note description: "Gobo Eiffel Ant: build tool for Eiffel, based on the concepts of Jakarta Ant" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001-2018, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT inherit GEANT_VERSION GEANT_SHARED_PROPERTIES export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_ARGUMENTS export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Execute 'geant'. local a_project: GEANT_PROJECT a_project_loader: GEANT_PROJECT_LOADER a_project_options: GEANT_PROJECT_OPTIONS a_variables: GEANT_PROJECT_VARIABLES a_target: GEANT_TARGET s1, s: STRING do Arguments.set_program_name ("geant") create error_handler.make_standard build_filename := Default_build_filename read_command_line -- Verbose: if verbose then Default_builtin_variables.set_variable_value ("verbose", "true") end -- Create project variables: create a_variables.make -- Create project options: create a_project_options.make a_project_options.set_verbose (verbose) a_project_options.set_debug_mode (debug_mode) a_project_options.set_no_exec (no_exec) -- Store absolute pathname of buildfile in project variable: s1 := file_system.pathname_from_file_system (build_filename, unix_file_system) s := file_system.dirname (file_system.absolute_pathname (s1)) a_variables.set_variable_value ("current.absdir", s) -- Store dirname of directory buildfile in project variable: s := file_system.dirname (s1) a_variables.set_variable_value ("current.dir", s) -- Store basename of buildfile in project variable: s := file_system.basename (s1) a_variables.set_variable_value ("current.filename", s) create a_project_loader.make (build_filename) a_project_loader.load (a_variables, a_project_options) if attached a_project_loader.project_element as l_project_element then a_project := l_project_element.project a_project.merge_in_parent_projects if attached start_target_name as l_start_target_name and then l_start_target_name.count > 0 then if not attached a_project.targets as l_project_targets or else not l_project_targets.has (l_start_target_name) then exit_application (1, <<"Project '",, "' does not contain a target named `", l_start_target_name + "%'">>) else a_target := l_project_targets.item (l_start_target_name) -- Check export status of `a_target': if not a_target.is_exported_to_any then exit_application (1, <<"target: `", a_target.full_name, "%' is not exported.">>) end a_project.set_start_target_name (l_start_target_name) end end if show_target_info then a_project.show_target_info else a_target := a_project.start_target (commandline_arguments) end if not a_project.build_successful then exit_application (1, Void) end else exit_application (1, Void) end end feature -- Access error_handler: UT_ERROR_HANDLER -- Error handler build_filename: STRING -- Build filename for geant. start_target_name: detachable STRING -- Name of the target the build process starts with verbose: BOOLEAN -- Print additional information during build process? debug_mode: BOOLEAN -- Print additional, internal information during build process? show_target_info: BOOLEAN -- Print list of name and description for all targets of project? no_exec: BOOLEAN -- Do not execute commands (only show what they would do)? feature {NONE} -- Command line parsing read_command_line -- Read command line arguments. local version_flag: AP_FLAG version_aol: AP_ALTERNATIVE_OPTIONS_LIST verbose_flag: AP_FLAG buildfilename_option: AP_STRING_OPTION noexec_flag: AP_FLAG define_option: AP_STRING_OPTION debug_flag: AP_FLAG targets_flag: AP_FLAG argument_option: AP_STRING_OPTION arg_parser: AP_PARSER l_cursor: DS_LIST_CURSOR [detachable STRING] p: INTEGER a_variable_name: STRING a_variable_value: STRING error: AP_ERROR do create arg_parser.make arg_parser.set_application_description ("Geant is a general software build tool comparable to 'make' or 'ant'. In addition to its general purpose build capabilities, it has built-in support for the Eiffel programming language which makes it especially useful as a build tool for Eiffel projects.") arg_parser.set_parameters_description ("[starttarget]") -- Option -A. create argument_option.make_with_short_form ('A') argument_option.set_description ("Define argument named 'variable' with value 'value' for 'starttarget'.") argument_option.set_parameter_description ("=") arg_parser.options.force_last (argument_option) -- Option -D. create define_option.make_with_short_form ('D') define_option.set_description ("Define variable named 'variable' with value 'value'. If no value is supplied, True is assumed as value.") define_option.set_parameter_description ("[=]") arg_parser.options.force_last (define_option) -- Option --version. create version_flag.make_with_long_form ("version") version_flag.set_description ("Show version") create version_aol.make (version_flag) arg_parser.alternative_options_lists.force_last (version_aol) -- Option --verbose. create verbose_flag.make ('v', "verbose") verbose_flag.set_description ("Turn on verbose output") arg_parser.options.force_last (verbose_flag) -- Option --buildfilename. create buildfilename_option.make ('b', "buildfilename") buildfilename_option.set_description ("Specify buildfile (default: 'build.eant')") buildfilename_option.set_parameter_description ("") arg_parser.options.force_last (buildfilename_option) -- Option --noexec. create noexec_flag.make ('n', "noexec") noexec_flag.set_description ("Do not execute tasks, just show what they would do") arg_parser.options.force_last (noexec_flag) -- Option --debug. create debug_flag.make ('d', "debug") debug_flag.set_description ("Show internal messages") arg_parser.options.force_last (debug_flag) -- Option --targets. create targets_flag.make ('t', "targets") targets_flag.set_description ("List all targets") arg_parser.options.force_last (targets_flag) -- Parse command-line. arg_parser.parse_arguments -- Process options. if version_flag.was_found then report_version_number end set_verbose (verbose_flag.was_found) set_no_exec (noexec_flag.was_found) set_debug_mode (debug_flag.was_found) if buildfilename_option.was_found and then attached buildfilename_option.parameter as l_build_filename then build_filename := l_build_filename end set_show_target_info (targets_flag.was_found) l_cursor := argument_option.parameters.new_cursor from l_cursor.start until l_cursor.after loop if attached l_cursor.item as arg then p := arg.index_of ('=', 1) if p > 0 then -- Define commandline argument with value. a_variable_name := arg.substring (1, p - 1) a_variable_value := arg.substring (p + 1, arg.count) commandline_arguments.force (a_variable_value, a_variable_name) else create error.make_invalid_parameter_error (argument_option, arg) arg_parser.error_handler.report_error (error) arg_parser.final_error_action end end l_cursor.forth end l_cursor := define_option.parameters.new_cursor from l_cursor.start until l_cursor.after loop if attached l_cursor.item as arg then p := arg.index_of ('=', 1) if p > 0 then -- Define commandline variable with value. a_variable_name := arg.substring (1, p - 1) a_variable_value := arg.substring (p + 1, arg.count) Commandline_variables.force (a_variable_value, a_variable_name) else -- Define commandline variable. Commandline_variables.force ("true", arg) end end l_cursor.forth end inspect arg_parser.parameters.count when 0 then -- Do nothing. when 1 then start_target_name := arg_parser.parameters.first else exit_application (1, << "Too many targets." >>) end end feature -- Setting set_verbose (a_verbose: BOOLEAN) -- Set `verbose' to `a_verbose' do verbose := a_verbose ensure verbose_set: verbose = a_verbose end set_debug_mode (a_debug_mode: BOOLEAN) -- Set `debug_mode' to `a_debug_mode' do debug_mode := a_debug_mode ensure debug_mode_set: debug_mode = a_debug_mode end set_show_target_info (a_show_target_info: BOOLEAN) -- Set `show_target_info' to `a_show_target_info' do show_target_info := a_show_target_info ensure show_target_info_set: show_target_info = a_show_target_info end set_no_exec (a_no_exec: BOOLEAN) -- Set `no_exec' to `a_no_exec' do no_exec := a_no_exec ensure no_exec_set: no_exec = a_no_exec end feature {NONE} -- Error handling report_version_number -- Report version number and exit. local a_message: UT_VERSION_NUMBER do create a_message.make (Version_number) error_handler.report_info (a_message) exit_application (0, Void) end feature {NONE} -- Constants Default_build_filename: STRING -- Default Name of build file once Result := "build.eant" ensure filename_not_void: Result /= Void filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end end