note description: "Target of geant build file" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001-2018, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_TARGET inherit GEANT_GROUP redefine initialize, valid_xml_element, is_target, associated_target, prepare_variables_before_execution, execute, execute_element end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization initialize -- Initialize current Target local a_xml_element: XM_ELEMENT a_tester: UC_STRING_EQUALITY_TESTER a_obsolete_element: XM_ELEMENT a_exports: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] a_elements: DS_LINKED_LIST [XM_ELEMENT] a_name: STRING a_argument_element: GEANT_ARGUMENT_ELEMENT a_local_element: GEANT_LOCAL_ELEMENT a_global_element: GEANT_GLOBAL_ELEMENT cs: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [XM_ELEMENT] do a_xml_element := xml_element -- name: if not attached xml_element.attribute_by_name (Name_attribute_name) as l_name_attribute then exit_application (1, <<"Element 'target' without attribute 'name' found.", " Make sure each target has an associated attribute 'name'.">>) set_name ("no_name") else set_name (l_name_attribute.value) end -- obsolete: a_obsolete_element := a_xml_element.element_by_name (Obsolete_element_name) if a_obsolete_element /= Void and then attached a_obsolete_element.text as l_text then set_obsolete_message (l_text) end -- export: if attached a_xml_element.attribute_by_name (Export_attribute_name) as l_export_attribute then a_exports := string_tokens ( l_export_attribute.value, ',') else create a_exports.make (1) a_exports.put (Project_name_any, 1) end create a_tester a_exports.set_equality_tester (a_tester) set_exports (a_exports) -- once: if has_attribute (Once_attribute_name) then set_execute_once (boolean_value (Once_attribute_name)) end -- formal arguments: formal_arguments := Empty_argument_variables a_elements := elements_by_name (Argument_element_name) if a_elements.count /= 0 then create formal_arguments.make cs := a_elements.new_cursor from cs.start until cs.after loop create a_argument_element.make (cs.item) if a_argument_element.has_name and then > 0 then a_name := formal_arguments.force_last ("dummy_value", a_name) project.trace_debug (<<"found formal argument '", a_name, "'%N">>) end cs.forth end end -- locals declaration: formal_locals := Empty_variables a_elements := elements_by_name (Local_element_name) if a_elements.count /= 0 then create formal_locals.make cs := a_elements.new_cursor from cs.start until cs.after loop create a_local_element.make (cs.item) if a_local_element.has_name and then > 0 then a_name := formal_locals.force_last ("", a_name) --| this is formal variable, the value is ignored at this point. project.trace_debug (<<"found local declaration '", a_name, "'%N">>) if formal_arguments.has (a_name) then project.log (<<" [local] name=", a_name, " warning: conflict with arguments variable." >>) end --| if a_local_element.has_value, the value will be set, when the element is processed end cs.forth end end -- globals declaration: formal_globals := Empty_variables a_elements := elements_by_name (Global_element_name) if a_elements.count /= 0 then create formal_globals.make cs := a_elements.new_cursor from cs.start until cs.after loop create a_global_element.make (cs.item) if a_global_element.has_name and then > 0 then a_name := formal_globals.force_last ("", a_name) --| this is formal variable, the value is ignored at this point. --| if a_global_element.has_value, the value will be set, when the element is processed project.trace_debug (<<"found global declaration '", a_name, "'%N">>) if formal_arguments.has (a_name) then project.log (<<" [global] name=", a_name, " warning: conflict with arguments variable." >>) elseif formal_locals.has (a_name) then project.log (<<" [global] name=", a_name, " warning: conflict with locals variable." >>) end end cs.forth end end Precursor {GEANT_GROUP} end feature -- Access is_target: BOOLEAN = True -- Is Current a GEANT_TARGET ? dependencies: STRING -- STRING representation of dependencies require has_dependencies: has_dependencies do check precondition: attached xml_element.attribute_by_name (Depend_attribute_name) as l_depend_attribute then Result := l_depend_attribute.value end ensure dependencies_not_void: Result /= Void end name: STRING -- Name of target obsolete_message: detachable STRING -- Obsolete message if any exports: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- Exports of target origin: GEANT_PROJECT -- Origin of target (see ETL for definition) do Result := seed.project ensure origin_not_void: Result /= Void end associated_target: GEANT_TARGET -- Associated target do Result := Current end full_name: STRING -- `Name' prepended with (`' + ".") do Result := STRING_.cloned_string ( Result.append_character ('.') Result := STRING_.appended_string (Result, name) ensure full_name_not_void: Result /= Void definition: STRING_.same_string (Result, STRING_.concat (STRING_.concat (, "."), name)) end precursor_target: detachable like Current -- Precursor of current target if this target -- was redefined redefining_target: detachable like Current -- Redefining target of current target if present; -- Used for polymorphic calls seed: like Current -- Original version of this target in most remote ancestor do from Result := Current until not attached Result.precursor_target as l_precursor_target loop Result := l_precursor_target end ensure seed_not_void: Result /= Void current_if_no_precursor_target: precursor_target = Void implies Result = Current seed_has_no_precursor: Result.precursor_target = Void end final_target: like Current -- Final target of this target in redefinition chain do from Result := Current until not attached Result.redefining_target as l_redefining_target loop Result := l_redefining_target end ensure final_target_not_void: Result /= Void current_if_no_redefining_target: redefining_target = Void implies Result = Current final_target_has_no_redefining_target: Result.redefining_target = Void end formal_arguments: GEANT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES -- Formal arguments of this target formal_locals: GEANT_VARIABLES -- Formal locals of this target formal_globals: GEANT_VARIABLES -- Formal globals of this target prepared_arguments_from_formal_arguments (a_arguments: like formal_arguments): like formal_arguments -- Prepared actual arguments arguments for `formal_arguments'; -- Numbered arguments are replaced by their associated named arguments according -- to `formal_arguments'; -- Application is terminated in case there is a mismatch between `a_arguments' and -- `formal_arguments' require a_arguments_not_void: a_arguments /= Void a_arguments_and_formals_have_same_count: a_arguments.count = formal_arguments.count do -- Default Result is `a_arguments' if nothing needs to be changed: Result := a_arguments -- Check that actual and formal arguments match: if a_arguments.count /= formal_arguments.count then exit_application (1, <<" error: number of actual and formal arguments do not match for target '", name, "' (", a_arguments.count.out, " against ", formal_arguments.count.out, ")">>) end if a_arguments.has_numbered_keys then Result := named_from_numbered_arguments (a_arguments) end if not Result.has_same_keys (formal_arguments) then exit_application (1, <<" error: actual and formal arguments do not match for target '", name, "'">>) end end named_from_numbered_arguments (a_arguments: like formal_arguments): like formal_arguments -- Clone of `a_arguments' where number keys have been replaced by their -- corresponding names from `formal_arguments' require a_arguments_not_void: a_arguments /= Void a_arguments_and_formals_have_same_count: a_arguments.count = formal_arguments.count a_arguments_has_numbered_arguments: a_arguments.has_numbered_keys local csa: DS_HASH_TABLE_CURSOR [STRING, STRING] csf: DS_HASH_TABLE_CURSOR [STRING, STRING] do create Result.make csa := a_arguments.new_cursor csf :=formal_arguments.new_cursor csa.start csf.start from until csa.after loop Result.force_last (csa.item, csf.key) csa.forth csf.forth end end feature -- Status report is_executed: BOOLEAN -- Was this target executed already? execute_once: BOOLEAN -- Is this target supposed to be executed only once? is_exported_to_any: BOOLEAN -- Is this target exported to any project? do if exports /= Void then Result := exports.has (Project_name_any) end ensure definition: Result implies (exports /= Void and then exports.has (Project_name_any)) end is_exported_to_project (a_project: GEANT_PROJECT): BOOLEAN -- Is this target exported to project named `a_project_name'? require a_project_not_void: a_project /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER a_project_name: STRING an_export: STRING do if exports /= Void then a_project_name := nb := exports.count from i := 1 until i > nb loop an_export := exports.item (i) if STRING_.same_string (a_project_name, an_export) then Result := True i := nb + 1 -- Jump out of the loop. elseif a_project.has_parent_with_name (an_export) then Result := True i := nb + 1 -- Jump out of the loop. else i := i + 1 end end end end has_dependencies: BOOLEAN -- Has current target dependent on other targets? do Result := xml_element.has_attribute_by_name (Depend_attribute_name) ensure definition: Result = xml_element.has_attribute_by_name (Depend_attribute_name) end valid_xml_element (an_xml_element: like xml_element): BOOLEAN -- Is `an_xml_element' a valid xml element? do Result := attached an_xml_element.attribute_by_name (Name_attribute_name) as l_name_attribute and then l_name_attribute.value.count > 0 ensure then has_name_attribute: Result implies an_xml_element.has_attribute_by_name (Name_attribute_name) has_non_empty_name_attribute: Result implies attached an_xml_element.attribute_by_name (Name_attribute_name) as l_name_attribute and then l_name_attribute.value.count > 0 end conflicts_with (a_target: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Does current target or one of it's precursors -- have a `full_name' which is equal to the `full_name' -- of `a_target' or one of it's precursors? require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void do Result := STRING_.same_string (seed.full_name, a_target.seed.full_name) end formal_arguments_match (a_target: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Does `formal_arguments' match `a_target.formal_arguments'? require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void do Result := formal_arguments.has_same_keys (a_target.formal_arguments) end has_precursor_target (a_target: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current target or one of it's precursors `a_target'? require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void local a_precursor_target: like Current do from a_precursor_target := precursor_target until a_precursor_target = Void or else Result loop Result := a_precursor_target = a_target a_precursor_target := a_precursor_target.precursor_target end end has_redefining_target (a_target: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current target or one of it's `redefining_target's `a_target'? require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void local a_redefining_target: like Current do from a_redefining_target := redefining_target until a_redefining_target = Void or else Result loop Result := a_redefining_target = a_target a_redefining_target := a_redefining_target.redefining_target end end feature -- Setting set_name (a_name: STRING) -- Set `name' to `a_name'. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void a_name_not_empty: a_name.count > 0 do name := a_name ensure name_set: name = a_name end set_obsolete_message (a_obsolete_message: STRING) -- Set `obsolete_message' to `a_obsolete_message'. require a_obsolete_message_not_void: a_obsolete_message /= Void a_obsolete_message_not_empty: a_obsolete_message.count > 0 do obsolete_message := a_obsolete_message ensure obsolete_message_set: obsolete_message = a_obsolete_message end set_exports (a_exports: like exports) -- Set `exports' to `a_exports'. require a_exports_not_void: a_exports /= Void do exports := a_exports ensure exports_set: exports = a_exports end set_executed (a_is_executed: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_executed' to `a_is_executed'. do is_executed := a_is_executed ensure is_executed_set: is_executed = a_is_executed end set_execute_once (a_execute_once: BOOLEAN) -- Set `execute_once' to `a_execute_once'. do execute_once := a_execute_once ensure execute_once_set: execute_once = a_execute_once end set_precursor_target (a_precursor_target: GEANT_TARGET) -- Set `precursor_target' to `a_precursor_target'. require a_precursor_target_not_void: a_precursor_target /= Void a_precursor_target_not_current: a_precursor_target /= Current no_circular_target_chain: not a_precursor_target.has_precursor_target (Current) do precursor_target := a_precursor_target ensure precursor_target_set: precursor_target = a_precursor_target end set_redefining_target (a_redefining_target: GEANT_TARGET) -- Set `redefining_target' to `a_redefining_target'. require a_redefining_target_not_void: a_redefining_target /= Void a_redefining_target_not_current: a_redefining_target /= Current no_circular_target_chain: not a_redefining_target.has_redefining_target (Current) do redefining_target := a_redefining_target ensure redefining_target_set: redefining_target = a_redefining_target end feature -- Processing show_precursors -- Show list of precursors. local a_precursor_target: like Current a_message: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do from a_precursor_target := Current create a_message.make (10) a_message.force_last (" precursor list: ") until a_precursor_target = Void loop a_message.force_last ("'") a_message.force_last (a_precursor_target.full_name) a_message.force_last ("'") a_precursor_target := a_precursor_target.precursor_target if a_precursor_target /= Void then a_message.force_last (", ") end end project.trace_debug (a_message.to_array) end execute -- Execute all tasks of `a_target' in sequential order. do if not execute_once or else not is_executed then if is_enabled then if project.options.verbose then project.trace (<<"">>) project.trace (<>) project.trace (<<"">>) end if attached obsolete_message as l_obsolete_message then project.log (<<"target `",, ".", project.target_name (Current), "%' is obsolete. ", l_obsolete_message>>) end Precursor {GEANT_GROUP} -- Mark target as already executed: set_executed (True) end end end feature {NONE} -- Execution implementation prepare_variables_before_execution -- Prepare variables before tasks execution local a_arguments: GEANT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES a_locals: GEANT_VARIABLES cursor: DS_HASH_TABLE_CURSOR [STRING, STRING] do -- Prepare arguments: a_arguments := target_arguments_stack.item target_arguments_stack.remove a_arguments := prepared_arguments_from_formal_arguments (a_arguments) target_arguments_stack.force (a_arguments) --| Prepare locals: --| to be sure local variable ${foo} does not return a globals variable's value --| the locals stack needs to have an entry for each locals. a_locals := target_locals_stack.item check no_locals: a_locals.count = 0 end if formal_locals.count > 0 then from cursor := formal_locals.new_cursor cursor.start until cursor.after loop if cursor.item = Void then a_locals.force_last (create {STRING}.make_empty, cursor.key) --| we can not set Void, otherwise the interpreter --| will look in the global variables --| Suggestion: fixed the interpreter to allow Void value. else a_locals.force_last (cursor.item, cursor.key) end cursor.forth end end --| No need to prepare globals, since the container already exists `project.variables' Precursor {GEANT_GROUP} end execute_element (a_xml_element: XM_ELEMENT) -- Execute command defined through `a_xml_element'. local var_decl: GEANT_NAME_VALUE_ELEMENT conv_xml_element: XM_ELEMENT do if STRING_.same_string (, Local_element_name) or STRING_.same_string (, Global_element_name) then create var_decl.make (a_xml_element) if var_decl.has_value then conv_xml_element := a_xml_element.cloned_object conv_xml_element.set_name (Set_attribute_name) execute_task (conv_xml_element) end elseif not STRING_.same_string (, Description_element_name) and not STRING_.same_string (, Argument_element_name) and not STRING_.same_string (, Obsolete_element_name) then execute_task (a_xml_element) end end feature -- Dependencies dependent_targets: DS_ARRAYED_STACK [GEANT_TARGET] -- All dependent targets local a_dependent_target: GEANT_TARGET a_value: STRING a_dependent_targets: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] i: INTEGER do create Result.make (10) if has_dependencies then -- Check for targets separated by commas: a_dependent_targets := string_tokens (dependencies, ',') if project.options.debug_mode then show_dependent_targets (a_dependent_targets) end -- Find all targets. from i := 1 until i > a_dependent_targets.count loop a_value := a_dependent_targets.item (i) if attached project.targets as l_targets and then l_targets.has (a_value) then a_dependent_target := l_targets.item (a_value).final_target Result.force (a_dependent_target) else exit_application (1, <<"geant error: unknown dependent target '", a_value, "%'">>) end i := i + 1 end end ensure dependent_targets_not_void: Result /= Void end show_dependent_targets (a_dependent_targets: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]) -- Show dependent targets. local i: INTEGER do std.output.put_line ("======= DEPENDENCIES ==========") from i := 1 until i > a_dependent_targets.count loop std.output.put_line (a_dependent_targets.item (i)) i := i + 1 end std.output.put_line ("=================") end feature {NONE} -- Constants Obsolete_element_name: STRING -- Name of xml subelement for obsolete once Result := "obsolete" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void attribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Argument_element_name: STRING -- Name of xml subelement for arguments once Result := "argument" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void attribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Name_attribute_name: STRING -- "name" attribute name once Result := "name" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void attribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Set_attribute_name: STRING -- "set" attribute name once Result := "set" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void attribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Depend_attribute_name: STRING -- "depend" attribute name once Result := "depend" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void attribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Export_attribute_name: STRING -- "export" attribute name once Result := "export" ensure export_name_not_void: Result /= Void export_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Once_attribute_name: STRING -- "once" attribute name once Result := "once" ensure once_name_not_void: Result /= Void once_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Project_name_any: STRING -- Project name "ANY" once Result := "ANY" ensure Project_name_any_not_void: Result /= Void Project_name_any_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end invariant no_void_export: exports /= Void implies not exports.has_void end