note description: "Builds an attribute editor for modification of objects of type EV_NOTEBOOK." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class GB_EV_NOTEBOOK_EDITOR_CONSTRUCTOR inherit GB_EV_EDITOR_CONSTRUCTOR undefine default_create end EV_BUILDER feature -- Access ev_type: EV_NOTEBOOK -- Vision2 type represented by `Current'. type: STRING = "EV_NOTEBOOK" -- String representation of object_type modifyable by `Current'. attribute_editor: GB_OBJECT_EDITOR_ITEM -- A vision2 component to enable modification -- of items held in `objects'. local label: EV_LABEL do create Result.make_with_components (components) initialize_attribute_editor (Result) create label.make_with_text (gb_ev_notebook_tab_position) label.set_tooltip (gb_ev_notebook_tab_position_tooltip) Result.extend (label) create combo_box combo_box.set_tooltip (gb_ev_notebook_tab_position_tooltip) Result.extend (combo_box) combo_box.disable_edit create top_item.make_with_text (Ev_tab_top_string) combo_box.extend (top_item) create bottom_item.make_with_text (Ev_tab_bottom_string) combo_box.extend (bottom_item) create right_item.make_with_text (Ev_tab_right_string) combo_box.extend (right_item) create left_item.make_with_text (Ev_tab_left_string) combo_box.extend (left_item) combo_box.select_actions.extend (agent selection_changed) combo_box.select_actions.extend (agent update_editors) if not first.is_empty then create label.make_with_text ("Item texts:") Result.extend (label) end create text_entries.make (4) from first.start until loop create text_entry.make (Current, Result, item_text_string + first.index.out, Gb_ev_textable_text + first.index.out, Gb_ev_textable_text_tooltip, agent set_text (?, first.index), agent validate_true (?), single_line_entry, components) text_entry.hide_label text_entries.extend (text_entry) first.forth end if not first.is_empty then create label.make_with_text ("Item pixmaps:") Result.extend (label) end create pixmap_entries.make (4) from first.start until loop create pixmap_entry.make (Current, Result, Item_pixmap_string + first.index.out, "", "Pixmap", agent set_pixmap (?, ?, first.index), agent validate, agent return_pixmap (first.index), agent return_pixmap_path (first.index), components) pixmap_entries.extend (pixmap_entry) first.forth end update_attribute_editor disable_all_items (Result) align_labels_left (Result) end update_attribute_editor -- Update status of `attribute_editor' to reflect information -- from `objects.first'. local notebook_tab: EV_NOTEBOOK_TAB do combo_box.select_actions.block if first.tab_position = first.tab_top then top_item.enable_select elseif first.tab_position = first.tab_bottom then bottom_item.enable_select elseif first.tab_position = first.tab_right then right_item.enable_select elseif first.tab_position = first.tab_left then left_item.enable_select end combo_box.select_actions.resume from text_entries.start until loop text_entries.item.update_constant_display (first.item_text (first.i_th (text_entries.index))) text_entries.forth end from pixmap_entries.start until loop notebook_tab := first.item_tab (first.i_th (pixmap_entries.index)) pixmap_entries.item.update_constant_display (notebook_tab.pixmap) pixmap_entries.forth end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation initialize_agents -- Initialize `validate_agents' and `execution_agents' to -- contain all agents required for modification of `Current. local counter: INTEGER do -- When using constants for notebook items, the validation agents need to be dynamic. -- Unfortunately, the mechanism is not currently set up in this fashion. -- Therefore we add 32 agents, to cover handling of notebooks with up to 32 items. -- If more items are contained, and a user changes a constant value used as -- a notebook item text for an index greater than 32, EiffelBuild will crash. -- This is extremely unlikely although a better solution needs to be found. from counter := 1 until counter > 32 loop validate_agents.put (agent validate_true (?), item_text_string + counter.out) execution_agents.put (agent set_text (?, counter), item_text_string + counter.out) execution_agents.put (agent set_pixmap (?, ?, counter), Item_pixmap_string + counter.out) counter := counter + 1 end end validate (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; pixmap_path: PATH): BOOLEAN -- Validate pixmap `a_pixmap' with path `pixmap_path'. do --| No validation is currently performed on pixmaps, so return True Result := True end return_pixmap (index: INTEGER): EV_PIXMAP -- `Result' is pixmap used for `Current'. require index_valid: index <= objects.first.count local notebook_tab: EV_NOTEBOOK_TAB do notebook_tab := objects.first.item_tab (objects.first.i_th (index)) Result := notebook_tab.pixmap end return_pixmap_path (index: INTEGER): PATH -- `Result' is path used to retrieve pixmap. do Result := objects.first.pixmap_paths.item (index) end selection_changed -- Selection in `combo_box' changed. do for_all_objects (agent {EV_NOTEBOOK}.set_tab_position (position_from_text (combo_box.selected_item.text))) end set_text (a_string: STRING; index: INTEGER) -- Set `a_string' as item text of notebook item indexed by `index'. do actual_set_text (object, a_string, index) for_all_instance_referers (object, agent actual_set_text (?, a_string, index)) enable_project_modified end actual_set_text (an_object: GB_OBJECT; a_string: STRING; index: INTEGER) -- Perform setting of `a_string' to notebook tab `index' for all -- representations of `an_object'. require object_not_void: an_object /= Void string_not_void: a_string /= Void index_valid: an_object.children /= Void implies index >= 1 and index <= an_object.children.count local notebook: EV_NOTEBOOK do notebook ?= an_object.object check object_was_notebook: notebook /= Void end notebook.set_item_text (notebook.i_th (index), a_string) notebook ?= an_object.real_display_object if notebook /= Void then check object_was_notebook: notebook /= Void end notebook.set_item_text (notebook.i_th (index), a_string) end end set_pixmap (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; path: PATH; index: INTEGER) -- Set `a_pixmap' to notebook tab of item indexed by `index' within notebook. -- If `a_pixmap' is Void, remove the pixmap. do actual_set_pixmap (object, a_pixmap, path, index) for_all_instance_referers (object, agent actual_set_pixmap (?, a_pixmap, path, index)) enable_project_modified end actual_set_pixmap (an_object: GB_OBJECT; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; path: PATH; index: INTEGER) -- Set `a_pixmap' to notebook tab for `an_object' of item indexed by `index' within notebook. -- If `a_pixmap' is Void, remove the pixmap. require an_object_not_void: an_object /= Void index_valid: an_object.children /= Void implies index >= 1 and index <= an_object.children.count local notebook_tab: EV_NOTEBOOK_TAB notebook: EV_NOTEBOOK do notebook ?= an_object.object check object_was_notebook: end notebook_tab := notebook.item_tab (notebook.i_th (index)) if path /= Void then notebook.pixmap_paths.put (path, index) else notebook.pixmap_paths.remove (index) end if a_pixmap /= Void then notebook_tab.set_pixmap (a_pixmap) else notebook_tab.remove_pixmap end notebook ?= an_object.real_display_object if notebook /= Void then check object_was_notebook: notebook /= Void end notebook_tab := notebook.item_tab (notebook.i_th (index)) if path /= Void then notebook.pixmap_paths.put (path, index) else notebook.pixmap_paths.remove (index) end if a_pixmap /= Void then notebook_tab.set_pixmap (a_pixmap) else notebook_tab.remove_pixmap end end enable_project_modified end names_from_string (a_string: STRING): ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- `Result' is all tab names encoded in `a_string'. -- each is separated by `separator_char'. local pos, last_pos: INTEGER item_position: INTEGER looped_already: BOOLEAN do create Result.make (0) from pos := 1 item_position := 1 until pos = a_string.count + 1 loop if looped_already then last_pos := pos + 1 else last_pos := 1 end pos := a_string.index_of (separator_char, last_pos) -- This handles the last case. if pos = 0 then pos := a_string.count + 1 end Result.extend (a_string.substring (last_pos, pos - 1)) item_position := item_position + 1 looped_already := True end end position_from_text (text: STRING): INTEGER -- `Result' is integer value corresponding -- to `text' tab style. i.e. "Ev_tab_left_string". do if text.same_string (Ev_tab_top_string) then Result := first.Tab_top elseif text.same_string (Ev_tab_bottom_string) then Result := first.Tab_bottom elseif text.same_string (Ev_tab_right_string) then Result := first.Tab_right elseif text.same_string (Ev_tab_left_string) then Result := first.Tab_left else check False end end end text_entries: ARRAYED_LIST [GB_STRING_INPUT_FIELD] -- All text entries created to permit entry of item texts. pixmap_entries: ARRAYED_LIST [GB_PIXMAP_INPUT_FIELD] -- All pixmap entries created to permit entry of item texts. combo_box: EV_COMBO_BOX -- Holds possible tab positions. Ev_tab_left_string: STRING = "Left" Ev_tab_right_string: STRING = "Right" Ev_tab_top_string: STRING = "Top" Ev_tab_bottom_string: STRING = "Bottom" -- String constants used for different tab_positions Tab_position_string: STRING = "Tab_position" -- String used to represent the tab position in the XML. Item_text_string_new: STRING = "Item_texts" -- String used to represent the parent node for the texts in the XML. -- This has been added to permit the item texts of notebooks to -- support constants. Item_pixmap_string_new: STRING = "Item_pixmaps" -- String used to represent the parent node for the pixmaps in the XML. -- This has been added to permit the tab pixmaps of notebooks to -- support constants. separator_char: CHARACTER = '^' top_item, bottom_item, left_item, right_item: EV_LIST_ITEM -- Selctions for combo box. text_entry: GB_STRING_INPUT_FIELD -- Input field for text. pixmap_entry: GB_PIXMAP_INPUT_FIELD; -- Input field for pixmap. note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class GB_EV_NOTEBOOK_EDITOR_CONSTRUCTOR