note description: "[ Abstraction of an control allowing adding, removal and in-place editing of program arguments. ]" comments:"(jfiat) Left commented lines for futur implementation (postponed for now)." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_EXECUTION_PARAMETERS_CONTROL inherit ES_WIDGET [EV_VERTICAL_BOX] redefine on_before_initialize, on_after_initialized end EB_SHARED_INTERFACE_TOOLS SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_DEBUGGER_MANAGER create make convert widget: {EV_WIDGET} feature {NONE} -- Initialization build_widget_interface (a_widget: attached EV_VERTICAL_BOX) -- Builds widget's interface. -- `a_widget': The widget to initialize of build upon. local vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX do create execution_panel a_widget.extend (execution_panel) -- Create all widgets. build_display_profiles_box create vbox vbox.extend (display_profiles_box) execution_panel.extend (vbox) -- Global actions. a_widget.focus_in_actions.extend (agent on_focused) end on_before_initialize -- Use to perform additional creation initializations, before the UI has been created. -- Note: No user interface initialization should be done here! Use `build_dialog_interface' instead do control_in_tool := False end on_after_initialized -- Use to perform additional creation initializations, after the UI has been created. do Precursor update end Layout_constants: EV_LAYOUT_CONSTANTS -- Constants for vision2 layout once --| FIXME: get rid of this feature create Result end control_in_tool: BOOLEAN -- Current control embedded in ES tool ? -- (unused for now) feature -- Interface access set_focus_on_widget -- Set focus on widget do if is_shown then widget.set_focus end end feature {EB_EXECUTION_PARAMETERS_DIALOG} -- Storage load_dbg_options -- Retrieve and initialize the arguments from user options. local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_prof: like profile_from_row dm: DEBUGGER_MANAGER profs: DEBUGGER_PROFILE_MANAGER do --| Reset cached data internal_sorted_environment_variables := Void --| Load data profiles_grid.set_row_count_to (0) --| Default l_row := added_profile_text_row (Void, False) dm := debugger_manager profs := dm.profiles if profs /= Void then --| It is safer to work on a copy to be able to cancel --| changes easily profs := profs.duplication from profs.start until profs.after loop l_row := added_profile_text_row (profs.item_for_iteration, False) profs.forth end l_prof := profs.last_profile if l_prof /= Void then l_row := grid_row_with_profile (l_prof) if l_row = Void then l_row := added_profile_text_row (l_prof, True) else request_select_row (l_row) end if l_row.is_expandable and then not l_row.is_expanded then l_row.expand end else request_select_row (default_profile_row) end if profiles_grid.column_count > 0 then profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (profiles_grid.column (1), False, False) if profiles_grid.column_count > 1 then profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (profiles_grid.column (2), False, False) end end else request_select_row (default_profile_row) end set_changed (Void, False) end store_dbg_options -- Store the current arguments and set current -- arguments for system execution. local profs: DEBUGGER_PROFILE_MANAGER r: INTEGER p: like profile_from_row toprows: LINKED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] lrow: EV_GRID_ROW do --| Find the top rows (containing the profile data) from create toprows.make r := 1 until r > profiles_grid.row_count loop lrow := profiles_grid.row (r) check lrow.parent_row_root = lrow end toprows.extend (lrow) r := r + lrow.subrow_count_recursive + 1 end --| Set profiles profs := debugger_manager.profiles from profs.wipe_out toprows.start until toprows.after loop p := profile_from_row (toprows.item) if p /= Void then profs.add (p) end toprows.forth end p := selected_profile if p = Void then lrow := default_profile_row if lrow /= Void then lrow.enable_select end end profs.set_last_profile (p) debugger_manager.save_profiles_data set_changed (Void, False) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation request_select_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Request `a_row' to be selected do ev_application.add_idle_action_kamikaze (agent process_select_row (a_row)) end process_select_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Select `a_row' do if a_row /= Void and then a_row.parent /= Void then a_row.enable_select end end feature -- Query selected_profile: like profile_from_row local lrow: EV_GRID_ROW do if profiles_grid.row_count > 0 and then profiles_grid.has_selected_row then lrow := profiles_grid.selected_rows.first Result := profile_from_row (lrow) end end default_profile_row: EV_GRID_ROW -- "Default" profile's row. do if profiles_grid.row_count > 0 then Result := profiles_grid.row (1) end end feature {NONE} -- GUI on_focused -- Widget focused in do --| Set focus to a new argument field or to a check box --| to allow arguments if they are not allowed yet. if profiles_grid.is_sensitive then profiles_grid.set_focus end end feature {NONE} -- Display profiles impl build_display_profiles_box local f: EV_FRAME g: ES_GRID l_border_box,vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX but: EV_BUTTON do create display_profiles_box display_profiles_box.set_padding_width ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.vertical_padding) display_profiles_box.set_border_width ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.frame_border) create f.make_with_text (interface_names.t_execution_parameters) create vb f.extend (vb) vb.set_padding_width ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.vertical_padding) -- vb.set_border_width (layout_constants.Small_border_size) --| Buttons create hb vb.extend (hb) vb.disable_item_expand (hb) hb.set_padding_width ({ES_UI_CONSTANTS}.horizontal_padding) create add_button.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.b_add, agent add_new_profile) layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (add_button) add_button.enable_sensitive create remove_button.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.b_remove, agent remove_selected_profile) layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (remove_button) remove_button.disable_sensitive create dup_button.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.b_duplicate, agent duplicate_selected_profile) layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (dup_button) dup_button.disable_sensitive -- if control_in_tool then --| provide a way to "Apply" changes create apply_button.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.b_apply, agent apply_changes) layout_constants.set_default_width_for_button (apply_button) apply_button.disable_sensitive -- end create but but.set_pixmap (mini_stock_pixmaps.toolbar_dropdown_icon) but.select_actions.extend (agent (w: EV_WIDGET) local m: EV_MENU mi: EV_MENU_ITEM mci: EV_CHECK_MENU_ITEM do create m.make_with_text ("...") create mi.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.b_reset, agent reset_changes) if has_changed then mi.enable_sensitive else mi.disable_sensitive end m.extend (mi) m.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create mi.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.m_import_debugger_profiles, agent do_import_from) m.extend (mi) create mi.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.m_export_debugger_profiles, agent do_export_to) m.extend (mi) m.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create mci.make_with_text (interface_names.m_auto_import_debugger_profiles) if auto_import_debugger_profiles_enabled then mci.enable_select end mci.select_actions.extend (agent update_auto_import_debugger_profiles_behavior (mci)) m.extend (mci) create mci.make_with_text (interface_names.m_auto_export_debugger_profiles) if auto_export_debugger_profiles_enabled then mci.enable_select end mci.select_actions.extend (agent update_auto_export_debugger_profiles_behavior (mci)) m.extend (mci) m.show_at (w, 5, 5) end(but) ) hb.extend (add_button) hb.disable_item_expand (add_button) hb.extend (dup_button) hb.disable_item_expand (dup_button) hb.extend (remove_button) hb.disable_item_expand (remove_button) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) if apply_button /= Void then hb.extend (apply_button) hb.disable_item_expand (apply_button) end hb.extend (but) hb.disable_item_expand (but) --| Grid create g profiles_grid := g g.enable_tree g.hide_header g.enable_border g.enable_always_selected g.set_separator_color (Stock_colors.color_3d_face) g.enable_single_row_selection g.enable_default_tree_navigation_behavior (True, True, True, True) g.row_select_actions.extend (agent on_row_selected) g.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent on_row_unselected) g.set_auto_resizing_column (1, True) g.set_auto_resizing_column (2, True) g.pointer_double_press_item_actions.extend (agent on_item_double_clicked) g.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_profiles_grid_key_pressed) g.row_expand_actions.extend (agent (i_row: EV_GRID_ROW) do profiles_grid.request_columns_auto_resizing end) g.row_collapse_actions.extend (agent (i_row: EV_GRID_ROW) do profiles_grid.request_columns_auto_resizing end) create l_border_box l_border_box.set_border_width (1) l_border_box.set_background_color ( l_border_box.extend (profiles_grid) vb.extend (l_border_box) create display_profiles_box display_profiles_box.extend (f) end feature {NONE} -- Factory create_widget: attached EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Creates a new widget, which will be initialized when `build_interface' is called. do create Result end feature {NONE} -- GUI Properties execution_panel: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Frame widget containing argument controls. profiles_grid: ES_GRID -- Current list of profiles. display_profiles_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Widget containing profile settings. add_button, dup_button, remove_button: EV_BUTTON apply_button: EV_BUTTON feature {NONE} -- Grid events on_profiles_grid_key_pressed (a_key: EV_KEY) -- `a_key' has been pressed on `profiles_grid' local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_editable_item: EV_GRID_ITEM c: INTEGER do l_row := profiles_grid.single_selected_row if l_row /= Void then if attached {ES_GRID_ROW_CONTROLLER} as l_ctler then l_ctler.call_key_pressed_action (a_key) elseif l_row.count > 0 then inspect a_key.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_enter then from c := 1 until l_editable_item /= Void or c > l_row.count loop if attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM} l_row.item (c) as gi then l_editable_item := gi elseif attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM} l_row.item (c) as gsi then l_editable_item := gsi end c := c + 1 end if l_editable_item /= Void then l_editable_item.activate end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_numpad_add then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then move_first_selected_row_by (+1) end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_numpad_subtract then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then move_first_selected_row_by (-1) end else end end end end move_first_selected_row_by (offset: INTEGER) -- Move first selected row by `offset' local c: INTEGER d: INTEGER do if attached profiles_grid.grid_selected_top_rows (profiles_grid) as lst then if lst.count > 0 then if attached lst.first as row then d := default_profile_row.index --| Do not move the first row (which is the default profile) if row.index /= d and row.index + offset /= d then c := profiles_grid.grid_move_top_row_node_by (profiles_grid, row.index, offset) if c > 0 then set_changed (Void, True) end profiles_grid.remove_selection row.enable_select end end end end end on_row_selected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- `a_row' has been selected local r: EV_GRID_ROW do if not inside_row_operation and a_row /= Void then set_row_root_as_selected (False, default_profile_row) r := a_row.parent_row_root check r /= Void end if r = a_row then r.set_background_color (profiles_grid.focused_selection_color) r.set_foreground_color (profiles_grid.focused_selection_text_color) end set_row_root_as_selected (True, r) if /= Void then remove_button.enable_sensitive dup_button.enable_sensitive else remove_button.disable_sensitive dup_button.disable_sensitive end end end set_row_root_as_selected (a_is_selected: BOOLEAN; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) require a_row /= Void implies a_row.parent_row_root = a_row do if a_row /= Void and then a_row.count > 0 then if attached {EV_GRID_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as gi then if a_is_selected then gi.set_pixmap (mini_stock_pixmaps.general_next_icon) else gi.remove_pixmap end profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (gi.column, False, False) end end end on_row_unselected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- `a_row' has been unselected local r: EV_GRID_ROW do if not inside_row_operation then remove_button.disable_sensitive dup_button.disable_sensitive if a_row /= Void then r := a_row.parent_row_root if r = a_row then r.set_background_color (profiles_grid.separator_color) r.set_foreground_color (profiles_grid.foreground_color) end if r.count > 0 then if attached {EV_GRID_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM} r.item (1) as gi then gi.remove_pixmap profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (gi.column, False, False) end end end set_row_root_as_selected (True, default_profile_row) end end on_item_double_clicked (ax, ay, ab: INTEGER; gi: EV_GRID_ITEM) -- `gi' has been double clicked do if ab = 1 then if attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM} gi as gei then gei.activate end end end feature -- Status has_changed: BOOLEAN -- Profile data changed ? feature -- Status Setting set_changed (p: like profile_from_row; b: BOOLEAN) -- Notify change do if has_changed /= b then has_changed := b if has_changed then if p /= Void then p.increment_version end if apply_button /= Void then apply_button.enable_sensitive end else if apply_button /= Void then apply_button.disable_sensitive end end end end update -- Update all elements after changes. do load_dbg_options end on_show do if profiles_grid /= Void then if profiles_grid.has_selected_row then profiles_grid.selected_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end feature -- Data change new_profile: like profile_from_row -- New empty profile do create Result.make update_title (Result) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end update_title (p: like new_profile) -- Update profile's title of `p' -- with a new unused name require p_not_void: p /= Void local s32, s: STRING_32 args: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL i: INTEGER do if p.title = Void or else p.title.is_empty then args := p.arguments if not args.is_empty then s32 := args.to_string_32 from i := 1 create s.make_from_string (s32) until profile_named (s) = Void loop s.keep_head (s32.count) s.append_character (' ') s.append_character ('#') s.append_integer (i) i := i + 1 end s32 := s else s32 := interface_names.l_profile from i := 1 create s.make_from_string (s32) until s.count > s32.count and then profile_named (s) = Void loop s.keep_head (s32.count) s.append_character (' ') s.append_character ('#') s.append_integer (i) i := i + 1 end s32 := s end p.set_title (s32) end ensure title_not_empty: p.title /= Void and then not p.title.is_empty end same_string_value (s1, s2: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- is `s1' and `s2' the same text ? do if s1 = Void and s2 = Void then Result := True elseif s1 = Void or s2 = Void then Result := False else --| s1 /= Void and s2 /= Void Result := s1.same_string (s2) end end change_title_on (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; p: like profile_from_row) require v_attached: v /= Void local s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL old_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do old_title := p.title if v.is_empty then s := Void else s := v end p.set_title (s) update_title (p) if not same_string_value (old_title, p.title) then update_title_row_of (p) set_changed (p, True) end end change_wd_on (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; p: like profile_from_row) require v_attached: v /= Void p_attached: p /= Void local s: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL wd: detachable PATH do if v.is_empty then s := Void else s := v end wd := p.working_directory if wd = Void or else not same_string_value (, s) then if s = Void then create wd.make_empty else create wd.make_from_string (s) end p.set_working_directory (wd) update_title_row_of (p) set_changed (p, True) end end change_args_on (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; p: like profile_from_row) require v_attached: v /= Void p_attached: p /= Void local s: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if v.is_empty then s := Void else s := v end if not same_string_value (p.arguments, s) then p.set_arguments (v) -- v is attached update_title_row_of (p) set_changed (p, True) end end change_env_on (v: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32]; p: like profile_from_row) require p /= Void do if v = Void or else v.is_empty then p.set_environment_variables (Void) else p.set_environment_variables (v) end update_title_row_of (p) set_changed (p, True) end update_title_row_of (p: like profile_from_row) local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do l_row := grid_row_with_profile (p) if l_row /= Void then refresh_title_row_text (l_row) end end feature {EB_EXECUTION_PARAMETERS_DIALOG} -- Status change do_import_from -- Import profiles from file ... local dlg: EV_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG do create dlg.make_with_title (interface_names.t_import_debugger_profiles_from_file) if attached debugger_manager.profiles_file_location_suggestion as l_suggested_path then dlg.set_full_file_path (l_suggested_path) end dlg.open_actions.extend (agent (i_dlg: EV_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG) do if attached i_dlg.full_file_path as p then debugger_manager.import_profiles_data_from (p) load_dbg_options end i_dlg.destroy end(dlg)) dlg.show_modal_to_window (window) end do_export_to -- Export profiles to file ... local dlg: EV_FILE_SAVE_DIALOG do create dlg.make_with_title (interface_names.t_export_debugger_profiles_to_file) if attached debugger_manager.profiles_file_location_suggestion as l_suggested_path then dlg.set_full_file_path (l_suggested_path) end dlg.save_actions.extend (agent (i_dlg: EV_FILE_SAVE_DIALOG) do if attached i_dlg.full_file_path as p then debugger_manager.export_profiles_data_to (p) end i_dlg.destroy end(dlg)) dlg.show_modal_to_window (window) end auto_import_debugger_profiles_enabled: BOOLEAN do if attached preferences.debug_tool_data.auto_import_debugger_profiles_enabled_preference as pref then Result := pref.value end end update_auto_import_debugger_profiles_behavior (s: EV_SELECTABLE) do if attached preferences.debug_tool_data.auto_import_debugger_profiles_enabled_preference as pref then pref.set_value (s.is_selected) end end auto_export_debugger_profiles_enabled: BOOLEAN do if attached preferences.debug_tool_data.auto_export_debugger_profiles_enabled_preference as pref then Result := pref.value end end update_auto_export_debugger_profiles_behavior (s: EV_SELECTABLE) do if attached preferences.debug_tool_data.auto_export_debugger_profiles_enabled_preference as pref then pref.set_value (s.is_selected) end end apply_changes -- Apply change, and thus save parameters. require has_changed: has_changed do store_dbg_options ensure not_has_changed: not has_changed end reset_changes -- Reload changes from stored data, and reset any pending change. require has_changed: has_changed do load_dbg_options ensure not_has_changed: not has_changed end validate -- Update the selected profile in user options local sp, p: like profile_from_row l_uuid, k: UUID do if attached debugger_manager.profiles as l_profs then sp := selected_profile if sp = Void then l_profs.set_last_profile (Void) -- Default profile else l_uuid := sp.uuid from l_profs.start until l_profs.after or p /= Void loop k := l_profs.key_for_iteration if k /= Void and then k ~ l_uuid then --| Let's consider it as same profile. p := l_profs.item_for_iteration end l_profs.forth end if p /= Void then l_profs.set_last_profile (p) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Button Actions add_new_profile -- Add a new profile local r: EV_GRID_ROW do profiles_grid.remove_selection r := added_profile_text_row (new_profile, True) if r.is_expandable and then not r.is_expanded then r.expand end end duplicate_selected_profile -- Duplicate selected profile local r: EV_GRID_ROW p: like profile_from_row do r := profiles_grid.single_selected_row profiles_grid.remove_selection if r /= Void then p := profile_from_row (r) if p /= Void then p := p.duplication (True) if p.title = Void then p.set_title (description_from_profile (p)) end p.set_title (interface_names.m_copy_of (p.title)) r := added_profile_text_row (p, True) if r.is_expandable and then not r.is_expanded then r.expand end end end end remove_selected_profile -- Remove selected profile local r: EV_GRID_ROW do r := profiles_grid.single_selected_row if r /= Void then r := r.parent_row_root profiles_grid.remove_row (r.index) end set_changed (Void, True) end profile_named (a_name: STRING_32): like profile_from_row -- Profile named `a_name' if any local r: INTEGER_32 l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do if profiles_grid.row_count > 0 then from r := 1 until r > profiles_grid.row_count or Result /= Void loop l_row := profiles_grid.row (r) Result := profile_from_row (l_row) if Result /= Void and then not same_string_value (a_name, Result.title) then Result := Void end r := r + l_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1 end end end profiles_count: INTEGER -- Number of displayed profiles. local r: INTEGER do if profiles_grid.row_count > 0 then from r := 1 until r > profiles_grid.row_count loop Result := Result + 1 r := r + profiles_grid.row (r).subrow_count_recursive + 1 end end end feature {NONE} -- Queries description_from_profile (a_profile: like profile_from_row): STRING_32 -- String describing `a_profile'. local params: DEBUGGER_EXECUTION_PROFILE do create Result.make (5) if not a_profile.arguments.is_empty then Result.append_character ('%%') Result.append (a_profile.arguments) Result.append_character ('%%') end if not a_profile.working_directory.is_empty then Result.append_character (' ') Result.append (interface_names.l_cwd (params.working_directory)) end if a_profile.environment_variables /= Void and then not a_profile.environment_variables.is_empty then Result.append_character (' ') Result.append_character ('(') Result.append (interface_names.l_variable_count (a_profile.environment_variables.count)) Result.append_character (')') end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Profile actions added_profile_text_row (a_profile: like profile_from_row; is_selected: BOOLEAN): EV_GRID_ROW -- Action to take when user chooses to add a new argument. -- if `store_arguments' is true, store_arguments if any change occurred do if a_profile = Void then Result := profiles_grid.extended_new_row Result.set_data (Void) add_title_to_row (Void, Result) else Result := grid_row_with_profile (a_profile) if Result = Void then Result := profiles_grid.extended_new_row Result.set_data (a_profile) -- Entitled the row `a_row' add_title_to_row (a_profile, Result) Result.expand_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent fill_row_from_embedded_profile (Result)) if is_selected then Result.ensure_visible Result.enable_select profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (profiles_grid.column (1), False, False) end set_changed (a_profile, True) end end end fill_row_from_embedded_profile (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void row_has_embedded_profile: profile_from_row (a_row) /= Void local p: like profile_from_row gi: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM srow: EV_GRID_ROW l_title: STRING_32 l_args: STRING_32 l_wd: PATH l_env: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32] gdi: EV_GRID_DIRECTORY_ITEM gti: EV_GRID_TEXT_ITEM gli: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM ctrler: ES_GRID_ROW_CONTROLLER was_expanded: BOOLEAN s: STRING_32 was_changed: BOOLEAN retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then was_changed := has_changed p := profile_from_row (a_row) l_title := p.title l_wd := p.working_directory l_args := p.arguments l_env := p.environment_variables -- Clean a_row if a_row.subrow_count > 0 then was_expanded := a_row.is_expanded a_row.parent.remove_rows (a_row.index + 1, a_row.index + a_row.subrow_count_recursive) end --| Arguments a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) srow := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) create gi.make_with_text (interface_names.l_arguments) srow.set_item (1, gi) s := l_args if s = Void then create s.make_empty end create gti.make_with_text (s) gti.set_dialog_title (interface_names.l_edit_text) gti.set_ok_button_string (interface_names.b_ok) gti.set_reset_button_string (interface_names.b_reset) gti.set_cancel_button_string (interface_names.b_cancel) gti.disable_multiline_string gti.change_actions.extend (agent (a_prof: like profile_from_row; a_gi: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM) do change_args_on (a_gi.text, a_prof) end (p, gti) ) gi.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent safe_activate_editing (gti, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) srow.set_item (2, gti) --| Working directory a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) srow := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) create gi.make_with_text (interface_names.l_working_directory) srow.set_item (1, gi) if l_wd /= Void and then not l_wd.is_empty then s := else create s.make_empty end create gdi.make_with_text (s) gdi.change_actions.extend (agent (a_prof: like profile_from_row; a_gi: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM) do change_wd_on (a_gi.text, a_prof) end (p, gdi) ) gdi.set_start_path (default_working_path) gi.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent safe_activate_editing (gdi, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) srow.set_item (2, gdi) --| Environment a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) srow := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) create gi.make_with_text (interface_names.l_environment) srow.set_item (1, gi) if l_env /= Void then fill_row_with_environment (srow, l_env) end create gli.make_with_text (interface_names.l_add_a_valuable) gi.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent safe_activate_editing (gli, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) gli.set_tooltip (interface_names.f_add_a_new_variable) gli.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_environment_variables_row_clicked (srow, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) gli.set_font (Operation_font) srow.set_item (2, gli) create ctrler ctrler.set_key_pressed_action (agent (r: EV_GRID_ROW; k: EV_KEY) do if k /= Void then inspect k.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_enter then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then on_environment_variables_row_clicked (r, 0,0,3, 0,0,0,0,0) else on_new_environ_event (r, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end else end end end(srow, ?) ) srow.set_data (ctrler) gli.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent on_new_environ_event (srow, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) if was_expanded and then a_row.is_expandable then a_row.expand end profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (profiles_grid.column (1), False, False) profiles_grid.safe_resize_column_to_content (profiles_grid.column (2), False, False) if not was_changed then set_changed (p, was_changed) end else a_row.parent.remove_row (a_row.index) end rescue retried := True retry end add_title_to_row (p: like profile_from_row; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Add title items to `a_row' for profile `p' require a_row /= Void local l_master_item: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM l_item: EV_GRID_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM do a_row.set_data (p) create l_master_item.make_master (1) l_master_item.set_font (title_font) l_master_item.set_editable_font (Void) l_master_item.set_editable_background_color (profiles_grid.background_color) l_master_item.set_editable_foreground_color (profiles_grid.foreground_color) l_master_item.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_profile_title_clicked (a_row, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) a_row.set_item (1, l_master_item) create l_item.make_span (1) a_row.set_item (2, l_item) a_row.set_background_color (profiles_grid.separator_color) refresh_title_row_text (a_row) if p /= Void then -- DEBUG -- l_master_item.set_tooltip (p.debug_output) a_row.item (1).pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent activate_grid_item (l_master_item, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) l_master_item.deactivate_actions.extend (agent (ia_master_item: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM) do if attached ia_master_item.row as l_row and then attached profile_from_row (l_row) as ia_p then change_title_on (ia_master_item.text, ia_p) end end(l_master_item) ) a_row.item (2).pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent activate_grid_item (l_master_item, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) a_row.ensure_expandable end set_changed (p, True) end refresh_title_row_text (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Refresh `a_row' by recomputing the title's text related to `a_row' require a_row /= Void local p: like profile_from_row s: STRING_32 do p := profile_from_row (a_row) if p = Void then s := interface_names.l_default else s := p.title if s = Void or else s.is_empty then s := description_from_profile (p).as_string_32 end end if attached {EV_GRID_SPAN_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as l_item then l_item.set_text (s) else check False end end end profile_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): detachable DEBUGGER_EXECUTION_PROFILE -- Profile related to `a_row'. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void do if attached {like profile_from_row} as p then Result := p end end grid_row_with_profile (a_profile: like profile_from_row): EV_GRID_ROW -- Grid's row related to `a_profile'. require a_profile_not_void: a_profile /= Void local r: INTEGER p: like profile_from_row do from r := 1 until r > profiles_grid.row_count or Result /= Void loop p := profile_from_row (profiles_grid.row (r)) if p /= Void and then p.is_equal (a_profile) then Result := profiles_grid.row (r) end r := r + 1 end end on_profile_title_clicked (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; ax,ay, abut:INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Profile title row clicked. require a_row /= Void a_row.parent /= Void local m: EV_MENU mi: EV_MENU_ITEM do if abut = 3 and not ev_application.ctrl_pressed and not ev_application.alt_pressed and not ev_application.shift_pressed and attached profile_from_row (a_row) as prof then create m create mi.make_with_text (interface_names.m_update_debugging_profile_title_with_suggestion) mi.select_actions.extend (agent (ia_prof: DEBUGGER_EXECUTION_PROFILE) do if attached ia_prof.title_suggestion as l_title then change_title_on (l_title, ia_prof) end end (prof)) m.extend (mi) end end activate_grid_item (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM; ax,ay, abut:INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) do a_item.activate end feature {NONE} -- Environment queries environment_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32] -- Environment bloc related to `a_row'. require a_row /= Void local p: like profile_from_row do p := profile_from_row (a_row) if p /= Void then Result := p.environment_variables end end environment_variable_name_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): STRING_32 -- Environment variable name related to `a_row'. require a_row /= Void local d: detachable ANY do if attached {ES_GRID_ROW_CONTROLLER} as ctrler then d := else d := end if attached {STRING_32} d as s32 then Result := s32 end end feature {NONE} -- Environment actions fill_row_with_environment (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; env: like environment_from_row) -- Fill `a_row' with environment `env' require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void env_not_void: env /= Void do if a_row.subrow_count > 0 then a_row.parent.remove_rows (a_row.index + 1, a_row.index + a_row.subrow_count_recursive) end if env.count > 0 then from env.start until env.after loop add_env_to_row (a_row, env.key_for_iteration, env.item_for_iteration, 0) env.forth end end end add_env_to_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; k,v: STRING_32; editing_ith: INTEGER) -- Add a new environment variable `k'=`v' to `a_row' -- if `editing_ith' is not 0, edit the `editing_ith' require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void valid_arguments: k /= Void or else (k = Void and v = Void) local srow: EV_GRID_ROW gei: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM gti: EV_GRID_TEXT_ITEM ctrler: ES_GRID_ROW_CONTROLLER do a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) srow := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) create ctrler ctrler.set_data (k) srow.set_data (ctrler) -- VarName item create gei if k /= Void then gei.set_text (k) end -- VarValue item create gti gti.set_dialog_title (interface_names.l_edit_text) gti.set_ok_button_string (interface_names.b_ok) gti.set_reset_button_string (interface_names.b_reset) gti.set_cancel_button_string (interface_names.b_cancel) if v /= Void then gti.set_text (v) elseif k /= Void and then not k.is_empty then if attached execution_env.item (k) as s then gti.set_text (s) end end gti.disable_multiline_string gei.activate_actions.extend (agent add_edition_tab_action_to_item (gti, ?)) gti.activate_actions.extend (agent add_edition_tab_action_to_item (gei, ?)) gei.deactivate_actions.extend (agent change_environment_entry_from_row (srow, False)) gti.change_actions.extend (agent change_environment_entry_from_row (srow, False)) gti.deactivate_actions.extend (agent change_environment_entry_from_row (srow, False)) gei.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_environment_variable_clicked (srow, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) gti.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_environment_variable_clicked (srow, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) srow.set_item (1, gei) srow.set_item (2, gti) refresh_environ_row (srow) ctrler.set_key_pressed_action (agent (a_gei: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM; a_key: EV_KEY) do check a_gei.row /= Void end if a_key /= Void then inspect a_key.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_delete then a_gei.remove_text change_environment_entry_from_row (a_gei.row, True) when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_enter then a_gei.activate else end end end(gei, ?) ) if editing_ith > 0 then if a_row.is_expandable and then not a_row.is_expanded then a_row.expand end srow.ensure_visible srow.parent.remove_selection srow.enable_select if editing_ith = 2 then gti.activate else gei.activate end end set_changed (profile_from_row (a_row), True) end refresh_environ_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Refresh environment variabel row `a_row' items require a_row /= Void and then a_row.item(1) /= Void local old_k, k: STRING_32 sv: STRING_32 do if attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as gei then k := gei.text k.left_adjust k.right_adjust --| Embedded data if attached {ES_GRID_ROW_CONTROLLER} as ctrler then if attached {STRING_32} as s32 then old_k := s32 end ctrler.set_data (k) else check data_is_controller: False end end --| Check if it is "inherited" variable --| And update the graphical look if old_k = Void then --| New environ variable row a_row.set_background_color (Void) gei.remove_pixmap gei.set_tooltip (Void) a_row.set_foreground_color (Void) elseif k /= Void and then k.is_empty then a_row.set_background_color ( gei.set_pixmap (mini_stock_pixmaps.debugger_error_icon) gei.set_tooltip (Void) a_row.set_foreground_color (Void) else if attached Execution_env.item (k) as s then if attached {EV_GRID_TEXT_ITEM} a_row.item (2) as gti then sv := gti.text if s.same_string (sv) then a_row.set_background_color (inherit_color) else a_row.set_background_color (override_color) end end gei.set_pixmap (stock_pixmaps.debugger_object_watched_icon) gei.set_tooltip (interface_names.f_original_value_is (k, s)) else a_row.set_background_color (Void) gei.set_pixmap (stock_pixmaps.debugger_object_watched_disabled_icon) gei.set_tooltip (Void) a_row.set_foreground_color (Void) end end end end on_new_environ_event (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; ax,ay, abut:INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- New environ variable event on a_row require a_row /= Void do add_env_to_row (a_row, Void, Void, 1) --"name_" + (a_row.subrow_count + 1).out, "enter value", True) end on_environment_variables_row_clicked (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; ax,ay, abut:INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) local m: EV_MENU malpha: EV_MENU mi: EV_MENU_ITEM lst: detachable LIST [STRING_32] ch: CHARACTER_32 k: STRING_32 do if abut = 3 then create m.make_with_text (interface_names.m_use_current_environment_variables) create mi.make_with_text (m.text) mi.disable_sensitive m.extend (mi) m.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) lst := sorted_environment_variables if lst /= Void then from lst.start until lst.after loop k := lst.item_for_iteration if ch /= k.item(1) then ch := k.item (1) create malpha.make_with_text (create {STRING_32}.make_filled (ch, 1)) m.extend (malpha) end check malpha /= Void end create mi.make_with_text (k) mi.select_actions.extend (agent add_env_to_row (a_row, k, Void, 2)) malpha.extend (mi) lst.forth end else create mi.make_with_text ("No environment variable!") m.extend (mi) mi.disable_sensitive end if ax + ay /= 0 then else m.show_at (profiles_grid, profiles_grid.width // 3, a_row.virtual_y_position - profiles_grid.virtual_y_position) end end end on_environment_variable_clicked (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; ax,ay, abut:INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Environment variable row is clicked require a_row /= Void a_row.parent /= Void local k: STRING_32 m, mmi: EV_MENU mi: EV_MENU_ITEM cmi: EV_CHECK_MENU_ITEM k_is_unset: BOOLEAN do if abut = 3 and not ev_application.ctrl_pressed and not ev_application.alt_pressed and not ev_application.shift_pressed then -- a_row.enable_select create m.make_with_text (interface_names.m_environment_variables) if attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as gei then k := gei.text if k.is_empty then create mi.make_with_text (interface_names.b_delete_command) mi.select_actions.extend (agent safe_remove_env_row (a_row)) m.extend (mi) else if k.substring (1, 2).same_string ({DEBUGGER_CONTROLLER}.environment_variable_unset_prefix) then k := k.substring (3, k.count) k_is_unset := True end create mmi.make_with_text (k) if attached execution_env.item (k) as s then if attached {EV_GRID_TEXT_ITEM} a_row.item (2) as gti then create mi.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.m_use_current_environment_value, agent gti.set_text (s)) mmi.extend (mi) else check is_text_item: False end end end if k_is_unset then create cmi.make_with_text (interface_names.b_unset_command) cmi.enable_select cmi.select_actions.extend (agent gei.set_text (k)) else create cmi.make_with_text (interface_names.b_unset_command) cmi.select_actions.extend (agent gei.set_text ({DEBUGGER_CONTROLLER}.environment_variable_unset_prefix + k)) end cmi.select_actions.extend (agent change_environment_entry_from_row (gei.row, False)) mmi.extend (cmi) create mi.make_with_text (interface_names.b_delete_command) mi.select_actions.extend (agent safe_remove_env_row (a_row)) mmi.extend (mi) m.extend (mmi) end else check item_1_is_editable: False end end m.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create mi.make_with_text (interface_names.m_add_new_variable) mi.select_actions.extend (agent on_new_environ_event (a_row.parent_row, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) mi.select_actions.extend (agent change_environment_entry_from_row (a_row, True)) m.extend (mi) end end change_environment_entry_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; safe_grid_operation: BOOLEAN) -- Change environment related to `a_row' require a_row_parented: a_row /= Void and then a_row.parent /= Void a_row.item(1) /= Void and a_row.item (2) /= Void local p: like profile_from_row env: like environment_from_row k,v: detachable STRING_32 old_k: detachable STRING_32 c: BOOLEAN do if safe_grid_operation or else not inside_row_operation then old_k := environment_variable_name_from_row (a_row) p := profile_from_row (a_row) check p /= Void end env := p.environment_variables if env = Void then create env.make (3) end --| Get Key if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (1) as gli then k := gli.text k.left_adjust k.right_adjust else check item_1_is_label_item: False end end --| Get Value if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (2) as gli then v := gli.text else check item_1_is_label_item: False end end if k /= Void and then not k.is_empty then if old_k = Void then c := True elseif not k.is_case_insensitive_equal (old_k) then env.remove (old_k) c := True elseif not env.has (old_k) or else not same_string_value (v, env.item (old_k)) then c := True end if c then env.force (v, k) refresh_environ_row (a_row) change_env_on (env, p) end else if old_k /= Void then env.remove (old_k) end refresh_environ_row (a_row) change_env_on (env, p) end end validate_env_row (a_row) end safe_remove_env_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- do if a_row /= Void and a_row.parent /= Void then remove_env_row (a_row) end end remove_env_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Remove environment variable related to `a_row' require a_row /= Void a_row.parent /= Void local k: like environment_variable_name_from_row p: like profile_from_row par: EV_GRID_ROW r, i: INTEGER gi: EV_GRID_ITEM g: EV_GRID do inside_row_operation := True if a_row.parent /= Void then par := a_row.parent_row end k := environment_variable_name_from_row (a_row) p := profile_from_row (a_row) if k /= Void and (p /= Void and then p.environment_variables /= Void) then p.environment_variables.remove (k) end r := a_row.index g := a_row.parent from i := 1 until i > a_row.count loop gi := a_row.item (i) if gi /= Void and then not gi.is_destroyed and then gi.is_parented then gi.deactivate end i := i + 1 end a_row.clear g.remove_row (r) change_env_on (p.environment_variables, p) inside_row_operation := False if r > 1 then g.select_row (r - 1) end end validate_env_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Set `a_row' has error require a_row /= Void a_row.parent /= Void local k: like environment_variable_name_from_row p: like profile_from_row do k := environment_variable_name_from_row (a_row) p := profile_from_row (a_row) if k = Void or else k.is_empty then if k /= Void and p /= Void and then attached p.environment_variables as envs then envs.remove (k) change_env_on (envs, p) end end end feature {NONE} -- Environment implementation internal_sorted_environment_variables: like sorted_environment_variables sorted_environment_variables: LIST [STRING_32] local l_envs: detachable LIST [STRING_32] do l_envs := internal_sorted_environment_variables if l_envs /= Void then Result := l_envs else Result := debugger_manager.sorted_comparable_string32_keys_from (Debugger_manager.environment_variables_table) internal_sorted_environment_variables := Result end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation default_working_path: PATH local d: DIRECTORY do create Result.make_from_string (Eiffel_system.lace.directory_name) create d.make_with_path (Result) if not d.exists then --| If lace.directory_name does not exist, --| let's use the project's location Result := Eiffel_system.project_location.location end end stock_colors: EV_STOCK_COLORS once create Result end execution_env: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT once create Result end title_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) end operation_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_shape ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.shape_italic) end override_color: EV_COLOR -- Background color for values that do override. once create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255, 245, 245) end inherit_color: EV_COLOR -- Background color for values that are inherited. once create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (245, 245, 245) end inside_row_operation: BOOLEAN -- Is inside a grid row operation processing. add_edition_tab_action_to_item (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM; pop: EV_POPUP_WINDOW) local acc: EV_ACCELERATOR do create acc.make_with_key_combination (create {EV_KEY}.make_with_code ({EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab), False, False, False) acc.actions.extend (agent (a_gi: EV_GRID_ITEM) do inside_row_operation := True -- We need to protect the case when `a_gi' has already been deactivated. if not a_gi.is_destroyed and then a_gi.is_parented then a_gi.activate end inside_row_operation := False end (gi) ) pop.accelerators.extend (acc) end safe_activate_editing (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM; a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Activate `gi` if possible. --| Note: this is used to enter editing mode on `gi` when double-clicking on associated label item. do -- We need to protect the case when `gi' has already been deactivated. if a_button = {EV_POINTER_CONSTANTS}.left and then not gi.is_destroyed and then gi.is_parented then gi.activate end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end