note description: "Common properties for GEANT" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright:"Copyright (c) 2001-2018, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_SHARED_PROPERTIES inherit ANY KL_IMPORTED_STRING_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_EXCEPTIONS export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_STANDARD_FILES export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end feature -- Access Commandline_variables: GEANT_VARIABLES -- Variables specified on commandline using -D -- example: -Dname=value once create Result.make ensure Commandline_variables_not_void: Result /= Void end commandline_arguments: GEANT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES -- Arguments for start target specified on commandline using -A -- example: -Aname=value once create Result.make ensure commandline_arguments: Result /= Void end Empty_variables: GEANT_VARIABLES -- Variables with no entries once create Result.make ensure Empty_variables_not_void: Result /= Void end Empty_argument_variables: GEANT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES -- Argument variables with no entries once create Result.make ensure Empty_argument_variables_not_void: Result /= Void end Default_builtin_variables: GEANT_VARIABLES -- Default built-in variables once create Result.make -- Create built-in variables $GOBO_OS, $is_windows/$is_unix, $exe. if operating_system.is_windows then Result.set_variable_value ("GOBO_OS", "windows") Result.set_variable_value ("is_windows", "true") Result.set_variable_value ("path_separator", "\") else -- Use Unix-like file system by default. Result.set_variable_value ("GOBO_OS", "unix") Result.set_variable_value ("is_unix", "true") Result.set_variable_value ("path_separator", "/") end Result.set_variable_value ("exe", file_system.exe_extension) ensure default_builtin_variables_not_void: Result /= Void end Arguments_string_splitter: ST_SPLITTER -- String splitter for terse arguments once create Result.make Result.set_separators (",%T") ensure Arguments_string_splitter_not_void: Result /= Void end system_parents: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [GEANT_PARENT] -- Projects of system once create Result.make (5) end Project_variables_resolver: GEANT_PROJECT_VARIABLE_RESOLVER -- Project variables resolver once create Result.make ensure Project_variables_resolver_not_void: Result /= Void end validation_messages: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- Validation messages containing messages if tasks have been defined incorrectly once create Result.make (5) end feature {GEANT_INTERPRETING_ELEMENT} -- Access target_arguments_stack: DS_STACK [GEANT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES] -- Arguments stack local a_target_arguments_stack: DS_ARRAYED_STACK [GEANT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES] once -- Create target arguments stack: create a_target_arguments_stack.make (10) Result := a_target_arguments_stack ensure target_arguments_stack_not_void: Result /= Void end target_locals_stack: DS_STACK [GEANT_VARIABLES] -- Locals stack local a_target_locals_stack: DS_ARRAYED_STACK [GEANT_VARIABLES] once -- Create target locals stack: create a_target_locals_stack.make (10) Result := a_target_locals_stack ensure target_locals_stack_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report -- TODO: find a way to detect that two project with the same name come from different files -- has_system_parent (a_parent: GEANT_PARENT): BOOLEAN is -- -- Does `system_parents' contain a parent having the same name as `a_parent' -- -- and the same location as `a_parent'? -- require -- a_parent_not_void: a_parent /= Void -- local -- i: INTEGER -- a_parent_project: GEANT_PROJECT -- do -- from -- i := 1 -- until -- i > system_parents.count or else Result -- loop -- a_parent_project := system_parents.item (i).project -- if False then -- print ("has_system_parent: checking item%N " + -- + " (" + a_parent_project.build_filename.out + ")%N" + -- " against " + + " (" + a_parent.project.build_filename.out + ")%N" -- ) -- end -- if ( and then -- a_parent_project.build_filename.is_equal (a_parent.project.build_filename) then -- Result := True -- end -- i := i + 1 -- end -- end -- has_system_parent_with_different_location (a_parent: GEANT_PARENT): BOOLEAN is -- -- Does `system_parents' contain a parent having the same name as `a_parent' -- -- but a different location than `a_parent'? -- require -- a_parent_not_void: a_parent /= Void -- local -- i: INTEGER -- a_parent_project: GEANT_PROJECT -- do -- from -- i := 1 -- until -- i > system_parents.count or else Result -- loop -- a_parent_project := system_parents.item (i).project -- if ( and then -- not a_parent_project.build_filename.is_equal (a_parent.project.build_filename) then -- Result := True -- end -- i := i + 1 -- end -- end feature -- Processing exit_application (a_code: INTEGER; a_message: detachable ARRAY [STRING]) -- Exit application with code `a_code'; -- if a_message /= Void log it. require -- Note: ARRAY.has is not portable: -- no_void_message: a_message /= Void implies not a_message.has (Void) do log_messages (a_message) if a_code /= 0 then std.error.put_new_line std.error.put_line ("BUILD FAILED!") end Exceptions.die (a_code) end string_tokens (a_string: STRING; a_delimiter: CHARACTER): DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- Strings delimited by `a_delimiter' in `a_string'; -- Candidate for STRING_ROUTINES require string_not_void: a_string /= Void local s: STRING an_item: STRING p_start: INTEGER p_end: INTEGER nice_string: BOOLEAN i, j, nb: INTEGER stop: BOOLEAN do from i := 1 nb := a_string.count until i > nb or stop loop inspect a_string.item (i) when ' ', '%T', '%R', '%N' then i := i + 1 else stop := True end end if not stop then s := STRING_.cloned_string ("") else from stop := False j := nb until stop loop inspect a_string.item (j) when ' ', '%T', '%R', '%N' then j := j - 1 else stop := True end end s := a_string.substring (i, j) end create Result.make (5) -- Cleanup String: from until nice_string loop nice_string := True if s.count > 0 then if s.item (1) = a_delimiter then s.keep_tail (s.count - 1) nice_string := False end end if s.count > 0 then if s.item (s.count) = a_delimiter then s.keep_head (s.count - 1) nice_string := False end end end -- Find Tokens: from p_start := 1 p_end := s.index_of (a_delimiter, p_start) until p_end = 0 or p_start > s.count loop from i := p_start nb := p_end - 1 stop := False until i > nb or stop loop inspect s.item (i) when ' ', '%T', '%R', '%N' then i := i + 1 else stop := True end end if not stop then an_item := "" else from stop := False j := nb until stop loop inspect s.item (j) when ' ', '%T', '%R', '%N' then j := j - 1 else stop := True end end an_item := s.substring (i, j) end if an_item.count > 0 then Result.force_last (an_item) end p_start := p_end + 1 if p_start <= s.count then p_end := s.index_of (a_delimiter, p_start) end end -- Append last token: if p_start <= s.count then from i := p_start nb := s.count stop := False until i > nb or stop loop inspect s.item (i) when ' ', '%T', '%R', '%N' then i := i + 1 else stop := True end end if not stop then an_item := "" else from stop := False j := nb until stop loop inspect s.item (j) when ' ', '%T', '%R', '%N' then j := j - 1 else stop := True end end an_item := s.substring (i, j) end if an_item.count > 0 then Result.force_last (an_item) end end ensure string_tokens_not_void: Result /= Void end glob_prefix (a_star_string: STRING): STRING -- Substring of `a_star_string' before first '*' if any -- otherwise `a_star_string' require a_star_string_not_void: a_star_string /= Void a_star_string_not_empty: a_star_string.count > 0 local i1: INTEGER do i1 := a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) if i1 = 0 then Result := STRING_.cloned_string (a_star_string) elseif i1 > 1 then Result := a_star_string.substring (1, i1 - 1) else Result := STRING_.new_empty_string (a_star_string, 0) end ensure has_star: (a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) > 0) implies Result.is_equal (a_star_string.substring (1, a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) - 1)) not_has_star: (a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) = 0) implies Result.is_equal (a_star_string) end glob_postfix (a_star_string: STRING): STRING -- Substring of `a_star_string' after first '*' if any -- otherwise `a_star_string' require a_star_string_not_void: a_star_string /= Void a_star_string_not_empty: a_star_string.count > 0 local i1: INTEGER do i1 := a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) if i1 = 0 then Result := STRING_.cloned_string (a_star_string) else if i1 = a_star_string.count then Result := STRING_.new_empty_string (a_star_string, 0) else Result := a_star_string.substring (i1 + 1, a_star_string.count) end end ensure has_star: (a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) > 0) implies Result.is_equal (a_star_string.substring (a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) + 1, a_star_string.count)) not_has_start: (a_star_string.index_of ('*', 1) = 0) implies Result.is_equal (a_star_string) end removed_indentation (a_string: STRING): STRING -- `a_string' with left indent ( regexp: '^[%T| ']*\|) if any removed require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void local i, nb, pos, line_start_index: INTEGER do Result := "" pos := -1 line_start_index := 1 nb := a_string.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop inspect a_string.item (i) when '%R', '%N' then if pos /= -1 then Result := STRING_.appended_string (Result, a_string.substring (pos, i - 1)) pos := -1 else Result := STRING_.appended_string (Result, a_string.substring (line_start_index, i - 1)) end Result.append_character (a_string.item(i)) i := i + 1 line_start_index := i when '|' then i := i + 1 pos := i else i := i + 1 end end -- Handle last line: if pos = -1 then pos := line_start_index end Result := STRING_.appended_string (Result, a_string.substring (pos, nb)) end feature {NONE} -- Implemenation log_messages (a_message: detachable ARRAY [STRING]) -- if a_message /= Void log it. require -- Note: ARRAY.has is not portable: -- no_void_message: a_message /= Void implies not a_message.has (Void) local i, nb: INTEGER do if a_message /= Void then i := a_message.lower nb := a_message.upper from until i > nb loop std.error.put_string (a_message.item (i)) i := i + 1 end std.error.put_new_line end end end