note description: "Variable resolvers" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2004-2018, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_PROJECT_VARIABLE_RESOLVER inherit GEANT_VARIABLE_RESOLVER GEANT_SHARED_PROPERTIES export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create new Project Variable resolver. do end feature -- Access value (a_name: STRING): detachable STRING -- Value of variable `a_name' as a result of searching in -- current target's arguments, commandline variables, project variables, environment variables -- in this order; Void if not found do -- Check non overrridable variables: if STRING_.same_string (a_name, "cwd") then Result := file_system.cwd end if Result = Void then -- Search target arguments: if target_arguments_stack.count > 0 then (a_name) if target_arguments_stack.item.found then Result := target_arguments_stack.item.found_item end end end if Result = Void then -- Search commandline variables: (a_name) if Commandline_variables.found then Result := Commandline_variables.found_item end end if Result = Void then -- Search target locals: if target_locals_stack.count > 0 then (a_name) if target_locals_stack.item.found then Result := target_locals_stack.item.found_item end end end if Result = Void then -- Search project variables: if attached variables as l_variables then (a_name) if l_variables.found then Result := l_variables.found_item end end end if Result = Void then -- Search environment variables: if Execution_environment.variable_value (a_name) /= Void then Result := Execution_environment.variable_value (a_name) end end end boolean_condition_value (a_condition: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_condition' True?; -- used for "if" and "unless" attributes; -- possible forms: -- "true": always True -- "false": always False -- "$foo": True if variable `foo' is defined -- "${foo}": True if variable `foo' is defined -- "$foo=bar" | "${foo}=bar" | "bar=$foo" | "bar=${foo}": -- True if variable `foo' is defined and its value is "bar" -- if `a_condition' is not in either form Result is `False' require condition_not_void: a_condition /= Void local s: STRING s2: STRING a_string_interpreter: GEANT_STRING_INTERPRETER a_splitter: ST_SPLITTER a_tokens: DS_LIST [STRING] do create a_splitter.make_with_separators ("=") a_tokens := a_splitter.split_greedy (a_condition) if a_tokens.count = 1 then -- If `a_condition' is not "true" or "false", then it should be of -- the form "$foo". In this latter case, check if $foo is defined. s := a_tokens.item (1) if STRING_.same_case_insensitive (s, false_attribute_value) then Result := False elseif STRING_.same_case_insensitive (s, true_attribute_value) then Result := True elseif s.count > 3 and then (s.item (1) = '$' and s.item (2) = '{' and s.item (s.count) = '}') then -- Handle "${bar}" form: s := s.substring (3, s.count - 1) Result := has (s) elseif s.count > 1 and then (s.item (1) = '$' and s.item (2) /= '{') then -- Handle "$bar" form: s := s.substring (2, s.count) Result := has (s) else exit_application (1, <<"geant: incorrect conditional: '", a_condition, "%'">>) end elseif a_tokens.count = 2 then -- `a_condition' should be of the form "$foo=bar"; -- Check if $foo equals "bar". -- TODO: Do this more efficiently: create a_string_interpreter.make a_string_interpreter.set_variable_resolver (Current) s := a_tokens.item (1) s := a_string_interpreter.interpreted_string (s) s2 := a_tokens.item (2) s2 := a_string_interpreter.interpreted_string (s2) Result := STRING_.same_string (s, s2) else exit_application (1, <<"geant: incorrect conditional: '", a_condition, "%'">>) end end variables: detachable GEANT_VARIABLES -- Variables used for resolving feature -- Status report has (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is there a variable named `a_name' in -- current target's arguments, commandline variables, project variables, environment variables -- (searched in this order)? local a_value: STRING do -- Check non overrridable variables: Result := STRING_.same_string (a_name, "cwd") if not Result then -- Search target arguments: if target_arguments_stack.count > 0 then (a_name) Result := target_arguments_stack.item.found end end if not Result then -- Search commandline variables: (a_name) Result := Commandline_variables.found end if not Result then -- Search local project variables: if target_locals_stack.count > 0 then (a_name) Result := target_locals_stack.item.found end end if not Result then -- Search project variables: if attached variables as l_variables then (a_name) Result := l_variables.found end end if not Result then -- Search environment variables: a_value := Execution_environment.variable_value (a_name) Result := a_value /= Void end end feature -- Setting set_variables (a_variables: like variables) -- Set `variables' to `a_variables'. require a_variables_not_void: a_variables /= Void do variables := a_variables ensure variables_set: variables = a_variables end feature {NONE} -- Constants True_attribute_value: STRING -- "true" attribute value once Result := "true" ensure attribute_value_not_void: Result /= Void end False_attribute_value: STRING -- "false" attribute value once Result := "false" ensure attribute_value_not_void: Result /= Void end end