note description : "[ This example demonstrates the use of the `wsf_html` library for web form handling. To simplify the code, it is also using the `WSF_RESPONSE.send (WSF_RESPONSE_MESSAGE)`, thus no need to write the expected http header here. The current code is a web interface form, returning html page as response. notes: * It is not using the `WSF_ROUTER` component to keep the example as simple as possible. * It is also possible to use the `WSF_REQUEST.form_parameter (...)` directly, but WSF_FORM provides advanced processing. * For a CRUD REST API, you can also use `WSF_FORM` to analyze the incoming POST values, however the html generation may be too verbose for a simple REST api. warning: depending on your system and connector, you may need to use `WSF_REQUEST.set_uploaded_file_path (...)` to tell the server where to store the temporary uploaded files. (this should be a directory with write permission for the server). For that - inherit from WSF_REQUEST_EXPORTER - in `execute` add at the beginning the call `request.set_uploaded_file_path (path-to-wanted-directory)` ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class APPLICATION_EXECUTION inherit WSF_EXECUTION create make feature -- Basic operations execute local msg: WSF_RESPONSE_MESSAGE do if request.path_info.same_string ("/form") then if request.is_post_request_method then msg := form_submission_message elseif request.is_get_request_method then msg := form_message else create {WSF_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_RESPONSE} msg.make (request) end else msg := welcome_message --| Alternative: return a not found message. end response.send (msg) end welcome_message: WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE local l_html: STRING do Result := new_html_page_message ("Welcome") create l_html.make_empty l_html.append ("


%N") l_html.append ("

Please fill this form.

") Result.set_body (l_html) end form_message: WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE local f: WSF_FORM l_html: STRING do Result := new_html_page_message ("Form") create l_html.make_empty l_html.append ("

Fill the form

%N") -- Build the Web form, and then generate the html into `l_html` f := new_form f.append_to_html (wsf_theme, l_html) Result.set_body (l_html) end form_submission_message: WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE local f: WSF_FORM l_html: STRING do create l_html.make_empty Result := new_html_page_message ("Form") -- Build the empty Web form f := new_form -- And fill it using the `request: WSF_REQUEST` object. f.process (request, Void, Void) -- Get the filled analyzed data from `f.last_data: WSF_FORM_DATA` if attached f.last_data as fd then if attached fd.errors as lst then -- The web form has validation errors l_html.append ("

Fill the form

%N") fd.apply_to_associated_form across lst as ic loop if attached {WSF_FORM_FIELD} ic.item.field as l_field then l_html.append ("
  • ERROR on field [" + + "]
  • ") end end f.append_to_html (wsf_theme, l_html) elseif attached fd.string_item (field_id_uuid) as l_uuid and then attached fd.string_item (field_id_first_name) as l_firstname and then attached fd.string_item (field_id_last_name) as l_lastname then -- No validation errors -- and we have the expected values. check -- see `set_is_required (True)` in `new_form`. required_value_set: not l_firstname.is_whitespace and not l_lastname.is_whitespace end --| Process the value to store in database, or anything ... --| here, we just display the value in the page. l_html.append ("

    Form: results

    ") l_html.append ("

    Thank you %"" + l_firstname + " " + l_lastname + "%" for your submission ("+ l_uuid.as_string_8 +").

    ") l_html.append ("") save_form_results (l_uuid, fd) l_html.append ("

    Fill again a new form.

    ") else l_html.append ("

    Fill the form

    %N") -- Missing form value! fd.apply_to_associated_form l_html.append ("
  • ERROR: missing at least one field value !
  • ") f.append_to_html (wsf_theme, l_html) end end Result.set_body (l_html) end feature -- Implementation new_html_page_message (a_title: READABLE_STRING_32): WSF_HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE do create Result.make -- The following style is in this example embedded, however for bigger style, it would be recommended to include the css style as a url. Result.head_lines.extend ("[ ]") Result.set_title (a_title) end new_form: WSF_FORM -- New form object. local l_set: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET l_div: WSF_FORM_DIV l_hidden: WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT l_text_field: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT l_birthday_field: WSF_FORM_DATE_INPUT l_email_field: WSF_FORM_EMAIL_INPUT l_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT l_radio: WSF_FORM_RADIO_INPUT l_checkbox: WSF_FORM_CHECKBOX_INPUT l_textarea_field: WSF_FORM_TEXTAREA l_file_field: WSF_FORM_FILE_INPUT l_select: WSF_FORM_SELECT l_select_opt: WSF_FORM_SELECT_OPTION do create Result.make ("/form", "a-form-id") Result.set_method_post Result.set_multipart_form_data_encoding_type create l_hidden.make_with_text (field_id_uuid, (create {UUID_GENERATOR}).generate_uuid.out) Result.extend (l_hidden) create l_set.make l_set.set_legend ("Personal information") Result.extend (l_set) create l_div.make l_div.add_css_class ("horizontal") l_set.extend (l_div) -- First name create l_text_field.make (field_id_first_name) l_text_field.set_label ("First name") l_text_field.set_placeholder ("Enter your first name") l_text_field.set_size (60) l_text_field.set_is_required (True) l_set.extend (l_text_field) -- Last name create l_text_field.make (field_id_last_name) l_text_field.set_label ("Last name") l_text_field.set_placeholder ("Enter your last name") l_text_field.set_size (60) l_text_field.set_is_required (True) l_set.extend (l_text_field) -- Birthday create l_birthday_field.make (field_id_birthday) l_birthday_field.set_label ("Birthday") l_birthday_field.set_placeholder ("YYYY-MM-DD") l_birthday_field.set_description ("Enter the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format.") l_birthday_field.set_validation_action (agent (fd: WSF_FORM_DATA) do if attached fd.string_item (field_id_birthday) as str then if is_valid_yyyy_mm_dd_date (str) then -- Ok else fd.report_invalid_field (field_id_birthday, "Invalid date format!") end end end) l_set.extend (l_birthday_field) -- Contact information create l_set.make l_set.set_legend ("Contact information") Result.extend (l_set) -- Email create l_email_field.make (field_id_email) l_email_field.set_label ("Primary email") l_set.extend (l_email_field) create l_div.make l_div.add_css_class ("horizontal") -- See the css style, this is a way to have simple column layout in form Result.extend (l_div) -- Radio create l_set.make l_set.set_legend ("Priority") l_div.extend (l_set) create l_radio.make_with_value (field_id_priority, "high") l_radio.set_label ("High") l_set.extend (l_radio) create l_radio.make_with_value (field_id_priority, "medium") l_radio.set_label ("Medium") l_set.extend (l_radio) create l_radio.make_with_value (field_id_priority, "low") l_radio.set_label ("Low") l_set.extend (l_radio) -- checkbox create l_set.make l_set.set_legend ("Tags") l_set.add_css_class ("horizontal") l_div.extend (l_set) create l_checkbox.make_with_value (field_id_tags + "[]", "application") l_checkbox.set_label ("Application") l_set.extend (l_checkbox) create l_checkbox.make_with_value (field_id_tags + "[]", "library") l_checkbox.set_label ("Library") l_set.extend (l_checkbox) create l_checkbox.make_with_value (field_id_tags + "[]", "testing") l_checkbox.set_label ("Testing") l_set.extend (l_checkbox) -- select create l_set.make l_div.extend (l_set) create l_select.make (field_id_month) l_select.set_label ("Choose a month") l_set.extend (l_select) create l_select_opt.make ("01", "January"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("02", "February"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("03", "March"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("04", "April"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("05", "May"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("06", "June"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("07", "July"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("08", "August"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("09", "September"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("10", "October"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("11", "November"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) create l_select_opt.make ("12", "December"); l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) -- Note create l_textarea_field.make (field_id_comment) l_textarea_field.set_label ("Post your comment") l_textarea_field.set_cols (60) l_textarea_field.set_rows (10) l_textarea_field.set_description ("Please leave a comment ...") Result.extend (l_textarea_field) -- File create l_file_field.make (field_id_attached_file) l_file_field.set_label ("Attach a file") Result.extend (l_file_field) create l_submit.make_with_text ("op", "Submit") Result.extend (l_submit) end feature -- Constants field_id_uuid: STRING = "uuid" field_id_first_name: STRING = "first_name" field_id_last_name: STRING = "last_name" field_id_birthday: STRING = "birthday" field_id_email: STRING = "email" field_id_priority: STRING = "priority" field_id_tags: STRING = "tags" field_id_month: STRING = "month" field_id_comment: STRING = "comment" field_id_attached_file: STRING = "attached_file" feature {NONE} -- Helpers save_form_uploaded_file (a_uuid: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_file: WSF_UPLOADED_FILE) local p: PATH d: DIRECTORY do p := (create {PATH}.make_current).extended ("forms").extended (a_uuid).extended ("files") create d.make_with_path (p) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end p := p.extended (a_file.safe_filename) if a_file.move_to ( then -- Ok file, saved. else -- Failed to move the uploaded file! end end save_form_results (a_uuid: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; fd: WSF_FORM_DATA) local p: PATH d: DIRECTORY f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE conv: UTF_CONVERTER l_is_first: BOOLEAN do p := (create {PATH}.make_current).extended ("forms").extended (a_uuid) create d.make_with_path (p) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end create f.make_with_path (p.extended ("results.json")) if not f.exists or f.is_access_writable then f.create_read_write l_is_first := True f.put_character ('{') across fd as ic loop if l_is_first then l_is_first := False else f.put_character (',') end f.put_character ('"') f.put_string (conv.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (ic.key)) f.put_character ('"') f.put_character (':') if attached ic.item as obj then save_value_as_json_string (obj, f, a_uuid) else f.put_string ("Null") end end f.put_character ('}') f.close end end save_value_as_json_string (obj: ANY; a_file: FILE; a_uuid: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Pseudo json serialization. -- Suggestion: use the Eiffel json library for standard. local conv: UTF_CONVERTER s: STRING l_is_first: BOOLEAN do if attached {WSF_STRING} obj as str then s := conv.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (str.value) s.prune_all ('%R') s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "\n") s.replace_substring_all ("'", "\'") a_file.put_character ('"') a_file.put_string (s) a_file.put_character ('"') elseif attached {WSF_UPLOADED_FILE} obj as fup then save_form_uploaded_file (a_uuid, fup) a_file.put_character ('"') a_file.put_string (conv.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (fup.safe_filename)) a_file.put_character ('"') elseif attached {WSF_TABLE} obj as tb then a_file.put_character ('{') l_is_first := True across tb as tb_ic loop if l_is_first then l_is_first := False else a_file.put_character (',') end a_file.put_character ('"') a_file.put_string (conv.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (tb_ic.key)) a_file.put_character ('"') a_file.put_character (':') save_value_as_json_string (tb_ic.item, a_file, a_uuid) end a_file.put_character ('}') end end wsf_theme: WSF_THEME do create {WSF_REQUEST_THEME} Result.make_with_request (request) end is_valid_yyyy_mm_dd_date (a_date: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN local i,j: INTEGER y,m,d: INTEGER str: STRING_32 s: STRING_32 do create str.make_from_string_general (a_date) str.left_adjust str.right_adjust Result := False i := 1 -- YYYY-MM-DD j := str.index_of ('-', i) if j > i then s := str.substring (i, j - 1) if s.is_integer then y := s.to_integer i := j + 1 -- MM-DD j := str.index_of ('-', i) if j > i then s := str.substring (i, j - 1) if s.is_integer then m := s.to_integer if 1 <= m and m <= 12 then i := j + 1 -- DD s := str.substring (i, str.count) if s.is_integer then d := s.to_integer if 1 <= d and d <= 31 then -- This is just a basic validation. Result := True end end end end end end end end end