note description: "Guides the user through the options for project documentation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EB_DOCUMENTATION_WIZARD inherit EB_DIALOG redefine initialize end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT undefine default_create, copy end CLASS_FORMAT_CONSTANTS undefine default_create, copy end EB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_WINDOW_MANAGER undefine default_create, copy end EB_VISION2_FACILITIES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_PREFERENCES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_SHARED_ID_SOLUTION export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EB_PIXMAPABLE_ITEM_PIXMAP_FACTORY export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end feature {EV_ANY} -- Initialization initialize -- Set defaults. local vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hsep: EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR do Precursor set_title (interface_names.t_project_documentation) set_icon_pixmap (pixmaps.icon_pixmaps.general_dialog_icon) set_default_settings create vb create button_bar button_bar.extend (create {EV_CELL}) create cancel_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_cancel) cancel_button.select_actions.extend (agent cancel) extend_button (button_bar, cancel_button) create previous_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_arrow_back) previous_button.select_actions.extend (agent previous) extend_button (button_bar, previous_button) create next_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_arrow_next) next_button.select_actions.extend (agent next) extend_button (button_bar, next_button) create finish_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_finish) finish_button.select_actions.extend (agent finish) extend_button (button_bar, finish_button) create wizard_area wizard_area.align_text_center vb.extend (wizard_area) create hsep vb.extend (hsep) vb.disable_item_expand (hsep) vb.extend (button_bar) button_bar.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) vb.disable_item_expand (button_bar) extend (vb) vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) set_default_cancel_button (cancel_button) end feature {NONE} -- Settings set_default_settings -- Initialize user selection. local b: EV_BUTTON hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX do create list_area create filter_combo_box filter_combo_box.select_actions.extend ( agent do if filter_combo_box.selected_item /= Void then next_button.enable_sensitive end end ) filter_combo_box.deselect_actions.extend ( agent do if filter_combo_box.selected_item = Void then next_button.disable_sensitive end end ) list_area.extend (filter_combo_box) create cluster_include cluster_include.set_pixmap_function (agent pixmap_from_group_data) create indexing_include if attached preferences.flat_short_data.excluded_indexing_items as xstrs then indexing_include.set_excluded_items_from_strings (xstrs) end create option_page fill_option_box (option_page) create view_page create hb create directory_area directory_area.extend (create {EV_CELL}) directory_area.extend (hb) directory_area.disable_item_expand (hb) create directory_field.make_with_text ( directory_field.return_actions.extend (agent on_directory_return_pressed) hb.extend (directory_field) create b.make_with_text (interface_names.b_browse) b.select_actions.extend (agent on_browse) hb.extend (b) hb.disable_item_expand (b) directory_area.extend (create {EV_CELL}) directory_area.extend (create {EV_LABEL}.make_with_text ( interface_names.l_finish_to_generate )) end feature -- Access filter: STRING_32 -- User selection. local si: DYNAMIC_LIST [EV_LIST_ITEM] do -- Result := filter_combo_box.text si := filter_combo_box.selected_items if not si.is_empty then Result := si.first.text end end documentation_universe: DOCUMENTATION_UNIVERSE -- User selection. do create Result.make if attached cluster_include.included_items_data as l then across l as c loop if attached {CONF_GROUP} c.item as cl then Result.include_group (cl) end end end end excluded_indexing_items: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Indexing items user does not want generated in HTML meta clauses. do Result := indexing_include.excluded_items end diagram_views: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32] -- Contains (view_name, cluster_name) couples for every included cluster. class_list_selected: BOOLEAN -- Does the user want a class list? do Result := class_list_button.is_selected end cluster_list_selected: BOOLEAN -- Does the user want a cluster list? do Result := cluster_list_button.is_selected end cluster_hierarchy_selected: BOOLEAN -- Does the user want a cluster hierarchy? do Result := cluster_hierarchy_button.is_selected end cluster_charts_selected: BOOLEAN -- Does the user want cluster charts? do Result := cluster_charts_button.is_selected end cluster_diagrams_selected: BOOLEAN -- Does the user want cluster diagrams? do Result := cluster_diagrams_button.is_selected end directory: DIRECTORY -- Location where documentation should be generated. do create Result.make (directory_field.text) end cancelled: BOOLEAN -- Has the user pressed "Cancel"? html_css_filter_name: STRING = "html-stylesheet" -- Name of html-css filter, which should be selected -- by default when wizard shows up. feature -- Widgets button_bar: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX -- Bar containing "Cancel", "Previous", "Next", "Finish". wizard_area: EV_FRAME -- Area dedicated to a specific page in the wizard. cancel_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button to close the wizard. previous_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button to go back one page. next_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button to go forth one page. finish_button: EV_BUTTON -- Button to confirm current selection. feature -- Status report is_html: BOOLEAN -- Is an HTML filter selected? do Result := filter /= Void and then filter.substring_index ("html", 1) > 0 end update_filters: BOOLEAN -- Does the filter view need updating? update_clusters: BOOLEAN -- Does the cluster view need updating? update_indexes: BOOLEAN -- Does the indexing view need updating? feature -- Miscellaneous start -- Show the first page. do cancelled := False current_page := 1 update_clusters := True update_filters := True update_indexes := True set_size (wizard_width, wizard_height) finish_button.disable_sensitive go_to_page (current_page) show end next -- Show next page. do current_page := current_page + 1 if not is_html and then html_specific_page (current_page) then current_page := current_page + 1 end if not cluster_diagrams_selected and then diagram_specific_page (current_page) then current_page := current_page + 1 end go_to_page (current_page) end previous -- Revert to previous page. do current_page := current_page - 1 if not is_html and then html_specific_page (current_page) then current_page := current_page - 1 end if not cluster_diagrams_selected and then diagram_specific_page (current_page) then current_page := current_page - 1 end go_to_page (current_page) end cancel -- Close the wizard and do nothing. do hide cancelled := True end finish -- Close the wizard and work with current selection. do hide end feature {NONE} -- Widgets pixmap_from_group_data (a_data: ANY): detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap for `a_data' is this is a CONF_GROUP do if attached {CONF_GROUP} a_data as cg then Result := pixmap_from_group (cg) end end filter_combo_box: EV_LIST -- Where `filter' is selected. list_area: EV_CELL -- Bug workaround where EV_LIST does not like to be unparented. cluster_include: ES_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE_GRID -- Where cluster selection is made. indexing_include: ES_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE_GRID -- Where indexing tag selection is made. option_page: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Where options are set. view_page: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Where views are set. view_mcl: EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST -- Displays clusters and their associated views. view_label: EV_LABEL -- Displays information about selecting views. view_list: EV_LIST -- Displays available views for one cluster. set_view_button: EV_BUTTON -- Assign view selected in `view_list' to current cluster. directory_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD -- Where target directory is specified. directory_area: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Area containing `directory_field' and a browse button. class_list_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON cluster_list_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON cluster_hierarchy_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON cluster_charts_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON cluster_diagrams_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON feature {NONE} -- Pages current_page: INTEGER -- Index of page currently opened. html_specific_page (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Index of page allowing to choose metatags. do Result := i = 3 end diagram_specific_page (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Index of page allowing to choose diagram views. do Result := i = 5 end go_to_page (i: INTEGER) -- Display page with `i' as index. do inspect i when 1 then previous_button.disable_sensitive next_button.enable_sensitive set_default_push_button (next_button) if is_displayed then next_button.set_focus end show_filter_selection when 2 then previous_button.enable_sensitive next_button.enable_sensitive set_default_push_button (next_button) next_button.set_focus show_cluster_selection when 3 then previous_button.enable_sensitive next_button.enable_sensitive set_default_push_button (next_button) next_button.set_focus show_indexing_selection when 4 then previous_button.enable_sensitive next_button.enable_sensitive set_default_push_button (next_button) next_button.set_focus show_option_selection when 5 then previous_button.enable_sensitive next_button.enable_sensitive set_default_push_button (next_button) next_button.set_focus show_view_selection when 6 then previous_button.enable_sensitive next_button.disable_sensitive finish_button.enable_sensitive finish_button.set_focus set_default_push_button (finish_button) show_directory_selection end end show_filter_selection do if update_filters then fill_filter_box (filter_combo_box) update_filters := False end wizard_area.replace (list_area) wizard_area.set_text (interface_names.l_select_format_for_output) end show_cluster_selection do wizard_area.wipe_out wizard_area.set_text (interface_names.l_select_cluster_to_generate) if update_clusters then set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Wait_cursor) fill_cluster_grid (cluster_include) update_clusters := False set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Standard_cursor) end wizard_area.replace (cluster_include) end show_indexing_selection local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then wizard_area.wipe_out wizard_area.set_text (interface_names.l_select_indexing_to_generate) if update_indexes then set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Wait_cursor) fill_indexing_box (indexing_include) update_indexes := False set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Standard_cursor) end wizard_area.replace (indexing_include) else cancel end rescue if attached Error_handler.error_list as err_lst and then not err_lst.is_empty and then attached {SYNTAX_ERROR} err_lst.first as err then err_lst.wipe_out prompts.show_error_prompt (interface_names.l_indexing_clause_error, Void, Void) end retried := True retry end show_option_selection do wizard_area.replace (option_page) wizard_area.set_text (interface_names.l_select_format_to_use) end show_view_selection do set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Wait_cursor) fill_view_page (view_page) set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Standard_cursor) wizard_area.replace (view_page) wizard_area.set_text (interface_names.l_select_diagrams_to_generate) set_size (wizard_width, wizard_height) end show_directory_selection do wizard_area.replace (directory_area) wizard_area.set_text (interface_names.l_select_directory_to_generate) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation fill_filter_box (list: like filter_combo_box) local filter_dir: DIRECTORY file_name: detachable STRING_32 filter_entries: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] filter_names: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [STRING_32] str_element: EV_LIST_ITEM selected: INTEGER u: FILE_UTILITIES do create filter_dir.make_with_path (eiffel_layout.filter_path) if not filter_dir.exists then list.wipe_out create str_element list.extend (str_element) elseif not filter_dir.is_readable then list.wipe_out create str_element list.extend (str_element) else create filter_names.make filter_entries := u.ends_with (eiffel_layout.filter_path, ".fil", 0) across filter_entries as l_c loop if attached l_c.item.entry as l_e then file_name := file_name.keep_head (file_name.count - 4) filter_names.extend (file_name) end end list.wipe_out selected := 1 if filter_names.is_empty then create str_element list.extend (str_element) else across filter_names as f loop file_name := f.item create str_element.make_with_text (file_name) list.extend (str_element) str_element.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent (i: EV_LIST_ITEM; x, y, button: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: REAL_64; s_x, s_y: INTEGER_32) do i.enable_select end (str_element, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) str_element.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent (x, y, button: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: REAL_64; s_x, s_y: INTEGER_32) do next end) if file_name.same_string_general (html_css_filter_name) then selected := list.count end end end end if not list.is_empty then list.i_th (selected).enable_select end end fill_cluster_grid (ie: like cluster_include) -- Fill `ie.include_list' with all groups in system. -- We assume that new added groups go into the "include" part. local old_exclude: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] do old_exclude := ie.excluded_items old_exclude.compare_objects ie.clear_all add_groups_to_cluster_grid (ie, Eiffel_universe.groups, old_exclude, Void, True) end add_groups_to_cluster_grid (ie: like cluster_include; cgs: ITERABLE [CONF_GROUP]; a_exclusion: LIST [STRING_32]; a_parent: detachable CONF_GROUP; rec: BOOLEAN) local cg_name: STRING_32 g: detachable CONF_GROUP p: detachable CONF_GROUP subs: detachable LIST [CONF_GROUP] do across cgs as cg loop g := cg.item p := Void subs := Void if attached {CONF_CLUSTER} g as l_cluster then p := l_cluster.parent elseif rec and then attached {CONF_LIBRARY} g as l_library then if attached l_library.library_target as l then subs := l.clusters.linear_representation else -- The library is not enabled. g := Void end elseif attached {CONF_ASSEMBLY} g as l_assembly then g := Void end if g /= Void and then (g.is_cluster or g.is_library or g.is_precompile) then if p = Void then p := a_parent end cg_name := if a_exclusion.has (cg_name) then ie.add_exclude_item_with_parent (cg_name, g, p) else ie.add_include_item_with_parent (cg_name, g, p) end if subs /= Void and then subs.count > 0 then add_groups_to_cluster_grid (ie, subs, a_exclusion, g, False) end end end end fill_indexing_box (ie: like indexing_include) -- Fill `ie.include_list' with all indexing tags. -- Except the ones in `exclude_indexing_items'. local classes: CLASS_C_SERVER all_tags: LINKED_LIST [STRING_32] old_exclude: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] l_class: CLASS_C i: INTEGER s: STRING_32 do create all_tags.make all_tags.extend ("keywords") all_tags.compare_objects -- Do we have indexing for a group? --add_indexes (l_group, all_tags) classes := eiffel_system.system.classes if classes /= Void then from i := classes.lower until i > classes.upper loop l_class := classes.item (i) if l_class /= Void then add_indexes_to (l_class.ast.top_indexes, all_tags) add_indexes_to (l_class.ast.bottom_indexes, all_tags) end i := i + 1 end end old_exclude := ie.excluded_items old_exclude.compare_objects ie.clear_all across all_tags as t loop s := t.item if old_exclude.has (s) then ie.add_exclude_item (s, Void) else ie.add_include_item (s, Void) end end end add_indexes_to (i: EIFFEL_LIST [INDEX_AS]; l: LINKED_LIST [STRING_32]) local t: STRING_32 do if i /= Void then across i as c loop if attached c.item.tag as n then t := n.name_32 if not l.has (t) then l.extend (t.twin) end end end end end fill_option_box (p: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) local cb: EV_CHECK_BUTTON vs: EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR cf: CLASS_FORMAT do create class_list_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_alphabetical_class_list) class_list_button.enable_select p.extend (class_list_button) create cluster_list_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_alphabetical_cluster_list) cluster_list_button.enable_select p.extend (cluster_list_button) create cluster_hierarchy_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_cluster_hierarchy) cluster_hierarchy_button.enable_select p.extend (cluster_hierarchy_button) create vs p.extend (vs) p.disable_item_expand (vs) create cluster_charts_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_cluster_charts) cluster_charts_button.enable_select p.extend (cluster_charts_button) create cluster_diagrams_button.make_with_text (interface_names.b_cluster_diagram) cluster_diagrams_button.disable_select p.extend (cluster_diagrams_button) create vs p.extend (vs) p.disable_item_expand (vs) across all_class_formats as f loop create cf.make (f.item) create cb.make_with_text ( cb.select_actions.extend (agent on_cf_toggle (cf, cb)) if cf.is_generated then cb.enable_select end p.extend (cb) end end fill_view_page (vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) -- Initialize `view_page'. require vb_not_void: vb /= Void local cluster_row: EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST_ROW right_vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX main_hb, button_hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX g: EB_DIAGRAM_HTML_GENERATOR views: LINKED_LIST [STRING_32] do vb.wipe_out create diagram_views.make (10) create main_hb create view_mcl create right_vb create button_hb create view_list create set_view_button.make_with_text_and_action (interface_names.b_set, agent on_set_view_button_pressed) set_view_button.disable_sensitive create view_label.make_with_text (interface_names.l_select_cluster_to_display) if attached cluster_include.included_items_data as cluster_list then across cluster_list as c loop if attached {CONF_GROUP} c.item as ci then create g.make_for_wizard (ci) create cluster_row cluster_row.extend ( cluster_row.extend ("DEFAULT") views := g.available_views cluster_row.set_data ([id_of_group (ci).as_string_32, views]) cluster_row.select_actions.extend (agent on_cluster_selected (cluster_row)) view_mcl.extend (cluster_row) if not views.is_empty then diagram_views.put ({STRING_32} "DEFAULT", id_of_group (ci).as_string_32) end end end end view_mcl.set_column_title (interface_names.l_cluster, 1) view_mcl.set_column_title (interface_names.l_view, 2) view_mcl.resize_column_to_content (1) view_mcl.set_minimum_width (240) main_hb.extend (view_mcl) main_hb.extend (right_vb) button_hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) extend_button (button_hb, set_view_button) button_hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) right_vb.extend (view_label) right_vb.extend (view_list) right_vb.extend (button_hb) right_vb.disable_item_expand (button_hb) right_vb.set_padding (Layout_constants.Small_padding_size) right_vb.set_border_width (Layout_constants.Default_border_size) vb.extend (main_hb) end on_cluster_selected (row: EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST_ROW) -- `row' has been selected. -- Display available views for corresponding cluster in `view_list'. -- Update `view_label'. do if attached {TUPLE [group_id: STRING_32; views: LINKED_LIST [STRING_32]]} as d and then attached d.views as views then view_list.wipe_out across views as v loop view_list.extend (create {EV_LIST_ITEM}.make_with_text (v.item)) end if views.is_empty then view_label.set_text (interface_names.l_no_views_are_available) set_view_button.disable_sensitive else view_label.set_text (interface_names.l_select_the_view) set_view_button.enable_sensitive end end end on_set_view_button_pressed -- `set_view_button' was pressed. -- Update `view_mcl'. local selected_row: EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST_ROW l_group_id: STRING_32 do if view_list.selected_item /= Void then selected_row := view_mcl.selected_item if attached {TUPLE [group_id: STRING_32; views: LINKED_LIST [STRING_32]]} as l_data then l_group_id := l_data.group_id selected_row.finish selected_row.remove selected_row.extend (view_list.selected_item.text) diagram_views.replace (view_list.selected_item.text, l_group_id) end end end on_directory_return_pressed -- Return was pressed after typing a directory name. -- Press `finish_button'. do (Void) end on_cf_toggle (cf: CLASS_FORMAT; state: EV_CHECK_BUTTON) -- Set the generated state of `cf' to the selected state of `state'. do cf.set_generated (state.is_selected) end on_browse -- User pressed "browse" button. local d: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG path: PATH u: FILE_UTILITIES do create d d.ok_actions.extend (agent on_directory_change (d)) create path.make_from_string (directory_field.text) if not path.is_empty and then u.directory_path_exists (path) then d.set_start_path (path) end d.show_modal_to_window (Current) end on_directory_change (d: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG) do if d.path.is_empty then directory_field.remove_text else directory_field.set_text ( end end wizard_width: INTEGER = 420 -- Nicest value for width of Current. wizard_height: INTEGER = 350; -- Nicest value for height of Current. note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end