note description: "Compilation commands for ISE Eiffel" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001-2020, Eric Bezault and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_ISE_COMMAND inherit GEANT_COMMAND redefine make end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_project: GEANT_PROJECT) -- Initialize command by setting `project' to `a_project'. do executable_filename := "ec" precursor (a_project) end feature -- Status report is_executable: BOOLEAN -- Can command be executed? do Result := is_compilable xor is_cleanable Result := Result and then (not attached exit_code_variable_name as l_exit_code_variable_name or else l_exit_code_variable_name.count > 0) ensure then compilable_xor_cleanable: Result implies (is_compilable xor is_cleanable) exit_code_variable_name_void_or_not_empty: Result implies (not attached exit_code_variable_name as l_exit_code_variable_name or else l_exit_code_variable_name.count > 0) end is_compilable: BOOLEAN -- Can system be compiled? do Result := attached system_name as l_system_name and then l_system_name.count > 0 ensure system_name_not_void_and_not_empty: Result implies attached system_name as l_system_name and then l_system_name.count > 0 end is_cleanable: BOOLEAN -- Can system be cleaned? do Result := attached clean as l_clean and then l_clean.count > 0 ensure clean_not_void_and_not_empty: Result implies attached clean as l_clean and then l_clean.count > 0 end feature -- Access executable_filename: STRING -- Filename of ISE's compiler executable ecf_filename: detachable STRING -- ECF filename target_name: detachable STRING -- Name of target in ECF file system_name: detachable STRING -- System name compatible_mode: BOOLEAN -- Compatible mode finalize_mode: BOOLEAN -- Finalize mode finish_freezing: BOOLEAN -- Should 'finish_freezing' be executed? clean: detachable STRING -- Name of system to be cleaned exit_code_variable_name: detachable STRING -- Name of variable holding exit code of se compilation process project_path: detachable STRING -- Default is the current path eifgen_directory: STRING -- Directory where created and compiled files are saved do if not attached project_path as l_project_path or else l_project_path.is_empty then Result := "EIFGENs" else Result := l_project_path + "/EIFGENs" end ensure not_empty: Result /= Void and then not Result.is_empty end feature -- Setting set_executable_filename (a_filename: like executable_filename) -- Set `executable_filename' to `a_filename'. require a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void a_filename_not_empty: not a_filename.is_empty do executable_filename := a_filename ensure executable_filename_set: executable_filename = a_filename end set_ecf_filename (a_filename: like ecf_filename) -- Set `ecf_filename' to `a_filename'. do ecf_filename := a_filename ensure ecf_filename_set: ecf_filename = a_filename end set_target_name (a_target_name: like target_name) -- Set `target_name' to `a_target_name'. do target_name := a_target_name ensure target_name_set: target_name = a_target_name end set_system_name (a_name: like system_name) -- Set `system_name' to `a_name'. do system_name := a_name ensure system_name_set: system_name = a_name end set_compatible_mode (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `compatible_mode' to `b'. do compatible_mode := b ensure compatible_mode_set: compatible_mode = b end set_finalize_mode (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `finalize_mode' to `b'. do finalize_mode := b ensure finalize_mode_set: finalize_mode = b end set_finish_freezing (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `finish_freezing' to `b'. do finish_freezing := b ensure finish_freezing_set: finish_freezing = b end set_clean (a_clean: like clean) -- Set `clean' to `a_clean'. do clean := a_clean ensure clean_set: clean = a_clean end set_exit_code_variable_name (a_exit_code_variable_name: like exit_code_variable_name) -- Set `exit_code_variable_name' to `a_exit_code_variable_name'. require a_exit_code_variable_name_not_void: a_exit_code_variable_name /= Void a_exit_code_variable_name_not_empty: a_exit_code_variable_name.count > 0 do exit_code_variable_name := a_exit_code_variable_name ensure exit_code_variable_name_set: exit_code_variable_name = a_exit_code_variable_name end set_project_path (a_directory: like project_path) -- Set `project_path' to `a_directory'. require a_directory_not_void: a_directory /= Void do project_path := a_directory ensure project_path_set: project_path = a_directory end feature -- Execution execute -- Execute command. do exit_code := 0 if is_compilable then execute_compile else check is_cleanable: is_cleanable end execute_clean end end execute_compile -- Compile system. require is_compilable: is_compilable local cmd: STRING old_cwd: STRING eifgen, project_dir: STRING a_filename: STRING do check is_compilable: attached system_name as l_system_name then create cmd.make (128) cmd.append_string (executable_filename) cmd.append_string (" -batch") if attached ecf_filename as l_ecf_filename and then l_ecf_filename.count > 0 then cmd.append_string (" -config ") a_filename := file_system.pathname_from_file_system (l_ecf_filename, unix_file_system) cmd := STRING_.appended_string (cmd, a_filename) end if attached target_name as l_target_name and then l_target_name.count > 0 then cmd.append_string (" -target ") cmd := STRING_.appended_string (cmd, l_target_name) end if compatible_mode then cmd.append_string (" -compat") end if finalize_mode then cmd.append_string (" -finalize") end a_filename := l_system_name + ".epr" if attached target_name as l_target_name and then l_target_name.count > 0 then eifgen := file_system.pathname (eifgen_directory, l_target_name) else eifgen := file_system.pathname (eifgen_directory, l_system_name) end if file_system.file_exists (a_filename) and file_system.directory_exists (eifgen) then cmd.append_string (" -project ") cmd := STRING_.appended_string (cmd, a_filename) end if attached project_path as l_project_path and then not l_project_path.is_empty then cmd.append_string (" -project_path ") cmd := STRING_.appended_string (cmd, l_project_path) end project.trace (<<" [ise] ", cmd>>) execute_shell (cmd) if attached exit_code_variable_name as l_exit_code_variable_name then -- Store return_code of ise compilation process: project.set_variable_value (l_exit_code_variable_name, exit_code.out) end if exit_code = 0 and then finish_freezing then if finalize_mode then project_dir := file_system.pathname (eifgen, "F_code") else project_dir := file_system.pathname (eifgen, "W_code") end project.trace (<<" [ise] cd ", project_dir>>) old_cwd := file_system.cwd (project_dir) create cmd.make (128) cmd.append_string ("finish_freezing -silent") project.trace (<<" [ise] ", cmd>>) execute_shell (cmd) if attached exit_code_variable_name as l_exit_code_variable_name then -- Store return_code of ise compilation process: project.set_variable_value (l_exit_code_variable_name, exit_code.out) end if not project.options.no_exec then if exit_code = 0 then a_filename := STRING_.concat (l_system_name, file_system.exe_extension) if not file_system.file_exists (a_filename) then exit_code := -1 if attached exit_code_variable_name as l_exit_code_variable_name then -- Store return_code of ise compilation process: project.set_variable_value (l_exit_code_variable_name, exit_code.out) end elseif not finalize_mode then a_filename := l_system_name + ".melted" if not file_system.file_exists (a_filename) then -- Eiffel for .NET 5.2.0928 does not -- generate .melted files. -- exit_code := -2 end end end end (old_cwd) end if exit_code_variable_name /= Void then -- Reset `exit_code' since return_code of process is available through -- variable 'exit_code_variable_name': exit_code := 0 end end end execute_clean -- Clean system. require is_cleanable: is_cleanable local a_name: STRING do check is_cleanable: attached clean as l_clean then a_name := l_clean + ".epr" if file_system.file_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_file (a_name) end end a_name := l_clean + ".rc" if file_system.file_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_file (a_name) end end a_name := l_clean + ".res" if file_system.file_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_file (a_name) end end a_name := "exception_trace.log" if file_system.file_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_file (a_name) end end a_name := "preferences.wb" if file_system.file_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_file (a_name) end end a_name := "arguments.wb" if file_system.file_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_file (a_name) end end a_name := file_system.pathname (eifgen_directory, l_clean) if file_system.directory_exists (a_name) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", a_name>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.recursive_delete_directory (a_name) end end if file_system.is_directory_empty (eifgen_directory) then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete ", eifgen_directory>>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.delete_directory (eifgen_directory) end end if file_system.directory_exists ("EIFGEN") then project.trace (<<" [ise] delete EIFGEN">>) if not project.options.no_exec then file_system.recursive_delete_directory ("EIFGEN") end end end end invariant executable_filename_not_void: executable_filename /= Void executable_filename_not_empty: not executable_filename.is_empty end