= EiffelWeb Framework = == Why would you use the Eiffel Web Framework ? == To enjoy the advantage of the Eiffel technology (language, DbC, methods, tools) To write once and run on any web server, on any platforms thanks to the notion of connector. == What is a connector? == A connector is the layer between the underlying httpd server, and your application based on EiffelWeb. Currently, 4 connectors are available within EiffelWeb (but others are available outside). * CGI: the common CGI application (apache, iis, ...) * FastCGI: on any server supporting libfcgi handling (apache, iis, ...) * Standalone: a standalone Eiffel Web server, it can be run anywhere easily, and debug simply with EiffelStudio's debugger. It supports all concurrency modes, and require EiffelStudio >= 16.05 Supporting a new connector is fairly simple, it just has to support the simple EWSGI specification which is really small. Then EiffelWeb will bring the power on top of it. So you can build your application and be sure you will be able to run it ... anywhere thanks to the concept of connectors. == EWSGI specification == EiffelWeb relies on a small core specification, named EWSGI (Eiffel Web Server Gateway Interface). It is very limited on purpose to allow building new connector very easily. For now, you just need to know EiffelWeb is compliant with EWSGI specification. = Tutorial = Now let's discover the Eiffel Web Framework with this tutorial: # [[step_1.wiki|Step #1]]: You will learn first, how to get and install EiffelWeb. # [[step_2.wiki|Step #2]]: build a simple Hello World application # [[step_3.wiki|Step #3]]: use the parameter to build dynamic service # [[step_4.wiki|Step #4]]: And you will learn how to dispatch URL