note description: "Objects that represent the open command." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GB_FILE_OPEN_COMMAND inherit GB_STANDARD_CMD redefine execute, executable end GB_WIDGET_UTILITIES export {NONE} all end GB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end GB_FILE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end GB_GENERAL_UTILITIES export {NONE} all end GB_RECENT_PROJECTS export {NONE} all end GB_SHARED_PIXMAPS export {NONE} all end create make_with_components feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_components (a_components: GB_INTERNAL_COMPONENTS) -- Create `Current' and assign `a_components' to `components'. local acc: EV_ACCELERATOR key: EV_KEY do components := a_components make set_tooltip ("Open Project...") set_pixmaps ((create {GB_SHARED_PIXMAPS}).icon_open_file) set_name ("Open project...") set_menu_name ("Open Project...") enable_sensitive add_agent (agent execute) -- Now add an accelerator for `Current'. create key.make_with_code ((create {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}).key_o) create acc.make_with_key_combination (key, True, False, False) set_accelerator (acc) end feature -- Access executable: BOOLEAN -- May `execute' be called on `Current'? do -- Only can execute if there is no project open. Result := not (components.system_status.project_open) end feature -- Basic operations project_settings: GB_PROJECT_SETTINGS -- Last project settings loaded by `execute' or -- `execute_with_name'. execute_with_name (file_name: STRING) -- execute `Current' to load file `file_name'. This is used when -- starting build by double clicking on a .bpr file. require file_name_not_void: file_name /= Void local file_handler: GB_SIMPLE_XML_FILE_HANDLER test_file: RAW_FILE error_dialog: EV_ERROR_DIALOG dialog_constants: EV_DIALOG_CONSTANTS discardable_error_dialog: STANDARD_DISCARDABLE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG id_compressor: GB_ID_COMPRESSOR do create project_settings.make_with_components (components) create file_handler.make_with_components (components) project_settings.load (file_name, file_handler) if file_handler.last_load_successful then if not project_settings.load_cancelled then -- Do nothing if we cancelled the loading. if project_settings.main_window_class_name = Void then -- If the main window class name is Void, then it means that -- the settings were not loaded (As they were not compatible), -- so we fill in the location, and use the default_values. create project_settings.make_with_default_values (components) -- Set the location to the current file location. project_settings.set_project_location (directory_of_file (file_name)) end components.system_status.set_current_project (project_settings) if not directory_of_file (file_name).same_string (project_settings.project_location) then create discardable_error_dialog.make_initialized (1, preferences.dialog_data.show_project_location_changed_warning, "The location of the .bpr file has changed from " + project_settings.project_location + " to " + directory_of_file (file_name) + ".%N%NPlease ensure that the file `system_interface.xml' has also been relocated to this new directory%NEiffelBuild will now attempt to load `system_interface.xml'.", "Do not show again and always check for `system_interface.xml' in the current directory", preferences.preferences) discardable_error_dialog.set_icon_pixmap (Icon_build_window @ 1) discardable_error_dialog.set_ok_action (agent update_location (directory_of_file (file_name))) discardable_error_dialog.show_modal_to_window ( end if not location_update_cancelled then create test_file.make_with_path (system_interface_filename) if test_file.exists then (Void) components.xml_handler.load components.commands.update -- Compress all used ids. create id_compressor.make_with_components (components) id_compressor.compress_all_id end update_client_information end end end if test_file /= Void and then not test_file.exists and not location_update_cancelled then create error_dialog.make_with_text ("The system interface file '" + system_interface_filename.utf_8_name + "' (referenced by the specified .BPR file) is missing.%NIf the file has been moved, please restore the file and try again.%NIf you no longer have a copy of the file, please start a new project.") create dialog_constants -- Hide unwanted buttons from the dialog error_dialog.button (dialog_constants.ev_retry).hide; (error_dialog.button (dialog_constants.ev_ignore)).hide error_dialog.show_modal_to_window ( components.system_status.close_current_project end if components.system_status.project_open then add_project_to_recent_projects (Void) end end execute -- Execute `Current'. local dialog: EV_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG opened: BOOLEAN file_handler: GB_SIMPLE_XML_FILE_HANDLER test_file: RAW_FILE error_dialog: EV_ERROR_DIALOG discardable_error_dialog: STANDARD_DISCARDABLE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG dialog_constants: EV_DIALOG_CONSTANTS id_compressor: GB_ID_COMPRESSOR do -- Reset this value. location_update_cancelled := False create dialog dialog.filters.extend ([project_file_filter, "Files of type (" + project_file_filter + ")"]) create file_handler.make_with_components (components) -- We do not allow the dialog to close until a valid -- file name has been entered or the user clicks the -- cancel button. -- As the file name is empty before the dialog is shown, -- we use `opened' to ensure that it opens the first -- time. from until opened and then ((valid_file_name (dialog.file_name) and file_handler.last_load_successful and not project_settings.load_cancelled) or dialog.file_name.is_empty) loop -- Display the dialog. dialog.show_modal_to_window ( -- The dialog has now been opened once. opened := True -- If the ok button was clicked and the file name exists, -- then we attempt to open it. if not dialog.file_name.is_empty and valid_file_name (dialog.file_name) then create project_settings.make_with_components (components) project_settings.load (dialog.file_name, file_handler) if file_handler.last_load_successful and not project_settings.load_cancelled then -- Check that the filename is valid. -- i.e. that the system_interface file exists. if not project_settings.load_cancelled then -- Do nothing if we cancelled the loading. if project_settings.main_window_class_name = Void then -- If the main window class name is Void, then it means that -- the settings were not loaded (As they were not compatible), -- so we fill in the location, and use the default_values. create project_settings.make_with_default_values (components) project_settings.set_project_location (dialog.file_path) end components.system_status.set_current_project (project_settings) -- We must now check to see if the build project is in a different location -- to the location referenced in the file. If it is, we need to update the -- location, so we can find `system_interface.xml' correctly in the new location. if not dialog.file_path.same_string_general (project_settings.project_location) then create discardable_error_dialog.make_initialized (1, preferences.dialog_data.show_project_location_changed_warning, "The location of the .bpr file has changed from " + project_settings.project_location + " to " + dialog.file_path + ".%N%NPlease ensure that the file `system_interface.xml' has also been relocated to this new directory%NEiffelBuild will now attempt to load `system_interface.xml'.", "Do not show again and always check for `system_interface.xml' in the current directory", preferences.preferences) discardable_error_dialog.set_icon_pixmap (Icon_build_window @ 1) discardable_error_dialog.set_ok_action (agent update_location (dialog.file_path)) discardable_error_dialog.show_modal_to_window ( end if not location_update_cancelled then -- Do not load the project, as the used selected "abort" from -- the previous dialog. create test_file.make_with_path (system_interface_filename) if test_file.exists then (Void) components.xml_handler.load add_project_to_recent_projects components.commands.update -- Compress all used ids. create id_compressor.make_with_components (components) id_compressor.compress_all_id update_client_information (Void) end end end end end end if test_file /= Void and then not test_file.exists and not location_update_cancelled then create error_dialog.make_with_text ("The system interface file '" + system_interface_filename.utf_8_name + "' (referenced by the specified .BPR file) is missing.%NIf the file has been moved, please restore the file and try again.%NIf you no longer have a copy of the file, please start a new project.") create dialog_constants -- Hide unwanted buttons from the dialog error_dialog.button (dialog_constants.ev_retry).hide; (error_dialog.button (dialog_constants.ev_ignore)).hide error_dialog.show_modal_to_window ( components.system_status.close_current_project end end system_interface_filename: PATH -- File to be generated. do create Result.make_from_string (components.system_status.current_project_settings.project_location) Result := Result.extended ("system_interface.xml") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation update_location (new_location: STRING) -- Assign `new_location' to `project_location' in the -- system settings, and save the current settings. require new_location_not_void: new_location /= Void do components.system_status.current_project_settings.set_project_location (new_location) end cancel_update_location -- Assign `True' to `location_update_cancelled', so that -- we know a user selected cancel, from the location update -- dialog. do location_update_cancelled := True components.system_status.close_current_project end location_update_cancelled: BOOLEAN -- Has the response to the out of synch project location in the .bpr file -- to abort the loading process? valid_file_name (file_name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `file_name' the name of an existing file? require file_name_not_void: file_name /= Void local file: RAW_FILE do if not file_name.is_empty then create file.make (file_name) Result := file.exists and not file.is_directory end end update_client_information -- Update all top level objects to be generated as clients if the loaded file -- had the client generation option set. This is provided for backwards compatibility. do if project_settings.loaded_project_had_client_information then (agent project_settings.set_object_as_client) end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class GB_FILE_OPEN_COMMAND