note description: "Summary description for {APP_EMBEDDED_WEB_EXECUTION}." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class APP_EMBEDDED_WEB_EXECUTION inherit EMBEDDED_WEB_EXECUTION redefine initialize end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization initialize do Precursor create request_exit_operation_actions local_connection_restriction_enabled := True end feature -- Execution request_exit_operation_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE] execute -- Execute the request -- See `request.input' for input stream -- `request.meta_variables' for the CGI meta variable -- and `response' for output buffer local router: WSF_ROUTER sess: detachable WSF_ROUTER_SESSION m: WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE b: STRING fs: WSF_FILE_SYSTEM_HANDLER req: like request do req := request create router.make (3) router.handle ("/test/{var}", create {WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_test), Void) router.handle ("/env", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_env), Void) router.handle ("/exit", create {WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_exit), Void) create fs.make_with_path ((create {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}).current_working_path.extended ("files")) router.handle ("/files", fs, Void) create sess router.dispatch (req, response, sess) if not sess.dispatched then create m.make create b.make_from_string ("

Hello Eiffel desktop user

") b.append ("
  • test
  • ") b.append ("
  • env
  • ") b.append ("
  • files
  • ") b.append ("
  • exit
  • ") m.set_body (b) response.send (m) end end handle_test (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local m: WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE b: STRING l_name: READABLE_STRING_32 do if attached {WSF_STRING} req.item ("var") as p_name then l_name := p_name.value else l_name := {STRING_32} "Embedded web service and web_browser in vision2 application" end create m.make create b.make_from_string ("

    This is a test about "+ m.html_encoded_string (l_name) +"

    ") b.append ("
  • back to home
  • ") if l_name.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("start") then b.append ("
  • test javascript+ajax
  • ") elseif l_name.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("js") then b.append ("[

    Let AJAX change this text

    ]") m.add_javascript_content ("[ function loadXMLDoc() { var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } }"GET","/test/ajax.txt",true); xmlhttp.send(); } ]") elseif l_name.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("ajax.txt") then b := "This is AJAX response ... from " + req.absolute_script_url ("") end m.set_body (b) res.send (m) end handle_env (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local s: STRING_8 p: WSF_PAGE_RESPONSE v: STRING_8 do create s.make (2048) s.append ("**DEBUG**%N") req.set_raw_input_data_recorded (True) append_iterable_to ("Meta variables:", req.meta_variables, s) s.append_character ('%N') append_iterable_to ("Path parameters", req.path_parameters, s) s.append_character ('%N') append_iterable_to ("Query parameters", req.query_parameters, s) s.append_character ('%N') append_iterable_to ("Form parameters", req.form_parameters, s) s.append_character ('%N') if attached req.content_type as l_type then s.append ("Content: type=" + l_type.debug_output) s.append (" length=") s.append_natural_64 (req.content_length_value) s.append_character ('%N') create v.make (req.content_length_value.to_integer_32) req.read_input_data_into (v) across v.split ('%N') as v_cursor loop s.append (" |") s.append (v_cursor.item) s.append_character ('%N') end end create p.make_with_body (s) p.header.put_content_type_text_plain res.send (p) end handle_exit (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local m: WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE b: STRING do create m.make create b.make_from_string ("

    Embedded server is about to shutdown

    ") b.append ("
  • back to home
  • ") b.append ("
  • Click to confirm exit operation
  • ") m.set_body (b) res.send (m) if attached {separate WGI_STANDALONE_CONNECTOR [WGI_EXECUTION]} req.wgi_connector as conn then shutdown_server (conn) end (Void) end shutdown_server (conn: separate WGI_STANDALONE_CONNECTOR [WGI_EXECUTION]) do conn.shutdown_server end feature {NONE} -- Implementation append_iterable_to (a_title: READABLE_STRING_8; it: detachable ITERABLE [WSF_VALUE]; s: STRING_8) local n: INTEGER t: READABLE_STRING_8 v: READABLE_STRING_8 do s.append (a_title) s.append_character (':') if it /= Void then across it as c loop n := n + 1 end if n = 0 then s.append (" empty") s.append_character ('%N') else s.append_character ('%N') across it as c loop s.append (" - ") s.append (c.item.url_encoded_name) t := if t.same_string ("WSF_STRING") then else s.append_character (' ') s.append_character ('{') s.append (t) s.append_character ('}') end s.append_character ('=') v := c.item.string_representation.as_string_8 if v.has ('%N') then s.append_character ('%N') across v.split ('%N') as v_cursor loop s.append (" |") s.append (v_cursor.item) s.append_character ('%N') end else s.append (v) s.append_character ('%N') end end end else s.append (" none") s.append_character ('%N') end end end