note description: "[ Objects that represent an EV_DIALOG. The original version of this class was generated by EiffelBuild. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GB_FIXED_POSITIONER inherit GB_FIXED_POSITIONER_IMP GB_CONSTANTS undefine default_create, copy, is_equal end EV_STOCK_COLORS rename implementation as stock_colors_implementation export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy, is_equal end GB_SHARED_PIXMAPS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end create make_with_editor feature {NONE} -- Initialization user_initialization -- called by `initialize'. -- Any custom user initialization that -- could not be performed in `initialize', -- (due to regeneration of implementation class) -- can be added here. do set_icon_pixmap (Icon_build_window @ 1) set_title ("EV_FIXED child positioner") end make_with_editor (an_editor: GB_EV_FIXED_EDITOR_CONSTRUCTOR) -- Create `Current' and assign `an_editor' to `editor'. local list_item: EV_LIST_ITEM do default_create editor := an_editor first := editor.first create world create pixmap create status_timer.make_with_interval (50) status_timer.actions.extend (agent update_status) drawing_area.resize_actions.extend (agent (x, y, w, h: INTEGER_32) do draw_widgets end) grid_visible_control.enable_select grid_visible_control.select_actions.extend (agent draw_widgets) scrollable_area.resize_actions.extend (agent (x, y, w, h: INTEGER_32) do set_initial_area_size end) -- Set resizing behaviour for `split_area'. split_area.enable_item_expand (split_area.first) split_area.disable_item_expand (split_area.second) create projector.make_with_buffer (world, pixmap, drawing_area) grid_size_control.change_actions.extend (agent (v: INTEGER_32) do draw_widgets end) grid_size_control.focus_out_actions.extend (agent draw_widgets) grid_size_control.return_actions.extend (agent draw_widgets) grid_size_control.set_value (20) snap_button.enable_select from first.start until loop -- Note that this is slow, as we have to loop through objects -- to get a match, while inside this loop. list_item := editor.named_list_item_from_widget (first.item) -- We must update all other editors referencing `object'. -- when an item is selected. list_item.select_actions.extend (agent update_editors) -- We must also re-draw the widgets when a selection changes, -- as the selected widget should be highlighted. list_item.select_actions.extend (agent draw_widgets) list_item.deselect_actions.extend (agent check_unselect) list_item.set_data (first.item) list.extend (list_item) first.forth end set_initial_area_size end user_create_interface_objects -- Create any auxilliary objects needed for MAIN_WINDOW. -- Initialization for these objects must be performed in `user_initialization'. do -- Create attached types defined in class here, initialize them in `user_initialization'. end feature -- Basic operation update -- Update `Current' to reflect changes to widgets. do list.remove_selection draw_widgets end feature {NONE} -- Implementation editor: GB_EV_FIXED_EDITOR_CONSTRUCTOR -- Editor which created `Current'. first: EV_FIXED -- First object referenced by `editor'. set_item_width (widget: EV_WIDGET; a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `width' of `widget' to `a_width'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void do editor.set_item_width (widget, a_width) end set_item_x_position (widget: EV_WIDGET; an_x_position: INTEGER) -- Set `x_position' of `widget' to `an_x_position'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void do editor.set_item_x_position (widget, an_x_position) end set_item_height (widget: EV_WIDGET; a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `height' of widget to `a_height'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void do editor.set_item_height (widget, a_height) end set_item_y_position (widget: EV_WIDGET; a_y_position: INTEGER) -- Set `y_position' of `widget' to `a_y_position'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void do editor.set_item_y_position (widget, a_y_position) end update_editors -- Update staus of all other editors. do editor.update_editors end ok_pressed -- Called by `select_actions' of `ok_button'. do pre_close_tidy hide end feature {NONE} -- Implementation pre_close_tidy -- Perform necessary actions before `layout_window' -- is destroyed. do status_timer.destroy end set_initial_area_size -- Set initial size of `drawing_area' relative to `scrollable_area' local biggest_x, biggest_y: INTEGER widget: EV_WIDGET do from first.start until loop widget := first.item if widget.x_position + widget.width > biggest_x then biggest_x := widget.x_position + widget.width end if widget.y_position + widget.height > biggest_y then biggest_y := widget.y_position + widget.height end first.forth end if biggest_x > scrollable_area.width then drawing_area.set_minimum_width (biggest_x) else drawing_area.set_minimum_width (scrollable_area.width) end if biggest_y > scrollable_area.height then drawing_area.set_minimum_height (biggest_y) else drawing_area.set_minimum_height (scrollable_area.height) end end update_pixmap_size (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Resize `pixmap' to `width', `height'. do -- A pixmap is 1x1 as default, -- and you can not set the size to 0x0. -- Why is this? if width >= 1 and height >=1 then pixmap.set_size (width, height) end end draw_widgets -- Draw representation of all widgets and grid if shown. local listi: EV_LIST_ITEM relative_pointa, relative_pointb: EV_RELATIVE_POINT figure_rectangle: EV_FIGURE_RECTANGLE do -- Reset `selected_item_index' as it is not -- local. selected_item_index := 0 -- Remove all previous figures from `world'. world.wipe_out -- We must draw the grid if necessary. if grid_visible_control.is_selected then draw_grid end from first.start until loop listi := list.selected_item if list.selected_item /= Void and then first.item = then selected_item_index := first.index else create relative_pointa.make_with_position (first.item.x_position, first.item.y_position) create relative_pointb.make_with_position (first.item.x_position + first.item.width, first.item.y_position + first.item.height) create figure_rectangle.make_with_points (relative_pointa, relative_pointb) figure_rectangle.set_foreground_color (black) figure_rectangle.remove_background_color world.extend (figure_rectangle) end first.forth end if selected_item_index > 0 then first.go_i_th (selected_item_index) create relative_pointa.make_with_position (first.item.x_position, first.item.y_position) create relative_pointb.make_with_position (first.item.x_position + first.item.width, first.item.y_position + first.item.height) create figure_rectangle.make_with_points (relative_pointa, relative_pointb) figure_rectangle.remove_background_color figure_rectangle.set_foreground_color (red) figure_rectangle.set_line_width (Highlighted_width) world.extend (figure_rectangle) end projector.project end draw_grid -- Draw snap to grid in `world'. local counter: INTEGER figure_line: EV_FIGURE_LINE color: EV_COLOR relative_point: EV_RELATIVE_POINT do -- Create a light green for the grid color. create color.make_with_8_bit_rgb (196, 244, 204) from counter := 0 until counter > drawing_area.width loop create figure_line.make_with_positions (counter, 0, counter, drawing_area.height) figure_line.set_foreground_color (color) create relative_point.make_with_position (drawing_area.width, counter) world.extend (figure_line) counter := counter + grid_size end from counter := 0 until counter > drawing_area.height loop create figure_line.make_with_positions (0, counter, drawing_area.width, counter) figure_line.set_foreground_color (color) figure_line.set_foreground_color (color) world.extend (figure_line) counter := counter + grid_size end end track_movement (x, y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Track `x', `y' position of cursor, and local widget: EV_WIDGET temp: INTEGER temp_x: INTEGER new_x, new_y: INTEGER do -- Store `x' and `y' for use elsewhere. last_x := x last_y := y -- We only need to perform this operation if a widget representation -- is selected for manipulation. if selected_item_index > 0 and not resizing_widget and not moving_widget then widget := first.i_th (selected_item_index) if close_to (x, y, widget.x_position + widget.width, widget.y_position + widget.height) or close_to (x, y, widget.x_position, widget.y_position) then if not resizing_widget then set_all_pointer_styles (sizenwse_cursor) end elseif close_to (x, y, widget.x_position, widget.y_position + widget.height) or close_to (x, y, widget.x_position + widget.width, widget.y_position) then if not resizing_widget then set_all_pointer_styles (sizenesw_cursor) end elseif close_to_line (x, y, widget.y_position + widget.height, widget.x_position + accuracy_value, widget.x_position + widget.width - accuracy_value) or close_to_line (x, y, widget.y_position, widget.x_position + accuracy_value, widget.x_position + widget.width - accuracy_value) then if not resizing_widget then set_all_pointer_styles (sizens_cursor) end elseif close_to_line (y, x, widget.x_position, widget.y_position + accuracy_value, widget.y_position + widget.height - accuracy_value) or close_to_line (y, x, widget.x_position + widget.width, widget.y_position + accuracy_value, widget.y_position + widget.height - accuracy_value) then if not resizing_widget then set_all_pointer_styles (sizewe_cursor) end elseif x > widget.x_position and x < widget.x_position + widget.width and y > widget.y_position and y < widget.y_position + widget.height then if not resizing_widget then set_all_pointer_styles (sizeall_cursor) end else if not resizing_widget or not moving_widget then set_all_pointer_styles (standard_cursor) end end end if resizing_widget then -- Update scrolling status. update_scrolling (x, y) temp_x := x if snap_button.is_selected then new_x := temp_x + half_grid_size - ((temp_x + half_grid_size) \\ grid_size) new_y := y + half_grid_size - ((y + half_grid_size) \\ grid_size) else new_x := temp_x new_y := y end widget := first.i_th (selected_item_index) if x_scale /= 0 then if x_offset = 0 then if new_x < widget.x_position + widget.width - widget.minimum_width then if widget.x_position + (new_x - widget.x_position) > 0 then set_item_width (widget, (widget.width - (new_x - widget.x_position)).max (widget.minimum_width)) set_item_x_position (widget, (widget.x_position + (new_x - widget.x_position))) else temp := widget.x_position set_item_width (widget, widget.width + temp) set_item_x_position (widget, (0)) end else temp := widget.width - widget.minimum_width set_item_width (widget, widget.width - temp) set_item_x_position (widget, widget.x_position + temp) end else set_item_width (widget, (new_x - widget.x_position).max (widget.minimum_width)) end end if y_scale /= 0 then if y_offset = 0 then if new_y < widget.y_position + widget.height - widget.minimum_height then if widget.y_position + (new_y - widget.y_position) > 0 then set_item_height (widget, (widget.height - (new_y - widget.y_position)).max (widget.minimum_height)) set_item_y_position (widget, (widget.y_position + (new_y - widget.y_position))) else temp := widget.y_position set_item_height (widget, widget.height + temp) set_item_y_position (widget, (0)) end else temp := widget.height - widget.minimum_height set_item_height (widget, widget.height - temp) set_item_y_position (widget, widget.y_position + temp) end else set_item_height (widget, (new_y - widget.y_position).max (widget.minimum_height)) end end draw_widgets end if moving_widget then widget := first.i_th (selected_item_index) -- Update scrolling status. update_scrolling (x, y) if snap_button.is_selected then new_x := x - (((x - x_offset)) \\ grid_size) new_y := y - (((y - y_offset)) \\ grid_size) else new_x := x new_y := y end if new_x - x_offset > 0 then set_item_x_position (widget, new_x - x_offset) else set_item_x_position (widget, 0) end if new_y - y_offset > 0 then set_item_y_position (widget, new_y - y_offset) else set_item_y_position (widget, 0) end draw_widgets end update_editors end x_scrolling_velocity: INTEGER -- `Result' is desired x scrolling velocity based on the last known position -- of the mouse pointer. do if last_x > drawing_area.width and scrolled_x_once and scrolling_x_start = x_right then Result := (last_x - drawing_area.width) // 20 + 1 elseif last_x > scrollable_area.width + scrollable_area.x_offset and scrolling_x_start = x_center then Result := (last_x - scrollable_area.width - scrollable_area.x_offset) // 20 + 1 elseif last_x < scrollable_area.x_offset then Result := - ((scrollable_area.x_offset - last_x) //20 + 1) end end y_scrolling_velocity: INTEGER -- `Result' is desired y scrolling velocity based on the last known position -- of the mouse pointer. do if last_y > drawing_area.height and scrolled_y_once and scrolling_y_start = y_bottom then Result := (last_y - drawing_area.height) // 20 + 1 elseif last_y > scrollable_area.height + scrollable_area.y_offset and scrolling_y_start = y_center then Result := (last_y - scrollable_area.height - scrollable_area.y_offset) // 20 + 1 elseif last_y < scrollable_area.y_offset then Result := - ((scrollable_area.y_offset - last_y) //20 + 1) end end update_scrolling (x, y: INTEGER) -- Update current scrolling to reflect mouse coordinates `x', `y'. do -- First deal with the x axis if (x > drawing_area.width) and not scrolled_x_once then scrolled_x_once := True scrolling_x_start := x_right start_x_scrolling elseif (x > drawing_area.width) and scrolled_x_once and scrolling_x_start = x_right then if not scrolling_x then start_x_scrolling end elseif scrolling_x_start = x_right then if scrolling_x then end_x_scrolling end end if (x > scrollable_area.width + scrollable_area.x_offset) and not scrolled_x_once then scrolled_x_once := True scrolling_x_start := x_center start_x_scrolling elseif (x > scrollable_area.width + scrollable_area.x_offset) and scrolled_x_once and scrolling_x_start = x_center then if not scrolling_x then start_x_scrolling end elseif scrolling_x_start = x_center then if scrolling_x then end_x_scrolling end end if x < scrollable_area.x_offset then if not scrolling_x then start_x_scrolling end end -- Then Y axis. if (y > drawing_area.height) and not scrolled_y_once then scrolled_y_once := True scrolling_y_start := y_bottom start_y_scrolling elseif (y > drawing_area.height) and scrolled_y_once and scrolling_y_start = y_bottom then if not scrolling_y then start_y_scrolling end elseif scrolling_y_start = y_bottom then if scrolling_y then end_y_scrolling end end if (y > scrollable_area.height + scrollable_area.y_offset) and not scrolled_y_once then scrolled_y_once := True scrolling_y_start := y_center start_y_scrolling elseif (y > scrollable_area.height + scrollable_area.y_offset) and scrolled_y_once and scrolling_y_start = y_center then if not scrolling_y then start_y_scrolling end elseif scrolling_y_start = y_center then if scrolling_y then end_y_scrolling end end if y < scrollable_area.y_offset then if not scrolling_y then start_y_scrolling end end end start_x_scrolling -- Begin automatic scrolling on x axis. do if not scrolling_x then if not scrolling_y then -- Create a timeout which will repeatedly cause the scrolling to -- take place. create timeout.make_with_interval (25) timeout.actions.extend (agent scroll) end scrolling_x := True end end start_y_scrolling -- Begin automatic scrolling on y axis. do if not scrolling_y then if not scrolling_x then -- Create a timeout which will repeatedly cause the scrolling to -- take place. create timeout.make_with_interval (25) timeout.actions.extend (agent scroll) end scrolling_y := True end end end_x_scrolling -- End scrolling on x axis. do -- Only destroy if not scrolling in either -- direction. `timeout' controls scrolling in -- both directions. if not scrolling_y then timeout.destroy end scrolling_x := False end end_y_scrolling -- End scrolling on y axis. do -- Only destroy if not scrolling in either -- direction. `timeout' controls scrolling in -- both directions. if not scrolling_x then timeout.destroy end scrolling_y := False end scroll -- local current_velocity: INTEGER do current_velocity := x_scrolling_velocity if current_velocity > 0 then drawing_area.set_minimum_width (drawing_area.width + current_velocity) end -- Max 0 ensures that if we are scrolling to the left, we do not -- move to less than position 0. scrollable_area.set_x_offset ((scrollable_area.x_offset + current_velocity).max (0)) current_velocity := y_scrolling_velocity if current_velocity > 0 then drawing_area.set_minimum_height (drawing_area.height + current_velocity) end -- Max 0 ensures that if we are scrolling to the top, we do not -- move to less than position 0. scrollable_area.set_y_offset ((scrollable_area.y_offset + current_velocity).max (0)) end close_to (current_x, current_y, desired_x, desired_y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is position `current_x', `current_y' within `accuracy_value' of `desired_x', `desired_y'. do if (current_x - desired_x).abs < accuracy_value and (current_y - desired_y).abs < accuracy_value then Result := True end end close_to_line (coordinate_a, coordinate_b, line_offset, line_start, line_end: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do if coordinate_a > line_start and coordinate_a < line_end and (coordinate_b - line_offset).abs < accuracy_value then Result := True end end grid_size: INTEGER -- Size of current grid from -- `grid_size_control' do Result := grid_size_control.value end half_grid_size: INTEGER -- Half size of current grid. do Result := grid_size // 2 end button_pressed (x, y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- A button has been pressed. If `a_button' = 1 then -- check for movement/resizing. local widget: EV_WIDGET list_item: EV_LIST_ITEM do if selected_item_index > 0 then widget := first.i_th (selected_item_index) if a_button = 1 and not resizing_widget and not moving_widget then -- Unset this, if this is not the case, as we have 8 checks which would need it -- assigning otherwise resizing_widget := True if close_to (x, y, widget.x_position + widget.width, widget.y_position + widget.height) then x_offset := widget.width y_offset := widget.height x_scale := 1; y_scale := 1 elseif close_to (x, y, widget.x_position, widget.y_position) then x_offset := 0 y_offset := 0 x_scale := 1; y_scale := 1 elseif close_to (x, y, widget.x_position, widget.y_position + widget.height) then x_offset := 0 y_offset := widget.height x_scale := 1; y_scale := 1 elseif close_to (x, y, widget.x_position + widget.width, widget.y_position) then x_offset := widget.width y_offset := 0 x_scale := 1; y_scale := 1 elseif close_to_line (x, y, widget.y_position + widget.height, widget.x_position + accuracy_value, widget.x_position + widget.width - accuracy_value) then x_offset := x - widget.x_position y_offset := widget.height x_scale := 0; y_scale := 1 elseif close_to_line (x, y, widget.y_position, widget.x_position + accuracy_value, widget.x_position + widget.width - accuracy_value) then x_offset := x y_offset := 0 x_scale := 0; y_scale := 1 elseif close_to_line (y, x, widget.x_position, widget.y_position + accuracy_value, widget.y_position + widget.height - accuracy_value) then x_offset := 0 y_offset := y x_scale := 1; y_scale := 0 elseif close_to_line (y, x, widget.x_position + widget.width, widget.y_position + accuracy_value, widget.y_position + widget.height - accuracy_value) then x_offset := widget.width y_offset := y x_scale := 1; y_scale := 0 elseif x > widget.x_position and x < widget.x_position + widget.width and y > widget.y_position and y < widget.y_position + widget.height then moving_widget := True resizing_widget := False x_offset := x - widget.x_position y_offset := y - widget.y_position else resizing_widget := False end if resizing_widget or moving_widget then drawing_area.enable_capture end end end if a_button = 1 and not resizing_widget and not moving_widget then -- Now select a widget if a user is pressing the left mouse button while over -- a widget in the view. from first.start until loop widget := first.item if x > widget.x_position and x < widget.x_position + widget.width and y > widget.y_position and y < widget.y_position + widget.height then selected_item_index := first.index list_item := list.i_th (selected_item_index) list_item.select_actions.block list_item.enable_select list_item.select_actions.resume end if not first.after then first.forth end end draw_widgets end end button_released (x, y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- A button has been released on `drawing_area' -- If `a_button' = 1, check for end of resize/movement. do scrolled_x_once := False if a_button = 1 then if scrolling_x then end_x_scrolling end if resizing_widget then resizing_widget := False set_all_pointer_styles (standard_cursor) drawing_area.disable_capture elseif moving_widget then moving_widget := False set_all_pointer_styles (standard_cursor) drawing_area.disable_capture end set_initial_area_size draw_widgets end end set_all_pointer_styles (cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE) -- Assign a pointer style to all figures in -- `world' and `drawing_area'. do from world.start until loop world.item.set_pointer_style (cursor) world.forth end drawing_area.set_pointer_style (cursor) end update_status -- Display status message in `prompt_label'. -- This prompts the user. do if list.selected_item = Void then prompt_label.set_text (select_widget_prompt) else if (first @ (list.index_of (list.selected_item, 1))).width < 3 and (first @ (list.index_of (list.selected_item, 1))).height < 3 then prompt_label.set_text (widget_size_prompt) else prompt_label.set_text (resize_widget_prompt) end end end clicked_for_enlarge (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Enlarge selected widget if sizing prompt -- is displayed. local widget: EV_WIDGET do if prompt_label.text.same_string_general (widget_size_prompt) then widget := (first @ (list.index_of (list.selected_item, 1))) -- We do not enlarge the display widget, as they are already -- larger. first.set_item_width (widget, 50) first.set_item_height (widget, 50) draw_widgets end end check_unselect -- If no item is selected in `list' any more, -- then we must remove the highlighting from -- the display. do if list.selected_items.count = 0 then selected_item_index := 0 draw_widgets end end feature {NONE} -- Scrolling attributes. last_x, last_y: INTEGER -- Last known coordinates of mouse pointer. x_right, x_center: INTEGER = unique -- Constants used with `scrolling_x_start'. y_bottom, y_center: INTEGER = unique -- Constants used with `scrolling_y_start'. scrolling_x_start: INTEGER -- Where did the scrolling operation start? -- `x_right' if started when reached edge of `drawing_area'. -- `x_center' if started when reached visible edge of `drawing_area'. scrolling_y_start: INTEGER -- Where did the scrolling operation start? -- `y_bottom' if started when reached the bottom of `drawing_area'. -- `y_center' if started when reached visible edge of `drawing_area'. timeout: EV_TIMEOUT -- Used to execute the timing of scrolling. scrolling_x: BOOLEAN -- Are we currently scrolling onx axis?? scrolling_y: BOOLEAN -- Are we currently scrolling on y axis? scrolled_x_once: BOOLEAN -- Have we scrolled in the x direction since the last -- button 1 release? scrolled_y_once:BOOLEAN -- Have we scrolled in the y direction since the last -- button 1 release? feature {NONE} -- Attributes status_timer: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer executed to keep `prompt_label' -- current. grid_spacing: INTEGER -- Spacing used for grid. resizing_widget: BOOLEAN -- Is a widget currently being resized? moving_widget: BOOLEAN -- Is a widget currently being moved? x_offset, y_offset: INTEGER -- Offsets used to hold cursor distance from -- point being targeted. x_scale, y_scale: INTEGER -- Amount to scale movement in the X or Y axis by. -- Should be 1 or 0. 1 means full movement, 0 means -- that axis is ignored. selected_item_index: INTEGER -- Index of item currently selected in grid_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used for grid. do create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (196, 244, 204) end highlighted_width: INTEGER = 3 -- Width of line used to draw highlighted item. accuracy_value: INTEGER = 3 -- Value which determines how close pointer must be -- to lines/points for resizing. projector: EV_DRAWING_AREA_PROJECTOR -- Projector used for `world' pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap for double buffering `world'. world: EV_FIGURE_WORLD; -- Figure world containg all widget representations. note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end