note description: "Replace commands" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2006-2018, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_REPLACE_COMMAND inherit GEANT_FILESYSTEM_COMMAND KL_IMPORTED_BOOLEAN_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Status report is_replace_executable: BOOLEAN -- Can command be executed using `match' xor `token' ? do Result := (attached match as l_match and then l_match.count > 0) xor (attached token as l_token and then l_token.count > 0) xor (attached variable_pattern as l_variable_pattern and then l_variable_pattern.count > 0) ensure param_not_void: Result implies (match /= Void or token /= Void or variable_pattern /= Void) param_not_empty: Result implies (attached match as l_match and then l_match.count > 0) or (attached token as l_token and then l_token.count > 0) or (attached variable_pattern as l_variable_pattern and then l_variable_pattern.count > 0) end is_file_to_file_executable: BOOLEAN -- Can command be executed on sourcefile `file' to targetfile `to_file' -- with `match' ? do Result := attached file as l_file and then l_file.count > 0 and then (not attached to_file as l_to_file or else l_to_file.count > 0) and then is_replace_executable ensure is_replace_executable: is_replace_executable file_not_void_and_not_empty: Result implies attached file as l_file and then l_file.count > 0 to_file_not_empty: Result implies (not attached to_file as l_to_file or else l_to_file.count > 0) end is_fileset_to_directory_executable: BOOLEAN -- Can command be executed on source fileset `fileset' to targetdirectory `to_directory'? do Result := fileset /= Void ensure fileset_not_void: Result implies fileset /= Void end is_executable: BOOLEAN -- Can command be executed? do Result := BOOLEAN_.nxor (<>) ensure then exclusive: Result implies BOOLEAN_.nxor (<>) end feature -- Access token: detachable STRING -- Token to be replaced by `replace' variable_pattern: detachable STRING -- Pattern for variables to be replaced by their values, '_' as a placeholder for the name match: detachable STRING -- Pattern to be replaced by `replace' replace: detachable STRING -- Text to replace `token' or `match' entities. -- This value can use regexp patterns such as '\1\'. flags: detachable STRING file: detachable STRING -- Name of source file to process to_file: detachable STRING -- Name of destination file to_directory: detachable STRING -- Name of destination directory fileset: detachable GEANT_FILESET -- Fileset for current command feature -- Setting set_file (a_file: like file) -- Set `file' to `a_file'. require a_file_not_void: a_file /= Void a_file_not_empty: a_file.count > 0 do file := a_file ensure file_set: file = a_file end set_to_file (a_to_file: like to_file) -- Set `to_file' to `a_to_file'. require a_to_file_not_void: a_to_file /= Void a_to_file_not_empty: a_to_file.count > 0 do to_file := a_to_file ensure to_file_set: to_file = a_to_file end set_to_directory (a_to_directory: like to_directory) -- Set `to_directory' to `a_to_directory'. require a_to_directory_not_void: a_to_directory /= Void a_to_directory_not_empty: a_to_directory.count > 0 do to_directory := a_to_directory ensure to_directory_set: to_directory = a_to_directory end set_token (a_token: like token) -- Set `token' to `a_token'. require a_token_not_void: a_token /= Void a_token_not_empty: a_token.count > 0 do token := a_token ensure token_set: token = a_token end set_variable_pattern (a_variable_pattern: like variable_pattern) -- Set `variable_pattern' to `a_variable_pattern'. require a_variable_pattern_not_void: a_variable_pattern /= Void a_variable_pattern_not_empty: a_variable_pattern.count > 0 do variable_pattern := a_variable_pattern ensure variable_pattern_set: variable_pattern = a_variable_pattern end set_match (a_match: like match) -- Set `match' to `a_match'. require a_match_not_void: a_match /= Void a_match_not_empty: a_match.count > 0 do match := a_match ensure match_set: match = a_match end set_replace (a_replace: like replace) -- Set `replace' to `a_replace'. require a_replace_not_void: a_replace /= Void a_replace_not_empty: a_replace.count > 0 do replace := a_replace ensure replace_set: replace = a_replace end set_flags (a_flags: like flags) -- Set `flags' to `a_flags'. require a_flags_not_void: a_flags /= Void a_flags_not_empty: a_flags.count > 0 do flags := a_flags ensure flags_set: flags = a_flags end set_fileset (a_fileset: like fileset) -- Set `fileset' to `a_fileset'. require a_fileset_not_void: a_fileset /= Void do fileset := a_fileset ensure fileset_set: fileset = a_fileset end feature -- Execution execute -- Execute command. local a_from_file: like file a_to_file: like to_file do exit_code := 0 if is_file_to_file_executable and then attached file as l_file then execute_replace (l_file, to_file) else check is_fileset_to_directory_executable: is_fileset_to_directory_executable and then attached fileset as l_fileset then if not l_fileset.is_executable then project.log (<<" [replace] error: fileset definition wrong">>) exit_code := 1 end if exit_code = 0 then l_fileset.execute from l_fileset.start until l_fileset.after or else exit_code /= 0 loop if l_fileset.is_in_gobo_31_format and then attached l_fileset.directory_name as l_fileset_directory_name then a_from_file := unix_file_system.pathname (l_fileset_directory_name, l_fileset.item_filename) else a_from_file := l_fileset.item_filename end if attached to_directory as l_to_directory then a_to_file := unix_file_system.pathname (l_to_directory, l_fileset.item_mapped_filename) end -- Create target directory if necessary: if a_to_file /= Void and then a_to_file.count > 0 then create_directory_for_pathname (a_to_file) end execute_replace (a_from_file, a_to_file) l_fileset.forth end end end end end execute_replace (a_filename: STRING; a_to_filename: like to_file) -- Replace command. require a_filename_valid: a_filename /= Void and then a_filename.count > 0 local l_to_filename: like to_file do l_to_filename := a_to_filename if l_to_filename = Void then l_to_filename := a_filename end if attached variable_pattern as l_variable_pattern and then l_variable_pattern.count > 0 then execute_replace_variable_pattern (a_filename, l_to_filename, l_variable_pattern) elseif attached match as l_match and then l_match.count > 0 then execute_replace_regexp (a_filename, l_to_filename, l_match) elseif attached token as l_token and then l_token.count > 0 then execute_replace_token (a_filename, l_to_filename, l_token) end end execute_replace_variable_pattern (a_filename, a_to_filename, a_variable_pattern: STRING) -- Replace variables on the basis of the variable pattern require a_filename_nod_void: a_filename /= Void a_to_filename_nod_void: a_to_filename /= Void variable_pattern_valid: a_variable_pattern /= Void and then a_variable_pattern.count > 0 not_match: match = Void local a_from_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_to_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE a_prefix: STRING a_postfix: STRING i,pos: INTEGER s: STRING j: INTEGER l_vars: GEANT_VARIABLES l_vars_array: ARRAY [GEANT_VARIABLES] do project.trace (<<" [replace] file=%"", a_filename, "%" to_file=%"", a_to_filename, "%" variable_pattern=", a_variable_pattern >>) if not file_system.file_exists (a_filename) then project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + a_filename + "%" does not exists">>) exit_code := 1 end if exit_code = 0 then i := a_variable_pattern.occurrences (placeholder_character) if i = 0 then project.log (<<" [replace] error: variable_pattern is missing a %"" + placeholder_character.out + "%" character">>) exit_code := 1 end if i > 1 then project.log (<<" [replace] error: variable_pattern has more than one %"" + placeholder_character.out + "%" character">>) exit_code := 1 end end if exit_code = 0 then pos := a_variable_pattern.index_of (placeholder_character, 1) a_prefix := a_variable_pattern.substring (1, pos - 1) a_postfix := a_variable_pattern.substring (pos + 1, a_variable_pattern.count) if not file_system.file_exists (a_filename) then project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + a_filename + "%" does not exists">>) exit_code := 1 else a_from_file := tmp_input_file a_from_file.reset (a_filename) a_from_file.open_read if not a_from_file.is_open_read then project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + a_filename + "%" is not readable">>) exit_code := 1 else from create s.make_empty a_from_file.read_string (read_chunk_size) until a_from_file.end_of_file loop s.append_string (a_from_file.last_string) a_from_file.read_string (read_chunk_size) end a_from_file.close a_from_file := Void a_to_file := tmp_output_file a_to_file.reset (a_to_filename) a_to_file.open_write if not a_to_file.is_open_write then project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + + "%" is not writable">>) exit_code := 1 else l_vars_array := project.aggregated_variables_array from j := l_vars_array.lower until j > l_vars_array.upper loop l_vars := l_vars_array[j] --| This may be improved by replacing all patterns in one pass. if l_vars /= Void then from l_vars.start until l_vars.after loop s := STRING_.replaced_all_substrings (s, a_prefix + l_vars.key_for_iteration + a_postfix, l_vars.item_for_iteration ) l_vars.forth end end j := j + 1 end a_to_file.put_string (s) a_to_file.close a_to_file := Void end end end end end execute_replace_token (a_filename, a_to_filename, a_token: STRING) -- Replace `a_token' with `replace' require a_filename_nod_void: a_filename /= Void a_to_filename_nod_void: a_to_filename /= Void token_valid: a_token /= Void and then a_token.count > 0 not_match: match = Void local a_from_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_to_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE s: STRING a_is_global: BOOLEAN a_replace: detachable STRING a_flags: detachable STRING do a_replace := replace if a_replace = Void then a_replace := "" end project.trace (<<" [replace] file=%"", a_filename, "%" to_file=%"", a_to_filename, "%" token=", a_token, " replace=", a_replace >>) if not file_system.file_exists (a_filename) then project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + a_filename + "%" does not exists">>) exit_code := 1 end if exit_code = 0 then a_flags := flags a_from_file := tmp_input_file a_from_file.reset (a_filename) a_from_file.open_read if a_from_file.is_open_read then from create s.make_empty a_from_file.read_string (read_chunk_size) until a_from_file.end_of_file loop s.append_string (a_from_file.last_string) a_from_file.read_string (read_chunk_size) end a_from_file.close a_from_file := Void a_to_file := tmp_output_file a_to_file.reset (a_to_filename) a_to_file.open_write if a_to_file.is_open_write then if a_flags /= Void then a_is_global := a_flags.has ('g') if a_flags.has ('i') or a_flags.has ('m') or a_flags.has ('s') then project.log (<<" [replace] warning: flags i,m,s are ignored for token replacement">>) end end if a_is_global then s := STRING_.replaced_all_substrings (s, a_token, a_replace) else s := STRING_.replaced_first_substring (s, a_token, a_replace) end a_to_file.put_string (s) a_to_file.close a_to_file := Void else project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + + "%" is not writable">>) exit_code := 1 end else project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + + "%" is not readable">>) exit_code := 1 end end end execute_replace_regexp (a_filename, a_to_filename, a_match: STRING) -- Replace `a_match' with `replace' require a_filename_nod_void: a_filename /= Void a_to_filename_nod_void: a_to_filename /= Void match_valid: a_match /= Void and then a_match.count > 0 not_token: token = Void local a_from_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_to_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE s: STRING a_replace: detachable STRING a_flags: detachable STRING a_is_global: BOOLEAN regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION do a_replace := replace if a_replace = Void then a_replace := "" end project.trace (<<" [replace] file=%"", a_filename, "%" to_file=%"", a_to_filename, "%" match=", a_match, " replace=", a_replace >>) if not file_system.file_exists (a_filename) then project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + a_filename + "%" does not exists">>) exit_code := 1 end if exit_code = 0 then a_flags := flags create regexp.make if a_flags /= Void then a_is_global := a_flags.has ('g') regexp.set_caseless (a_flags.has ('i')) if a_flags.has ('m') and a_flags.has ('s') then project.log (<<" [replace] warning: flags 'm' and 's' are both enabled, use default: 's' .">>) elseif a_flags.has ('s') then regexp.set_multiline (False) elseif a_flags.has ('m') then regexp.set_multiline (True) end end regexp.compile (a_match) if regexp.is_compiled then a_from_file := tmp_input_file a_from_file.reset (a_filename) a_from_file.open_read if a_from_file.is_open_read then from create s.make_empty a_from_file.read_string (read_chunk_size) until a_from_file.end_of_file loop s.append_string (a_from_file.last_string) a_from_file.read_string (read_chunk_size) end a_from_file.close a_from_file := Void regexp.match (s) if regexp.has_matched then project.trace (<<" [replace] match_count = ", regexp.match_count.out >>) a_to_file := tmp_output_file a_to_file.reset (a_to_filename) a_to_file.open_write if a_to_file.is_open_write then if a_is_global then s := regexp.replace_all (a_replace) else s := regexp.replace (a_replace) end a_to_file.put_string (s) a_to_file.close a_to_file := Void else project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + + "%" is not writable">>) exit_code := 1 end end else project.log (<<" [replace] error: file %"" + + "%" is not readable">>) exit_code := 1 end end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation tmp_input_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE -- Temporary file object once create Result.make (dummy_name) ensure file_not_void: Result /= Void file_closed: Result.is_closed end tmp_output_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE -- Temporary file object once create Result.make (dummy_name) ensure file_not_void: Result /= Void file_closed: Result.is_closed end dummy_name: STRING = "_dummy_" placeholder_character: CHARACTER = '_' read_chunk_size: INTEGER = 4096 end