note description : "Objects that ..." author : "$Author$" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class RESTBUCK_CLIENT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. local h: NET_HTTP_CLIENT sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION resp : detachable HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE l_location : detachable READABLE_STRING_8 body : STRING do create h sess := h.new_session ("" + server_port.out) -- Uncomment the following 2 lines, if you use fiddler2 web debugging tool -- sess.set_is_debug (True) -- sess.set_proxy ("", 8888) -- Create Order print ("> Create Order %N") resp := create_order (sess) display_response (resp) -- Read the Order l_location := resp.header ("Location") if l_location /= Void then print ("> Read Order from " + l_location + " %N") resp := read_order (sess, l_location) display_response (resp) else print ("> Previous order creation failed, no location returned!%N") end -- Update the Order if resp /= Void and then attached resp.body as l_body then body := l_body.as_string_8 body.replace_substring_all ("takeAway", "in Shop") print ("> Update Order: change location from [takeAway] to [in Shop] %N") resp := update_order (sess, l_location, body) display_response (resp) end -- Pay the Order if resp /= Void and then attached resp.body as l_body then body := l_body.as_string_8 body.replace_substring_all ("%"status%":%"submitted%"", "%"status%":%"paid%"") print ("> Pay Order: should trigger validation error!%N") resp := update_order (sess, l_location, body) display_response (resp) end end update_order (sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION; uri: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_body: STRING): detachable HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE local context : HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do if uri /= Void then sess.set_base_url (uri) create context.make context.headers.put ("application/json", "Content-Type") Result := sess.put ("", context, a_body ) end end read_order (sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION; uri: detachable READABLE_STRING_8): detachable HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE do if uri /= Void then sess.set_base_url (uri) Result := sess.get ("", Void) end end create_order (sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION) : HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE local s: READABLE_STRING_8 context : HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do s := "[ { "location":"takeAway", "items":[ { "name":"Late", "option":"skim", "size":"Small", "quantity":1 } ] } ]" create context.make context.headers.put ("application/json", "Content-Type") Result := ("/order", context, s) end display_response (resp: detachable HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE) do io.error.put_string (create {STRING}.make_filled ('-', 40)) io.error.put_new_line if resp = Void then io.error.put_string ("ERROR: No response~%N") else if resp.error_occurred and attached resp.error_message as err_msg then io.error.put_string ("[ERROR] ") io.error.put_string (err_msg) io.error.put_new_line end -- Display response status and header io.error.put_string ("Status code: " + resp.status.out + "%N") across resp.headers as l_headers loop io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_string (":") io.error.put_string (l_headers.item.value) io.error.put_new_line end -- Show the Response body if not resp.error_occurred and attached resp.body as m then io.error.put_string (m) io.error.put_new_line end end io.error.put_string (create {STRING}.make_filled ('-', 40)) io.error.put_new_line end feature {NONE} -- Implementation server_port: INTEGER local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE p: PATH s: STRING do create p.make_current p := p.extended ("..").extended ("server.ini") create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read from until f.exhausted or f.end_of_file or Result > 0 loop f.read_line s := f.last_string if s.starts_with_general ("port=") then s.remove_head (5) if s.is_integer then Result := s.to_integer end end end f.close end if Result <= 0 then Result := 80 end end end