note description : "simple application execution" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class APPLICATION_EXECUTION inherit WSF_WEBSOCKET_EXECUTION WEB_SOCKET_EVENT_I redefine on_timer end create make feature -- Basic operations execute local s: STRING dt: HTTP_DATE do -- To send a response we need to setup, the status code and -- the response headers. if request.path_info.same_string_general ("/favicon.ico") then response.put_header ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.not_found, <<["Content-Length", "0"]>>) else if request.path_info.same_string_general ("/app") then s := websocket_app_html (request.server_name, request.server_port) else s := "Hello World!" create dt.make_now_utc s.append (" (UTC time is " + dt.rfc850_string + ").") s.append ("

Websocket demo

") end response.put_header ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.ok, <<["Content-Type", "text/html"], ["Content-Length", s.count.out]>>) response.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.ok) response.header.put_content_type_text_html response.header.put_content_length (s.count) if request.is_keep_alive_http_connection then response.header.put_connection_keep_alive end response.put_string (s) end end feature -- Websocket execution new_websocket_handler (ws: WEB_SOCKET): WEB_SOCKET_HANDLER do create Result.make (ws, Current) end feature -- Websocket execution on_open (ws: WEB_SOCKET) do initialize_commands set_timer_delay (1) -- Every 1 second. ws.put_error ("Connecting") ws.send (Text_frame, "Hello, this is a simple demo with Websocket using Eiffel. (/help for more information).%N") end on_binary (ws: WEB_SOCKET; a_message: READABLE_STRING_8) do ws.send (Binary_frame, a_message) end on_text (ws: WEB_SOCKET; a_message: READABLE_STRING_8) local i: INTEGER cmd_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do if a_message.starts_with_general ("/") then from i := 1 until i >= a_message.count or else a_message[i + 1].is_space loop i := i + 1 end cmd_name := a_message.substring (2, i) if attached command (cmd_name) as cmd then cmd (ws, a_message.substring (i + 1, a_message.count)) elseif a_message.same_string_general ("/help") then on_help_command (ws, Void) else ws.send (Text_frame, "Error: unknown command '/" + cmd_name + "'!%N") end else -- Echo the message for testing. ws.send (Text_frame, a_message) end end on_close (ws: WEB_SOCKET) -- Called after the WebSocket connection is closed. do ws.put_error ("Connection closed") end on_timer (ws: WEB_SOCKET) -- . -- If ever the file ".stop" exists, stop gracefully the connection. local fut: FILE_UTILITIES f: RAW_FILE do if fut.file_exists (".stop") then ws.send_text ("End of the communication ...%N") ws.send_connection_close ("") create f.make_with_name (".stop") f.delete end end feature -- Command initialize_commands do register_command (agent on_help_command, "help", "Display this help.") register_command (agent on_time_command, "time", "Return the server UTC time.") register_command (agent on_shutdown_command, "shutdown", "Shutdown the service (ends the websocket).") end register_command (a_cmd: attached like command; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_description: READABLE_STRING_8) local tb: like commands do tb := commands if tb = Void then create tb.make_caseless (1) commands := tb end tb.force ([a_cmd, a_name, a_description], a_name) end commands: detachable STRING_TABLE [TUPLE [cmd: attached like command; name, description: READABLE_STRING_8]] command (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable PROCEDURE [TUPLE [ws: WEB_SOCKET; args: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]] do if attached commands as tb and then attached tb.item (a_name) as d then Result := d.cmd end end on_help_command (ws: WEB_SOCKET; args: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local s: STRING do create s.make_from_string ("Help: available commands:%N") if attached commands as tb then across tb as ic loop s.append ("
  • /") s.append ( s.append (" : ") s.append (ic.item.description) s.append ("
  • %N") end end ws.send_text (s) end on_time_command (ws: WEB_SOCKET; args: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do ws.send_text ("Server time is " + (create {HTTP_DATE}.make_now_utc).string) end on_shutdown_command (ws: WEB_SOCKET; args: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local f: RAW_FILE do ws.send_text ("Active websockets will end soon.%N") create f.make_create_read_write (".stop") f.put_string ("stop%N") f.close end feature -- HTML Resource websocket_app_html (a_host: STRING; a_port: INTEGER): STRING do Result := "[ WebSockets Client

    WebSockets Client

    ]" Result.replace_substring_all ("##HOSTNAME##", a_host) Result.replace_substring_all ("##PORTNUMBER##", a_port.out) if request.is_https then Result.replace_substring_all ("##HTTPSCHEME##", "https") Result.replace_substring_all ("##WSSCHEME##", "wss") else Result.replace_substring_all ("##HTTPSCHEME##", "http") Result.replace_substring_all ("##WSSCHEME##", "ws") end end end