project is loaded. create_agent: PROCEDURE -- Agent called when the project is created. compile_start_agent: PROCEDURE -- Agent called when the project is compiled. compile_stop_agent: PROCEDURE [like {WORKBENCH_I}.compilation_status] -- Agent called when the project's compilation is over. feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_project_name (n: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Display `n' as the project name. require valid_name: n /= Void local f: EV_FONT s: STRING_32 w: INTEGER do f := project_label.font create s.make (n.count + 2) s.append_character (' ') s.append_string_general (n) s.append_character (' ') w := f.string_width (s) if w > 200 then s := n.to_string_32 w := f.string_width (s).min (100) end project_label.set_minimum_width (w) project_label.set_text (s) end update_running_icon -- Change the "running" icon to the next pixmap. local l_anim: ARRAY [EV_PIXMAP] do --| We do not check every time that the `use_animated_icons' --| preference is still set. --| 2 reasons: efficiency, consistency (in the other direction --| the preference is only effective at the next run). l_anim := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.run_animation_anim debugger_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) debugger_icon.clear if l_anim.valid_index (running_icon_index) then debugger_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, l_anim.item (running_icon_index)) else check not_possible: False end -- FIXME: Runtime bug or ...? In theory, running_icon_index's value is always between 1 and 5. -- So the index should always valid. But on Linux it's not the case sometimes -- See bug#15209 end running_icon_index := running_icon_index + 1 if running_icon_index > l_anim.count then running_icon_index := 1 end end update_compiling_icon -- Change the "compiling" icon to the next pixmap. local l_anim: ARRAY [EV_PIXMAP] do l_anim := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.compile_animation_anim compilation_icon.set_background_color (debugger_cell.background_color) compilation_icon.clear compilation_icon.draw_pixmap (0, 0, l_anim.item (compiling_icon_index.min (l_anim.count))) compiling_icon_index := compiling_icon_index + 1 -- We use + 2 to ensure there is a small delay before a cycle. -- This is only done on the compilation icon if compiling_icon_index > l_anim.count + 2 then compiling_icon_index := 1 end end use_animated_icons: BOOLEAN -- Should we use animated icons whenever possible? (compiling, running) do Result := preferences.development_window_data.use_animated_icons end running_icon_index: INTEGER -- Index of the currently displayed "running" icon. running_timer: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer that updates the "running" icon. compiling_icon_index: INTEGER -- Index of the currently displayed "compiling" icon. compiling_timer: EV_TIMEOUT; -- Timer that updates the "compiling" icon. invariant compiling_icon_index_positive: compiling_icon_index > 0 running_icon_index_positive: running_icon_index > 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EB_DEVELOPMENT_WINDOW_STATUS_BAR