note description: "Text fragment factory." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT_FACTORY inherit EB_SHARED_MANAGERS EB_EDITORS_MANAGER SHARED_SERVER -- inherit {NONE} EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all end feature -- Access new_file_name (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$file_name" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_file (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$file" tool buffer selected fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_path (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$path" tool buffer selected fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_directory_name (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$directory_name" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_w_code (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$w_code" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void local l_fragment: EB_AGENT_BASED_TEXT_FRAGMENT do create l_fragment.make (a_scanner.text, agent new_w_code_replacement, agent is_string_case_insensitive_equal (?, "$w_code")) l_fragment.set_location (a_scanner.position) Result := l_fragment Result.set_normalized_text_function (agent lower_case_text_normalizer) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_f_code (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$f_code" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void local l_fragment: EB_AGENT_BASED_TEXT_FRAGMENT do create l_fragment.make (a_scanner.text, agent new_f_code_replacement, agent is_string_case_insensitive_equal (?, "$f_code")) l_fragment.set_location (a_scanner.position) Result := l_fragment Result.set_normalized_text_function (agent lower_case_text_normalizer) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_project_directory (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$project_path" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void local l_fragment: EB_AGENT_BASED_TEXT_FRAGMENT do create l_fragment.make (a_scanner.text, agent new_project_directory_replacement, agent is_true) l_fragment.set_location (a_scanner.position) Result := l_fragment Result.set_normalized_text_function (agent lower_case_text_normalizer) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_target_directory (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$targer_path" fragment local l_fragment: EB_AGENT_BASED_TEXT_FRAGMENT do create l_fragment.make (a_scanner.text, agent new_target_directory_replacement, agent is_true) l_fragment.set_location (a_scanner.position) Result := l_fragment Result.set_normalized_text_function (agent lower_case_text_normalizer) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_group_directory (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$group_path" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_group_name (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$group_name" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_class_name (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$class_name" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_line (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$line" fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_class_buffer (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "{CLASS}" buffer fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_class_buffer_selected (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "@{CLASS}" class buffer selected fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_feature_buffer (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "{CLASS}.feature" buffer fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_tool_buffer (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "[Tool name]" tool buffer fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_tool_buffer_selected (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "@[Tool name]" tool buffer selected fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_target_name (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- New "$target_name" text fragment require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void local l_fragment: EB_AGENT_BASED_TEXT_FRAGMENT do create l_fragment.make (a_scanner.text, agent new_target_name_replacement, agent is_true) l_fragment.set_location (a_scanner.position) Result := l_fragment Result.set_normalized_text_function (agent lower_case_text_normalizer) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Text Normalizer lower_case_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Text normalizer, return a copy of `a_text' in which all letters are turned into lower case require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do Result := a_text.as_lower ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end upper_case_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Text normalizer, return a copy of `a_text' in which all letters are turned into upper case require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do Result := a_text.as_upper ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end class_name_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Text normalize which turns `a_text' in form of "{ class_name }" into "CLASS_NAME", -- i.e., remove surrounding "{" and "}", remove heading and trailing space and turn all letters into upper case. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void a_text_valid: a_text.count > 2 do Result := a_text.substring (2, a_text.count - 1) Result.left_adjust Result.right_adjust Result.to_upper ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end class_selected_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Text normalize which turns `a_text' in form of "@{ class_name }" into "CLASS_NAME", -- i.e., remove surrounding "@{" and "}", remove heading and trailing space and turn all letters into upper case. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void a_text_valid: a_text.count > 3 do Result := a_text.substring (3, a_text.count - 1) Result.left_adjust Result.right_adjust Result.to_upper ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end class_feature_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Text normalize which turns `a_text' in form of "{ class_name }.feature_name" into "CLASS_NAME.feature_name", -- i.e., remove surrounding "{" and "}", remove heading and trailing space and turn all letters related to class -- into upper case and all letters related to feature into lower case. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void a_text_valid: a_text.count >= 5 and then a_text.index_of ('.', 1) > 1 and then a_text.index_of ('.', 1) < a_text.count local l_dot_index: INTEGER l_class_name: STRING l_feature_name: STRING l_dot: CHARACTER do l_dot := '.' l_dot_index := a_text.index_of (l_dot, 1) l_class_name := a_text.substring (2, l_dot_index - 2) l_class_name.left_adjust l_class_name.right_adjust l_class_name.to_upper l_feature_name := a_text.substring (l_dot_index + 1, a_text.count) l_feature_name.to_lower create Result.make (64) Result.append (l_class_name) Result.append_character (l_dot) Result.append (l_feature_name) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end tool_name_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING): STRING -- Text normalize which turns `a_text' in form of "[ tool_name ]" into "tool name", -- i.e., remove surrounding "{" and "}", remove heading and trailing space and turn all letters into lower case. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void a_text_valid: a_text.count > 2 do Result := a_text.substring (2, a_text.count - 1) Result.left_adjust Result.right_adjust Result.to_lower ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end tool_selected_text_normalizer (a_text: STRING): STRING -- Text normalize which turns `a_text' in form of "@[ tool_name ]" into "CLASS_NAME", -- i.e., remove surrounding "@{" and "}", remove heading and trailing space and turn all letters into lower case. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void a_text_valid: a_text.count > 3 do Result := a_text.substring (3, a_text.count - 1) Result.left_adjust Result.right_adjust Result.to_lower ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature{NONE} -- Implementation is_string_case_insensitive_equal (a_string, b_string: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_string' is case-insensitive equal to `b_string'? require a_string_attached: a_string /= Void b_string_attached: b_string /= Void do Result := a_string.is_case_insensitive_equal (b_string) ensure good_result: Result = a_string.is_case_insensitive_equal (b_string) end new_w_code_replacement (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- New w_code replacement for `a_text'. -- Return path of `w_code' directory if system is defined, -- otherwise return a copy of `a_text'. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do if workbench.system_defined then Result := else Result := a_text.twin end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_f_code_replacement (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- New w_code replacement for `a_text'. -- Return path of `f_code' directory if system is defined, -- otherwise return a copy of `a_text'. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do if workbench.system_defined then Result := else Result := a_text.twin end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_project_directory_replacement (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- New project_path replacement for `a_text'. -- Return path of current porject if system is defined, -- otherwise return a copy of `a_text'. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do if workbench.system_defined then Result := else Result := a_text.twin end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_target_directory_replacement (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- New target_path replacement for `a_text'. -- Return path of current target if system is defined, -- otherwise return a copy of `a_text'. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do if workbench.system_defined then Result := else Result := a_text.twin end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end new_target_name_replacement (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- New target_name replacement for `a_text'. -- Return path of current target if system is defined, -- otherwise return a copy of `a_text'. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do if workbench.system_defined and then attached then Result := universe.target_name.as_string_32.string else Result := a_text.string end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end basic_text_fragment (a_scanner: EB_COMMAND_SCANNER_SKELETON): EB_TEXT_FRAGMENT -- Basic text fragment for text in `a_scanner' require a_scanner_attached: a_scanner /= Void do create {EB_AGENT_BASED_TEXT_FRAGMENT}Result.make (a_scanner.text, agent (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 do Result := a_text.twin end, agent is_true) Result.set_location (a_scanner.position) Result.set_normalized_text_function (agent (a_text: STRING_32): STRING_32 do Result := a_text.twin end) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end is_true (a_text: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_text' valid? -- Always returns True. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void do Result := True ensure good_result: Result end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end