note description: "Widget to open an existing project." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_OPEN_PROJECT_WIDGET inherit ANY EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_MANAGERS export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all end EB_FILE_DIALOG_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT export {NONE} all end EB_SHARED_PIXMAPS export {NONE} all end SYSTEM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make (a_window: like parent_window) -- Initialize current using `a_window' as top most parent. require a_window_not_void: a_window /= Void a_window_not_destroyed: not a_window.is_destroyed do parent_window := a_window create {EV_CELL} widget create last_state create post_project_selected_actions build_interface ensure parent_window_set: parent_window = a_window end feature -- Access widget: EV_CONTAINER -- Parent for current widget. parent_window: EV_WINDOW -- Top level window containing `widget'. select_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions being triggered when an item is selected. do Result := post_project_selected_actions ensure select_actions_not_void: Result /= Void end deselect_actions: EV_GRID_ROW_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions being triggered when an item is deselected. do Result := projects_list.row_deselect_actions ensure deselect_actions_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report has_selected_item: BOOLEAN -- Does current has a selected item? do Result := projects_list.has_selected_row end is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Does current contain some existing project? do Result := projects_list.row_count = 0 end has_error: BOOLEAN -- Did we encounter an error while trying to parse a config file? do Result := last_state.has_system_error or last_state.has_missing_target_error end feature -- Status Setting enable_sensitive -- Make object sensitive to user input. do sensitive_container.enable_sensitive edit_project_button.enable_sensitive remove_project_button.enable_sensitive end disable_sensitive -- Make object non-sensitive to user input. do sensitive_container.disable_sensitive edit_project_button.disable_sensitive remove_project_button.disable_sensitive last_selected_row := Void end remove_selection -- Unselect currently selected item if any. do projects_list.remove_selection location_combo.wipe_out clean_button.disable_select remove_user_file.disable_select disable_sensitive end set_focus -- Set focus to `projects_list'. do if not is_empty then projects_list.set_focus end end feature -- Actions open_project -- Open selected project and perform action selected in `action_combo'. require not_has_error: not has_error not_is_empty: not is_empty has_selected_item: has_selected_item local l_loader: EB_GRAPHICAL_PROJECT_LOADER l_project_initialized: BOOLEAN do -- Remove data associated to user file for selected project/target if any. if remove_user_file.is_sensitive and then remove_user_file.is_selected and then attached last_state.options as o then ;(create {USER_OPTIONS_FACTORY}).remove (o, selected_target) end -- Find which project was selected. create l_loader.make (parent_window) l_loader.set_is_project_location_requested (False) l_project_initialized := eiffel_project.initialized if l_project_initialized then l_loader.enable_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested end if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} projects_list.selected_rows.first.item (path_column_index) as l_item then -- Open selected project. l_loader.open_project_file (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_item.text), selected_target, create {PATH}.make_from_string (location_combo.text), clean_button.is_selected, Void) if not l_loader.has_error then -- No error occurred, we can now perform action selected in `action_combo'. -- Note that if `l_project_initialized' is set a new EiffelStudio instance -- will be launched. if action_combo.selected_item = compile_action_item then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.melt_project (l_project_initialized) elseif action_combo.selected_item = freeze_action_item then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.freeze_project (l_project_initialized) elseif action_combo.selected_item = finalize_action_item then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.finalize_project (l_project_initialized) elseif action_combo.selected_item = precompile_action_item then l_loader.set_is_compilation_requested (True) l_loader.precompile_project (l_project_initialized) elseif action_combo.selected_item = open_action_item then if l_project_initialized and l_loader.is_project_ok then -- Open a new EiffelStudio session for sure since current -- system is already initialized. l_loader.open_project (True) end end parent_window.destroy end else check is_grid_label_item: False end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Graphical Access red_color, default_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used for `location_combo' when not valid/valid. location_combo, action_combo: EV_COMBO_BOX -- To choose an action and a location. open_action_item, compile_action_item, freeze_action_item, finalize_action_item, precompile_action_item: EV_LIST_ITEM -- Various possible actions available in `action_combo'. projects_list: ES_GRID -- List containing the last opened projects. add_project_button, edit_project_button, remove_project_button: EV_BUTTON -- Buttons for adding, editing, removing a project entry from list. clean_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check button to recompile a project from scratch. remove_user_file: EV_CHECK_BUTTON -- Check button to remove user file. sensitive_container: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Container which contains all widgets that needs to be made sensitive or not. feature {NONE} -- State information last_clean_state: BOOLEAN -- Selection status of `clean_button'. Needed to restore the proper status -- when changing action between `precompiled_action_item' and other actions. last_state: TUPLE [system: CONF_SYSTEM; options: USER_OPTIONS; target_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; has_system_error: BOOLEAN; has_missing_target_error: BOOLEAN; last_error_message: STRING_32] -- Information about last project we have selected. last_selected_row: EV_GRID_ROW -- Last selected row of control. selected_target: STRING_32 -- Selected target if any, empty string otherwise. do if has_selected_item then if attached {EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM} projects_list.selected_rows.first.item (target_column_index) as l_item then Result := l_item.text end end if Result = Void then create Result.make_empty end ensure selected_target_not_void: Result /= Void end selected_path: STRING_32 -- Path of selected configuration if any, empty string otherwise. do if has_selected_item then if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} projects_list.selected_rows.first.item (path_column_index) as l_item then Result := l_item.text end end if Result = Void then create Result.make_empty end ensure selected_target_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Initialization build_interface -- Build interface for choosing a project. local open_project_vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX l_label: EV_LABEL l_minimum_size: INTEGER l_font: EV_FONT do -- For proper size computation create l_font create open_project_vb open_project_vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Small_border_size) open_project_vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) -- Sensitive container create sensitive_container sensitive_container.set_padding (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) create projects_list create vb vb.set_border_width (1) vb.set_background_color ((create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).black) vb.extend (projects_list) open_project_vb.extend (vb) -- Computing minimum size for buttons so that they have the same size l_minimum_size := 2 * layout_constants.large_border_size + l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_remove_project).max ( l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_add_project_config_file)) + 24 create hb hb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) create add_project_button.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.l_add_project_config_file, agent open_existing_project_not_listed) add_project_button.set_minimum_width (l_minimum_size) add_project_button.align_text_left add_project_button.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_add_icon) hb.extend (add_project_button) hb.disable_item_expand (add_project_button) create edit_project_button.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.l_edit_project, agent edit_selected_project) edit_project_button.set_minimum_width (l_minimum_size) edit_project_button.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.tool_config_icon) edit_project_button.align_text_left projects_list.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do edit_project_button.disable_sensitive end) projects_list.row_select_actions.extend (agent (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do edit_project_button.enable_sensitive end) hb.extend (edit_project_button) hb.disable_item_expand (edit_project_button) create remove_project_button.make_with_text_and_action (Interface_names.l_remove_project, agent remove_project_from_list) remove_project_button.set_minimum_width (l_minimum_size) remove_project_button.set_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_remove_icon) remove_project_button.align_text_left projects_list.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do remove_project_button.disable_sensitive end) projects_list.row_select_actions.extend (agent (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do remove_project_button.enable_sensitive end) hb.extend (remove_project_button) hb.disable_item_expand (remove_project_button) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) open_project_vb.extend (hb) open_project_vb.disable_item_expand (hb) -- Computing minimum size for labels so that combos are left aligned. l_minimum_size := 5 + l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_action_colon).max ( l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_location_colon)) -- Location combobox create hb hb.set_padding (layout_constants.small_padding_size) create l_label.make_with_text (interface_names.l_location_colon) l_label.align_text_left l_label.set_minimum_width (l_minimum_size) hb.extend (l_label) hb.disable_item_expand (l_label) create location_combo default_color := location_combo.foreground_color red_color := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).red location_combo.change_actions.extend (agent on_location_changed) hb.extend (location_combo) sensitive_container.extend (hb) sensitive_container.disable_item_expand (hb) -- Action combobox create hb hb.set_padding (layout_constants.small_padding_size) create l_label.make_with_text (interface_names.l_action_colon) l_label.align_text_left l_label.set_minimum_width (l_minimum_size) hb.extend (l_label) hb.disable_item_expand (l_label) create action_combo action_combo.disable_edit l_font := action_combo.font -- Create items l_minimum_size := l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_open) create open_action_item.make_with_text (interface_names.l_open) open_action_item.set_pixmap (icon_pixmaps.general_open_icon) action_combo.extend (open_action_item) l_minimum_size := l_minimum_size.max (l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_compile)) create compile_action_item.make_with_text (interface_names.l_compile) compile_action_item.set_pixmap (icon_pixmaps.project_melt_icon) action_combo.extend (compile_action_item) l_minimum_size := l_minimum_size.max (l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_freeze)) create freeze_action_item.make_with_text (interface_names.l_freeze) freeze_action_item.set_pixmap (icon_pixmaps.project_freeze_icon) action_combo.extend (freeze_action_item) l_minimum_size := l_minimum_size.max (l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_finalize)) create finalize_action_item.make_with_text (interface_names.l_finalize) finalize_action_item.set_pixmap (icon_pixmaps.project_finalize_icon) action_combo.extend (finalize_action_item) l_minimum_size := l_minimum_size.max (l_font.string_width (interface_names.l_precompile)) create precompile_action_item.make_with_text (interface_names.l_precompile) precompile_action_item.set_pixmap (icon_pixmaps.project_melt_icon) action_combo.extend (precompile_action_item) action_combo.select_actions.extend (agent on_action_selected) action_combo.set_minimum_width (l_minimum_size + action_combo.pixmaps_width + extra_space_in_combo) hb.extend (action_combo) hb.disable_item_expand (action_combo) create clean_button.make_with_text (interface_names.l_clean) clean_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_clean_button_selected) hb.extend (clean_button) hb.disable_item_expand (clean_button) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) sensitive_container.extend (hb) sensitive_container.disable_item_expand (hb) -- Recompile from scratch check box -- Remove user configuration file check box create remove_user_file.make_with_text (Interface_names.l_clean_user_file) sensitive_container.extend (remove_user_file) sensitive_container.disable_item_expand (remove_user_file) open_project_vb.extend (sensitive_container) open_project_vb.disable_item_expand (sensitive_container) widget.extend (open_project_vb) fill_projects_list end fill_projects_list -- Fill `projects_list' with recently open projects. require is_empty: is_empty local lop: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [PATH, READABLE_STRING_32]] p: TUPLE [file: PATH; target: READABLE_STRING_32] project_exist: BOOLEAN i, n: INTEGER l_header: EV_GRID_HEADER f: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] do -- Now initialize grid behavior. projects_list.enable_always_selected projects_list.enable_single_row_selection projects_list.enable_last_column_use_all_width projects_list.enable_row_height_fixed projects_list.set_minimum_height (8 * projects_list.row_height) projects_list.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent on_double_click) projects_list.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent (r: EV_GRID_ROW) do disable_sensitive end) projects_list.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_pressed) lop := recent_projects_manager.recent_projects if not lop.is_empty then from create f.make (0) f.compare_objects lop.start i := 1 n := 1 until lop.after loop p := lop.item if p /= Void and then not p.file.is_empty and then not f.has (p.file) and then is_file_readable (p.file) then project_exist := True f.extend (p.file) insert_new_project (p.file, n) update_project (projects_list.row (n), True, True, False) n := n + 1 i := i + 1 end lop.forth end end if project_exist then ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent do if not projects_list.is_destroyed and then projects_list.row_count > 0 then projects_list.row (1).enable_select end end) else projects_list.insert_new_column (name_column_index) projects_list.insert_new_column (target_column_index) projects_list.insert_new_column (path_column_index) end l_header := projects_list.header l_header.i_th (name_column_index).set_text (interface_names.l_name) l_header.i_th (target_column_index).set_text (interface_names.l_target) l_header.i_th (path_column_index).set_text (interface_names.l_path) if not is_empty then projects_list.column (name_column_index).set_width (5 + projects_list.column (name_column_index).required_width_of_item_span (1, i - 1)) projects_list.column (target_column_index).set_width (5 + projects_list.column (target_column_index).required_width_of_item_span (1, i - 1)) projects_list.column (path_column_index).set_width (5 + projects_list.column (path_column_index).required_width_of_item_span (1, i - 1)) end ensure projects_list_created: projects_list /= Void end insert_new_project (a_project_file: PATH; a_row_index: INTEGER) -- Create an empty new row for `a_project_file' in `projects_list'. require a_project_file_not_void: a_project_file /= Void a_project_file_not_empty: not a_project_file.is_empty a_project_file_exists: is_file_readable (a_project_file) a_row_index_valid: a_row_index > 0 and a_row_index <= projects_list.row_count + 1 local li: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM lc: EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do projects_list.insert_new_row (a_row_index) l_row := projects_list.row (a_row_index) create li l_row.set_item (name_column_index, li) create lc lc.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_choose_target (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, lc)) l_row.set_item (target_column_index, lc) create li.make_with_text ( l_row.set_item (path_column_index, li) l_row.select_actions.extend (agent on_project_selected (l_row)) ensure new_row: projects_list.row_count = old projects_list.row_count + 1 valid_column_count: projects_list.column_count = 3 name_item_not_void: projects_list.item (name_column_index, projects_list.row_count) /= Void target_item_not_void: projects_list.item (target_column_index, projects_list.row_count) /= Void path_item_not_void: projects_list.item (path_column_index, projects_list.row_count) /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation update_project (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; is_initializing, is_new_selection, is_new_action: BOOLEAN) -- Update project associated to `a_row'. -- If `is_initializing', read the last saved options and display them, -- otherwise use the last settings made by user. -- If `is_new_selection', it will force a reread of the configuration and user options. -- If `is_new_action', it will simply update `clean_button'. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void name_item_not_void: a_row.item (name_column_index) /= Void target_item_not_void: a_row.item (target_column_index) /= Void path_item_not_void: a_row.item (path_column_index) /= Void local l_filepath: like {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM}.text l_conf: CONF_LOAD l_project_location: PROJECT_DIRECTORY l_project_file: PROJECT_EIFFEL_FILE l_options: USER_OPTIONS l_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP l_tooltip: READABLE_STRING_32 l_last_location: PATH l_last_target: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_targets: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_force_clean: BOOLEAN do if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (name_column_index) as ln and attached {EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM} a_row.item (target_column_index) as lt and attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_row.item (path_column_index) as lp then l_filepath := lp.text if is_new_selection then create l_conf.make (create {CONF_COMP_FACTORY}) l_conf.retrieve_and_check_configuration (l_filepath) if not l_conf.is_error then last_state.has_system_error := False last_state.system := l_conf.last_system read_user_options (l_conf.last_system.file_name) if not has_error then l_options := last_state.options end else last_state.last_error_message := l_conf.last_error.text last_state.has_system_error := True end -- Reset last chosen target. last_state.target_name := Void else l_options := last_state.options end if last_state.has_system_error then l_pixmap := icon_pixmaps.general_error_icon l_tooltip := last_state.last_error_message else if is_new_selection or is_initializing then if l_options /= Void and then attached as l_options_last_location then l_last_location := l_options_last_location else create l_last_location.make_from_string (last_state.system.file_name) l_last_location := l_last_location.parent end l_targets := available_targets (last_state.system) if l_targets.is_empty then last_state.has_missing_target_error := True else last_state.has_missing_target_error := False if l_options /= Void then l_last_target := l_options.target_name if not l_targets.has (l_last_target) then l_last_target := l_targets.first end else l_last_target := l_targets.first end end else create l_last_location.make_from_string (location_combo.text) l_last_target := selected_target end last_state.target_name := l_last_target if last_state.has_missing_target_error then -- No compilable targets specified. It is an error and we cannot -- compile project. l_pixmap := icon_pixmaps.general_error_icon l_tooltip := warning_messages.w_no_compilable_target else create l_project_location.make (l_last_location, l_last_target) if l_project_location.is_compiled then l_project_file := l_project_location.project_file l_project_file.check_version_number (0) if l_project_file.has_error then l_pixmap := pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_warning_icon l_force_clean := True if not is_initializing and not is_new_action then action_combo.select_actions.block compile_action_item.enable_select action_combo.select_actions.resume end if l_project_file.is_corrupted then l_tooltip := warning_messages.w_project_corrupted ( elseif l_project_file.is_incompatible then l_tooltip := warning_messages.w_project_incompatible (, version_number, l_project_file.project_version_number) else -- We don't really know the cause, we assume it is somewhat corrupted. l_tooltip := warning_messages.w_project_corrupted ( end else if not is_initializing and not is_new_action then action_combo.select_actions.block open_action_item.enable_select action_combo.select_actions.resume end l_pixmap := icon_pixmaps.document_eiffel_project_compiled_icon end else l_force_clean := True if not is_initializing and not is_new_action then action_combo.select_actions.block compile_action_item.enable_select action_combo.select_actions.resume end l_pixmap := icon_pixmaps.document_eiffel_project_icon end if not is_initializing then if l_force_clean or else is_new_action and then action_combo.selected_item = precompile_action_item then last_clean_state := clean_button.is_selected clean_button.select_actions.block clean_button.enable_select clean_button.select_actions.resume clean_button.disable_sensitive else if is_new_selection or not last_clean_state then clean_button.disable_select else clean_button.enable_select end clean_button.enable_sensitive end end end end ln.set_pixmap (l_pixmap) ln.set_tooltip (l_tooltip) lt.set_tooltip (l_tooltip) lp.set_tooltip (l_tooltip) if not last_state.has_system_error then if is_new_selection or is_initializing then ln.set_text ( if not last_state.has_missing_target_error then lt.pointer_button_press_actions.wipe_out lt.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_choose_target (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,lt)) lt.deactivate_actions.wipe_out lt.deactivate_actions.extend (agent on_target_selected (lt.row)) update_targets (lt) a_row.set_foreground_color (default_color) else a_row.set_foreground_color (red_color) end end else ln.set_text (interface_names.l_error) lt.remove_text a_row.set_foreground_color (red_color) end if has_error and not is_initializing then sensitive_container.disable_sensitive end else check ln_not_void: False lt_not_void: False lp_not_void: False end end end update_targets (a_item: EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM) -- Fill `a_item' with targets of `a_config'. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void not_has_error: not has_error local l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_has_target: BOOLEAN do -- Targets in alphabetical order. l_list := available_targets (last_state.system) from l_list.start until l_list.after loop if not l_has_target and then last_state.options /= Void and then l_list.item.is_case_insensitive_equal (last_state.options.target_name) then l_has_target := True a_item.set_text (last_state.options.target_name) end l_list.forth end a_item.set_item_strings (l_list) if not l_has_target and not l_list.is_empty then a_item.set_text (l_list.first) end end available_targets (a_config: CONF_SYSTEM): ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- List of targets of `a_config'. require a_config_not_void: a_config /= Void local l_targets: STRING_TABLE [CONF_TARGET] l_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do -- Order targets in alphabetical order. from l_targets := a_config.compilable_targets create Result.make (l_targets.count) Result.compare_objects l_targets.start until l_targets.after loop Result.extend (l_targets.key_for_iteration) l_targets.forth end create l_sorter.make (create {COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]}) l_sorter.sort (Result) ensure available_targets_not_void: Result /= Void end fill_locations -- Fill `location_combo' with last locations for currently selected target for `last_state.system'. require not_has_error: not has_error local l_item: EV_LIST_ITEM l_eifgens: like {TARGET_USER_OPTIONS}.locations l_target_options: TARGET_USER_OPTIONS u: GOBO_FILE_UTILITIES do location_combo.change_actions.block location_combo.set_foreground_color (default_color) location_combo.wipe_out if last_state.options /= Void then -- Let's get the target options if any. l_target_options := last_state.options.target_of_name (selected_target) end if l_target_options = Void or else l_target_options.locations = Void then -- No target options found, we do as if there were no options yet. create l_item.make_with_text (u.file_directory_path (last_state.system.file_name)) l_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_location_selected) location_combo.extend (l_item) l_item.enable_select else -- Fill combo box. -- Note that the last used location will be selected because -- in USER_OPTIONS, `eifgen = eifgens.first'. from l_eifgens := l_target_options.locations l_eifgens.start until l_eifgens.after loop create l_item.make_with_text ( l_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_location_selected) location_combo.extend (l_item) if location_combo.count = 1 then l_item.enable_select end l_eifgens.forth end end -- Add Browse for new location. create l_item.make_with_text (interface_names.b_browse) l_item.select_actions.extend (agent add_location) location_combo.extend (l_item) location_combo.change_actions.resume end read_user_options (a_file_path: STRING_32) -- Read user data for project of path `a_file_path'. require a_file_path_not_void: a_file_path /= Void local l_factory: USER_OPTIONS_FACTORY do create l_factory l_factory.load (a_file_path) if l_factory.successful then last_state.options := l_factory.last_options else last_state.options := Void end end save_projects_list -- Save current list of projects directly to preferences. local i, nb: INTEGER l_projects: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [PATH, READABLE_STRING_32]] p: TUPLE [PATH, READABLE_STRING_32] t: READABLE_STRING_32 do -- Search first if it is a file which is already in the list. -- If in the list, we simply ensure it is visible and selected. from i := 1 nb := projects_list.row_count create l_projects.make (nb) l_projects.compare_objects until i > nb loop if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} projects_list.row (i).item (path_column_index) as l_item and then attached {EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM} projects_list.row (i).item (target_column_index) as l_target then t := l_target.text if t = Void then t := "" end -- Ensure the type of tuple by using locals. p := [create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_item.text), t] p.compare_objects l_projects.extend (p) else check l_item_attached: False end check l_target_attached: False end end i := i + 1 end recent_projects_manager.save_projects (l_projects) end feature {NONE} -- Actions post_project_selected_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions called post project selected. open_existing_project_not_listed -- Open a non listed existing project local fod: EB_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG do -- User just asked for an open file dialog, -- and we set it on the last opened directory. create fod.make_with_preference (preferences.dialog_data.last_opened_project_directory_preference) fod.set_title (Interface_names.t_select_a_file) set_dialog_filters_and_add_all (fod, {ARRAY [STRING_32]} <>) fod.open_actions.extend (agent file_choice_callback (fod)) fod.show_modal_to_window (parent_window) end edit_selected_project -- Edit selected project. require not_is_empty: not is_empty has_selected_item: has_selected_item local l_fact: CONF_COMP_FACTORY l_load: CONF_LOAD l_system: CONF_SYSTEM l_window: CONFIGURATION_WINDOW l_row: like last_selected_row do create l_fact create l_load.make (l_fact) l_load.retrieve_and_check_configuration (selected_path) if l_load.is_error then (create {ES_SHARED_PROMPT_PROVIDER}).prompts.show_error_prompt (l_load.last_error.text, parent_window, Void) else -- display warnings if l_load.is_warning then (create {ES_SHARED_PROMPT_PROVIDER}).prompts.show_warning_prompt (l_load.last_warning_messages, parent_window, Void) end l_system := l_load.last_system create l_window.make (l_system, l_fact, Void, pixmaps.configuration_pixmaps, agent (preferences.misc_data).external_editor_cli) l_window.set_size (preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_width, preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_height) l_window.set_position (preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_position_x, preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_position_y) l_window.set_split_position (preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_split_position) l_window.show_modal_to_window (parent_window) preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_width_preference.set_value (l_window.width) preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_height_preference.set_value (l_window.height) preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_position_x_preference.set_value (l_window.x_position) preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_position_y_preference.set_value (l_window.y_position) preferences.dialog_data.project_settings_split_position_preference.set_value (l_window.split_position) l_row := last_selected_row last_selected_row := Void on_project_selected (l_row) end end remove_project_from_list -- Remove selected project from `project_lists'. require not_is_empty: not is_empty has_selected_item: has_selected_item local i: INTEGER do i := projects_list.selected_rows.first.index projects_list.remove_row (i) i := i - 1 if i > 0 and i <= projects_list.row_count then -- Select previous row. projects_list.row (i).ensure_visible projects_list.row (i).enable_select elseif i <= 0 and then projects_list.row_count > 0 then -- Select first row. projects_list.row (1).ensure_visible projects_list.row (1).enable_select end save_projects_list if remove_project_button.is_sensitive then remove_project_button.set_focus else add_project_button.set_focus end end file_choice_callback (a_dlg: EB_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG) -- This is a callback from the name chooser. -- We get the project name and then insert it to the list of projects. require a_dlg_not_void: a_dlg /= Void a_dlg_not_destroyed: not a_dlg.is_destroyed local l_filename: PATH l_has_file: BOOLEAN i, nb: INTEGER l_conf: CONF_LOAD do projects_list.remove_selection l_filename := a_dlg.full_file_path -- Try to see if we can load the project. -- If not, it is either an incorrect configuration file create l_conf.make (create {CONF_COMP_FACTORY}) l_conf.retrieve_configuration ( if l_conf.is_error then l_filename := Void end if l_filename /= Void then -- Search first if it is a file which is already in the list. -- If in the list, we simply ensure it is visible and selected. from i := 1 nb := projects_list.row_count until i > nb or l_has_file loop if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} projects_list.row (i).item (path_column_index) as l_item then l_has_file := l_item.text.is_case_insensitive_equal ( if l_has_file then projects_list.row (i).ensure_visible projects_list.row (i).enable_select end else check is_grid_label_item: False end end i := i + 1 end if not l_has_file and then is_file_readable (l_filename) then -- It is not in the list, we insert it at the top of the list -- and show it. insert_new_project (l_filename, 1) update_project (projects_list.row (1), True, True, False) projects_list.row (1).ensure_visible projects_list.row (1).enable_select if not has_error then fill_locations end save_projects_list end end end on_project_selected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Update content with selected project `a_project_path'. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void name_item_not_void: a_row.item (name_column_index) /= Void target_item_not_void: a_row.item (target_column_index) /= Void path_item_not_void: a_row.item (path_column_index) /= Void do enable_sensitive -- Only update content if selection is the same. if last_selected_row /= a_row then last_selected_row := a_row update_project (a_row, False, True, False) if not has_error then fill_locations end end (Void) end on_location_changed -- Perform location validation. local l_dir: DIRECTORY do create l_dir.make_with_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (location_combo.text)) if not l_dir.exists then location_combo.set_foreground_color (red_color) else location_combo.set_foreground_color (default_color) end on_location_selected end on_location_selected -- Update interface when location changed. require has_selected_item: has_selected_item do if not location_combo.text.is_empty and then not selected_target.is_empty then -- Location has changed, we need to clear `clean_button'. clean_button.disable_select -- Then update interface update_project (projects_list.selected_rows.first, False, False, False) end end on_action_selected -- Update interface when action changed. do if not is_empty and has_selected_item then update_project (projects_list.selected_rows.first, False, False, True) end end on_target_selected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Update interface when new target has been selected. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void name_item_not_void: a_row.item (name_column_index) /= Void target_item_not_void: a_row.item (target_column_index) /= Void path_item_not_void: a_row.item (path_column_index) /= Void do if last_state.target_name = Void or else not last_state.target_name.same_string (selected_target) then -- Target has changed, we need to clear `clean_button'. clean_button.disable_select -- Then update interface update_project (a_row, False, False, False) end end on_clean_button_selected -- Remember last state chosen by user. It is necessary to restore the state in case he chose -- `precompile_action_item' and decide to choose something else after. do last_clean_state := clean_button.is_selected end on_choose_target (x, y, b: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: REAL_64; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER_32; a_item: EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM) -- Activate the combo enabling user to choose project's target require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void a_item_not_destroyed: not a_item.is_destroyed do if attached a_item.item_strings as c and then c.upper > c.lower then a_item.activate end end on_double_click (x, y: INTEGER; button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Open currently selected project if valid. local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do if y > projects_list.viewable_y_offset then l_row := projects_list.row_at_virtual_position (y + projects_list.virtual_y_position - projects_list.viewable_y_offset, True) if l_row /= Void and not is_empty and has_selected_item then on_project_selected (projects_list.selected_rows.first) if not has_error then open_project end end end end on_key_pressed (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Action when user press a key in `projects_list'. -- At the moment only handle F4 to enable user to chose a target if more than one is available -- for currently selected project. do if a_key /= Void and then a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_f4 and then not ev_application.alt_pressed and then not ev_application.ctrl_pressed and then not ev_application.shift_pressed and then has_selected_item then if attached {EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM} projects_list.selected_rows.first.item (target_column_index) as l_item then l_item.activate else check is_grid_choice_item: False end end end end add_location -- Add new location to combobox. -- Select a new location. local l_dlg: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG l_item: EV_LIST_ITEM l_dir: PATH l_has_dir: BOOLEAN do create l_dlg l_dlg.show_modal_to_window (parent_window) l_dir := l_dlg.path if not l_dir.is_empty then from location_combo.start until location_combo.after loop if location_combo.item.text.same_string ( then l_has_dir := True location_combo.item.enable_select end location_combo.forth end if not l_has_dir then create l_item.make_with_text ( location_combo.put_front (l_item) l_item.enable_select end else -- Select first item when browse action was cancelled. location_combo.first.enable_select end end feature {NONE} -- Convenience is_file_readable (a_file_name: PATH): BOOLEAN -- Does file of path `a_file_name' exist and is readable? require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty local l_file: RAW_FILE do create l_file.make_with_path (a_file_name) Result := l_file.exists and then l_file.is_readable end name_column_index: INTEGER = 1 target_column_index: INTEGER = 2 path_column_index: INTEGER = 3 -- Index in grid for each column. extra_space_in_combo: INTEGER = 32 -- Extra width in a combo box including dropdown button and space between pixmap and text. invariant last_state_not_void: last_state /= Void parent_window_not_void: parent_window /= Void widget_not_void: widget /= Void projects_list_not_void: projects_list /= Void location_combo_not_void: location_combo /= Void action_combo_not_void: action_combo /= Void remove_user_file_not_void: remove_user_file /= Void clean_button_not_void: clean_button /= Void red_color_not_void: red_color /= Void default_color_not_void: default_color /= Void open_action_item_not_void: open_action_item /= Void compile_action_item_not_void: compile_action_item /= Void freeze_action_item_not_void: freeze_action_item /= Void finalize_action_item_not_void: finalize_action_item /= Void precompile_action_item_not_void: precompile_action_item /= Void add_project_button_not_void: add_project_button /= Void edit_project_button_not_void: edit_project_button /= Void remove_project_button_not_void: remove_project_button /= Void post_project_selected_actions_not_void: post_project_selected_actions /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end