note description: "Test task 'copy'" library: "Gobo Eiffel Ant" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2010-2018, Sven Ehrke and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEANT_FUNCTIONAL_COPY_TEST inherit GEANT_FUNCTIONAL_TEST_CASE redefine set_up end create make_default feature -- Test set_up -- Setup for a test. do precursor file_system.recursive_delete_directory ("__copy") file_system.delete_file ("1.txt") end test_copy1 -- Test task 'copy': file, to_file local -- a_tmp_geant_subdir: STRING do -- Test mkdir with one directory level: -- a_tmp_geant_subdir := "__tmp_geant_subdir" -- file_system.recursive_delete_directory (a_tmp_geant_subdir) -- assert_true ("test_copy1_prepare1", not file_system.directory_exists (a_tmp_geant_subdir)) -- file_system.recursive_create_directory (a_tmp_geant_subdir) -- assert_true ("test_copy1_prepare2", file_system.directory_exists (a_tmp_geant_subdir)) tasks := "" basic_test ("test_copy1a") assert_true ("test_copy1b", file_system.file_exists (path ("1.txt"))) assert_files_equal ("test_copy1c", path ("${GOBO}/"), path ("1.txt")) end test_copy2 -- Test task 'copy': file, to_directory do tasks := "" basic_test ("test_copy2a") assert_files_equal ("test_copy2b", path ("${GOBO}/"), path ("__copy/")) end test_copy3 -- Test task 'copy': file, to_file, into nonexisting directory to test that the directory -- specified in 'to_file' is not created automatically do tasks := "" expected_exit_code := 1 expected_task_output := "{ | [copy] error: cannot copy file ' }" + Execution_environment.interpreted_string (path ("$GOBO/")) + "' to file '" + path ("__copy/1.txt") + "%'" expected_stdout_txt := default_expected_stdout_txt expected_stderr_txt := "{ | |BUILD FAILED! }" basic_test ("test_copy3a") assert_false ("test_copy3b", file_system.file_exists (path ("__copy/1.txt"))) end test_copy4 -- Test task 'copy': file, to_directory, test lazy copying, test forced copying local a_timestamp1, a_timestamp2: INTEGER do tasks := "" basic_test ("test_copy4a") assert_files_equal ("test_copy4b", path ("${GOBO}/"), path ("__copy/")) -- test lazy copying (timestamp of target file after second -- copy attempt must be the same as before): a_timestamp1 := file_system.file_time_stamp (path ("__copy/")) tasks := "" basic_test ("test_copy4c") a_timestamp2 := file_system.file_time_stamp (path ("__copy/")) assert_files_equal ("test_copy4d", path ("${GOBO}/"), path ("__copy/")) assert_integers_equal ("test_copy4e", a_timestamp1, a_timestamp2) -- test forced copying: -- Sleep 2 seconds to be able to detect timestamp difference: Execution_environment.sleep (2_000_000_000) tasks := "" basic_test ("test_copy4f") a_timestamp2 := file_system.file_time_stamp (path ("__copy/")) assert_files_equal ("test_copy4g", path ("${GOBO}/"), path ("__copy/")) assert_integers_not_equal ("test_copy4h", a_timestamp1, a_timestamp2) end test_copy5 -- Test task 'copy': test behavior when source file does not exist do tasks := "" expected_exit_code := 1 expected_task_output := "{ | [copy] error: cannot find file ' }" + Execution_environment.interpreted_string (path ("$GOBO/nonexistingfile.txt")) + "%'" expected_stdout_txt := default_expected_stdout_txt expected_stderr_txt := "{ | |BUILD FAILED! }" basic_test ("test_copy5a") assert_false ("test_copy5b", file_system.file_exists (path ("1.txt"))) end test_copy_fs1 -- Test task 'copy': to_directory/fileset local l_tasks: like tasks do l_tasks := "{ }" tasks := STRING_.replaced_first_substring (l_tasks, "TESTDIR", test_dir) basic_test ("test_copy_fs1a") assert_files_equal ("test_copy_fs1b", path ("${GOBO}/tool/geant/src/command/geant_echo_command.e"), path (test_dir + "/__copy/command/geant_echo_command.e")) assert_files_equal ("test_copy_fs1c", path ("${GOBO}/tool/geant/src/command/geant_exit_command.e"), path (test_dir + "/__copy/command/geant_exit_command.e")) assert_files_equal ("test_copy_fs1d", path ("${GOBO}/tool/geant/src/command/geant_exec_command.e"), path (test_dir + "/__copy/command/geant_exec_command.e")) end end