note author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GIT_ENGINE inherit SHARED_PROCESS_MISC redefine default_create end SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT redefine default_create end create default_create, make_with_executable_path feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create do make_with_executable_path ("git") end make_with_executable_path (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do set_git_executable_path (v) end feature -- Access git_executable_location: PATH pause_between_operations: INTEGER_64 -- Pause in nanoseconds between two consecutive git operations. --| for instance in `commit` to avoid issue with index.lock ... feature -- Element change set_pause_between_operations (d: INTEGER_64) do pause_between_operations := d end set_git_executable_path (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do set_git_executable_location (create {PATH}.make_from_string (v)) end set_git_executable_location (v: PATH) do git_executable_location := v end feature -- Access tool info version: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string (" --version") res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) if res /= Void and then res.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_from_string_general (res.output) end end feature -- Execution statuses (a_root_location, a_path: PATH; is_recursive, with_all_untracked: BOOLEAN; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable SCM_STATUS_LIST local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" status") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("status", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" --porcelain=v1 --no-renames ") if with_all_untracked then cmd.append_string_general (" --untracked-files=all ") end cmd.append_string_general (" .") debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, a_path) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output Result := status_from_porcelain_output (a_root_location, {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (s)) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") -- print (s) end end end diff (a_path: PATH; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable SCM_RESULT local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 fut: FILE_UTILITIES do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" diff") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("diff", a_options)) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if fut.file_path_exists (a_path) then cmd.append_string_general (" %"") cmd.append_string_general ( cmd.append_string_general ("%"") res := output_of_command (cmd, a_path.parent) else cmd.append_string_general (" . ") res := output_of_command (cmd, a_path) end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output create Result.make_with_command (cmd) Result.set_message ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (s)) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end end end revert (a_changelist: SCM_CHANGELIST; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT local cmd: STRING_32 reset_cmd: STRING_32 l_has_reset: BOOLEAN fn: READABLE_STRING_32 msg: READABLE_STRING_8 do create reset_cmd.make_empty create reset_cmd.make_from_string ( reset_cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("reset", a_options)) reset_cmd.append_string_general (" reset ") create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("checkout", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" checkout -- ") across a_changelist as ic loop fn := cmd.append_character (' ') if fn.has (' ') or fn.has ('%T') then cmd.append_character ('"') cmd.append_string_general (fn) cmd.append_character ('"') else cmd.append_string_general (fn) end if attached {SCM_STATUS_ADDED} ic.item or attached {SCM_STATUS_DELETED} ic.item then l_has_reset := True reset_cmd.append_character (' ') if fn.has (' ') or fn.has ('%T') then reset_cmd.append_character ('"') reset_cmd.append_string_general (fn) reset_cmd.append_character ('"') else reset_cmd.append_string_general (fn) end end end if l_has_reset then debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + reset_cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (reset_cmd, a_changelist.root.location) as res_reset then if res_reset.exit_code = 0 then msg := res_reset.output else msg := res_reset.error_output end if pause_between_operations > 0 then -- Wait a bit to avoid index.lock already exists... execution_environment.sleep (pause_between_operations) end else msg := "Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]" end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_changelist.root.location) as res_revert then if res_revert.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) if msg = Void then msg := res_revert.output elseif attached res_revert.output as m then msg := msg + " %N" + m end Result.set_message (msg) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) if msg = Void then msg := res_revert.error_output elseif attached res_revert.error_output as m then msg := msg + " %N" + m end end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) msg := "Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]" end Result.set_message (msg) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end add (a_changelist: SCM_CHANGELIST; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT -- Add items from `a_changelist`, and return information about command execution. local cmd: STRING_32 fn: READABLE_STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" add") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("add", a_options)) across a_changelist as ic loop fn := cmd.append_character (' ') if fn.has (' ') or fn.has ('%T') then cmd.append_character ('"') cmd.append_string_general (fn) cmd.append_character ('"') else cmd.append_string_general (fn) end end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_changelist.root.location) as res_add then if res_add.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (res_add.output) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message (res_add.error_output) end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message ("Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]") end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end delete (a_changelist: SCM_CHANGELIST; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT -- Add items from `a_changelist`, and return information about command execution. local cmd: STRING_32 fn: READABLE_STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" rm") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("rm", a_options)) across a_changelist as ic loop fn := cmd.append_character (' ') if fn.has (' ') or fn.has ('%T') then cmd.append_character ('"') cmd.append_string_general (fn) cmd.append_character ('"') else cmd.append_string_general (fn) end end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_changelist.root.location) as res_delete then if res_delete.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (res_delete.output) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message (res_delete.error_output) end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message ("Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]") end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end commit (a_changelist: SCM_CHANGELIST; a_log_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_options: SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT -- Commit changes for locations `a_changelist`, and return information about command execution. local cmd, msg: STRING_32 fn: READABLE_STRING_32 tmpfile: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE tmp: PATH do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" add --verbose") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("add", a_options)) across a_changelist as ic loop fn := cmd.append_character (' ') if fn.has (' ') or fn.has ('%T') then cmd.append_character ('"') cmd.append_string_general (fn) cmd.append_character ('"') else cmd.append_string_general (fn) end end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached command_execution (cmd, a_changelist.root.location, False) as res_add then -- Todo end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if pause_between_operations > 0 then -- Wait a bit to avoid index.lock already exists... execution_environment.sleep (pause_between_operations) end create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" commit") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("commit", a_options)) create msg.make_from_string_general (a_log_message) msg.prune_all ('%R') if msg.has ('%N') then msg.left_adjust msg.right_adjust end if msg.occurrences ('%N') = 1 and not msg.has ('`') then across msg.split ('%N') as ic loop cmd.append_string_general (" --message ") cmd.append_character ('"') append_escaped_string_to (ic.item, cmd) cmd.append_character ('"') end elseif msg.has ('%N') or msg.has ('`') then tmp := {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.temporary_directory_path if tmp = Void then tmp := {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.current_working_path end create tmpfile.make_open_temporary_with_prefix (tmp.extended ("tmp-eif-git-log_").name) tmpfile.put_string ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_log_message)) tmpfile.flush tmpfile.close cmd.append_string_general (" --file ") cmd.append_character ('"') cmd.append_string_general ( cmd.append_character ('"') else cmd.append_string_general (" --message ") cmd.append_character ('"') append_escaped_string_to (a_log_message, cmd) cmd.append_character ('"') end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_changelist.root.location) as res_commit then if res_commit.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (res_commit.output) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message (res_commit.error_output) end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message ("Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]") end if tmpfile /= Void and then tmpfile.exists then tmpfile.delete tmpfile := Void end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end push (a_push_op: SCM_PUSH_OPERATION; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT -- Push `a_push_op` and return execution result. local cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" push ") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("push", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_push_op.remote) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_push_op.remote_branch) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_push_op.root_location.location) as res_push then if res_push.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (res_push.output) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message (res_push.error_output) end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message ("Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]") end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end push_command_line (a_push_op: SCM_PUSH_OPERATION; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable STRING_32 -- Command line for the `a_push_op` push operation. local cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" push ") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("push", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_push_op.remote) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_push_op.remote_branch) Result := cmd end pull (a_pull_op: SCM_PULL_OPERATION; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT -- Pull `a_pull_op` and return execution result. local cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" pull ") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("pull", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_pull_op.remote) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_pull_op.remote_branch) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_pull_op.root_location.location) as res_pull then if res_pull.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (res_pull.output) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message (res_pull.error_output) end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message ("Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]") end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end pull_command_line (a_pull_op: SCM_PULL_OPERATION; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable STRING_32 -- Command line for the `a_pull_op` pull operation. local cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" pull ") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("pull", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_pull_op.remote) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_pull_op.remote_branch) Result := cmd end rebase (a_op: SCM_REBASE_OPERATION; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): SCM_RESULT -- Rebase `a_op` and return execution result. local cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" rebase ") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("rebase", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_op.branch) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end if attached output_of_command (cmd, a_op.root_location.location) as res then if res.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (res.output) else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message (res.error_output) end else create Result.make_failure (cmd) Result.set_message ("Error: can not launch git [" + last_process_error.out + "]") end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end end rebase_command_line (a_op: SCM_REBASE_OPERATION; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable STRING_32 -- Command line for the `a_op` rebase operation. local cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" rebase ") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("rebase", a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" ") cmd.append_string_general (a_op.branch) Result := cmd end feature -- Git specific remotes (a_root_location: PATH; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable STRING_TABLE [GIT_REMOTE] -- Remote indexed by name. local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 l_name: READABLE_STRING_8 i,j,k,n: INTEGER l_url,l_type: STRING_8 r: GIT_REMOTE do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" remote -v") cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("remote", a_options)) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, a_root_location) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output create Result.make (s.occurrences ('%N') + 1) from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop j := s.index_of ('%N', i) if j < i then j := s.count end -- Next space or tab from k := i until k > j or else s [k].is_space loop k := k + 1 end if k < j then l_name := s.substring (i, k - 1) r := Result [l_name] if r = Void then create r.make (l_name) end i := k + 1 -- Next space or tab from k := k + 1 until k > j or else s [k].is_space loop k := k + 1 end if k < j then l_url := s.substring (i, k - 1).to_string_8 -- READABLE_STRING_8 to STRING_8 l_url.left_adjust i := k + 1 if s[i] = '(' then l_type := s.substring (i + 1, j - 2).to_string_8 -- READABLE_STRING_8 to STRING_8 else l_type := s.substring (i, j - 1).to_string_8 -- READABLE_STRING_8 to STRING_8 end l_type.left_adjust l_type.right_adjust if l_type.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("push") then r.set_push_location (l_url) elseif l_type.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("fetch") then r.set_fetch_location (l_url) else check push_or_fetch: False end end Result [] := r end end i := j + 1 end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end end end branches (a_root_location: PATH; a_show_all: BOOLEAN; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): detachable STRING_TABLE [GIT_BRANCH] -- Branches for `a_root_location'. -- if `a_show_all` is True, include remote branches. local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 i,j,k,m,n: INTEGER l_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_sha1_id: READABLE_STRING_8 l_is_active: BOOLEAN br: GIT_BRANCH do create cmd.make_from_string ( cmd.append_string_general (" branch -vv") -- "-vv": is to be verbose, and display the default upstream repository. if a_show_all then cmd.append_string_general (" -a") end cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags ("branch", a_options)) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, a_root_location) debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output create Result.make (s.occurrences ('%N') + 1) from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop -- ex: "* develop 1d8e2f7 [origin/develop: ahead 1] comment ..." j := s.index_of ('%N', i) if j < i then j := s.count end l_is_active := s [i] = '*' -- Next non space from k := i + 1 until k > j or else not s [k].is_space loop k := k + 1 end i := k -- Next space or tab from k := i + 1 until k > j or else s [k].is_space loop k := k + 1 end if k > j then k := j -- end of line else k := k - 1 end l_name := s.substring (i, k) br := Result [l_name] if br = Void then create br.make (l_name) end br.set_is_active (l_is_active) -- Next space or tab i := k + 1 from k := i + 1 until k > j or else s [k].is_space loop k := k + 1 end if k > j then k := j -- end of line else k := k - 1 end l_sha1_id := s.substring (i, k) -- Next space or tab -- detect: [origin/develop: ahead 1] if i < j then i := k + 2 if s [i] = '[' then k := s.index_of (']', i + 1) if k > 0 then m := s.index_of (':', i + 1) if m > 0 then -- Ignore after ":" br.set_upstream_remote (s.substring (i + 1, m - 1)) else br.set_upstream_remote (s.substring (i + 1, k - 1)) end end end end Result [] := br i := j + 1 end debug ("GIT_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation append_escaped_string_to (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_output: STRING_32) local i,n: INTEGER ch: CHARACTER_32 do if a_string.has ('%"') then from i := 1 n := a_string.count until i > n loop ch := a_string [i] inspect ch when '%"' then a_output.extend ('\') a_output.extend (ch) when '`' then a_output.extend ('\') a_output.extend (ch) when '%R' then -- Ignore when '%N' then a_output.extend ('\') a_output.extend ('n') when '\' then a_output.extend (ch) if i < n then ch := a_string [i] a_output.extend (ch) i := i + 1 end else a_output.extend (ch) end i := i + 1 end else a_output.append_string_general (a_string) end end status_from_porcelain_output (a_path: PATH; s: READABLE_STRING_32): SCM_STATUS_LIST local i,j,n: INTEGER l_line: STRING_32 k: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do create Result.make (0) from n := s.count i := 1 until i > n loop j := s.index_of ('%N', i) if j > 0 then l_line := s.substring (i, j - 1) i := j + 1 else l_line := s.substring (i, n) i := n + 1 end l_line.left_adjust j := l_line.index_of (' ', 1) k := l_line.head (j - 1) l_line.remove_head (j) l_line.left_adjust if k.has ('M') then Result.force (create {SCM_STATUS_MODIFIED}.make (a_path.extended (l_line))) elseif k.has ('A') then Result.force (create {SCM_STATUS_ADDED}.make (a_path.extended (l_line))) elseif k.has ('D') then Result.force (create {SCM_STATUS_DELETED}.make (a_path.extended (l_line))) elseif k.has ('C') then Result.force (create {SCM_STATUS_CONFLICTED}.make (a_path.extended (l_line))) elseif k.has ('?') then Result.force (create {SCM_STATUS_UNVERSIONED}.make (a_path.extended (l_line))) end end end option_to_command_line_flags (a_command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_options: detachable SCM_OPTIONS): STRING_32 local p: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do create Result.make_empty if a_options /= Void then if a_options.is_simulation and a_command.is_case_insensitive_equal ("commit") then Result.append_string_general (" --dry-run ") end if attached a_options.parameters as l_params then across l_params as ic loop p := ic.item if not p.is_whitespace then Result.append_string_general (" ") Result.append (p) Result.append_string_general (" ") end end end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2022, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end