note description: "Objects that provide action sequence selection for an object" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GB_EVENT_SELECTION_DIALOG inherit EV_DIALOG redefine show_modal_to_window end GB_SUPPORTED_EVENTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end INTERNAL export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end GB_NAMING_UTILITIES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end GB_WIDGET_UTILITIES export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EIFFEL_RESERVED_WORDS export {NONE} all undefine copy, default_create end BUILD_RESERVED_WORDS export {NONE} all undefine copy, default_create end GB_EVENT_UTILITIES export {NONE} all undefine copy, default_create end EV_STOCK_COLORS rename implementation as stock_colors_implementation export {NONE} all undefine copy, default_create, is_equal end GB_INTERFACE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine copy, default_create, is_equal end create make_with_object feature {NONE} -- Initialization components: GB_INTERNAL_COMPONENTS -- Access to a set of internal components for an EiffelBuild instance. make_with_object (an_object: GB_OBJECT; a_components: GB_INTERNAL_COMPONENTS) -- Create `Current', build interface appropriate -- to `an_object. local action_sequence: GB_EV_ACTION_SEQUENCES cell: EV_CELL header_label: EV_LABEL temp_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX h_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX separator: EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR do components := a_components default_create object := an_object if then set_title ("Event selection for unnamed " + object.short_type) else set_title ("Event selection for `" + + "'") end show_actions.extend (agent update_text_field_minimum_width) -- Reset building counter. building_counter := 0 -- Build structures used internally. create all_check_buttons.make (0) create all_text_fields.make (0) create all_names.make (0) create all_comments.make (0) create all_types.make (0) create all_class_names.make (0) create temp_box extend (temp_box) create header_label.make_with_text ("Actions to be performed when:") header_label.align_text_left header_label.set_minimum_height (20) create h_box temp_box.extend (h_box) temp_box.disable_item_expand (h_box) create cell h_box.extend (cell) cell.set_minimum_width (large_padding) h_box.disable_item_expand (cell) h_box.extend (header_label) create separator temp_box.extend (separator) temp_box.disable_item_expand (separator) create viewport viewport.set_background_color (text_background_color) create h_box create scroll_bar h_box.extend (viewport) h_box.extend (scroll_bar) h_box.disable_item_expand (scroll_bar) temp_box.extend (h_box) -- Build and add a box which will hold all the action sequences. create_main_box viewport.extend (main_vertical_box) create all_labels.make (25) -- Now build the interface which will display the -- applicable action sequences. from action_sequences_list.start until loop if type_conforms_to (dynamic_type_from_string (object.type), dynamic_type_from_string (action_sequences_list.item)) then action_sequence ?= new_instance_of (dynamic_type_from_string ("GB_" + action_sequences_list.item)) check action_sequence_not_void: action_sequence /= Void end build_events_for_an_action_sequence (action_sequence) end action_sequences_list.forth end from all_labels.start until loop -- The "5" gives a little spacing between the end of the -- label and the all_labels.item.set_minimum_width (minimum_label_width + 5) all_labels.forth end -- We now wipe out the events for the object. When we check for valid -- names, we will not check the current names. The events must be -- wiped out when the window is closed anyway to be re-filled with -- the current info from `Current'. create separator temp_box.extend (separator) temp_box.disable_item_expand (separator) -- Now create and setup `close_button'. create close_button.make_with_text ("Close") create h_box create cell h_box.extend (cell) h_box.extend (close_button) create cell h_box.extend (cell) h_box.disable_item_expand (close_button) temp_box.extend (h_box) temp_box.disable_item_expand (h_box) set_default_push_button (close_button) set_default_cancel_button (close_button) close_button.select_actions.extend (agent update_object_and_destroy) update_scroll_bar -- We must automatically update `scroll_bar' and -- the controls. scroll_bar.change_actions.extend (agent scroll_bar_moved (?)) resize_actions.force_extend (agent update_scroll_bar) -- We attempt to set the height relative to the number -- of items displayed, but with a maximum of 600. -- We add 75 as a rough estimate for the items above and below -- the window, and the windows client area to coordinate difference. set_minimum_size (600, (main_vertical_box.minimum_height + 75).min (600)) set_icon_pixmap ((create {GB_SHARED_PIXMAPS}).Icon_build_window @ 1) -- Handle re-sizing resize_actions.force_extend (agent update_text_fields) end feature -- Access object: GB_OBJECT -- Object associated with `Current'. feature -- Basic operations show_modal_to_window (window: EV_WINDOW) -- Show `Current' modal to `window'. do -- Previous size will be 0 if the dialog has never -- been displayed, and in this case, we do not want to set a position, -- and just use the default. if previous_size.x /= 0 then set_position (previous_position.x, previous_position.y) set_size (previous_size.x, previous_size.y) end Precursor {EV_DIALOG} (window) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation main_vertical_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Vertical box placed directly in `Current' to hold event -- structure. viewport: EV_VIEWPORT -- Scrollable area to hold `main_vertical_box'. scroll_bar: EV_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR -- A scroll bar to be connected to the viewport -- when required. close_button: EV_BUTTON -- Clicking will close `Current'. all_check_buttons: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_CHECK_BUTTON] -- All check buttons connected to `Current'. all_text_fields: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_TEXT_FIELD] -- All text fields associated with the check buttons. -- Ordered with `all_check_buttons'. -- The next few attributes store all the information -- about the action sequences for `object'. We store -- them locally, so that we only have to create the objects -- once in order to retrieve the information. -- `all_names' @ 3 corresponds to `all_types' @ 3 etc etc. all_names: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- All action sequence names associated with `object'. all_types: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- All action sequence types associated with `object'. all_comments: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- All comments associated with each action sequence for `object'. all_class_names: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- All class names corresponding to class defining each action sequence name. building_counter: INTEGER -- Current action sequence being built. temp_event_string: STRING = "Temporary feature name for comparison purposes." -- Used internally. Cannot be entered by user, as contains spaces. all_labels: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_LABEL] -- Used to hold all labels displayed before the -- check buttons. When the interface has been -- Created, we must then assign a minimum_width to all -- the labels which will match that of the largest. -- This procedure will ensure that all columns align correctly. minimum_label_width: INTEGER -- The largest `minimum_width' of all labels displayed before -- the check buttons. right_side_spacing: INTEGER = 30 -- Distance from right hand side of text boxes to scroll bar. build_events_for_an_action_sequence (an_action_sequence: GB_EV_ACTION_SEQUENCES) -- Build interface representing events of `an_action_sequence'. require action_sequence_not_void: an_action_sequence /= Void local counter, nb: INTEGER label, start_label: EV_LABEL frame: EV_FRAME vertical_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX horizontal_box, horizontal_box2: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX check_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON text_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD cell: EV_CELL info: GB_ACTION_SEQUENCE_INFO feature_name: STRING action_sequence_comment: STRING do from counter := 1 nb := an_action_sequence.count + 1 until counter = nb loop building_counter := building_counter + 1 create frame create horizontal_box horizontal_box.set_background_color (text_background_color) create check_button check_button.set_background_color (text_background_color) create vertical_box create text_field text_field.set_minimum_width (100) -- Add the start label. create start_label start_label.set_background_color (text_background_color) create vertical_box vertical_box.set_background_color (text_background_color) horizontal_box.extend (vertical_box) horizontal_box.disable_item_expand (vertical_box) start_label.align_text_left vertical_box.extend (start_label) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (start_label) create cell cell.set_background_color (text_background_color) vertical_box.extend (cell) -- We must check to see whether `object' has an event linked to -- the current action sequence. create vertical_box vertical_box.set_background_color (text_background_color) create cell cell.set_background_color (text_background_color) vertical_box.extend (check_button) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (check_button) vertical_box.extend (cell) horizontal_box.extend (vertical_box) horizontal_box.disable_item_expand (vertical_box) main_vertical_box.extend (horizontal_box) main_vertical_box.disable_item_expand (horizontal_box) create info.make_with_details ( (object.type, counter), action_sequences_list.item, an_action_sequence.types @ counter, temp_event_string) check_button.set_text ( (object.type, counter)) feature_name := feature_name_of_object_event (info) -- Display text before the check button. action_sequence_comment := (an_action_sequence.comments @ counter).twin -- We prune the `comment_start_string' from the start of the action sequence -- for a description of what the action sequence does. -- We check here, as if this is not the case, our output may not be correct -- and will need special handling. check action_sequence_comment.substring_index (comment_start_string, 1) = 1 end action_sequence_comment.keep_tail (action_sequence_comment.count - comment_start_string.count) start_label.set_text (action_sequence_comment) -- We must store the minimum_width of `start_label' if -- it is greater than the minimum width stored during -- previous calls to `build_events_for_an_action_sequence'. all_labels.extend (start_label) if start_label.minimum_width > minimum_label_width then minimum_label_width := start_label.minimum_width end -- Build interface with feature name included and displayed. create frame frame.set_background_color (text_background_color) frame.pointer_button_press_actions.force_extend (agent toggle_i_th_check_button (?, ?, ?, building_counter)) vertical_box.extend (frame) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (frame) create cell cell.set_background_color (text_background_color) create label.make_with_text ("Feature name : ") label.set_background_color (text_background_color) create horizontal_box2 horizontal_box2.set_border_width (2) horizontal_box2.set_background_color (text_background_color) horizontal_box2.extend (label) horizontal_box2.disable_item_expand (label) horizontal_box2.extend (text_field) frame.extend (horizontal_box2) if feature_name = Void then frame.hide check_button.disable_select else text_field.set_text (feature_name) check_button.enable_select end -- Connect an event to `check_button'. check_button.select_actions.extend (agent check_button_selected (building_counter)) -- Connect event to `text_field'. text_field.change_actions.force_extend (agent validate_name_change (building_counter)) -- Store information locally, for easy updating -- without having to perform interations and -- dynamic object building again. all_text_fields.extend (text_field) all_check_buttons.extend (check_button) all_names.extend ( (object.type, counter)) all_comments.extend (an_action_sequence.comments @ counter) all_types.extend (an_action_sequence.types @ counter) all_class_names.extend (action_sequences_list.item) counter := counter + 1 end end toggle_i_th_check_button (an_x, a_y, a_button, index: INTEGER) -- Toggle `index' check button in `all_check_buttons'. require index_valid: index >= 1 and index <= all_check_buttons.count do if a_button = 1 then all_check_buttons.i_th (index).toggle end end update_text_field_minimum_width -- For all text field in `all_text_fields' that are displayed, -- update minimum width relative to the scroll bar -- displayed to their right. -- We check to see if they are displayed using `all_check_buttons'. -- if the button `is_selected' then we must update the text_field. do from all_text_fields.start until loop if (all_check_buttons @ (all_text_fields.index)).is_selected then all_text_fields.item.set_minimum_width (x_position_relative_to_window (scroll_bar) - x_position_relative_to_window (all_text_fields.item) - right_side_spacing) end all_text_fields.forth end end validate_name_change (index: INTEGER) -- text field, `all_text_fields' @ `index' has been modified, -- so validate, and update display accordingly. local current_text_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD do current_text_field := all_text_fields @ index if valid_class_name (current_text_field.text) or current_text_field.text.is_empty then if components.object_handler.string_is_object_name (current_text_field.text, object, True) or (reserved_words.has (current_text_field.text.as_lower)) or (build_reserved_words.has (current_text_field.text.as_lower)) then current_text_field.set_foreground_color (red) elseif components.object_handler.string_is_feature_name (current_text_field.text, object) then if components.object_handler.existing_feature_matches (current_text_field.text, all_types @ index, object) then current_text_field.set_foreground_color (black) else current_text_field.set_foreground_color (red) end else current_text_field.set_foreground_color (black) end if current_text_field.foreground_color.is_equal (black) then -- Allow a user to save again, as the text has changed to something valid. -- Checking the color is the easiest way to do this. components.system_status.mark_as_dirty end else undo_last_character (current_text_field) end end feature_name_of_object_event (info: GB_ACTION_SEQUENCE_INFO): STRING -- Does `object' have an event matching `info'. If so, then -- Result is matching name local events: ARRAYED_LIST [GB_ACTION_SEQUENCE_INFO] matched: BOOLEAN do -- Local verion for fast iteration. events := from events.start until or matched = True loop if ( and events.item.class_name.same_string (info.class_name) and events.item.type.same_string (info.type) then check feature_name_not_empty: not end Result := events.item.feature_name matched := True end events.forth end end check_button_selected (index: INTEGER) -- Check button all_check_buttons @ `index' has been selected. -- We must maximize/minimize the feature name entry depending on -- the state of check button corresponding to `index' in -- `all_check_buttons'. local vertical_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX current_check_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON frame: EV_FRAME current_text_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD do lock_update current_check_button := all_check_buttons @ index current_text_field := all_text_fields @ index vertical_box ?= current_check_button.parent frame ?= vertical_box.i_th (3) if current_check_button.is_selected then current_text_field.set_text (current_text_field.text.as_lower) else frame.hide end update_scroll_bar unlock_update -- We update the system settings to reflect -- the fact that a user modification has taken place. -- This enables us to do things such as enable the save -- options. components.system_status.mark_as_dirty -- We do this here as when the update is locked, -- there appears to be problems. if current_check_button.is_selected then update_single_text_field (current_text_field) current_text_field.set_focus end end update_single_text_field (current_text_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD ) -- Update `minimum_size' of `current_text_filed' to force it -- to resize correctly. local right_hand_position: INTEGER do if current_text_field.is_displayed then if scroll_bar.is_displayed then right_hand_position := x_position_relative_to_window (scroll_bar) else right_hand_position := (parent_dialog (current_text_field)).client_width end current_text_field.set_minimum_width (right_hand_position - x_position_relative_to_window (current_text_field) - right_side_spacing) end end update_text_fields -- Update size of all displayed text fields, to almost "touch" -- the right hand side of the window, less a border. local current_text_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD do from all_text_fields.start until loop current_text_field := all_text_fields.item update_single_text_field (current_text_field) all_text_fields.forth end end create_main_box -- Create `main_vertical_box' and initialize. do create main_vertical_box main_vertical_box.set_padding_width (10) main_vertical_box.set_border_width (20) main_vertical_box.set_background_color (text_background_color) end update_scroll_bar -- Update scroll bar to reflect -- current size of the controls. do if viewport.height >= main_vertical_box.minimum_height then scroll_bar.hide else if not scroll_bar.is_show_requested then update_text_fields end scroll_bar.value_range.adapt ((create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (0, main_vertical_box.minimum_height - viewport.height))) if viewport.height > 0 then scroll_bar.set_leap (viewport.height) end scroll_bar_moved (scroll_bar.value) end end scroll_bar_moved (new_scroll_bar_value: INTEGER) -- `scroll_bar' value has changed, so updated -- the position of the controls within `viewport'. do viewport.set_y_offset (new_scroll_bar_value) end rebuild_controls_minimally -- Rebuild all controls representing action sequences -- into `main_vertical_box' which must be re-created -- during this process. We do this so that the box -- is minimal. There is no way to shrink an EV_BOX's -- size once it has been expanded by its children. local a_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX temp_widget: EV_WIDGET do a_box := main_vertical_box create_main_box from a_box.start until loop temp_widget ?= a_box.item a_box.remove main_vertical_box.extend (temp_widget) main_vertical_box.disable_item_expand (temp_widget) end viewport.wipe_out viewport.extend (main_vertical_box) end update_object_and_destroy -- Update `object' to reflect changes made during lifetime of -- `Current', and then destroy `Current'. local invalid_state: BOOLEAN warning_dialog: EV_WARNING_DIALOG counter, counter1: INTEGER action_info: GB_ACTION_SEQUENCE_INFO current_text_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD current_type, other_type: STRING action_sequence1, action_sequence2: GB_EV_ACTION_SEQUENCE first_types, second_types: STRING first_name, second_name: STRING do -- We must validate all the names contained in the boxes. -- First, we need to find out all selected text fields. from counter := 1 until counter > all_check_buttons.count or invalid_state loop if (all_check_buttons @ counter).is_selected then current_text_field := all_text_fields @ counter if (current_text_field).text.is_empty then invalid_state := True create warning_dialog.make_with_text ("You have not entered a feature name for `" + all_names @ (counter) + "'.%NPlease enter a feature name, or uncheck this action sequence.") warning_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) -- Check for reserved words. elseif (current_text_field).foreground_color.is_equal (red) then invalid_state := True -- First check to see whether it is a reserved word. if reserved_words.has (current_text_field.text.as_lower) then create warning_dialog.make_with_text ("You are using an Eiffel reserved word for `"+ all_names @ (counter) + "'.%NPlease enter a valid feature name that is not a reserved word or uncheck the action sequence.") warning_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) elseif build_reserved_words.has (current_text_field.text.as_lower) then create warning_dialog.make_with_text ("You are using a name for`"+ all_names @ (counter) + "' which will clash with inherited features in the generated code.%NPlease enter a valid feature name or uncheck the action sequence.") warning_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) elseif components.object_handler.string_is_object_name (current_text_field.text, object, True) then -- Name has already been used as an object name. create warning_dialog.make_with_text ("The feature name you have specified for `"+ all_names @ (counter) + "'%N is already in use as the name of an object in the system.%NPlease specify a unique name or uncheck this action sequence.") warning_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) else create warning_dialog.make_with_text ("The feature name you have specified for `"+ all_names @ (counter) + "'%N is already defined in another action sequence with incompatible event data.%NTherefore, it is not possible to add this feature to `"+ all_names @ (counter) + "'.%NPlease specify a new feature name or uncheck this action sequence.") warning_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) end elseif repeated_name (current_text_field.text.as_lower, counter) then current_type := all_types @ counter from counter1 := 1 until counter1 > all_text_fields.count or other_type /= Void loop if (all_text_fields @ counter1).text.as_lower.same_string_general (current_text_field.text.as_lower) and counter1 /= counter and (all_check_buttons @ counter1).is_selected then other_type := all_types @ counter1 second_name := all_names @ counter1 end counter1 := counter1 + 1 end check other_type_found: other_type /= Void end action_sequence1 ?= new_instance_of (dynamic_type_from_string ("GB_" + current_type)) check action_sequence_not_void: action_sequence1 /= Void end action_sequence2 ?= new_instance_of (dynamic_type_from_string ("GB_" + other_type)) check action_sequence_not_void: action_sequence2 /= Void end first_types := action_sequence1.argument_types_as_string second_types := action_sequence2.argument_types_as_string if first_types /= second_types then first_name := all_names @ counter invalid_state := True create warning_dialog.make_with_text ("`" + first_name +"' and `" + second_name +"' have different event data.%NTherefore, it is not possible to have the same feature connected to both of them.%NPlease resolve this discrepency.") warning_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) end end end counter := counter + 1 end if not invalid_state then -- Store the current size and position. previous_position.set (x_position, y_position) previous_size.set (width, height) -- Then insert the new info. from counter := 1 until counter > all_check_buttons.count loop if (all_check_buttons @ counter).is_selected then create action_info.make_with_details (all_names @ counter, all_class_names @ counter, all_types @ counter, (all_text_fields @ counter).text.as_lower) (action_info) end counter := counter + 1 end destroy end end repeated_name (current_name: STRING; index: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `current_name' the text of an expanded feature -- name entry, exluding `index' position? local counter: INTEGER do from counter := 1 until counter > all_check_buttons.count or Result loop if (all_check_buttons @ counter).is_selected and index /= counter then if (all_text_fields @ counter).text.as_lower.same_string_general (current_name) then Result :=True end end counter := counter + 1 end end text_background_color: EV_COLOR -- `Result' is EV_COLOR used for -- background of controls. -- This is provided, so all controls can be -- changed from one single place. once Result := white ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end previous_size: EV_COORDINATE -- `Result' is previous size of `Current' -- when last displayed. once create Result end previous_position: EV_COORDINATE -- `Result' is previous position of `Current' -- when last displayed. once create Result end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class GB_EVENT_SELECTION_DIALOG