note description: "Gepp tasks" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_GEPP_TASK inherit GEANT_TASK redefine make, build_command, command end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_project: GEANT_PROJECT; an_xml_element: XM_ELEMENT) -- Create a new task with information held in `an_xml_element'. local a_value: STRING a_bool: BOOLEAN define_elements: DS_LINKED_LIST [XM_ELEMENT] cs: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [XM_ELEMENT] define_element: GEANT_DEFINE_ELEMENT a_xml_subelement: XM_ELEMENT a_fs_element: GEANT_FILESET_ELEMENT do Precursor {GEANT_TASK} (a_project, an_xml_element) if has_attribute (Input_filename_attribute_name) then a_value := attribute_value (Input_filename_attribute_name) if a_value.count > 0 then command.set_input_filename (a_value) end end if has_attribute (Output_filename_attribute_name) then a_value := attribute_value (Output_filename_attribute_name) if a_value.count > 0 then command.set_output_filename (a_value) end end if has_attribute (Lines_attribute_name) then a_bool := boolean_value (Lines_attribute_name) command.set_empty_lines (a_bool) end define_elements := elements_by_name (Define_element_name) cs := define_elements.new_cursor from cs.start until cs.after loop create define_element.make (project, cs.item) if define_element.is_enabled and then define_element.has_name and then > 0 then command.defines.force_last ( end cs.forth end if has_attribute (To_directory_attribute_name) then a_value := attribute_value (To_directory_attribute_name) if a_value.count > 0 then command.set_to_directory (a_value) end end if has_attribute (Force_attribute_name) then command.set_force (boolean_value (Force_attribute_name)) end a_xml_subelement := xml_element.element_by_name (Fileset_element_name) if a_xml_subelement /= Void then create a_fs_element.make (project, a_xml_subelement) command.set_fileset (a_fs_element.fileset) end end build_command (a_project: GEANT_PROJECT) -- Create instance of `command' do create command.make (a_project) end feature -- Access command: GEANT_GEPP_COMMAND -- Gepp commands feature {NONE} -- Constants Input_filename_attribute_name: STRING -- Name of xml attribute for input_filename once Result := "input" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void atribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Output_filename_attribute_name: STRING -- Name of xml attribute for output_filename once Result := "output" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void atribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Lines_attribute_name: STRING -- Name of xml attribute for lines once Result := "lines" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void atribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Define_element_name: STRING -- Name of xml subelement for defines once Result := "define" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void atribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end To_directory_attribute_name: STRING -- Name of xml attribute to_directory. once Result := "to_directory" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void atribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Force_attribute_name: STRING -- Name of xml attribute for force once Result := "force" ensure attribute_name_not_void: Result /= Void atribute_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end Fileset_element_name: STRING -- Name of xml subelement for fileset once Result := "fileset" ensure element_name_not_void: Result /= Void element_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end end